Results for 'Victoria Cóccaro'

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  1.  9
    Stifters Dinge o la ópera tribunal.Victoria Cóccaro - 2022 - Aisthesis 72:31-53.
    A partir de Stifters Dinge del compositor alemán Heiner Goebbels, y considerando en particular su puesta en el Teatro Colón de Buenos Aires en febrero de 2016, se reflexionará sobre la ópera experimental como un marco posible de la interrupción de “lo humano” en tanto mito fundante de la modernidad, como erosión, entonces, de la metafísica occidental y de los binomios que la estructuran: naturaleza y cultura, sujeto y objeto, agente e inerte, acción y reposo e, incluso, vida y muerte. (...)
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    The experience of regret: What, when, and why.Thomas Gilovich & Victoria Husted Medvec - 1995 - Psychological Review 102 (2):379-395.
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    A model of second-order arithmetic satisfying AC but not DC.Sy-David Friedman, Victoria Gitman & Vladimir Kanovei - 2019 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 19 (1):1850013.
    We show that there is a [Formula: see text]-model of second-order arithmetic in which the choice scheme holds, but the dependent choice scheme fails for a [Formula: see text]-assertion, confirming a conjecture of Stephen Simpson. We obtain as a corollary that the Reflection Principle, stating that every formula reflects to a transitive set, can fail in models of [Formula: see text]. This work is a rediscovery by the first two authors of a result obtained by the third author in [V. (...)
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    Ethical Leadership for the Professions: Fostering a Moral Community.Linda M. Sama & Victoria Shoaf - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (1-2):39-46.
    This paper examines the professions as examples of “moral community” and explores how professional leaders possessed of moral intelligence can make a contribution to enhance the ethical fabric of their communities. The paper offers a model of ethical leadership in the professional business sector that will improve our understanding of how ethical behavior in the professions confers legitimacy and sustainability necessary to achieving the professions’ goals, and how a leadership approach to ethics can serve as an effective tool for the (...)
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    Ehrenfeucht’s Lemma in Set Theory.Gunter Fuchs, Victoria Gitman & Joel David Hamkins - 2018 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 59 (3):355-370.
    Ehrenfeucht’s lemma asserts that whenever one element of a model of Peano arithmetic is definable from another, they satisfy different types. We consider here the analogue of Ehrenfeucht’s lemma for models of set theory. The original argument applies directly to the ordinal-definable elements of any model of set theory, and, in particular, Ehrenfeucht’s lemma holds fully for models of set theory satisfying V=HOD. We show that the lemma fails in the forcing extension of the universe by adding a Cohen real. (...)
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    Care to Share? Children's Cognitive Skills and Concealing Responses to a Parent.Jennifer Lavoie & Victoria Talwar - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (2):485-503.
    Lavoie and Talwar examine the phenomenon of prosocial lie telling: lying with the intention to benefit others. They investigate how well children aged 4 to 11 are able to conceal information about a surprise gift from their parents based on these children’s responses to their parents’ questions. Lavoie and Talwar conclude that, as children’s theory of mind abilities and working memory improve, their ability to conceal information from others also develops.
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    Lexical stress constrains English-learning infants’ segmentation in a non-native language.Megha Sundara & Victoria E. Mateu - 2018 - Cognition 181 (C):105-116.
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    The Differential Outcomes Procedure Enhances Adherence to Treatment: A Simulated Study with Healthy Adults.Michael Molina, Victoria Plaza, Luis J. Fuentes & Angeles F. Estévez - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  9.  62
    Sustainable Development Goals and Human Rights Edited by Markus Kaltenborn, Markus Krajewski, and Heike Kuhn: Switzerland AG: Springer Nature. Interdisciplinary Studies in Human Rights, Volume 5; 2020.Victoria M. Breting-Garcia - 2021 - Human Rights Review 22 (2):239-241.
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    Human Dignity and Legal Protections.Victoria M. Breting-Garcia - 2017 - Human Rights Review 18 (3):355-359.
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  11. Catholic Hospitals Should Permit Physicians to Provide Emergency Contraception to Rape Victims as an Act of Conscientious Provision.Abram Brummett, Marlee Mason-Maready & Victoria Whiting - 2022 - The Linacre Quarterly.
    While many Catholic hospitals permit the prescription of the emergency contraception drug levonorgestrel for rape victims, some continue to prohibit this practice as a matter of institutional conscience. While the standard approach to this issue has been to offer an argument that levonorgestrel either is or is not morally permissible, we have taken a different tack. We begin by briefly describing and acknowledging that reasonable disagreement exists on this question (part one), and then arguing that the reasonable disagreement itself can (...)
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    Introduction.Anke Finger & Victoria Rosner - 2001 - Feminist Studies 27 (2):499.
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    La competencia reflexiva clave de la profesionalización docente.Ma Victoria Gómez Serés - 2018 - Voces de la Educación 3 (5):91-103.
    El artículo que a continuación se presenta, forma parte de la tesis doctoral1 donde se presenta una actual investigación sobre la llamada Competencia Reflexiva en el marco del desarrollo profesional de los docentes. Se profundiza en el concepto de competencia profesional y se realiza un exhaustivo estudio de las competencias de la profesión docente que han fijado diferentes países2 hasta llegar a la relevante aportación sobre la competencia reflexiva. Desde el análisis de la praxis docente la investigación consigue determinar el (...)
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    The Monetary Incentive Delay Task Induces Changes in Sensory Processing: ERP Evidence.Elena Krugliakova, Alexey Gorin, Tommaso Fedele, Yury Shtyrov, Victoria Moiseeva, Vasily Klucharev & Anna Shestakova - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  15.  9
    Filosofía argentina reciente: nuevos enfoques historiográficos.Lértora Mendoza, Celina Ana & María Victoria Santarsola (eds.) - 2019 - Buenos Aires: Ediciones F.E.P.A.I..
  16. Access to Personal Information for Public Health Research: Transparency Should Always Be Mandatory.Louise Ringuette, Jean-Christophe Bélisle-Pipon, Victoria Doudenkova & Bryn Williams-Jones - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 1 (2):94-98.
    Au Québec, la Loi sur l’accès aux documents des organismes publics et sur la protection des renseignements personnels offre une exception en matière de transparence à la plupart des institutions publiques où la recherche en santé publique est menée en leur permettant de ne pas divulguer leurs utilisations de données à caractère personnel (souvent collectées sans le consentement des personnes étudiées). Cette exception est éthiquement problématique en raison de préoccupations importantes (ex. : la protection de la vie privée et les (...)
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    Terminal Indifference: The Hollywood War Film Post-September 11.Kim Toffoletti & Victoria Grace - 2010 - Film-Philosophy 14 (2):62-83.
    Speaking about the state of the Hollywood film industry at the 2008 Academy Awards, the Oscars’ host – comedian Jon Stewart – made the following wry assessment: ‘Not all films did as well as Juno obviously. The films that were made about the Iraq War, let’s face it, did not do as well. But I’m telling you, if we stay the course and keep these movies in the theatres we can turn this around. I don’t care if it takes 100 (...)
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  18. Tomar la palabra: Memoria y violencia de género durante el terrorismo de Estado.Lizel Tornay & Victoria Alvarez - 2012 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 2 (4):15 - 14.
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    The Pay-Offs to Sociability.Victoria Reyes-García, Ricardo A. Godoy, Vincent Vadez, Isabel Ruíz-Mallén, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard, Thomas W. McDade & Susan Tanner - 2009 - Human Nature 20 (4):431-446.
    Previous research addressing the association between leisure and happiness has given rise to the hypothesis that informal social activities might contribute more to happiness than solitary activities. In the current study, we tested how the two types of leisure—social and solitary—contribute to a person’s subjective sense of well-being. For the empirical estimate, we used four consecutive quarters of data collected from 533 people over the age of 16, from 13 Tsimane’ hunter-farmer villages in the Bolivian Amazon. Results suggest that only (...)
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    López Eire, Antonio y Velasco López, María del Henar, "La mitología griega: lenguaje de dioses y hombres.".María Victoria Vaello Rodríguez - 2014 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 19:327-329.
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    Borders, Boundaries, and the Impact of COVID-19 on Immigration to Canada.Leah K. Hamilton, Victoria M. Esses & Margaret Walton-Roberts - 2022 - Studies in Social Justice 16 (1):1-8.
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    Ethics on the web: Applying moral decision-making to the new media. [REVIEW]Linda M. Sama & Victoria Shoaf - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 36 (1-2):93-103.
    This paper examines the advent of the Web as a critical media tool in the promotion and sale of goods to consumers and the ethical questions it raises that are issues of public policy. We examine four traditional ethical rationales that guide organizational decision-making – utilitarianism, distributive justice, moral rights of man and relativism, further characterized as "ends-based", "equity-based", "rules-based" and "comparison-based" rationales – and we apply them to four moral dilemmas attributed to the proliferation of companies as they (...)
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    Impact of ectogenesis on the medicalisation of pregnancy and childbirth.Victoria Adkins - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (4):239-243.
    The medicalisation of pregnancy and childbirth has been encouraged by the continuing growth of technology that can be applied to the reproductive journey. Technology now has the potential to fully separate reproduction from the human body with the prospect of ectogenesis—the gestation of a fetus outside of the human body. This paper considers the issues that have been caused by the general medicalisation of pregnancy and childbirth and the impact that ectogenesis may have on these existing issues. The medicalisation of (...)
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    Linking Early Life Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal Axis Functioning, Brain Asymmetries, and Personality Traits in Dyslexia: An Informative Case Study.Victoria Zakopoulou, Angeliki-Maria Vlaikou, Marousa Darsinou, Zoe Papadopoulou, Daniela Theodoridou, Kyriaki Papageorgiou, George A. Alexiou, Haralambos Bougias, Vassiliki Siafaka, Pierluigi Zoccolotti, George P. Chroussos, Maria Syrrou & Theologos M. Michaelidis - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  25.  26
    (Re)Conceptualising ‘good’ proxy decision-making for research: the implications for proxy consent decision quality.Victoria Shepherd - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-11.
    People who are unable to make decisions about participating in research rely on proxies to make a decision based on their wishes and preferences. However, patients rarely discuss their preferences about research and proxies find it challenging to determine what their wishes would be. While the process of informed consent has traditionally been the focus of research to improve consent decisions, the more conceptually complex area of what constitutes ‘good’ proxy decision-making for research has remained unexplored. Interventions are needed to (...)
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    The Ubiquity of Cross-Domain Thinking in the Early Phase of the Creative Process.Victoria S. Scotney, Sarah Weissmeyer, Nicole Carbert & Liane Gabora - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  27. Index.Victoria Myers & Robert Maniquis - 2011 - In Victoria Myers & Robert Maniquis, Godwinian Moments: From the Enlightenment to Romanticism. University of Toronto Press. pp. 287-298.
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    Making choices.Victoria Parker - 2010 - Chicago, Ill.: Heinemann Library.
    What is citizenship? -- What are choices? -- Choosing to think for yourself -- Choosing to say no -- Choosing to be friendly -- Choosing to be fair -- Choosing what to eat -- Choosing to spend or save money -- Choosing entertainment -- Choosing to be active -- Choosing to follow the rules -- Choosing to tell the truth -- Making choices and happiness.
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    Does NICE apply the rule of rescue in its approach to highly specialised technologies?Victoria Charlton - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (2):118-125.
    The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, the UK’s main healthcare priority-setting body, recently reaffirmed a longstanding claim that in recommending technologies to the National Health Service it cannot apply the ‘rule of rescue’. This paper explores this claim by identifying key characteristics of the rule and establishing to what extent these are also features of NICE’s approach to evaluating ultra-orphan drugs through its highly specialised technologies programme. It argues that although NICE in all likelihood does not act because (...)
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    Semiotic and Significs: The Correspondence Between Charles S. Peirce and Lady Victoria Welby.Charles Sanders Peirce, Victoria Alexandrina Maria Louisa Stuart- Wortley, Victoria Lady Welby & Lady Victoria Welby - 1977
  31.  42
    The exact strength of the class forcing theorem.Victoria Gitman, Joel David Hamkins, Peter Holy, Philipp Schlicht & Kameryn J. Williams - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (3):869-905.
    The class forcing theorem, which asserts that every class forcing notion ${\mathbb {P}}$ admits a forcing relation $\Vdash _{\mathbb {P}}$, that is, a relation satisfying the forcing relation recursion—it follows that statements true in the corresponding forcing extensions are forced and forced statements are true—is equivalent over Gödel–Bernays set theory $\text {GBC}$ to the principle of elementary transfinite recursion $\text {ETR}_{\text {Ord}}$ for class recursions of length $\text {Ord}$. It is also equivalent to the existence of truth predicates for the (...)
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  32.  45
    Constructing authentic decisions: proxy decision making for research involving adults who lack capacity to consent.Victoria Shepherd, Mark Sheehan, Kerenza Hood, Richard Griffith & Fiona Wood - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):42-42.
    Research involving adults who lack capacity to consent relies on proxy (or surrogate) decision making. Proxy decisions about participation are ethically complex, with a disparity between normative accounts and empirical evidence. Concerns about the accuracy of proxies’ decisions arise, in part, from the lack of an ethical framework which takes account of the complex and morally pluralistic world in which proxy decisions are situated. This qualitative study explored the experiences of family members who have acted as a research proxy in (...)
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  33.  19
    Perspectives, Opportunities and Tensions in Ethical and Sustainable Luxury: Introduction to the Thematic Symposium.Victoria-Sophie Osburg, Iain Davies, Vignesh Yoganathan & Fraser McLeay - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (2):201-210.
    Scholars agree that the environmental and societal impacts of consumption require greater attention, and need examining in more diverse market contexts. This editorial essay focuses on the nascent area of ethical/sustainable luxury, and critically considers how the scope of ethical/sustainable consumption can be broadened in the luxury sector. We address the compatibility of ethicality/sustainability and luxury by examining a range of opportunities and inherent tensions in relation to improving the ethical/sustainable consumption practices within the luxury sector. We also introduce several (...)
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  34.  16
    Gender Hierarchy and Adolescent Sexuality: The Control of Female Reproduction in an Australian Aboriginal Community.Victoria K. Burbank - 1995 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 23 (1):33-46.
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    "The Lust to Kill" and the Arnhem Land Sorcerer: An Exercise in Integrative Anthropology.Victoria Katherine Burbank - 2000 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 28 (3):410-444.
  36.  87
    (3 other versions)Can robots be teammates?Victoria Groom & Clifford Nass - 2007 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 8 (3):483-500.
    The team has become a popular model to organize joint human–robot behavior. Robot teammates are designed with high-levels of autonomy and well-developed coordination skills to aid humans in unpredictable environments. In this paper, we challenge the assumption that robots will succeed as teammates alongside humans. Drawing from the literature on human teams, we evaluate robots’ potential to meet the requirements of successful teammates. We argue that lacking humanlike mental models and a sense of self, robots may prove untrustworthy and will (...)
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  37.  41
    NICE and Fair? Health Technology Assessment Policy Under the UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, 1999–2018.Victoria Charlton - 2020 - Health Care Analysis 28 (3):193-227.
    The UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence is responsible for conducting health technology assessment on behalf of the National Health Service. In seeking to justify its recommendations to the NHS about which technologies to fund, NICE claims to adopt two complementary ethical frameworks, one procedural—accountability for reasonableness —and one substantive—an ‘ethics of opportunity costs’ that rests primarily on the notion of allocative efficiency. This study is the first to empirically examine normative changes to NICE’s approach and to analyse (...)
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  38. The Moral Development of First‐Person Authority.Victoria McGeer - 2008 - European Journal of Philosophy 16 (1):81-108.
  39. The fundamental model of deep disagreements.Victoria Lavorerio - 2021 - Metaphilosophy 52 (3-4):416-431.
    We call systematic disputes that are particularly hard to resolve deep disagreements. We can divide most theories of deep disagreements in analytic epistemology into two camps: the Wittgensteinian view and the fundamental epistemic principles view. This essay analyzes how both views deal with two of the most pressing issues a theory of deep disagreement must address: their source and their resolution. After concluding that the paradigmatic theory of each camp struggles on both fronts, the essay proceeds to show that, despite (...)
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    The rock and the void: pastoral and loss in Joan Lindsay's Picnic at Hanging Rock and Peter Weir's film adaptation.Victoria Bladen - 2012 - Colloquy 23:159-184.
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    Connected Gaming: What Making Video Games Can Teach Us about Learning and Literacy: by Yasmin B. Kafai and Quinn Burke, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 2016, xviii + 201 pp., $35.00/£27.00.Victoria L. Braegger & Ryan M. Moeller - 2020 - The European Legacy 26 (2):208-210.
    The authors of Connected Gaming effectively update Yasmin B. Kafai’s 1995 discussion of “the first constructionist gaming project”, originally published as Minds in Play: Games to Be Played, Ga...
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    Eastern philosophy of religion.Victoria S. Harrison - 2022 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This book selectively examines a range of ideas and arguments drawn from the philosophical traditions of South and East Asia, focusing on those that are especially relevant to the philosophy of religion. The book introduces key debates about the self and the nature of reality that unite the otherwise highly diverse philosophies of Indian and Chinese Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. The emphasis of the book is analytical rather than historical. Key issues are explained in a clear, precise, accessible manner, and (...)
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  43.  29
    AAPT, pregnancy loss and planning ahead.Victoria Adkins & Elizabeth Chloe Romanis - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (5):318-319.
    The commentaries in response to our feature paper1 are indicative of the varied perspectives that can be taken towards artificial amnion and placenta technology (AAPT) and more specifically its relationship with pregnancy (loss). Kennedy rightly argues that empirical research is essential for understanding the experiences of pregnancy loss and AAPT2 and our own advocacy of empirical research is evident in previous work.3–5 Kennedy also acknowledges the current impossibility of researching AAPT experiences since it has not yet been applied in clinical (...)
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    Science and Religion: Moving Beyond the Credibility Strategy.Victoria Lorrimar - 2020 - Zygon 55 (3):812-823.
    Reeves condemns the recruitment of scientific methods by representative theologians to lend credibility to their theological claims. His treatment of Nancey Murphy's use of Lakatosian research programme methodology is focused on here, and his proposal that science and religion scholars might act as “historians of the present” to advance the field is explored. The “credibility strategy” is set in historical context with an exploration of some of the science and religion field's original commitments and goals, particularly in terms of the (...)
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    Precarity in Higher Education: Perspectives From The 1.5 Generation in Israel.Victoria Kot & Miri Yemini - 2023 - British Journal of Educational Studies 71 (6):679-699.
    We examined perceptions of precarity in higher education by conducting interviews with a cohort of academics in Israel. The participants were 1.5 generation immigrants who were born in the former Soviet Union (FSU) and then moved to Israel as children or teenagers with their family, typically in the 1990s. Using a narrative research approach, we examined the personal perceptions of 43 academics employed at colleges and universities in Israel. Despite differences in their employment status and contract conditions, our findings made (...)
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    Rhetoric and the LawFeminism as CritiqueThe Politics of Law: A Progressive CritiqueInterpreting Law and LiteratureFeminism Unmodified: Discourses on Life and LawLaw and Literature: A Misunderstood RelationThe Critical Legal Studies MovementHeracles' Bow: Essays on the Rhetoric and Poetics of the Law.Victoria Kahn, Seyla Benhabib, Drucilla Cornell, David Kairys, Sanford Levinson, Steven Mailloux, Catharine A. MacKinnon, Richard A. Posner, Roberto Mangabeira Unger & James Boyd White - 1989 - Diacritics 19 (2):21.
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    What Original Sin? Political Theology, the Jewish Question, and the Work of Metaphor.Victoria Kahn - 2017 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2017 (178):100-120.
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  48. Scaffolding agency: A proleptic account of the reactive attitudes.Victoria McGeer - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy 27 (2):301-323.
    This paper examines the methodological claim made famous by P.F. Strawson: that we understand what features are required for responsible agency by exploring our attitudes and practices of holding responsible. What is the presumed metaphysical connection between holding responsible and being fit to be held responsible that makes this claim credible? I propose a non-standard answer to this question, arguing for a view of responsible agency that is neither anti-realist (i.e. purely 'conventionalist') nor straightforwardly realist. It is instead ‘constructivist’. On (...)
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    Feminism and its ghosts: The spectre of the feminist-as-lesbian.Victoria Hesford - 2005 - Feminist Theory 6 (3):227-250.
    This article contends that feminism is haunted by its past, and that to be haunted means that feminists need to bear witness to the possibilities, often unrealized, of that past and to actively resist the policing and defensiveness that have marked feminism's relationship to its diverse history in recent years. It engages with the work of Terry Castle and Avery Gordon in order to make this argument, and to map out a methodology for looking for the ghosts of the recent (...)
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    A British view of the Japanese book scene.Victoria Floyer Acland - 1992 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 3 (4):192-195.
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