Results for 'Wen-jie Huang'

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  1.  6
    Wen xue yu zhe xue de rong he: 20 shi ji Zhongguo zuo jia jie shou Nicai shi lun.Huaijun Huang - 2017 - Beijing Shi: Zhi shi chan quan chu ban she.
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    Jie suo xin"shi" jie: yi ge she hui ke xue jia de sheng huo tan suo, jian gou ji jie jue"wo" yu"zhi shi" de wen ti.Yinggui Huang - 2022 - Taibei Shi: San Min Shu Ju Gu Fen You Xian Gong Si.
    什麼是當代新知識?它是怎麼發現、怎麼建構的? 每個人所具備的知識都受到當代時空環境的影響,並且由於人生經歷不同,每個人對於同樣的知識也會有不同理解,並進一步創造或發現可以面對時代問題的新知識。 再現對當代的想像?東埔社布農族獨創排球新規則告訴你! 在東埔社人創造的排球新規則中,第一局發球方同時發兩個球,只有兩個球都贏時才算得分,雙方各贏一球不算得分。第二局雙方各發一球,同樣是兩球都贏時才算得分,否則不算得分。這兩局都贏就算贏,只有平手戰到第三局 時,才恢復平常大家所熟悉的規則來決勝負。 新規則的創造是用來再現他們對於當代的想像。他們常說,以前只要努力工作就能成功,就如同過去打排球只打一個球,只要專心打這個球便可。但當代則完全不同,一個人必須同時注意許多事情而無法專心,就像同時玩兩個排 球一樣。 在文學作品、日劇啟發下,試圖找尋有效再現當代的觀念與解釋方式 ◆大江健三郎在《燃燒的綠樹》中,描繪既沒有教義、又沒有儀式、只有個人的修煉及諸教合一、以及一旦擴大就沒落等當代新興宗教的新現象,讓人重新思考如何有效處理當代的「宗教」問題。 ◆村上龍的《希望之國》中,日本國中生在北海道創立「國中之國」,使人意識到民族國家已經過時、不再是理所當然的存在,因它是會破產的。 ◆日劇「電車男」反映了網路不僅是新自由主義化的前提,更提示我們當代的人群結合方式早已超越了過去社會科學所強調的血緣、地緣,乃至於志願性團體等原則。 ◆「我們的教科書」中被霸凌的國中女生,創造出過去的我、當下的我、未來的我三個自我,來解決被同學視為不存在的透明人而導致自殺的問題,呈現當代多重自我的普遍化趨勢。 本書中,作者嘗試以自身生命經驗的體悟為基礎、以種種日常為啟發,提示我們現在與過去如何的不同,期盼人們也能從生活中體會新時代的痕跡。先感知才能有突破,才能思考如何創造「新知識」來面對新時代的挑戰,以及解 答未來我們將何去何從?本書試圖提供您一個探索及思考的方向。 好評推薦:(按姓氏筆畫排) 丁仁傑 中央研究院民族學研究所研究員 王甫昌 中央研究院社會學研究所研究員 李丁讚 國立清華大學社會學研究所教授 林開世 國立臺灣大學人類學博物館館長 陳文德 中央研究院民族學研究所兼任副研究員 黃冠閔 中央研究院中國文哲研究所研究員 張正衡 國立臺灣大學人類學系副教授 張隆志 國立臺灣歷史博物館館長 蔡怡佳 輔仁大學宗教學系教授 鄭瑋寧 中央研究院民族學研究所副研究員.
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  3. Di San Bu Fen : Hou Ren Lei Sheng Ming Zheng Zhi : Di Liu Pian, Zhong de Shen Ti Yu Ke Ji / Lin Jian Guang - di Qi Pian, XI Xie Gui Shang Xian : Yi Ji Jie Ke Shi Jing Shen Fen XI Lun Dang Dai Ke Ji Wen Hua.Huang Han Yu - 2014 - In Jiann-Guang Lin & Yulin Li (eds.), Saiboge yu hou ren lei zhu yi. Taibei Shi: Hua yi xue shu.
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  4. "Bian zheng fa di yao su", "Tan tan bian zheng fa wen ti" nei rong jian jie.Yucai Huang - 1982 - [Nanjing shi]: Jiangsu sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing. Edited by Qingbao Wang.
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  5.  10
    Sheng tai mei xue tan suo: quan guo di san jie sheng tai mei xue xue shu yan tao hui lun wen ji.Dingsheng Yuan & Bingsheng Huang (eds.) - 2005 - Beijing Shi: Min zu chu ban she.
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    Apology and Its Acceptance: Perceived Reconciliatory Attitudes Reduce Outgroup Dehumanization.Wen Jie Jin, Sang Hee Park & Joonha Park - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:809513.
    Based on real-life intergroup animosities originating from a historical conflict, the current study examined how the perceived stance of the outgroup about the conflict affects the dehumanization of the outgroup. In Study 1 (N= 120), Korean undergraduates attributed morehuman natureto the Japanese after reading an article that the Japanese government did (vs. refused to) issue an official apology for a historical wrong. In turn, the more human nature assigned to the Japanese predicted higher expectations about positive mutual relations in the (...)
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  7.  16
    Stoneley waves between two magneto-electro-elastic half planes.Wen-Jie Feng, Jing Jin & Ernie Pan - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (12):1801-1810.
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    Cytoskeleton network participates in the anti‐infection responses of macrophage.Jie Mei, Xinyi Huang, Changyuan Fan, Jianwu Fang & Yaming Jiu - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (8):2200225.
    During immune responses against invading pathogenic bacteria, the cytoskeleton network enables macrophages to implement multiple essential functions. To protect the host from infection, macrophages initially polarize to adopt different phenotypes in response to distinct signals from the microenvironment. The extracellular stimulus regulates the rearrangement of the cytoskeleton, thereby altering the morphology and migratory properties of macrophages. Subsequently, macrophages degrade the extracellular matrix (ECM) and migrate toward the sites of infection to directly contact invading pathogens, during which the involvement of cytoskeleton‐based (...)
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  9.  26
    Body ownership and the four-hand illusion.Wen-Yeo Chen, Hsu-Chia Huang, Yen-Tung Lee & Caleb Liang - 2018 - Scientific Reports 8 (2153):1-17.
    Recent studies of the rubber hand illusion (RHI) have shown that the sense of body ownership is constrained by several factors and yet is still very flexible. However, exactly how flexible is our sense of body ownership? In this study, we address this issue by investigating the following question: is it possible that one may have the illusory experience of owning four hands? Under visual manipulation, the participant adopted the experimenter’s first-person perspective (1PP) as if it was his/her own. Sitting (...)
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  10.  20
    Life Satisfaction Predicts Perceived Social Justice: The Lower Your Life Satisfaction, the Less Just You Perceive Society to Be.Qifan Jia, Jie Zhou & Mingquan Huang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    It has been well established that life satisfaction is related to perceived social justice. However, current theories provide contrary assumptions on the direction of the influence. In this research, we use data from two longitudinal surveys collected in China to test the reciprocal relations between life satisfaction and perceived social justice over time. With a random intercept cross-lagged panel model, we disaggregate the between-person effect and the within-person effect of the relationship. To specify the conditions of the effect, we consider (...)
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  11.  19
    Reduction of Interhemispheric Homotopic Connectivity in Cognitive and Visual Information Processing Pathways in Patients With Thyroid-Associated Ophthalmopathy.Chen-Xing Qi, Zhi Wen & Xin Huang - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    PurposeThyroid-associated ophthalmopathy is a vision threatening autoimmune and inflammatory orbital disease, and has been reported to be associated with a wide range of structural and functional abnormalities of bilateral hemispheres. However, whether the interhemisphere functional connectivity of TAO patients is altered still remain unclear. A new technique called voxel-mirrored homotopic connectivity combined with support vector machine method was used in the present study to explore interhemispheric homotopic functional connectivity alterations in patients with TAO.MethodsA total of 21 TAO patients and 21 (...)
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  12.  43
    Body-as-Subject in the Four-Hand Illusion.Caleb Liang, Yen-Tung Lee, Wen-Yeo Chen & Hsu-Chia Huang - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9 (1710):1-9.
    In a recent study (Chen et al., 2018), we conducted a series of experiments that induced the “four-hand illusion”: using a head-mounted display (HMD), the participant adopted the experimenter’s first-person perspective (1PP) as if it was his/her own 1PP. The participant saw four hands via the HMD: the experimenter’s two hands from the adopted 1PP and the subject’s own two hands from the adopted third-person perspective (3PP). In the active four-hand condition, the participant tapped his/her index fingers, imitated by the (...)
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  13.  36
    Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion providing better glycemic control and quality of life in Type 2 diabetic subjects hospitalized for marked hyperglycemia.I.-Te Lee, Yi-Ju Liau, Wen-Jane Lee, Chien-Ning Huang & Wayne H.-H. Sheu - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (1):202-205.
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    Improvement in health‐related quality of life, independent of fasting glucose concentration, via insulin pen device in diabetic patients.I.-Te Lee, Hsiu-Chen Liu, Yi-Ju Liau, Wen-Jane Lee, Chien-Ning Huang & Wayne Huey-Herng Sheu - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (4):699-703.
  15.  82
    Experiential ownership and body ownership are different phenomena.Caleb Liang, Wen-Hsiang Lin, Tai-Yuan Chang, Chi-Hong Chen, Chen-Wei Wu, Wen-Yeo Chen, Hsu-Chia Huang & Yen-Tung Lee - 2021 - Scientific Reports 10602 (11):1-11.
    Body ownership concerns what it is like to feel a body part or a full body as mine, and has become a prominent area of study. We propose that there is a closely related type of bodily self-consciousness largely neglected by researchers—experiential ownership. It refers to the sense that I am the one who is having a conscious experience. Are body ownership and experiential ownership actually the same phenomenon or are they genuinely different? In our experiments, the participant watched a (...)
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  16.  71
    Body ownership and experiential ownership in the self-touching illusion.Caleb Liang, Si-Yan Chang, Wen-Yeo Chen, Hsu-Chia Huang & Yen-Tung Lee - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5 (1591):1-13.
    We investigate two issues about the subjective experience of one's body: first, is the experience of owning a full-body fundamentally different from the experience of owning a body-part?Second, when I experience a bodily sensation, does it guarantee that I cannot be wrong about whether it is me who feels it? To address these issues, we conducted a series of experiments that combined the rubber hand illusion (RHI) and the “body swap illusion.” The subject wore a head mounted display (HMD) connected (...)
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  17.  51
    Moderate Partially Reduplicated Conditioned Stimuli as Retrieval Cue Can Increase Effect on Preventing Relapse of Fear to Compound Stimuli.Junjiao Li, Wei Chen, Jingwen Caoyang, Wenli Wu, Jing Jie, Liang Xu & Xifu Zheng - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Multi-modal graph contrastive encoding for neural machine translation.Yongjing Yin, Jiali Zeng, Jinsong Su, Chulun Zhou, Fandong Meng, Jie Zhou, Degen Huang & Jiebo Luo - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 323 (C):103986.
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    Time perspective and family history of alcohol dependence moderate the effect of depression on alcohol dependence: A study in Chinese psychiatric clinics.Haiyan Wang, Yichen Zhu, Jie Shi, Xiaoyu Huang & Xiaoying Zhu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundDepression and alcohol dependence are among the most prevalent psychiatric disorders that commonly co-occur. Therefore, gaining a better grasp of factors related to this comorbidity is particularly interesting for clinicians. Past research has highlighted the significant role that time perspective and family history of alcohol dependence play in the occurrence of depression and AD. However, much remains unexplored in the understanding of the association between them. This study explored how temporal profile and other sociodemographic characteristics of patients diagnosed with AD (...)
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  20.  20
    Extended Conceptual Metaphor Theory.Jie Huang - 2020 - Metaphor and Symbol 35 (4):302-305.
    In the book Extended Conceptual Metaphor Theory, Zoltán Kövecses presents a holistic view of how conceptual and contextual factors influence metaphor production and comprehension, with a comprehens...
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  21.  34
    The Influence of Corporate Elites on Women on Supervisory Boards: Female Directors’ Inclusion in Germany.Jie Huang, Marjo-Riitta Diehl & Sandra Paterlini - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 165 (2):347-364.
    Although we can observe noticeable progress in gender diversity on corporate boards, these boards remain far from gender balanced. Our paper builds on social identity theory to examine the impact of corporate elites—men and women who sit on multiple corporate boards—on board diversity. We extend the main argument of social identity theory concerning favouritism based on homophily by suggesting that boards with men with multiple appointments are unwilling to include female board members to protect the monopoly value generated by their (...)
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  22.  36
    Personnel Scheduling Problem under Hierarchical Management Based on Intelligent Algorithm.Li Huang, Chunming Ye, Jie Gao, Po-Chou Shih, Franley Mngumi & Xun Mei - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-14.
    This paper studies a special scheduling problem under hierarchical management in nurse staff. This is a more complex rostering problem than traditional nurse scheduling. The first is that the rostering requirements of charge nurses and general nurses are different under hierarchical management. The second is that nurses are preferable for relative fair rather than absolute fair under hierarchical management. The model aims at allocating the required workload to meet the operational requirements, weekend rostering preferences, and relative fairness preferences. Two hybrid (...)
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    A Study on Lump Solutions to a Generalized Hirota-Satsuma-Ito Equation in -Dimensions.Wen-Xiu Ma, Jie Li & Chaudry Masood Khalique - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-7.
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  24. Song Ming ru xue zhi chong gou: Wang Chuanshan zhe xue wen ben de quan shi = Reconstruction of Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism Interpretation of Wang Chuan-shan's Philosophical Texts.Zhihua Cheng - 2022 - Wuhan: Wuhan da xue chu ban she.
    Ben shu ji yu Wang Chuanshan zhe xue wen ben, can zhao "nei zai quan shi" de li lu yi ji quan shi zhi "dao" "shu" de ce lüe ji qiao, dui wang chuan shan zhe xue jin xing yan jiu, ti chu zhu ru Song Ming ru xue "san xi shuo", "wu zhong shi" ji xian shi shi jie de yu zhou lun, "tai ji" ben ti lun, xing zhi qian zai yu shi xian, liang ge ceng mian de (...)
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  25.  49
    Chinese nurses’ perceived barriers and facilitators of ethical sensitivity.Fei Fei Huang, Qing Yang, Jie Zhang, Kaveh Khoshnood & Jing Ping Zhang - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (5):507-522.
    Background: An overview of ethical sensitivity among Chinese registered nurses is needed to develop and optimize the education programs and interventions to cultivate and improve ethical sensitivity. Aim: The study was conducted to explore the barriers to and facilitators of ethical sensitivity among Chinese registered nurses working in hospital settings. Research design: A convergent parallel mixed-methods research design was adopted. Participants and research context: In the cross-sectional quantitative study, the Chinese Moral Sensitivity Questionnaire–revised version was used to assess the levels (...)
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  26. Geschiedenheit und Ungeschiedenheit Husserls Bewubteinsphilosophie und Nishidas "Zen no Kenkyû".Wen-Hong Huang - 1999 - Recherches Husserliennes 12:113-138.
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    Cross-cultural validation of the moral sensitivity questionnaire-revised Chinese version.Fei Fei Huang, Qing Yang, Jie Zhang, Qing Hua Zhang, Kaveh Khoshnood & Jing Ping Zhang - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (7):784-793.
    Background: Ethical issues pose challenges for nurses who are increasingly caring for patients in complicated situations. Ethical sensitivity is a prerequisite for nurses to make decisions in the best interest of their patients in daily practice. Currently, there is no tool for assessing ethical sensitivity in Chinese language, and no empirical studies of ethical sensitivity among Chinese nurses. Research objectives: The study was conducted to translate the Moral Sensitivity Questionnaire–Revised Version (MSQ-R) into Chinese and establish the psychometric properties of the (...)
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  28.  29
    Influence of Transparency on Employees’ Ethical Judgments: A Case of Russia.Wen-yeh Huang - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (4):1177-1189.
    After the USSR collapsed, the Russian economy underwent serious changes from being plan-based to a market economy. These changes, together with political instability, created a business environment where no attention was paid to ethics. Russian managers have little experience operating in a market economy, which created many misunderstandings with foreign partners, especially regarding ethical issues of doing business. This study examined the factors influencing the ethical judgments of Russian employees to understand how they perceive ethical issues and make ethical or (...)
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  29.  81
    Green Innovation and Performance: The View of Organizational Capability and Social Reciprocity.Jing-Wen Huang & Yong-Hui Li - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 145 (2):309-324.
    Synthesizing insights from a dynamic capability perspective and social network theory, this study identifies the factors influencing green innovation and examines the relationships between influencing factors, green innovation, and performance. This study uses structural equation modeling to test the research hypotheses. The results indicate that dynamic capability, coordination capability, and social reciprocity are significant drivers of green innovation, including green product innovation and green process innovation. Green product and process innovation have positive effects on environmental performance and organizational performance. These (...)
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  30.  22
    Bodo Winter (2019). Sensory Linguistics: Language, Perception and Metaphor.Jie Huang - 2020 - Interaction Studies 21 (2):297-302.
    This article reviews Sensory Linguistics: Language, Perception and Metaphor.
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    Chuan tong Zhonghua wen hua yu xian dai jia zhi de ji dang.Junjie Huang & Zhonghua Wen Ming de 21. Shi Ji Xin Yi Yi Xi Lie Xue Shu Yan Tao Hui (eds.) - 2002 - Beijing: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
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    Longitudinal measurement invariance of the meaning in life questionnaire in Chinese college students.Jie Luo, Fu-Chuan Tang, Ren Yang, Jie Gong, Cheng-Kui Yao, Xinquan Huang, Wei Chen & Shuo-Ying Zhao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The Meaning in Life Questionnaire is a popular tool to measure the presence of and one’s search for meaning in life. Although the validity of the MLQ has been verified in previous studies, the evidence from longitudinal measurement invariance of the MLQ is still lacking. The current study aimed to examine the LMI of the MLQ in a sample of Chinese college students at a 1-year interval. Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis was used to examine the LMI of the MLQ over (...)
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    Interaction Effect of Sex and Body Mass Index on Gray Matter Volume.Yufei Huang, Xianjie Li, Todd Jackson, Shuaiyu Chen, Jie Meng, Jiang Qiu & Hong Chen - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Ethical Challenges to Punitive Law on Drug Users in China.Huang Wen - 2014 - Asian Bioethics Review 6 (2):158-173.
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    How Does the Social Support Influence Junior College Students’ Occupational Identity in Pre-school Education?Jie Huang, Tianqi Qiao, Zhanmei Song & Jingfeng Yan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveThis study aimed to investigate the multiple mediating effects of achievement motivation and subjective wellbeing between social support and individual occupational identity.MethodsQuestionnaire method was used in this study. 565 junior college students majoring in pre-school education were tested by social support scale, achievement motivation scale, subjective wellbeing scale, and occupational identity scale.Results There isn’t significant relationship between perceptions of social support and individual occupational identity. Achievement motivation and subjective wellbeing individually play a mediating role between social support and individual occupational (...)
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    Number of Meanings and Number of Senses: An ERP Study of Sublexical Ambiguities in Reading Chinese Disyllabic Compounds.Hsu-Wen Huang & Chia-Ying Lee - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Sense of 1PP-Location Contributes to Shaping the Perceived Self-location Together with the Sense of Body-Location.Hsu-Chia Huang, Yen-Tung Lee, Wen-Yeo Chen & Caleb Liang - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8 (370):1-12.
    Self-location—the sense of where I am in space—provides an experiential anchor for one's interaction with the environment. In the studies of full-body illusions, many researchers have defined self-location solely in terms of body-location—the subjective feeling of where my body is. Although this view is useful, there is an issue regarding whether it can fully accommodate the role of 1PP-location—the sense of where my first-person perspective is located in space. In this study, we investigate self-location by comparing body-location and 1PP-location: using (...)
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  38.  16
    Research trends and hotspot analysis of age-related hearing loss from a bibliographic perspective.Qingjia Cui, Na Chen, Cheng Wen, Jianing Xi & Lihui Huang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundUp-to-date information about the trends of age-related hearing loss and how this varies between countries is essential to plan for an adequate health-system response. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the research hotpots and trends in ARHL and to provide the basis and direction for future research.Materials and methodsThe Web of Science Core Collection database was searched and screened according to the inclusion criteria during 2002–2021. Bibliometric analyses were conducted by CiteSpace software and VOSviewer software.ResultsThe query identified 1,496 publications, which (...)
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    A New Dynamic Path Planning Approach for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.Chenxi Huang, Yisha Lan, Yuchen Liu, Wen Zhou, Hongbin Pei, Longzhi Yang, Yongqiang Cheng, Yongtao Hao & Yonghong Peng - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-17.
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    Deep Recurrent Model for Server Load and Performance Prediction in Data Center.Zheng Huang, Jiajun Peng, Huijuan Lian, Jie Guo & Weidong Qiu - 2017 - Complexity:1-10.
    Recurrent neural network has been widely applied to many sequential tagging tasks such as natural language process and time series analysis, and it has been proved that RNN works well in those areas. In this paper, we propose using RNN with long short-term memory units for server load and performance prediction. Classical methods for performance prediction focus on building relation between performance and time domain, which makes a lot of unrealistic hypotheses. Our model is built based on events, which is (...)
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  41.  22
    Culture-Related and Individual Differences in Regional Brain Volumes: A Cross-Cultural Voxel-Based Morphometry Study.Chih-Mao Huang, Robert Doole, Changwei W. Wu, Hsu-Wen Huang & Yi-Ping Chao - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  42.  12
    Do Personality Traits Matter? Exploring Anti-drug Behavioral Patterns in a Computer-Assisted Situated Learning Environment.Tien-Chi Huang & Yu-Jie Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Drug abuse has been and continues to be, a common social issue worldwide, yet the efficiency of widely adopted sweeping speech for anti-drug campaigns has proven inefficient. To provide students with a safe and efficient learning situation related to drug refusal skills, we used a novel approach rooted in a serious learning game and concept map during a brief extracurricular period to help students understand drugs and their negative effects. The proposed game-based situational learning system allowed all students to participate (...)
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    Altered Brain Structure and Functional Connectivity of Primary Visual Cortex in Optic Neuritis.Jing Huang, Yunyun Duan, Sidong Liu, Peipeng Liang, Zhuoqiong Ren, Yang Gao, Yaou Liu, Xiaojun Zhang, Jie Lu & Kuncheng Li - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Prediction of Communication Impairment in Children With Bilateral Cerebral Palsy Using Multivariate Lesion- and Connectome-Based Approaches: Protocol for a Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study.Jie Hu, Jingjing Zhang, Yanli Yang, Ting Liang, Tingting Huang, Cheng He, Fuqin Wang, Heng Liu & Tijiang Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    BackgroundBilateral cerebral palsy is the most common type of CP in children and is often accompanied by different degrees of communication impairment. Several studies have attempted to identify children at high risk for communication impairment. However, most prediction factors are qualitative and subjective and may be influenced by rater bias. Individualized objective diagnostic and/or prediction methods are still lacking, and an effective method is urgently needed to guide clinical diagnosis and treatment. The aim of this study is to develop and (...)
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  45.  13
    Analysis of Beam-Column Designs by Varying Axial Load with Internal Forces and Bending Rigidity Using a New Soft Computing Technique.Wen Huang, Tianhua Jiang, Xiucheng Zhang, Naveed Ahmad Khan & Muhammad Sulaiman - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-19.
    Design problems in structural engineering are often modeled as differential equations. These problems are posed as initial or boundary value problems with several possible variations in structural designs. In this paper, we have derived a mathematical model that represents different structures of beam-columns by varying axial load with or without internal forces including bending rigidity. We have also developed a novel solver, the LeNN-NM algorithm, which consists of weighted Legendre polynomials, and a single path following optimizer, the Nelder–Mead algorithm. To (...)
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    Entrepreneur Hubris, Organizational Ambidexterity, and Dynamic Capability Construction.Yan Guo, Pei-Wen Huang, Chu Ciu, Shih-Chieh Fang & Fu-Sheng Tsai - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This paper demonstrated the influences of initiation, development, turn-down, and reinitiation of the dynamic capability of an entrepreneurial firm in the solar energy industry. The focus is on the impact of entrepreneurial hubris, which may affect the decision of ambidexterity that can vitalize dynamic capability. The findings indicate that, when the major decision maker has the trait of hubris, the decision-making process may be overly arbitrary, and a decision of being exploratory or exploitative alone is likely to be made. On (...)
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    The Role of Entrepreneur Cognition on Core Rigidity.Yan Guo, Pei-Wen Huang, Meihui Chou, Shih-Chieh Fang & Fu-Sheng Tsai - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Against the backdrop of economic internationalization and market globalization, the world has witnessed faster competitive contents with a more dynamic market environment, a more rapid technological innovation, and more diverse customer needs. Thus, for every enterprise especially led by entrepreneurs, the focus is to maintain the sustainability of competitive advantages and dynamically transform core capacity to avoid rigidity. This paper introduces the process of the deepened rigidity in WS Co. Company, which occurs due to the wrong cognition of Dr. S (...)
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    A Comparison of Caregiver Burden for Different Types of Dementia: An 18-Month Retrospective Cohort Study.Wen-Chien Huang, Ming-Che Chang, Wen-Fu Wang & Kai-Ming Jhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundThis study aimed to elucidate the influence of dementia etiologies on the degree of caregiver burden and determine which factors predict a high caregiving burden.MethodsThis 18-month retrospective cohort study enrolled 630 patients and their caregivers from the Dementia Center of Changhua Christian Hospital. The care team performed face-to-face interviews every 6 months, for 18 months from when a diagnosis of dementia was made. The primary outcome was the change in Zarit Burden Interview scores. Generalized estimating equations were used for the (...)
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    Neural Terminal Sliding-Mode Control for Uncertain Systems with Building Structure Vibration.Jianhui Wang, Wenli Chen, Zicong Chen, Yunchang Huang, Xing Huang, Wenqiang Wu, Biaotao He & Chunliang Zhang - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-9.
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    Predictions of mechanical and thermodynamic properties of Mg17Al12and Mg2Sn from first-principles calculations.Wen-Cheng Hu, Yong Liu, Xiao-Wu Hu, De-Jiang Li, Xiao-Qin Zeng, Xue Yang, Ying-Xuan Xu, Xiao-shu Zeng, Ke-Gang Wang & Bo-Long Huang - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (15):1626-1645.
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