Results for 'Vlad Mureșan'

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    Hegel’s Resolution of Kant’s Religious Antinomies.Vlad Mureșan - 2017 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2017 (1):97-102.
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  2. ALEXANDRESCU Vlad and Robert THEIS (eds): Nature et Surnaturel.Vlad Alexandrescu (ed.) - 2010 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms.
    Depuis Kant, les philosophes ont appris à parler, avec prudence, du surnaturel et de sa relation avec la nature. En général le surnaturel n’est meme pas reconnu comme faisant partie de la philosophie. La situation n’aurait pu être plus différente aux XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles, lorsque les philosophes comprenaient la relation entre Dieu et le monde comme l’un des problèmes les plus importants que la philosophie fût censée résoudre. Les solutions étaient bien sûr extrêmement diverses : Spinoza niera même que l’on puisse (...)
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  3. .Marilena Vlad - unknown
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    Distributive PBZ $$^{*}$$ -lattices.Claudia Mureşan - 2024 - Studia Logica 112 (6):1319-1341.
    Arising in the study of Quantum Logics, PBZ \(^{*}\) -_lattices_ are the paraorthomodular Brouwer–Zadeh lattices in which the pairs of elements with their Kleene complements satisfy the Strong De Morgan condition with respect to the Brouwer complement. They form a variety \(\mathbb {PBZL}^{*}\) which includes that of orthomodular lattices considered with an extended signature (by endowing them with a Brouwer complement coinciding with their Kleene complement), as well as antiortholattices (whose Brouwer complements are trivial). The former turn out to have (...)
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  5. Descartes and Pascal on the eucharist.Vlad Alexandrescu - 2007 - Perspectives on Science 15 (4):434-449.
    Within Descartes' philosophy, the problem of the Eucharist provides scholars the occasion to investigate a nexus of questions belonging to different domains of his thought. In taking up this problem, about which there has been much written in the past few decades , I hope first of all to discern some order in the texts themselves, as well also as in their various interpretations, and then, from there, to propose a new perspective.
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  6. Polycentricity.Vlad Tarko - 2022 - In Chris Melenovsky (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. New York: Routledge.
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    Understanding and Imagination. A Kantian Interpretation of Hegel's “Inverted World”.Vlad Bilevsky - 2022 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 14 (2):157-162.
    In this article, I discuss an interpretation of Hegel's concept of the “Inverted World”, which is present in the final part of the chapter on Force and Understanding in the Phenomenology of Spirit. Other than my own reading of the chapter, I also summarize the three most important interpretations of the verkehrte Welt from the last century: those of Jean Hyppolite, Hans-Georg Gadamer and Joseph Flay. I have chosen these three due to the typology of interpretation within them: the first (...)
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  8. What Someone May Have Whispered in Elisabeth's Ear.Vlad Alexandresu - 2013 - Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 6:1-28.
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    Argumentul ontologic în filosofia analitică: o reevaluare din perspectiva conceptului de existență necesară.Vlad Vasile Andreica - 2013 - Iași: Institutul European.
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    Le futur de l'Europe: un débat ouvert.Vlad Constantinesco - 2002 - Arbor 172 (678):227-238.
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    The Political Plato.Vlad Ichim - 2008 - Cultura 5 (1):73-79.
    This study deals with the issue of Plato’s political interest. Some say he had none. We’ll try to show that in fact he was very political, to the extent that the core ofhis work is a political agenda, and is politically orientated. There’s also the aspect of the relation between metaphysics and politics in his work; that is a delicate issue, as some consider that Plato “disguised” his political convictions in myths. That too will be taken into consideration.1. The number (...)
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    Deleuze's Tensive Notion of Painting in the Light of Riegl, Wöölfflin and Worringer.Vlad Ionescu - 2011 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 5 (1):52-62.
    Deleuze's Logique de la sensation is not a canonical art historical interpretation of Francis Bacon's painting and even less an illustration of Deleuze's philosophy. It is better read as a prolegomena to a semiotics of plastic art in which the visual image is related to the dialectics of touch and vision. These issues feature strongly in the art theories of Aloïïs Riegl, Wilhelm Worringer and Heinrich Wöölfflin. This article presents a comparative approach to the relation between Deleuze's and these writers’’ (...)
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    Delia Popa, Emmanuel Levinas, Les aventures de l'economie subjective et son ouverture a l'alterite/ The adventures of the subjective economy and its opening towards alterity.Vianu Muresan - 2007 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 6 (16):159-168.
    Delia Popa, Emmanuel Levinas, Les aventures de l’economie subjective et son ouverture a l’alterite (Eemmanuel Levinas, The adventures of the subjective economy and its opening towards alterity) Lumen Publishing House, Iasi, 2007.
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    Ethics – Information or Giving-Form.Valentin Muresan - 2017 - Postmodern Openings 8 (1):9-14.
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    Vasile Frãteanu, Tratat de metafizicã/ Treatise of Metaphysics.Vianu Muresan - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (5):209-214.
    Vasile Frãteanu, Tratat de metafizicã Editura Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 2002.
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    Hermeneutic Clues for a Possible Reconstruction of Origen's Exegesis of the Creation Narrative (Gn 1-3).Vlad Niculescu - 2003 - Chôra 1:39-50.
  17. Les techniques de classe discursives–quelles retombées sur l'enseignement du FLE?M. Vlad - 2006 - Diálogos (Maringa) 10:33-41.
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    Genunchiul stîng sau genunchiul drept.Vlad Zografi - 1993 - [Bucharest]: Editura Eminescu.
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    Stepping into the Void: Proclus and Damascius on Approaching the First Principle 1.Marilena Vlad - 2017 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 11 (1):46-70.
    _ Source: _Volume 11, Issue 1, pp 46 - 70 In this article, I analyze the idea of “stepping into the void”, which can be traced in the thinking of both Proclus and Damascius, but which sets their perspectives apart. Thus, I show how Proclus warns us that to speak about the absolute principle, taking it as an object of thought, is a negative “stepping into the void” that should be avoided. On the contrary, I show that Damascius starts from (...)
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    Weak Business Culture as an Antecedent of Economic Crisis: The Case of Iceland.Vlad Vaiman, Throstur Olaf Sigurjonsson & Páll Ásgeir Davídsson - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (2):259-272.
    The authors of this article contend that traditional corruption, which was largely blamed for the current situation in the Icelandic economy, was perhaps not the most fundamental reason for the ensuing crisis. The weak business culture and a symbiosis of business and politics have actually allowed for the bulk of self-erving and unethical decisions made by the Icelandic business and political elite. In order to illustrate this point, 10 expert interviews have been conducted within the period of 6 months in (...)
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  21. Regius and Gassendi on the Human Soul.Vlad Alexandrescu - 2013 - Intellectual History Review 23 (2):433-452.
    Reshaping the neo-Aristotelian doctrines about the human soul was Descartes’s most spectacular enterprise, which gave birth to some of the sharpest debates in the Republic of Letters. Neverthe- less, it was certainly Descartes’s intention, as already expressed in the Discours de la méthode, to show that his new metaphysics could be supplemented with experimental research in the field of medicine and the conservation of life. It is no surprise then that several natural philosophers and doctors, such as Henricus Regius from (...)
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  22.  28
    The challenge of empirically assessing the effects of constitutions.Vlad Tarko - 2015 - Journal of Economic Methodology 22 (1):46-76.
    Mutually supporting methodologies are necessary for building a convincing case establishing a particular effect. Strengths and weaknesses of four empirical methods are discussed. Econometric methods quantify the relative importance of different factors and may assess the time frame over which constitutions matter, but have difficulties in dealing with nonlinear interactions among constitutional and cultural details. Cluster analysis can be a pre-requisite to other methods, and an analytic method in itself, useful for identifying the details that really matter and discovering surprising (...)
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    Distributive PBZ$$^{*}$$-lattices.Claudia Mureşan - 2024 - Studia Logica 112 (6):1319-1341.
    Arising in the study of Quantum Logics, PBZ $$^{*}$$ -lattices are the paraorthomodular Brouwer–Zadeh lattices in which the pairs of elements with their Kleene complements satisfy the Strong De Morgan condition with respect to the Brouwer complement. They form a variety $$\mathbb {PBZL}^{*}$$ which includes that of orthomodular lattices considered with an extended signature (by endowing them with a Brouwer complement coinciding with their Kleene complement), as well as antiortholattices (whose Brouwer complements are trivial). The former turn out to have (...)
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    La logique de la lumière chez Pseudo-Denys l’Aréopagite.Marilena Vlad - 2023 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 79 (2):257-273.
    Marilena Vlad Cet article se focalise sur le concept de lumière dans les traités du Pseudo-Denys l’Aréopagite Sur les noms divins et La théologie mystique. Le but de l’analyse est de montrer que la lumière n’est pas seulement un nom divin, mais qu’elle a un rôle beaucoup plus complexe dans la pensée de Denys. Premièrement, c’est la lumière qui rend possible le déploiement de tous les noms divins. En outre, elle explique le sens et le fonctionnement du nom divin (...)
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    Les deux manuscrits de L’Art de persuader de Pascal.Vlad Alexandrescu - 2024 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 13 (1):9-41.
    This study analyses the manuscript tradition of Pascal's work now known as De l'art de persuader and offers a historical, textual and conceptual criticism of the decisions that led to the privileging of one source (the P' manuscript) over another (the M manuscript and the D printed version) in the editorial history of the text. On the basis of this critique, the author formulates new genetic hypotheses and justifies the probity of the M copy for the establishment of the text (...)
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  26. La défense de l'imaginaire dans Fahrenheit 451 de Ray Bradbury.Madalina Grigore-Muresan - 2001 - Iris 22:79-94.
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    Ethical Cleaning and Moral Efficiency in Organizations.Valentin Muresan - 2015 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 6 (1-2):151-161.
    The main aim of this article is to clarify the answer to the question: "What does it mean to measure the efficiency (or effectiveness) of an ethical code? Is this efficiency measurable?" Although this phrase is frequently used, it covers difficulties, both conceptual and of implementation. The proposed solution is to abandon the above question and redirect our attention towards a more complex one: What does it mean to measure the "efficiency" of a moral enhancement program, grounded on a code (...)
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    „Între” arhivã si diagramã sau cunoasterea ca practicã a puterii/ „Between" Archive and Diagram or the Knowledge as Practice of Power.Vianu Muresan - 2005 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 4 (10):150-165.
    Taking into consideration the concepts of „knowledge” and „power”, whose correlation authored the very idea of modernity, this study on Foucault traces their evolution through two cultural patterns: the archive and the diagram. A world picture can be constructed only by making appeal to the archives of knowledge. In every historical moment the structure and the quality of the archive actuate the initiatives of power, that is, the play of forces between actors, institutions, centres of decision in society, and between (...)
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  29. Self-governance solutions to social dilemmas : a polycentric approach.Vlad Tarko - 2024 - In David Thunder & Pablo Paniagua Prieto (eds.), Polycentric governance and the good society: a normative and philosophical investigation. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington.
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    The eternal manifestation of the Spirit through the Son: a hypostatic or energetic reality? Inquiry in the works of Gregory of Cyprus and Gregory Palamas.Anne-Sophie Vivier-Mureşan - 2020 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 113 (3):1041-1068.
    The theological formulation of the “eternal manifestation of the Spirit through the Son”, developed by the patriarch of Constantinople Gregory of Cyprus in the 13th century, has been the subject of numerous studies in the 20th century and played an important role in the renewal of Trinitarian Orthodox theology. The interpretations are however diverging. Most theologians see in this formulation the manifestation of the uncreated energy, which would have been formalized later by Gregory Palamas. Others understand it as a hypostatic (...)
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    Damascius et l’ineffable. Récit de l’impossible discours.Marilena Vlad - 2019 - Paris, France: J. Vrin.
    Cet ouvrage part d’une question simple dans son énoncé et pourtant complexe dans sa solution : c’est la question du principe unique et absolu du tout. Pourquoi et comment en parler? En quoi résident sa nécessité, son importance et son sens pour la pensée? Cette question trouve une réponse radicale à la fin de la tradition néoplatonicienne, notamment chez Damascius, dans son Traité des premiers principes. Bien que ce problème ait toujours été présent sous le calame des philosophes héritiers de (...)
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  32. Dionysius the Areopagite on angels : self-constitution versus constituting gifts.Marilena Vlad - 2018 - In Luc Brisson, Seamus Joseph O'Neill & Andrei Timotin (eds.), Neoplatonic Demons and Angels. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill.
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  33. The metaphysical postulates of modern physics, which should be abandoned.Vlad Terekhovich - 2018 - Metaphyzik (Metaphysics) 27 (1):78-84.
    In the article, I consider seven metaphysical postulates that lie in the foundations of modern physics. These are postulates: about the nature of space-time, about the existence, about the direction of time, about the causality, about the elementary event, about the nature of information and about the immutability of laws. The directions of critical analysis and possible radical revision of these postulates are briefly presented. It is supposed that this revision can indirectly contribute to the development of a theory that (...)
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  34. The existence of quantum objects. Experimental verification of metaphysical presuppositions.Vlad Terekhovich - 2017 - Metaphysics 23 (1):104-112.
    В статье рассмотрено как результаты квантовых экспериментов могут изменить метафизические представления о реальности. Экспериментальная проверка неравенств Белла, Леггета, Леггета—Гарга, а также эксперименты с отложенным выбором и квантовым «ластиком» подтверждают, что для квантовых объектов следует отказаться от представлений классического реализма. Однако конкуренция между квантовым анти-реализмом и квантовым реализмом продолжается.
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    Genius State of Mind – Determination or Effect?Vlad Cristian Deac - 2019 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:119-129.
    Genius State of Mind – Determination or Effect? Through this paper I put together philosophical aspects and also medical ones regarding Nietzsche’s mental disorders. The analyze is based on three different discussions on modeling or creative suffering, bipolar disorder and altered states of consciousness ‒ extended consciousness and will show us some interesting findings, one of them is that the bipolar disorder II that Nietzsche was suffering of, could be the trigger point for it’s genius state of mind. Also in (...)
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  36. Between Despair and Bio-Chemistry. Notes on the Phenomenology of Addiction.Vlad Ichim - 2018 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:133-144.
    Although the phenomenon of addiction has existed, in one form or another, throughout the entire history, in contemporary society it takes new, more powerful forms, that need to be better understood. Also, today there are new methods and technologies of research, unavailable to past generations, that can shed new light on this complex matter. It is also advisable to use an interdisciplinary approach, as different areas of research can in fact cooperate to achieve a better understanding of addiction. It must (...)
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    Apusul unei Filosofii.Valentin Mureșan - 1995 - București: Alternative Pub. House.
    This book represents a first attempt, after the anti-communist Revolution of 1989, to investigate with analytical methods the reliability of the "official philosophy"in the ex-communist countries - the diamat. It is not a factual, historical or politological approach, but a conceptual analysis of two main topics: the "materialism" and the "dialectics". It is mainly focused on the Romanian case.
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  38. " Between" archive and diagram or the knowledge as practice of power.V. Muresan - 2005 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (10):150-165.
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    Information and News Consumption. Perception on the Communication of Authorities and Journalists During the Covid-19 Pandemic.Raluca Mureşan, Minodora Sălcudean & Adina Pintea - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (4):104-123.
    Starting March 2020, Romania has been faced with a health crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, a crisis reflected in media communication. In such situations, media play a crucial role in making relevant information timely and accessible, to help people learn about and understand what this pandemic is and how it is assessed, how to protect themselves, and what measures are taken by the authorities. This study aims to analyse how Romanian students keep informed during this national and global crisis, (...)
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    Le temps Des croisaDes.Radu Mureşan - 2011 - Journal for Communication and Culture 1.
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    Spiritual and Social Universe of 16th Century Transylvania.Ovidiu Muresan - 2013 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 12 (35):264-271.
    Review of Ioan-Aurel Pop, Biserică, societate şi cultură în Transilvania secolului al XVI-lea. Între acceptare şi excludere (Church, society and culture in 16 th Century Transylvania. Between acceptance and exclusion) , București: Editura Academiei, 2012.
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    The Sublime and Teleological Reflection in Marc Richir and Edmund Husserl.I. -M. Muresan - 2013 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 2 (1):76-82.
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    Comparative Constitutionalism and the Making of A New World Order.Vlad F. Perju - 2005 - Constellations 12 (4):464-486.
  44.  22
    Self-Governance, Robust Political Economy, and the Reform of Public Administration.Vlad Tarko - 2021 - Social Philosophy and Policy 38 (1):170-197.
    This essay explains how to use the calculus of consent framework to think more rigorously about self-governance, and applies this framework to the issue of evaluating federal regulatory agencies. Robust political economy is the idea that institutions should be designed to work well even under weak assumptions about decision-makers’ knowledge and benevolence. I show how the calculus of consent can be used to analyze both incentives and knowledge problems. The calculus is simultaneously a theory of self-governance and a tool for (...)
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  45. Neizbježni totalitet: Damaskije i aporija principa iznad svega.Marilena Vlad - 2012 - Synthesis Philosophica 27 (1):141-157.
    Dans cet article, nous discutons la première partie de l’aporie du principe premier énoncée par Damascius dans son Traité des premiers principes. La question qui se pose est de savoir quelle est la source de cette aporie qui met face à face le principe et le « tout » de la pensée et de la réalité. L’hypothèse que nous allons argumenter consiste à dire que c’est précisément le sens spécifique du « tout » chez Damascius qui est responsable pour cette (...)
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    La Médiation Discursive dans le Néoplatonisme: Présentation du dossier.Marilena Vlad - 2016 - Chôra 14:11-14.
    Dans cet article, nous nous concentrons sur le problème du principe premier chez Damascius. La question est celle de savoir dans quelle mesure la discursivité – le fait d’en parler – affecte ce problème et l’accès de notre pensée. Bien que le principe premier se veut indicible, toute tentative de le suggérer ne nous rend qu’une image discursive et donc inadéquate de lui. Toute tentative de raffiner notre perspective sur le principe ne fait que nous en éloigner d’avantage. Quelle est (...)
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    The Second Waive—Why Is US Higher Education Changing?Vlad Wielbut - 2009 - Dialogue and Universalism 19 (1-2):101-108.
    The beginning of the current decade witnessed the collapse of many ambitious and costly initiatives in distance learning, but that does not mean that this was just a short-lived fad, and that the march of change was halted. There appeared on stage forces and processes that work more slowly than decisions of university administrators, but that are also much more difficult to ignore or reverse. This article describes these change factors and the how they influence American higher education.
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    Damascius and the Ineffable Thread of Reality.Marilena Vlad - forthcoming - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition:1-27.
    This article discusses the problem of the ineffable in Damascius’ treatises De principiis and In Parmenidem. I argue that the ineffable—which is the ultimate principle proposed by Damascius—is also the theme that underlies the whole frame of the reality, in his perspective. Each level of reality that he discusses comes into play on the background of the original attempt to suggest the ineffable principle. Each of them—One, unified, soul, material forms, matter and sensible realm—tries to approximate and suggest the previous (...)
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    Socrates’ Apology and the Philosophical Art of Divination: the Delphic Oracle.Marilena Vlad - 2020 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 15 (1):5-26.
    This paper focuses on Socrates’ intention of examining (ἐλέγχειν) the Delphic oracle that concerns him. I argue that Socrates does not start out by refuting an apparent meaning of the oracle, as it has been suggested, but rather reacts to the perplexing posture in which the divine message places him. In this sense, the message—which becomes a lifetime mission for Socrates—has a performative sense, even though it does not have an explicit, prescriptive form. I try to show that Socrates’ philosophical (...)
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    Beyond Technological Singularity-the Posthuman Condition.Antonio Sandu & Loredana Vlad - 2018 - Postmodern Openings 9 (1):91-108.
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