Results for 'Y. Mori'

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  1.  16
    Metrization of the Uniform Space and Effective Convergence.Y. Tsujii, T. Mori & M. Yasugi - 2002 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 48 (S1):123-130.
    The subject of the present article is the following fact. Consider an effective uniform space. A generally constructed metric from the uniformity has the property that a sequence from the space effectively converges with respect to the uniform topology if and only if it does with respect to the induced metric. This can be shown without assuming the computability of the metric.
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  2. An estimation of runoff loads of pollutants from River Hii to Lake Shinji.I. Takeda, A. Fukushima & Y. Mori - 1996 - Laguna 3:91-96.
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    Proposed model of postural atonia in a decerebrate cat.S. Mori & Y. Ohta - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (3):415-416.
  4.  41
    Pseudoelasticity in Au-Cd thermoelastic martensite.N. Nakanishi, T. Mori, S. Miura, Y. Murakami & S. Kachi - 1973 - Philosophical Magazine 28 (2):277-292.
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    La noción de "evento" (Ereignis) en Max Weber y las categorías lógicas de una "ciencia del caos".Luca Mori - 2013 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 18:100-123.
    La finalidad de este artículo es mostrar la originalidad de la categoría lógica de "historicidad" propuesta por Max Weber, sugiriendo que en sus obras sobre la metodología de las ciencias histórico-sociales se puede encontrar una estimulante y precursora contribución al análisis de algunos problemas lógicos y formales referentes a la relación entre el conocimiento humano y el caos de la realidad (lo que podríamos llamar, ante litteram, "ciencia del caos"). Particularmente, considerando que en Weber el conocimiento científico no encuentra en (...)
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    Study of superelasticity associated with the thermoelastic martensitic transformation in Au—Cd alloys.S. Miura, T. Mori, N. Nakanashi, Y. Murakami & S. Kachi - 1976 - Philosophical Magazine 34 (3):337-349.
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    Peirce y Putnam: sobre la experiencia y la naturaleza.Moris A. Polanco - 1996 - Anuario Filosófico 29 (56):1239-1248.
    H. Putnam has been considered the most Peircean philosopher among the neopragmatists. This note sugests that Putnam pays great atention to the problems Peirce tackled, but he does not share Peirce's thesis on the relation between "practical interests" and science. Therefore, Putnam's realism is more Deweyan and Jamesian than Peircean.
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  8. El derecho como vocación y como esperanza y otros temas.Ubaldo Centurión Morínigo - 1999 - [Asunción, Paraguay: Imprenta Cromos.
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    Interest in Physician-Assisted Suicide among Oregon Cancer Patients.Linda Ganzini, Thomasz M. Beer, Matthew Brouns, Motomi Mori & Y. C. Hsieh - 2006 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 17 (1):27-38.
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  10.  22
    El consenso como concepto filosófico-político: contribución a la historia y a la re-composición de un rompecabezas teórico.Luca Mori - 2014 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 21:12-41.
    Aunque el uso no problematizado en el lenguaje ordinario de los términos "consenso" y "consentimiento" sugiere que debe haber alguna comprensión compartida de su significado, no hay un acuerdo generalizado sobre el uso de estos conceptos entre los filósofos políticos. De hecho, el significado filosófico de estos conceptos sigue siendo elusivo y controvertido; tal vez precisamente a causa de su amplitud y centralidad. Teniendo en cuenta los numerosos intentos de explicar satisfactoriamente consenso y consentimiento -que con el tiempo se han (...)
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    La memoria histórica y democrática en los currículos LOMLOE de Educación Primaria de las comunidades autónomas españolas.Carmen Rosa García-Ruiz & Roberto García-Morís - 2024 - Clío: History and History Teaching 50:1-18.
    Una novedad relevante en la LOMLOE es la introducción de la memoria democrática como una nueva dimensión de la Educación para la Ciudadanía, con el objeto de promover la participación ciudadana en la vida pública. Sin embargo, el trabajo de Navarro-Medina, De Alba-Fernández y Pérez-Rodríguez (2023), señalando la ausencia en el actual currículo de conceptos clave como dictadura, franquismo, régimen totalitario, persecución, exilio o sublevación, nos sitúa en la tesitura de valorar las interpretaciones que han realizado de la actual ley (...)
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    Antropología y complejidad humana: la antropología compleja de Edgar Morín.Solana Ruíz & José Luís - 2001 - Granada: Editorial Comares.
    Completa y exhaustiva monografía sobre la obra y el pensamiento de Edgar Morin desde la perspectiva de sus planteamientos antropológicos, relacionando éstos con algunos de los debates antropológicos actuales más relevantes.
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    The Pali Atthakatha Correspondence Table. Sodo Mori, Y. Karunadasa, Toshiichi Endo.K. R. Norman - 1995 - Buddhist Studies Review 12 (2):190-191.
    The Pali Atthakatha Correspondence Table. Sodo Mori, Y. Karunadasa, Toshiichi Endo. Pali Text Society, Oxford 1994. xxvii, 213 pp. £12.50.
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    Memento mori: le temps, la mort, la vie selon Michel Henry.Vincent Moser - 2017 - [Louvain-la-Neuve]: UCL, Presses universitaires de Louvain.
    La 4e de couverture indique : "Michel Henry - bien que considéré comme un penseur de la "vie" et des "vivants" - n'a cessé de méditer le fameux memento mori, marque insigne de la destinée de la philosophie. Comme philosophe de la subjectivité, il a identifié la vie à "ce qui ne peut pas mourir", rompant ainsi avec ce qu'il y avait de moribond dans l'onto-thanatologie heideggérienne d'Être et Temps. Cet ouvrage élucide et interprète ces rapports entre la vie (...)
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    Memento mori . A propósito del recién fallecimiento del Filósofo Jairo Escobar Moncada.Ignacio Vento Villante - 2018 - Escritos 26 (56):13-18.
    De mi padre recuerdo que solía decir: “No deseo que llegue el día de los grandes elogios, pues sé que, entonces, no los necesitaré”. Mi padre, a su modo, tenía esa veta estoica que recorre el sentir de los pueblos costeños, hechos de una sabiduría que se ha forjado en las faenas de la mar y cuyo talante les aprovisiona de una resignada actitud ante la vida y la muerte. Pensando en ello, he de reconocer que mi querido amigo Jairo (...)
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    Arte de bien morir y La contienda del cuerpo y alma: un incunable toledano de 1500.Blanca López de Mariscal, Guadalupe Rodríguez Domínguez & Anton López de Meta (eds.) - 2019 - Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert.
    El presente volumen incluye la edición crítica, acompañada de un completo estudio introductorio, del Arte de bien morir, texto en prosa sin autor declarado, y de La contienda del cuerpo y alma, una composición en verso firmada por Antón López de Meta. Ambas obras integraban un mismo libro destinado a preparar al hombre para enfrentar su tránsito final hacia la vida eterna y forman parte de la tradición del Memento mori.
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  17.  8
    El ogro antropófago y otros ensayos.Carlos Castillo Peraza - 1987 - México, D.F.: EPESSA.
    El ogro antropófago -- Filosofía, política y trabajo -- Fe y cultura, significado del documento de Puebla -- Efraín González Luna, precursor del documento de Puebla -- Notas sobre los valores en política -- Pluralismo y democracia, valores políticos -- Los valores en la obra de Manuel Gómez Morín -- Maquiavelo, ética y política -- Una espiritualidad para los laicos de hoy.
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  18. La obligación de continuidad de tratamiento beneficioso hacia los sujetos de investigación.Ignacio Mastroleo - 2012 - Dissertation, Universidad de Buenos Aires
    Todos los días se prueban nuevos psicofármacos, tratamientos para el VIH/SIDA o el cáncer, entre otras enfermedades. Algunos de esos tratamientos son lo suficientemente exitosos como para cronificar enfermedades antes consideradas mortales, como los antirretrovirales para el VIH/SIDA o el imatinib para la leucemia mieloide a principios del 2000. No obstante, antes de que puedan ser comercializados o estar disponibles en los sistemas de salud pública, deben pasar por una serie de rigurosas pruebas de calidad, seguridad y eficacia. Estas pruebas (...)
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  19. Components of visual orienting.M. I. Posner & Y. Cohen - 1984 - Attention and Performance X 32:531-556.
  20. “Omnis determinatio est negatio” – Determination, Negation and Self-Negation in Spinoza, Kant, and Hegel.Yitzhak Y. Melamed - 2012 - In Eckart Förster & Yitzhak Y. Melamed (eds.), Spinoza and German Idealism. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Spinoza ’s letter of June 2, 1674 to his friend Jarig Jelles addresses several distinct and important issues in Spinoza ’s philosophy. It explains briefly the core of Spinoza ’s disagreement with Hobbes’ political theory, develops his innovative understanding of numbers, and elaborates on Spinoza ’s refusal to describe God as one or single. Then, toward the end of the letter, Spinoza writes: With regard to the statement that figure is a negation and not anything positive, it is obvious that (...)
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  21.  25
    Rousseauisme et jacobinisme: l'idéal de «l'honnête médiocrité».Jean Roy - 1992 - Dialogue 31 (4):567-.
    On ne peut penser le politique dans sa consistance propre sans dépasser de quelque manière la perspective abstraite de l'individu. Il faut s'élever à la vue d'une totalité qui ordonne en son sein les rapports des individus qui, livrés à leur spontanéité, tendent naturellement à s'approprier le propre d'autrui, à l'assujettir à leurs fins. Mais il y a aussi dans la volonté humaine une profondeur raisonnable qui lui permet de se vouloir dans le tout c'est-à-dire dans le respect de l'égale (...)
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  22. The Building Blocks of Spinoza’s Metaphysics: Substance, Attributes and Modes.Yitzhak Y. Melamed - 2013 - In Michael Della Rocca (ed.), The Oxford Handbook to Spinoza. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 84-113.
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    H.A. Wolfson’s Reading of Spinoza.Yitzhak Y. Melamed - forthcoming - Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism.
    Harry Wolfson’s celebrated two-volume study of Spinoza – The Philosophy of Spinoza: Unfolding the Latent Process of His Reasoning – appeared in 1934 with Harvard University Press. The book originated in a series of five studies Wolfson published in the Chronicon Spinozanum between 1921 and 1926. In the Chronicon, Wolfson announced that the studies published in the journal are instalments from a planned larger work, to be titled: “Spinoza, the Last of the Mediaevals: A Study of the Ethica Ordine Geometrico (...)
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  24.  17
    El commentaire Philosophique de Pierre Bayle.Fernando Bahr - 2001 - Tópicos 8:59-80.
    El Commentaire philosophique sur ces paroles de Jésus-Christ ‘Contrain-les d’entrer’ publicado en 1686 por el calvinista francés Pierre Bayle constituye uno de los capítulos más interesantes y menos conocidos en la elaboración moderna del concepto de tolerancia civil. En este artículo se reconstruye el itinerario desarrollado por Bayle en esa obra y se pasa revista a las señales de inconsistencia teórica que se han detectado en la misma. En principio, estamos de acuerdo con Walter Rex y Gianluca Mori en (...)
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  25.  10
    Faut-il, pour être heureux, vivre comme si on ne devait jamais mourir?François Warin - 2020 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 71 (4):9-27.
    Sans la mort, arche du rien, exit, avec la philosophie, la question fondamentale de la métaphysique : pourquoi y a-t-il quelque chose et non pas plutôt rien? Depuis son commencement, la philosophie n’a cessé de s’affronter à la mort, n’a cessé d’essayer de la penser, hésitant entre un memento mori et un memento vivere. Mais se demander si la pensée de la mort nous invite à la jouissance ou à l’abnégation et si on peut apprendre à mourir sont peut-être (...)
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  26. v. 5. Relaciones de Indias.Estudio Introductorio Y. Notas HistóRicas Por Jesús Paniagua PéRez & Nueva Granada Y. Virreinato de Perú [pt] 2. México edición crítica por Rafael González Cañal : [pt] 1 - 1983 - In Rolando Chuaqui (ed.), Obras completas, by Gödel Kurt. Edited by Mosterín Jesús. Alianza universidad. Alianza Editorial, Madrid 1981, 430 pp.Mosterín Jesús. Prólogo. Pp. 9–13.Mosterín Jesús. Introducción. Pp. 15–19, 35–36, 41, 45–54, 91, 95–96, 101–102, 105–106, 109, 113–114, 1. Editorial Trotta.
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    Feminist Family Values Forum.Gloria Steinem, Angela Y. Davis, María Jiménez, Mililani Trask & Susan Bright (eds.) - 1996 - Austin, TX: Produced by Plain View Press in collaboration with the Foundation for a Compassionate Society.
    Proceedings of a forum held in Austin, Tex., on Mother's Day, 1996.
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  28. Spinoza's Deification of Existence.Yitzhak Y. Melamed - 2013 - Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 6:75-104.
    The aim of this paper is to clarify Spinoza’s views on some of the most fundamental issues of his metaphysics: the nature of God’s attributes, the nature of existence and eternity, and the relation between essence and existence in God. While there is an extensive literature on each of these topics, it seems that the following question was hardly raised so far: What is, for Spinoza, the relation between God’s existence and the divine attributes? Given Spinoza’s claims that there are (...)
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  29. Spinoza's Anti-Humanism.Yitzhak Y. Melamed - 2011 - In Smith Justin & Fraenkel Carlos (eds.), The Rationalists. Springer/Synthese. pp. 147--166.
    A common perception of Spinoza casts him as one of the precursors, perhaps even founders, of modern humanism and Enlightenment thought. Given that in the twentieth century, humanism was commonly associated with the ideology of secularism and the politics of liberal democracies, and that Spinoza has been taken as voicing a “message of secularity” and as having provided “the psychology and ethics of a democratic soul” and “the decisive impulse to… modern republicanism which takes it bearings by the dignity of (...)
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  30. The metaphysics of the Theological-Political Treatise.Yitzhak Y. Melamed - 2010 - In Yitzhak Y. Melamed & Michael A. Rosenthal (eds.), Spinoza's 'Theological-Political Treatise': A Critical Guide. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  31. “’Christus secundum spiritum’: Spinoza, Jesus, and the Infinite Intellect”.Yitzhak Y. Melamed - 2012 - In Neta Stahl (ed.), The Jewish Jesus. Routledge.
  32. An introduction to critical thinking and creativity: think more, think better.Joe Y. F. Lau - 2011 - Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley.
    This book is about the basic principles that underlie critical thinking and creativity. The majority of the content is on critical thinking since more topics are naturally involved and since they can be discussed readily and systematically. The last few chapters are devoted to creativity and research methodology, not typical the book's plethora of competition. Each chapter introduces a specific topic, usually by introducing the relevant theories in conjunction with realistic examples that show how the theories can be applied. Each (...)
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  33.  97
    Intensive care nurses' perception of futility: Job satisfaction and burnout dimensions.Dilek Özden, Şerife Karagözoğlu & Gülay Yıldırım - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (4):0969733012466002.
    Suffering repeated experiences of moral distress in intensive care units due to applications of futility reflects on nurses’ patient care negatively, increases their burnout, and reduces their job satisfaction. This study was carried out to investigate the levels of job satisfaction and exhaustion suffered by intensive care nurses and the relationship between them through the futility dimension of the issue. The study included 138 intensive care nurses. The data were obtained with the futility questionnaire developed by the researchers, Maslach Burnout (...)
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  34.  3
    El siglo XXI y el razonamiento forense.Olsen A. Ghirardi & Academia Nacional de Derecho Y. Ciencias Sociales (eds.) - 2000 - Córdoba: Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Córdoba, Instituto de Filosofía del Derecho.
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    Varela as the Uncanny.Y. Ataria - 2017 - Constructivist Foundations 12 (2):153-154.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Enaction as a Lived Experience: Towards a Radical Neurophenomenology” by Claire Petitmengin. Upshot: Why has the neurophenomenological approach not been adopted as a common and even obligatory tool in the study of consciousness? I suggest that the problem with the neurophenomenological approach is its effectiveness on the one hand and its almost impossible demands from the scientist on the other: One cannot accept the neurophenomenological approach without rejecting not only the paradigm of cognitive science, (...)
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  36. Katherine Hayles' Third Way Towards Posthumanity - A Review of N. Katherine Hayles (2005) My Mother was a Computer: Digital Subjects and Literary Texts.Y. Lin - unknown
  37. The Metaphysics of Spinoza's Theological Political Treatise.Yitzhak Y. Melamed - 2010 - In Yitzhak Y. Melamed & Michael A. Rosenthal (eds.), Spinoza's 'Theological-Political Treatise': A Critical Guide. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    A Spirit Philosophy Linking to Buddhism and Theology.Fred Y. Ye - 2022 - Philosophy Study 12 (8).
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  39. Inherence, Causation, and Conceivability in Spinoza.Yitzhak Y. Melamed - 2012 - Journal of the History of Philosophy.
    In this paper I suggest a new interpretation of the relations of inherence, causation and conception in Spinoza. I discuss the views of Don Garrett on this issue and argue against Della Rocca's recent suggestion that a strict endorsement of the PSR leads necessarily to the identification of the relations of inherence, causation and conception. I argue that Spinoza never endorsed this identity, and that Della Rocca's suggestion could not be considered as a legitimate reconstruction or friendly amendment to Spinoza (...)
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  40.  15
    Facial affect recognition in criminal psychopaths.D. Kosson, Y. Suchy, A. Mayer & J. Libby - 2002 - Emotion 2:398–411.
    Prior studies provide consistent evidence of deficits for psychopaths in processing verbal emotional material but are inconsistent regarding nonverbal emotional material. To examine whether psychopaths exhibit general versus specific deficits in nonverbal emotional processing, 34 psychopaths and 33 nonpsychopaths identified with Hare's (R. D. Hare, 1991) Psychopathy Checklist-Revised were asked to complete a facial affect recognition test. Slides of prototypic facial expressions were presented. Three hypotheses regarding hemispheric lateralization anomalies in psychopaths were also tested (right-hemisphere dysfunction, reduced lateralization, and reversed (...)
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  41.  21
    Philosophical and Anthropological Foundations of Psychosynthesis by Roberto Assaggioli.V. Y. Popov & Е. V. Popova - 2023 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 24:5-17.
    _Purpose._ The authors aim to reveal the influence of philosophical and esoteric principles on the formation and further development of Roberto Assagioli’s concept of psychosynthesis. _The theoretical basis_ of the study is determined by the latest methodological approaches in the study of the relationship between philosophical, psychological, and esoteric approaches in the study of the unconscious and the formation of a harmonious personality. _Originality._ For the first time, a systematic analysis of the anthropological foundations of Roberto Assagioli’s work has been (...)
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  42. Bossuet.Leopoldo Baeza Y. Acevez - 1944 - [México,: Universidad nacional] Facultad de filosofía y letras.
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    Evidence on the Economic Consequences of Marriage Equality and LGBT Human Rights.Jessie Y. Zhu & Wally Smieliauskas - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (1):57-70.
    The recent wave of same-sex marriage legalization marks the most significant human rights progress in decades. Nevertheless, the valuation effects on corporate America are unclear. While the arguments supporting marriage equality are largely in the domain of law and sociology, many prominent business leaders are actively engaged in campaigns advocating marriage equality. This suggests that the LGBT civil rights movement of our generation might have valuation implications for corporate America beyond human rights equality. This paper investigates the market perception of (...)
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  44. From Chinese Values of Life to Exploring the Ethical Aspects of Stem Cell Research in Mainland China.Y. Cong - 2007 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 8 (39):18-31.
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    (1 other version)Utilitarian Deontic Logic.Y. Murakami - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 211-230.
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    Simplicity and Generalization: Short-cutting Abstraction in Children's Object Categorizations.Robert L. Goldstone Ji Y. Son, Linda B. Smith - 2008 - Cognition 108 (3):626.
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    Achieving across-laboratory replicability in psychophysical scaling.Lawrence M. Ward, Michael Baumann, Graeme Moffat, Larry E. Roberts, Shuji Mori, Matthew Rutledge-Taylor & Robert L. West - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  48. Is Hume Inconsistent?-Motivation and Morals.Y. S. Norva - 2009 - In Charles R. Pigden (ed.), Hume on motivation and virtue. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 57.
  49. (2 other versions)La deshumanización del arte.José Ortega Y. Gasset - 1925 - Madrid,: Revista de occidente.
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  50. A History of Theology.Y. M.-J. CONGAR - 1968
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