Results for 'Volker Wunderlich'

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  1.  32
    „Zur Selbstreproduktion befähigte Substanzen“ als zelluläre Angriffsorte chemischer Cancerogene.Volker Wunderlich - 2007 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 15 (4):271-283.
    „Substances capable of self-reproduction“ as cellular targets of chemical carcinogens.In the course of studies on chemical carcinogenesis, which included animal experiments with a carcinogenic azo dye and a mathematical analysis of the observed effects, Hermann Druckrey and Karl Küpfmüller showed in 1948 that carcinogens induce heritable changes by targeting cellular „substances capable of self-reproduction“. The authors did not discuss the chemical nature of these substances which remained unclear for a long time thereafter. It was not until 1964 that deoxyribonucleic acid (...)
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    Non-medical risk factors associated with postponing elective surgery: a prospective observational study.Sven Bercker, Sebastian Stehr, Volker Thieme, Hannes-Caspar Petzold, Gerald Huschak & Julia Becker - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-5.
    BackgroundOperation room (OR) planning is a complex process, especially in large hospitals with high rates of unplanned emergency procedures. Postponing elective surgery in order to provide capacity for emergency operations is inevitable at times. Elderly patients, residents of nursing homes, women, patients with low socioeconomic status and ethnic minorities are at risk for undertreatment in other contexts, as suggested by reports in the medical literature. We hypothesized that specific patient groups could be at higher risk for having their elective surgery (...)
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    Supervised Speaker Diarization Using Random Forests: A Tool for Psychotherapy Process Research.Lukas Fürer, Nathalie Schenk, Volker Roth, Martin Steppan, Klaus Schmeck & Ronan Zimmermann - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Neurobiological Aspects of Mindfulness in Pain Autoregulation: Unexpected Results from a Randomized-Controlled Trial and Possible Implications for Meditation Research.Tobias Esch, Jeremy Winkler, Volker Auwärter, Heike Gnann, Roman Huber & Stefan Schmidt - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  5.  8
    Revision der Moderne?: Beiträge zu einem Gespräch zwischen Pädagogik und Philosophie.Lutz Koch, Winfried Marotzki, Helmut Peukert & Volker Gerhardt (eds.) - 1993 - Weinheim: Deutscher Studien Verlag.
  6.  17
    Gesamtinhaltsverzeichnis der Bände I-V.Ralph Schumacher, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Volker Gerhardt - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher (eds.), Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 329-358.
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    The Impact of Different System Call Representations on Intrusion Detection.Sarah Wunderlich, Markus Ring, Dieter Landes & Andreas Hotho - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (2):239-251.
    Over the years, artificial neural networks have been applied successfully in many areas including IT security. Yet, neural networks can only process continuous input data. This is particularly challenging for security-related, non-continuous data like system calls of an operating system. This work focuses on five different options to preprocess sequences of system calls so that they can be processed by neural networks. These input options are based on one-hot encodings and learning word2vec, GloVe or fastText representations of system calls. As (...)
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  8.  14
    Kant und die Bewußtseinstheorien des 18. Jahrhunderts.Falk Wunderlich - 2005 - De Gruyter.
    Falk Wunderlich präsentiert einen grundlegend neuen Ansatz zum Verständnis der Kant'schen Bewusstseinstheorie. Im ersten Teil bietet er eine detaillierte Rekonstruktion der bewusstseinstheoretischen Diskussionen des 18. Jahrhunderts. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Rekonstruktion des Geflechts von Diskussionen, in dessen Kontext sich Kants Überlegungen bewegen. Auf diese zeitgenössischen Debatten werden im zweiten Teil Kants bewusstseinstheoretische Ansätze bezogen. Der Autor vertritt die These, dass Kant die zeitgenössischen Standardansichten über Bewusstsein, Apperzeption und Selbstbewusstsein entgegen dem Anschein nur einschränkt modifiziert und ihre begrifflichen Grundlagen (...)
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  9. Tarski hierarchies.Volker Halbach - 1995 - Erkenntnis 43 (3):339 - 367.
    The general notions of object- and metalanguage are discussed and as a special case of this relation an arbitrary first order language with an infinite model is expanded by a predicate symbol T0 which is interpreted as truth predicate for . Then the expanded language is again augmented by a new truth predicate T1 for the whole language plus T0. This process is iterated into the transfinite to obtain the Tarskian hierarchy of languages. It is shown that there are natural (...)
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  10. Vector reliability: A new approach to epistemic justification.Mark E. Wunderlich - 2003 - Synthese 136 (2):237 - 262.
    Critics of reliability theories of epistemic justificationoften claim that the `generality problem' is an insurmountabledifficulty for such theories. The generality problem is theproblem of specifying the level of generality at which abelief-forming process is to be described for the purposeof assessing its reliability. This problem is not asintractable as it seems. There are illuminating solutionsto analogous problems in the ethics literature. Reliabilistsought to attend to utilitarian approaches to choices betweeninfinite utility streams; they also ought to attend towelfarist approaches to social (...)
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  11.  25
    Priestley on materialism and the essence of God.Falk Wunderlich - 2020 - Intellectual History Review 30 (1):49-64.
    The paper focuses on Priestley’s complex views on the essence of God in connection with his materialism, elaborated in the Disquisitions Relating to Matter and Spirit (1777/ 1782). This issue is crucial if one wishes to get a clear idea of what Priestley’s materialism amounts to; whether it is mainly a thesis about the material grounds of the human mind (“psychological materialism”), or a more far-reaching one about what kind of substances exist in the world (a version of “ontological materialism”). (...)
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  12.  48
    Principles of truth.Volker Halbach & Leon Horsten (eds.) - 2002 - New York: Hänsel-Hohenhausen.
    On the one hand, the concept of truth is a major research subject in analytic philosophy. On the other hand, mathematical logicians have developed sophisticated logical theories of truth and the paradoxes. Recent developments in logical theories of the semantical paradoxes are highly relevant for philosophical research on the notion of truth. And conversely, philosophical guidance is necessary for the development of logical theories of truth and the paradoxes. From this perspective, this volume intends to reflect and promote deeper interaction (...)
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  13.  25
    Kant’s Second Paralogism in Context: The Critique of Pure Reason on Whether Matter Can Think.Falk Wunderlich - 2023 - In Wolfgang Lefèvre (ed.), Between Leibniz, Newton, and Kant: Philosophy and Science in the Eighteenth Century. Springer. pp. 227-243.
    The paper puts Kant’s second paralogism in the first edition of his Critique of Pure Reason into the context of eighteenth century debates on materialism. In the second paralogism, Kant argues that neither dualism nor materialism about the human mind can be established, while focusing on a received anti-materialist argument that he dubs the “Achilles argument”. The Achilles argument that Kant ultimately rejects is based on the assumption that the unity of thought requires a unified substratum and thus an immaterial (...)
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    Truth and reduction.Volker Halbach - 2000 - Erkenntnis 53 (1-2):97-126.
    The proof-theoretic results on axiomatic theories oftruth obtained by different authors in recent years are surveyed.In particular, the theories of truth are related to subsystems ofsecond-order analysis. On the basis of these results, thesuitability of axiomatic theories of truth for ontologicalreduction is evaluated.
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  15. Funding the scientific foundations of race policies : Ernst rüdin and the impact of career resources on pyschiatric genetics, ca. 1910-1945.Volker Roelcke - 2006 - In Wolfgang Uwe Eckart (ed.), Man, medicine, and the state: the human body as an object of government sponsored medical research in the 20th century. Stuttgart: Steiner.
  16.  17
    Angry populists or concerned citizens? How linguistic emotion ascriptions shape affective, cognitive, and behavioural responses to political outgroups.Philipp Wunderlich, Christoph Nguyen & Christian von Scheve - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (1):147-161.
    Emotion expressions of outgroup members inform judgements and prompt affective responses in observers, shaping intergroup relations. However, in the context of political group conflicts, emotions are not always directly observed in face-to-face interactions. Instead, they are frequently linguistically ascribed to particular actors or groups. Examples of such emotion ascriptions are found, among others, in media reports and political campaign messaging. For instance, anger and fear are frequently evoked in connection with and ascribed to right-wing populist groups. Yet not much is (...)
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  17. New Trends in Social Insurance.Frieda Wunderlich - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  18. Some Aspects of Social Work in the German Democratic Republic.Frieda Wunderlich - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  19.  57
    Two Issues in Computer Ethics for Non-Programmers.Mark E. Wunderlich - 2010 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 24 (2):255-264.
    Two of the distinctive ethical issues that arise for computer users (as opposed to computer programmers) have to do with the file formats that are used to encode information and the licensing terms for computer software. With respect to both issues, most professional philosophers do not recognize the burdens that they impose on others. Once one recognizes these burdens, a very simple argument demands changes in the behavior of the typical computer user: some of the ways we use computers gratuitously (...)
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  20.  60
    Materialism in late Enlightenment Germany: a neglected tradition reconsidered.Falk Wunderlich - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (5):940-962.
    ABSTRACTLate Enlightenment German materialism has hardly attracted any scholarly attention in the past, in spite of the fact that there were quite a few exponents of it. In this paper, I identify the philosophically most important ones and examine to what extent they were connected with each other. In fact, there are local concentrations of materialists at universities and academic circles in Göttingen, Halle, and Gießen. I then discuss the spectrum of materialist positions held by them, from empiricist naturalism in (...)
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  21.  42
    Axiomatic Theories of Truth.Volker Halbach - 2010 - Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
    At the centre of the traditional discussion of truth is the question of how truth is defined. Recent research, especially with the development of deflationist accounts of truth, has tended to take truth as an undefined primitive notion governed by axioms, while the liar paradox and cognate paradoxes pose problems for certain seemingly natural axioms for truth. In this book, Volker Halbach examines the most important axiomatizations of truth, explores their properties and shows how the logical results impinge on (...)
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  22.  59
    Evolution of the stewardship idea in american country life.Gene Wunderlich - 2004 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 17 (1):77-93.
    Theological and secular concepts ofstewardship evolved markedly in the 20thcentury. During this period of evolution, theAmerican Country Life Association through itschurch, academic, farm organization, andgovernmental affiliations, served as a bridgingand bonding agent in developing the stewardshipidea. As in any evolutionary process, thestewardship concept was subjected to a broadarray of influences and characterized bynotable highlights such as the Lynn Smithcritique of the Judaeo-Christian ethic, theman-in-nature statement of Douglas John Hall,and the environmental concerns of ecologistsand philosophers of the post-Rachel Carson era.Some gains (...)
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  23.  19
    Knowledge and politics: the sociology of knowledge dispute.Volker Meja & Nico Stehr (eds.) - 1990 - New York: Routledge.
  24.  64
    Symphonies of Urban Places: Urban Rhythms as Traces of Time in Space. A Study of 'Urban Rhythms'.Filipa Matos Wunderlich - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    We gratefully thank Filipa Matos Wunderlich for the permission to republish this text, which was first published in a shorter version in KOHT ja PAIK/PLACE and LOCATION Studies in Environmental Aesthetics and Semiotics VI, 2008.: Temporality is a fundamental characteristic of urban places. An attribute of nature, people and space, place-temporality consolidates and emerges out of their dynamic relationship in urban space. Temporality is place-specific and a result of compounds - Urbanisme – Nouvel article.
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  25. Hugh MacColl and the German algebra of logic.Volker Peckhaus - 1998 - Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic 3:17-34.
  26. Calculus ratiocinator versus characteristica universalis? The two traditions in logic, revisited.Volker Peckhaus - 2004 - History and Philosophy of Logic 25 (1):3-14.
    It is a commonplace that in the development of modern logic towards its actual shape at least two directions or traditions have to be distinguished. These traditions may be called, following the mo...
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    Islamic finance ethics and Shari'ah law in the aftermath of the crisis: Concept and practice of Shari'ah compliant finance.Volker Nienhaus - 2011 - Ethical Perspectives 18 (4):591-623.
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  28. Nietzscheforschung, Jahrbuch der Nietzsche-Gesellschaft, Band 10: Ästhetik und Ethik nach Nietzsche.Volker Gerhardt & Reschke Reschke (eds.) - 2003 - Akademie Verlag.
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  29. Property, Justice and Global Society.Volker Heins - 2013 - In Burns Tony (ed.), Global Justice and the Politics of Recognition. London: Palgrave.
  30.  24
    Communities and the individual: Beyond the liberal–communitarian divide.Volker Kaul - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (4):392-401.
    Liberalism believes that individuals are endowed a priori with reason or at least agency and it is up to that reason and agency to make choices, commitments and so on. Communitarianism criticizes liberalism’s explicit and deliberate neglect of the self and insists that we attain a self and identity only through the effective recognition of significant others. However, personal autonomy does not seem to be a default position, neither reason nor community is going to provide it inevitably. Therefore, it is (...)
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    The model-theoretic significance of complemented existential formulas.Volker Weispfenning - 1981 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (4):843-850.
  32.  22
    Johann Georg Sulzers Widerlegung des Materialismus und die Materietheorien der Zeit.Falk Wunderlich - 2011 - In Frank Grunert & Gideon Stiening (eds.), Johann Georg Sulzer (1720-1779): Aufklärung zwischen Christian Wolff und David Hume. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. pp. 37-56.
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    Kant on Consciousness of Objects and Consciousness of the Self.Falk Wunderlich - 2017 - In Giuseppe Motta & Udo Thiel (eds.), Immanuel Kant: Die Einheit des Bewusstseins (Kant-Studien Ergänzungshefte). DeGruyter. pp. 164-180.
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    Meiers Verteidigung der prästabilierten Harmonie.Falk Wunderlich - 2015 - In Gideon Stiening & Frank Grunert (eds.), Georg Friedrich Meier : Philosophie Als "Wahre Weltweisheit". Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 113-122.
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    Studien Zur Sprechakttheorie.Dieter Wunderlich - 1976 - Suhrkamp.
  36. Logik und Mathematik in der Philosophie Leonard Nelsons.Volker Peckhaus - 2011 - In . Lit Verlag. pp. 193-212.
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  37.  41
    Hues of American agrarianism.Gene Wunderlich - 2000 - Agriculture and Human Values 17 (2):191-197.
    Agrarianism in America assumes manyforms, in part because of the varied sources ofruralistic values, some evolving from times beforenationhood. Views expressed are sometimes anti-city,other times pro-rural. The Jeffersonian perspective isrevealed in three forms, two by historians, one by aphilosopher. They agree that Jefferson was animportant figure in America's land system, but theydiffer markedly in their uses of Jeffersonian valuesabout agriculture, land, and rural life. The essayconcludes with a basis for “new agrarianism” basedmore on land than agriculture as enterprise.
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  38. The way of logic into mathematics.Volker Peckhaus - 1997 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 12 (1):39-64.
    Using a contextual method the specific development of logic between c. 1830 and 1930 is explained. A characteristic mark of this period is the decomposition of the complex traditional philosophical omnibus discipline logic into new philosophical subdisciplines and separate disciplines such as psychology, epistemology, philosophy of science, and formal logic. In the 19th century a growing foundational need in mathematics provoked the emergence of a structural view on mathematics and the reformulation of logic for mathematical means. As a result formallogic (...)
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  39.  8
    Lexical Decomposition In Grammar.Dieter Wunderlich - 2012 - In Markus Werning, Wolfram Hinzen & Edouard Machery (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Compositionality. Oxford University Press.
    The hierarchy of conceptual categories involves a level of abstraction called the basic level. This is the level at which the subjects are fastest at identifying category members, at which conceptual priming most easily obtains, at which information is most easily remembered over time, and at which a single mental image can reflect the entire category. Basic-level categories tend to be the first ones acquired by young children, and also tend to be expressed by the simplest words. Various approaches have (...)
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    Politische Lageanalyse: Festschrift für Hans-Joachim Arndt zum 70. Geburtstag am 15. Januar 1993.Volker Beismann & Markus Josef Klein (eds.) - 1993 - Bruchsal: San Casciano Verlag.
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    Das Paradigma des Lebens Kants Theorie der menschlichen Existenz.Volker Gerhardt - 2005 - In Gereon Wolters & Martin Carrier (eds.), Homo Sapiens und Homo Faber: epistemische und technische Rationalität in Antike und Gegenwart ; Festschrift für Jürgen Mittelstrass. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter. pp. 171.
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  42. Policy and Legal history.Volker Gerhardt - forthcoming - Hegel-Studien.
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  43. Loi et évangile: Une transformation de la piété mystique, origine d'un Principe de la théologie luthérienne.Volker Leppin & Matthieu Arnold - 2008 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 88 (3):279-293.
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    Forschung an Kindern und die Novellierung des Arzneimittelgesetzes.Volker von Loewenich - 2004 - Ethik in der Medizin 16 (2):101-104.
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    Arbeit am Logos: Aufstieg und Krise der wissenschaftlichen Vernunft.Volker Steenblock - 2000 - Münster: Lit.
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  46. Agriculture and Farm Labor in the Soviet Zone of Germany.Frieda Wunderlich - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  47. Briefwechsel.Falk Wunderlich, Gideon Stiening & Udo Roth - unknown
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  48. Education in Nazi Germany.Frieda Wunderlich - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  49. Grammatik und Partnertausch. Liebesspiele in Così fan tutte.Werner Wunderlich - 1995 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 69 (4):692-721.
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    Meaning and context-dependence.Dieter Wunderlich - 1979 - In Rainer Bäuerle, Urs Egli & Arnim von Stechow (eds.), Semantics from different points of view. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 161--171.
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