Results for 'Willa Cather'

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  1.  9
    Willa Cather's Sexual Aesthetics and the Male Homosexual Literary Tradition.John P. Anders - 1999 - U of Nebraska Press.
    In this first full-length study of male homosexuality in Cather's short stories and novels, John P. Anders examines patterns of male friendship ranging on a continuum from the social to the sexual. He reveals how Cather's work assumes an unexpected depth and complexity by drawing on both the familiar tradition of friendship literature inspired by classical and Christian texts and a homosexual legacy that is part of, yet distinct from, established literary traditions. Anders argues that Cather's artistic (...)
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    Berendzen, jc.Bettina Bergo, Zachary Braiterman, Martin Buber, Willa Cather, Joseph Conrad, Deborah Cook, Gilles Deleuze, Jacques Derrida, Patrick K. Dooley & Paul Franks - forthcoming - Philosophy Today.
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    Willa Cather at Mid-Century.George Greene - 1957 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 32 (4):577-592.
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  4. Willa Cather's Vision of the Artist.Colette Toler - 1964 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 45 (4):503.
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    Not in Sisterhood: Edith Wharton, Willa Cather, Zona Gale, and the Politics of Female Authorship.D. Williams - 2001 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Not In Sisterhood investigates an important transitional moment in the history of U.S. women's writing : the uneasy shift from the 19th-century model of the "lady author" to some new but undefined alternative. The careers of Edith Wharton and Willa Cather, together with that of their friend and peer Zona Gale, the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize for drama, reveal several different strategies for negotiating this unknown terrain. While Gale made her feminist politics an integral part (...)
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    Music in Willa Cather's Fiction. [REVIEW]Marilyn P. Zimmerman - 1969 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 3 (1):138.
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    The Conflict of Legends and the Corrective Lens of Love in Willa Cather's Death Comes for the Archbishop: A Girardian Analysis.Elisabeth Bayley - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (5):835-845.
  8. William James’s “Specious Present” and Willa Cather’s Phenomenology of Memory.Patrick K. Dooley - 2006 - Philosophy Today 50 (5):444-449.
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    After Eden, The Secularization of American Space in the Fiction of Willa Cather and Theodore Dreiser (review).Evelyn I. Funda - 1993 - Philosophy and Literature 17 (1):182-184.
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    (1 other version)Discovering the More: Reading Wright's, Colette's, and Cather's Texts as Philosophy of Education.Virginia Worley, Stacy Otto & Lucy E. Bailey - 2010 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 46 (2):192-223.
    Rather than using literary texts to evidence an analytic argument, within this piece we read Julia McNair Wright's (US, 1840?1902), Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette's (France, 1873?1954), and Willa Cather's (US, 1873?1947) texts through theoretical lenses that expose their educational meaning and value and that create conversation among them concerning girls? and women's educations. While we do not claim that one can generalize these women's works and lessons to every life, we contend that these women and the literary products they created (...)
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  11. Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sex.Judith Butler - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    In ____Bodies That Matter,__ Judith Butler further develops her distinctive theory of gender by examining the workings of power at the most "material" dimensions of sex and sexuality. Deepening the inquiries she began in _Gender_ _Trouble,_ Butler offers an original reformulation of the materiality of bodies, examining how the power of heterosexual hegemony forms the "matter" of bodies, sex, and gender. Butler argues that power operates to constrain "sex" from the start, delimiting what counts as a viable sex. She offers (...)
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    Seers and Judges: American Literature as Political Philosophy.Ann Davis, Thomas S. Engeman, Lilly J. Goren, Despina Korovessis, Peter Augustine Lawler, Carol McNamara, Mary P. Nichols & Laura Weiner (eds.) - 2001 - Lexington Books.
    Alexis de Tocqueville asserted that America had no truly great literature, and that American writers merely mimicked the British and European traditions of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This new edited collection masterfully refutes Tocqueville's monocultural myopia and reveals the distinctive role American poetry and prose have played in reflecting and passing judgment upon the core values of American democracy. The essays, profiling the work of Mark Twain, F. Scott Fitzgerald, John Updike, Edith Wharton, Walt Whitman, Henry James, Willa (...)
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    A Community of Inquiry: Conversations Between Classical American Philosophy and American Literature.Patrick Kiaran Dooley - 2008 - Kent State University Press.
    Examines the connections between American philosophy and literature. This title includes discussion of subjects ranging from Stephen Crane's metaphysics to business ethics in William Dean Howells, pragmatic religion in Willa Cather and Harold Frederic, John Steinbeck's philosophy of work, and Norman Maclean's philosophy of community.
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    Seers and Judges: American Literature as Political Philosophy.Christine Dunn Henderson (ed.) - 2001 - Lexington Books.
    Alexis de Tocqueville asserted that America had no truly great literature, and that American writers merely mimicked the British and European traditions of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This new edited collection masterfully refutes Tocqueville's monocultural myopia and reveals the distinctive role American poetry and prose have played in reflecting and passing judgment upon the core values of American democracy. The essays, profiling the work of Mark Twain, F. Scott Fitzgerald, John Updike, Edith Wharton, Walt Whitman, Henry James, Willa (...)
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    Literary Studies and the Repression of Reputation.John Rodden - 1988 - Philosophy and Literature 12 (2):261-271.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Notes and Fragments LITERARY STUDIES AND THE REPRESSION OF REPUTATION by John Rodden 6 6T A Thomakesorbreaks a writer's reputation?" asked Esquire during VV the mid-1960s. The editors' answer, titled "The Structure of the Literary Establishment," came in the form of a multicolored "chart of power." Included was "virtually everyone of serious literary consequence," whether "writer, editor, agent, or simple hipster." The center of power was indicated, noted the (...)
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    Unsettling nature: ecology, phenomenology, and the settler colonial imagination.Taylor Eggan - 2021 - London: University of Virginia Press.
    Drawing broadly on environmental philosophy, literary theory, settler colonial studies, decolonial theory, and speculative realism, Eggan quarries uncanny depictions of the natural world to unsettle not just the concept of nature but the coloniality of Nature. Unsettling Nature at once critiques Heidegger's home(l)y phenomenology and brings it forward through chapters on Willa Cather, D. H. Lawrence, Olive Schreiner, and Doris Lessing. The book concludes with a speculative proposal to transform eco-phenomenology into "exo-phenomenology," which emphasizes ways of being and (...)
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    Book Review: Virgil and the Moderns. [REVIEW]Michael L. Hall - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (1):175-176.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Virgil and the ModernsMichael L. HallVirgil and the Moderns, by Theodore Ziolkowski; xv & 274 pp. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993, $35.00.Theodore Ziolkowski’s Virgil and the Moderns is a wonderful book. Everyone interested in modern literature and the western cultural heritage should read it. Ziolkowski does much more than tell us about Virgil and his influence on modern authors and readers; he traces the Latin poet’s appeal from (...)
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    Like an Elephant Pricked by a Thorn: Buddhist Meditation Instructions as a Door to Deep Listening.Willa B. Miller - 2015 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 35:15-20.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Like an Elephant Pricked by a Thorn:Buddhist Meditation Instructions as a Door to Deep ListeningWilla B. MillerThe phrase “deep listening” has been circulating in recent years in the contexts of contemplative education, psychotherapy, pastoral care, and the arts. This article is a reflection on deep listening from a Buddhist perspective, as it might support the ongoing development of career educators, although this reflection might apply equally well to ministers (...)
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    Manichaean Art and Calligraphy.Willa Jane Tanabe & Hans-Joachim Klimkeit - 1983 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 3:166.
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    The Study of Literature.Willa Valencia & George Watson - 1970 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 4 (4):143.
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    Must music education have an aim?Song Willa’S. - 2012 - In Wayne D. Bowman & Ana Lucía Frega, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy in Music Education. Oup Usa.
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    On Metaphysical Necessity: Essays on God, the World, Morality, and Democracy.Jason Cather - 2022 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 43 (2-3):157-160.
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    Remembering in Vain: The Klaus Barbie Trial and Crimes against Humanity.Willa Z. Silverman, Alain Finkielkraut, Roxanne Lapidus & Sima Godfrey - 1995 - Substance 24 (1/2):196.
  24. Das Wort Gottes verkosten : Singen in der christlichen Liturgie.Josef-Anton Willa - 2019 - In Bettina Hesse, Die Philosophie des Singens. [Hamburg]: Mairisch Verlag.
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    Die gewonde God: ’n Teologies-etiese besinning, veral vanuit Khoisan-perspektief.Willa Boezak - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (4):1-12.
    This article presupposes the right of the faithful to pose critical questions about God. God-concepts cannot be distanced or freed from ideology. In the Hebrew Scriptures, the reflection on Jahwe and Elohim are mostly influenced by Israel's exodus experience. The liberating God becomes a theme that legitimises their faith, but is ultimately coloured by their patrarchal Sitz im Leben. For black theologians, the image of God as the Liberator stands foremost as the Crucified. This has clear connections with Western thinking (...)
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    Classics of administrative ethics.Willa M. Bruce (ed.) - 2001 - Boulder: Westview Press.
    This anthology will be appropriate for administrative ethics classes and professional thinking in public administration at both the masters and doctoral levels. It is a collection of administrative ethics articles published in journals of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) from 1941 (the earliest publication) through 1983 (the year that the first ASPA Code of Ethics was established). The articles are organized by themes of enduring importance to the field in order to provide graduate students with ready access to (...)
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    Attraction as a function of similarity of perceptual judgments.Andrew P. Schettino & Willa B. Baldwin - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (5):350-352.
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  28. Relationality and Ethics in MDMA-Assisted Therapy.Jamie Beachy, Willa Hall, Chantelle Thomas, Ingmar Gorman & Kelley C. O’Donnell - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (1):67-71.
    As research therapists with hundreds of hours of clinical experience supporting adults with PTSD in Phase 3 trials of MDMA assisted-therapy (MAT), we appreciate the opportunity to respond to this s...
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    Beyond Eschatology: Environmental Pessimism and the Future of Human Hoping.Willa Swenson-Lengyel - 2017 - Journal of Religious Ethics 45 (3):413-436.
    In much environmentally concerned literature, there is a burgeoning concern for the status and sustainability of human hope. Within Christian circles, this attention has often taken the form of eschatological reflection. While there is important warrant for attention to eschatology in Christian examinations of hope, I claim that to move so quickly from hope to eschatology is to confuse a species of Christian hope for a definition of hope itself; as such, it is important for theological ethicists to examine hope (...)
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  30. Japanese Buddhist Temples in Hawaii: An Illustrated Guide.George J. Tanabe & Willa Jane Tanabe - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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    Moral Paralysis and Practical Denial: Environmental Ethics in Light of Human Failure.Willa Swenson-Lengyel - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 37 (2):171-187.
    In environmental ethics, there has been too little attention to the question of why changes in environmental beliefs do not simply result in changes in behavior, given that this gap between belief and behavior is widespread. In this essay, I argue that two forms of inaction that exhibit this gap can be helpfully analyzed by reading them in terms of a Lutheran account of sin. To make the argument, I distinguish seven forms of and reasons for inaction, from which I (...)
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    Resting-State Brain Signal Variability in Prefrontal Cortex Is Associated With ADHD Symptom Severity in Children.Jason S. Nomi, Elana Schettini, Willa Voorhies, Taylor S. Bolt, Aaron S. Heller & Lucina Q. Uddin - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:318051.
    Atypical brain function in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been identified using both task-activation and functional connectivity fMRI approaches. Recent work highlights the potential for another measure derived from functional neuroimaging data, brain signal variability, to reveal insights into clinical conditions. Higher brain signal variability has previously been linked with optimal behavioral performance. At present, little is known regarding the relationship between resting-state brain signal variability and ADHD symptom severity. The current study examined the relationship between a measure of moment-to-moment brain (...)
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    Corrigendum: Resting-State Brain Signal Variability in Prefrontal Cortex Is Associated With ADHD Symptom Severity in Children.Jason S. Nomi, Elana Schettini, Willa Voorhies, Taylor S. Bolt, Aaron S. Heller & Lucina Q. Uddin - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    James, Cather, Vollmann, and the Distinction of Historical Fiction.Robert L. Caserio - 2004 - Symploke 12 (1):106-129.
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  35. Willa Boesak.Justice Truth - 1996 - In H. Russel Botman & Robin M. Petersen, To remember and to heal: theological and psychological reflections on truth and reconciliation. Johannesburg: Thorold's Africana Books [distributor]. pp. 65.
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    Kulturni pluralizam i pravednost u recepciji Willa Kymlicke.Marita Brčić - 2008 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 28 (1):49-61.
    Shvaćajući kulturni pluralizam kao činjenicu suvremenog liberalno demokratskog društva, uočava se njegova problematičnost u odnosu na same liberalno-demokratske ideje. Demokracija polazi od prava većine, a liberalizam polazi od pojedinca kojemu su osigurana temeljna prava i dužnosti zanemarujući činjenicu njegova mogućeg pripadanja manjinskoj kulturi. Može li se odgovor na zahtjev kulturne različitosti pronaći isključivo u teoriji ljudskih prava ili je potrebno dopustiti postavljanje posebnih prava za pripadnike različitih manjinskih kultura? Je li takva posebna prava dovode u pitanje ideal jednakosti koji se (...)
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    Music, Silence, and the Spirituality of Willa Gather.Richard Giannone - 2005 - Renascence 57 (2):123-149.
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    Religion in the Novels of Willa Gather.John J. Murphy - 1975 - Renascence 27 (3):125-144.
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    The Arts of Contemplative Care: Pioneering Voices in Buddhist Chaplaincy and Pastoral Work ed. by Cheryl A. Giles and Willa B. Miller. [REVIEW]Richard Seager & Sid Brown - 2014 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 34:211-214.
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    Géraldi LEROY, Julie BERTRAND-SABIANI, La Vie littéraire à la Belle Époque, Paris, PUF, coll. « Perspectives littéraires », 1998 ; Willa Z. SILVERMAN, Gyp, la dernière des Mirabeau, Paris, Perrin, 1998, traduit de l'anglais par Françoise Werne. [REVIEW]Anne Richardot - 2000 - Clio 11:20-20.
    Avec le retour en force de l'histoire littéraire dans l'Université, un nouvel intérêt se fait jour pour les périodes quelque peu négligées par la critique. Comme d'autres tournants de siècles, la Belle Époque est de celles-là : outre leur fonction obligée de transition, les deux ou trois décennies qui précèdent la Grande Guerre souffrent sans doute de leur foisonnement intellectuel même, dont ne se dégagent pas vraiment ces grandes figures, ou ces écoles littéraires dûment définies qui..
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    Some hope for Kant’s Groundwork III.Joe Saunders - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (9):2902-2929.
    Kant worries that if we are not free, morality will be nothing more than a phantasm for us. In the final section of the Groundwork, he attempts secure our freedom, and with it, morality. Here is a simplified version of his argument: A rational will is a free willA free will stands under the moral lawTherefore, a rational will stands under the moral lawIn this paper, I attempt to defuse two prominent objections to this argument. Commentators often worry that (...)
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    Preface.Scott Paeth & Kevin Carnahan - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 37 (2):7-12.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:PrefaceScott Paeth and Kevin CarnahanThis issue of the Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics is organized around the theme of structural evil. Each of the essays deals with some dimension of the problem of how we can conceive of evil beyond the question of simple human volition, and understand it as embedded in the institutions and cultural assumptions that we often take for granted as societal givens.Cristina Traina's (...)
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