Results for 'Xiangpeng Xie'

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  1.  48
    Relaxed fuzzy observer-based output feedback control synthesis of discrete-time nonlinear control systems.Hongxia Yu, Xiangpeng Xie, Jiawei Zhang, Donghong Ning & Yuan-Wei Jing - 2016 - Complexity 21 (S1):593-601.
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    Differences in Working Memory With Emotional Distraction Between Proficient and Non-proficient Bilinguals.Xie Ma, Xiao Ma, Peng Li & Yan Liu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The impact of bilingual education and bilingual experience on working memory has been an important and controversial issue in the field of psycholinguistics. Taking Chinese-English bilinguals as an example, this study aims to investigate the differences in emotional working memory between proficient and non-proficient bilinguals by using delayed matching-to-sample task paradigm and more complex n-back task in the context of emotion. The results show that proficient bilinguals have better performance on both of the two working memory tasks than non-proficient bilinguals, (...)
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  3. Differences in Neurocognitive Mechanisms Underlying the Processing of Center-Embedded and Non–embedded Musical Structures.Xie Ma, Nai Ding, Yun Tao & Yu Fang Yang - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  4. Kant's Better Man and the Confucian Junzi.Xie Wenyu - 2012 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 7 (3):481-497.
    This essay attempts to compare Kant’s better man and the Confucian junzi in the Zhongyong, and argues that Kant’s idea of the better man, which expresses human self-improvement in ultimate freedom, is in fact a conception very similar to that of the Confucian junzi, which denotes an ideal human being in cheng. Kant attributes the lack of emphasis on self-improvement in Western culture to the Christian conception of grace, and demonstrates the possibility of self-improvement on the ground of ultimate freedom. (...)
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  5. Fa xue xu lun jing yi: biao jie.Ruizhi Xie - 1986 - Taibei Shi: Zong jing xiao Wen sheng shu ju.
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    Graphical Representation and Similarity Analysis of DNA Sequences Based on Trigonometric Functions.Guo-Sen Xie, Xiao-Bo Jin, Chunlei Yang, Jiexin Pu & Zhongxi Mo - 2018 - Acta Biotheoretica 66 (2):113-133.
    In this paper, we propose two four-base related 2D curves of DNA primary sequences and their corresponding single-base related 2D curves. The constructions of these graphical curves are based on the assignments of individual base to four different sinusoidal functions; then by connecting all these points on these four sinusoidal functions, we can get the F-B curves; similarly, by connecting the points on each of the four sinusoidal functions, we get the single-base related 2D curves. The proposed 2D curves are (...)
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    HRTEM study of ⟨011⟩ type II twin in NiTi shape memory alloy.Z. L. Xie * & Yong Liu - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (32):3497-3507.
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    Luo Zenan.Shicheng Xie - 2009 - Kunming Shi: Yunnan jiao yu chu ban she.
    罗泽南,湖南湘乡人,晚清著名理学家,湘军创建者之一,杰出将领。1852年以前聚徒讲学,著书立说,阐发程朱理学的思想。本书主要介绍罗泽南的思想和实践,对了解罗泽南在中国近代史、近代思想史上的地位和影响, 研究晚清理学的流变和太平天国的历史,皆有裨益。.
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  9.  18
    The current situation, problems and tasks before Chinese philosophy.Xie Dikun & Xiang Long - 2018 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 283 (1):13-29.
    The development of philosophy in contemporary China requires correct understanding and solving prominent practical problems in China’s process of social development, providing proper rational thinking, value ideal and life orientation for the Chinese, and playing its role of guiding, regulating and promoting social progress. To achieve the goal, philosophy needs to shift from “system consciousness” to “problem consciousness,” so as to fulfill a paradigm transformation; to shift from “local horizon” to “world horizon,” so as to expand the horizon of our (...)
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    2 The Current Situation of Chinese Philosophy: Problems and Tasks.Xie Dikun - 2016 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2016 (1):6-21.
    The cause of Chinese philosophy has made significant progress since it began to reform three decades ago. However, Chinese philosophy also faces many problems. Shaken by current market economic forces, it now confronts a huge challenge in taking on its mission of raising questions, both theoretical and practical, and responding to them using the methods of philosophy. This article analyzes developments and problems in the three sub-disciplines of philosophy: Marxist philosophy, the history of Chinese philosophy and foreign philosophies. Using this (...)
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    (1 other version)Vorwort des Herausgebers.Xie Dikun - 2019 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2019 (4):1-2.
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  12. Aesthetic Judgment: The Power of the Mind in Understanding Confucianism.Xie Xialing & Gao Limin - 2009 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 4 (1):38 - 51.
    Mou Zongsan incorrectly uses Kant's practical reason to interpret Confucianism. The saying that "what is it that we have in common in our minds? It is the il 理 (principles) and the yi 义 (righteousness)" reveals how Mencius explains the origin of il and yi through a theory of common sense. In "the li and the yi please our minds, just as the flesh of beef and mutton and pork please our mouths," "please" is used twice, proving aesthetic judgment is (...)
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  13.  40
    霍耐特选集 [Selected Works of Axel Honneth]; 阿克塞尔·霍耐特: 理性的病理学——批判理论的历史与当前 [Axel Honneth: Pathologies of Reason: On the Legacy of Critical Theory].Xie Yongkang 谢永康, David Bartosch & Hou Zhenwu 侯振武 (eds.) - 2022 - Shanghai 上海: Shanghai Renmin Chubanshe 上海人民出版社 Shanghai People’s Publishing House. Translated by Xie Yongkang 谢永康 & Jin Ao 金翱.
    [232 pages] This first book in the series 霍耐特选集 [Selected Works of Axel Honneth] is a Chinese translation of Axel Honneth’s Pathologien der Vernunft: Geschichte und Gegenwart der Kritischen Theorie directly from the German.
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    霍耐特选集 [Selected Works of Axel Honneth]; 阿克塞尔·霍耐特: 时代的活体解剖——20世纪观念史肖像 [Axel Honneth: Vivisection of an Age: Portraits Relating to the History of Ideas in the 20th Century].Xie Yongkang 谢永康, David Bartosch & Hou Zhenwu 侯振武 (eds.) - 2023 - Shanghai 上海: Shanghai Renmin Chubanshe 上海人民出版社 Shanghai People’s Publishing House. Translated by Liang Lerui 梁乐睿.
    [232 pages] This second book in the series 霍耐特选集 [Selected Works of Axel Honneth] is a Chinese translation of Axel Honneth’s Vivisektionen eines Zeitalters: Porträts zur Ideengeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts directly from the German.
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  15.  10
    Praktische Regulation der Natur: zur Grundfrage und Grundmethode der Metaphysik des späten Kant.Yuwei Xie - 2020 - Berlin: J.B. Metzler. Edited by Yuwei Xie.
    Mit der rekonstruierenden Textanalyse der Preisschrift über die Fortschritte der Metaphysik (1804) und der drei Kritiken hat der Autor den Begriff der „eigentlichen Metaphysik“ Kants zum Inhalt. Demnach wird die Hauptfrage der kantischen Metaphysik als die Frage nach der Möglichkeit der Erkenntnis von den übersinnlichen Prinzipien der Natur bestimmt. Die Grundmethode zur Kants Antwort auf diese Frage bezeichnet der Autor als „praktische Regulation der Natur“, in der die reine praktische Vernunft ihrem notwendigen Bedürfnis gemäß die reflektierende Urteilskraft dazu leitet, nach (...)
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    Critical impact assessment of organic agriculture.Xie Biao, Wang Xiaorong, Ding Zhuhong & Yang Yaping - 2003 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16 (3):297-311.
    Based on its productionguideline, organic agriculture has set foritself the goals of minimizing all forms ofpollution and maintaining sustainability of thefarming system. By striving for these goals,organic farming meets the demands of anincreasing number of consumers who are criticalof conventional production methods. This papergives an overview of the present state of theart in the different issues. Possibilities ofand limitations in performing the self-aimedgoals under the basic standards of organicagriculture are discussed. Concerningenvironmental protection, in general, the riskof adverse environmental effects is (...)
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    Effects of Parental Autonomy Support and Teacher Support on Middle School Students’ Homework Effort: Homework Autonomous Motivation as Mediator.Xiaowei Feng, Ke Xie, Shaoying Gong, Lei Gao & Yang Cao - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:439624.
    The present study tested whether students’ autonomous motivation mediated the association between adult support (parental autonomy support, teacher support) and students’ homework effort. A sample of 666 Chinese middle school students was recruited to complete the parental autonomy support questionnaire, teacher support questionnaire, homework autonomous motivation questionnaire and homework effort questionnaire. Structural equation modeling showed that both parental autonomy support and teacher support positively predicted mathematics homework effort, and mathematics homework autonomous motivation was a mediator in these associations. The present (...)
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  18.  33
    (1 other version)Is It a Distinction Between Two Types of Contradictions or Between Two Kinds of Logic?Xie Hongxin - 1982 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 13 (4):9-15.
    [The statement] A ^ Ā is doubtlessly a logical contradiction in terms of formal logic. However, according to dialectics this is a state which the contradiction in the essence of a thing experiences in the process of development — a state of qualitative change of being "at once this and that." A contradiction under such circumstances is an important object of dialectical studies. And such a state of affairs actually exists in real life; a thing tends to experience such a (...)
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  19.  32
    What Influence Could the Acceptance of Visitors Cause on the Epidemic Dynamics of a Reinfectious Disease?: A Mathematical Model.Ying Xie, Ishfaq Ahmad, ThankGod I. S. Ikpe, Elza F. Sofia & Hiromi Seno - 2024 - Acta Biotheoretica 72 (1):1-42.
    The globalization in business and tourism becomes crucial more and more for the economical sustainability of local communities. In the presence of an epidemic outbreak, there must be such a decision on the policy by the host community as whether to accept visitors or not, the number of acceptable visitors, or the condition for acceptable visitors. Making use of an SIRI type of mathematical model, we consider the influence of visitors on the spread of a reinfectious disease in a community, (...)
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  20.  22
    Silent Majority: How Employees’ Perceptions of Corporate Hypocrisy are Related to their Silence.Yiming Wang, Yuhua Xie, Mingwei Liu, Yongxing Guo & Duojun He - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 195 (2):315-334.
    Extant studies of corporate hypocrisy have largely overlooked its implications for employees until recently. Drawing upon social information processing theory, we theorize the impact of corporate hypocrisy on employee silence—an employee behavior potentially detrimental to both organizations and society, as well as the underlying mediating and moderating mechanisms. We empirically tested our hypotheses with two studies. In Study 1, we found that corporate hypocrisy was positively related to employee silence through both employee cognitive trust and employee prosocial motivation. In Study (...)
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  21.  34
    Prevalence of Research Misconduct and Questionable Research Practices: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Yu Xie, Kai Wang & Yan Kong - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (4):1-28.
    Irresponsible research practices damaging the value of science has been an increasing concern among researchers, but previous work failed to estimate the prevalence of all forms of irresponsible research behavior. Additionally, these analyses have not included articles published in the last decade from 2011 to 2020. This meta-analysis provides an updated meta-analysis that calculates the pooled estimates of research misconduct and questionable research practices, and explores the factors associated with the prevalence of these issues. The estimates, committing RM concern at (...)
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  22.  46
    Cheering On All the Chinese Studying in America.Xie Qianhan - 2002 - Chinese Studies in History 36 (2):40-41.
  23. (1 other version)Fa lü de yi yi zhui wen: quan shi xue shi ye zhong de fa zhe xue.Hui Xie - 2003 - Beijing: Shang wu yin shu guan.
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  24.  16
    Are Callings Always Ethically Good? Why and When Occupational Calling Inhibits Unethical Decision-Making Among Researchers.Baoguo Xie, Xinrou Zhang, Xueyuan Gao & Xiaoxue Zhou - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 191 (2):357-372.
    In recent years, attention to researchers’ scientific misconduct has increased dramatically. Although existing research reflects a shared value that occupational calling is an ethical good (i.e., being more likely to make ethical choices), no empirical study has yet examined the ethical outcomes of occupational calling. Drawing on the integrated ethical decision-making model (I-EDM), this study first investigated _whethe_r occupational calling inhibits researchers’ unethical decision-making. Secondly, it examined _why_ and _when_ occupational calling relates to researchers’ unethical decision-making. The findings from a (...)
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  25.  46
    Whose Toulmin, and which logic? A response to van Benthem.Yun Xie, Minghui Xiong & Hans V. Hansen - unknown
    In a recent paper, “One Logician’s Perspective on Argumentation”, van Benthem expressed his reservations on Toulmin’s diagnosis and abandonment of formal logic, and argued that Toulmin was wrong for leading the study of argumentation apart from formal approach. In this paper we will try to reveal two se-rious misunderstandings of Toulmin’s ideas in his discussions, and thereby make an apology for Toulmin.
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  26. Guodian Chu jian ru jia zhe xue yan jiu.Junzhi Xie - 2008 - Taibei Shi: Wan juan lou tu shu gu fen you xian gong si.
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  27. Is it a distinction between 2 types of contradictions or between 2 kinds of logic+ a-and-not-a.Hx Xie - 1982 - Chinese Studies in Philosophy 13 (4):9-15.
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  28. Xian dai xing, hou xian dai xing she hui li lun: quan shi yu ping lun.Lizhong Xie & Xinbang Ruan (eds.) - 2004 - Beijing Shi: Beijing da xue chu ban she.
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  29.  4
    Yin yue de "yu jing": yi zhong yin yue jie shi xue shi yu.Jiaxing Xie - 2005 - Shanghai Shi: Shanghai yin yue xue yuan chu ban she.
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  30. Zhongguo ru xue.Xianghao Xie - 1993 - Chengdu: Sichuan ren min chu ban she. Edited by Zongxian Liu.
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  31. di 3 ce. Zhuangzi "ji jin yu dao" mei xue yi yi zhi tan jiu / Lin Cuiyun zhu ; Dan ran yu you ran de yi shu jing shen.Xie Jin'an zhu - 2017 - In Xiyan Sun, Gu dai mei shu shi yan jiu chu bian: Li dai mei xue yan jiu zhuan ji. Xinbei Shi Zhonghe Qu: Hua Mulan wen hua chu ban she.
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    Integrating Traditional Chinese Music into Contemporary Music Education: An Evolutionary Perspective.Shuyue Xie, Tharanat Hin-on & Pongpitthaya Sapaso - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:70-82.
    This research investigates and analyzes the integration of traditional Chinese music into contemporary music education systems in Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province, China, from an evolutionary perspective. It emphasizes the importance of traditional music education in preserving cultural heritage, fostering creativity, and enhancing holistic student development within the framework of imaginative culture. The study employs a structured approach using the PRISMA methodology to systematically review relevant literature and assess the current status of music education in Ji'an, focusing on course implementation, teacher (...)
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  33.  22
    The Background to Organ Donation in Mainland China.Guangkuan Xie & Yali Cong - 2023 - In Ruiping Fan, Incentives and Disincentives in Organ Donation: A Multicultural Study among Beijing, Chicago, Tehran and Hong Kong. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 25-37.
    This chapter introduces the background to organ donation and transplantation in mainland China. First, it briefly describes China’s current healthcare system and the development of organ transplantation. Then it introduces some important legislation and landmark policies regarding organ donation in recent years. Finally, it presents the organ donation operation system and its relevant features in mainland China.
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    The relationship between empathy and school adjustment of left-behind children: The mediating role of coping styles.Guihua Qin, Ruibo Xie, Die Wang, Wei Wu, Simin Wan & Weijian Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    To investigate the effects of left-behind children’s empathy and coping styles on school adjustment, 605 left-behind children in the third grade from three rural elementary schools in Suzhou, Anhui Province were selected to complete the Chinese version of the Interpersonal Reaction Index Scale, the Coping Style Scale, and the School Adjustment Behavior Scale for Primary and Secondary School Students. The results showed that emotional empathy positively predicted children’s social competence, and negatively predicted children’s antisocial behavior; cognitive empathy positively predicted children’s (...)
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  35. 霍耐特选集 [Selected Works of Axel Honneth]; 阿克塞尔·霍耐特、雅克·朗西埃: 承认还是歧义? 一场辩论 [Axel Honneth, Jacques Rancière: Anerkennung oder Unvernehmen? Eine Debatte].Xie Yongkang 谢永康, David Bartosch & Hou Zhenwu 侯振武 (eds.) - 2024 - Shanghai 上海: Shanghai Renmin Chubanshe 上海人民出版社 Shanghai People’s Publishing House. Translated by Lan Jiang 蓝江 & Liu Lixia 刘利霞.
    [174 pages] This third book in the series 霍耐特选集 [Selected Works of Axel Honneth] is a Chinese translation of Axel Honneth’s and Jacques Rancière’s Anerkennung oder Unvernehmen? Eine Debatte directly from the German.
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  36. Huang Li-chou hsüeh pʻu.Guozhen Xie - 1971
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  37.  12
    Ru jia li xue ren wen si xiang xin shi ye.Shuxi Xie - 2022 - Taibei Shi: Wan juan lou tu shu gu fen you xian gong si.
    本書內容共分為孔子《易》、《詩》、《禮》教思想研究、《禮記》人文思想研究、經學典籍思想研究等三個單元,旨在豁顯禮學思想的學術價值及對現代社會人心的影響。第一單元包含:包含:〈孔子《易》教的人文蘊涵〉、 〈孔子《詩》、《禮》教思想析論〉等二篇論文。第二單元包含:《禮記.禮運》、《禮記.經解》、《禮記‧樂記》、《禮記.仲尼燕居》、《禮記.內則》、《禮記.坊記》、《禮記.表記》、《禮記.儒行》、《大學》、 《中庸》等十篇闡述儒家禮學人文思想的論文。第三單元包含:〈從《朱子語類》探析《論語》思想〉、〈徐復觀經學思想析論〉、〈禮制、禮書、禮──以三老五更為例析評〉等三篇論文。.
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  38.  19
    Testing the Process Dissociation Procedure by Behavioral and Neuroimaging Data: The Establishment of the Mutually Exclusive Theory and the Improved PDP.Jianxin Zhang, Xiangpeng Wang, Jianping Huang, Antao Chen & Dianzhi Liu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The process dissociation procedure (PDP) of implicit sequence learning states that the correct inclusion-task response contains the incorrect exclusion-task response. However, there has been no research to test the hypothesis. The current study used a single variable (Stimulus Onset Asynchrony SOA: 850 ms vs. 1350 ms) between-subjects design, with pre-task resting-state fMRI, to test and improve the classical PDP to the mutually exclusive theory (MET). (1) Behavioral data and neuroimaging data demonstrated that the classical PDP has not been validated. In (...)
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  39.  20
    Needs and preferences of REB members in the development of a new TCPS 2 training program in Canada.Jiale Xie, Denise Stockley, Amber Hastings Truelove, Susan Marlin, Rachel Zand, Jennifer Payne, Miranda Miller & Eleftherios Soleas - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (3):613-631.
    Despite advancements in human research ethics and the growing significance of Research Ethics Board (REB) members, educational opportunities specifically tailored to their needs remain lacking in many countries. In response to this gap, our research aims to understand the demographics, needs, and preferences for educational opportunities of REB members in Canada. We conducted a survey that found REB demographics to be diverse and have different perceptions of their roles on topics such as the evaluation of the scientific merit of studies (...)
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  40.  23
    Adding Types, But Not Tokens, Affects Property Induction.Belinda Xie, Danielle J. Navarro & Brett K. Hayes - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (9):e12895.
    The extent to which we generalize a novel property from a sample of familiar instances to novel instances depends on the sample composition. Previous property induction experiments have only used samples consisting of novel types (unique entities). Because real‐world evidence samples often contain redundant tokens (repetitions of the same entity), we studied the effects on property induction of adding types and tokens to an observed sample. In Experiments 1–3, we presented participants with a sample of birds or flowers known to (...)
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  41.  26
    How Leader-Member Exchange Affects Creative Performance: An Examination From the Perspective of Self-Determination Theory.Zhiyu Xie, Na Wu, Tong Yue, Jing Jie, Guanghui Hou & Anguo Fu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  42.  42
    Text and power: A study on local gazetteers of Wanzai County of Jiangxi Province from the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China.Xie Hongwei - 2009 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 4 (3):426-459.
    As the main literature of socio-economic history, local gazetteers display the dynamic process of local socio-economic structuring and reflect local conflicts among various interest groups. Focusing on local gazetteers in Wanzai County of Jiangxi Province from the Qing to the Republic, this essay shows how local literati played an active role in constructing their local community. These gazetteers reflected the complicated power relations, especially the conflict between the natives and immigrants, and they themselves became the important part of the process (...)
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  43.  6
    Fa xue xu lun jing yi: biao jie.Ruizhi Xie - 1999 - Taibei Shi: Zong jing xiao Wen sheng shu ju.
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  44. Guanzi xi lun.Yunfei Xie - 1983 - Taibei Shi: Taiwan xue sheng shu ju. Edited by Zhong Guan.
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    Ji ben fa lü jia zhi.Pengcheng Xie - 2000 - Ji'nan: Shandong ren min chu ban she.
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  46. Ren xing di tan tao.Zhaoji Xie - 1987 - Taibei Shi: Shui niu tu shu chu ban shi ye you xian gong si.
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  47. Sun xia feng li er qu xue pu.Guozhen Xie - 1934 - [China]: [Publisher Not Identified].
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    Xian dai zhe xue ming zhu shu ping.Youwei Xie - 1997 - Jinan: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
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    Yi ping deng wei ben de zi you zhu yi: Dewojin fa zheng zhe xue yan jiu = Ronald Dworkin.Shimin Xie (ed.) - 2014 - Taibei Shi: Kai xue wen hua shi ye gu fen you xian gong si.
    德沃金一生的法政哲學工作,旨在發展一套「法律作為政治道德的次部門,從而也是道德的次領域」的理論。從上世紀六、七〇年代奠基於規則/原則區分而批判哈特法實證主義,堅持法律與道德之間的必然連結,到八〇年代提 出整全法(law as integrity),展開對描述主義法理學之批判之後,德沃金也漸次開展其以平等為基礎的自由主義理論,從九〇年代起不斷出版一部部重要政治哲學著作。同一期間德沃金也積極參與美國重大社會與法律議題之論辯,從 早期越戰期間拒服兵役、美國聯邦最高法院法官提名問題,到墮胎及安樂死判決、猥褻言論管制,再到本世紀的911後反恐政策、稅制與健保議題等,德沃金在各個具體問題中充分實踐了他自己的法律理論。 2008年德沃金獲邀來台擔任首屆「雷震民主人權紀念講座」。本書收錄了當時國內社群的相關研究,以及後來謝世民教授關於德沃金法政哲學的重要闡釋與分析。不僅作者在國內學界皆屬一時之選,其德沃金研究也對我們理 解德沃金思想極有助益。這些文章不僅對德沃金理論有相當深刻的掌握,也將是台灣未來研究探索法理學與政治哲學的重要指南.
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    Yu yi xue: li lun yu shi ji.Kangji Xie - 1991 - Taibei Shi: Taiwan shang wu yin shu guan.
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