Results for 'Vito Albino'

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  1.  32
    Resilience of Complex Systems: State of the Art and Directions for Future Research.Luca Fraccascia, Ilaria Giannoccaro & Vito Albino - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-44.
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    Advances on the Resilience of Complex Networks.Ilaria Giannoccaro, Vito Albino & Anand Nair - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-3.
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    Market complicity and Christian ethics.Albino Barrera - 2011 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The marketplace is a remarkable social institution that has greatly extended our reach so shoppers in the West can now buy fresh-cut flowers, vegetables, and tropical fruits grown halfway across the globe even in the depths of winter. However, these expanded choices have also come with considerable moral responsibilities as our economic decisions can have far-reaching effects by either ennobling or debasing human lives. Albino Barrera examines our own moral responsibilities for the distant harms of our market transactions from (...)
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  4. I Vote My Conscience: Debates, Speeches and Writings of Vito Marcantonio.Vito Marcantonio & Annette Rubinstein - 2004 - Science and Society 68 (1):108-110.
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    Kotarbiński's Theory of Genuine Names.Vito F. Sinisi - 1964 - Theoria 30 (2):80-95.
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    Joachim of Fiore on Jacob's Election.Vito Limone - 2023 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 89 (2):235-255.
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    From Parthian to Islamic Nisa.Vito Messina & Carlo Lippolis - 2015 - In Rocco Rante, Greater Khorasan: History, Geography, Archaeology and Material Culture. De Gruyter. pp. 39-50.
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    A Social Responsibility Guide for Engineering Students and Professionals of all Faith Traditions: An Overview.Vito L. Punzi - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (4):1253-1277.
    The development of the various themes of Catholic Social Teaching is based on numerous papal documents and ecclesiastical statements. While this paper provides a summary of a number of these documents, this paper focuses on two themes: the common good and care of the environment, and on three documents authored by Pope John Paul II in 1990, by Pope Benedict XVI in 2010, and by Pope Francis in 2015. By analyzing these documents from an engineer’s perspective, the author proposes a (...)
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    What differentiates episodic future thinking from complex scene imagery?Stefania de Vito, Nadia Gamboz & Maria A. Brandimonte - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):813-823.
    We investigated the contributions of familiarity of setting, self-relevance and self-projection in time to episodic future thinking. The role of familiarity of setting was assessed, in Experiment 1, by comparing episodic future thoughts to autobiographical future events supposed to occur in unfamiliar settings. The role of self-relevance was assessed, in Experiment 2, by comparing episodic future thoughts to future events involving familiar others. The role of self-projection in time was assessed, in both Experiments, by comparing episodic future thoughts to autobiographical (...)
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  10.  24
    Government Versus Markets: The Changing Economic Role of the State.Vito Tanzi - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Vito Tanzi offers a truly comprehensive treatment of the economic role of the state in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries from a historical and world perspective. The book addresses the fundamental question of what governments should do, or have attempted to do, in economic activities in past and recent periods. It also speculates on what they are likely or may be forced to do in future years. The investigation assembles a large set of statistical information that should prove useful (...)
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  11. Arbitrarily Selected Individuals in Natural Deduction.Vito F. Sinisi - 1963 - Analysis 23 (4):88-90.
  12. The development of ontology.Vito F. Sinisi - 1983 - Topoi 2 (1):53-61.
  13. Guglielmo Alnwick.Vito Bongiorno - 1970 - [n. p.],: S. Ti. E. B..
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    'Maschio’ e ‘femmina’ in quechua.Vito Bongiorno - 2022 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 74 (2):197-226.
    In questo articolo si descrivono e discutono le caratteristiche principali della lingua quechua relative alla distinzione tra ‘maschio’ e ‘femmina’. La prima parte del testo indica il modo in cui il quechua codifica questa distinzione attraverso il lessico, ponendo l’attenzione sui termini di parentela; la seconda parte mostra i sostantivi, aggettivi e verbi indicanti persone, comportamenti e abitudini considerati come tipicamente femminili o maschili. Sia la prima parte che la seconda sono vòlte a evidenziare alcuni fattori di tipo socio-culturale associati (...)
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  15. Genesi e sviluppo del criticismo.Vito Grieco - 1969 - Napoli,: Istituto editoriale del Mezzogiorno.
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    Deus Est Caritas: The Voice of Gabriele Biondo on Personal Justification and Church Reform.Vito Guida - 2023 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    The book examines the life and the writings of Gabriele Biondo, a secular priest who lived in the little town of Modigliana between the second half of the fifteenth century and the first decades of the sixteenth century. Through a careful examination of his writings and the sources he used, this book allows the reader to obtain a more precise understanding of Biondo, his background, his life, his movements, the difficulties that he encountered (mainly with the ecclesiastical authorities and the (...)
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    Representaciones y elaboraciones de la homosexualidad en la literatura costarricense.Albino Chacón Gutierrez - 2016 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 19:131-141.
    En la literatura publicada a lo largo del siglo XX y lo que va del XXI encontramos de manera constante lo que podemos denominar una serie literaria sobre el tema de la homosexualidad. La historia literaria costarricense muestra, en los inicios del siglo XX, el caso de Jenaro Cardona, de manera particular con La esfinge del sendero (1914). Más adelante, apenas pasada la primera mitad de siglo, encontramos el caso de José León Sánchez con La isla de los hombre solos (...)
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  18. O maravilhoso mundo nôvo de nossos filhos.Albino Spohr - 1967 - [Pôrto Alegre]: Editôra do Intelectual.
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    Essere e alterità in Martin Buber.Albino Babolin - 1965 - Padova,: Gregoriana.
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  20.  55
    The Evolution of Social Ethics: Using Economic History to Understand Economic Ethics.Albino Barrera - 1999 - Journal of Religious Ethics 27 (2):285 - 304.
    In the development of Roman Catholic social thought from the teachings of the scholastics to the modern social encyclicals, changes in normative economics reflect the transformation of an economic terrain from its feudal roots to the modern industrial economy. The preeminence accorded by the modern market to the allocative over the distributive function of price broke the convenient convergence of commutative and distributive justice in scholastic just price theory. Furthermore, the loss of custom, law, and usage in defining the boundaries (...)
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  21. Homo, Humanus, and the Meanings of 'Humanism'.Vito R. Giustiniani - 1985 - Journal of the History of Ideas 46 (2):167.
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    Teorie classiche del cinema.Vito Attolini - 1997 - Bari: B. A. Graphis.
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    A Note On The Owen Set Of Linear.Vito Fragnelli - 2004 - Theory and Decision 56 (1-2):205-213.
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    La Fundierung selon Gian-Carlo Rota. Une option dynamique pour la phénoménologie.Albino Attilio Lanciani - 2017 - Revue de Synthèse 138 (1-4):177-194.
    Le concept de Fundierung est introduit dans la IIIe Recherche Logique de Husserl et, malgré sa fonctionnalité apparente, il n’est pratiquement plus utilisé dans la suite de son oeuvre. En revanche, ce concept manifeste une puissance latente que le travail de Gian-Carlo Rota permet d’exalter. Entre les mains du mathématicienphilosophe, la Fundierung devient l’un des piliers fondamentaux d’une logique phénoménologique encore in fieri. Une logique qui voudrait prendre ses distances tant avec la « logique philosophique » traditionnelle qu’avec la « (...)
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  25. Giudizio.Vito Velluzzi - 2015 - In Mario Ricciardi, Andrea Rossetti & Vito Velluzzi, Filosofia del diritto. Roma: Carocci editore.
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  26. L'insegnamento della fiosofia del diritto : il contributo utile e attuale di Letizia Gianformaggio.Vito Velluzzi - 2016 - In Bruno Montanari, Filosofia del diritto: il senso di un insegnamento. Milano: Mimesis.
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    More on imagery and the recall of adjectives and nouns from meaningful prose.Charles de Vito & Andrew Manfred Olson - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (6):397-398.
  28.  61
    Principes de biologie mathématique.Vito Volterra - 1937 - Acta Biotheoretica 3 (1):1-36.
    This memoir consists of two parts, of which the first deals with the foundations of the theory of the struggle for existence, and begins with the introduction of the important concept of quantity of life, besides that of population. The fundamental equations are then established for the case where the individuals of a biological association mutually devour each other, the reasoning being based on the principle of encounters and on the fundamental hypothesis of the existence of equivalents of the individuals (...)
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    Learning to focus on number.Manuela Piazza, Vito De Feo, Stefano Panzeri & Stanislas Dehaene - 2018 - Cognition 181 (C):35-45.
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    On the conservation of simple concepts: Generality of the affirmation rule.Vito Modigliani - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 87 (2):234.
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  31. “∊” and Common Names.Vito F. Sinisi - 1965 - Philosophy of Science 32 (3):281-.
    In [6] I tried to show how an objection to “the nominalist's” analysis of “This is red” and “That is red” on the basis of “the doctrine of common names” might be overcome. The objection is that “the nominalist,” attempting to analyze and by construing the pronouns in these sentences as two different proper names and “red” as a common name, is forced thereby to construe the copula in both sentences as the “is” of identity, and hence this and that (...)
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  32. Leśniewski's foundations of mathematics.Vito F. Sinisi - 1983 - Topoi 2 (1):3-52.
    During 1927-1931 Leśniewski published a series of articles (169 pages) entitled 'O podstawach matematyki' [On the Foundations of Mathematics] in the journal Przeglad Filozoficzny [Philosophical Review], and an abridged English translation of this series is presented here. With the exception of this work, all of Leśniewski's publications appearing after the first World War were written in German, and hence accessible to scholars and logicians in the West. This work, however, since written in Polish, has heretofore not been accessible to most (...)
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    Public Space in a Private Time.Vito Acconci - 1990 - Critical Inquiry 16 (4):900-918.
    2Public space is an old habit. The words public space are deceptive; when I hear the words, when I say the words, I’m forced to have an image of a physical place I can point to and be in. I should be thinking only of a condition; but, instead, I imagine an architectural type, and I think of a piazza, or a town square, or a city commons. Public space, I assume, without thinking about it, is a place where the (...)
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  34.  45
    Conditioning of the alpha rhythm in man.R. Albino & G. Burnand - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 67 (6):539.
  35.  17
    Compassion-justice conflicts and Christian ethics.Albino Barrera - 2023 - Cambridge, United Kingdom New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Conflicting demands of love and justice are among the most vexing problems of social philosophy, moral theology, and public policy. They often have life-and-death consequences for millions. This book examines how and why love-justice conflicts arise to begin with and what we can do to reconcile their competing claims.
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    Corporate Responsibility in Adverse Pecuniary Externalities.Albino Barrera - 2005 - International Corporate Responsibility Series 2:145-156.
    The United States, Europe and Japan provide farm subsidies at a rate of one billion USD per day. The bulk of this is captured by large corporate entities. Damage to less developed countries is extensive and deep. Besides the farmers who are harmed because of the resulting lower agricultural prices, these negative effects ripple through the rest of the economy, due to the central importance of the agricultural sector for developing nations. Besides being direct beneficiaries of these subsidies, farming corporations, (...)
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    The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Economic Ethics.Albino Barrera & Roy C. Amore (eds.) - 2024 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This Handbook presents what world and regional religions teach about economic morality. It also compares the major religions, especially the Abrahamic faiths, in their positions on various social, business, and policy themes, such as feminism, competition, and the ecology, among others. The concluding chapter is an analytical synthesis that presents and explains the patterns that emerge from the various religions in this Handbook. Readers will find a remarkable convergence in religions’ teachings on economic morality, despite their wide differences in dogma, (...)
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    Il ‘taedium’ tra relazione e non-senso. Cristo crocifisso in Tommaso d'Aquino.Vito Limone - 2016 - History of European Ideas 42 (1):161-162.
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    To Gilbert K. Chesterton.Albino Luciani - 1978 - The Chesterton Review 5 (1):1-11.
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  40. La concezione attualistica della storia della filosofia e la critica di Eugenio Garin.Vito A. Bellezza - 1976 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 7 (1):27.
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  41.  9
    Diverse narratives of legal objectivity: an interdisciplinary perspective.Vito Breda & Lidia Rodak (eds.) - 2016 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition.
    This volume presents a collection of essays on objectivity in legal discourse. Has law a distinctive type of objectivity? Is there one specific type of legal objectivity or many, depending on the observatory language utilized? Is objectivity fit for law? The analyses in the various contributions show that the Cartesian paradigm of objectivity is not relevant to the current legal discourse, and new forms of legal objectivity are revealed instead. Each essay, in its distinctive way, analyses the strong commitment of (...)
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    Legal Transplants in East Asia and Oceania.Vito Breda (ed.) - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    This volume provides a unique overview of methodologies that are conducive to a successful legal transplant in East Asia and Oceania. Each chapter is drafted by a scholar who holds direct professional experience on the legal transplant considered and has a distinctive insight into the pragmatic difficulties related to grafting an alien institution into a legal tradition. The range of transplants includes the implementation of contractual obligations, the regulation of commercial investments and the protection of the environment. The majority of (...)
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  43.  31
    The Grammar of Bias: Judicial Impartiality in European Legal Systems.Vito Breda - 2017 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 30 (2):245-260.
    The concept of judicial objectivity is a cornerstone of modern legal systems. This article discusses the interplay between the lexical uses of the concept of judicial objectivity in cases that review the judicial impartiality of the court. The data for this project is retrieved from a large sample of cases from Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and the UK. The analysis of the data shows that in the case of alleged judicial bias, the concept of objectivity is referred to (...)
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    The incoherence of the patriotic state: A critique of 'constitutional patriotism'.Vito Breda - 2004 - Res Publica 10 (3):247-265.
    Habermas proposes a new solution to the problematic relation between republican values and democracy. He asserts that a new model of social cohesion is needed and he suggests that the sense of community in a democratic society should be founded exclusively on the acceptance and support of a system of constitutionally established rules which are the logical result of the historical evolution of constitution-making. He argues that an account of the constitutional process which led to the formation of the modern (...)
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  45.  16
    L'utopia di una società dialogica: Vilém Flusser e la teoria delle immagini tecniche.Vito Campanelli - 2015 - [Bologna]: Luca Sossella editore.
  46.  52
    Carolyne LARRINGTON, Women and Writing in Medieval Europe. A Sourcebook, Routledge, London & New York, 1995, 277 p.Antonietta di Vito - 2000 - Clio 11:17-17.
    Déjà réédité, ce manuel a pour vocation de présenter tout le champ des relations entre femme et écriture pour les dix siècles du Moyen Age (500-1500). Figurent donc ici des textes écrits par des femmes, des textes destinés à la lecture féminine et des textes dont les femmes sont le sujet. L'Europe est l'espace culturel couvert. La lecture d'une anthologie est sans doute la moins prévisible qui soit : devant l'immense domaine couvert, chaque lecteur tracera son propre chemin. En effet,...
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  47. Materialistic and Poetic Humanism in G. Leopardi.E. Di Vito - 1996 - Analecta Husserliana 49:221-238.
  48.  7
    Die philosophischen Abhandlungen des Ja'qūb ben Isḥāq al-Kindī.Albino Kindi & Nagy - 1897 - Münster: Aschendorff. Edited by Albino Nagy.
    Liber de intellectu. -- Liber de somno et visione. -- Liber de quinque essentiis. -- Liber introductorius in artem logicae demonstrationis.
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  49.  5
    Mathématiques et musique: les labyrinthes de la phénoménologie.Albino Attilio Lanciani - 2001 - Grenoble: Editions Jérôme Millon.
    Qu'est-ce qui relie, dans les tréfonds de notre être-au-monde, les entreprises créatives de la musique et des mathématiques? Qu'est-ce qui fait des mathématiques une musique des nombres et de la musique une mathématique des sons? Cet ouvrage essaye de répondre à ces questions. Prenant son départ dans la phénoménologie de l'acte créatif, l'analyse atteint la région où la phénoménologie touche la dimension du symbolique. C'est la volonté de rester dans ce no man's land, là où les dimensions du phénoménologique et (...)
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    La vita autentica.Vito Mancuso - 2009 - Milano: R. Cortina.
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