Results for 'Wǔxíng Xiāngshèng'

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  1.  7
    The Meaning and the Change of the Five Elements. 임정기 - 2020 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 102:329-348.
    본 논문은 「홍범」의 오행을 중심으로 『태극도설』에서의 오행 개념의 성립까지를 검토했다. 「홍범」의 오행에서 오행 개념의 성립을 이야기할 수 있다. 오행 개념의 성립은 오행 세계의 성립이고, 따라서 오행에 대한 해석은 오행 세계의 변화를 의미하게 된다. 이러한 오행의 해석으로 상승 개념이 있었고, 그리고 간지나 방위, 사계절과 음양 등과의 관계를 통해서 오행이 새로이 해석되고 있음을 볼 수 있었다. 오행상승이라는 해석은 오행상승과 오행상극이라는 두 단계의 해석이 있었다. 그리고 오행의 세계에 간지와 방위가 들어옴으로 해서 오행의 세계에 시간과 공간의 의미가 부여되었다. 또한 오행과 사계절의 결합으로 오행은 계절의 (...)
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    Nonplanar core structure of the screw dislocations in tantalum from the improved Peierls–Nabarro theory.Xiangsheng Hu & Shaofeng Wang - 2018 - Philosophical Magazine 98 (6):484-516.
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    Makesi zhu yi zhe xue ji chu zhi shi.Xiangsheng Zhang (ed.) - 1990 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
  4. Zhongguo li shi shang di wei wu lun zhe xue jia.Xiangsheng Zhang - 1980 - [Hong Kong?: [S.N.].
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  5. Man tan shi shi qiu shi.Xiangsheng Kang - 1983 - Nanchang: Jiangxi sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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    Aberrant Insula-Centered Functional Connectivity in Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction Patients: A Resting-State fMRI Study.Yue Wang, Minghao Dong, Min Guan, Jia Wu, Zhen He, Zhi Zou, Xin Chen, Dapeng Shi, Jimin Liang & Xiangsheng Zhang - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Application and Evolution for Neural Network and Signal Processing in Large-Scale Systems.Dongbao Jia, Cunhua Li, Qun Liu, Qin Yu, Xiangsheng Meng, Zhaoman Zhong, Xinxin Ban & Nizhuan Wang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-7.
    Low frequency oscillation is an important attribute of human brain activity, and the amplitude of low frequency fluctuation is an effective method to reflect the characteristics of low frequency oscillation, which has been widely used in the treatment of brain diseases and other fields. However, due to the low accuracy of the current analysis methods for low frequency signal extraction of ALFF, we propose the Fourier-based synchrosqueezing transform, which is often used in the field of signal processing to extract the (...)
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  8. Wuxing (Wu-hsing).Ronnie Littlejohn - 2011 - In James Fieser & Bradley Dowden, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Routledge.
  9.  16
    Zhengxuan’s View of Wuxing-Tiandao and the World of Gua-Qi-Shuo - Focusing upon the Epistemological Glance of Yi-Jian -. 김연재 - 2020 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 99:381-406.
    鄭玄의 세계관은 五行天道觀의 입장에서 접근될 수 있다. 오행천도관은 오행의 관계망에 따라 천체운행의 질서를 도식화한 자연철학적 관점이다. 여기에는 易簡의 시선이 투사되어 있다. 易簡의 시선은 그가 『주역』에서 발굴해낸 용어로서, 세계에 대한 인간의 인식론적 프리즘이다. 그것은 방법론상 取象運數의 방식에 해당한다. 이러한 방식은 太易氣化의 세계를 쉽고 간략하게 설명하는 데에 활용된다. 이러한 象數易學적 사유방식을 통해 그는 음양의 개념과 오행의 범주에 입각하여 우주의 元氣와 그 氣化의 원리를 도식화한다. 특히 卦氣論에 있는 卦象과 氣象의 방위적 관계를 매개로 하여 卦象과 氣數의 연역적 관계를 찾아낸다. 따라서 五行天道觀에서 易簡의 시선을 따라가면 (...)
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  10.  12
    “Sagacity” and the Heaven–Human Relationship in the Wuxing 五行.Erica Brindley - 2019 - In Shirley Chan, Dao Companion to the Excavated Guodian Bamboo Manuscripts. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 187-196.
    The Guodian texts that appear to follow a Ruist line of thought are noteworthy in their special emphasis on the relationship between the spiritual world of Heaven and the world of humans. The Wuxing 五行 text is one of the main texts that clearly prioritizes such a divine–human connection. This chapter examines the way in which the author of the Wuxing establishes “Sagacity” as a key psychological marker of moral realization—associated with the divine Way of Heaven. I show how Sagacity (...)
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  11. The Meaning of ‘Tiandao’ and ‘Rendao’ through the Structure of Theory of Xin-Xing in the Mawangdui Silk Manuscripts 『Wuxing』. 석미현 - 2024 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 161:1-36.
    본고의 목적은 마왕퇴백서오행편에 나타나는 심성론의 구조분석을 통해서 ‘천도’와 ‘인도’의 의미를 재고찰하는데 있었다. 백서 『오행』편의 ‘오행’과 ‘사행’은 3단계를 거쳐 최종적으로 천도와 인도를 완성한다. 먼저 ‘내면에서 드러남[形於內]’과, ‘내면에서 드러나지 않음[不形於內]’은 천도라는 동일한 근원을 둔 일원론으로서, 곧 내적 연속성을 갖춘 것이다. 이에 따라 ‘덕지행’은 도덕자아를 완성[德]해가는 내면적 흐름[行]이자 사행의 도덕실천행위인 행(行)이 다시 내재화되는 수렴의 과정도 포함되므로 수심(修心)의 측면을 논한 것이다. 사행의 ‘행’은 덕을 완성해나가는 과정에서의 도덕실천행위로서, 수신(修身)의 측면에 가깝다. 덕이 도덕자아로서 정신적 차원의 도덕적 주체성의 의미를 내포한다면, 선은 도덕자아의 정신적 차원에 부합되어야 하는 객체성의 (...)
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    Chen Lai's Four Essays on the "Wuxing" Manuscripts: Guest Editors' Introduction.Peng Guoxiang & Xing Wen - 2011 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 43 (2):3-5.
    The topic of this issue of Contemporary Chinese Thought is the authorship, annotations, and philosophical interpretation of the Wuxing and evidence of the thought of Zisi and Mencius in the Wuxing. Four of the essays translated here are by Chen Lai, formerly professor of Chinese philosophy at Peking University and now dean of the School of Traditional Chinese Learning at Tsinghua University. An essay by Xing Wen, of Dartmouth College, provides context for a proper understanding of the Wuxing and Chen (...)
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  13. 竹帛《五行》关于德性和谐的思想研究 (“Harmony of Virtues in the Wuxing Bamboo Text”).Chenyang Li - 2011 - 国学学刊 12:59-66.
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  14. The characteristics of chinese philosophical categories, characteristics of correspondence as exemplified in the wuxing (5-elements) idea.Zy Cheng - 1986 - Chinese Studies in Philosophy 17 (4):3-15.
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  15.  19
    Cosmologie et divination dans la Chine ancienne: le compendium des cinq agents (Wuxing dayi, VIe siècle).Chi Hsiao - 1991 - Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve [distributor]. Edited by Marc Kalinowski.
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    Arguing for Zisi and Mencius as the Respective Authors of the "Wuxing" Canon and Commentary Sections, and the Historical Significance of the Discovery of the Guodian "Wuxing" Text.Chen Lai - 2011 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 43 (2):14-25.
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    Brief Notes on the Bamboo "Wuxing" Sections and Sentences: A Division of the Bamboo "Wuxing" Text into Canon and Explanation Sections.Chen Lai - 2011 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 43 (2):26-33.
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    The Title and Structure of the Wuxing.Xing Wen - 2011 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 43 (2):6-13.
  19. A Study of the Philosophy of the Silk "Wuxing" Text Commentary Section and a Discussion of the Silk "Wuxing" Text and Mencius's Philosophy.Chen Lai - 2011 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 43 (2):70-107.
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    A Study of the Bamboo "Wuxing" Text and Zisi's Thought.Chen Lai - 2011 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 43 (2):34-69.
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    The Mencius in the Context of Recently Excavated Texts.Franklin Perkins - 2023 - In Yang Xiao & Kim-Chong Chong, Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Mencius. Springer. pp. 63-78.
    The context in which we interpret the philosophy of Mencius has been radically changed by the discovery of dozens of texts written on bamboo strips during the mid to late Warring States Period. This chapter attempts to summarize the main significance of these texts for understanding the Mencius, focusing on how they deepen our understanding of the core of Mencius’s philosophy – his claim that our natural dispositions (xing 性) are good. The main part of the chapter is divided into (...)
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  22.  14
    Body and Mind in the Guodian Manuscripts.Lisa Raphals - 2019 - In Shirley Chan, Dao Companion to the Excavated Guodian Bamboo Manuscripts. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 239-257.
    This paper considers the relation between body and mind as described in the Guodian corpus, especially the Xing zi ming chu 性自命出, with particular interest in problems of mind-body dualism and holism. It argues that the Xing zi ming chu presents a weak mind-body dualism, in contrast to such texts as Wuxing 五行 and Ziyi 緇衣.
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  23.  24
    Classical China.Karyn L. Lai - 1991 - In Dale Jamieson, A Companion to Environmental Philosophy. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 21–36.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction The background: correlative thinking Tian Wuxing (five elements) and yin‐yang (yin and yang) Dao Qi (stuff) Chinese Buddhism and the Buddhist view of nature.
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  24.  31
    The Contemplative Foundations of Classical Daoism by Harold D. Roth.Ronnie Littlejohn - 2022 - Philosophy East and West 72 (1):1-3.
    In this collection, Harold Roth brings together the pivotal essays representing both the innovation and expertise that have marked his scholarship on Daoism for roughly the last twenty-five years. It is Roth's position that the foundations of classical Daoism rest upon a distinctive set of contemplative practices that he calls "inner training," which can be found in the Neiye, Laozi, and Zhuangzi, but also in a number of other classical texts of mixed traditions, including the Lushi chunqiu 呂氏春秋 and the (...)
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  25.  37
    Liu Bowen’s philosophy of divination—a discussion on HuangjinCe or golden treatises.Huang Po-Kai & Huang Yu-Ping - 2020 - Asian Philosophy 30 (2):103-113.
    This paper discusses the Chinese philosophy of divination, named Wuxingyi, or the doctrine of yi of the Five Elements. Wuxing is a method of divination established from Han dynasty, which ful...
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  26.  80
    The origin and role of the state according to the Li Shi chunqiu.James D. Sellmann - 1999 - Asian Philosophy 9 (3):193 – 218.
    To study the L shi chunqiu (or L -shih ch'un-ch'iu. Master L 's Spring and Autumn Annals is to enter into the tumultuous but progressive times of the Warring States period (403-221 BCE). 1 This period is commonly referred to as 'the pre-Qin period' because of the fundamental changes that occurred after the Qin unification. Liishi chunqiu was probably completed, in 241 BCE, by various scholars at the estate of L Buwei (L Pu-wei) the prime minister of Qin and tutor (...)
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  27.  96
    The flexibility of gua and Yao —based on an interpretation of yizhuan.Bo Wang - 2010 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 5 (1):68-93.
    In Yizhuan ’s interpretation of The Book of Changes , the book’s fundamental concepts, xiang 象 (images) and ci 辞 (words), play different roles. Concepts, including yin and yang, firmness and gentleness, sancai 三才 (three fundamentals), and the wuxing 五行 (five active elements), are used to interpret The Book of Changes through the interpretation of images, while the core Confucian values, such as benevolence and righteousness, are used to interpret The Book of Changes because of their connection with words of (...)
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  28.  21
    Le fantasme de l’ordre parfait — et comment en sortir (peut-être).Françoise Lauwaert - 2022 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 78 (3):461-476.
    Françoise Lauwaert Dans cet article, après un essai de définition de ce que l’on entendait par « rites » dans les premiers traités normatifs qui leur furent consacrés, sera retracée l’évolution ayant mené à la constitution d’un « système rituel » à visée totalisante. Or, la recherche de « l’ordre parfait » à laquelle s’adonnaient les ritualistes a suscité des débats infinis et n’a pu aboutir à construire un édifice aussi solide que ces derniers l’auraient souhaité. Pour l’anthropologue Philippe Descola, (...)
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  29.  14
    《五行》經說分別為子思、孟子所作論: ——兼論郭店楚簡《五行》篇出土的歷史意義.陳 來 - 2014 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 41 (1-2):191-198.
    This article first of all reviews and evaluates the previous studies on the “Five Virtues” chapter of the Mawangdui Boshu 馬王堆帛書 since the text was excavated in 1973. Based on this effort, the present discussion points out and diagnoses the weaknesses existing in these early studies. Meanwhile, through examination of the newer research on the unearthed Guodian Zhujian 郭店竹簡, the current writing proposes that the textual section of the Wuxing was written by Zi Si 子思, and the commentary section of (...)
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    (1 other version)Material Virtue: Ethics and the Body in Early China (review). [REVIEW]Edward Gilman Slingerland - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (4):694-699.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Material Virtue: Ethics and the Body in Early ChinaEdward SlingerlandMaterial Virtue: Ethics and the Body in Early China. By Mark Csikszentmihalyi. Leiden: Brill, 2005. Pp. vi + 402. Hardcover $180.00.Material Virtue: Ethics and the Body in Early China by Mark Csikszentmihalyi is a fascinating and meticulously researched study of early Chinese discussions of virtue and moral education in the period following what we might call the "physiological turn," (...)
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  31.  14
    A Metaphysic of Rainbow : 5 vs. 7 Colors. 정세근 - 2017 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 78:329-347.
    이글은 우리말이 왜 청색과 녹색을 구별하지 않은가에 대한 시론적인 답변이다. 색깔을 다섯으로 한정시키는 오행론적 사고에서 청록을 함께 묶게 되었고 그 결과 우리말에서 ‘파랗다’와 ‘푸르다’는 때로 녹색을 때로 청색을 가리키게 되었다. 한문에서도 청색은 녹색을 가리키기도 한다. 다만 녹색의 외연이 청색보다 작아 녹색이 청색을 가리키는 경우는 찾아보기 어렵다. 무지개의 경우, 뉴턴 이후 유대기독교적인 사유에서 창조의 완결수인 7로 설명하고자 했다. 그 영향 아래 우리는 무지개가 ‘빨주노초파남보’라는 형식적인 사고에 빠지게 되었다. 그러나 전통사유에서 무지개는 ‘오색영롱’(五色玲瓏)하다. 그것은 오행으로 무지개를 보고자 하는 의식에서 비롯된다. 이는 일종의 형이상학으로 (...)
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  32.  8
    Ritual Tradition and Chu region-based Confucianism - Cultivating Ritualized De (德) -. 빈동철 - 2022 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 151:1-27.
    최근에 전국 시대의 초 나라 지역에서 발굴된 텍스트는 ‘고대 중국 다시 쓰기’를 추동할 정도로 이 시기 지식인들을 새로운 시각으로 조명할 것을 요구한다. 이 글은 이제까지 전래문헌을 중심으로 추출한 고대 중국 사상사의 서술에서 벗어나 종교적 의례를 위한 서주 시대 청동기 명문에서 전국 시대 초 나라 죽간에 이르기까지 유가 사상과 관계된 고고학적 텍스트를 분석한다. 이러한 분석은 초나라 지역의 지식인들이 과거의 종교적 전통을 계승하면서 지역의 특수성에 기반한, 북쪽 중국과는 다른 유가 사상 전개의 방향성을 제시한다. 과거 주 나라의 조상숭배를 위한 의례에서 樂舞를 통하여 ‘威儀’로 (...)
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