Results for 'Verbrugge Ad'

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  1. Denken om het eigen goede leven.Ad Verbrugge - 2002 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 42:22-37.
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    On the Argumentative Strength of Indirect Inferential Conditionals.Sara Verbrugge & Hans Smessaert - 2010 - Argumentation 24 (3):337-362.
    Inferential or epistemic conditional sentences represent a blueprint of someone’s reasoning process from premise to conclusion. Declerck and Reed (2001) make a distinction between a direct and an indirect type. In the latter type the direction of reasoning goes backwards, from the blatant falsehood of the consequent to the falsehood of the antecedent. We first present a modal reinterpretation in terms of Argumentation Schemes of indirect inferential conditionals (IIC’s) in Declerck and Reed (2001). We furthermore argue for a distinction between (...)
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    Ad Verbrugge, Tijd van onbehagen. Filosofische essays over een cultuur op drift. Amsterdam 2004: SUN. 285 pagina’s. ISBN 9058751295. [REVIEW]J. Hoogland - 2005 - Philosophia Reformata 70 (1):90-93.
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    On the Relationship between Eros and Philia in Ad Verbrugge’s ”Staat van verwarring: Het offer van liefde’.Emanuel Rutten - 2014 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 76 (4):843-850.
    In his new book Staat van verwarring: Het offer van liefde, Ad Verbrugge aims to elucidate the human condition in our strongly individualized and virtualized Western consumer society. He intends to show that contemporary Western man is in a state of confusion, caused by a discord in our inner life. Man is both a communal being as well as a transgressive being. I argue that Verbrugge wants to restore the unity in our lives by reconciling eros and philia. (...)
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  5. A small reflection principle for bounded arithmetic.Rineke Verbrugge & Albert Visser - 1994 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 59 (3):785-812.
    We investigate the theory IΔ 0 + Ω 1 and strengthen [Bu86. Theorem 8.6] to the following: if NP ≠ co-NP. then Σ-completeness for witness comparison formulas is not provable in bounded arithmetic. i.e. $I\delta_0 + \Omega_1 + \nvdash \forall b \forall c (\exists a(\operatorname{Prf}(a.c) \wedge \forall = \leq a \neg \operatorname{Prf} (z.b))\\ \rightarrow \operatorname{Prov} (\ulcorner \exists a(\operatorname{Prf}(a. \bar{c}) \wedge \forall z \leq a \neg \operatorname{Prf}(z.\bar{b})) \urcorner)).$ Next we study a "small reflection principle" in bounded arithmetic. We prove that for (...)
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  6. Learning to apply theory of mind.Rineke Verbrugge & Lisette Mol - 2008 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 17 (4):489-511.
    In everyday life it is often important to have a mental model of the knowledge, beliefs, desires, and intentions of other people. Sometimes it is even useful to to have a correct model of their model of our own mental states: a second-order Theory of Mind. In order to investigate to what extent adults use and acquire complex skills and strategies in the domains of Theory of Mind and the related skill of natural language use, we conducted an experiment. It (...)
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  7. Tractability and the computational mind.Rineke Verbrugge & Jakub Szymanik - 2018 - In Mark Sprevak & Matteo Colombo (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Computational Mind. Routledge. pp. 339-353.
    We overview logical and computational explanations of the notion of tractability as applied in cognitive science. We start by introducing the basics of mathematical theories of complexity: computability theory, computational complexity theory, and descriptive complexity theory. Computational philosophy of mind often identifies mental algorithms with computable functions. However, with the development of programming practice it has become apparent that for some computable problems finding effective algorithms is hardly possible. Some problems need too much computational resource, e.g., time or memory, to (...)
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  8. On the provability logic of bounded arithmetic.Rineke Verbrugge & Alessandro Berarducci - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 61 (1-2):75-93.
    Let PLω be the provability logic of IΔ0 + ω1. We prove some containments of the form L ⊆ PLω < Th(C) where L is the provability logic of PA and Th(C) is a suitable class of Kripke frames.
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    La communication graphique : Les signes-vecteurs.Annette Beguin-Verbrugge - 2004 - Hermes 39:94.
    Cet article, dans une perspective sémiopragmatique, interroge la disposition graphique des textes comme élément d'interface avec le lecteur. Il s'agit plus précisément d'examiner comment les signes organisateursde l'écrit - cadres, bords et marges- interviennent dans l'acte de lecture.What does the graphic organization of texts have to do with the mental construction of the reader ? How do indexical signs give him a direction ? Between semiotics and psychology, they remind us that the body and perception are important even through the (...)
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    Provability logic.Rineke Verbrugge - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    -/- Provability logic is a modal logic that is used to investigate what arithmetical theories can express in a restricted language about their provability predicates. The logic has been inspired by developments in meta-mathematics such as Gödel’s incompleteness theorems of 1931 and Löb’s theorem of 1953. As a modal logic, provability logic has been studied since the early seventies, and has had important applications in the foundations of mathematics. -/- From a philosophical point of view, provability logic is interesting because (...)
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  11. Logic and Social Cognition: The Facts Matter, and So Do Computational Models.Rineke Verbrugge - 2009 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 38 (6):649-680.
    This article takes off from Johan van Benthem’s ruminations on the interface between logic and cognitive science in his position paper “Logic and reasoning: Do the facts matter?”. When trying to answer Van Benthem’s question whether logic can be fruitfully combined with psychological experiments, this article focuses on a specific domain of reasoning, namely higher-order social cognition, including attributions such as “Bob knows that Alice knows that he wrote a novel under pseudonym”. For intelligent interaction, it is important that the (...)
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  12. The Probabilities of Conditionals Revisited.Igor Douven & Sara Verbrugge - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (4):711-730.
    According to what is now commonly referred to as “the Equation” in the literature on indicative conditionals, the probability of any indicative conditional equals the probability of its consequent of the conditional given the antecedent of the conditional. Philosophers widely agree in their assessment that the triviality arguments of Lewis and others have conclusively shown the Equation to be tenable only at the expense of the view that indicative conditionals express propositions. This study challenges the correctness of that assessment by (...)
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  13. Metaphors in Invasion Biology: Implications for Risk Assessment and Management of Non-Native Species.Laura N. H. Verbrugge, Rob S. E. W. Leuven & Hub A. E. Zwart - 2016 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 19 (3):273-284.
    Metaphors for describing the introduction, impacts, and management of non-native species are numerous and often quite outspoken. Policy-makers have adopted increasingly disputed metaphorical terms from scientific discourse. We performed a critical analysis of the use of strong metaphors in reporting scientific findings to policy-makers. Our analysis shows that perceptions of harm, invasiveness or nativeness are dynamic and inevitably display multiple narratives in science, policy or management. Improving our awareness of multiple expert and stakeholder narratives that exist in the context of (...)
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  14. Aristoteles' begrip van de φ... ÓVησισ.A. Verbrugge - 1996 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 88 (2):89-124.
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  15. Children’s Application of Theory of Mind in Reasoning and Language.Liesbeth Flobbe, Rineke Verbrugge, Petra Hendriks & Irene Krämer - 2008 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 17 (4):417-442.
    Many social situations require a mental model of the knowledge, beliefs, goals, and intentions of others: a Theory of Mind (ToM). If a person can reason about other people’s beliefs about his own beliefs or intentions, he is demonstrating second-order ToM reasoning. A standard task to test second-order ToM reasoning is the second-order false belief task. A different approach to investigating ToM reasoning is through its application in a strategic game. Another task that is believed to involve the application of (...)
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    The Adams family.Igor Douven & Sara Verbrugge - 2010 - Cognition 117 (3):302-318.
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    Hybrid logics with infinitary proof systems.Rineke Verbrugge, Gerard Renardel de Lavalette & Barteld Kooi - unknown
    We provide a strongly complete infinitary proof system for hybrid logic. This proof system can be extended with countably many sequents. Thus, although these logics may be non-compact, strong completeness proofs are provided for infinitary hybrid versions of non-compact logics like ancestral logic and Segerberg’s modal logic with the bounded chain condition. This extends the completeness result for hybrid logics by Gargov, Passy, and Tinchev.
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    Scope ambiguities and conditionals.David Over, Igor Douven & Sara Verbrugge - 2013 - Thinking and Reasoning 19 (3-4):284-307.
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    Slechts één woord van de macht verwijderd: over macht, methodiek en loyaliteit.Hendrik Verbrugge - 2008 - Roeselare [Belgium]: Roularta Books.
    Beschouwing over het wezen van macht, de basis en de legitimering ervan.
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    Pronounced inferences: A study on inferential conditionals.Sara9 Verbrugge, Kristien3 Dieussaert, Walter Schaeken, Hans5 Smessaert & William Van Belle - 2007 - Thinking and Reasoning 13 (2):105 – 133.
    An experimental study is reported which investigates the differences in interpretation between content conditionals (of various pragmatic types) and inferential conditionals. In a content conditional, the antecedent represents a requirement for the consequent to become true. In an inferential conditional, the antecedent functions as a premise and the consequent as the inferred conclusion from that premise. The linguistic difference between content and inferential conditionals is often neglected in reasoning experiments. This turns out to be unjustified, since we adduced evidence on (...)
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    "Hydropathic Highway to Health": Women and Water-Cure in Antebellum America. Jane B. Donegan.Martha Verbrugge - 1987 - Isis 78 (2):286-288.
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    The Eternally Wounded Woman: Women, Doctors, and Exercise in the Late Nineteenth Century. Patricia Vertinsky.Martha Verbrugge - 1992 - Isis 83 (2):341-342.
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    The Herman Dooyeweerd foundation.Magnus Verbrugge - 1987 - Philosophia Reformata 52 (1):86-88.
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  24. Editors’ Review and Introduction: Lying in Logic, Language, and Cognition.Hans Ditmarsch, Petra Hendriks & Rineke Verbrugge - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (2):466-484.
    Editors van Ditmarsch, Hendriks and Verbrugge of this special issue of topiCS on lying describe some recent trends in research on lying from a multidisciplinary perspective, including logic, philosophy, linguistics, psychology, cognitive science, behavioral economics, and artificial intelligence. Furthermore, they outline the seven contributions to this special issue.
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  25. Solutions to the Knower Paradox in the Light of Haack’s Criteria.Mirjam de Vos, Rineke Verbrugge & Barteld Kooi - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (4):1101-1132.
    The knower paradox states that the statement ‘We know that this statement is false’ leads to inconsistency. This article presents a fresh look at this paradox and some well-known solutions from the literature. Paul Égré discusses three possible solutions that modal provability logic provides for the paradox by surveying and comparing three different provability interpretations of modality, originally described by Skyrms, Anderson, and Solovay. In this article, some background is explained to clarify Égré’s solutions, all three of which hinge on (...)
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  26. Intermediate Logics and the de Jongh property.Dick de Jongh, Rineke Verbrugge & Albert Visser - 2011 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 50 (1-2):197-213.
    We prove that all extensions of Heyting Arithmetic with a logic that has the finite frame property possess the de Jongh property.
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    Dynamic Logics of Diffusion and Link Changes on Social Networks.Edoardo Baccini, Zoé Christoff & Rineke Verbrugge - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-71.
    This paper introduces a comprehensive logical framework to reason about threshold-driven diffusion and threshold-driven link change in social networks. It considers both monotonic dynamics, where agents can only adopt new features and create new connections, and non-monotonic dynamics, where agents may also abandon features or cut ties. Three types of operators are combined: one capturing diffusion only, one capturing link change only, and one capturing both at the same time. We first characterise the models on which diffusion of a unique (...)
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  28. J.-J. Ch. Meyer and W. Van Der Hoek. Epistemic logic for AI and computer science. Cambridge tracts in theoretical computer science, no. 41. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York, and Oakleigh, Victoria, 1995, xiii + 354 pp. [REVIEW]Rineke Verbrugge - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (4):1837-1840.
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    Indicatives, concessives, and evidential support.Igor Douven & Sara Verbrugge - 2012 - Thinking and Reasoning 18 (4):480-499.
  30. Advances in Modal Logic, Vol. 11.Nicola Olivetti & Rineke Verbrugge (eds.) - 2020 - College Publications.
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  31. Advances in Modal Logic 13. Booklet of Short Papers.Nicola Olivetti, Rineke Verbrugge & Sara Negri (eds.) - 2020 - Helsinki:
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  32. Strategic Reasoning: Building Cognitive Models from Logical Formulas.Sujata Ghosh, Ben Meijering & Rineke Verbrugge - 2014 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 23 (1):1-29.
    This paper presents an attempt to bridge the gap between logical and cognitive treatments of strategic reasoning in games. There have been extensive formal debates about the merits of the principle of backward induction among game theorists and logicians. Experimental economists and psychologists have shown that human subjects, perhaps due to their bounded resources, do not always follow the backward induction strategy, leading to unexpected outcomes. Recently, based on an eye-tracking study, it has turned out that even human subjects who (...)
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    A step in the right direction, or more of the same? A systematic review of the impact of human rights due diligence legislation.Vincent Dupont, Diana Pietrzak & Boris Verbrugge - 2024 - Human Rights Review 25 (2):131-154.
    Recently, there has been a strong push for binding human rights due diligence (HRDD) legislation, both at the national and European levels. As empirical evidence of such legislation's impact gradually emerges, it is time to take stock. In this article, we conduct a systematic literature review to assess available empirical evidence on (1) how HRDD legislation affects the policies and practices through which companies engage with human rights; (2) how these policies and practices, in turn, affect different actors in companies’ (...)
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    [Sur les illusions des philosophes].Ad Hatzfeld & Jules Martin - 1898 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 46:110 - 112.
  35. Strong admissibility for abstract dialectical frameworks.Atefeh Keshavarzi Zafarghandi, Rineke Verbrugge & Bart Verheij - 2022 - Argument and Computation 13 (3):249-289.
    dialectical frameworks have been introduced as a formalism for modeling argumentation allowing general logical satisfaction conditions and the relevant argument evaluation. Different criteria used to settle the acceptance of arguments are called semantics. Semantics of ADFs have so far mainly been defined based on the concept of admissibility. However, the notion of strongly admissible semantics studied for abstract argumentation frameworks has not yet been introduced for ADFs. In the current work we present the concept of strong admissibility of interpretations for (...)
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  36. How much does it help to know what she knows you know? An agent-based simulation study.Harmen de Weerd, Rineke Verbrugge & Bart Verheij - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence 199-200 (C):67-92.
  37. Intermediate Logics and the de Jongh property.Dick Jongh, Rineke Verbrugge & Albert Visser - 2011 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 50 (1-2):197-213.
    We prove that all extensions of Heyting Arithmetic with a logic that has the finite frame property possess the de Jongh property.
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  38. A communication algorithm for teamwork in multi-agent environments.Egon van Baars & Rineke Verbrugge - 2009 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 19 (4):431-461.
    Using a knowledge-based approach, we derive a protocol, MACOM1, for the sequence transmission problem from one agent to a group of agents. The protocol is correct for communication media where deletion and reordering errors may occur. Furthermore, it is shown that after k rounds the agents in the group attain depth k general knowledge about the members of the group and the values of the messages. Then, we adjust this algorithm for multi-agent communication for the process of teamwork. MACOM1 solves (...)
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  39. Seine letzte stunde. Von Erich Esper (neustadt ad saale). Der greise philosoph stand am fenster seines arbeits-zimmers und blickte mit seinen noch immer scharfen augen.Erich Esper Neustadt Ad Saale - 1927 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 14.
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  40. The Wisdom of the Small Crowd: Myside Bias and Group Discussion.Edoardo Baccini, Stephan Hartmann, Rineke Verbrugge & Zoé Christoff - forthcoming - Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation.
    The my-side bias is a well-documented cognitive bias in the evaluation of arguments, in which reasoners in a discussion tend to overvalue arguments that confirm their prior beliefs, while undervaluing arguments that attack their prior beliefs. The first part of this paper develops and justifies a Bayesian model of myside bias at the level of individual reasoning. In the second part, this Bayesian model is implemented in an agent-based model of group discussion among myside-biased agents. The agent-based model is then (...)
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    Logic and Cognition: Special Issue of Best Papers of the ESSLLI 2012 Workshop.Jakub Szymanik & Rineke Verbrugge - 2013 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 22 (4):357-362.
    The explanatory power of logic is vast and therefore it has proved a valuable tool for many disciplines, including the building-blocks of cognitive science, such as philosophy, computer science, mathematics, artificial intelligence, and linguistics. Logic has a great track record in providing interesting insights by means of formalization, and as such it is very useful in disambiguating psychological theories. Logically formalized cognitive theories are not only the source of unequivocal experimental hypotheses, but they also lend themselves naturally to computational modeling. (...)
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  42. Studying strategies and types of players: experiments, logics and cognitive models.Sujata Ghosh & Rineke Verbrugge - 2018 - Synthese 195 (10):4265-4307.
    How do people reason about their opponent in turn-taking games? Often, people do not make the decisions that game theory would prescribe. We present a logic that can play a key role in understanding how people make their decisions, by delineating all plausible reasoning strategies in a systematic manner. This in turn makes it possible to construct a corresponding set of computational models in a cognitive architecture. These models can be run and fitted to the participants’ data in terms of (...)
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  43. Ethical issues in genomics research on neurodevelopmental disorders: a critical interpretive review.Signe Mezinska, L. Gallagher, M. Verbrugge & E. M. Bunnik - 2021 - Human Genomics 16 (15).
    Background Genomic research on neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs), particularly involving minors, combines and amplifies existing research ethics issues for biomedical research. We performed a review of the literature on the ethical issues associated with genomic research involving children affected by NDDs as an aid to researchers to better anticipate and address ethical concerns. Results Qualitative thematic analysis of the included articles revealed themes in three main areas: research design and ethics review, inclusion of research participants, and communication of research results. Ethical (...)
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  44. Proceedings of the Workshop 'Reasoning about other minds: Logical and cognitive perspectives.J. van Eijck & R. Verbrugge (eds.) - 2011 - WEUR Proceedings.
    In recent years, the human ability to reasoning about mental states of others in order to explain and predict their behavior has come to be a highly active area of research. Researchers from a wide range of fields { from biology and psychology through linguistics to game theory and logic{ contribute new ideas and results. This interdisciplinary workshop, collocated with the Thirteenth International Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK XIII), aims to shed light on models of social (...)
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    Suʼāl al-dīnī fī fikr al-Jābirī: muqārabāt fikrīyah li-asʼilat al-turāth wa-al-ḥadāthah wa-al-huwīyah wa-al-ʻalmānīṣṭafá Ḥaḍrān - 2021 - Irbid: Rikāz lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    Nationalism; Arab countries; Islamic philosophy.
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  46. Attempts at modernization of Bourgeois sovietologic investigations.Ad Mazylu - 1977 - Filosoficky Casopis 25 (2):262-268.
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    Management Style and Decisions from the Perspective of Cultural Differences: A Study with Special Reference to the Sultanate of Oman.Adli Juwaidah & Ruksana Banu - 2009 - International Corporate Responsibility Series 4:267-288.
    It is common today that organizations have their own distinctive cultures, even in cases when they may not have willfully attempted to create them. Rather, cultures have most likely been created unconsciously, forced by the values of top level managers, the founder, or core people who have built or direct the organization. Leaders frequently attempt to change the culture of their organizations to suit their own preferences. The resulting culture will influence the decision-making process, market demand, and nature of the (...)
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  48. Advances in Modal Logic, Vol. 13.Nicola Olivetti & Rineke Verbrugge (eds.) - 2020 - College Publications.
  49. Introduction: Formal approaches to multi-agent systems: Special issue of best papers of FAMAS 2007.B. Dunin-Keplicz & R. Verbrugge - 2013 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 21 (3):309-310.
    Over the last decade, multi-agent systems have come to form one of the key tech- nologies for software development. The Formal Approaches to Multi-Agent Systems (FAMAS) workshop series brings together researchers from the fields of logic, theoreti- cal computer science and multi-agent systems in order to discuss formal techniques for specifying and verifying multi-agent systems. FAMAS addresses the issues of logics for multi-agent systems, formal methods for verification, for example model check- ing, and formal approaches to cooperation, multi-agent planning, communication, (...)
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    The Riddle of Human Emotional Crying: A Challenge for Emotion Researchers.Ad J. J. M. Vingerhoets & Lauren M. Bylsma - 2016 - Emotion Review 8 (3):207-217.
    Until now, adult crying has received relatively little interest from investigators, whereas in the popular media there are many strong claims about crying (e.g., crying brings relief) of which the scientific basis is not clear. In this review, we provide an overview of the current state of the scientific literature with respect to crying. We identify gaps in knowledge and propose questions for future research. The following topics receive special attention: Ontogenetic development, antecedents, individual and gender differences, and the intra- (...)
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