Results for 'Weijia Zhang'

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  1. On Laozi's Body Philosophy from the Perspective of Perceptual Existence.Weijia Zeng & Dawei Zhang - 2021 - Journal of Laozi Studies 18 (2):3-12.
    From the perspective of perceptual ontology, Laozi criticizes the unnatural state in which the body is concealed in the perceptual social power and ethical relations, and advocates the perceptual liberation of the body. According to different subjects of the body, the covered body should be divided into people’s body and monarchs’ body. The body of the people is concealed in the rites and music, and could be liberated by resuming production; the body of the monarchs is covered in the excessive (...)
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    Desired Compensation Adaptive Robust Control of an Active Vibration Isolation System.Bo Zhao, Weijia Shi, Ming Zhang, Jiaxin Li & Feng Li - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-11.
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  3. Dao and Time: the Debate about Past and Present in Wang Xuanlan’s Xuanzhulu.Zeng Weijia & Dawei Zhang - 2023 - Religous Studies 138 (1):10-15.
    Wang Xuanlan criticized the view of time defined by Xin (心) through the way of Chongxuan xue (Twofold Mystery) in Xuanzhulu, and advocated a view of time from the perspective of Dao (道). The core proposition of the time of Xin is expressed as “in the pure Xin, all of the past and the present are included”. The whole content of the time of Xin is the “three periods” constituted by the past, present and future. Wang's criticism of the time (...)
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  4. Methods of Doing Daoist Ethics: Analysis, Interpretation and Comparison.Dawei Zhang & Weijia Zeng - 2021 - Social Sciences in Yunnan 240 (2):69-76.
    In order to have an effective and reliable understanding of the basic moral concepts, moral propositions and moral reasoning in Daoist ethical thoughts, it is necessary to use the methods of doing philosophy and doing ethics to engage in research work, and thus draw an intellectual conclusion about Daoist ethics. The methods of Daoist ethics mainly include analysis, explanation and comparison. The method of analysis focuses on logical analysis and language analysis of moral language in the classic texts of Daoist (...)
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    The Effects of Modified Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy in Acute Subcortical Cerebral Infarction.Changshen Yu, Wanjun Wang, Yue Zhang, Yizhao Wang, Weijia Hou, Shoufeng Liu, Chunlin Gao, Chen Wang, Lidong Mo & Jialing Wu - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  6.  44
    Moral distress and its influencing factors: A cross-sectional study in China.Zhang Wenwen, Wu Xiaoyan, Zhan Yufang, Ci Lifeng & Sun Congcong - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (4):470-480.
    Objective:The purpose of this study was to describe the current situation of moral distress and to explore its influencing factors among Chinese nurses.Methods:This is an exploratory, descriptive design study. A total of 465 clinical nurses from different departments in three Grade-III, Level-A hospitals in Jinan, Shandong Province, completed the questionnaires, including demographics questionnaire, Chinese version of Moral Distress Scale–Revised, and Job Diagnostic Survey.Ethical considerations:The study was approved by the university ethics board and the local health service director.Results:The total score of (...)
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  7. Why ChatGPT Doesn’t Think: An Argument from Rationality.Daniel Stoljar & Zhihe Vincent Zhang - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Can AI systems such as ChatGPT think? We present an argument from rationality for the negative answer to this question. The argument is founded on two central ideas. The first is that if ChatGPT thinks, it is not rational, in the sense that it does not respond correctly to its evidence. The second idea, which appears in several different forms in philosophical literature, is that thinkers are by their nature rational. Putting the two ideas together yields the result that ChatGPT (...)
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  8. Two switches in the theory of counterfactuals: A study of truth conditionality and minimal change.Ivano Ciardelli, Linmin Zhang & Lucas Champollion - 2018 - Linguistics and Philosophy (6).
    Based on a crowdsourced truth value judgment experiment, we provide empirical evidence challenging two classical views in semantics, and we develop a novel account of counterfactuals that combines ideas from inquisitive semantics and causal reasoning. First, we show that two truth-conditionally equivalent clauses can make different semantic contributions when embedded in a counterfactual antecedent. Assuming compositionality, this means that the meaning of these clauses is not fully determined by their truth conditions. This finding has a clear explanation in inquisitive semantics: (...)
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    On the hermeneutics of screen time.Jesper Aagaard, Emma Steninge & Yibin Zhang - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (6):2329-2337.
    Screen time has become a hot button issue in psychology with researchers fiercely debating its mental effects. If we want to understand the psychological dynamics of technology use, however, a numerical conceptualization of screen time will lead us to gloss over crucial distinctions. To make this point, the present article takes a hermeneutic approach to a negative form of screen time known as ‘phubbing’, which is the practice of snubbing conversational partners in favor of one’s phone. Using interview data, it (...)
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  10.  48
    The discovery of processing stages: Extension of Sternberg’s method.John R. Anderson, Qiong Zhang, Jelmer P. Borst & Matthew M. Walsh - 2016 - Psychological Review 123 (5):481-509.
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  11. A new multi-server scheme for private information retrieval.Chi Sing Chum & Xiaowen Zhang - 2016 - In Delaram Kahrobaei, Bren Cavallo & David Garber, Algebra and computer science. Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society.
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  12.  13
    Strengths-Based Leadership and Turnover Intention: The Roles of Felt Obligation for Constructive Change and Job Control.Xixi Chu, He Ding, Lihua Zhang & Zhuyi Angelina Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study draws on the substitutes for leadership theory to investigate the association of strengths-based leadership with employee turnover intention and the mediating role of felt obligation for constructive change and the moderating role of job control in the linkage. Data were collected using a three-wave survey from a sample of 317 employees working in a variety of enterprises in China. The multiple regression analyses with bootstrapping procedure were utilized to examine the proposed hypotheses. The results indicate that strengths-based leadership (...)
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  13.  42
    The ability to manipulate speech sounds depends on knowing alphabetic writing.Charles Read, Zhang Yun-Fei, Nie Hong-Yin & Ding Bao-Qing - 1986 - Cognition 24 (1-2):31-44.
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  14.  28
    Hopf Bifurcation and Dynamic Analysis of an Improved Financial System with Two Delays.G. Kai, W. Zhang, Z. Jin & C. Z. Wang - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-13.
    The complex chaotic dynamics and multistability of financial system are some important problems in micro- and macroeconomic fields. In this paper, we study the influence of two-delay feedback on the nonlinear dynamics behavior of financial system, considering the linear stability of equilibrium point under the condition of single delay and two delays. The system undergoes Hopf bifurcation near the equilibrium point. The stability and bifurcation directions of Hopf bifurcation are studied by using the normal form method and central manifold theory. (...)
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  15. Authoring Selves in Language Teaching: A Dialogic Approach to Language Teacher Psychology.Shan Chen, Lawrence Jun Zhang & Judy M. Parr - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The teacher self is a composite psychological construct which encompasses the cognitive, affective, emotional, and social dimensions of teaching. This qualitative study draws on Bakhtin’s concepts of dialogism, answerability, and addressivity to discuss how English language teachers negotiated the shifting and conflictive context to construct selves in relation to the promoted communicative language teaching approach. Based on narrative interviews and classroom observations with five tertiary English teachers in China, we found that these teachers were actively engaged in the dialog with (...)
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  16. What do you think I think you think?: Strategic reasoning in matrix games.Trey Hedden & Jun Zhang - 2002 - Cognition 85 (1):1-36.
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    (1 other version)Key Concepts in Chinese Philosophy.Dainian Zhang - 2002 - Yale University Press.
    This book is both a good introduction to Chinese philosophy and an invaluable reference tool for sinologists. Comments by important Chinese thinkers are arranged around sixty-four key concepts to illustrate their meaning and use through twenty-five centuries of Chinese philosophy. This unique guide was prepared by Zhang Dainian, one of China’s most famous living philosophers. Zhang reaches back to include concepts in use before the oracle bones —what could be called a philosophical “prehistory.” But the focus of the (...)
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  18.  24
    Association of Race and Ethnicity With High Longevity Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation Under the US Kidney Allocation System.Nour Asfour, Kevin C. Zhang, Jessica Lu, Peter P. Reese, Milda Saunders, Monica Peek, Molly White, Govind Persad & William F. Parker - forthcoming - American Journal of Kidney Diseases.
  19.  15
    Challenging or Threatening? The Double-Edged Sword Effect of Intelligent Technology Awareness on Accountants’ Unethical Decision-Making.Meng Bai, He Zhang, Junrui Zhang, Yuhui Jiang & Junmin Xu - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-17.
    Intelligent technology introduces both opportunities and challenges in the realm of employee ethics. While intelligent technology is widely believed to combat employee unethical behavior by enhancing transparency and reducing discretionary decisions, it may also inadvertently promote unethical conduct by triggering awareness of job substitution (i.e., intelligent technology awareness [ITA]). This study investigates how ITA affects accountants’ unethical decision-making (i.e., UDM). Drawing on the cognitive appraisal theory of stress and self-regulation theory, we theorize a double-edged sword impact of ITA on UDM. (...)
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  20.  33
    A Sociocultural Perspective on English-as-a-Foreign-Language (EFL) Teachers’ Cognitions About Form-Focused Instruction.Qiang Sun & Lawrence Jun Zhang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    There has been much research into teacher beliefs about teaching and learning as seen in the general teacher education literature. In the field of language teacher education, this line of research has been evolving, with the recent trend being streamlined into “teacher cognition” as a generic or umbrella term. Despite increasing amounts of research output so far, research into foreign language teachers’ cognitions about their own teaching and decision-making is still insufficient, particularly with regard to university-level English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) teachers in (...)
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  21.  18
    Emancipating Women by Reorganizing the Family.Zhang Weici - 1997 - Chinese Studies in History 31 (2):63-68.
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    From Sino—African Relations Comes a Steady Stream of Enlightening Guidance.Zhang Xiang - 2008 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 40 (1):11-28.
  23.  29
    Cross-Domain Effects of Ethical Leadership on Employee Family and Life Satisfaction: the Moderating Role of Family-Supportive Supervisor Behaviors.Shuxia Zhang & Yidong Tu - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (4):1085-1097.
    Drawing on the work–family enrichment theory, the present study investigates the cross-domain effects of ethical leadership on employees’ family and life satisfaction. Moreover, it focuses on the mediating role of work–family enrichment and the moderated mediation process of family-supportive supervisor behaviors underlying the relationship between ethical leadership and employees’ family and life satisfaction. Using a sample of 371 employees and their immediate supervisors in China, we found that WFE mediated the relationship between ethical leadership and employee-rated and supervisor-rated family and (...)
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    A Two-Stage Offline-to-Online Multiobjective Optimization Strategy for Ship Integrated Energy System Economical/ Environmental Scheduling Problem.Qing An, Jun Zhang, Xin Li, Xiaobing Mao, Yulong Feng, Xiao Li, Xiaodi Zhang, Ruoli Tang & Hongfeng Su - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    The economical/environmental scheduling problem of the ship integrated energy system has high computational complexity, which includes more than one optimization objective, various types of constraints, and frequently fluctuated load demand. Therefore, the intelligent scheduling strategies cannot be applied to the ship energy management system online, which has limited computing power and storage space. Aiming at realizing green computing on SEMS, in this paper a typical SIES-EESP optimization model is built, considering the form of decision vectors, the economical/environmental optimization objectives, and (...)
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    Young Children Intuitively Divide Before They Recognize the Division Symbol.Emily Szkudlarek, Haobai Zhang, Nicholas K. DeWind & Elizabeth M. Brannon - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Children bring intuitive arithmetic knowledge to the classroom before formal instruction in mathematics begins. For example, children can use their number sense to add, subtract, compare ratios, and even perform scaling operations that increase or decrease a set of dots by a factor of 2 or 4. However, it is currently unknown whether children can engage in a true division operation before formal mathematical instruction. Here we examined the ability of 6- to 9-year-old children and college students to perform symbolic (...)
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  26.  89
    Composite Face Effect Predicts Configural Encoding in Visual Short-Term Memory.Lilian Azer & Weiwei Zhang - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Firm governance structures, earnings management, and carbon emission disclosures in Chinese high‐polluting firms.Ali Abbas, Guoqing Zhang, Bilal & Ye Chengang - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (4):1470-1489.
    This study examines the influence of firm governance structures (board size, independence, CEO duality, director share ownership, and board meeting frequency) in relation to carbon emission disclosures by high-polluting Chinses firms. In addition, the study further examined the moderating role of earnings management on this relationship. In line with stakeholder and agency theories, our study identified that the large and independent boards exercise and demonstrate a higher degree of carbon emission disclosures. However, CEO duality and director share ownership are associated (...)
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    Unconscious attention modulates the silencing effect of top-down predictions.Xu Chen, Guangming Ran, Qi Zhang & Tianqiang Hu - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 34:63-72.
  29.  17
    Correction to: On the hermeneutics of screen time.Jesper Aagaard, Emma Steninge & Yibin Zhang - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-1.
    In the Original publication of the article the revised date was erroneously published as: 20 August 2017 the correct date is: 20 August 2020.
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    Prosodic expectations in silent reading: ERP evidence from rhyme scheme and semantic congruence in classic Chinese poems.Qingrong Chen, Jingjing Zhang, Xiaodong Xu, Christoph Scheepers, Yiming Yang & Michael K. Tanenhaus - 2016 - Cognition 154 (C):11-21.
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    Visual form perception is fundamental for both reading comprehension and arithmetic computation.Jiaxin Cui, Yiyun Zhang, Sirui Wan, Chuansheng Chen, Jieying Zeng & Xinlin Zhou - 2019 - Cognition 189 (C):141-154.
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    Dynamic Analysis and Robust Control of a Chaotic System with Hidden Attractor.Huaigu Tian, Zhen Wang, Peijun Zhang, Mingshu Chen & Yang Wang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    In this paper, a 3D jerk chaotic system with hidden attractor was explored, and the dissipativity, equilibrium, and stability of this system were investigated. The attractor types, Lyapunov exponents, and Poincare section of the system under different parameters were analyzed. Additionally, a circuit was carried out, and a good similarity between the circuit experimental results and the theoretical analysis testifies the feasibility and practicality of the original system. Furthermore, a robust feedback controller was designed based on the finite-time stability theory, (...)
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  33.  18
    Complex Dynamical Behavior in the Shear-Displacement Model for Bulk Metallic Glasses during Plastic Deformation.Cun Chen, Shaokang Guan & Liying Zhang - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-13.
    In this paper, a fresh shear-displacement model is developed for the plastic deformation of the bulk metallic glasses. The multiscale behavior in the shear banding process and the dynamics transition with the parameters are investigated in analytical form. We present a theoretical support for the transition from unstable states to stable states in the experiment by multiscale analysis and the stability analysis. With the small parameter increasing from negative to positive, the stability of the shear slipping displacement system changes, and (...)
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    Contextual effects on number–time interaction.Aitao Lu, Bert Hodges, Jijia Zhang & John X. Zhang - 2009 - Cognition 113 (1):117-122.
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  35.  21
    How Do Auditors Value Hypocrisy? Evidence from China.Xingqiang Du, Yiqi Zhang, Shaojuan Lai & Hexin Tao - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-33.
    Drawing on the cognitive dissonance theory and the behavioral consistency theory, this study examines whether hypocrisy, proxied by the ethical dissonance between corporate philanthropy and environmental misconducts, triggers auditors to issue modified audit opinions (MAOs), and further investigates the moderating effect of hypocrisy on the relation between financial reporting quality (proxied by discretionary accruals) and MAOs. Using a sample of 20,852 firm-year observations from the Chinese stock market over 2005–2019, our findings reveal that the likelihood of receiving MAOs is significantly (...)
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  36.  43
    Ethical human resource management mitigates the positive association between illegitimate tasks and employee unethical behaviour.Silu Chen, Wenxing Liu, Guanglei Zhang & Hai-Jiang Wang - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 31 (2):524-535.
    Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, Volume 31, Issue 2, Page 524-535, April 2022.
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    A CDST Perspective on Variability in Foreign Language Learners’ Listening Development.Pengyun Chang & Lawrence Jun Zhang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:601962.
    Within a Complex Dynamic Systems Theory (CDST) framework, this longitudinal qualitative study explored the complex patterns and identified the degree of variability in three learners’ developmental process. Learners’ listening performance was tracked and examined every 6 weeks, followed by retrospective interviews and self-reflections every 7 weeks over the 43-month span. A series of CDST techniques were adopted for data analysis, including using min–max graphs to trace the minimum and maximum scores on the EFL learners’ listening developmental indices over time. Monte-Carlo (...)
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  38.  17
    Childhood Experiences and Psychological Distress: Can Benevolent Childhood Experiences Counteract the Negative Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences?Hao Hou, Caochen Zhang, Jie Tang, Jingjing Wang, Jiaqi Xu, Qin Zhou, Wenjun Yan, Xiuyin Gao & Wei Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundChildhood experiences can exert a huge impact on adult psychological conditions. Previous studies have confirmed the effects of adverse childhood experiences and benevolent childhood experiences on psychological distress separately, but few studies explored a combined effect of ACEs and BCEs on psychological distress. The aim of this study was to explore a combined effect of ACEs and BCEs on psychological distress among Chinese undergraduates.MethodsParticipants were undergraduates aged 17–24 years and completed a self-reported questionnaire. A series of regression analyses were conducted (...)
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  39. Zhongguo jin dai zhe xue shi.Wailu Hou & Qizhi Zhang (eds.) - 1979 - [Beijing]: Xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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  40. Zhongguo si xiang shi gang =.Wailu Hou & Qizhi Zhang (eds.) - 2004 - Shanghai: Shanghai shu dian chu ban she.
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    A proof of topological completeness for S4 in.Grigori Mints & Ting Zhang - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 133 (1-3):231-245.
    The completeness of the modal logic S4 for all topological spaces as well as for the real line , the n-dimensional Euclidean space and the segment etc. was proved by McKinsey and Tarski in 1944. Several simplified proofs contain gaps. A new proof presented here combines the ideas published later by G. Mints and M. Aiello, J. van Benthem, G. Bezhanishvili with a further simplification. The proof strategy is to embed a finite rooted Kripke structure for S4 into a subspace (...)
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    Managing relational conflict in Korean social enterprises: The role of participatory HRM practices, diversity climate, and perceived social impact.Jeong Won Lee, Long Zhang, Matt Dallas & Hyun Chin - 2018 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (1):19-35.
    Social enterprises are hybrid organizations that primarily pursue social missions while also seeking economic gains. Drawing on workplace diversity and conflict theories, this article addresses recent calls for further research to explore how employees within social enterprises experience internal conflicts arising from the organizational pursuit of dual, competing missions (i.e., social and economic), and how social enterprises manage, and potentially overcome, these challenges. In the context of Korean social enterprise, we conducted a quantitative study that built on an initial explorative (...)
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  43.  26
    Understanding the Complexity of Teacher Emotions From Online Forums: A Computational Text Analysis Approach.Zixi Chen, Xiaolin Shi, Wenwen Zhang & Liaojian Qu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Coupling immunity and programmed cell suicide in prokaryotes: Life-or-death choices.Eugene V. Koonin & Feng Zhang - 2017 - Bioessays 39 (1):e201600186.
    Host‐pathogen arms race is a universal, central aspect of the evolution of life. Most organisms evolved several distinct yet interacting strategies of anti‐pathogen defense including resistance to parasite invasion, innate and adaptive immunity, and programmed cell death (PCD). The PCD is the means of last resort, a suicidal response to infection that is activated when resistance and immunity fail. An infected cell faces a decision between active defense and altruistic suicide or dormancy induction, depending on whether immunity is “deemed” capable (...)
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  45.  53
    Father–Child Longitudinal Relationship: Parental Monitoring and Internet Gaming Disorder in Chinese Adolescents.Binyuan Su, Chengfu Yu, Wei Zhang, Qin Su, Jianjun Zhu & Yanping Jiang - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  46.  25
    Ten Thousand Things: Nurturing Life in Contemporary Beijing.Judith Farquhar & Qicheng Zhang - 2012 - Zone Books.
    Examines the myriad ways contemporary residents of Beijing understand and nurture the good life, practice the embodied arts of everyday well-being, and in doing so draw on cultural resources ranging from ancient metaphysics to modern media.
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  47.  20
    The Spirit of Shaolin on Screen.Melissa Croteau & Xin Zhang - 2023 - In Robert H. Scott & James McRae, Introduction to Buddhist East Asia. Albany, NY: SUNY Press. pp. 255-279.
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  48. The Relationship Between Mindful Agency and Self-Leadership of Chinese Private College Undergraduates: Mediating Effect of Metacognitive Ability.Zhaojun Chen & Xingxia Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    As one of 21st century key skills, self-leadership is not only the internal factor of private college undergraduates’ independent development, but also related to the quality improvement of talent cultivation of private undergraduate colleges. It is proved that mindfulness or metacognition separately has the predictive effect on self-leadership, but their structural relationships has not been revealed. The present study explored the interrelations between mindful agency, metacognitive ability, and self-leadership through the mediation analysis with structural equation modeling, and bootstrapping was conducted (...)
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    Can resilience promote calling among Chinese nurses in intensive care units during the COVID-19 pandemic? The mediating role of thriving at work and moderating role of ethical leadership.Tao Sun, Shu-E. Zhang, Hong-yan Yin, Qing-lin Li, Ye Li, Li Li, Yu-Fang Gao, Xian-Hong Huang & Bei Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundNurses working in the intensive care unit clung tenaciously to their job during the COVID-19 pandemic in spite of enduring stressed psychological and physical effects as a result of providing nursing care for the infected patients, which indicates that they possessed a high degree of professionalism and career calling. The aim of this study was to explain the associations between resilience, thriving at work, and ethical leadership influencing the calling of ICU nurses.MethodsFrom December 2020 to January 2021 during the COVID-19 (...)
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    Loop-separable programs and their first-order definability.Yin Chen, Fangzhen Lin, Yan Zhang & Yi Zhou - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (3-4):890-913.
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