Using a knowledge-based approach, we derive a protocol, MACOM1, for the sequence transmission problem from one agent to a group of agents. The protocol is correct for communication media where deletion and reordering errors may occur. Furthermore, it is shown that after k rounds the agents in the group attain depth k general knowledge about the members of the group and the values of the messages. Then, we adjust this algorithm for multi-agent communication for the process of teamwork.MACOM1 solves the sequence transmission problem from one agent to a group of agents, but does not fully comply with the type of dialogue communication needed for teamwork. The number of messages being communicated per communication between the initiator and the other agents from the group can differ.Furthermore, the teamwork process can require the communication algorithm to handle changes of initiator. We show the adjustments that have to be made to MACOM1 to handle these properties of teamwork. For the new multi-agent communication algorithm, MACOM2, it is shown that the gaining of knowledge required for a successful teamwork process is still guaranteed.