Results for 'Vadim Ustyuzhanin'

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  1.  5
    Subjective Wellbeing and Revolutionary Destabilization. A Quantitative Analysis.Andrey В. Korotayev, Jameelah Musieva, Vadim Ustyuzhanin & Leonid Grinin - 2003 - Sociology of Power 15 (3):57-94.
    The subjective well-being of the population — or the ‘level of happiness’ — is a popular topic for scientific research and socio-political discussions both domestically and internationally. In this regard, a direction of research is gaining traction; its proponents consider the level of happiness to be a predictor of the current socio-political stability. An analysis of the literature revealed that, despite the abundance of works on the topic of subjective wellbeing, its relationship with income — as well as with the (...)
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    On the cause of aging and control of lifespan.Vadim N. Gladyshev - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (11):925-929.
    What the causes of aging are and which factors define lifespan are key questions in the understanding of aging. Here, it is argued that cellular life involves (i) inevitable accumulation of damage resulting from imperfectness and heterogeneity of every cellular process, and (ii) dilution of damage when cells divide. While severe damage is cleared by protective systems, milder damage can only be diluted. This is due to the high cost of accuracy, the greater number of damage forms compared to protective (...)
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    Artificial Intelligence and the Metamorphosis of Beauty: A Philosophical Inquiry.Vadim Meyl - 2024 - Open Journal of Philosophy 14 (1):180-200.
    In this article, the potential for Artificial Intelligence (AI) to be appraised as an object of beauty is critically examined through the lens of philosophical thought. Tracing beauty’s evolution from Platonic ideals to contemporary interpretations, the analysis contends that AI’s emergence offers a unique illustration of beauty in the modern age. Confronting the challenge of assigning beauty to entities devoid of consciousness or emotional depth, the argument unfolds to suggest that the intricate design of AI’s algorithms and its technological advancements (...)
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  4. A Formal Rebuttal of the Central Argument for Functionalism.Vadim Batitsky - 1998 - Erkenntnis 49 (2):201-220.
    The central argument for functionalism is the so-called argument from multiple realizations. According to this argument, because a functionally characterized system admits a potential infinity of structurally diverse physical realizations, the functional organization of such systems cannot be captured in a law-like manner at the level of physical description (and, thus, must be treated as a principally autonomous domain of inquiry). I offer a rebuttal of this argument based on formal modeling of its premises in the framework of automata theory. (...)
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    Vision and mind.Vadim D. Glezer - 1989 - In Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, VIII. New York: Elsevier Science.
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  6. Bozhestvennyĭ Li︠u︡dvig: Vitgenshteĭn: formy zhizni.Vadim Rudnev - 2002 - Moskva: Fond nauch. issl. "Pragmatika kulʹtury".
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  7. Eto tvoi posledni geokul'turnyi vybor, Rossiya.Vadim Tsymburski - 2001 - Polis 1.
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    Between Economy and the State: Private Security and Rule Enforcement in Russia.Vadim Volkov - 2000 - Politics and Society 28 (4):483-501.
    This article explores how the segments of the state police and security organs were transformed into a large private security industry in Russia after 1992. As market reforms were launched, the numbers of private property owners grew dramatically, but the state institutions for the protection of property and dispute settlement were either absent or defunct. This gap was consequently filled with various private institutions, private protection companies and private security services being the major ones. The article studies the context of (...)
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    Kant’s Menschheit and Its Interpretations.Vadim Chaly - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 14:327-343.
    This paper offers a contextual, textual and conceptual study of Kant’s notion of humanity and its current interpretations. Its argument is directed against the interpretation of humanity as merely “the capacity to set oneself an end - any end whatsoever”. Kant’s sources, his usage of the word ‘ Menschheit ’ and its conceptual functions suggest a more complex reading that includes not only individualist, but also collectivist, essentialist and personalist meanings. These four meanings are separated – and brought together – (...)
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  10. Some measurement-theoretic concerns about Hale's ‘reals by abstraction';.Vadim Batitsky - 2002 - Philosophia Mathematica 10 (3):286-303.
    Hale proposes a neo-logicist definition of real numbers by abstraction as ratios defined on a complete ordered domain of quantities (magnitudes). I argue that Hale's definition faces insuperable epistemological and ontological difficulties. On the epistemological side, Hale is committed to an explanation of measurement applications of reals which conflicts with several theorems in measurement theory. On the ontological side, Hale commits himself to the necessary and a priori existence of at least one complete ordered domain of quantities, which is extremely (...)
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  11. Measurement in Carnap's late Philosophy of Science.Vadim Batitsky - 2000 - Dialectica 54 (2):87-108.
    Günther PATZIG: Gesammelte Schriften, Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen, 4 vols: I, Grundlagen der Ethik, pp. 303; II, Angewandte Ethik, pp. 191; III, Aufsätze zur antiken Philosophie, pp.319; IV, Theoretische Philosophie, pp. 278.
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    Conscious awareness is required for holistic face processing.Vadim Axelrod & Geraint Rees - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 27:233-245.
  13.  40
    The Moscow Methodological Circle: Its Main Ideas and Evolution.Vadim M. Rozin - 2017 - Social Epistemology 31 (1):78-92.
    This article examines the evolution of Russian methodological thought, namely, a philosophical school known as the Moscow Methodological Circle. The paper analyzes the transition from the study of thought during the first stage, to the institutionalization of thought during the second. In the first stage, thought was viewed primarily from a semiotic and historical standpoint, whereas the aim in the second stage was to construct a theory of activity. Here, thought was treated as a type of activity and termed “methodological (...)
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  14. Biographical encyclopedia (dictionary) as a genre of the contemporary historiography of philosophy: Anglo-American and Ukrainian experience.Vadim Menzhulin - 2018 - Sententiae 37 (1):153-167.
    The article aims at clarifying the historical status and cognitive potentials of such a genre of contemporary historiography of philosophy as biographical encyclopedia (dictionary). Based on extensive bibliographic material, the author demonstrates that in the late XX – early XXI centuries in the English-speaking countries there was a real outbreak of interest in encyclopedias and dictionaries, compiled from personalized articles about the life and works of philosophers of certain epochs, countries, trends, etc. According to the author, the increasing popularity of (...)
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  15.  38
    The Crisis of the Beautiful Soul and the Hidden History of Russian Hegelianism.Vadim Shkolnikov - 2013 - In Lisa Herzog (ed.), Hegel's Thought in Europe: Currents, Crosscurrents and Undercurrents. Palgrave. pp. 17.
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    Mystical techniques, mental processes, and states of consciousness in Abraham Abulafia’s Kabbalah: A reassessment.Vadim Putzu - 2019 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 41 (2):89-104.
    This article reevaluates the mystical techniques and experiences peculiar to Abraham Abulafia’s Kabbalah and attempts to offer an alternative approach to their dominant understanding, which largely depends on Moshe Idel’s work. Current scholars of Jewish mysticism have a habit of highlighting the “unique character” of Abulafia’s mystical practices while asserting that they cannot be compared with the induction techniques and the psychophysical phenomena typical of hypnosis. While generally agreeing with the scholars discussed that the hyperactivation of the mind found in (...)
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    Qualitative simulation of temporal concurrent processes using Time Interval Petri Nets.Vadim Bulitko & David C. Wilkins - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence 144 (1-2):95-124.
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  18. Rationality in Machiavelli and in Kant.Vadim Chaly - 2016 - Con-Textos Kantianos 4:89-97.
    The paper contains interpretation and comparative analysis of Machiavelli’s and Kant’s conceptions on rationality as two prime examples of “realist” and “idealist” modes of agency. Kantian model of rationality is viewed as an augmentation of the Machiavellian one, not an opposition to it. To elaborate the point, Robert Aumann’s model of act-rationality and rulerationality is applied to the two philosophical models. Kantian practical reason is interpreted as an addition to Aumann’s instrumental rationality, providing rules for rules, or “rule-rule-rationality”.
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    Scientific and methodological support of physical education in the framework of FSES-3++.Vadim Sergeevich Denisenko, Ivan Alekseevich Bavtryukov & Tatiana Vasilievna Strelnikova - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):244-251.
    This research is devoted to the study of scientific and methodological aspects of providing students with physical education. The research is based on the works of Russian teachers who have adopted the experience of the new higher education program for bachelor's degree. The starting point for the development of new concepts is the latest edition of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education. The purpose of the study is to analysis of the scientific and methodological support of physical education (...)
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    Modernization of Russia in the Context of Cultural Experience of the East and West.Vadim Kortunov - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 36:65-73.
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  21. Marksistskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ protiv idealizma i metafiziki.Vadim Mikhaĭlovich Kovalgin - 1961 - Minsk,: Gos. izd-vo BSSR; Red. sot︠s︡ialʹno-ėkon. lit-ry.
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    Das Nationale in Fichtes Spätwerk.Vadim V. Murskiy - 2006 - Fichte-Studien 29:121-127.
  23.  25
    The conflict of values and the value of conflict in N. hartmann’s ethics.Vadim Perov - 2019 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 8 (1):230-246.
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  24. Dokumentalʹnoe i khudozhestvennoe v sovremennom iskusstve.Vadim Mikhailovich Polevoi, S. I. Freilikh, T. M. Surina & Akademiia Obshchestvennykh Nauk (eds.) - 1975 - Moskva: Mysl, ́.
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  25. Kritika sovremennoĭ angliĭskoĭ burzhuaznoĭ ėstetiki.Vadim Viktorovich Prozerskiĭ - 1973
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  26. Kritika sovremennoĭ burzhuaznoĭ amerikanskoĭ ėstetiki.Vadim Viktorovich Prozerskiĭ - 1975
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  27. Immanuel Kant - Racist and Colonialist?Vadim Chaly - 2020 - Kantian Journal 39 (2):94-98.
    A murder of an Afro-American detainee by a policeman at the end of May 2020 caused a public outrage in the United States, which led to a campaign against the monuments to historical figures whose reputation, according to the protesters, was marred by racism. Some German publicists, impressed by the campaign, initiated an analogous search for racists among the national thinkers and politicians of the past. Suddenly Kant emerged as a ‘scapegoat’. This statement is an attempt to assess such reactions (...)
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    Kantian Fallibilist Ethics for AI alignment.Vadim Chaly - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 18 (47):303-318.
    The problem of AI alignment has parallels in Kantian ethics and can benefit from its concepts and arguments. The Kantian framework allows us to better answer the question of what exactly AI is being aligned to, what are the problems of alignment of rational agents in general, and what are the prospects for achieving a state of alignment. Having described the state of discussions about alignment in AI, I will reformulate them in Kantian terms. Thus, the process of alignment is (...)
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  29. When good theories make bad predictions.Vadim Batitsky & Zoltan Domotor - 2007 - Synthese 157 (1):79 - 103.
    Chaos-related obstructions to predictability have been used to challenge accounts of theory validation based on the agreement between theoretical predictions and experimental data. These challenges are incomplete in two respects: they do not show that chaotic regimes are unpredictable in principle and, as a result, that there is something conceptually wrong with idealized expectations of correct predictions from acceptable theories, and they do not explore whether chaos-induced predictive failures of deterministic models can be remedied by stochastic modeling. In this paper (...)
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    Philosophy and Neurosciences: Perspectives for Interaction.Vadim A. Chaly - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (4):835-847.
    The study analyzes modern reductivist and antireductivist approaches to understanding the interaction between philosophy and neuroscience. It analyzes the content and grounds for using the concepts of neuroscience and neurosciences, philosophy of neuroscience, and neurophilosophy. The milestones in the development of neuroreductivism, from Patricia Churchland’s arguments in support of intertheoretic reduction through Francis Crick’s eliminativism to John Bickle’s ruthless reductionism, are described. The ontological, methodological, and epistemic grounds for the reduction to neurosciences of other ways of representing mind and body (...)
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  31.  21
    Two approaches to social policy in the German conservative political philosophy of the late XX century.Vadim Podolskiy - 2023 - Sotsium I Vlast 2 (96):48-58.
    Introduction. In conservative political philoso- phy in Germany at the end of the 20th century, there developed two main approaches to social policy. The first one, paternalistic and corporat- ist approach continued the line that had been established in the 19th century and assumed the active participation of the state in regulating social support. The second, the market one, adopted American ideas of the second half of the 20th cen- tury and proposed limiting the scope of the welfare state in (...)
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    (1 other version)Kant's philosophical ideas in Rober Nozik's political theory.Vadim Chaly - 2014 - Kantian Journal 2:46-52.
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  33. Kant and "tabula Russia".Vadim Chaly - 2023 - Con-Textos Kantianos 18: 153-162.
    The article offers an attempt to understand the present state of Kant’s legacy in Russia on the threshold of the Tercentenary. An explanans is found in the metaphors of “ tabula rasa ” and “unplowed virgin soil,” first used by Leibniz in relation to Russia in his letters and memoranda addressed to tsar Peter I and other members of the Russian elite, which became the country’s “absolute metaphors to live by” up to present time. Several known and unknown episodes from (...)
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    Reclaiming the “Cultural Mandate”: The Idea of Sustainable Development in the Kantian Perspective.Vadim A. Chaly - 2023 - Kantian Journal 42 (2):68-94.
    In the Club of Rome report Come on! Capitalism, Short-Termism, Population and the Destruction of the Planet (2018) Kant, along with other “old” Enlighteners, is presented as the father of a world-view which led to the destabilisation of the environment in which humanity exists. The authors of the report argue that the “old Enlightenment” with its individualism, faith in the market and a consumerist attitude to nature should be scrapped. I maintain that this assessment of Kant’s philosophy is groundless and (...)
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  35. A realistic look at Putnam's argument against realism.Vadim Batitsky - 2000 - Foundations of Science 5 (3):299-321.
    Putnam's ``model-theoretic'' argument against metaphysical realism presupposes that an ideal scientific theory is expressible in a first order language. The central aim of this paper is to show that Putnam's ``first orderization'' of science, although unchallenged by numerous critics, makes his argument unsound even for adequate theories, never mind an ideal one. To this end, I will argue that quantitative theories, which dominate the natural sciences, can be adequately interpreted and evaluated only with the help of so-called theories of measurement (...)
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  36. Presentation of the editors: Kant in Eastern Europe.Vadim Chaly & Sandra Zákutná - 2016 - Con-Textos Kantianos 4:32-34.
    The monographic section of Con-Textos Kantianos No. 4 entitled Kant in Eastern Europe provides an insight into the work of authors dealing with Kant’s philosophy in Russia and other Eastern European countries.
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  37. Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, VIII.Vadim D. Glezer - 1989 - New York: Elsevier Science.
  38. Vtoroe solnt︠s︡e.Vadim Afanasʹevich Nazarenko - 1972 - Moskva,: "Mol. gvardii︠a︡,".
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  39. Zakony evangelii︠a︡ i zakony kibernetiki.Vadim Evgenʹevich Obukhov - 1994 - Kiev: Manuskript.
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  40. An Enactive Theory of Need Satisfaction.Vadim Savenkov, Markus Peschl, Golnaz Bidabadi & Soheil Human - 2017 - In Vincent C. Müller (ed.), Philosophy and theory of artificial intelligence 2017. Berlin: Springer.
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  41. Supporting Pluralism by Artificial Intelligence: Conceptualizing Epistemic Disagreements as Digital Artifacts.Vadim Savenkov, Golnaz Bidabadi & Soheil Human - 2017 - In Vincent C. Müller (ed.), Philosophy and theory of artificial intelligence 2017. Berlin: Springer.
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  42. From inexactness to certainty: The change in Hume's conception of geometry.Vadim Batitsky - 1998 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 29 (1):1-20.
    Although Hume's analysis of geometry continues to serve as a reference point for many contemporary discussions in the philosophy of science, the fact that the first Enquiry presents a radical revision of Hume's conception of geometry in the Treatise has never been explained. The present essay closely examines Hume's early and late discussions of geometry and proposes a reconstruction of the reasons behind the change in his views on the subject. Hume's early conception of geometry as an inexact non-demonstrative science (...)
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  43. Философия сознания: классика и современность: Вторые Грязновские чтения.Vadim Vasilyev (ed.) - 2007
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    Chelovecheskaia Deiatel'nost'poznanie Iskusstvo.Vadim Petrovich Ivanov - 1977 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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  45. Brain and consciousness: Exits from the labyrinth.Vadim V. Vasilyev - 2006 - Social Sciences 37 (2):51-66.
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    Measurement perspective, process, and the pandemic.Vadim Keyser & Hannah Howland - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (1):1-26.
    This discussion centers on two desiderata: the role of measurement in information-gathering and physical interaction in scientific practice. By taking inspiration from van Fraassen’s view, we present a methodological account of perspectival measurement that addresses empirical practice where there is complex intervention, disagreeing results, and limited theory. The specific aim of our account is to provide a methodological prescription for developing measurement processes in the context of limited theory. The account should be useful to philosophers of science, who are interested (...)
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  47. Empiricism and the Myth of Fundamental Measurement.Vadim Batitsky - 1998 - Synthese 116 (1):51 - 73.
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    Philosophy Solving the Problems of Education in the Modern World.Vadim Grekhnev - 2006 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 4:45-50.
    This paper deals with an analysis of philosophy as intellectual therapeutics for educational (pedagogical) activity. Two interrelated issues are examined: (1) philosophy's role in the construction of cognitive attitudes to all systems of education; (2) philosophy's role in the formation of a definite value attitude to education. A great deal of attention is devoted to the problem of educational goals. It is argued that the assumed dichotomy of the social and the individual (which still occurs in our teaching practice and (...)
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    Minimizing bugs in cognitive neuroscience programming.Vadim Axelrod - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  50. Theories, Theorizers and the World: A Category-Theoretic Approach.Vadim Batitsky - 1996 - Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania
    In today's philosophy of science, scientific theories are construed as abstract mathematical objects: formal axiomatic systems or classes of set-theoretic models. By focusing exclusively on the logico-mathematical structure of theories, however, this approach ignores their essentially cognitive nature: that theories are conceptualizations of the world produced by some cognitive agents. As a result, traditional philosophical analyses of scientific theories are incapable of coherently accounting for the relevant relations between highly abstract and idealized models in science and concrete empirical phenomena in (...)
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