Results for 'Verne Moberg'

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  1.  11
    Det moderne gennembruds kvinder.Verne Moberg - 1987 - History of European Ideas 8 (4-5):633-634.
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    A simple traffic-light semiotic model for tagmemic theory.Vern Poythress - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (225):253-267.
    The complexity and flexibility of tagmemic theory, as a semiotic theory developed by Kenneth L. Pike, can be better understood by examining how it applies to a simple semiotic system like traffic lights. We can then compare the result with how it functions in analyzing a piece of natural language. Tagmemic theory introduces three observer viewpoints – the particle view, the wave view, and the field view. Each view generates a suite of questions to answer. Any one of the views (...)
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    Semantic and syntactic constraints on free-recall learning of sentential material.Verne R. Bacharach - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 96 (1):223.
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    Virtuous Peers in Work Organizations.Dennis Moberg - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (1):67-85.
    Abstract:It is argued that virtuous peers in work organizations have two elements of character no matter what the nature of the goods the organization produces: loyalty to common projects for their own sake and trustworthiness. Each of these is shown to be a uniquely human attribute, an element of character that contributes to a life well lived, and a trait that leads to the flourishing of an entire work community.
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    On Employee Vice.Dennis J. Moberg - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (4):41-60.
    Abstract:Vice is a neglected concept in business ethics. This paper attempts to bring vice back into the contemporary dialogue by exploring one vice that is destructive to employee and organization alike. Interestingly, this vice was first described by Aristotle asakolastos. Drawing extensively on the criminology literature, the findings challenge both common sense and popular images of white-collar crime and criminals. While not all instances of employee betrayal are attributable to vice, some most certainly are, and the paper offers a description (...)
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    The Centrality to the Exodus of Torah as Ethical Projection.Vern Neufeld Redekop - 1995 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 2 (1):119-144.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Centrality to the Exodus of Torah as Ethical Projection Vern Neufeld Redekop Saint Paul University, Ontario How can those liberated from oppression avoid mimesis of their oppressors? When confronted with the stark realities of oppression, the question seems inappropriate, audacious, and even insensitive. Yet history teaches us that it is prudent to confront the question sooner rather than later. That this is a preoccupation ofTorah is indicated by (...)
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    Lettres sur le christianisme de M. J.-J. Rousseau, adressées à M. I. L., par Jacob Vernes,..Jacob Vernes & L. I. - 1764 - E. Blanc.
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    A deontological analysis of Peer relations in organizations.Dennis J. Moberg & Michael J. Meyer - 1990 - Journal of Business Ethics 9 (11):863 - 877.
    Using practical formalism a deontological ethical analysis of peer relations in organizations is developed. This analysis is composed of two types of duties derived from Kant's Categorical Imperative: negative duties to refrain from the use of peers and positive duties to provide help and assistance. The conditions under which these duties pertain are specified through the development of examples and conceptual distinctions. A number of implications are then discussed.
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    Making Business Ethics Practical.Gerald F. Cavanagh, Dennis J. Moberg & Manuel Velasquez - 1995 - Business Ethics Quarterly 5 (3):399-418.
    Abstract:Our critics confuse the role normative ethical theory can take in business ethics. We argue that as a practical discipline, business ethics must focus on norms, not the theories from which the norms derive. It is true that our original work is defective, but not in its form, but in its neglect of contemporary advances in feminist ethics.
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  10. Improvements being made through breeding in the feeding value of certain feedstuffs.Vern L. Marble - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann, Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship.
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    A semiotic analysis of multiple systems of logic: using tagmemic theory to assess the usefulness and limitations of formal logics, and to produce a mathematical lattice model including multiple systems of logic.Vern Poythress - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (244):145-162.
    Tagmemic theory as a semiotic theory can be used to analyze multiple systems of logic and to assess their strengths and weaknesses. This analysis constitutes an application of semiotics and also a contribution to understanding of the nature of logic within the context of human meaning. Each system of logic is best adapted to represent one portion of human rationality. Acknowledging this correlation between systems and their targets helps explain the usefulness of more than one system. Among these systems, the (...)
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    Making sense of man: using biblical perspectives to develop a theology of humanity.Vern S. Poythress - 2024 - Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing.
    Poythress uses multiple biblical perspectives to address the origin of humanity, the image of God, body and soul, the creational covenant, free agency, human sexuality, and other truths about humanity.
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    Semiotic analysis of the observer in relativity, quantum mechanics, and a possible theory of everything.Vern S. Poythress - 2015 - Semiotica 2015 (205):149-167.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2015 Heft: 205 Seiten: 149-167.
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  14. The Element of Time in Competitive Games.Jean-René Vernes & Victor A. Velen - 1965 - Diogenes 13 (50):25-42.
  15.  7
    René Girard and creative mimesis.Vern Neufeld Redekop (ed.) - 2014 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    For half a century René Girard’s theories of mimetic desire and scapegoating have captivated the imagination of thinkers and doers in many fields as an incisive look into the human condition, particularly the roots of violence. In a 1993 interview with Rebecca Adams, he highlighted the positive dimensions of mimetic phenomena without expanding on what they might be. Now, two decades later, this groundbreaking book systematically explores the positive side of mimetic theory in the context of the multi-faceted world of (...)
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    Semiotic analysis of symbolic logic using tagmemic theory: with implications for analytic philosophy.Vern S. Poythress - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (243):171-186.
    This article uses tagmemic theory as a semiotic framework to analyze symbolic logic. It attends particularly to the issue of context for meaning and the role of personal observer/participants. It focuses on formal languages, which employ no ordinary words and from one point of view have “no meaning.” Attention to the context and the theorists who deploy these languages shows that formal languages have meanings at a higher level, colored by the purposes of the analysts. In fact, there is an (...)
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    Lihatlah Sang Manusia!: suatu pendekatan pada etika Kristen dasar.Verne H. Fletcher - 1990 - Yogyakarta: Duta Wacana University Press.
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    Two trends in middle-class birth in the United States.Vern L. Katz - 1993 - Human Nature 4 (4):367-382.
    This discussion focuses on two important trends in American childbirth that have emerged in the past 30 years, the demand for a perfect baby and the desire for a perfect birth. These two trends are particularly important in the subgroup of middle-class women who have decided on delayed childbearing. Tremendous technological innovations, such as ultra-sound, prenatal genetic analysis, and fetal monitoring, have promoted the perception that physicians can control the prenatal environment and predict the pregnancy outcome. This expectation may lead (...)
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  19. Bullshit, Pseudoscience and Pseudophilosophy.Victor Moberger - 2020 - Theoria 86 (5):595-611.
    In this article I give a unified account of three phenomena: bullshit, pseudoscience and pseudophilosophy. My aims are partly conceptual, partly evaluative. Drawing on Harry Frankfurt's seminal analysis of bullshit, I give an account of the three phenomena and of how they are related, and I use this account to explain what is bad about all three. More specifically, I argue that what is defective about pseudoscience and pseudophilosophy is precisely that they are special cases of bullshit. Apart from raising (...)
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    An information-based semiotic analysis of theories concerning theories.Vern S. Poythress - 2013 - Semiotica 2013 (193):83-99.
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  21. Institutional frame switching : how institutional logics shape individual action.Vern L. Glaser [and 3 Others] - 2016 - In Joel Gehman, Michael Lounsbury & Royston Greenwood, How institutions matter! United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing.
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    A Formalism for Describing Rules of Conversation.Vern Poythress - 1973 - Semiotica 7 (4).
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    Redeeming philosophy: a God-centered approach to the big questions.Vern S. Poythress - 2014 - Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway.
    This robust volume explores life's big questions related to God, human existence, meaning, and knowledge, sketching a distinctly Christian approach to philosophical inquiry that is founded on the Bible and informed by Christian theology.
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    Spin polarization effects and their time evolutions.A. Vernes & P. Weinberger - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (10):1125-1138.
  25.  92
    An Exploratory Investigation of the Effect of Ethical Culture in Activating Moral Imagination.Dennis Moberg & David F. Caldwell - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 73 (2):193-204.
    Moral imagination is a process that involves a thorough consideration of the ethical elements of a decision. We sought to explore what might distinguish moral imagination from other ethical approaches within a complex business simulation. Using a three-component model of moral imagination, we sought to discover whether organization cultures with a salient ethics theme activate moral imagination. Finding an effect, we sought an answer to whether some individuals were more prone to being influenced in this way by ethical cultures. We (...)
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    On the Importance of Female Friendship.Åsa Moberg - 2012 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 28 (1):84-86.
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  27. Role Models and Moral Exemplars.Dennis J. Moberg - 2000 - Business Ethics Quarterly 10 (3):675-696.
    Role modeling is widely thought to be a principal vehicle for acquiring the virtues. Yet, little is known about role modeling as a process. This paper surveys the behavioral sciences for insights about how one person can find the actions of another person so inspirational that the person attempts to reproduce the behavior in question. In general, such inspiration occurs when an observer sees a model similar to herself, wrestling with a problem she is having, such that the model’s accomplishments (...)
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    Studies in a Dying Culture and Further Studies in a Dying Culture.G. Moberg - 1972 - Télos 1972 (12):143-154.
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    Ab initiomagneto-optical Kerr spectra for solid systems with reduction dimensions.A. Vernes - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (13-14):1973-1996.
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    Hegel: libération formelle et inégalité dans la société civile bourgeoise.Paule-Monique Vernes - 1998 - Dialogue 37 (4):693-.
    ABSTRACT: This article aims to show that, in the course of his analysis of Bourgeois Civil Society, Hegel formulates a philosophical theory of British society as it had been already described by A. Smith, and thereby anticipates our present “dual” societies which can be characterized by luxury and poverty. The Bourgeois Civil Society is seen as a necessary economical stage in the progressive satisfaction of social needs, but also as an insufficient one insofar as the abstract parallel sophistication of the (...)
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    Le principe de Pascal-Hume et la métaphysique.Jean-René Vernes - 1995 - Philosophiques 22 (2):237-246.
    Le raisonnement par lequel Hume établit l'ori- gine empirique de Vidée de cause repose implicitement sur un principe de possibilité a priori et même de probabilité a priori, dont Hume n'a pas remarqué le caractère rationnel, tant il paraissait naturel. Ce principe est identique à celui sur lequel Pascal fonde le calcul des probabilités. Si l'on admet sa légitimité, il en résulte deux conséquences capita- les pour la théorie de la connaissance : 1 - La raison ne se limite pas (...)
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    Relevance of Chaos and Strange Attractors in the Samuelson-Hicks Oscillator.Jean-Francois Verne - 2021 - Economic Thought 10 (1):32.
    In this paper, we look for the relevance of chaos in the well-known Hicks-Samuelson's oscillator model investigating the endogenous fluctuations of the national income between two limits: full employment income and under-employment income. We compute the Lyapunov exponent, via Monte- Carlo simulations, to detect chaos in the evolution of the income between both limits. In the case of positive Lyapunov exponent and large values of the parameter (i.e. marginal propensity to consume and technical coefficient for capital), the evolution of income (...)
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    Perceptual tuning and conscious attention: Systems of input regulation in visual information processing.Thomas H. Carr & Verne R. Bacharach - 1976 - Cognition 4 (3):281-302.
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    Practical Wisdom and Business Ethics.Dennis J. Moberg - 2007 - Business Ethics Quarterly 17 (3):535-561.
    ABSTRACT:Practical wisdom has received scant attention in business ethics. Defined as a disposition toward cleverness in crafting morally excellent responses to, or in anticipation of, challenging particularities, practical wisdom has four psychological components: knowledge, emotion, thinking, and motivation. People's experience, reflection, and inspiration are theorized to determine their capacity for practical wisdom-related performance. Enhanced by their abilities to engage in moral imagination, systems thinking, and ethical reframing, this capacity is realized in the form of wisdom-related performance. This can be manifested (...)
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  35. Not Just Errors: A New Interpretation of Mackie’s Error Theory.Victor Moberger - 2017 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 5 (3).
    J. L. Mackie famously argued that a commitment to non-existent objective values permeates ordinary moral thought and discourse. According to a standard interpretation, Mackie construed this commitment as a universal and indeed essential feature of moral judgments. In this paper I argue that we should rather ascribe to Mackie a form of semantic pluralism, according to which not all moral judgments involve the commitment to objective values. This interpretation not only makes better sense of what Mackie actually says, but also (...)
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    The Big Five and Organizational Virtue.Dennis J. Moberg - 1999 - Business Ethics Quarterly 9 (2):245-272.
    Abstract:Recent developments in personality research point to an alchemy of character composed of five elements: extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience. This paper surveys this research for its implications to the study of the virtues in organizational ethics. After subjecting each of these five character traits to several tests as to what constitutes a virtue, the empirical evidence supports an organizational virtue of agreeableness and an organizational virtue of conscientiousness. Although the empirical evidence falls short, an argument is (...)
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  37. Sex, medicine, and ethics.Vern L. Bcillocigh - 2007 - In Paul Kurtz & David Richard Koepsell, Science and ethics: can science help us make wise moral judgments? Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books. pp. 155.
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    How one could once become a registered nurse in the United States without going to a hospital training school.Vern L. Bullough - 2004 - Nursing Inquiry 11 (3):161-165.
  39. Population control vs. freedom in China.Vern Bullough & B. Bullough - forthcoming - Free Inquiry.
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    The Mediaeval Medical School at Cambridge.Vern L. Bullough - 1962 - Mediaeval Studies 24 (1):161-168.
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    A framework for discourse analysis: The components of a discourse, from a tagmemic viewpoint.Vern S. Poythress - 1982 - Semiotica 38 (3-4).
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    Hierarchy in discourse analysis: A revision of tagmemics.Vern S. Poythress - 1982 - Semiotica 40 (1-2).
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    Philosophy, Science, and the Sovereignty of God.Vern S. Poythress - 1976 - P&r.
    Concentrates on the positive task of uncovering some biblical foundations for science and the philosophy of science.
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    Tagmemic analysis of elementary algebra.Vern S. Poythress - 1976 - Semiotica 17 (2).
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  45. The Mackiean Supervenience Challenge.Victor Moberger - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (1):219-236.
    Non-naturalists about normativity hold that there are instantiable normative properties which are metaphysically discontinuous with natural properties. One of the central challenges to non-naturalism is how to reconcile this discontinuity with the supervenience of the normative on the natural. Drawing on J. L. Mackie’s seminal but highly compressed discussion in Ethics: Inventing Right and Wrong, this paper argues that the supervenience challenge as usually conceived is merely a symptom of a more fundamental challenge in the vicinity.
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  46. Non-Naturalism and Reasons-Firstism: How to Solve the Discontinuity Problem by Reducing Two Queerness Worries to One.Victor Moberger - 2022 - The Journal of Ethics 26 (1):131-154.
    A core tenet of metanormative non-naturalism is that genuine or robust normativity—i.e., the kind of normativity that is characteristic of moral requirements, and perhaps also of prudential, epistemic and even aesthetic requirements—is metaphysically special in a way that rules out naturalist analyses or reductions; on the non-naturalist view, the normative is sui generis and metaphysically discontinuous with the natural. Non-naturalists agree, however, that the normative is modally as well as explanatorily dependent on the natural. These two commitments—discontinuity and dependence—at least (...)
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  47.  41
    The Salernitan Questions. An Introduction to the History of Medieval and Renaissance Problem Literature. Brian Lawn.Vern Bullough - 1964 - Isis 55 (3):386-388.
  48.  67
    Mentoring and Practical Wisdom: Are Mentors Wiser or Just More Politically Skilled?Dennis Moberg - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (4):835-843.
    Mentoring is a natural setting for senior employees to render ethics advice and consultation to junior employees. Two studies examined the question of whether those who mentor are more practically wise than those who do not. Although four different measures of practical wisdom were used, no differences were detected. However, mentors were shown to be more politically skilled than non-mentors.
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    An Ethical Analysis of Hierarchical Relations in Organizations.Dennis J. Moberg - 1994 - Business Ethics Quarterly 4 (2):205-220.
    Ethical analyses of the relations between managers and subordinates have traditionally focused on the employment contract. The inequality and requisite mutual trust between managers and subordinates makes the sub-disciplines of professional ethics and feminist ethics more applicable than the contractarian perspective. When professional ethics is applied to hierarchic relationships, specific obligations emerge for managers and subordinates alike. The application of feminist ethics results in the identification of an entirely different, though not contradictory, set of obligations. In toto, the analysis improves (...)
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  50. Hume’s Dictum and Metaethics.Victor Moberger - 2020 - Philosophical Quarterly 70 (279):328-349.
    This paper explores the metaethical ramifications of a coarse-grained criterion of property identity, sometimes referred to as Hume's dictum. According to Hume's dictum, properties are identical if and only if they are necessarily co-extensive. Assuming the supervenience of the normative on the natural, this criterion threatens the non-naturalist view that there are instantiable normative properties which are distinct from natural properties. In response, non-naturalists typically point to various counterintuitive implications of Hume's dictum. The paper clarifies this strategy and defends it (...)
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