Results for 'Virginie Baby-Collin'

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  1.  49
    (1 other version)La fabrique d’une communauté transnationale au prisme des réseaux sociaux.Paul Nicolas & Virginie Baby-Collin - 2018 - Temporalités 27.
    Les réseaux sociaux sont l’une des pierres angulaires des dynamiques transnationales, qui articulent dans les études sur la migration espaces d’origine et de destination au travers de liens maintenus à travers la distance et dans la durée. La recherche porte sur les temporalités, analysées sur trente ans, de la constitution de réseaux sociaux au sein d’un groupe composé initialement de 72 Jummas, une minorité opprimée du Bangladesh, arrivés enfants en France en 1987 à la suite d’une opération d’exfiltration depuis des (...)
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    Altruistic Agencies and Compassionate Consumers: Moral Framing of Transnational Surrogacy.Caitlyn Collins & Sharmila Rudrappa - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (6):937-959.
    What makes a multimillion-dollar, transnational intimate industry possible when most people see it as exploitative? Using the newly emergent case of commercial surrogacy in India, this article extends the literature on stratified reproduction and intimate industries by examining how surrogacy persists and thrives despite its common portrayal as the “rent-a-womb industry” and “baby factory.” Using interview data with eight infertility specialists, 20 intended parents, and 70 Indian surrogate mothers, as well as blogs and media stories, we demonstrate how market (...)
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    Vices and Virtues of Old-age Retirement.Edward Collins Vacek - 2010 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 30 (1):161-181.
    AS BABY BOOMERS BEGIN TO REACH RETIREMENT AGE IN 2010, THEY ARE faced with the prospect of twenty to thirty postwork years. Should this period have any goals or purpose other than be a very long vacation? Four gerontological theories propose alternative priorities for this time: continuity, new start, disengagement, and completion. Each has a place within a full life. Careful consideration of each theory exposes how certain vices and virtues mutate during this "third age" of life: integrity and (...)
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    Book Review: Labor of Love: Gestational Surrogacy and the Work of Making Babies by Heather Jacobson. [REVIEW]Caitlyn Collins - 2017 - Gender and Society 31 (5):699-701.
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  5. Don't throw the baby out with the bath school! A reply to Collins and Yearley.Michel Callon & Bruno Latour - 1992 - In Andrew Pickering (ed.), Science as practice and culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 343--368.
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    Sensitivity Theorists Aren’t Unhinged.James Henry Collin & Anthony Bolos - 2020 - Erkenntnis 87 (2):535-544.
    Despite its intrinsic plausibility, the sensitivity principle has remained deeply unpopular on the grounds that it violates an even more plausible closure principle. Here we show that sensitivity does not, in general, violate closure. Sensitivity only violates closure when combined with further auxiliary premises—regarding which of an agent’s commitments constitute that agent’s beliefs—which are optional for the sensitivity theorist.
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  7. Social Reality.Finn Collin - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
    Social reality is currently a hotly debated topic not only in social science, but also in philosophy and the other humanities. Finn Collin, in this concise guide, asks if social reality is created by the way social agents conceive of it? Is there a difference between the kind of existence attributed to social and to physical facts - do physical facts enjoy a more independent existence? To what extent is social reality a matter of social convention. Finn Collin (...)
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  8. Birth as praxis.Françoise Collin - 1999 - In Joke Johannetta Hermsen & Dana Richard Villa (eds.), The judge and the spectator: Hannah Arendt's political philosophy. Leuven, Belgium: Peeters.
  9. Do Logic and Religion Mix?James Collin - 2017 - In Mark Harris & Duncan Pritchard (eds.), Philosophy, Science and Religion for Everyone. New York: Routledge.
    Logic is the study of the validity of arguments, which is to say the study of when a conclusion follows or does not follow from a set of premises. Logic is an ancient discipline pioneered by Aristotle and developed by some of the greatest thinkers in the Middle Ages. However, in the nineteenth century logic underwent a remarkable transformation into a precise branch of mathematics that changed the nature of logic, and the study of religion, forever. Both religious adherents and (...)
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  10. A sensitive virtue epistemology.Anthony Bolos & James Henry Collin - 2018 - Synthese 195 (3):1321-1335.
    We offer an alternative to two influential accounts of virtue epistemology: Robust Virtue Epistemology and Anti-Luck Virtue Epistemology. We argue that while traditional RVE does offer an explanation of the distinctive value of knowledge, it is unable to effectively deal with cases of epistemic luck; and while ALVE does effectively deal with cases of epistemic luck, it lacks RVE’s resources to account for the distinctive value of knowledge. The account we provide, however, is both robustly virtue-theoretic and anti-luck, having the (...)
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    Between Poiesis and Praxis: Women and Art.Françoise Collin - 2010 - Diogenes 57 (1):83-92.
    If we think of artistic creation as a basic dimension of humanity we need to question the absence of female artists in history. We should also look at their gradual emergence in the late 20th century, an emergence that coincides with the feminist movement and a change in the conception of art itself, revealed chiefly by Duchamp. But does art by women have some specificity? Without giving a definite answer as far as subject matter is concerned, we note that the (...)
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    Hommage à Marcelle Marini.Françoise Collin - 2007 - Clio 26:227-229.
    Notre proximité fut toujours celle de deux existences singulières, même au sein du collectif de rédaction des Cahiers du Grif que j’avais fondés mais qui ne tenaient que par la force et la générosité de celles qui, comme Marcelle, avaient accepté d’en partager activement l’aventure. Il y fallait certes du commun. Mais c’était le commun d’une mise en commun qui ne faisait jamais un. Une volonté de faire un monde – et d’abord de faire une revue – avec des femmes (...)
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    Kant, Marx et la question de la morale.Denis Collin - 2004 - Actuel Marx 35 (1):189-192.
    We have not to choose between Marx and Kant. Kant’s ethics is not an abstract thought to which one could oppose Marx’s practical thought. In addition, a normative dimension appears constantly in Marx’s works, legitimating the communist prospect, as an achievement and a liberation of mankind, forming an effective community. Lastly, the old historical materialism, conceived as both a scientific method of analysis and a teleological philosophy, cannot be accepted any more. The power of Marx’s scientific analysis invites us to (...)
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    Manuel de philosophie thomiste.Henri Collin - 1926 - Paris,: P. Téqui.
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    Plato's Use of the Word MANTEYOMAI.R. J. Collin - 1952 - Classical Quarterly 2 (1-2):93-.
    One cannot but notice Plato's interest in prophecy and divination. He speaks disparagingly of the art and of those who practised it, yet it seems to have held some fascination for him. Moreover, he frequently uses the language of prophecy in a metaphorical sense, and it is this which I am to examine. Often, of course, this use is facetious, especially with the nouns ‘prophet’ and ‘prophecy’: he is ridiculing obscurity or playfully lending dignity to an obvious inference. But I (...)
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    Vasso Kindi and Theodore Arabatzis Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Revisited.Finn Collin - 2014 - Science & Education 23 (5):1217-1222.
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    The Practice of Pharmaceutics and the Obligation to Expand Access to Investigational Drugs.Michael Buckley & Collin O’Neil - 2020 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 45 (2):193-211.
    Do pharmaceutical companies have a moral obligation to expand access to investigational drugs to patients outside the clinical trial? One reason for thinking they do not is that expanded access programs might negatively affect the clinical trial process. This potential impact creates dilemmas for practitioners who nevertheless acknowledge some moral reason for expanding access. Bioethicists have explained these reasons in terms of beneficence, compassion, or a principle of rescue, but their arguments have been limited to questions of moral permissibility, leaving (...)
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  18. Minimal Model Explanations.Robert W. Batterman & Collin C. Rice - 2014 - Philosophy of Science 81 (3):349-376.
    This article discusses minimal model explanations, which we argue are distinct from various causal, mechanical, difference-making, and so on, strategies prominent in the philosophical literature. We contend that what accounts for the explanatory power of these models is not that they have certain features in common with real systems. Rather, the models are explanatory because of a story about why a class of systems will all display the same large-scale behavior because the details that distinguish them are irrelevant. This story (...)
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    Social Reality.Finn Collin - 1997 - Philosophy 73 (286):643-647.
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  20. Autonomous-Statistical Explanations and Natural Selection.André Ariew, Collin Rice & Yasha Rohwer - 2015 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 66 (3):635-658.
    Shapiro and Sober claim that Walsh, Ariew, Lewens, and Matthen give a mistaken, a priori defense of natural selection and drift as epiphenomenal. Contrary to Shapiro and Sober’s claims, we first argue that WALM’s explanatory doctrine does not require a defense of epiphenomenalism. We then defend WALM’s explanatory doctrine by arguing that the explanations provided by the modern genetical theory of natural selection are ‘autonomous-statistical explanations’ analogous to Galton’s explanation of reversion to mediocrity and an explanation of the diffusion ofgases. (...)
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    The cosmos and the logos.Henry Collin Minton - 1902 - Philadelphia,: The Westminster press.
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  22. How are Models and Explanations Related?Yasha Rohwer & Collin Rice - 2016 - Erkenntnis 81 (5):1127-1148.
    Within the modeling literature, there is often an implicit assumption about the relationship between a given model and a scientific explanation. The goal of this article is to provide a unified framework with which to analyze the myriad relationships between a model and an explanation. Our framework distinguishes two fundamental kinds of relationships. The first is metaphysical, where the model is identified as an explanation or as a partial explanation. The second is epistemological, where the model produces understanding that is (...)
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  23. Betraying Trust.Collin O'Neil - 2017 - In Paul Faulkner & Thomas Simpson (eds.), The Philosophy of Trust. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 70-89.
    Trust not only disposes us to feel betrayed, trust can be betrayed. Understanding what a betrayal of trust is requires understanding how trust can ground an obligation on the part of the trusted person to act specifically as trusted. This essay argues that, since trust cannot ground an appropriate obligation where there is no prior obligation, a betrayal of trust should instead be conceived as the violation of a trust-based obligation to respect an already existing obligation. Two forms of trust (...)
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    La stratégie de la multitude au Chili.Alejandro Donaire-Palma & Michèle Collin - 2021 - Multitudes 81 (4):241-248.
    Le printemps austral au Chili a été le théâtre d’un grand soulèvement qui a mis fin à la politique néolibérale de Piñera tout en critiquant le cadre constitutionnel, héritage de l’époque Pinochet. Au départ, le mouvement était une grève métropolitaine contre l’augmentation du prix du ticket des transports publics. Face à la répression qui a suivi la grève s’est transformée en un soulèvement des multitudes pour la démocratie et un nouveau système de protection sociale. Même les tentatives de médiation institutionnelles (...)
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    L’impact environnemental et social des politiques publiques de développement sur les communautés autochtones.Federica Giunta & Michèle Collin - 2019 - Multitudes 75 (2):186-190.
    Les réformes économiques néolibérales, suite à la crise financière de 1991, ont provoqué des mutations dans l’économie indienne, son développement industriel et agricole. Celles-ci ont touché l’ensemble de la population mais particulièrement, les groupes sociaux classés comme les plus vulnérables, telles que les communautés autochtones adivasi. Du point de vue des politiques publiques, ce qui caractérise les Adivasis, c’est leur désavantage économique et social. Ils font donc partie d’une catégorie sociale ciblée par différents programmes nationaux de développement et de réduction (...)
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    Literary study as an education in moral perception and imagination.Ross Collin - 2021 - Ethics and Education 16 (4):478-491.
    ABSTRACT This article explores how literary study engages readers’ moral perception and imagination. Although some philosophers discuss reading as a largely solitary activity, this article explores social practices of reading common in English language arts classrooms in secondary schools. The article shows how reading with others can change the quality of moral perception and imagination in literary study. Reading with others, the article contends, can involve an ethic focused on the good of knowing one’s ways of seeing make a difference (...)
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  27. The Limits of Corporate Social Responsibility: Techniques of Neutralization, Stakeholder Management and Political CSR. [REVIEW]Gary Fooks, Anna Gilmore, Jeff Collin, Chris Holden & Kelley Lee - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (2):283-299.
    Since scholarly interest in corporate social responsibility (CSR) has primarily focused on the synergies between social and economic performance, our understanding of how (and the conditions under which) companies use CSR to produce policy outcomes that work against public welfare has remained comparatively underdeveloped. In particular, little is known about how corporate decision-makers privately reconcile the conflicts between public and private interests, even though this is likely to be relevant to understanding the limitations of CSR as a means of aligning (...)
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  28. Bunge and Hacking on constructivism.Finn Collin - 2001 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 31 (3):424-453.
  29. Hypothetical Pattern Idealization and Explanatory Models.Yasha Rohwer & Collin Rice - 2013 - Philosophy of Science 80 (3):334-355.
    Highly idealized models, such as the Hawk-Dove game, are pervasive in biological theorizing. We argue that the process and motivation that leads to the introduction of various idealizations into these models is not adequately captured by Michael Weisberg’s taxonomy of three kinds of idealization. Consequently, a fourth kind of idealization is required, which we call hypothetical pattern idealization. This kind of idealization is used to construct models that aim to be explanatory but do not aim to be explanations.
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    A New Contract is Required between Science and Society.Finn Collin - 2019 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 52 (1):48-60.
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    Meeting report: Second ISHPSSB off-year workshop.Eric Collin Martin - 2007 - Biology and Philosophy 22 (3):473-474.
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    Historical Document: On Probable Knowledge.Erik Prosperin & Nicolaus Collin - 2007 - Science in Context 20 (1):135.
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  33. Lying, Trust, and Gratitude.Collin O'neil - 2012 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 40 (4):301-333.
    Among the various methods of deceit, lying is often thought to be a special affront on the grounds that it invites the victim’s trust. Such an explanation is incomplete without an account of the moral significance of trust. This article distinguishes two morally problematic relations to trust, betrayals and abuses, and, appealing to the idea that we should be grateful to be trusted, attempts to explain these wrongs as violations of distinct demands of gratitude for trust. Only the wrong of (...)
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    Commentary on ‘Autonomy-based criticisms of the patient preference predictor’.Collin O'Neil - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (5):315-316.
    When a patient lacks sufficient capacity to make a certain treatment decision, whether because of deficits in their ability to make a judgement that reflects their values or to make a decision that reflects their judgement or both, the decision must be made by a surrogate. Often the best way to respect the patient’s autonomy, in such cases, is for the surrogate to make a ‘substituted’ judgement on behalf of the patient, which is the decision that best reflects the patient’s (...)
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  35. Rethinking the Individualism-Holism Debate.Julie Zahle & Finn Collin (eds.) - 2014 - Cham: Springer.
    This collection of papers investigates the most recent debates about individualism and holism in the philosophy of social science. The debates revolve mainly around two issues: firstly, whether social phenomena exist sui generis and how they relate to individuals. This is the focus of discussions between ontological individualists and ontological holists. Secondly, to what extent social scientific explanations may and should, focus on individuals and social phenomena respectively. This issue is debated amongst methodological holists and methodological individualists. -/- In social (...)
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    When Scientists Deceive: Applying the Federal Regulations.Collin C. O'Neil & Franklin G. Miller - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (2):344-350.
    Deception is a useful methodological device for studying attitudes and behavior, but deceptive studies fail to fulfill the informed consent requirements in the U.S. federal regulations. This means that before they can be approved by Institutional Review Boards, they must satisfy the four regulatory conditions for a waiver or alteration of these requirements. To illustrate our interpretation, we apply the conditions to a recent study that used deception to show that subjects judged the same wine as more enjoyable when they (...)
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    Reductivism versus perspectivism versus holism: A key theme in philosophy of science, and its application to modern linguistics.Finn Collin & Per Durst-Andersen - 2023 - Theoria 90 (1):56-80.
    We use recent developments within philosophy of science and within certain strands of linguistic research to throw light on each other. According to Ronald Giere's perspectivist philosophy of science, the scientific understanding of reality must proceed along different, mutually irreducible lines of approach. Giere's proposal, however, leaves unresolved the problem of how to integrate the ever‐growing multitude of highly diverse scientific accounts of what is, after all, one and the same world. We propose a technique for the alignment of different (...)
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    The Frankfurt School, Science and Technology Studies, and the Humanities.Finn Collin & David Budtz Pedersen - 2015 - Social Epistemology 29 (1):44-72.
    This paper examines the often overlooked parallels between the critical theory of the German Frankfurt School and Science and Technology Studies in Britain, as an attempt to articulate a critique of science as a social phenomenon. The cultural aspect of the German and British arguments is in focus, especially the role attributed to the humanities in balancing cultural and techno-scientific values in society. Here, we draw parallels between the German argument and the Two Cultures debate in Britain. The third and (...)
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    Variation de la pratique réflexive entre les contextes académique et pratique en stage d'enseignement.Simon Collin - 2013 - Revue Phronesis 2 (1):41-51.
    Résumé : Le stage d’enseignement est fréquemment considéré comme une période particulièrement propice au développement de la pratique réflexive. Souhaitant contribuer à cette réflexion, l’objectif de cet article vise à mieux comprendre la variation de la pratique réflexive des enseignants-stagiaires suivant les contextes académique et pratique. Pour ce faire, nous présentons une recherche qualitative, dont l’analyse thématique d’entrevues nous a permis de relever des variations contextuelles de la pratique réflexive à trois niveaux distincts : la motivation et la finalité ; (...)
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    Social Constructivism in Social Science and Science Wars.Finn Collin - 2016 - In Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Kimberley Brownlee & David Coady (eds.), A Companion to Applied Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley. pp. 455–468.
    Social constructivists claim that many phenomena that we normally assume to exist independently are really just created by collective human action, thought and language. Constructivists deploy a number of sophisticated philosophical arguments to support this thesis and, in so far as their reasoning typically serves an ulterior ideological purpose, it may fairly be called applied philosophy. The goal is to change various aspects of the existing order of things; constructivist arguments are used to show that this order is a human (...)
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    Critique d'une critique (Réponse à Louise Marcil-Lacoste).Claude Collin - 1981 - Philosophiques 8 (1):149-166.
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    Critical Note on Klawoon.Finn Collin & Poul Lübcke - 1990 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 25 (1):73-88.
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    Domaine de la biologie théorique.Remy Collin - 1935 - Acta Biotheoretica 1 (1-2):35-40.
    In order to delimit the field of theoretical biology, the author distinguishes in empirical biology a substructure and a superstructure. Empirical biology cannot be constituted without a minimum of reference to philosophical ideas such as the principle of identity ; having regard to its objective, which is explanation by means of physico-chemical models, it does not easily avoid ontological aspirations. Further, experimental research makes great use of scientific theories. Finally, the elaboration of the empirical data of biology may find its (...)
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    Différence / indifférence des sexes.Françoise Collin - 2001 - Actuel Marx 30 (2):183-200.
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    Guest Editor's Preface.Finn Collin - 2001 - Theoria 67 (1):4-6.
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    Idiographic theorizing and ideal types: Max weber’s methodology of social science.Finn Collin - 1995 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 30 (1):37-67.
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    Judging Kuhn by his fruits, or: Guilt by association?Finn Collin - 2003 - Social Epistemology 17 (2 & 3):141 – 145.
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    Le désir est partout.Michèle Collin - 2018 - Multitudes 71 (2):24.
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    La pensée de l’écriture : différance et/ou événement. Maurice Blanchot entre Derrida et Foucault.Françoise Collin - 2015 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 86 (2):167.
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    Metaphor and Truth-conditional Semantics: Meaning as Process and Product.Finn Collin & Anders Engstrøm - 2001 - Theoria 67 (1):75-92.
    A criticism is offered of the chief argument employed by Davidson to debunk the notion of “metaphorical meaning”, which exploits the static nature of standard truth-conditional semantics. We argue, first, that Davidson's argument fails, and go on to suggest, secondly, that truth-conditional semantics would profit if the static feature were abandoned and were replaced by a processual, dynamic conception of meaning. We try to show that this processual aspect can be captured without making the ensuing semantic theory open to the (...)
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