Results for 'Vasso Zogza'

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  1.  25
    Preliminary Evolutionary Explanations: A Basic Framework for Conceptual Change and Explanatory Coherence in Evolution.Kostas Kampourakis & Vasso Zogza - 2009 - Science & Education 18 (10):1313-1340.
  2.  60
    The logic of environmentalism: anthropology, ecology, and postcoloniality.Vassos Argyrou - 2005 - New York: Berghahn Books.
    This bold argument is at the center of this book that challenges the widespread assumption that environmentalism reflects a radical departure from modernity.
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    Presuppositions and the Logic of Question and Answer.Vasso Kindi - 2018 - In Karim Dharamsi, Giuseppina D'Oro & Stephen Leach (eds.), Collingwood on Philosophical Methodology. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 111-130.
    Vasso Kindi examines, first, whether Collingwood’s logic of question and answer, which was to replace the symbolic logic of the logical positivists, does indeed bear similarities to Bacon’s and Kant’s use of questions, as Collingwood claims. She argues that Collingwood’s emphasis on questions is more similar to Kant’s concern with presuppositions that make knowledge possible than to Bacon’s interest in pursuing and questioning nature to divulge her secrets. She, then, explains how Collingwood’s emphasis on questions is tied to his (...)
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  4. A spectre is haunting history-the spectre of science.Vasso Kindi - 2010 - Rethinking History 14 (2):251-265.
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    Nurses' experiences of caring for South Asian minority ethnic patients in a general hospital in England.Vasso Vydelingum - 2006 - Nursing Inquiry 13 (1):23-32.
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    Ontology, ‘hauntology’ and the ‘turn’ that keeps anthropology turning.Vassos Argyrou - 2017 - History of the Human Sciences 30 (1):50-65.
    Twentieth-century anthropology has been operating with the assumption of one nature and many cultures, one reality experienced and lived in many different ways. Its primary job, therefore, has been to render the otherness of the other understandable, to demonstrate that although different it is also the same; in short, to show that although other, others are people like us. The latest theoretical paradigm, known as the ‘ontological turn’, appears to reverse this assumption and to posit many natures and one culture. (...)
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    How to progress a database III.Stavros Vassos & Hector J. Levesque - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence 195 (C):203-221.
  8. Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions revisited.Vasso P. Kindi - 1995 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 26 (1):75 - 92.
    The present paper argues that there is an affinity between Kuhn's "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" and Wittgenstein's philosophy. It is maintained, in particular, that Kuhn's notion of paradigm draws on such Wittgensteinian concepts as language games, family resemblance, rules, forms of life. It is also claimed that Kuhn's incommensurability thesis is a sequel of the theory of meaning supplied by Wittgenstein's later philosophy. As such its assessment is not fallacious, since it is not an empirical hypothesis and it does (...)
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    Editorial Report 2019.Vasso Kindi - 2019 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 32 (3-4):235-236.
    International Studies in the Philosophy of Science aims to publish original articles, book reviews and discussion notes that fall within what is currently understood as philosophy of science and th...
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    Two Mycenaean Chariot Craters at Rochester (U.S.A.).Vassos Karageorghis - 1969 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 93 (1):162-173.
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    Rituels en image – Images de rituel. Iconographie – histoire des religions – archéologie.Vasso Zachari - 2021 - Kernos 34:304-306.
    Rituels et images sont mis en miroir dès le titre, annonçant d’emblée le sujet traité dans cet ouvrage collectif soigneusement édité par Anne-Françoise Jaccottet. Au croisement de l’iconographie, de l’histoire des religions et de l’archéologie, dix-neuf contributions mettent en lumière des points précis questionnant les liens réciproques entre images et rituels et donnent à cette publication un caractère remarquable. Ce recueil d’études s’inscrit dans le prolongement d’autres ouvrages connus...
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  12.  29
    Should science teaching involve the history of science? An assessment of Kuhn's view.Vasso Kindi - 2005 - Science$Education 14 (7-8):721-731.
  13.  50
    Concept as Vessel and Concept as Use.Vasso Kindi - 2012 - In Uljana Feest & Friedrich Steinle (eds.), Scientific Concepts and Investigative Practice. de Gruyter. pp. 23-46.
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  14. Kuhn's Controversial Legacy.Vasso Kindi - 2023 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 67 (2):197-210.
    In the paper I will, first, address certain apparent tensions in relation to Kuhn’s legacy in the history of science. Kuhn was a historian before he became a philosopher of science. He had done and published historical work, he only had history graduate students, he imbued philosophy of science with historical considerations. And, yet, his widely acknowledged influence on the history of science came mostly through his philosophical work which is, nevertheless, brushed off by historians of science as making dated (...)
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  15. Incommensurability, incomparability, Irrationality.Vasso Kindi - 1994 - Methodology and Science 27:41-55.
  16. Kuhn, the duck and the rabbit — Perception, theory-ladenness and creativity in science.Vasso Kindi - 2021 - In K. Brad Wray (ed.), Interpreting Kuhn: Critical Essays. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 169-184.
  17.  20
    A Late Bronze Age Mould from Hala Sultan Tekké.Vassos Karageorghis - 1989 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 113 (2):439-446.
    The Late Bronze Age gypsum mould discussed hère was first interpreted as a gold worker's mould. It wears the matrices, for the "lost wax" process, of three figures. At one side, a man is shown holding a jug in each hand and wearing a short kilt and a short-sleaved, tightly fitting garment. He probably formed part of a ritual scène. At the other side are two figures fighting with spears and wearing kilts with horizontal stripes. They may hâve formed a (...)
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    Note on Sigynnae and Obeloi.Vassos Karageorghis - 1970 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 94 (1):35-44.
    A pyxis in a registered private collection in Limassol, said to have been found in a tomb at Amathus. Several pyxides of the same early Geometric period are already known from this site, similarly decorated, but are all rectangular, whereas the one we describe here is crescent-shaped and has on its front a figurine in high relief of a standing female with uplifted arms, the well-known goddess who was introduced to Cyprus from Crete. In Cyprus she was assimilated with the (...)
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  19. The Role of Evidence in Judging Kuhn’s Model: On the Mizrahi, Patton, Marcum Exchange.Vasso Kindi - 2015 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 4 (11):25-33.
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    Wittgenstein and Philosophy of Science.Vasso Kindi - 2017 - In Hans-Johann Glock & John Hyman (eds.), A Companion to Wittgenstein. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 587–602.
    Philosophy of science was formed as a distinct discipline in the early twentieth century around the work of the logical positivists, or logical empiricists, originally in Vienna in the mid‐twenties and in other European cities such as Berlin and Prague. It further developed in the United States, where most logical positivists moved to escape persecution by the Nazis or World War II and met the American pragmatist philosophers of science. Logical positivism, or logical empiricism, is the school of thought that (...)
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  21. Novelty and revolution in art and science: The connection between Kuhn and Cavell.Vasso Kindi - 2010 - Perspectives on Science 18 (3):284-310.
    Both Kuhn and Cavell acknowledge their indebtedness to each other in their respective books of the 60s. Cavell in (Must We Mean What We Say (1969)) and Kuhn in (The Structure of Scientific Revolutions 1962). They were together at Berkeley where they had both moved in 1956 as assistant professors after their first encounter at the Society of Fellows at Harvard (Kuhn 2000d, p. 197). In Berkeley, Cavell and Kuhn discovered a mutual understanding and an intellectual affinity. They had regular (...)
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    Concept as vessel and concept as rule.Vasso Kindi - 2012 - In Uljana Feest & Friedrich Steinle (eds.), Scientific Concepts and Investigative Practice. de Gruyter. pp. 23-46.
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    The Challenge of Scientific Revolutions: Van Fraassen's and Friedman's Responses.Vasso Kindi - 2011 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 25 (4):327-349.
    This article criticizes the attempts by Bas van Fraassen and Michael Friedman to address the challenge to rationality posed by the Kuhnian analysis of scientific revolutions. In the paper, I argue that van Fraassen's solution, which invokes a Sartrean theory of emotions to account for radical change, does not amount to justifying rationally the advancement of science but, rather, despite his protestations to the contrary, is an explanation of how change is effected. Friedman's approach, which appeals to philosophical developments at (...)
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  24. Paradigm.Vasso Kindi - 2017 - In Bryan S. Turner (ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Theory. Wiley-Blackwell.
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    (3 other versions)Mission franco-hellénique de Dréros.Vasso Zographiki & Alexandre Farnoux - 2010 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 134 (2):593-600.
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    Nouvelles recherches sur l’Anavlochos.Vasso Zographiki, Florence Gaignerot-Driessen & Maud Devolder - 2012 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 136 (2):513-535.
    Depuis le début du XXe s., le pourtour de la baie du Mirambello, région charnière entre la Crète centrale et la Crète orientale, a fait l’objet d’une exploration archéologique intense qui a permis de mettre au jour de très nombreux sites datés entre le Minoen Récent et l’époque archaïque. Il est ainsi aujourd’hui possible de se représenter plus clairement l’occupation de la région entre l’effondrement du système palatial et l’apparition de la cité grecque. Dans cette perspective régionale et historique, les (...)
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  27. Collingwood’s Opposition to Biography.Vasso Kindi - 2012 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 6 (1):44-59.
    Abstract Biography is usually distinguished from history and, in comparison, looked down upon. R. G. Collingwood's view of biography seems to fit this statement considering that he says it has only gossip-value and that “history it can never be“. His main concern is that biography exploits and arouses emotions which he excludes from the domain of history. In the paper I will try to show that one can salvage a more positive view of biography from within Collingwood's work and claim (...)
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    Editorial Report 2020.Vasso Kindi - 2020 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 33 (4):259-260.
    2020 was the year of the Covid-19 pandemic. The challenges it presented brought science to the fore in a multitude of ways. The world economy depended on science, governments consulted it, the publ...
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  29. The Relation of History of Science to Philosophy of Science in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions and Kuhn's later philosophical work.Vasso Kindi - 2005 - Perspectives on Science 13 (4):495-530.
    In this essay I argue that Kuhn's account of science, as it was articulated in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, was mainly defended on philosophical rather than historical grounds. I thus lend support to Kuhn's later claim that his model can be derived from first principles. I propose a transcendental reading of his work and I suggest that Kuhn uses historical examples as anti-essentialist Wittgensteinian "reminders" that expose a variegated landscape in the development of science.
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  30.  19
    Book Review: Ethnicity and nursing practice. [REVIEW]Vasso Vydelingum - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (2):227-227.
  31.  93
    Kuhn’s the Structure of Scientific Revolutions Revisited.Vasso Kindi & Theodore Arabatzis (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    The present paper argues that there is an affinity between Kuhn's "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" and Wittgenstein's philosophy. It is maintained, in particular, that Kuhn's notion of paradigm draws on such Wittgensteinian concepts as language games, family resemblance, rules, forms of life. It is also claimed that Kuhn's incommensurability thesis is a sequel of the theory of meaning supplied by Wittgenstein's later philosophy. As such its assessment is not fallacious, since it is not an empirical hypothesis and it does (...)
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    Kuhn's conservatism.Vasso Kindi - 2003 - Social Epistemology 17 (2-3):209-214.
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  33. The Structure’s Legacy: Not from Philosophy to Description.Vasso Kindi - 2012 - Topoi 32 (1):81-89.
    In the paper I consider how empirical material, from either history or sociology, features in Kuhn’s account of science in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions and argue that the study of scientific practice did not offer him data to be used as evidence for defending hypotheses but rather cultivated a sensitivity for detail and difference which helped him undermine an idealized conception of science. Recent attempts in the science studies literature, appealing to Wittgenstein’s philosophy, have aimed at reducing philosophy to (...)
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    Μια Κυπρο-γεωµετρική πήλινη πυξίδα από την Αµαθούντα.Vassos Karageorghis - 2019 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 143:545-553.
    A pyxis in a registered private collection in Limassol, said to have been found in a tomb at Amathus. Several pyxides of the same early Geometric period are already known from this site, similarly decorated, but are all rectangular, whereas the one we describe here is crescent-shaped and has on its front a figurine in high relief of a standing female with uplifted arms, the well-known goddess who was introduced to Cyprus from Crete. In Cyprus she was assimilated with the (...)
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    Chronique des fouilles à Chypre.Vassos Karageorghis - 1960 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 84 (1):242-299.
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    Chronique des fouilles et découvertes archéologiques à Chypre en 1960.Vassos Karageorghis - 1961 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 85 (1):256-315.
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    Chronique des fouilles et découvertes archéologiques à Chypre en 1961.Vassos Karageorghis - 1962 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 86 (1):327-414.
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    Chronique des fouilles et découvertes archéologiques à Chypre en 1969.Vassos Karageorghis - 1970 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 94 (1):191-300.
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    Chronique des fouilles et découvertes archéologiques à Chypre en 1971.Vassos Karageorghis - 1972 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 96 (2):1005-1088.
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    Chronique des fouilles et découvertes archéologiques à Chypre en 1974.Vassos Karageorghis - 1975 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 99 (2):801-851.
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    Chronique des fouilles et découvertes archéologiques à Chypre.Vassos Karageorghis - 1974 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 98 (2):821-896.
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    Chroniques de fouilles et découvertes archéologiques à Chypre en 1987.Vassos Karageorghis - 1988 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 112 (2):793-855.
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    Fouilles de Kition 1959, avec un appendice anthropologique.Vassos Karageorghis - 1960 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 84 (2):504-588.
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    Le cratère mycénien aux taureaux des Museés de Berlin.Vassos Karageorghis - 1962 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 86 (1):11-17.
    A pyxis in a registered private collection in Limassol, said to have been found in a tomb at Amathus. Several pyxides of the same early Geometric period are already known from this site, similarly decorated, but are all rectangular, whereas the one we describe here is crescent-shaped and has on its front a figurine in high relief of a standing female with uplifted arms, the well-known goddess who was introduced to Cyprus from Crete. In Cyprus she was assimilated with the (...)
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    L'École française d'Athènes à Chypre.Vassos Karageorghis - 1996 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 120 (1):389-395.
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    À propos de quelques représentations de chars sur des vases chypriotes de l''ge du fer.Vassos Karageorghis - 1966 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 90 (1):101-118.
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    Une tombe de guerrier à Palaepaphos.Vassos Karageorghis - 1963 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 87 (1):265-300.
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    5 Kuhn's Paradigms.Vasso Kindi - 2012 - In Vasō Kintē & Theodore Arabatzis (eds.), Kuhn's The structure of scientific revolutions revisited. New York: Routledge. pp. 91-111.
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  49.  58
    A Reconsideration of the Relation Between Kuhnian Incommensurability and Translation.Vasso Kindi - 2017 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 31 (4):397-414.
    Up to the introduction of the term and concept of incommensurability by T. S. Kuhn and P. K. Feyerabend in the early 1960s, scientific texts were supposed to pose no problem as regards their translation, unlike literature, which was thought very difficult to translate. After the introduction of the term, translation of scientific language became equally problematic because, due to conceptual and perceptual incommensurability, there was no common observation basis to ground linguistic equivalences between languages of incommensurable paradigms. This article (...)
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  50. The Kuhnian Straw Man.Vasso Kindi - 2017 - In Moti Mizrahi (ed.), The Kuhnian Image of Science: Time for a Decisive Transformation? London: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 95-112.
    In the present chapter, I argue that commentators who criticize Kuhn’s work are most often fighting a straw man. Their target is a stereotype that is not to be found in Kuhn’s texts. I will consider the charge based on the stereotype that the Kuhnian schema is not borne out by historical evidence and will argue that Kuhn’s model, which is not actually what his critics take it to be, was not supposed to be based on, or accurately depict, historical (...)
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