Results for 'Vincent Filiucci'

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  1. What Is Innovation?Vincent Blok - 2021 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 25 (1):72-96.
    In this article, I reflect on the nature of innovation to lay the groundwork for a philosophy of innovation. First, I contrast the contemporary techno-economic paradigm of innovation with the work of Joseph Schumpeter. It becomes clear that Schumpeter’s work provides good reasons to question the techno-economic paradigm of innovation. Second, I contrast ‘innovation’ with ‘technology’ and identify five differences between the two concepts. Third, I reflect on the process-outcome dimension and the ontic-ontological dimension of innovation to develop four characteristics (...)
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  2. Ecological Management: a Research Agenda: Guest Editorial.Vincent Blok - 2021 - Philosophy of Management 20 (1):1-4.
    This editorial sketches the relevancy and urgency of philosophical reflection on issues in ecological management. It subsequently provides a research agenda for future research on ecological management in the field of philosophy of management. Finally, it introduces the three articles that are part of this special issue.
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    Peirce's Approach to the Self: A Semiotic Perspective on Human Subjectivity.Vincent Michael Colapietro - 1988 - State University of New York Press.
    Based on a careful study of his unpublished manuscripts as well as his published work, this book explores Peirce's general theory of signs and the way in which Peirce himself used this theory to understand subjectivity.
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    The Measurement of Individual Differences in Cognitive Biases: A Review and Improvement.Vincent Berthet - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:630177.
    Individual differences have been neglected in decision-making research on heuristics and cognitive biases. Addressing that issue requires having reliable measures. The author first reviewed the research on the measurement of individual differences in cognitive biases. While reliable measures of a dozen biases are currently available, our review revealed that some measures require improvement and measures of other key biases are still lacking (e.g., confirmation bias). We then conducted empirical work showing that adjustments produced a significant improvement of some measures and (...)
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    Energetic Ethics. Georges Bataille in the Anthropocene.Jochem Zwier & Vincent Blok - 2019 - In Luca Valera & Juan Carlos Castilla, Global Changes: Ethics, Politics and Environment in the Contemporary Technological World. Springer Verlag. pp. 171-180.
    In this chapter, we develop the claim that today, in light of the distributed catastrophe called the Anthropocene, the question of ethics first and foremost becomes a question of economy and energy. Supplementing existing ethical approaches to the question of economy and energy, we offer what we understand to be a more fundamental economical interpretation of the Anthropocene by way of Georges Bataille’s philosophical thought on economy. We will argue that inasmuch as it results from what has come to be (...)
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    Hintikka on Epistemological Axiomatizations.Vincent F. Hendricks - 2004 - In Daniel Kolak & John Symons, Quantifiers, Questions and Quantum Physics: Essays on the Philosophy of Jaakko Hintikka. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 3--32.
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    Discipline-building in synthetic biology.Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44 (2):122-129.
    Despite the multidisciplinary dimension of the kinds of research conducted under the umbrella of synthetic biology, the US-based founders of this new research area adopted a disciplinary profile to shape its institutional identity. In so doing they took inspiration from two already established fields with very different disciplinary patterns. The analogy with synthetic chemistry suggested by the term ‘synthetic biology’ is not the only model. Information technology is clearly another source of inspiration. The purpose of the paper, with its focus (...)
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    Introduction. Nanotechnoscience: The End of the Beginning.Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent & Jonathan Simon - 2019 - Philosophia Scientiae 23:5-17.
    Is there still room at the bottom? The question providing the theme for the present issue of Philosophia Scientiæ is, of course, adapted from Richard Feynman’s well-known speech at the 1959 meeting of the American Physical Society. On this occasion he attracted physicists’ attention to the vast potential of working at the scale of the nanometre if not the ångström, using the catchy title: “Plenty of Room at the Bottom” [Feynman 1959]. This hookline from a famous Nobel laureate physicist serve...
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    Toward a pragmatic clarification of materiality and animacy: the materials of life and the life of those materials.Vincent Colapietro - 2019 - Cognitio 20 (1):31-47.
    A materialidade, ou o que alguns teóricos preferem identificar como materiais, vem sendo cada vez mais assunto de discussão e investigação. Embora esses autores sejam muito cuidadosos em especificar o que querem dizer com tais termos, o assunto exige maior esclarecimento do que recebera até agora. Isso faz com que seja um candidato ideal para o tríplice-escalonado esclarecimento proposto por C. S. Peirce em “Como tornar nossas ideias claras” e que daí em diante foi utilizado por ele para, diante do (...)
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  10. Les particuliers nus à la rescousse de la théorie du bloc en croissance.Vincent Grandjean - 2021 - In Collège de France, Philosophie de la Connaissance.
    Dans cet article, j'introduis premièrement l'une des plus célèbres objections dirigées à l’encontre de la théorie du bloc en croissance (GBT), communément appelée « l’objection épistémique », selon laquelle GBT ne fournirait aucune raison de croire que nous sommes situés dans le présent objectif – bien au contraire. Deuxièmement, j'exprime mon insatisfaction à l’égard des tentatives traditionnelles de répondre à cette objection (Merricks 2006, Forrest 2004, Correia & Rosenkranz 2018). Enfin, troisièmement, je présente ma propre solution à l'objection épistémique, basée (...)
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  11. Entities Without Intrinsic Physical Identity.Vincent Lam - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (5):1157-1171.
    This paper critically discusses recent objections that have been raised against the contextual understanding of fundamental physical objects advocated by non-eliminative ontic structural realism. One of these recent objections claims that such a purely relational understanding of objects cannot account for there being a determinate number of them. A more general objection concerns a well-known circularity threat: relations presuppose the objects they relate and so cannot account for them. A similar circularity objection has also been raised within the framework of (...)
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    Peirce’s pragmatist portrait of deliberative rationality.Vincent Colapietro - 2017 - Cognitio 18 (1):13.
    Meu propósito abrangente é oferecer um esboço pragmatista da racionalidade deliberativa derivada dos textos coligidos no volumoso conjunto de C. S. Peirce. Embora em alguns casos, as formulações sejam minhas, e não de Peirce. Porém, isso não torna meu esforço um caso de ventriloquismo : a posição em relação à racionalidade é dele, e não minha. Minha tese é que, para Peirce, a razão é no fundo, um conjunto mais ou menos integrado de hábitos, possibilitando aos agentes serem deliberativos. Ou (...)
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  13. (1 other version)What a Study of Numerical Equations Tells us about the École Polytechnique in the 19th Century.Yannick Vincent - 2020 - Philosophia Scientiae 24:59-74.
    Dans cet article, je discuterai de l’idée selon laquelle l’École polytechnique au xixe siècle ne permettait pas aux acteurs (les élèves et les enseignants) de réaliser des travaux mathématiques originaux. En fait, plusieurs historien⋅ne⋅s pensent que les programmes d’examens empêchaient les élèves et les enseignants de prendre des initiatives. J’essayerai de nuancer cette idée, en prenant en compte plusieurs exemples liés à l’enseignement des équations numériques au cours du xixe siècle. Plus précisément, je présente dans cet article trois théorèmes attribués (...)
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    Josef Pieper on the Nature of Philosophy and the Philosophical Act.Vincent Wargo - 2003 - Modern Schoolman 80 (2):114-143.
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  15. Theia Mania: Josef Pieper's Philosophical Anthropology.Vincent Wargo - 2025 - Nova et Vetera 23 (1):289-316.
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    Authority of Law.Vincent A. Wellman - 1996 - In Dennis M. Patterson, A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory. Blackwell. pp. 559–570.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Why Authority? The Forms and Limits of Authority The Paradoxes of Authority The Justification of Authority Authority and the Obligation to Obey the Law Legal Authority Conclusion References.
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    Excerpt from a letter to the American Bar Association.Vincent E. Whelan - 1991 - The Chesterton Review 17 (1):115-117.
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    Physical Activity, Boredom and Fear of COVID-19 Among Adolescents in Germany.Vincent Bösselmann, Sandra Amatriain-Fernández, Thomas Gronwald, Eric Murillo-Rodríguez, Sergio Machado & Henning Budde - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundThe effectiveness of physical activity as an intervention against anxiety disorders and depression is undeniable in clinical psychology. Therefore, the question arose whether these effects also occur when a fear stimulus, like the COVID-19 pandemic, affects otherwise healthy adolescents. Boredom is closely linked to symptoms of fear and anxiety, but the connection between PA, boredom and fear is partly unclear.MethodsA cross-sectional online study was conducted that involved 122 students. Participants were 13–19 years old. The survey was available online from April (...)
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    An “Historicist” Reading of Peirce's Pragmatist Semeiotic: A Pivotal Maxim and Evolving Practices.Vincent M. Colapietro - 2020 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 56 (3):374-399.
  20.  18
    C. S. Peirce and Josiah Royce: Understanding, self-understanding, and self-misunderstanding.Vincent Colapietro - 2020 - Cognitio 20 (2):259-285.
    No âmago deste artigo há uma comparação entre a investigação sobre o entendimento de Peirce o relato de interpretação de Royce. Estrutura-se por uma consideração do desentendimento de si e, ligada a esta discussão do desentendimento de si, uma consideração sobre o próprio entendimento. Para Peirce, em razão de sua abordagem da investigação e Royce em sua meta-interpretação alguma forma de entendimento está em jogo. Por exemplo, a tarefa do investigador científico é inacabada se ela para na descoberta de fatos (...)
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    Propositions in the Making: Experiments in a Whiteheadian Laboratory ed. by Roland Faber, Michael Halewood and Andrew M. Davis.Vincent Colapietro - 2020 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 41 (2):192-195.
    This volume grew out of a conference held in 2016 at the Claremont School of Theology, while the conference itself grew out of "innovative conversations between philosophers, Erin Manning and Brian Massumi, and process philosophers, Roland Faber and Michael Halewood". Its title in effect conjoins a Whiteheadian conception of propositions and a Jamesian understanding of "things.". As such, a proposition is set forth on behalf of "a collectivity...
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    Private Associations in the Ancient Greek World: Regulations and the Creation of Group Identity.Vincent Gabrielsen & Mario C. D. Paganini (eds.) - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    Private associations abounded in the ancient Greek world and beyond, and this volume provides the first large-scale study of the strategies of governance which they employed. Emphasis is placed on the values fostered by the regulations of associations, the complexities of the private-public divide and the dynamics of regional and global networks and group identity. The attested links between rules and religious sanctions also illuminate the relationship between legal history and religion. Moreover, possible links between ancient associations and the early (...)
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  23.  21
    Raymond Aron and Liberal Thought in the Twentieth Century: by Iain Stewart, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020, xiii + 290 pp., $99.99.K. Steven Vincent - 2021 - The European Legacy 26 (7-8):878-881.
    Raymond Aron is best known for his intellectual sparring with Jean-Paul Sartre and for his stature as the pre-eminent Cold War liberal in France. He is credited with establishing an aut...
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    A lantern for the feet of inquirers: The heuristic function of the Peircean categories.Vincent Colapietro - 2001 - Semiotica 2001 (136).
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    Some model-theoretic results in the algebraic theory of quadratic forms.Vincent Astier - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 112 (2-3):189-223.
    This paper studies some model-theoretic properties of special groups of finite type. Special groups are a first-order axiomatization of the algebraic theory of quadratic forms, introduced by Dickmann and Miraglia, which is essentially equivalent to abstract Witt rings. More precisely, we consider elementary equivalence, saturation, elementary embeddings, quantifier elimination, stability and Morley rank.
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    Conjectures Concerning an Uncertain Faculty Claimed for Humans.Vincent Colapietro - 2005 - Semiotica 2005 (153 - 1/4):413-430.
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    Interview with Gillian Rose.Vincent Lloyd - 2008 - Theory, Culture and Society 25 (7-8):201-218.
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    Tussen autonomie en humaniteit: de geschiedenis van levensbeschouwelijk humanisme in relatie tot opvoeding en onderwijs tussen 1850 en 1970.Vincent Stolk - 2015 - [Breda]: Papieren Tijger.
    Hoe denken vrijdenkers, anarchisten en humanisten over opvoeding en onderwijs en hoe hebben ze bijgedragen aan de ontwikkeling van pedagogiek en onderwijs in Nederland? Dat zijn de vragen die in 'Tussen autonomie of humaniteit' centraal staan. Het boek beantwoordt deze vragen in drie casestudies binnen de periode 1850-1970. De eerste casus gaat over vrijdenkers rond 1860, een periode waarin een nieuwe schoolwet veel pedagogische discussies teweeg bracht over de rol van natuur en godsdienst in de school. In de tweede casus (...)
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    Materials as Machines.Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - 2011 - In M. Carrier & A. Nordmann, Science in the Context of Application. Springer. pp. 101--111.
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    Le marché des égaux : un aspect socialiste de l'échange républicain.Vincent Bourdeau - 2012 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 13 (2):3-23.
    Résumé La défense du marché dans la tradition socialiste libérale est instrumentale : le marché est toléré lorsqu’il permet de produire des richesses en abondance que l’on peut redistribuer ex post. De son côté, la justification républicaine du marché, telle que présentée dans les travaux de Pettit, vise à réduire la domination dans l’échange. Cet article soutient qu’une telle justification nécessite d’être renforcée en l’adossant à un égalitarisme matériel, garant d’un échange entre égaux, établi ex ante.
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    LKQ and LKT: sequent calculi for second order logic based upon dual linear decompositions of classical implication.Vincent Danos, Jean-Baptiste Joinet & Harold Schellinx - 1995 - In Jean-Yves Girard, Yves Lafont & Laurent Regnier, Advances in linear logic. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 222--211.
  32.  54
    Interpreting Georges Sorel: Defender of virtue or apostle of violence?K. Steven Vincent - 1990 - History of European Ideas 12 (2):239-257.
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    Compte rendu du colloque « Using History of Physics in Innovatory Physics Education » Pavie, 6-9 septembre 1983.Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - 1984 - Revue de Synthèse 105 (113-114):235-238.
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    editorial: Boundary Issues in Bionanotechnology.Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - 2009 - Hyle 15 (1):1 - 4.
  35.  14
    editorial: Opening the Field of Nanoethics.Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - 2010 - Hyle 16 (1):1 - 2.
  36.  15
    From Nano Backlash to Public Indifference: Some Reflections on French Public Dialogues on Nanotechnology.Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - 2021 - NanoEthics 15 (2):191-201.
    The hype surrounding the emergence of nanotechnology proved extremely effective to raise public attention and controversies in the early 2000s. A proactive attitude prevailed resulting in the integration of social scientists upstream at the research level, research programs on Ethical, Legal and Societal Impacts, and various public engagement initiatives such as nanojury and citizen conferences. Twenty years later, what happened to the promises of SHS integration and public engagement in nanotechnology? Was it part of the hype, one of the many (...)
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  37. « La Chimie » Dans L'« Histoire Du Monde ».Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - 1988 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 8:45-57.
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    L'évolution de la complémentarité dans les textes de Bohr (1927-1939).Bernadette Bensaude Vincent - 1985 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 38 (3):231-250.
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    Lezioni di storia della scienza.Bernadette Bensaude Vincent - 2000 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 13 (1):73-86.
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    Littré et la chimie histoire d’une méconnaissance.Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - 1982 - Revue de Synthèse 103 (106-108):245-253.
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    Les sciences dans la mêlée: pour une culture de la défiance.Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - 2023 - Paris XIXe: Éditions du Seuil. Edited by Gabriel Dorthe.
    Hésitation vaccinale, refus de la 5G, théories du complot suscitent de nombreuses lamentations sur la montée de l'irrationalité et la perte de confiance dans la communauté scientifique. Pour y faire face, certains continuent d'en appeler à l'autorité de la science et des 'faits' comme à des totems. Cet affrontement rend aveugle aux problèmes inhérents à la fabrication des savoirs, et sourd aux préoccupations des publics concernés. Du changement climatique à la pandémie de Covid, les auteurs analysent les récentes controverses et (...)
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    Paul Langevin : L'histoire des sciences comme remède à tout dogmatisme / Paul Langevin : History of science as a remedy for every dogmatism.Bernadette Bensaude Vincent - 2005 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 58 (2):311-328.
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    Public lectures of chemistry in 18th century France.Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - 2011 - Circumscribere: International Journal for the History of Science 9:1-10.
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    Test-tube ethics: Joachim Schummer and Tom Børsen (eds): Ethics of chemistry. From poison gas to climate engineering. Singapore: World Scientific, 2021, £175 HB.Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - 2021 - Metascience 30 (3):459-461.
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    Des mots et des lieux: la dynamique du discours géographique.Vincent Berdoulay - 1988 - Paris: Presses du CNRS, diffusion.
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    Légalité de la nature et mondes possibles.Vincent Berne - 2008 - Chromatikon 4:63-72.
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    L'erreur est humaine: aux frontières de la rationalité.Vincent Berthet - 2018 - Paris: CNRS éditions.
    Les biais cognitifs amènent l'être humain à croire ce qui confirme ses croyances plutôt que ce qui les infirme. Ces comportements irrationnels influent de manière conséquente sur le maniement des probabilités, la compréhension du hasard et les prises de décision. Or, certains acteurs les exploitent pour en tirer profit, parfois aux dépens des autres. [Electre].
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    L'inférence neuroarchéologique inverse et l'évolution des hiérarchies humaines. Benoît Dubreuil, Human Evolution and the Origins of HierarchiesBenoît Dubreuil, Human Evolution and the Origins of Hierarchies.Vincent Bergeron - 2012 - Philosophiques 39 (1):259-263.
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  49. Physical modeling applies to physiology, too.Vincent Hayward - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):342-343.
    A physical model was utilized to show that the neural system can memorize a target position and is able to cause motor and sensory events that move the arm to a target with more accuracy. However, this cannot indicate in which coordinates the necessary computations are carried out. Turning off the lights causes the error to increase which is accomplished by cutting off one feedback path. The geometrical properties of arm kinematics and the properties of the kinesthetic and visual sensorial (...)
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    Unite the study of AI in government: With a shared language and typology.Vincent J. Straub & Jonathan Bright - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-2.
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