Results for 'Weidong Ji'

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  1. Space of Choice and Judicial Discretion in China: A.Weidong Ji - 1990 - International Philosophical Quarterly 30 (1):17-32.
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    Research on the Method of Depression Detection by Single-Channel Electroencephalography Sensor.Xue Lei, Weidong Ji, Jingzhou Guo, Xiaoyue Wu, Huilin Wang, Lina Zhu & Liang Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Depression is a common mental health illness worldwide that affects our quality of life and ability to work. Although prior research has used EEG signals to increase the accuracy to identify depression, the rates of underdiagnosis remain high, and novel methods are required to identify depression. In this study, we built a model based on single-channel, dry-electrode EEG sensor technology to detect state depression, which measures the intensity of depressive feelings and cognitions at a particular time. To test the accuracy (...)
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    Jing ji lun li xue: chao xian dai shi jiao = Economic ethnics: A bevond-modernism perspective.Weidong Tan - 2009 - Beijing Shi: Beijing da xue chu ban she.
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    "3R" shi jiao xia de lü shi fa zhi jian she: Zhong Mei "lü shi bian hu zhi neng yu si fa gong zheng" yan tao hui lun wen ji.Weidong Chen (ed.) - 2004 - Beijing: Zhongguo jian cha chu ban she.
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    Daidōji Yūzan's code of the samurai: a contemporary dual-language edition of the Budō shoshinshū.Yūzan Daidōji - 2007 - Berkeley, Calif.: Ulysses. Edited by A. L. Sadler.
    For almost 700 years shoguns ruled Japan. These "gentleman warriors" developed a dedicated system of honor and strict guidlelines of behavior that Taira Shigesuke first brought together in his 16th century book—Bushido Shoshinshu. Present to a modern audience in clear, easy-to-read English, this new translation captures the majesty of the higher principles as well as the usefulness of the daily advice. From principles such as "a samurai should keep foremost in his mind the fact that he must die" to rules (...)
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    Xian Qin ru jia "shi jiao" mei yu si xiang yan jiu.Weidong He - 2017 - Beijing: Ke xue chu ban she.
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    Er ting si cong.Weidong Luo & Zhiwei Fang (eds.) - 2012 - Hangzhou Shi: Zhejiang da xue chu ban she.
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    Chong xun jiao shi zun yan.Weidong Mao - 2011 - Beijing Shi: Shou du shi fan da xue chu ban she.
  9. Wu lai shun ying: Liang Shuming zhuan ji fang tan lu.Ji'an Bai - 1997 - Taiyuan Shi: Shanxi ren min chu ban Ihe.
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  10. Mengzi yu Zhuangzi de sheng ming jia zhi zhe xue.Weidong Li - 2020 - Taibei Shi: Wu nan tu shu chu ban gu fen you xian gong si.
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  11. Ji Zhe wen ji.Zhe Ji - 2005 - Singapore: You lian shu ju si ren you xian gong si. Edited by Yida Ji & ji Zhe.
    shang ji. Xunzi tong lun -- xia ji. Zhu zi zhuan jian zheng.
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    Cultural Variation and Cultural Creation in Chinese Biographical Writing and Carnegie's Work.Weidong Zhou - 2021 - Cultura 18 (1):81-94.
    In "Cultural Variation and Cultural Creation in Chinese Biographical Writing and Carnegie's Work" Weidong Zhou discusses the impact on Chinese biographical writing via biographies written in Chinese and translated from English about Andrew Carnegie's life and work. The interpretation of Carnegie's philanthropy includes Chinese traditional cultural concepts such as "righteousness," "cause and effect," and "self-cultivation" which constitute the unique understanding of "philanthropy" in modern Chinese literature. From a "moral model" to "successful person" the overall images following Carnegie can reflect (...)
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    Lust, Caution, and Enlightenment: A Reexamination of Su Wukong's Sexuality in Xiyou ji.Ji Hao - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 141 (4):911-930.
    The formation of the character of Sun Wukong has remained one of the most controversial issues in the field of Xiyou ji studies. While acknowledging that different strands might have fed into the image of Sun Wukong in the sixteenth- century novel Xiyou ji, this paper calls attention to complex and sometimes contradictory representations of Sun Wukong’s sexuality and explores the mechanism of displacement that subtly operates in the novel and reveals itself through such representations. It further demonstrates the dual (...)
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    Yōji kyōiku no shisō.Masako Shōji - 1990 - Tōkyō-to Machida-shi: Tamagawa Daigaku Shuppanbu.
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    A Novel Approach for Image Enhancement via Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform.Weidong Tang, Wenlang Luo, Guangyao Li, Chao Li & Yunlan Tan - 2014 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 23 (3):345-355.
    An improved image enhancement approach via nonsubsampled contourlet transform is proposed in this article. We constructed a geometric image transform by combining nonsubsampled directional filter banks and a nonlinear mapping function. Here, the NSCT of the input image is first decomposed for L-levels and its noise standard deviation is estimated. It is followed by calculating the noise variance and threshold calculation, and computing the magnitude of the corresponding coefficients in all directional subbands. Then, the nonlinear mapping function is used to (...)
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    Body-Posture Recognition by Undergraduate Students Majoring in Physical Education and Other Disciplines.Weidong Tao, Bixuan Du, Bing Li, Weiqi He & Hong-Jin Sun - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Influence of Growth Mindset on the Mental Health and Life Events of College Students.Weidong Tao, Dongchi Zhao, Huilan Yue, Isabel Horton, Xiuju Tian, Zhen Xu & Hong-Jin Sun - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Growth mindset refers to our core belief that our talents can be developed through practice, which may influence our thoughts and behaviors. Growth mindset has been studied in a variety of fields, including education, sports, and management. However, few studies have explored whether differences in individuals’ growth mindsets influence college students’ self-reported mental health. Using the Growth Mindset Scale, Adolescent Self-rating Life Events Checklist, and SCL-90 Scale, data was collected from 2,505 freshmen in a University in China. Findings revealed that (...)
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  18. Fen pan yu rong tong: dang dai xin ru jia de xing yu zhi shi guan xi yan jiu.Weidong Zhao - 2006 - Jinan: Qi Lu shu she.
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    Istirātījīyat al-bināʼ al-ḥaḍārī ʻinda Mālik ibn Nabī.Jīlālī Bū Bakr - 2011 - al-Muḥammadīyah, al-Jazāʼir: Dār Qurṭubah lil-Nashr al-Tawziʻ.
    Bennabi, Malek; Islamic civilization; Islamic renewal; philosophy.
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    Dang dai Zhongguo sheng cun wen ti de zhe xue yan jiu.Weidong Wu (ed.) - 2010 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she.
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    Ji Xianlin shuo he xie ren sheng.Xianlin Ji - 2007 - Beijing Shi: Zhongguo shu dian.
    什么样的人生才算是幸福完满的人生,按季羡林的说法是和谐人生,那么怎样的人生才算是和谐,我们该如何面对压力,如何消防除人与人之间的可怕的隔膜,如何处理友情与爱情等,大师季羡林将为读者揭开其中的奥秘,告诉 您如何好好的度过一生.
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  22. "Yue ji" "Sheng wu ai le lun" zhu yi yu yan jiu.Zhongde Cai & Kang Ji - 1997 - Hangzhou Shi: Zhongguo mei shu xue yuan chu ban she. Edited by Kang Ji.
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    Die Fadheit als Lebenskonzept in der chinesischen Kultur.Ren Weidong - 2018 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2018 (3):220-232.
    “Fadheit”, im Sinne des französischen Philosophen und Sinologen Françios Jullien, bedeutet nicht Langeweile, Geschmacklosigkeit oder Indifferentismus, sondern stellt einen grundlegenden Wert der chinesischen Kultur dar. Sie beruht auf Harmonie und enthält als das Ursprüngliche – wie das Wasser, “das später als gebräuchliche Referenz der Fadheit dienen wird”Françios Jullien, Über das Fade – eine Eloge zu Denken und Ästhetik in China. Berlin: Merve Verlag 1999, S. 65. – alle Geschmäcke als Möglichkeiten und verbindet sie untereinander. Von Jullien als das Lebensideal der (...)
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    Lun ge ren zhu yi si chao.Weidong Xia - 2006 - Beijing Shi: Gao deng jiao yu chu ban she. Edited by Ying Li & Zongyuan Yang.
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    Zhongguo gong chan dang si xiang dao de jian she shi lüe.Weidong Xia (ed.) - 2006 - Jinan Shi: Shandong ren min chu ban she.
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    Huang Ji jiao yu si xiang lun yao =.Ji Huang - 2016 - Fuzhou: Fujian jiao yu chu ban she. Edited by Zhongying Shi & Chao Yu.
  27. Wang ji ji.Ji Wang - 2007 - Nanjing Shi: Feng huang chu ban she. Edited by Zhen Wu.
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  28. Śrī Śrījī Bābā abhinandana grantha.Śrījī Bābā & Vinaya (eds.) - 1988 - Bambaī: Śrī Śrījī Bābā Abhinandana Samiti.
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  29. Relational approaches to personal autonomy.Ji-Young Lee - 2023 - Philosophy Compass 18 (5):e12916.
    Individualistic traditions of autonomy have long been critiqued by feminists for their atomistic and asocial presentation of human agents. Relational approaches to autonomy were developed as an alternative to these views. Relational accounts generally capture a more socially informed picture of human agents, and aim to differentiate between social phenomena that are conducive to our agency versus those that pose a hindrance to our agency. In this article, I explore the various relational conceptualizations of autonomy profferred to date. I critically (...)
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  30. Code of the samurai: a modern translation of the Bushidō shoshinshū.Yūzan Daidōji - 1999 - Boston: Tuttle. Edited by Thomas F. Cleary & Oscar Ratti.
    The Code of the Samurai is a four-hundred-year-old explication of the rules and expectations embodied in Bushido, the Japanese way of the warrior. Bushido has played a major role in shaping the behavior of modern Japanese government, corporations, society.
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  31. Muktigāthā mahāmānavācī: pūrṇayogī Aravinda: jīvana āṇi tattvajñāna.Śivājīrāva Bhosale - 1973
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    (1 other version)Ji Xianlin tan ren sheng.Xianlin Ji - 2007 - Beijing Shi: Dang dai Zhongguo chu ban she.
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  33. Ji Xianlin xue shu wen hua sui bi.Xianlin Ji - 1996 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
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    Identifying and Predicting Autism Spectrum Disorder Based on Multi-Site Structural MRI With Machine Learning.YuMei Duan, WeiDong Zhao, Cheng Luo, XiaoJu Liu, Hong Jiang, YiQian Tang, Chang Liu & DeZhong Yao - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Although emerging evidence has implicated structural/functional abnormalities of patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder, definitive neuroimaging markers remain obscured due to inconsistent or incompatible findings, especially for structural imaging. Furthermore, brain differences defined by statistical analysis are difficult to implement individual prediction. The present study has employed the machine learning techniques under the unified framework in neuroimaging to identify the neuroimaging markers of patients with ASD and distinguish them from typically developing controls. To enhance the interpretability of the machine learning model, (...)
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  35. Xian dai hua jin cheng zhong de jiao yu jia zhi guan: xi fang zhi jian yu ben tu zhi lu = Xiandaihua jinchengzhong de jiaoyu jiazhiguan.Weidong Wang - 2002 - Beijing: Jing xiao Xin hua shu dian.
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    Communicative rationality and inter-culturality: A symposium with Jürgen Habermas.Weidong Cao - 2001 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 1 (1):73-79.
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    Habermas' Historical Effects in Chinese World [J].Cao Weidong - 2005 - Modern Philosophy 1:008.
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    My Student Life in the United States During World War II.Pan Weidong - 2003 - Chinese Studies in History 37 (1):82-91.
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  39. The Historical Effect of Habermas in the Chinese Context: A Case Study of the Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere.Cao Weidong - 2005 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 1 (1):41-50.
    The main purpose of this essay is not to give a full-scale and systematic exploration of the historical process concerning the acceptance of Habermas' works in the Chinese-spoken world but to examine the historical effect of Habermas in the Chinese-spoken context and try to find a proper way to establish a good relationship between Habermas and the Chinese-spoken world by discussing the introduction, study, and application of Habermas' most famous work, The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere, by Chinese scholars (...)
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  40. Surrogacy: beyond the commercial/altruistic distinction.Ji-Young Lee - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (3).
    In this article, I critique the commonly accepted distinction between commercial and altruistic surrogacy arrangements. The moral legitimacy of surrogacy, I claim, does not hinge on whether it is paid (‘commercial’) or unpaid (‘altruistic’); rather, it is best determined by appraisal of virtue-abiding conditions constitutive of the surrogacy arrangement. I begin my article by problematising the prevailing commercial/altruistic distinction; next, I demonstrate that an assessment of the virtue-abiding or non-virtue-abiding features of a surrogacy is crucial to navigating questions about the (...)
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    Guan: xian Qin hua yu ji qi shi xing jian gou = Viewing: the pre-Qin discourses and its poetic construction.Zhiqiang Ji - 2021 - Beijing Shi: Beijing da xue chu ban she.
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    Empirical Study on the Relationship Between Vacation Schedule and Seafarers’ Fatigue in Chinese Seafarer Population.Ji An, Wenting Gao, Runze Liu & Ziqi Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundFatigue is an important factor for the safety of ships. In order to alleviate fatigue of the seafarers, the STCW Convention has made many regulations on the working time of seafarers. At present, if a crew member takes only one day off at home before returning to work on the ship, the working time on the ship must be re-calculated again. If the time spent at home is not sufficient to allow the crew to recover, the regulations of only stipulating (...)
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  43. A Levinasian call for asserting the feminine.Jis Joseph Pettayil - 2004 - Journal of Dharma 29 (2):221-230.
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  44. Efficient Privacy-Preserving Protocol for k-NN Search over Encrypted Data in Location-Based Service.Huijuan Lian, Weidong Qiu, Zheng di YanHuang & Jie Guo - 2017 - Complexity:1-14.
    With the development of mobile communication technology, location-based services are booming prosperously. Meanwhile privacy protection has become the main obstacle for the further development of LBS. The k-nearest neighbor search is one of the most common types of LBS. In this paper, we propose an efficient private circular query protocol with high accuracy rate and low computation and communication cost. We adopt the Moore curve to convert two-dimensional spatial data into one-dimensional sequence and encrypt the points of interest information with (...)
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  45. Towards an ethics of pronatalism in South Korea (and beyond).Ji-Young Lee - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    East Asian countries such as South Korea have recently made headlines for experimenting with different methods to incentivise people to have (more) children, in a bid to reverse declining birth rates. Many such incentives—child benefits, cash bonuses, dating events, and so on—appear morally innocuous at first glance. I will demonstrate in this analysis, however, that they amount to stopgap measures which reveal fundamental shortcomings with the way various nation states are approaching the so-called ‘problem’ of fertility decline.
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  46. Behavioural Psychology of Unique Family Firms Toward R&D Investment in the Digital Era: The Role of Ownership Discrepancy.Muhammad Zulfiqar, Weidong Huo, Shifei Wu, Shihua Chen, Ehsan Elahi & Muhammad Usman Yousaf - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:928447.
    This study examines the R&D investment behaviour of different types of family-controlled firms with the moderating role of ownership discrepancy between cash-flow rights and excess voting rights by using the sufficiency conditions’ theoretical framework of ability and willingness developed by De Massis. It uses data from family firms that have issued A-shares from 2008 to 2018. They used pooled OLS regression for data analysis and Tobit regression for robustness checks. This study classifies family firm types into two categories, namely, the (...)
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    Zhe xue zai shi ji sheng huo zhong de wei zhi: ruo gan re dian nan dian di si suo.Ji Li (ed.) - 1991 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
    Discussing how to use philosophy as a tool of communist ideological propaganda in China.
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    Happiness and Free Will in Boethius’ De Consolatione : focused on its relevance to Menippean Satire.Ji Eun Oh - 2017 - Journal Of pan-Korean Philosophical Society 87:5-29.
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    Budōshoshinshū: essential teachings on the way of the warrior.Yūzan Daidōji - 2018 - Boulder: Shambhala.
    When it comes to books on samurai philosphy, Hagakure is iconic to contemporary readers. But Budōshoshinshū, which was also written by a respected samurai during the Edo period, was equally influential at the time. Both works address the warrior's role in times of peace and emphasize the importance of living selflessly. Written by Daidōji Yūzan (1639-1730), a Confucian scholoar who descended from a long line of prominent warriors, Budōshoshinshū comprises 56 pithy instructive essays for young samurai on how to live (...)
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    On Anticipatory Epistemic Injustice: Replies to Eric Bayruns García and Trystan S. Goetze.Ji-Young Lee - 2021 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective.
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