Results for 'Vladimir Todorovic'

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  1.  30
    Reimagining life (forms) with generative and bio art.Vladimir Todorovic - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-7.
    Artists and designers working in the fields of generative and bio art frequently focus on designing speculative visions of how nature can be reimagined with the use of computational media and synthetic biology. Centered on the unique artistic strategies of reimagining life forms, this paper analyzes and compares a selection of generative software-based projects, in which artists are mimicking different natural phenomena and have the tendency to beautify nature and life, with bio art projects, where ethical considerations are prioritized over (...)
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    Rendering life: Transgressive affinities between bio art and generative art.Dejan Grba & Vladimir Todorović - 2020 - Technoetic Arts 18 (2):223-238.
    In this article, we trace the analogies, parallels and affinities between bio-inspired generative art and bio art practices with strong generative flavour. We look at the creative and expressive features in these two fields, compare their shared interests in the design and development of life, and discuss the strategies they apply to communicate and engage the audience. With respect to the existing literature, which relates bio and generative art primarily within a historical context, we compare these two fields focusing on (...)
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  3. Can You Lie Without Intending to Deceive?Vladimir Krstić - 2019 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 100 (2):642–660.
    This article defends the view that liars need not intend to deceive. I present common objections to this view in detail and then propose a case of a liar who can lie but who cannot deceive in any relevant sense. I then modify this case to get a situation in which this person lies intending to tell his hearer the truth and he does this by way of getting the hearer to recognize his intention to tell the truth by lying. (...)
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  4. Bald-Faced Lies, Blushing, and Noses that Grow: An Experimental Analysis.Vladimir Krstić & Alexander Wiegmann - 2022 - Erkenntnis 89 (2):479-502.
    We conducted two experiments to determine whether common folk think that so-called _tell-tale sign_ bald-faced lies are intended to deceive—since they have not been tested before. These lies involve tell-tale signs (e.g. blushing) that show that the speaker is lying. Our study was designed to avoid problems earlier studies raise (these studies focus on a kind of bald-faced lie in which supposedly everyone knows that what the speaker says is false). Our main hypothesis was that the participants will think that (...)
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  5. (1 other version)Lying, Tell-Tale Signs, and Intending to Deceive.Vladimir Krstic - forthcoming - Dialectica:1-27.
    Arguably, the existence of bald-faced (i.e. knowingly undisguised) lies entails that not all lies are intended to deceive. Two kinds of bald-faced lies exist in the literature: those based on some common knowledge that implies that you are lying and those that involve tell-tale signs (e.g. blushing) that show that you are lying. I designed the tell-tale sign bald-faced lies to avoid objections raised against the common knowledge bald-faced lies but I now see that they are more problematic than what (...)
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  6. On the Connection between Lying, Asserting, and Intending to Cause Beliefs.Vladimir Krstic - 2022 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    According to one influential argument put forward by, e.g. Chisholm and Feehan, Pfister, Meibauer, Dynel, Keiser, and Harris, asserting requires intending to give your hearer a reason to believe what you say (first premise) and, because liars must assert what they believe is false (second premise), liars necessarily intend to cause their hearer to believe as true what the liars believe is false (conclusion). According to this argument, that is, all genuine lies are intended to deceive. ‘Lies’ not intended to (...)
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  7. Deception (Under Uncertainty) as a Kind of Manipulation.Vladimir Krstić & Chantelle Saville - 2019 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 97 (4):830-835.
    In his 2018 AJP paper, Shlomo Cohen hints that deception could be a distinct subset of manipulation. We pursue this thought further, but by arguing that Cohen’s accounts of deception and manipulation are incorrect. Deception under uncertainty need not involve adding false premises to the victim’s reasoning but it must involve manipulating her response, and cases of manipulation that do not interfere with the victim’s reasoning, but rather utilize it, also exist. Therefore, deception under uncertainty must be constituted by covert (...)
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    Scepticism about Meaning in the German Enlightenment.Vladimir Lazurca - 2025 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism:1-31.
    Exegetical scepticism is a strand of scepticism about meaning running through the German Enlightenment. This paper provides the first modern account of its tenets, critics, and proponents, and argues that it shares essential features with modern varieties of meaning-scepticism that have been a preoccupation among philosophers of language since the middle of the twentieth century. I argue that exegetical scepticism is a type of epistemological scepticism first introduced as a philosophical position in a theological debate between August Pfeiffer (1640–1698) and (...)
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    On the connection between lying, asserting, and intending to cause beliefs.Vladimir Krstić - 2025 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 68 (2):643-662.
    According to one influential argument put forward by, e.g. Chisholm and Feehan, Pfister, Meibauer, Dynel, Keiser, and Harris, asserting requires intending to give your hearer a reason to believe what you say (first premise) and, because liars must assert what they believe is false (second premise), liars necessarily intend to cause their hearer to believe as true what the liars believe is false (conclusion). According to this argument, that is, all genuine lies are intended to deceive. ‘Lies’ not intended to (...)
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  10. What Makes a Theory of Infinitesimals Useful? A View by Klein and Fraenkel.Vladimir Kanovei, K. Katz, M. Katz & Thomas Mormann - 2018 - Journal of Humanistic Mathematics 8 (1):108 - 119.
    Felix Klein and Abraham Fraenkel each formulated a criterion for a theory of infinitesimals to be successful, in terms of the feasibility of implementation of the Mean Value Theorem. We explore the evolution of the idea over the past century, and the role of Abraham Robinson's framework therein.
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    L'enchantement musical: écrits, 1929-1983.Vladimir Jankélévitch - 2017 - Paris: Albin Michel. Edited by Françoise Schwab & Jean-Marie Brohm.
    L'oeuvre de Vladimir Jankélévitch mêle intimement philosophie et musique, régime de correspondance auquel le philosophe-musicien a toujours aimé se tenir. " La musique, rappelle-t-il, est un art temporel non point secondairement, comme la poésie, le roman ou le théâtre, mais essentiellement. " Son domaine est la " temporalité enchantée ", le mystère de l'instant, le charme de la nostalgie, du nocturne et des parfums de la nuit, du lointain, du silence surtout, puisque la musique, née du silence, y retourne. (...)
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    We Should Move on from Signalling-Based Analyses of Biological Deception.Vladimir Krstić - 2025 - Erkenntnis 90 (2):545-565.
    This paper argues that extant signalling-based analyses cannot explain a range of cases of biological (and psychological) deception, such as those in which the deceiver does not send a signal at all, but that Artiga and Paternotte’s (Philos Stud 175:579–600, 2018) functional and my (Krstić in The analysis of self-deception: rehabilitating the traditionalist account. PhD Dissertation, University of Auckland, 2018: §3; Krstić and Saville in Australas J Philos 97:830–835, 2019) manipulativist analyses can. Therefore, the latter views should be given preference. (...)
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    Information processing, memories, and synchronization in chaotic neural network with the time delay.Vladimir E. Bondarenko - 2005 - Complexity 11 (2):39-52.
  14.  43
    On the ‘true position’ of hydrogen in the Periodic Table.Vladimir M. Petruševski & Julijana Cvetković - 2018 - Foundations of Chemistry 20 (3):251-260.
    Several attempts have recently been made to point to ‘the proper place’ for hydrogen in the Periodic Table of the elements. There are altogether five different types of arguments that lead to the following conclusions: hydrogen should be placed in group 1, above lithium; hydrogen should be placed in group 17, above fluorine; hydrogen is to be placed in group 14, above carbon; hydrogen should be positioned above both lithium and fluorine and hydrogen should be treated as a stand-alone element, (...)
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  15.  22
    Semiótica, planeación y estrategia publicitaria: aproximaciones desde la pragmática peirceana.Vladimir Sánchez Riaño, Jairo Roberto Sojo Gómez & Juan José Arango Correa - 2014 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 35 (111):29.
    El presente artículo es el resultado de un proceso de investigación originado en la Maestría en Publicidad de la UTL, en la línea de Semiótica Publicitaria, dirigida por el profesor Vladimir Sánchez, quien en su seminario, ha venido construyendo un equipo de trabajo con los maestrantes en torno a la aplicabilidad de algunos de los postulados de la pragmática de Charles Sanders Peirce al campo publicitario. Los maestrantes Jairo Sojo y Juan José Arango, adelantaron algunas hipótesis sobre el trabajo (...)
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    Proofs and Retributions, Or: Why Sarah Can’t Take Limits.Vladimir Kanovei, Karin U. Katz, Mikhail G. Katz & Mary Schaps - 2015 - Foundations of Science 20 (1):1-25.
    The small, the tiny, and the infinitesimal have been the object of both fascination and vilification for millenia. One of the most vitriolic reviews in mathematics was that written by Errett Bishop about Keisler’s book Elementary Calculus: an Infinitesimal Approach. In this skit we investigate both the argument itself, and some of its roots in Bishop George Berkeley’s criticism of Leibnizian and Newtonian Calculus. We also explore some of the consequences to students for whom the infinitesimal approach is congenial. The (...)
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  17. Toward a Demarcation of Forms of Determinism.Vladimir Marko - 2017 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 24 (1):54-84.
    In the current philosophical literature, determinism is rarely defined explicitly. This paper attempts to show that there are in fact many forms of determinism, most of which are familiar, and that these can be differentiated according to their particular components. Recognizing the composite character of determinism is thus central to demarcating its various forms.
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    Decomposition of scientific communication.Vladimir Kuznetsov - forthcoming - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication.
    As a social activity, the sciences are only possible through communication among scientists themselves and between scientists and society. The article analyses natural, biological, social and ideological prerequisites of scientific communication (SC) as an ensemble of interrelated acts of scientific information exchange. A taxonomy of professional networks as a medium for SC is proposed. The need for a permanent struggle for the preservation and development of the values of both a free society and science is emphasized.
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  19. Materializm ă empiriokritisizm.Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin - 1968
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    Avangarda: od dade do nadrealizma.Bojan Jović, Jelena Novaković & Predrag Todorović (eds.) - 2015 - Beograd: Institut za književnost i umetnost.
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    The Dramatic True Story of the Frame Default.Vladimir Lifschitz - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 44 (2):163-176.
    This is an expository article about the solution to the frame problem proposed in 1980 by Raymond Reiter. For years, his “frame default” remained untested and suspect. But developments in some seemingly unrelated areas of computer science—logic programming and satisfiability solvers—eventually exonerated the frame default and turned it into a basis for important applications.
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  22. Vreme, objasnjenje, modalnost (Time, Explanation, Modality).Vladimir Marko - 2004 - Novi Sad, Serbia: Futura.
  23. Parameterfree Comprehension Does Not Imply Full Comprehension in Second Order Peano Arithmetic.Vladimir Kanovei & Vassily Lyubetsky - 2025 - Studia Logica 113 (1):109-124.
    The parameter-free part \(\textbf{PA}_2^*\) of \(\textbf{PA}_2\), second order Peano arithmetic, is considered. We make use of a product/iterated Sacks forcing to define an \(\omega \) -model of \(\textbf{PA}_2^*+ \textbf{CA}(\Sigma ^1_2)\), in which an example of the full Comprehension schema \(\textbf{CA}\) fails. Using Cohen’s forcing, we also define an \(\omega \) -model of \(\textbf{PA}_2^*\), in which not every set has its complement, and hence the full \(\textbf{CA}\) fails in a rather elementary way.
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  24. Sľuby a procedúry (The Promises and Procedures).Vladimír Marko - 2019 - Filozofia 74 (9):735-753.
    The work tends to point out the deficiency of some opinions claiming simplified presentation of the promise as the act that directly rise obligation for the promisor. Promises, either in the moral or legal sphere, are based on communication and so form an order of dependent steps that indicates their procedural nature. These characteristics may differ to a lesser extent, depending on the legal systems, moral norms of the society and its technical level and its needs. In all these cases, (...)
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  25. Conservative and Non-conservative Development of a Scientific theory.Vladimir Kuznetsov -
    An application of diagrams for separating modes of theory development.
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    Some Aspects of Understanding Mathematical Reality: Existence, Platonism, Discovery.Vladimir Drekalović - 2015 - Axiomathes 25 (3):313-333.
    The sum of all objects of a science, the objects’ features and their mutual relations compose the reality described by that sense. The reality described by mathematics consists of objects such as sets, functions, algebraic structures, etc. Generally speaking, the use of terms reality and existence, in relation to describing various objects’ characteristics, usually implies an employment of physical and perceptible attributes. This is not the case in mathematics. Its reality and the existence of its objects, leaving aside its application, (...)
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    Miracles in formal theories of action.Vladimir Lifschitz & Arkady Rabinov - 1989 - Artificial Intelligence 38 (2):225-237.
  28.  55
    Frontal and executive dysfunction is a central aspect of ADHD.Ximena Carrasco, Vladimir López & Francisco Aboitiz - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (3):427-428.
    In the target article, Sagvolden and collaborators propose that attentional-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the result of a general behavioral deficit which is mainly caused by a hypofunctioning mesolimbic dopaminergic system. Although we partly agree with this view, we think that it tends to overlook the dysfunction of prefrontal and frontostriatal executive functions by considering them to be a consequence of alterations in reward and extinction mechanisms. Rather, we believe that ADHD is the result of an overall cognitive and behavioral condition, (...)
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    Перспектива существования метафизики и философии в XXI веке.Alexandrov Vladimir Ivanovich - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 4:109-116.
    The keynote idea of the theses is contained in the author’s assumption that modern philosophy doesn’t meet its claiming pretensions: to be universal form of knowledge. First of all philosophy is connected not with knowledge but with ideas and secondly being authentic it “exists only in everyday life”.1 In orderthat philosophy could realize its innate essence corresponding conditions of social being should exist but they are still absent and therefore philosophy is absent as well. Its place is occupied by metaphysics (...)
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  30. The Analysis of Self-Deception: Rehabilitating the Traditionalist Account.Vladimir Krstic - 2018 - Dissertation, Auckland
    Traditionalists affirm that in self-deception I intend to deceive myself; but, on the standard account of interpersonal deception, according to which deceiver intend to make their target believe a falsehood, traditionalism generates paradoxes, arising from the fact that I will surely know that I want to make myself believe a falsehood. In this thesis, I argue that these well-known paradoxes need not arise under my manipulativist account of deception. In particular, I defend traditionalism about self-deception by showing that what causes (...)
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  31. On Cicero’s Fabius Argument.Vladimír Marko - 2020 - Filozofia 75 (8):677 – 692.
    This article aims to show that it is impossible to put Cicero’s testimonies regarding The Fabius Argument in a consistent inferential order. Either we must suppose that additional premises are tacitly assumed in the text or we must com-pare it with other sources, which leads to inconsistencies in the proof’s reconstruction. Cicero’s reconstruction of the progression of the argument has formal shortcomings, and the paper draws attention to some of these deficiencies. He interpreted sources in a revised and intentionally simplified (...)
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  32. Modelling Speech and Speakers: Gadamer and Davidson on dialogue, agreement, and intelligible difference.Vladimir Lazurca - 2022 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 24 (1):67-95.
    This paper examines Gadamer's and Davidson's dialogical models of interpretation. It shows them to be comparable, but importantly dissimilar with respect to the kind of agreement they require for communication to be possible. It is argued that this difference entails different concepts of alterity: they model not only how we talk, but implicitly who we can intelligibly talk to. Another important contribution of this paper is to uncover a distinction in Gadamer between two kinds of agreement missed so far by (...)
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  33. “Vişņu the Greater” and “Vişņu the Smaller”, or On the Continued Widening of Philosophy of Religion’s Zone.Vladimir Shokhin - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11 (4):197-207.
  34. David Miller a racionalita bez „dobrých důvodů“? Ke kritice Millerovy interpretace kritického racionalismu.Vladimír Havlík - 2018 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 40 (1):63-87.
    David Miller v pracích Critical Rationalism a Out of Error se jako jeden z mála Popperových žáků snaží nejen o vysvětlení a obhájení Popperova kritického racionalismu, ale zároveň i o jeho další rozvinutí. Millerovo znovunastolení kritického racionalismu ovšem předpokládá, že k racionálnímu jednání není třeba žádných „dobrých důvodů“, ale jen argumentů. Uvedená stať se zaměřuje právě na tuto otázku existence tzv. „dobrých důvodů“ ve spojení s racionalitou a racionálním rozhodováním a ukazuje, že Millerův požadavek neexistence „dobrých důvodů“ je nejen příliš (...)
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  35. Simulace a instrumentální pojetí vědy.Vladimír Havlík - 2016 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 38 (2):131-157.
    Stať se zabývá diskusemi o epistemologicko-metodologické roli simulací v soudobé vědě. Soustředí se nejprve na aktuálnost těchto diskusí v současné metodologii vědy a následně na její návaznost na určitou myšlenkovou tradici z osmdesátých let 20. století, kdy diskuse kolem modelování vyvolaly řadu otázek zpochybňujících tradiční pojmové distinkce, především mezi experimentem a teorií. Stať se přiklání v rámci těchto diskusí k názorům, které řadí simulace k novým a specifickým nástrojům vědy, jež také vyžadují novou a specifickou metodologii a epistemologické postavení. Pro (...)
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  36. Politicheskaya oppozitsiya v Rossii: vymirayushchiy vid?(Political opposition in Russia: A dying breed?).Vladimir Gel’man - 2004 - Polis 4:52-69.
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    Wittgenstein's Vienna.C. Henderson & Vladimir Zeman - 1976 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 14 (1):118-121.
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  38. Physicalism and the Status of Special Science Laws.Vladimír Havlík - 2019 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 41 (2):201-228.
    Physicalism as a metaphysical or ontological concept has maintained a dominant position since the second half of the last century to the present day. The claim that everything is physically constituted often accompanies microphysical reductionism, which assumes the existence of fundamental laws to which everything is reducible. In this context, a question regarding the status and possible autonomy of the laws of special sciences arises. The article focuses on the basic philosophical discussions between the strong, weak, and non-reductive physicalism that (...)
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  39. F. A. Hayek a pravidla.Vladimír Svoboda - 2012 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 34 (1):77-93.
    Článek reflektuje Hayekovy výklady o povaze pravidel. Ukazuje, že jeho pojetí pravidel je extrémně široké a vazba mezi pravidly a pravidelnostmi je nepřijatelně úzká. Následně je nastíněno alternativní - užší - vymezení pojmu pravidla. Nakonec je podrobeno kritice Hayekovo příliš úzké chápání pojmu normativních pravidel a je navrženo jeho širší vymezení.
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  40. (1 other version)L'Ironie ou la bonne conscience.Vladimir Jankélévitch - 1951 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 6 (1):117-118.
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    Is conceptual blending the key to the mystery of human evolution and cognition?Vladimir Glebkin - 2015 - Cognitive Linguistics 26 (1):95-111.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Cognitive Linguistics Jahrgang: 26 Heft: 1 Seiten: 95-111.
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    H. Cohens Ethik und ihre Rezeption in der russischen Philosophie des Rechts.Vladimir Belov - 2015 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 27:373-381.
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    The Prison of the Mind. Growing up with Myths in Communist Romania.Vladimir Ivanovici - 2017 - Convivium 4 (1):128-141.
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    Categorization for Faces and Tools—Two Classes of Objects Shaped by Different Experience—Differs in Processing Timing, Brain Areas Involved, and Repetition Effects.Vladimir Kozunov, Anastasia Nikolaeva & Tatiana A. Stroganova - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  45. Štyri antické argumenty o budúcich nahodnostiach (Four Ancient Arguments on Future Contingencies).Vladimir Marko - 2017 - Bratislava, Slovakia: Univerzita Komenského.
    Essays on Aristotle's Sea-Battle, Lazy Argument, Argument Reaper, Diodorus' Master Argument -/- The book is devoted to the ancient logical theories, reconstruction of their semantic proprieties and possibilities of their interpretation by modern logical tools. The Ancient arguments are frequently misunderstood in modern interpretations since authors usually have tendency to ignore their historical proprieties and theoretical background what usually leads to a quite inappropriate picture of the argument’s original form and mission. Author’s primary intention was to draw attention to the (...)
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    A Never-Ending Dispute over Morality.Vladimir N. Porus - 2017 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 55 (5):320-335.
    Leo Tolstoy’s Moralism is a call for the purification of moral universals as the foundations of culture, in which there is no contradiction between the values of an individual life and the values of the social “world.” A “moralist preacher” must fulfill two main requirements. First, he must personally fulfill the principles of his teaching. Second, he must be absolutely sure that he speaks on behalf of the truth he knows. Otherwise, his preaching will be deceptive and will serve the (...)
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    Nikolai Berdyaev on the “Spirits of the Russian Revolution”.Vladimir N. Porus - 2017 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 55 (3-4):210-226.
    This article analyzes Nikolai Berdyaev’s ideas concerning the spiritual origins of the 1917 Russian revolution. The philosopher believed that its sources were “demons” living in the Russian national spirit, discovered and awakened in the works of the Russian classics, such as Nikolai Gogol, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, and Leo Tolstoy. The main reason these demons were able to take hold of the Russian national consciousness was the collapse of everyday life, and the false orientation of this consciousness toward a violent establishment of (...)
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    Abaixo de zero: psicanálise, política e o “deficit de negatividade” em Axel Honneth.Vladimir Safatle - 2014 - Discurso 43:191-228.
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    Factors Shaping Attitudes towards Niche Luxury Cars Resulting from Brand Extensions.Vladimir Sashov Zhechev & Evgeni Stanimirov - 2016 - Inquiry: Sarajevo Journal of Social Sciences 2 (1).
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    Avicenna’s Proof for God’s Existence: the Proof from Ontological Considerations.Vladimir Lasica - 2020 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 26 (2):25-47.
    This paper argues that there is only one proof for God’s existence in Avicenna, and only one way for establishing the proof within his metaphysical system. This metaphysical proof is essentially derived from a priori notions, among which the notion of existence has the central role. Avicenna’s proof is structured in such a way that all its concepts are either derived from the meaning of ‘existence’ or are connected with this meaning. In this sense Avicenna’s proof sets out a scenario (...)
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