Results for 'Fuqin Wang'

963 found
  1.  25
    Prediction of Communication Impairment in Children With Bilateral Cerebral Palsy Using Multivariate Lesion- and Connectome-Based Approaches: Protocol for a Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study.Jie Hu, Jingjing Zhang, Yanli Yang, Ting Liang, Tingting Huang, Cheng He, Fuqin Wang, Heng Liu & Tijiang Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    BackgroundBilateral cerebral palsy is the most common type of CP in children and is often accompanied by different degrees of communication impairment. Several studies have attempted to identify children at high risk for communication impairment. However, most prediction factors are qualitative and subjective and may be influenced by rater bias. Individualized objective diagnostic and/or prediction methods are still lacking, and an effective method is urgently needed to guide clinical diagnosis and treatment. The aim of this study is to develop and (...)
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  2. Chê Hsüeh Chung Ti K'o Hsüeh Fang Fa.Bertrand Russell & Hsing-Kung Wang - 1966 - T'ai-Wan Shang Wu Yin Shu Kuan.
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    A logic of goal-directed knowing how.Yanjing Wang - 2018 - Synthese 195 (10):4419-4439.
    In this paper, we propose a decidable single-agent modal logic for reasoning about goal-directed “knowing how”, based on ideas from linguistics, philosophy, modal logic, and automated planning in AI. We first define a modal language to express “I know how to guarantee \ given \” with a semantics based not on standard epistemic models but on labeled transition systems that represent the agent’s knowledge of his own abilities. The semantics is inspired by conformant planning in AI. A sound and complete (...)
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    Improving the ballistic AC conductivity through quantum resonance in branched nanowires.Vicenta Sánchez & Chumin Wang - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (3):326-333.
  5. Lun heng dao du.Changwu Tian & Chong Wang - 1989 - Chengdu: Sichan sheng xin hua shu dian jing xiao. Edited by Chong Wang.
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  6. Kant's Strange Light: Romanticism, Periodicity, and the Catachresis of Genius.Orrin N. C. Wang - 2000 - Diacritics 30 (4):15-37.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 30.4 (2000) 15-37 [Access article in PDF] Kant's Strange LightRomanticism, Periodicity, and the Catachresis of Genius Orrin N. C. Wang We might say that in deconstruction history is always posed as a question, at once urgent, ubiquitous, and insoluble, whereas ideological demystification conceives of its relation to history as an answer, a solution, to its critical hermeneutic. Certainly, this critical truism has special force in Romantic studies, (...)
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    Effects of redundancy on speeded classification of integral and nonintegral stimuli.Barbara C. Schumann & Marilyn D. Wang - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (4):221-224.
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    The reading of the decorating patterns on Westem Han lacquered wooden plate unearthed in Mianyang.Wang Xiansheng - 2003 - Journal of Religious Studies (Misc) 2:001.
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    Fifty Years of Chinese Historiography.Wang Xuedian - 2011 - Chinese Studies in History 45 (2-3):7-69.
  10.  36
    The minimal system ${\rm L}'_0$.Xue Gang Wang - 1992 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 33 (4):569-575.
  11.  22
    On the Process of Rebuilding the Shanghai Underground.Wang Yaoshan - 1994 - Chinese Studies in History 28 (2):37-55.
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    A good antidote to yelangism: Reading critical theory.Wang Zhihe - 1999 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 31 (2):247–250.
  13. Wei Yuan.Wang Jiajian zhu - 1999 - In Dahua Zheng, Baoqian Lu, Jiajian Wang & Shiqiang Lü, Bao Shichen, Gong Zizhen, Wei Yuan, Feng Guifen. Taibei Shi: Taiwan shang wu yin shu guan.
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  14. Xue Fucheng.Wang Ermin zhu - 1999 - In Lie He, Zeng Guofan, Guo Songtao, Wang Tao, Xue Fucheng, Zheng Guanying, Hu Liyuan. Taibei Shi: Taiwan shang wu yin shu guan.
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  15. Justice in the Expansion of Medical Insurance Coverage in China.Wang Chunshui - 2010 - Asian Bioethics Review 2 (3):173-181.
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  16.  27
    On Variations in Huizhou Women's Chastity Behaviors During the Ming and Qing Dynasties.Wang Chuanman - 2012 - Chinese Studies in History 45 (4):43-57.
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  17.  34
    Against Theory Beside Romanticism: The Sensation of the Signifier.Orrin Nan Chung Wang - 2005 - Diacritics 35 (2):3-29.
    Walter Benn Michaels's The Shape of the Signifier: 1967 to the End of History makes the ostensive cul-de-sac of identity politics the dominant symptom of postmodernism per se. The Shape connects its argument to the controversy over intention and interpretation created by Steven Knapp and Walter Benn Michaels's twenty-year-old essay "Against Theory." This very connection, however, highlights the not-quite-acknowledged presence of a certain type of romanticism in both works that each also wants to attack. Misunderstanding Paul de Man's notion of (...)
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  18.  25
    Thermal stability of nanotwinned and nanocrystalline microstructures produced by cryogenic shear deformation.D. Sagapuram, Z. Wang & C. Saldana - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (30):3413-3430.
  19. Xunzi: A Paradigm of Rationalistic Virtue Ethics in Early Confucianism.Wang Kai - 2013 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 8 (3):388-396.
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  20. Representation and Explanation.Jennifer Wang - 2016 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 93 (2):462-468.
  21.  13
    Makesi zhu yi zhe xue Zhongguo hua yu dang dai Zhongguo zhe xue jian she =.Hui Sun & Xinyan Wang (eds.) - 2011 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
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  22. Shen jian tong jian. Qian fu lun tong jian.Yue Xun & Fu Wang (eds.) - 1987 - Shanghai: Xin hua shu dian Shanghai fa xing suo fa xing.
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    The Romantic Generation of Modern Chinese Writers.C. H. Wang & Leg Ou-Fan Lee - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (1):100.
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  24.  31
    Modulation of Interhemispheric Functional Coordination in Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy.Longxiang Tao, Lu Wang, Xingui Chen, Fujun Liu, Feiyan Ruan, Jingjie Zhang, Li Shen & Yongqiang Yu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  25. Ke xue xue jiao cheng.Fu Tian & Xingcheng Wang (eds.) - 1983 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
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  26.  53
    Subjects/titles.Mikko Tuhkanen, Elizabeth Grosz, Orrin Nc Wang & Walter Benn Michaels - forthcoming - Diacritics.
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    Art as sedimentation.Keping Wang - 2010 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 37 (1):131-138.
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    A Theorem on Definitions of the Zermelo‐Neumann Ordinals.Hao Wang - 1967 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 13 (16-18):241-250.
  29.  9
    Bian zheng fa yan jiu.Kexiao Wang, Yanhan Peng & Zaizi Zhang (eds.) - 1993 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she.
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  30.  8
    Cheng fa de zhe li.Lifeng Wang - 2006 - Beijing: Qing hua da xue chu ban she.
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    Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene modulates private self-consciousness and self-flexibility.Bei Wang, Wenzhao Ru, Xing Yang, Lu Yang, Pengpeng Fang, Xu Zhu, Guomin Shen, Xiaocai Gao & Pingyuan Gong - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 44:186-192.
  32.  14
    Criminal law-based copyright protection with entrepreneurial spirit.Wenjing Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study aims to optimize the enterprise criminal law-based copyright protection. This exploration discusses the role of the entrepreneurial spirit in criminal law-based copyright protection. To study the relationship between ES and criminal law-based copyright protection, the concepts of ES, criminal law-based copyright protection, and enterprise innovation are given. Next, by collecting literature, hypotheses are put forward. They include the relationship between ES and enterprise innovation, ES and the criminal law-based copyright protection, and the intermediary role of ES in the (...)
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  33. Chʻien shu ku chin shan o yin kuo pao ying.Chʻi-mou Wang (ed.) - 1975
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  34.  67
    Designing confucian conscience into social networks.Tom Wang - 2016 - Zygon 51 (2):239-256.
    Several scholars have argued that Internet use might be fundamentally incompatible with Confucian ethics, because the values that are embedded in the Internet might be in conflict with Confucian values. In addition, the design of various social network services considers very little of non-Western values in its engineering. Against this background, this article explores the philosophical question of whether Internet use, particularly social network services, is compatible with the fundamental values and norms of Confucian ethics. In addition, the article discusses (...)
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  35.  4
    Dang dai xi fang mei xue zhu chao =.Yuechuan Wang - 2019 - Hefei Shi: Huang Shan shu she.
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  36.  13
    Dang dai Zhang Zai xue.Xueqing Wang - 2021 - Xinbei Shi: Lian jing chu ban shi ye gu fen you xian gong si.
    張載思想在當代儒學界引發熱烈論辯, 他是「理學宗師」?還是「氣學之祖」? 是「唯物論/唯氣論」者? 還是「即存有即活動」的儒家「心性論」、「道德的形上學」? 針鋒相對的各種詮釋,使得張載格外具有研究趣味, 也展現他在當代儒學上的學術潛力。 《當代張載學》對張載的關懷集中在心性論與氣化論的交涉之上。作為北宋理學宗師,如同牟宗三以「天道性命相貫通」為張載的中心課題,唐君毅以「人道合天道之道」標示橫渠學性格,天、道、性、心的確是張載經常使用的 核心語詞,張載學乃是儒家傳統意義下的心性論與道德形上學。然而在心性論之外,張載同時使用大量的氣論語言,並且經常在氣化流行中説明世界誠明、物與無妄。由此形成的大有哲學,正是對抗佛老的利器。切割大量氣論, 無疑違反《正蒙》初心。「太虛即氣」正是張載刻意把氣帶入天道性命論域的新哲學命題。 可惜的是,理學內部高舉〈西銘〉,貶抑《正蒙》,「以氣說道」成為對張載經常使用的批評。相較於張載在理學史上未被善待的命運,一九四九年後唯物論氣學與新儒家心性論,或晚近新儒家心性論與先天型氣學的論辯,張載 卻是一重要戰場。當中牽涉對氣的理解,也摻雜政治對立因素,並涉及儒學典範的挑戰。一個張載,多種面貌,其間的拮抗張力使當代張載研究更有挑戰性。張載強調兩端一致、兼體無累,本書相信不僅唯心、唯物對立框架不適 用於張載,也認為心性論與氣化論不必然是二擇一的選題。張載具有打破二元框架、平視心物的潛力,此有待於重新檢證其氣學性格。.
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  37. Dao jia he dao jiao si xiang yan jiu.Ming Wang - 1984 - [Chongqing shi]: Xin hua shu dian Chongqing fa xing suo fa xing.
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  38. Dao jia yu chuan tong wen hua yan jiu.Ming Wang - 1995 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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  39. Die konfuzianischen Begriffe von Rechtlichkeit und Interesse und ihre Wert im modernen China.Rui Shen Wang - 1990 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 24 (61):43-49.
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    Da Xue Wen Hua Zhe Xue: Da Xue Wen Hua Ji Shi Yi Zhong Cun Zai Geng Shi Yi Zhong Xin Yang.Yisheng Wang - 2012 - Zhongshan da Xue Chu Ban She.
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  41.  14
    Entropy of eye movement during rapid automatized naming.Hongan Wang, Fulin Liu, Yuhong Dong & Dongchuan Yu - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Numerous studies have focused on the understanding of rapid automatized naming, which can be applied to predict reading abilities and developmental dyslexia in children. Eye tracking technique, characterizing the essential ocular activities, might have the feasibility to reveal the visual and cognitive features of RAN. However, traditional measures of eye movements ignore many dynamical details about the visual and cognitive processing of RAN, and are usually associated with the duration of time spent on some particular areas of interest, fixation counts, (...)
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  42.  29
    Hemispheric Differences in Functional Interactions Between the Dorsal Lateral Prefrontal Cortex and Ipsilateral Motor Cortex.Yanqiu Wang, Na Cao, Yitong Lin, Robert Chen & Jian Zhang - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  43. Han Fei yü Ma-chi-wei-li pi chiao yen chiu.Tsan-yüan Wang - 1972
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    Handbook of research on ethical challenges in higher education leadership and administration.Viktor Wang (ed.) - 2020 - Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
    This book examines leadership strategies that allow administrators to be proactive, visionary, and flexible while increasing collaboration, open communication, and closely integrating theory and practice to ensure successful administration in higher education settings.
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  45. How to interpret correctly one-divides-into-two+ debates on the unity of opposites in materialist dialectic in china after the cultural-revolution.Zp Wang - 1980 - Chinese Studies in Philosophy 12 (1):70-88.
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    Investigation on the influence of the brand image of higher educational institutions on satisfaction and customer lifetime value.Cheng-Cai Wang, Chin-Tsu Chen & Chun-Fu Chen - 2012 - Educational Studies 38 (5):593-608.
    This study aimed to discuss the relationships among the brand image of universities (external variables), university satisfaction (mediating variables) and customer lifetime value (internal variables). The findings can serve as a reference for higher educational institutions in strengthening their advantages and overcoming their shortcomings, as well as for administrative decision-making. A questionnaire survey was conducted on university students in Taiwan, and 470 valid samples were retrieved. The data were analysed with structural equation modelling and multi-group analysis. The results showed that (...)
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  47.  5
    Lun Guanzi.Jinglong Wang - 2019 - Jinan Shi: Qi Lu shu she.
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  48. Lun hêng chi chieh.Chong Wang - 1957 - Edited by Pansui Liu.
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  49. Lun hêng tʻung chien.Chong Wang (ed.) - 1943
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    Mozi bing shu.Yuxi Wang & Di Mo (eds.) - 2000 - Beijing: Beijing tu shu guan chu ban she.
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