Results for 'Zeng Weijia'

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  1. On Laozi's Body Philosophy from the Perspective of Perceptual Existence.Weijia Zeng & Dawei Zhang - 2021 - Journal of Laozi Studies 18 (2):3-12.
    From the perspective of perceptual ontology, Laozi criticizes the unnatural state in which the body is concealed in the perceptual social power and ethical relations, and advocates the perceptual liberation of the body. According to different subjects of the body, the covered body should be divided into people’s body and monarchs’ body. The body of the people is concealed in the rites and music, and could be liberated by resuming production; the body of the monarchs is covered in the excessive (...)
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  2. Methods of Doing Daoist Ethics: Analysis, Interpretation and Comparison.Dawei Zhang & Weijia Zeng - 2021 - Social Sciences in Yunnan 240 (2):69-76.
    In order to have an effective and reliable understanding of the basic moral concepts, moral propositions and moral reasoning in Daoist ethical thoughts, it is necessary to use the methods of doing philosophy and doing ethics to engage in research work, and thus draw an intellectual conclusion about Daoist ethics. The methods of Daoist ethics mainly include analysis, explanation and comparison. The method of analysis focuses on logical analysis and language analysis of moral language in the classic texts of Daoist (...)
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  3. Dao and Time: the Debate about Past and Present in Wang Xuanlan’s Xuanzhulu.Zeng Weijia & Dawei Zhang - 2023 - Religous Studies 138 (1):10-15.
    Wang Xuanlan criticized the view of time defined by Xin (心) through the way of Chongxuan xue (Twofold Mystery) in Xuanzhulu, and advocated a view of time from the perspective of Dao (道). The core proposition of the time of Xin is expressed as “in the pure Xin, all of the past and the present are included”. The whole content of the time of Xin is the “three periods” constituted by the past, present and future. Wang's criticism of the time (...)
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    Zeng Jinyi Zi Xuan Ji =.Jinyi Zeng - 2007 - Guangdong Ren Min Chu Ban She.
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    Ting jing: fu Zeng Guofan, Zuo Zongtang, Li Hongzhang, Peng Yulin, Zeng Guoquan deng Xiang Huai zhong zhen shou ji.Guofan Zeng - 2007 - Beijing Shi: Zhong gong zhong yang dang xiao chu ban she.
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  6.  17
    Zeng Fanren xue shu wen ji =.Fanren Zeng - 2021 - Beijing Shi: Ren min chu ban she.
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  7.  64
    Three Necessities in Kant’s Theory of Taste: Necessary Universality, Necessary Judgement, and Necessary Free Harmony.Weijia Wang - 2018 - International Philosophical Quarterly 58 (3):255-273.
    This paper argues that the structural obscurity in Kant’s Critique of the Power of Judgment reflects his tacit employment of three correlated but distinct notions: necessity considered as the universal validity of the judgment of taste; necessity considered as a feature of the judgment itself; and necessity considered as a feature of the mental free harmony that obtains in judging certain forms with taste. These distinctions have not been sufficiently recognized by commentators so far. Clarification of these three notions can (...)
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    Shuo bu jin de Zhongguo ren: Zeng Shiqiang tan min zu jing shen.Shiqiang Zeng - 2013 - Beijing Shi: Zhongguo gong ren chu ban she.
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  9.  44
    (1 other version)From Mechanical Inexplicability to a System of Ends: Kant on Organisms as Natural Ends.Weijia Wang - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 31 (5):689-706.
    In Critique of the Power of Judgment, Kant claims organisms are to be judged as ‘natural ends’, which are products of nature but inexplicable by mechanical laws of nature. The conception of natural ends necessarily leads to the idea of nature in its whole as a system of ends. This paper proposes an interpretation of Kant’s biological teleology that can be compatible with modern science. Mechanical laws in the third Critique are understood as empirical causal laws that determine all phenomena. (...)
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  10.  12
    Relational Agency of University Teachers of Chinese as a Second Language: A Personal Network Perspective.Weijia Yang, Citing Li & Xuesong Gao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Relational agency is pivotal for understanding how language teachers seek and utilize relational resources in different contexts and grow to be agents of change amid various educational challenges. This study explored how three university teachers of Chinese as a second language enacted their relational agency to enhance their research capacity and sustain their professional development. Data on their personal network development was collected through concentric circle interviews, life-history interviews and written reflections over three months. Thematic analysis was adopted for iterative (...)
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  11.  18
    Yi lin ou tan.Zeng Fan - 2016 - Beijing: Beijing shi dai Hua wen shu ju.
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    Dong Zhongshu zhe xue si xiang yan jiu: yi "tian ren he yi" si xiang jia gou wei he xin.Zeng Li - 2022 - Taibei shi: Tangshan chu ban she.
    秉春秋之筆 明善惡之辨 ——西漢.董仲舒 本書之成書為研究董仲舒哲學思想之論文集,其研究所據之資料為史漢之〈董仲舒傳〉,董氏之《春秋繁露》。其內容涵蓋董仲舒天人合一之思想、知識論、董氏春秋倫理判斷,以及道德論等。作者在研究中盡力指出董氏所以錯 謬之邏輯推論,以「證偽」,亦襯托其古「董」之精美之處。在中國古代聖賢中所倡言的天人相合的理論裡,不乏有精闢之論,然而其中有其系統而最為專精者,在古代哲人中,則莫過於董仲舒之「天人合一」之論,是以作者對 是事關心而研究焉。.
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    A Modern" Totem": On the Lyrical Form and Aesthetic Consciousness of Yu Dafu's Self-Narrative Novels.Zeng Pan - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetic Education (Misc) 3:015.
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  14.  21
    Comparative TEM study on as-cast ingot and nodular bainite of Cu-14.9%Sn alloy.Zeng-Jie Wang & Toyohiko J. Konno - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (4):420-438.
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    Ecological Citizenship and Green Burial in China.Chen Zeng, William Sweet & Qian Cheng - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (6):985-1001.
    In 2012, China officially declared, as a national strategy of governance, the development of ecological consciousness, the promotion of what has been called “eco-civilization,” and the development of “ecological citizens.” In this paper, we argue that the concept of green burial reflects a number of the values underlying “eco-civilization” and ecological citizenship: respect for nature, respect for humanity, and the ecologically-sensitive rational awareness of the “harmony between nature and humanity, as in the saying “天人合一” Tian Ren He Yi = “Nature (...)
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  16.  58
    Kant on the Formation of Empirical Concepts.Weijia Wang - 2021 - Kant Studien 112 (2):195-216.
    According to Kant’s lectures on logic, the formation of empirical concepts consists in the logical acts of comparison, reflection, and abstraction. This paper defends the tenability of Kant’s account by solving two prominent difficulties identified by commentators. Firstly, I justify Kant’s chronological presentation of the three acts by clarifying two meanings of ‘comparison’ in his writings: while comparison-1 refers to apprehension in relation to apperception and precedes reflection, comparison-2 refers to a twofold operation comprising both comparison-1 and reflection, such that (...)
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  17.  86
    Kant's Argument for the Principle of Anticipations of Perception.Weijia Wang - 2018 - Philosophical Forum 49 (1):61-81.
    In the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant presents the Principle of Anticipations of Perception as follows: ‘In all appearances the real, which is an object of the sensation, has intensive magnitude, i.e., a degree.’ This paper defends the tenability and coherence of Kant’s argument by solving three prominent difficulties identified by commentators. Firstly, on my interpretation, the schema of the category of ‘limitation’ presents an infinite sphere of possible realities, which provides the transcendental basis for the Principle. Secondly, I take (...)
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  18.  45
    (1 other version)Artistic Proofs: A Kantian Approach to Aesthetics in Mathematics.Weijia Wang - 2019 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 56 (2):223-243.
    This paper explores the nature of mathematical beauty from a Kantian perspective. According to Kant’s Critique of the Power of Judgment, satisfaction in beauty is subjective and non-conceptual, yet a proof can be beautiful even though it relies on concepts. I propose that, much like art creation, the formulation and study of a complex demonstration involves multiple and progressive interactions between the freely original imagination and taste. Such a proof is artistic insofar as it is guided by beauty, namely, the (...)
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  19.  91
    Beauty as the Symbol of Morality: A Twofold Duty in Kant’s Theory of Taste.Weijia Wang - 2018 - Dialogue 57 (4):853-875.
    Dans la troisièmeCritique, Kant prétend que la beauté est le symbole de la moralité et que la réflexion sur cette relation est un devoir. Cet article présente l’argument de Kant comme un double argument. Premièrement, l’expérience de la beauté renforce notre sentiment moral. Deuxièmement, à travers le jugement sur le beau, nous supposons que la nature poursuit des fins indéterminées, sur la base de quoi l’on pourrait concevoir que la nature coopère à nos fins pratiques. Ainsi, dans l’intérêt de la (...)
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  20.  60
    Health professionals' attitude towards information disclosure to cancer patients in China.Zeng Tieying, Huang Haishan, Zhao Meizhen, Li Yan & Fang Pengqian - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (3):356-363.
    A self-designed questionnaire was given to 634 health professionals in a large teaching hospital in Hubei Province in mainland China, to clarify the participants’ attitude towards information disclosure to cancer patients. Statistic description was used to analyze the data. The item ‘inappropriate information about cancer easily leads to medical disputes’ scored highest at 3.86, while the scores of such items as ‘advantages of fully informing patients outweigh disadvantages’, ‘if their family members demand nondisclosure, you will find it difficult to cooperate (...)
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  21.  79
    Kant’s Mathematical Sublime: The Absolutely Great in Aesthetic Estimation.Weijia Wang - 2020 - Kantian Review 25 (3):465-485.
    According to Kant’s Critique of the Power of Judgement, in the end all estimation of magnitude is sensible, or ‘aesthetic’, and the absolutely great in aesthetic estimation is called ‘the mathematical sublime’. This article identifies the relevant sensible element with an inner sensation of a temporal tension: in aesthetic comprehension, the imagination encounters an inevitable tension between the successive reproduction of a magnitude’s individual parts and the simultaneous unification of these parts. The sensation of this tension varies in degree and (...)
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  22.  39
    A Study of Roger Ames's Views on Translation of Classical Texts in Chinese Philosophy.Zeng Chunlian - 2010 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 41 (3):77-87.
  23.  11
    Zhongguo zhe xue gai lun = Introduction to Chinese philosophy.Zeng Chunhai (ed.) - 2005 - Taibei shi: Wu nan tu shu chu ban gong si.
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    Zhuan xing qi de Zhongguo mei xue: Zeng Fanren mei xue wen ji.Fanren Zeng - 2007 - Beijing: Shang wu yin shu guan.
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  25.  45
    An Introduction to Developments in Studies of Modern Chinese History in the Last Five Years.Zeng Jingzhong - 1991 - Chinese Studies in History 25 (2):53-65.
  26.  39
    Concurrent emergence of Hume-Rothery phases in Cu-8.6% Sn alloy annealed at 573 K.Zeng-Jie Wang & Toyohiko J. Konno - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (14):1618-1639.
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    Dao de bian qian lun =.Guangle Zeng - 2010 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she.
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  28. Dao de yu dao de shi jian.Zhaoxu Zeng - 1932 - Taibei Shi: Han guang wen hua shi ye gu fen you xian gong si.
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  29.  6
    Liang Han zhe xue.Shili Zeng - 2011 - Kunming Shi: Yunnan da xue chu ban she.
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  30.  8
    Ou Mei zuo yi wen lun yu Zhongguo wen ti =.Jun Zeng (ed.) - 2016 - Shanghai Shi: Shanghai da xue chu ban she.
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  31.  16
    Parental autonomy support and future-oriented coping among high school students: Serial mediation of future time perspective and meaning in life.Lianping Zeng, Xia Peng, Xiaoye Zeng, Hui Wang, Shifei Xiao & Yan Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Guided by the ecosystem theory, this study aimed to explore the association between parental autonomy support and future-oriented coping of high school students, as well as the mediating effects of future time perspective and meaning in life in this relationship. A total of 707 Chinese high school students were involved in a paper questionnaire survey and data analysis. It was found that parental autonomy support was significantly positively related to future-oriented coping. Mediation analyses demonstrated that parental autonomy support directly affects (...)
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  32. Ru jia zhe xue lun ji.Chunhai Zeng - 1989 - Taibei Shi: Wen jin chu ban she.
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  33.  28
    Retrospective reversal of extinction of conditioned fear by instruction.Qing Zeng, Yanlei Jia, Yuanjun Wang, Junhua Zhang, Chuyi Liu & Xifu Zheng - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 35:171-177.
  34. Xin ling di peng zhuang: lun li she hui xue di xu yu shi.Zhaoxin Zeng & Zhengming Tu (eds.) - 1993 - Changsha Shi: Hunan sheng xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
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  35. Zhen li yuan li lun: chun cui xian shi xue xu shui-di yi fen ce (lun xiang 1-18).Xiaorong Zeng - 2023 - Xinzhu Shi: Guo li Qing hua da xue chu ban she.
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  36. Zhongguo zhe xue jing shen fa zhan shi.Chunhai Zeng (ed.) - 2006 - aTaipei Xian: Guo li Kongzhong da xue chu ban she.
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    Discontinuous precipitation with metastableζphase in a Cu–8.6% Sn alloy.Zeng-Jie Wang & Toyohiko J. Konno - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (8):949-974.
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  38. Lun li zhe xue.Yangru Zeng - 1985 - Taibei Shi: Taiwan shang wu yin shu guan.
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    Yi shi zheng Yi: Yang Wanli Yi xue zhe xue yan jiu.Huadong Zeng - 2011 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she.
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  40. Zong jiao zhe xue.Yangru Zeng - 1986 - Taibei Shi: Taiwan shang wu yin shu guan.
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  41. Zhe xue ti xi chong jian lun.Xiaorong Zeng - 1981 - Taibei: Qing wen chu ban she.
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  42.  95
    Does Relationship Quality Matter in Consumer Ethical Decision Making? Evidence from China.Zhiqiang Liu, Fue Zeng & Chenting Su - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (3):483 - 496.
    This study explores the linear logic between consumer ethical beliefs (CEBs) and consumer unethical behavior (CUB) in a Chinese context. A relational view helps fill the belief–behavior gap by exploring the moderating role of relationship quality in reducing CUBs. Specifically, when consumers are more receptive to a set of actions that may be deemed inappropriate by moral principles, they are more likely to engage in unethical behaviors. However, when consumers perceive their misconduct as possibly damaging to the relationship developed with (...)
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  43.  21
    The Chinese EPOCH Measure of Adolescent Wellbeing: Further Testing of the Psychometrics of the Measure.Guang Zeng & Margaret L. Kern - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Semantic Criticism: The “Westernization” of the Concepts in Ancient Chinese Philosophy—A Discussion of Yan Fu’s Theory of Qi.Zhenyu Zeng - 2011 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 6 (1):100-113.
    Every philosophical mode has a unique conceptual system. Qi has consistently been a fundamental part of ancient Chinese philosophy, and its significance is obvious. Guided by the idea of re-evaluating all values, Yan Fu, who was deeply influenced by Western philosophy and logic, used reverse analogical interpretation to present a new explanation of the traditional Chinese concept of qi. Qi thus evolved into basic physical particles. Yan’s philosophical effort has great significance: The logical ambiguity that had haunted qi was overcome. (...)
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    Lakatos’ Quasi-Empiricism Revisited.Wei Zeng - 2022 - Kriterion – Journal of Philosophy 36 (2):227-246.
    The central idea of Lakatos’ quasi-empiricism view of the philosophy of mathematics is that truth values are transmitted bottom-up, but only falsity can be transmitted from basic statements. As it is falsity but not truth that flows bottom-up, Lakatos emphasizes that observation and induction play no role in both conjecturing and proving phases in mathematics. In this paper, I argue that Lakatos’ view that one cannot obtain primitive conjectures by induction contradicts the history of mathematics, and therefore undermines his quasi-empiricism (...)
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  46. The Influence of Perceived Organizational Support on Police Job Burnout: A Moderated Mediation Model.Xiaoqing Zeng, Xinxin Zhang, Meirong Chen, Jianping Liu & Chunmiao Wu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Objective: Based on the theory of perceived organizational support (POS), conservation of resource (COR) and job demands-resources (JD-R) model, this study establishes a moderated mediation model to test the role of job satisfaction in mediating the relationship between perceived organizational support and job burnout, as well as the role of regulatory emotional self-efficacy in moderating the above mediating process. Method: A total of 784 police officers were surveyed with the Perceived Organizational Support Scale, the Job Burnout Questionnaire, the Regulatory Emotional (...)
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  47.  25
    Corporate Environmental Governance Strategies Under the Dual Supervision of the Government and the Public.Huixiang Zeng, Zhiying Huang, Qiong Zhou, Pengwei He & Xu Cheng - 2023 - Business and Society 62 (4):860-907.
    External regulatory and normative pressures from both the Chinese central environmental protection inspection (CEPI) program and public participation can act together to influence corporate environmental governance behavior. This research uses the multiperiod Difference-In-Differences method to test the compound impact of CEPI and public participation on corporate environmental governance strategies and investigate the underlying influence mechanisms. The results show that CEPI and public participation have a positive compound effect on the corporate “source-control” strategy. A reasonable reduction in pollution charges and increased (...)
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  48.  37
    Using Decision Trees and Soft Labeling to Filter Mislabeled Data.Xinchuan Zeng & Tony Martinez - 2008 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 17 (4):331-354.
  49.  20
    ""A Historical Reflection on the Myth of" Free Market": from Blaudel's Perspective.Zeng Qingwei - 2008 - Modern Philosophy 4:008.
  50.  32
    I Hope to Start My Own Computer Company.Zeng Qitian - 2002 - Chinese Studies in History 36 (1):68-73.
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