Results for 'Violence, Progressus, Gewalt, Gewalt-Progressus-Matrix'

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  1.  45
    “The Misinterpretation of Violence”: Heidegger’s Reading of Hegel and Schmitt on Gewalt.Robert Bernasconi - 2015 - Research in Phenomenology 45 (2):214-236.
    _ Source: _Volume 45, Issue 2, pp 214 - 236 In the winter semester 1934–35 Heidegger used the occasion of an introductory seminar on Hegel’s Philosophy of Right as the context for a sustained confrontation with the legal theorist Carl Schmitt. In this paper, I establish the context for Heidegger’s confrontation with Schmitt from 1933 to early 1935; I explain why Heidegger chose Hegel as the context for his discussion; and above all, I demonstrate how their various attempts to make (...)
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  2. Vigilantismus als politische Gewalt. Eine Typologie Vigilantism as Political Violence. A Typology.Thomas Schmidt-Lux - 2013 - Behemoth 6 (1):98-117.
  3.  18
    Gerechte Gewalt? Zum Begriff interpersonaler Gewalt und ihrer moralischen Bewertung.Daniel Messelken - 2012 - mentis.
    Kriege, Terrorismus, Völkermord, humanitäre Interventionen und andere Formen kollektiver Gewalt sind in den letzten Jahren auch in der Philosophie verstärkt in den Blickwinkel gerückt. Dabei wurde der Tradition des 'gerechten Krieges' neue Aufmerksamkeit zuteil und somit der Frage, ob und wann Kriege als 'moralisch gerechtfertigt' bewertet werden können. Die grundlegendere Frage, wie 'Gewalt' definiert werden kann, ist hingegen kaum nicht beachtet worden. Im Mittelpunkt des vorliegenden Buches steht die Frage nach Gründen für die moralische Rechtfertigung oder moralische Verurteilung (...)
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    Kenzaburō Ōe, The Silent Cry (Man'en gannen no futtobōru): The Game of Sacred Violence between Myth, Logos and History in the Japanese Cultural Matrix.Rodica Frentiu - 2013 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 12 (36):22-50.
    Studies of mythology and the philosophy of religions ascribe violence an important role in understanding traditional societies. Whether perceived as sacred and capable of renewing the world, or as oppressive and destructive, violence acquires a twofold valence, whose constituents are interpreted in a complementary relation of interdependence and entail a world outlook with profound implications. Retrieving this ambiguous dimension of religious violence, Kenzaburō Ōe’s novel imagines, against the historical background of post-war Japanese society, a game that enacts the eternal rivalry (...)
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  5.  61
    The Ambivalence of Gewalt in Marx and Engels: On Balibar's Interpretation.Luca Basso - 2009 - Historical Materialism 17 (2):215-236.
    This article is a reflection on Balibar's account of the concept of Gewalt in Marx, Engels and Marxism. The German term contains both the meanings of power and violence. At the centre of the analysis is the structural link between the notion of Gewalt and the capitalist mode of production and state-form. The problem is whether Gewalt can be understood in relation to the actions of the working class. Balibar rightly refuses any sort of counter-politics of power (...)
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  6.  14
    Violence in Islamic thought from the Mongols to European imperialism.R. Gleave & István Kristó Nagy (eds.) - 2018 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    How was violence justified in early Islam? What role did violent actions play in the formation and maintenance of the Muslim political order? How did Muslim thinkers view the origins and acceptability of violence? These questions are addressed by an international range of eminent authors through both general accounts of types of violence and detailed case studies of violent acts drawn from the early Islamic sources. Violence is understood, widely, to include jihad, state repressions and rebellions, and also more personally (...)
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  7.  10
    Erlittene Gewalt verstehen.Pascal Delhom - 2003 - In Burkhard Liebsch & Dagmar Mensink, Gewalt Verstehen. Akademie Verlag. pp. 59-78.
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  8.  80
    The matrix of visual culture: working with Deleuze in film theory.Patricia Pisters - 2003 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    This book explores Gilles Deleuze's contribution to film theory. According to Deleuze, we have come to live in a universe that could be described as metacinematic. His conception of images implies a new kind of camera consciousness, one that determines our perceptions and sense of selves: aspects of our subjectivities are formed in, for instance, action-images, affection-images and time-images. We live in a matrix of visual culture that is always moving and changing. Each image is always connected to an (...)
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  9.  51
    Gewalt und Religion. Eine religionswissenschaftliche Untersuchung zu den anthropologischen Ursachen und kulturellen Überformungen der Gewaltanwendung unter Menschen.Stephan Peter Bumbacher - 2006 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 58 (2):155-174.
    Intra-species killing occurs in all known human societies as well as among chimpanzees as wars between different groups. This parallel may be the product of a common evolution as both species are the closest biological relatives. Unlike apes, however, human beings not only compete for territories but also for power in general, goods, etc. As the product of mankind's further evolution, religions legitimate this inter-group violence.
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  10.  15
    The Grammar of Female Exploitation In a Digital Matrix : Analysis of the Mechanism of Digital Sexual Violence and Counter-Discourses on it. 윤지영 - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 122:85-134.
    이 논문에서 필자는 가장 오래된 남성폭력의 기술화 버전이라 할 수 있는 디지털 성폭력에 대한 철학적 담론을 개진해보고자 한다. 첫 번째로 불법도촬 카메라의 전방위적 공간성의 작동방식과 디지털 데이터 베이스로 전환된 새로운 시간성의 구조를 분석할 것이다. 나아가 디지털 성폭력과 사이버 성폭력 개념이 혼용되어 사용되고 있는 현재 담론지형에 개입해 들어가 볼 것이다.BR 두 번째로 정보통신기술의 발달과 사물 인터넷에 기반한 초연결성을 통해, 불법도촬 카메라의 설치와 촬영이라는 물리적 공간에서의 활동이 사이버 공간이라는 디지털 매트릭스로 즉각 편입이 가능해짐으로써 여성신체이미지가 디지털 재화로 기능하는 측면을 분석할 것이다.BR 세 번째로 (...)
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  11. ‘Ohne Gewalt’. Justicia y dislocación en el Proyecto ‘Gewalt’ de 1921 y ‘Kafka’ de 1934 de Walter Benjamin.Diego Fernández H. - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (3):127-152.
    The relationship between “Towards a Critique of Violence” (1921) and the work of Franz Kafka has been well established by several critical studies devoted to Walter Benjamin. However, it is striking that Benjamin himself, already well acquainted with the work of the Czech writer in 1921, never made any comment to Kafka’s work in this essay, and, more broadly, in any of the related texts that make up the project on the ‘Critique of Violence’. In this article, we analyze a (...)
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  12.  30
    Phänomenologie der Gewalt.Michael Staudigl - 2014 - Cham: Springer.
    Das vorliegende Buch präsentiert eine phänomenologische Analyse der verschiedenen Formen zwischenmenschlicher Gewalt und ihrer oft unterbelichteten Beziehungen. Auf der Grundlage einer Transformation der Phänomenologie und im Rekurs auf den aktuellen Diskurs der Gewaltforschung entwickelt es einen methodologischen Rahmen für eine nicht-reduktive Analyse von Gewalt, der in angewandten phänomenologischen Fallstudien erprobt wird. -/- Gewalt war bislang vorwiegend in den Human und den Sozialwissenschaften ein zentrales Thema, wurde aber nur allzu selten zum Gegenstand genuin philosophischer Reflexion. Um dieses Desiderat (...)
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  13.  33
    Hanna HACKER, Gewalt ist : keine Frau. Der Akteurin& oder eine Geschichte der Transgressionen (La violence est : pas de/pas une femme), Ulrike Helmer Verlag, Königstein/Taunus, 1998, 344 p. [REVIEW]Catherine Viollet - 1999 - Clio 10.
    L'exercice de la violence est largement, massivement, le fait des humains mâles. Les femmes, ou humains femelles, en sont souvent les principales victimes. Mais tel n'est pas l'objet de cet ouvrage. Lorsque, exceptionnellement, des femmes ont recours à des actes de violence, sont elles-mêmes auteurs de tels actes, elles transgressent les normes, les frontières imposées à leur seule catégorie de sexe. Ce sont ces cas de dissidence, de subversion, de transgression qui intéressent Hacker...
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  14.  22
    Gewalt als soziologische Kategorie.Gesa Lindemann - 2015 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 101 (4):501-512.
    General social theory has hardly been concerned with violence. The closest to constituting an exception to this rule are Weber and Foucault. But they largely pass over the symbolic, order-generating significance of violence and leave it open whether and in what way violence, including physical and deadly violence, plays a general role in the formation of order. In this article I argue that the general significance of violence for order formation can only be grasped if sociation is conceptualized starting from (...)
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  15.  24
    Gewalt und Legitimation – Grundzüge eines unaufhebbaren Missverhältnisses.Burkhard Liebsch - 2024 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 110 (1):82-104.
    In contrast to the widespread assumption that the state has the monopoly on violence and on the legal use of force, this essay draws attention to forms of violence which cannot be sublated in any political form of life that lays claim to the legitimate use of violence and force. The author asserts that any way of legitimization of violence is suspect of concealing reverse sides of new forms of violence that possibly escape political attention. This insight refers back to (...)
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  16.  19
    Risk Matrix for Violent Radicalization: A Machine Learning Approach.Krisztián Ivaskevics & József Haller - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Hypothesis-driven approaches identified important characteristics that differentiate violent from non-violent radicals. However, they produced a mosaic of explanations as they investigated a restricted number of preselected variables. Here we analyzed without a priory assumption all the variables of the “Profiles of Individual Radicalization in the United States” database by a machine learning approach. Out of the 79 variables considered, 19 proved critical, and predicted the emergence of violence with an accuracy of 86.3%. Typically, violent extremists came from criminal but not (...)
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  17.  13
    Die Gewalt des Rechts: Analyse und Kritik nach Benjamin und Menke.Christian Kalthöner - 2021 - Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.
    The modern idea of the rule of law is based on the assertion that with the establishment of law as a central instrument of control, the incidence of violence within society could be reduced. This understanding of law is radically questioned by Walter Benjamin in his essay "Critique of Violence" and by certain poststructural authors; for them law itself is entangled in a violent momentum.This study reconstructs the discourse between Walter Benjamin, Jaques Derrida, Giorgio Agamben, and Christoph Menke on the (...)
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  18.  18
    Epistemische Gewalt: Wissen und Herrschaft in der kolonialen Moderne.Claudia Brunner - 2020 - Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
  19.  16
    Orthodox violence: “Critique of Violence” and Walter Benjamin's Jewish political theology.Udi E. Greenberg - 2008 - History of European Ideas 34 (3):324-333.
    This paper deals with the role of Judaism in Walter Benjamin's famous 1921 essay on violence and law, Zur Kritik der Gewalt. Despite the intense attention devoted to this essay, the role of Jewish myth in it has not yet been thoroughly explained. This study contends that the association between what Benjamin termed revolutionary violence and the Jewish messianic tradition, which plays a central role in the evaluation of Benjamin's text, is far more problematic than has hitherto been assumed, (...)
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  20. Gewalt und Humanität: über philos. u. polit. Manifestationen von Modernität.Tilo Schabert - 1978 - München: Alber.
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  21.  10
    Gewalt Und Opfer: Im Dialog Mit Walter Burkert.Anton Bierl & Wolfgang Braungart (eds.) - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    The volume presented here is a collection of the contributions to an author s colloquium with Walter Burkert, which was held in November 2007 in the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research at the University of Bielefeld. Well known experts looked in detail at the work of the internationally renowned scholar of Greek. In his epochal cultural-scientific studies focusing on the origins of human co-existence in rites, on violence, sacrifice, guilt and horrific scenarios of death, Burkert approached questions of biological behavioural research, (...)
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  22.  22
    Ästhetik und Gewalt: physische Gewalt zwischen künstlerischer Darstellung und theoretischer Reflexion.Christoph auf der Horst (ed.) - 2013 - Göttingen: V & R unipress.
    English summary: The relationship of art to physical violence in European cultural history has always been intricate. Aestheticised violence in the fine arts, on the stage or in literature has often been discredited, but at the same time - not least because of the contiguity of violence and sexuality - it is received with pleasure. In a survey of literary examples from antiquity, the Renaissance and modernity, the author begins by elucidating the development in Europe of the troubled relationship between (...)
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  23. Gewalt and Metalēpsis : On Heidegger and the Greeks.Andrew Haas - 2008 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique (2).
    Cet article cherche à interroger Heidegger en tant que traducteur. Nous montrons d’abord que le refus de traduire hypokeimenon par subiectum rend possible une onto-héno-chrono-phénoménologie de la choséité de la chose comme constance. Ensuite, nous démontrons que la tentative visant à penser la transformation de l’ alētheia ne peut éviter la traduction et toutes ses violences. Enfin, nous faisons retour aux Grecs en vue de penser la traduction comme metalēpsis , de réinterpréter la traduction platonicienne des Idées comme choses, de (...)
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  24.  16
    Gesichter der Gewalt. Beiträge aus phänomenologischer Sicht.Michael Staudigl (ed.) - 2014 - Fink.
    Die Beiträge des Bands analysieren die vielen Gesichter der Gewalt und fragen nach übergreifenden Wesenszügen des Phänomens Gewalt. In phänomenologischer Perspektive rücken sie das erfahrende Subjekt ins Zentrum der Analyse. Der Band fokussiert Gewalt als ein perspektivisches Phänomen, als erlittene, verübte oder aus der Perspektive Dritter erfahrene, etwa bezeugte Gewalt, ohne zu unterstellen, dass sich schlicht von der Gewalt reden ließe. Dass der Sinn der Gewalt immer perspektivisch erfahren wird, besagt nicht, dass zwischen (...) als Widerfahrnis, als Intention und als sozialem Ereignis ein unüberbrückbarer analytischer Abgrund bestünde, wie er handlungs- und diskurstheoretische Ansätze traditionell trennt. Vielmehr ist dem Sinn der Gewalt nur im Rückgang auf jenes Zwischenreich von subjektivem Sinn und objektiven Ordnungen auf die Spur zu kommen, in dem wir als leibliche Wesen der Welt Sinn abgewinnen, in dem aber auch unsere vielfältige Verletzlichkeit gründet. (shrink)
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  25.  13
    Gewalt, Mord und Antihelden – Moral im Kino.Maria Wiesner - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 67 (2):18-23.
    There is hardly any other art form as immersive as film. Thus, if a movie focuses on the abyss of human behaviour, dealing with crimes, violence or even murder, it is often accused of being immoral and corrupting its audience. On the basis of selected examples from Alfred Hitchcock’s ›Rope‹ to Martin Scorsese’s ›Taxi Driver‹ and Lars von Trier’s ›Dogville‹, this critical essay explores the question of the moral claims movies can make. Considering contemporary films such as ›Promising Young Woman‹ (...)
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  26. Philosophien sprachlicher Gewalt: 21 Grundpositionen von Platon bis Butler.Hannes Kuch & Steffen Kitty Herrmann (eds.) - 2010 - Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft.
    Mit Sprache können wir nicht nur über Gewalt reden, mit Sprache können wir auch Gewalt zufügen. Der Band bietet eine systematische Erschließung dieser Gewalt der Sprache, indem er durch eine Vielzahl von Autorenportraits unterschiedliche Grundpositionen freilegt.
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  27.  11
    Unaufhebbare Gewalt: Umrisse einer Anti-Geschichte des Politischen: Leipziger Vorlesungen zur politischen Theorie und Sozialphilosophie.Burkhard Liebsch - 2015 - Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft.
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  28. Violence as Pure Praxis: Benjamin and Sorel on Strike, Myth and Ethics.Carlo Salzani - 2008 - Colloquy 16:18-48.
    Though for the Western political tradition violence is usually deemed merely instrumental, and thus neither essential to, nor constitutive of, the bios politikos, Walter Benjamin ’s “Zur Kritik der Gewalt” [“Critique of Violence,” 1921] and Georges Sorel ’s RØflexions sur la violence [Reflections on Violence, 1908] constitute an exception. 1 In very different ways, both texts put forward a notion of violence which comes to coincide with pure praxis, that is, with pure political action, in great contrast with a (...)
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  29.  24
    Über den Anfang von Walter Benjamins Aufsatz „Zur Kritik der Gewalt“ anlässlich des hundertjährigen Jubiläums seiner Veröffentlichung.Peter Fenves - 2021 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 69 (6):915-929.
    As a commentary on the initial paragraph of Benjamin’s “Zur Kritik der Gewalt,” this article shows that its characterisation of the “sphere of moral relations” as circumscribed by the poles of law and justice generates the rationale for the critique of violence. After describing how Benjamin reproduces the structure of Kant’s Metaphysik der Sitten, the article outlines the procedure whereby the initial definition of Gewalt as an “intervention” into moral relations is supplemented by an exposition of the situation (...)
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  30.  56
    Orthodox violence: “Critique of Violence” and Walter Benjamin's Jewish political theology.Udi E. Greenberg1 - 2008 - History of European Ideas 34 (3):324-333.
    This paper deals with the role of Judaism in Walter Benjamin's famous 1921 essay on violence and law, Zur Kritik der Gewalt. Despite the intense attention devoted to this essay, the role of Jewish myth in it has not yet been thoroughly explained. This study contends that the association between what Benjamin termed revolutionary violence and the Jewish messianic tradition, which plays a central role in the evaluation of Benjamin's text, is far more problematic than has hitherto been assumed, (...)
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  31.  11
    Does Judaism condone violence?: holiness and ethics in the Jewish tradition.Alan L. Mittleman - 2018 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    We live in an age beset by religiously inspired violence. Terms such as "holy war" are the stock-in-trade of the evening news. But what is the relationship between holiness and violence? Can acts such as murder ever truly be described as holy? In Does Judaism Condone Violence?, Alan Mittleman offers a searching philosophical investigation of such questions in the Jewish tradition. Jewish texts feature episodes of divinely inspired violence, and the position of the Jews as God's chosen people has been (...)
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  32.  90
    Another kind of Gewalt: Beyond Law Re-Reading Walter Benjamin.Massimiliano Tomba - 2009 - Historical Materialism 17 (1):126-144.
  33.  10
    Legitimation von Gewalt in der frühen Kaiserzeit.Simone Blochmann - 2017 - Hermes 145 (2):122-142.
    On 24 January 41 the emperor Caligula was murdered. Modern scholarly interpretations mainly focus on the alleged attempt by the senate to restore the republic. Taking a different point of view, this paper focuses on the act of murder itself. Caligula’s assassination was, after all, an act of violence against an emperor - unprecedented in the principate so far. It is argued that, by portraying the killing as justified, the narratives of the conspiracy fulfilled two main functions. On the one (...)
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  34.  14
    Das Maß der Gewalt. Normalität und Exzess von körperlicher Gewalt als historiographisches Problem.Christoph Mauntel - 2018 - Das Mittelalter 23 (1):128-144.
    This paper deals with the question, how an abstract practice like ‘violence’ can be measured. On a methodological level, there are two possibilities: On the one hand, a quantitative approach that tries to determine homicide rates allegedly allowing comparisons over regions and time. On the other hand, there is a qualitative approach that analyses key concepts like ‘cruelty’ in order to define the limits of acceptable violence. However, both approaches have clear shortcomings. This article proposes another perspective: Using the example (...)
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  35.  5
    Gesetz und Gewalt im Kino.Angela Keppler, Martin Seel & Popp Judith-Frederike (eds.) - 2015 - Frankfurt am Main: Campus.
    Anhand exemplarischer Filme verschiedener Genres – vom Western über den Polizei- und Kriegsfilm bis hin zum Animationsfilm – untersucht der Band, wie die Verzahnung von Recht, Gesetz und Gewalt im Kino dramatisiert wird. Mit Beiträgen von Thomas Assheuer, James Conant, Günter Frankenberg, Lisa Gotto, Julika Griem, Klaus Günther, Vinzenz Hediger, Konrad Paul Liessmann, Verena Lueken, Anja Peltzer, Rainer Winter, Hans-Jürgen Wulff sowie den Herausgebern.
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  36. Wittgenstein und die Gewalt des Namens.David Lauer - 2010 - In Hannes Kuch & Steffen Kitty Herrmann, Philosophien sprachlicher Gewalt: 21 Grundpositionen von Platon bis Butler. Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft. pp. 134-153.
    This article (in German) develops the outlines of a Wittgensteinian philosophy of the proper name. It goes beyond standard analytical treatments of proper names as referential devices in asking what kind of role the proper name of a person has for that person's identity. Hence, proper names are discussed in their relations with the capacity of saying "I", with the capacity of addressing persons as persons (or saying "you"), and with the general role words play for a person's symbolic identity. (...)
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  37.  25
    Towards a brutalism of the sublime. Violence and power in the Analytic of the sublime in the Critique of the Power of Judgment.David Antonio Bastidas Bolaños - 2022 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 67:89-110.
    The Kantian approach to the sublime in the Critique of the Power of Judgment is based on an antagonism between two faculties, Imagination and Reason. In order to understand this conflict under new conceptual coordinates, and pursuing a triple exegetical, aesthetical and political interest, the aim of the present paper is to develop the brutal character proper to the conceptual dynamics deployed in such an approach. Reconstructing this mouvement from the incidences of the term Gewalt, under a brutalism of (...)
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  38.  12
    Is Violence a Limit Phenomenon? A Critical Approach from the Perspective of Transcendental Phenomenology and Public Health Studies.Sergio Pérez-Gatica - forthcoming - Human Studies:1-17.
    This paper examines the idea, prevalent in post-Husserlian scholarship, that violence is a ‘limit problem’ of phenomenology. It offers a critical approach to this idea and proposes an alternative way of understanding the phenomenology of violence. The study comprises four analytical moments. First, I show the implications and shortcomings of interpreting violence as a ‘limit phenomenon’. Second, I address the issue of aggression as a mode of interaction between agents who can take on the role of perpetrators, victims, or witnesses. (...)
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  39.  22
    Assessing Child-to-Parent Violence With the Child-to-Parent Violence Questionnaire, Parents’ Version (CPV-Q-P): Factor Structure, Prevalence, and Reasons.Lourdes Contreras, Samuel P. León & M. Carmen Cano-Lozano - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Child-to-parent violence has dramatically risen in the last decade, becoming a concerning issue in many countries, so research on this issue has also increased. However, most of the studies on this topic have been conducted with samples of adolescents, and very few with samples of parents. In addition, the variety of assessment instruments does not reflect the elements of this type of violence. Thus, the current study was aimed to examine the factor structure, reliability, and validity of the Child-to-parent Violence (...)
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  40.  6
    Hans Joas in der Diskussion: Kreativität--Selbsttranszendenz--Gewalt.Heinrich Wilhelm Schäfer (ed.) - 2012 - New York: Campus Verlag.
    Die Themen Kreativität, Selbsttranszendenz und Gewalt erzeugen in der Forschung des Soziologen und Sozialphilosophen Hans Joas eine Spannung, aus der ein kreativer und eigener Denkansatz in der deutschen Sozialwissenschaft entstanden ist. Er schöpft aus der Quelle einer langjährigen Auseinandersetzung mit dem US-amerikanischen Pragmatismus und seiner Betonung der Bedeutung menschlicher Handlungen. Daraus hat Joas eine eigene Position zur Entstehung von Werten und Normen entwickelt. Seine neueren Forschungen zur Entstehung der Menschenrechte als einem Prozess der Verarbeitung von Gewalterfahrung sowie der Sakralisierung (...)
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    Die Legitimation von Entmenschlichung, Misogynie und Gewalt im Hinduismus.Fabian Völker - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 31 (1):30-70.
    ZusammenfassungSeit Jahren steigt in Indien die Anzahl der spezifisch gegenüber Frauen, hierarchisch tieferstehenden Geburts- (varṇa) und Berufsgruppen (jāti) sowie Kastenlosen (dalits;scheduled castes) und indigenen Gemeinschaften (ādivāsī;scheduled tribes) angezeigten Gewalttaten kontinuierlich an. Diese Gewaltakte und Tötungsdelikte sind aufgrund ihrer Qualität und vor allem aufgrund ihrer quantitativen Größenordnung als systemisch anzusehen. Dass sie in dieser Form noch immer ein akutes Gegenwartsproblem von allerhöchster sozialer und politischer Brisanz im vordergründig säkularisierten Indien darstellen, legt einen gesamtgesellschaftlichen Konsens über deren grundsätzliche Rechtmäßigkeit nahe, der sich (...)
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  42.  31
    Benjamin and Spinoza: Divine Violence and Potentia.Emerson R. Bodde - 2019 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 3 (2):75-90.
    In this paper, I seek to clarify, criticize, and expand upon the ambiguous-yet-influential concept of divine violence introduced by Walter Benjamin’s “Zur Kritik der Gewalt”. I proceed in three parts: in the first, I outline Benjamin’s argument about the cycle of mythical violence and divine violence’s special role as an interruption of that cycle. Next, I explicate Spinoza’s key concepts of potentia and potestas, which can be used to more clearly define what ought to instead be translated as “divine (...)
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    Kriege und fatale Illusionen der Besiegbarkeit als Bedrohung. Metatheoretische Beobachtungen und Desiderate gegenwärtiger Philosophie kriegerischer Gewalt.Burkhard Liebsch - 2021 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 23 (2):145-175.
    Wars and Fatal Illusions of Defeatability as a Threat. Metatheoretical Observations and Desiderata of a Contemporary Philosophy of Martial Violence This essay deals with the question how war threatens us even when peace seems to reign. Refering to Heraklit, Kant, and recent theories of war, the author takes answers to this question into account especially with respect to the problem if it is possible to keep in check illusions which make us believe that one can get rid of enmity by (...)
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    Gender-Based Violence Against Men and Boys in Darfur: The Gender-Genocide Nexus.Suzy Mcelrath, Hollie Nyseth Brehm & Gabrielle Ferrales - 2016 - Gender and Society 30 (4):565-589.
    Analyses of gender-based violence during mass conflict have typically focused on violence committed against women. Violence perpetrated against men has only recently been examined as gender-based violence in its own right. Using narratives from 1,136 Darfuri refugees, we analyze patterns of gender-based violence perpetrated against men and boys during the genocide in Darfur. We examine how this violence emasculates men and boys through four mechanisms: homosexualization, feminization, genital harm, and sex-selective killing. In line with an interactionist approach, we demonstrate how (...)
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    Review Article of Michael Staudigl’s Phänomenologie der Gewalt.James G. Hart - 2017 - Continental Philosophy Review 50 (2):269-288.
    This book is a rounded well-informed study of violence, especially from a hermeneutical and social-studies perspective. It is relevant to peace studies. It raises key issues about the phenomenology of the person, of violence, of the foundations of ethics. Although it tends to skirt normative phenomenological, eidetic as well as moral issues they are always insistently on the edge of the rich discussions philosophical-hermeneutical issues and contemporary writings on these matters.
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    Sinnvolle Herrschaft und moderne Gewaltfähigkeit

    Fundamentalanthropologische Aspekte in der Geschichte der Gewalt.
    Christian Wevelsiep - 2013 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 99 (4):524-543.
    The present considerations discuss the systematic opposition between a practice of nonviolence to experienced social injustice and violent relationships. At the point, we see existential decisions about war and violence, there are signs of misconduct of responsibility waiver form – the Security Council unable to act, the protective effect for the affected people lapsed, the effectiveness of international law too weak. What emerges in this starting position, especially for the present considerations as a problem, is nothing less than the question (...)
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    Inscriptions of violence: Societal and medical neglect of child abuse – impact on life and health. [REVIEW]Anna Luise Kirkengen - 2008 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 11 (1):99-110.
    ObjectiveA sickness history from General Practice will be unfolded with regard to its implicit lived meanings. This experiential matrix will be analyzed with regard to its medico-theoretical aspects.MethodThe analysis is grounded in a phenomenology of the body. The patient Katherine Kaplan lends a particular portrait to the dynamics that are enacted in the interface between socially silenced domestic violence and the theoretical assumptions of human health as these inform the clinical practice of health care.ResultsBy applying an understanding of sickness (...)
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    Bruders Hüter / Bruders Mörder: Intellektuelle Und Innergesellschaftliche Gewalt.Susanne Hartwig & Isabella von Treskow (eds.) - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    Is the figure of the intellectual still relevant in and for society in the late 20th and the beginning of the 21st century? The essays of this book from various disciplines explore this question based on the use of the term violence from a perspective of English Studies, German Studies, history and sociology. The focus is on the period between 1968 and the present. Geographically, the essays focus on conflicts in Europe, Latin America as well as South and Central Africa.
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    Die harte Schule der neuen Gewalt: Denkwege theologischer Gewaltkritik in der Zeitenwende vor den Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts.Bernhard Rinke - 2021 - Münster: Aschendorff Verlag. Edited by Gerhard Beestermöller.
    Die Studie untersucht die grundlegende Neuorientierung der deutschen theologischen Friedensethik seit dem Ende des Ost-West-Konflikts. Sie bietet Orientierung hinsichtlich der Denk- und Erkenntniswege führender katholischer und evangelischer Friedensethiker und damit der wesentlichen Entwicklungen der theologischen Friedensethik in Deutschland in der harten Schule der neuen Realitäten seit dem Ende der Blockkonfrontation. Dabei arbeitet sie heraus, welche normativen Vorgaben für friedensdienliches Handeln die deutsche theologische Friedensethik in Wahrnehmung ihrer Verantwortung für die Welt angesichts der neuen gewaltförmigen Konflikte unserer Gegenwart entworfen hat.
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    The Оrigin of the Modern State: Imagination, Violence, Institutions.Oleg Bilyi & Vitalii Liakh - 2021 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 1 (2):3-29.
    The main idea of the article is to define the role of imagination, violence and institutions in the formation of the modern state as well as to show that the important dimension of the state building is the image of the self, creative capacity of the individual to symbolic self-made activity and self-made reproduction. The symbolic world of the imaginary state is the product of the communities united symbolically, contingency and simultaneously the part of the social orders. The Nort conception (...)
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