Results for 'Xiaobo Gu'

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  1.  17
    Extended Kalman Filter-Based Approach for Autonomous Synchronization and Ranging in GPS-Denied Environments.Xiaobo Gu, Weiqiang Tan, Yudong di ZhangLu & Ruidian Zhan - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-7.
    Network ranging and clock synchronization based on two-way timing stamps exchange mechanism in complex GPS-denied environments is addressed in this paper. An estimator based on the Extended Kalman filter is derived, according to which, the clock skew, clock offset, and ranging information can be jointly estimated. The proposed estimator provides off-line computation by storing the transmitting timing stamps in advance and could be implemented in asymmetrical and asynchronous scenarios. The simulation results show that the proposed estimator achieves a relative good (...)
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    A Foreign Devil and Gu Hongming [1847-1928].Wang Xiaobo - 1999 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 30 (3):19-22.
    I have read some outrageous books and as a result have lost my innocence. In English, to lose one's innocence also means to become sly and devious, and that is what has happened to me. My innocence was lost in the University of Pittsburgh library. It was there that I borrowed a book called The Pleasurable Experiences of a Foreign Devil in China, which was about the travels of an American in China. On the surface, this American seemed to be (...)
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  3. Zhongguo fan chuan tong zhu yi di pin kun: Liu Xiaobo yu ou xiang po huai di wu tuo bang.Xin Gu - 1993 - Taibei Shi: Feng yun shi dai chu ban gong si.
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    Aristotle's theory of the syllogism.Günther Patzig - 1969 - Dordrecht,: D. Reidel.
    The present book is the English version of a monograph 'Die aristotelische Syllogistik', which first appeared ten years ago in the series of Abhand 1 lungen edited by the Academy of Sciences in Gottingen. In the preface to the English edition, I would first like to express my indebtedness to Mr. J. Barnes, now fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. He not only translated what must have been a difficult text with exemplary precision and ingenuity, but followed critically every argument and (...)
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    Wahrheit und Geschichte: die gebrochene Tradition metaphysischen Denkens: Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Günther Mensching.Günther Mensching, Alia Mensching-Estakhr & Michael Städtler (eds.) - 2012 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  6. Shen mei yu ren de zi you.Xiaobo Liu - 1989 - Xianggang: Shu guang tu shu gong si.
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  7. Xuan ze de pi pan: yu si xiang ling xiu Li Zehou dui hua.Xiaobo Liu - 1989 - Taibei Shi: Fa xing suo Da hong tu shu you xian gong si.
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  8. Ru fa si xiang lun ji.Xiaobo Wang - 1983 - Taibei Shi: Shi bao wen hua chu ban shi ye you xian gong si.
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    Bill Gates's Bodysuit.Wang Xiaobo - 1999 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 30 (3):65-68.
    In his book The Road Ahead, Bill Gates writes that modern developments in information technology mean that engineers already have the capability to produce real sensations. They can put goggles on you that show colored pictures and give you stereo earphones so that what you see and hear is controlled by computer. Once the hardware and software are sophisticated enough, we will not be able to tell the difference between electronic sounds and images and real sounds and images. The hardware (...)
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  10. Die Gegenständlichkeit der Welt:: Festschrift für Günter Figal zum 70. Geburtstag.Günter Figal & Antonia Egel (eds.) - 2019 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
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    Güler yüzlü ciddilik: denemeler.Vedat Günyol - 1986 - Istanbul: Can Matbaa.
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    Gu Zhun li shi bi ji.Zhun Gu - 2013 - Beijing Shi: Guang ming ri bao chu ban she.
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    Gu Zhun wen ji.Zhun Gu - 2014 - Shanghai Shi: Hua dong shi fan da xue chu ban she.
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    Gu Xiancheng quan ji.Xiancheng Gu - 2022 - Shanghai Shi: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she. Edited by Xuewei Wang.
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    "Gu lan jing" lun li si xiang yan jiu.Shiqun Gu - 2016 - Yinchuan Shi: Ningxia ren min chu ban she.
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    Das Leben führen?: Lebensführung zwischen Technikphilosophie und Lebensphilosophie: für Günter Ropohl zum 75. Geburtstag.Günter Ropohl & Nicole C. Karafyllis (eds.) - 2014 - Berlin: Edition Sigma.
    Kann man das Leben führen? Die in diesem Band versammelten Beiträge stellen sich in kritischer Absicht dem modernen Konzept der »Lebensführung«, das die Technikphilosophie mit der Lebensphilosophie im frühen 20. Jahrhundert eng verbunden hat und teilweise bis heute verbindet. Auch relevante soziologische Positionen wurden in diesem Kontext entwickelt. Anhand zentraler Autoren wie Simmel, Bergson, Husserl, Heidegger, Blumenberg, Berdjajew, Reuleaux, von Uexküll, Plessner, Freyer, Jonas und Günter Ropohl (dem dieser Band aus Anlass seines 75. Geburtstags gewidmet ist) werden die Bezugnahmen zwischen (...)
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  17.  13
    Method and Realization of Efficient Extraction of Basic Geological Data from Two-Dimensional Mine Drawings.Xiaobo Lin - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    In coal mining technology systems, it is very important to acquire, store, and represent basic geological data comprehensively and accurately. Based on the current working mode and information level in mining geology at coal mines, this paper proposes a process of building basic geological database for modeling of coal mines by using existing results’ data of mining geology and develops the efficient program for getting the basic geological data from the important 2D plane drawings’ achievement at mines, such as the (...)
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  18. Bei ju, shen mei, zi you.Xiaobo Liu - 1989 - Taibei Shi: Fa xing suo Da hong tu shu you xian gong si.
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  19. Yun chou wei wo, jue sheng qian li: Guiguzi = The Wisdom of history.Xiaobo Li - 2013 - Tainan Shi: Zhen pin chu ban gong si. Edited by Guiguzi.
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  20.  9
    The philosophical foundations of Han Fei's political theory.Xiaobo Wang - 1986 - [Honolulu]: University of Hawaii Press. Edited by Chun Zhang.
  21.  17
    The Influence Mechanism of Different Cash Flow Availability on R&D Investment: Evidence from China.Xiaobo Wu, Ye Hua & Hao Lu - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-14.
    It has been widely assumed and proven that a firm’s research and development investment is limited if the availability of cash flow is constrained. The purpose of this study is to verify the opposite proposition: whether firms invest heavily in R&D when more cash flow is available. This paper discusses the heterogeneous relationship between cash flow from different sources and the R&D investment of firms. The study divides the firm’s cash flow into three categories according to the business activities that (...)
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    Hikmetin izinde: Kenan Gürsoy'a armağan.Kenan Gürsoy & Fulya Bayraktar (eds.) - 2016 - Ankara: Aktif Düşünce Yayınları.
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    El sistema penal normativista en el mundo contemporáneo: libro homenaje al profesor Günther Jakobs en su 70 aniversario.Günther Jakobs, Eduardo Montealegre Lynett, Caro John & José Antonio (eds.) - 2008 - Bogotá: Universidad Externado de Colombia.
    A diferencia de todos los demás sistemas de imputación, Jakobs ubica el acento de la relevancia jurídico-penal del hecho en su significado normativo, como algo que trasciende la mera causalidad exterior y la finalidad del autor, de manera que lo decisivo para la imputación jurídico-penal no es ni lo psíquicoreal querido por el autor, ni la causalidad desplegada por su conducta, sino el significado normativo de esa conducta como la expresión de un sentido objetivo de desautorización de la vigencia de (...)
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  24. Mo jing zhong di shu xue he wu li xue.Xiaobo Fang - 1983 - [Peking]: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing. Edited by Di Mo.
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  25. Si xiang zhi mi yu ren lei zhi meng.Xiaobo Liu - 1990 - Taibei Shi: Feng yun shi dai chu ban gong si.
  26.  5
    Zhuangzi shuo dao zhi hui jing sui.Xiaobo Li - 2012 - Tainan: Zhen pin chu ban gong si.
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    Bentham's Theory of Law and Public Opinion.Xiaobo Zhai & Michael Quinn (eds.) - 2014 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    This collection represents the latest research from leading scholars whose work has helped to frame our understanding of Bentham since the publication of H. L. A. Hart's Essays on Bentham. The authors explore fundamental areas of Bentham's thought, including the relationship between the rule of law and public opinion; law and popular prejudices or manipulated tastes; Bentham's methodology versus Hart's; sovereignty and codification; and the language of natural rights. Drawing on original manuscripts and volumes in The Collected Works of Jeremy (...)
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  28. The people's 'greatest misfortune' and 'all the chance the people have' : Bentham on the separation of powers.Xiaobo Zhai - 2022 - In Philip Schofield & Xiaobo Zhai, Bentham on democracy, courts, and codification. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  29. The people's 'greatest misfortune' and 'all the chance the people have' : Bentham on the separation of powers.Xiaobo Zhai - 2022 - In Philip Schofield & Xiaobo Zhai, Bentham on democracy, courts, and codification. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Zeichen der Wirklichkeit.Günter Abel - 2004 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Hui 'an Cun Gao Er: Gu Jingyang, Gao Jingyi Si Xiang Zhi Bi Jiao Yan Jiu'.Qingmei Gu - 2004 - Taibei Shi: Da an chu ban she.
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  32. A Model for Basic Emotions Using Observations of Behavior in Drosophila.Simeng Gu, Fushun Wang, Nitesh P. Patel, James A. Bourgeois & Jason H. Huang - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:445286.
    Emotion plays a crucial role, both in general human experience and in psychiatric illnesses. Despite the importance of emotion, the relative lack of objective methodologies to scientifically studying emotional phenomena limits our current understanding and thereby calls for the development of novel methodologies, such us the study of illustrative animal models. Analysis of Drosophila and other insects has unlocked new opportunities to elucidate the behavioral phenotypes of fundamentally emotional phenomena. Here we propose an integrative model of basic emotions based on (...)
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    Does Confucianism Prompt Firms to Participate in Poverty Alleviation Campaigns?Min Huang, Xiaobo Li, Jun Xia & Mengyao Li - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (4):743-762.
    This study examines the influence of Confucianism on corporate poverty alleviation (PA) participation. We argue that firms in regions with more Confucian temples are more likely to participate in government-initiated PA programs because Confucianism emphasizes common social welfare. This positive relationship is stronger for firms with chief executive officers born in Confucian regions and for firms that are under high media pressure, as the trade-off between social welfare and firm interest is in favor of Confucianism. Using a sample of Chinese-listed (...)
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    Im Labyrinth der Ethik: Glauben-Handeln-Pluralismus.Günter Bader, Ulrich Eibach, Hartmut Kress & Martin Honecker (eds.) - 2004 - Rheinbach: CMZ.
    In einer kühnen Metapher haben einst Hieronymus, Erasmus und Luther die Heilige Schrift als ein Labyrinth bezeichnet, das die Leser bei fortgesetztem Lesen in eine sich sogar steigernde Verwirrung stürze. Beinah im selben Atemzug wird eben dieselbe Heilige Schrift von eben denselben Autoren als der einzige Faden gepriesen, der die Leser aus dem Labyrinth ihres Lebens herausführe. Eines und dasselbe als Labyrinth und als Faden: Diese Figur ist paradigmatisch. Im Labyrinth der Ethik geht es nicht anders zu. Nur wer sich (...)
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  35. Ethische Problemsituationen in der Intensivmedizin der DDR und heute.Günter Baust - 2010 - In Hartmut Bettin & Mariacarla Gadebusch Bondio, Medizinische Ethik in der DDR: Erfahrungswert oder Altlast? Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
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    Another Type of Culture.Wang Xiaobo - 1999 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 30 (3):61-64.
    My wife was a student from among the "workers, peasants, and soldiers" and studied history at university. One day, during her junior year, a female student from a country village announced loudly in class, "I don't know what a eunuch is!" She looked very pleased with herself when she had said this. Other students in the class chimed in: "I don't know either." "Neither do I." My wife is a very straightforward sort of person and she said shyly, "Oh, I (...)
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    Why I Want to Write.Wang Xiaobo - 1999 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 30 (3):41-46.
    Someone asks a climber why he wants to climb a mountain—everyone knows that climbing is dangerous and is of no practical advantage—and he replies, "Because it is there." I like this answer because it shows a sense of humor—it is quite clear that it is because he wants to climb it, but he tries to trick us by saying that it is because the mountain is there that he is itching to get at it. Apart from this, I also like (...)
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    Chinese paleontology and the reception of Darwinism in early twentieth century.Xiaobo Yu - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 66 (C):46-54.
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  39. Bentham's natural arrangement and the collapse of the expositor-censor distinction in the general theory of law.Xiaobo Zhai - 2014 - In Xiaobo Zhai & Michael Quinn, Bentham's Theory of Law and Public Opinion. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Die Weltfremdheit des Menschen: Schriften zur philosophischen Anthropologie.Günther Anders - 2018 - München: C.H. Beck. Edited by Christian Dries & Henrike Gätjens.
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    Bentham’s Exposition of Common Law.Xiaobo Zhai - 2017 - Law and Philosophy 36 (5):525-560.
    Bentham is a severe critic of common law, denouncing it as ‘sham law’. Bentham’s denunciation of common law as ‘sham law’ is, however, an evaluative censure, not a descriptive account. A realistic account of the nature of common law can be constructed from his writings. According to this account, first, common law is a collection of authoritative mandates. Second, judicial decisions do not evidence common law; on the contrary, judges, through their decisions, create common law by means of legalizing both (...)
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    Subjectivity, modernity, and chinese Hegelian marxism: A study of li Zehou's philosophical ideas from a comparative perspective.Gu Xin - 1996 - Philosophy East and West 46 (2):205-245.
    Li Zehou's philosophical theory of Chinese modernity is studied by comparing it with Lukács' Hegelian Marxism. Totally and uncritically accepting Lukács' later thought, Li holds a labor-centered conception of practice, a Marxist materialistic category, as the starting-point of his own anthropological ontology. In a Hegelian-Lukácsian Marxist framework, Li makes a great philosophical effort to transform Kant's dualistic, idealistic doctrine of subjectivity into a monistic, materialistic one. This is a new holistic, historicist theory of subjectivity, in which physical sense and reason, (...)
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    Prospective Intention-Based Lifestyle Contracts: mHealth Technology and Responsibility in Healthcare.Emily Feng-Gu, Jim Everett, Rebecca C. H. Brown, Hannah Maslen, Justin Oakley & Julian Savulescu - 2021 - Health Care Analysis 29 (3):189-212.
    As the rising costs of lifestyle-related diseases place increasing strain on public healthcare systems, the individual’s role in disease may be proposed as a healthcare rationing criterion. Literature thus far has largely focused on retrospective responsibility in healthcare. The concept of prospective responsibility, in the form of a lifestyle contract, warrants further investigation. The responsibilisation in healthcare debate also needs to take into account innovative developments in mobile health technology, such as wearable biometric devices and mobile apps, which may change (...)
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  44. Environmental Problems.Wang Xiaobo - 1999 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 30 (3):88-92.
    I was born in the city of Beijing. As a child, I used to climb to the top of the highest building in our courtyard—it was in Xidan—and look in all four directions. I could often see as far as the Temple of Buddhist Virtue at the Summer Palace. From Xidan to the Summer Palace is at least 20 li [one li = 1/2 KM]. Some years ago I was living in the Changchunyuan section of Beijing University, which is only (...)
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  45. Interpretationsgedanke und Wiederkunftslehre.Günter Abel - 1984 - In Mihailo Đuric & Josef Simon, Zur Aktualität Nietzsches. Würzburg: Königshausen + Neumann.
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    Biologie für den Menschen: eine Vortragsreihe in Gelnhausen und Frankfurt am Main.Günter Altner (ed.) - 1982 - Frankfurt am Main: W. Kramer.
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  47. Die Welt als offenes System?Günter Altner - 1984 - In Günter Altner, Die Welt als offenes System: eine Kontroverse um das Werk von Ilya Prigogine. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch.
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    Adultery Is a Capital Offense.Wang Xiaobo - 1999 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 30 (3):57-60.
    Before The Bridges of Madison County was released, several editor friends of mine wanted me to go and see it, and to write a short article about it when I had. The movie has finished showing now, and I never did go to see it. This was not because I was being deliberately snooty about it, but chiefly because there was a debate around the movie that I found very irritating; and as a result, I did not have the slightest (...)
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    Court-Sponsored Reforms, 1895-1898.Xiaobo - 1995 - Chinese Studies in History 28 (3-4):49-66.
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    Experiencing Life.Wang Xiaobo - 1999 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 30 (3):50-53.
    I make my living by writing. Someone once said to me, "It's no good writing like this; you've no life! "At first I thought he meant I was dead, and I got very angry. Then I suddenly thought that the word' life" could be used in a different way. Writers often go and live for a while in remote places where conditions are hard, and such excursions are called "experiencing life." This expression may sound as if it refers to a (...)
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