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Peter Fenves [31]Peter D. Fenves [5]Peter David Fenves [3]
  1.  92
    The Messianic Reduction: Walter Benjamin and the Shape of Time.Peter Fenves - 2010 - Stanford University Press.
    _The Messianic Reduction_ is a groundbreaking study of Walter Benjamin's thought. Fenves places Benjamin's early writings in the context of contemporaneous philosophy, with particular attention to the work of Bergson, Cohen, Husserl, Frege, and Heidegger. By concentrating on a neglected dimension of Benjamin's friendship with Gershom Scholem, who was a student of mathematics before he became a scholar of Jewish mysticism, Fenves shows how mathematical research informs Benjamin's reflections on the problem of historical time. In order to capture the character (...)
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    "Chatter": language and history in Kierkegaard.Peter David Fenves - 1993 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    'Chatter' cannot always be taken lightly, for its insignificance and insubstantiality challenge the very notions of substance and significance through which rational discourses seek justification. This book shows that in 'chatter' Kierkegaard uncovered a specifically linguistic mode of negativity. The author examines in detail those writings of Kierkegaard in which he undertook complex negotiations with the threat - and also the promise - of 'chatter', which cuts across the distinctions in which the relation of language to reality - and above (...)
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  3.  31
    Late Kant: Towards Another Law of the Earth.Peter Fenves - 2003 - New York: Routledge.
    Immanuel Kant spent many of his younger years working on what are generally considered his masterpieces: the three _Critiques_. But his work did not stop there: in later life he began to reconsider subjects such as anthropology, and topics including colonialism, race and peace. In _Late Kant_, Peter Fenves becomes one of the first to thoroughly explore Kant's later writings and give them the detailed scholarly attention they deserve. In his opening chapters, Fenves examines in detail the various essays in (...)
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  4.  22
    Detour and Dao: Benjamin, with Jullien, contra the Ontology of the Event.Peter Fenves - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (4-5):161-175.
    Taking its point of departure from Jullien’s primary claim in The Silent Transformations that ancient Greek ontology propels European thought into ‘the vertigo of the event,’ the article turns toward a European thinker whom Jullien does not mention in this context, namely Walter Benjamin, and asks whether his work, too, succumbs to this vertigo. The choice of Benjamin as a ‘test case’ is governed by two factors: while his work is widely associated with notions of the event, there is little (...)
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    From the Metaphysics of Law to the Critique of Violence.Peter Fenves - 2020 - In María Del Del Rosario Acosta López & Colin McQuillan, Critique in German Philosophy: From Kant to Critical Theory. Albany: SUNY Press. pp. 301-315.
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  6. Imagining an inundation of australians, or, Leibniz on the principles of grace and race.Peter Fenves - 2005 - In Andrew Valls, Race and Racism in Modern Philosophy. Cornell University Press.
  7.  40
    Marx's Doctoral Thesis on Two Greek Atomists and the Post-Kantian Interpretations.Peter Fenves - 1986 - Journal of the History of Ideas 47 (3):433-452.
  8.  17
    Entanglement— oF Benjamin with Heidegger.Peter Fenves - 2015 - In Andrew E. Benjamin & Dimitris Vardoulakis, Sparks Will Fly: Benjamin and Heidegger. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 3-26.
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  9.  28
    Arresting language: from Leibniz to Benjamin.Peter D. Fenves - 2001 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    Speech act theory has taught us 'how to do things with words'. Arresting Language turns its attention in the opposite direction - toward the surprising things that language can undo and leave undone. In the eight essays of this volume, arresting language is seen as language at rest, words no longer in service to the project of establishing conventions or instituting legal regimes. Concentrating on both widely-known and seldom-read texts from a variety of philosophers, writers, and critics - from Leibniz (...)
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  10.  45
    Raising the Tone of Philosophy: Late Essays by Immanuel Kant, Transformative Critique by Jacques Derrida.Peter D. Fenves & Immanuel Kant - 1995 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 53 (4):446-446.
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    Measure for measure.Peter Fenves - 1993 - Philosophy Today 37 (4):369-382.
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    Marital, Martial, Maritime Law: Toward Some Controversial Passages in Kant's Doctrine of Right.Peter D. Fenves - 2005 - Diacritics 35 (4):101-120.
    Beginning with an analysis of an early satire of Kant 's doctrine of marital law, this essay draws on Walter Benjamin's condensed exposition of this doctrine in order to ask whether Kant 's notoriously unsentimental representation of marriage is, in fact, from the perspective of his own idea of law, overly sentimental. Whereas Kant ridicules the idea of a "law of war" in his program for perpetual peace, he accepts the possibility of legally sanctioned intercourse, in which people use others (...)
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    A peculiar fate: metaphysics and world-history in Kant.Peter David Fenves - 1991 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
  14.  58
    At the Confluence of Etymology and Thinking: A Response to Jean-Luc Nancy.Peter Fenves - 2011 - Substance 40 (3):20-24.
  15.  25
    Über den Anfang von Walter Benjamins Aufsatz „Zur Kritik der Gewalt“ anlässlich des hundertjährigen Jubiläums seiner Veröffentlichung.Peter Fenves - 2021 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 69 (6):915-929.
    As a commentary on the initial paragraph of Benjamin’s “Zur Kritik der Gewalt,” this article shows that its characterisation of the “sphere of moral relations” as circumscribed by the poles of law and justice generates the rationale for the critique of violence. After describing how Benjamin reproduces the structure of Kant’s Metaphysik der Sitten, the article outlines the procedure whereby the initial definition of Gewalt as an “intervention” into moral relations is supplemented by an exposition of the situation in which (...)
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  16.  59
    Benjamin, Einstein, Nietzsche.Peter Fenves - 2016 - Philosophy Today 60 (2):537-543.
    The brief paper discusses the final sections of Miguel Vatter’s with particular attention to its use of popular science. Taking its point of departure from Vatter’s contention that Benjamin’s image of two counteracting forces in the so-called “Theological-Political Fragment” refers to Einstein’s inclusion of a cosmological constant in the equations of general relativity, the paper shows that this suggestion, while intriguing, is improbable. By contrasting Benjamin’s and Nietzsche’s use of popular science with Vatter’s, the paper concludes by asking whether the (...)
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  17.  41
    Derrida and History: Some Questions Derrida Pursues in His Early Writings.Peter Fenves - 2001 - In Tom Cohen, Jacques Derrida and the Humanities: A Critical Reader. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 271--95.
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    From empiricism to the experience of freedom.Peter Fenves - 1993 - Paragraph 16 (2):158-179.
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  19. Kant and the deportation of justice.Peter Fenves - 2004 - In Sinkwan Cheng, Law, justice, and power: between reason and will. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. pp. 97.
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    Marx, Mourning, Messianicity.Peter Fenves - 1997 - In Hent de Vries & Samuel Weber, Violence, Identity, and Self-Determination. Stanford University Press. pp. 253-270.
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  21.  45
    "Out of the Order of Number": Benjamin and Irigaray Toward a Politics of Pure Means.Peter D. Fenves - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (1):43-58.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:“Out of the Order of Number”: Benjamin and Irigaray Toward a Politics of Pure MeansPeter Fenves* (bio)At the heart of the legal orders that arose in conjunction with the Enlightenment idea of law as rules of conduct universally applicable to all those who belong to a properly instituted political body lies a formula for the justification of the violence on which the law depends in order for it to (...)
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  22.  9
    Out of the Blue: Secrecy, Radical Evil, and the Crypt of Faith.Peter Fenves - 2001 - In Richard Rand, Futures: Of Jacques Derrida. Stanford University Press. pp. 99-130.
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  23.  9
    Premises: Essays on Philosophy and Literature From Kant to Celan.Peter Fenves (ed.) - 1999 - Stanford University Press.
    "Poetry does not impose, it exposes itself," wrote Paul Celan. Werner Hamacher's investigations into crucial texts of philosophical and literary modernity show that Celan's apothegm is also valid for the structure of understanding and for language in general. In _Premises_ Hamacher demonstrates that the promise of a subject position is not only unavoidable—and thus operates as a structural imperative—but is also unattainable and therefore by necessity open to possibilities other than that defined as "position," to redefinitions and unexpected transformations of (...)
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  24. Tragedy and Prophecy in Benjamin's 'Origin of the German Mourning Play.'.Peter Fenves - 2002 - In Gerhard Richter, Benjamin's ghosts: interventions in contemporary literary and cultural theory. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. pp. 237--59.
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    The Sovereign Sentence.Peter Fenves - 2004 - In Sinkwan Cheng, Law, justice, and power: between reason and will. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. pp. 97.
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  26.  40
    Under the Sign of Failure.Peter Fenves - 1996 - Idealistic Studies 26 (2):135-151.
    The slogan “eternal peace” can be announced only under the sign of its failure because the term “eternity” does not belong either to the diplomatic vocabulary of politics or to a properly criticized lexicon of philosophy. Speaking of anything as “eternal,” including peace, demands that one take leave of both diplomacy and critical philosophy, each of which takes its point of departure from a certain abandonment of eternity in for of time, timing, temporality, and temporizing - so much so that (...)
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  27. When Christianity is finally over: images of a messianic politics in Heine and Benjamin.Peter Fenves - 2014 - In Anna Glazova & Paul North, Messianic thought outside theology. New York: Fordham University Press.
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    Nietzsche: Life as Literature (review).Peter Fenves - 1987 - Philosophy and Literature 11 (1):163-170.
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    Nietzsche's Zarathustra (review).Peter Fenves - 1989 - Philosophy and Literature 13 (1):215-216.
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  30.  10
    Synthesis und Systembegriff in der Philosophie.Hartwig Wiedebach, Peter D. Fenves & Felix Noeggerath (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Peter Lang.
    This volume includes Felix Noeggerath's dissertation from 1916, published here for the first time in a reliable critical edition. The dissertation represents a daring and far-reaching re-conceptualization of Kantian and neo-Kantian thought that consists in "critique of anti-rationalism," especially in the form of vitalism. Both Kant's and Hermann Cohen's philosophies can be experienced anew through the far-reaching optic that Noeggerath developed - an optic that he reiterates and develops into a comprehensive theory of art in a 1951 essay - republished (...)
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  31.  36
    That Is to Say: Heidegger’s Poetics. [REVIEW]Peter Fenves - 2000 - Review of Metaphysics 54 (1):136-138.
    Coming to terms with Heidegger’s “poetics” is a difficult task. On the one hand, there is a tendency to read Heidegger’s “elucidations” or “discussions” of poems and poetic fragments as if they were independent philosophical reflections. The works of Sophocles and Hölderlin— to name only the most important poets for Heidegger—are then treated as if they were no different from the philosophical texts Heidegger elsewhere interprets. On the one hand, there is a countertendency to protect the poetic texts, as it (...)
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  32.  25
    Adornos philosophisches Deuten von Dichtung. [REVIEW]Peter Fenves - 1992 - International Studies in Philosophy 24 (3):123-124.
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  33.  41
    Beyond Representation. [REVIEW]Peter Fenves - 1998 - Review of Metaphysics 51 (4):927-928.
  34.  34
    Africa, Asia, and the History of Philosophy: Racism and the Formation of the Philosophical Canon, 1780–1820. [REVIEW]Peter Fenves - 2015 - Critical Philosophy of Race 3 (1):152-157.
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  35.  64
    Bewegtheit. [REVIEW]Peter Fenves - 1993 - International Studies in Philosophy 25 (3):99-100.
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  36.  32
    Heidegger's Philosophy of Art. [REVIEW]Peter Fenves - 2002 - Dialogue 41 (3):598-600.
    With this short and highly readable book, Julian Young has performed a much-needed service for a wide range of readers. Not only will scholars of Heidegger's work profit from its incisive analyses; so, too, will other students of the German philosophical tradition—and indeed anyone seriously interested in the history of aesthetics and the philosophy of art. Studies of Heidegger's treatment of poets and artists often succumb to one of two temptations: either they pay little attention to the works of art (...)
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  37.  20
    Image and Chatter: Adorno's Construction of KierkegaardKierkegaard: Construction of the Aesthetic. [REVIEW]Peter Fenves, Theodor W. Adorno & Robert Hullot-Kentor - 1992 - Diacritics 22 (1):99.
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  38.  57
    Walter Benjamin: The Colour of Experience. [REVIEW]Peter Fenves - 2000 - Review of Metaphysics 53 (4):920-922.
    The revival of interest in Walter Benjamin's writings, many of which are now appearing in English for the first time, has generated a fairly large body of scholarship devoted to the question: How does Benjamin stand with respect to philosophy? Since Benjamin rarely engages in anything resembling traditional philosophical argumentation, this question has received a bewildering variety of responses, many of which have reflected the principal concerns of the commentators as much as Benjamin's own. This is particularly true of the (...)
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