Results for 'Yakov Amihud'

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  1.  11
    A reply to Allais.Yakov Amihud - 1977 - In Maurice Allais & Ole Hagen, Expected Utility Hypotheses and the Allais Paradox. D. Reidel. pp. 185--190.
  2.  24
    Critical examination of the new foundation of utility.Yakov Amihud - 1977 - In Maurice Allais & Ole Hagen, Expected Utility Hypotheses and the Allais Paradox. D. Reidel. pp. 149--160.
  3. Yakov Amihud.A. Reply To Allais - 1977 - In Maurice Allais & Ole Hagen, Expected Utility Hypotheses and the Allais Paradox. D. Reidel. pp. 185.
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    A Humean Argument for Personal Identity.Amihud Gilead - 2008 - Metaphysica 9 (1):1-16.
    Considering various arguments in Hume’s Treatise, I reconstruct a Humean argument against personal identity or unity. According to this argument, each distinct perception is separable from the bundle of perceptions to which it belongs and is thus transferable either to the external, material reality or to another psychical reality, another bundle of perceptions. Nevertheless, such transference (Hume’s word!) is entirely illegitimate, otherwise Hume’s argument against causal inference would have failed; furthermore, it violates private, psychical accessibility. I suggest a Humean thought (...)
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    Hippocampal immediate poststimulus activity in the encoding of consecutive naturalistic episodes.Aya Ben-Yakov, Neetai Eshel & Yadin Dudai - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (4):1255.
  6.  35
    Nurses' perceptions of ethical issues related to patients' rights law.Gila Yakov, Yehudit Shilo & Tzippy Shor - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (4):501-510.
    August 2006 marked the 10th anniversary of landmark legislation when Israel’s parliament passed the unique Patient’s Rights Law. This law underscores the importance of medical ethics in Israeli society. During a seminar at the Shaare Zedek School of Nursing, third-year students performed a qualitative research study investigating ethical issues arising in the field of nursing, and how nursing staff dealt with these issues in relation to the law. The research was conducted using semistructured questionnaires. The results showed that the staff (...)
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  7.  19
    Influence of the Structure of the Organizational Field of Small Animal Veterinary Medicine on the Processes of Professionalization of Veterinarians.Yakov Scheglov - 2022 - Sociology of Power 34 (3):247-273.
    This text was conceived as an attempt to describe the organizational field of veterinary medicine of companion animals in Russia and its impact on the processes of formation of the profession of veterinarians of companion animals as a separate professional group. Having emerged in the early 1990s in Russia as a separate branch of veterinary medicine, veterinary medicine of companion aimals has gone from intuitive practices of treating dogs and cats to a complex organizational field with many actors. Despite such (...)
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    A reconsideration of altruism from an evolutionary and psychodynamic perspective.Yakov Shapiro & Glen O. Gabbard - 1994 - Ethics and Behavior 4 (1):23 – 42.
    Altruistic behavior and motivation has traditionally been regarded as a defense mechanism defined by the vicissitudes of instinctual gratification. In this article, we suggest that there exists a substantial body of evidence from the fields of ethology, infant research, and experimental psychology to support the existence of an independently motivated altruism that is nondefensive in nature. We attempt to show how the view of altruism as a universal motivational system stems from the recent developments in evolutionary theory and contributes to (...)
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    Historical truth: directions and techniques of its falsification.Yakov Ilyich Streletsky - 2022 - Kant 42 (2):166-172.
    The purpose of the study is to reveal the scientific inconsistency and reactionary political essence of traditional and modern concepts that distort the truth about the Great Patriotic War and the most common techniques used for this, on the one hand, and on the other hand, to propose measures to ensure an offensive strategy to protect historical truth. The scientific novelty consists in the unique author's classification of Russophobic concepts and techniques into two directions, and within their framework in the (...)
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    Time to Act, or Philosophical Сomprehension – into School Life!Yakov Turbovskoy - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 5:7-30.
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    Nursing professions’ distinctive ethical standards: Exploring a code of ethics.Gila Yakov, Inbal Halevi Hochwald, Tsuriel Rashi, S. Shachaf, Y. Sela & O. Halperin - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    This article presents an examination of the ethical code of nursing in Israel, focusing on the nurse-patient, nurse-colleague, and nurse-professional leadership relationships. This article offers for the first English translation of the Israel Nursing Association’s Code of Ethics to facilitate international scholarly discussion, and to critique this Code through the lens of Asa Kasher’s philosophical test, thereby examining its completeness and practical utility. As it stands today, the code lacks clarification of the professional ethical uniqueness of nursing. To address this (...)
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  12.  55
    Technological Innovation in Science: The Adoption of Infrared Spectroscopy by Chemists.Yakov Rabkin - 1987 - Isis 78 (1):31-54.
  13.  32
    The Identification of Mean Quantum Potential with Fisher Information Leads to a Strong Uncertainty Relation.Yakov Bloch & Eliahu Cohen - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (6):1-11.
    The Cramér–Rao bound, satisfied by classical Fisher information, a key quantity in information theory, has been shown in different contexts to give rise to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics. In this paper, we show that the identification of the mean quantum potential, an important notion in Bohmian mechanics, with the Fisher information, leads, through the Cramér–Rao bound, to an uncertainty principle which is stronger, in general, than both Heisenberg and Robertson–Schrödinger uncertainty relations, allowing to experimentally test the validity (...)
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  14.  25
    Spacetime Superoscillations and the Relativistic Quantum Potential.Yakov Bloch - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (2):1-9.
    In a recent paper (Berry in Eur J Phys 42: 015401, 2020), the boundaries of superoscillatory regions (the regions where a function oscillates faster than its fastest Fourier component) of waves described by the Helmholtz equation in a uniform medium were related to zeros of the quantum potential, arising in the Madelung formulation of quantum mechanics. We generalize this result, showing that the relativistic counterpart, which is, essentially, a Klein-Gordon equation, exhibits the same behaviour, but in spacetime, giving rise to (...)
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  15.  49
    Chain reactions, “impossible” reactions, and panenmentalist possibilities.Amihud Gilead - 2014 - Foundations of Chemistry 16 (3):201-214.
    Panenmentalist possibilities are individual pure possibilities existing independently of any mind, actual reality, and possible-world conception. These possibilities are a priori accessible to our intellect and imagination. In this paper, I attempt to shed some panenmentalist light on the discovery of chemical branched chain reactions and its implications on biology and cancer research. I also examine the case of the Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction which, at first, was believed to be impossible. Finally, I proceed to examine through a panenmentalist lens Szilard’s discovery (...)
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  16.  77
    How does love make the ugly beautiful?Amihud Gilead - 2003 - Philosophy and Literature 27 (2):436-443.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 27.2 (2003) 436-443 [Access article in PDF] How Does Love Make the Ugly Beautiful? Amihud Gilead IT IS OBVIOUS TO SEE how greatly Gideon loves his wife, who is physically quite an ugly old lady. Nothing about her physical appearance or gait seems beautiful, at least to the extent of what meets your eye. Physically, she seems not to be considered beautiful at all. Still, (...)
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  17.  15
    The Panenmentalist Philosophy of Science: From the Recognition of Individual Pure Possibilities to Actual Discoveries.Amihud Gilead - 2020 - Cham, Swiss: Springer.
    This book presents a philosophy of science, based on panenmentalism: an original modal metaphysics, which is realist about individual pure (non-actual) possibilities and rejects the notion of possible worlds. The book systematically constructs a new and novel way of understanding and explaining scientific progress, discoveries, and creativity. It demonstrates that a metaphysics of individual pure possibilities is indispensable for explaining and understanding mathematics and natural sciences. It examines the nature of individual pure possibilities, actualities, mind-dependent and mind-independent possibilities, as well (...)
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  18.  55
    The privacy of the psychical.Amihud Gilead - 2011 - Amsterdam: Rodopi.
    This book argues that the irreducible singularity of each person as a psychical subject implies the privacy of the psychical and that of experience, and yet the private accessibility of each person to his or her mind is compatible with interpersonal communication and understanding. The book treats these major issues against the background of the author's original metaphysics--panenmentalism."--Publisher's website.
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  19.  27
    Ideals and Realities: Selected Essays of Abdus SalamAbdus Salam C. H. Lai.Yakov Rabkin - 1990 - Isis 81 (2):380-381.
  20.  24
    Two Orthodoxies and Science: Comparative Reflections.Yakov M. Rabkin - 2016 - Isis 107 (3):583-586.
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  21.  92
    "The Order and Connection of Things" - Are They Constructed Mathematically-Deductively According to Spinoza?Amihud Gilead - 1985 - Kant Studien 76 (1-4):72-78.
  22.  27
    Istoriia organicheskoi khimii. Georgii Vladimirovich Bykov.Yakov Rabkin - 1978 - Isis 69 (2):275-277.
  23.  32
    Science in Russia and the Soviet Union: A Short History. Loren R. Graham.Yakov Rabkin - 1994 - Isis 85 (4):680-680.
  24.  65
    Self-Referentiality and Two Arguments Refuting Physicalism.Amihud Gilead - 2015 - International Philosophical Quarterly 55 (4):471-477.
    I suggest two valid and sound arguments refuting physicalism, whether it is reductive or supervenience physicalism. The first argument is a self-referential one that is not involved with any self-referential inconsistency. The second argument demonstrates that physicalism is inescapably involved with self-referential inconsistency. Both arguments show that arguments and propositions (to be distinguished from sentences) are not physical existents. They are rather mental existents that are not reducible to any physical existent and do not supervene on anything physical. From these (...)
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  25.  24
    Singularity and Other Possibilities: Panenmentalist Novelties.Amihud Gilead - 2003 - Rodopi.
    This book elaborates the author's original metaphysics, panenmentalism, focusing on novel aspects of the singularity of any person. Among these aspects, integrated in a systematic view, are: love and singularity; private, intersubjective, and public accessibility; multiple personality; freedom of will; akrasia; a way out of the empiricist-rationalist conundrum; the possibility of God; and some major moral questions.
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  26.  13
    Necessity and Truthful Fictions: Panenmentalist Observations.Amihud Gilead - 2009 - Rodopi.
    This book discovers areas and themes, especially in philosophical psychology, for novel observations and investigations, the diversity of which is systematically unified within the frame of the author¿s original metaphysics, panenmentalism. The book demonstrates how by means of truthful fictions we may detect meaningful possibilities as well as their necessary relationships that otherwise could not be discovered.
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  27.  33
    Singularity and Uniqueness: Why Is Our Immune System Subject to Psychological and Cognitive Traits?Amihud Gilead - unknown
    Immunologists use psychological and cognitive terms to describe and explain the behavior of our immune system. Do they use them metaphorically or literally? In this paper I show that on the grounds of some psychophysical assumptions, the uniqueness of each person as an individual organism necessarily corresponds to the singularity of each person as a psychological subject. On the basis of these assumptions, immunologists, irrespective of their various conceptual frames, are entitled to ascribe psychological and cognitive traits to our immune (...)
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  28.  22
    A Panenmentalist Philosophy of Literature, or How Does Actual Reality Imitate Pure Possibilities?Amihud Gilead - 2019 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
    This book discusses and analyses the contribution of mind-independent individual literary pure possibilities in exploring and understanding actual reality. The relationship between literary imagination, literary possibilities, and actual reality poses a major philosophical problem in the field of metaphysics of literature. In a detailed analysis of some literary masterpieces (by Proust, Kafka, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Thomas Mann, Virginia Woolf, and William Faulkner), I attempt to demonstrate that actual reality actualizes or “imitates” literary pure possibilities. Hence, such masterpieces should be treated not (...)
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  29.  48
    Cinematic Illusion: An Empiricist—Rationalist Conundrum.Amihud Gilead - 2001 - The European Legacy 6 (1):49-63.
  30.  81
    The Relationship Between Formal and Transcendental-Metaphysical Logic According to Kant.Amihud Gilead - 1982 - The Monist 65 (4):437-443.
    What is the relationship between formal, “general” logic and transcendental logic? Is the former prior to the latter or is it the other way round? Can the one be deduced and derived from the other or based upon it? There is a widespread controversy among philosophers concerning these questions. In any case, most of them accept the assumption that one of these logics should be prior to the other. As for me, I don’t accept this assumption at all, and in (...)
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  31.  18
    Why do Individual Pure Possibilities Necessarily Exist?Amihud Gilead - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:99-108.
    This paper defends the view that the primary necessary ontological conditions for any existents and for their knowledge are individual pure possibilities. As being such conditions, pure possibilities exist absolutely independently of actualities, possible worlds, or minds. Pure possibilities are exempt from spatiotemporal and causal restrictions or conditions, whereas any actuality is inescapably subject to them. Each actuality is an actualization of an individual pure possibility, which also serves as its identity. The existence of individual pure possibilities is necessary because (...)
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  32.  54
    Polywater. Felix Franks.Yakov Rabkin - 1983 - Isis 74 (1):144-146.
  33.  25
    Trends and Forces in the Soviet History of Chemistry.Yakov Rabkin - 1976 - Isis 67 (2):257-273.
  34.  24
    The Communist Party and Soviet ScienceStephen Fortescue.Yakov Rabkin - 1990 - Isis 81 (1):128-129.
  35.  10
    Saving Possibilities: A Study in Philosophical Psychology.Amihud Gilead - 1999 - Rodopi.
    This book introduces a new metaphysics which deals with the psycho-physical problem in philosophical psychology, as well as with problems in the scientific standing of psychoanalysis and chaos theory, the feminine psyche, the possibility of cinematic illusion, meaningful madness, and why machines cannot think.
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  36.  83
    Can Brain Imaging Breach Our Mental Privacy?Amihud Gilead - 2015 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 6 (2):275-291.
    Brain-imaging technologies have posed the problem of breaching our brain privacy. Until the invention of those technologies, many of us entertained the idea that nothing can threaten our mental privacy, as long as we kept it, for each of us has private access to his or her own mind but no access to any other. Yet, philosophically, the issue of private, mental accessibility appears to be quite unsettled, as there are still many philosophers who reject the idea of private, mental (...)
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  37.  98
    What Makes a Good Decision? Robust Satisficing as a Normative Standard of Rational Decision Making.Barry Schwartz, Yakov Ben-Haim & Cliff Dacso - 2011 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 41 (2):209-227.
    Most decisions in life involve ambiguity, where probabilities can not be meaningfully specified, as much as they involve probabilistic uncertainty. In such conditions, the aspiration to utility maximization may be self-deceptive. We propose “robust satisficing” as an alternative to utility maximizing as the normative standard for rational decision making in such circumstances. Instead of seeking to maximize the expected value, or utility, of a decision outcome, robust satisficing aims to maximize the robustness to uncertainty of a satisfactory outcome. That is, (...)
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  38.  53
    Eka-elements as chemical pure possibilities.Amihud Gilead - 2016 - Foundations of Chemistry 18 (3):183-194.
    From Mendeleev’s time on, the Periodic Table has been an attempt to exhaust all the chemical possibilities of the elements and their interactions, whether these elements are known as actual or are not known yet as such. These latter elements are called “eka-elements” and there are still some of them in the current state of the Table. There is no guarantee that they will be eventually discovered, synthesized, or isolated as actual. As long as the actual existence of eka-elements is (...)
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  39.  79
    Cruelty, Singular Individuality, and Peter the Great.Amihud Gilead - 2015 - Philosophia 43 (2):337-354.
    In discussing cruelty toward human beings, I argue that disregarding the singularity of any human being is necessary for treating her or him cruelly. The cruelty of Peter the Great, relying upon the intolerance of any human singular individuality, serves me as a paradigm-case to illustrate that. The cruelty of Procrustes and that of Stalin rely upon similar grounds. Relating to a person’s singularity is sufficient to prevent cruelty toward that person. In contrast, a liberal state of mind or solidarity (...)
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  40.  20
    The Platonic Odyssey: A Philosophical-literary Inquiry Into the Phaedo.Amihud Gilead - 1994 - Rodopi.
    This book is a detailed study of how Plato constructs his seminal philosophical dialogue, the Phaedo, as a unique tragedy, a poetic masterpiece whose structure is organic and symmetrical. Plato's mental Odyssey leads to the internal drama of the Phaedo plot. The analysis examines how Plato's literary art overcomes the philosophical problem of the separation of Ideas from sensible things. And it traces literary and philosophical offspring of the mental Odyssey, including Joyce and Proust.
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  41. Actualist fallacies, from fax machines to lunar journeys.Amihud Gilead - 2010 - Philosophy and Literature 34 (1):pp. 173-187.
    Already in 1863, Jules Verne knew about Caselli's "pantelegraphy," which was what he described as a "photographic telegraphy, invented during the last century by Professor Giovanni Caselli of Florence."1 Following the mistaken belief that facsimile machines could not been invented until well after the nineteenth century, and wrongly assuming that Caselli was a fictional inventor, merely a figment of Verne's most productive fertile imagination (as such imaginative elements characterize his latter writings), some of Verne's readers mistakenly ascribed to him the (...)
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  42. Pure possibilities and some striking scientific discoveries.Amihud Gilead - 2013 - Foundations of Chemistry 16 (2):149-163.
    Regardless or independent of any actuality or actualization and exempt from spatiotemporal and causal conditions, each individual possibility is pure. Actualism excludes the existence of individual pure possibilities, altogether or at least as existing independently of actual reality. In this paper, I demonstrate, on the grounds of my possibilist metaphysics—panenmentalism—how some of the most fascinating scientific discoveries in chemistry could not have been accomplished without relying on pure possibilities and the ways in which they relate to each other . The (...)
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  43. A Possibilist Metaphysical Reconsideration Of The Identity Of Indiscernibles And Free Will.Amihud Gilead - 2005 - Metaphysica 6 (2):25-51.
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  44.  80
    Why Spinoza was Not a Panentheist.Amihud Gilead - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (5):2041-2051.
    In spite of some panentheistic traits in his philosophy, Spinoza was clearly a pantheist. Spinoza’s God is not personal and not transcendent but immanent, as God is identical to the world or Nature. There are no miracles in nature, and only because of ignorance, mistakes, and errors do we wonder or feel enchantment about it. What is allegedly above reason, is, in fact, much under it, and Nature’s wisdom is entirely immanent. The laws of Nature are the laws of God, (...)
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  45.  65
    We Are Not Replicable: A Challenge to Parfit’s View.Amihud Gilead - 2014 - International Philosophical Quarterly 54 (4):453-460.
    Challenging the idea of personal identity, Derek Parfit has argued that persons are replicable and that personal identity does not really matter. In a recent paper Parfit again defends the idea of personal replicability. Challenging this idea in turn, I explain why persons are absolutely not replicable. To prove this I rely on two arguments—the Author Argument and the Love Argument. The irreplicability of persons relies upon the singularity of each person and thus entails that personal identity is irreducible and (...)
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  46. Peirce, Haack, and info-gaps.Yakov Ben-Haim - 2007 - In Cornelis De Waal, Susan Haack: a lady of distinctions: the philosopher responds to critics. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Surprise and change are the way of the world. Philosophers have known this at least since Thales, and practical men knew it long before. Variety and the continual flux of one thing into another is, for Peirce, a central notion. A very similar conception underlies the information-gap theory of uncertainty and its application to decisions with severely deficient understanding which I have argued for earlier. For Haack, whose treatment of warrant is strongly non-probabilistic, info-gap theory is a natural context. The (...)
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  47.  22
    Etymological Dictionaries, a Tentative Typology.William G. Boltz & Yakov Malkiel - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (3):407.
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  48. Saience and the Soviet Social Order.L. R. Graham, Yakov Gall & Irina Luchnikova - 1994 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 16 (2):355.
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    Ethical challenges in end-stage dementia: Perspectives of professionals and family care-givers.Inbal Halevi Hochwald, Gila Yakov, Zorian Radomyslsky, Yehuda Danon & Rachel Nissanholtz-Gannot - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (7-8):1228-1243.
    Background: In Israel, caring for people with end-stage dementia confined to home is mainly done by home care units, and in some cases by home hospice units, an alternative palliative-care service. Because life expectancy is relatively unknown, and the patient’s decision-making ability is poor, caring for this unique population raises ethical dilemmas regarding when to define the disease as having reached a terminal stage, as well as choosing between palliative and life-prolonging-oriented care. Objectives: Exploring and describing differences and similarities of (...)
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  50.  13
    Development of the Latin Suffixes -antia and -entia in Romance Languages, with Special Regard to Ibero-Romance.Leo Spitzer & Yakov Malkiel - 1946 - American Journal of Philology 67 (4):380.
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