Results for 'Usman Asrar'

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  1.  82
    The degree of certainty in brain death: probability in clinical and Islamic legal discourse.Faisal Qazi, Joshua C. Ewell, Ayla Munawar, Usman Asrar & Nadir Khan - 2013 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 34 (2):117-131.
    The University of Michigan conference “Where Religion, Policy, and Bioethics Meet: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Islamic Bioethics and End-of-Life Care” in April 2011 addressed the issue of brain death as the prototype for a discourse that would reflect the emergence of Islamic bioethics as a formal field of study. In considering the issue of brain death, various Muslim legal experts have raised concerns over the lack of certainty in the scientific criteria as applied to the definition and diagnosis of brain (...)
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  2. How Ethical Leadership Shapes Employees’ Job Performance: The Mediating Roles of Goal Congruence and Psychological Capital.Usman Raja, Asma Zafar & Dave Bouckenooghe - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (2):251-264.
    Drawing from research on ethical leadership, psychological capital, and social learning theory, this study investigated the mediating effects of goal congruence and psychological capital in the link between supervisors’ ethical leadership style and followers’ in-role job performance. Data captured from 171 employees and 24 supervisors showed that ethical leadership has a positive effect on followers’ in-role job performance, yet this effect is explained through the role of psychological capital and follower–leader goal congruence, providing evidence of mediation. These findings have significant (...)
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  3.  83
    Attitudes of medical students towards incentives offered by pharmaceutical companies- perspective from a developing nation- a cross sectional study.Usman Tariq Siddiqui, Amarah Shakoor, Sarah Kiani, Farwa Ali, Maryam Sharif, Arun Kumar, Qasim Raza, Naseer Khan, Sardar Mohammed Alamzaib & Syed Farid-ul-Husnain - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):36.
    A training physician has his first interaction with a pharmaceutical representative during medical school. Medical students are often provided with small gifts such as pens, calendars and books, as well as free lunches as part of drug promotion offers. Ethical impact of these transactions as perceived by young medical students has not been investigated in Pakistan before. This study aimed to assess the association of socio-demographic variables with the attitudes of medical students towards pharmaceutical companies and their incentives.
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  4. Does Participative Leadership Matters in Employees’ Outcomes During COVID-19? Role of Leader Behavioral Integrity.Muhammad Usman, Usman Ghani, Jin Cheng, Tahir Farid & Sadaf Iqbal - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has badly affected the social, physical, and emotional health of workers, especially those working in the healthcare sectors. Drawing on social exchange theory, we investigated the effects of participative leadership on employees’ workplace thriving and helping behaviors among frontline workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, we examined the moderating role of a leader’s behavioral integrity in strengthening the relationship between participative leadership, and employees’ workplace thriving and helping behaviors. By using a two-wave time-lagged design and (...)
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  5.  20
    Yazidis: A Tale of a Lost, Found, and Misunderstood Legacy in the Light of Mimetic Theory.Shakir Muhammad Usman - 2021 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 28 (1):251-280.
    A faint smell of rosemary permeates the room; it is a soft and soothing smell. Weaving into it is another, not as sweet but an amiable one, and a few more sniffs will reveal that it is the comforting smell of a sweating body after a long, tiring walk. Small drops of sweat sit on the broad forehead of a young male figure sitting on a bedstead, quiet except for an occasional deep and very prolonged breath that inhales decades of (...)
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  6.  12
    Attention-Based Deep Entropy Active Learning Using Lexical Algorithm for Mental Health Treatment.Usman Ahmed, Suresh Kumar Mukhiya, Gautam Srivastava, Yngve Lamo & Jerry Chun-Wei Lin - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    With the increasing prevalence of Internet usage, Internet-Delivered Psychological Treatment (IDPT) has become a valuable tool to develop improved treatments of mental disorders. IDPT becomes complicated and labor intensive because of overlapping emotion in mental health. To create a usable learning application for IDPT requires diverse labeled datasets containing an adequate set of linguistic properties to extract word representations and segmentations of emotions. In medical applications, it is challenging to successfully refine such datasets since emotion-aware labeling is time consuming. Other (...)
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  7.  49
    Sexualisation of Girls: Too Much, Too Soon.Rida Usman Khalafzai - 2010 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 15 (3):1.
    Khalafzai, Rida Usman A summary of Getting Real: Challenging the Sexualisation of Girls, the book edited by Melinda Tankard Reist on the issue of early sexualisation of girls.
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  8.  28
    Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome and Egg Donation.Rida Usman Khalafzai - 2009 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 15 (2):9.
    Khalafzai, Rida Usman The legalization of egg donation for medical research has resulted in the use of assisted reproductive techniques for the creation of embryos for research. This carries significant risks for the women undergoing these procedures and has brought humankind to a major ethical and moral crossroads.
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  9. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.Rida Usman Khalafzai - 2008 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 14 (2):9.
    Khalafzai, Rida Usman Harms of alcohol consumption are not limited to the consumer. For women, it poses a significant threat to their unborn child. This article discusses one type of alcohol-related harm to the fetus: the fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).
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  10.  56
    Cities of Alexander the Great (review).Muhammad Usman Erdosy - 1998 - American Journal of Philology 119 (1):133-135.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Cities of Alexander the GreatMuhammad Usman ErdosyP. M. Fraser. Cities of Alexander the Great. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. xii 1 263 pp. Cloth, $72.Fraser’s survey aims at determining “what cities [Alexander] did indeed found, how many out of the large number attributed to him by our various sources are actually historical, and in what sense” (vi). Resolving these issues requires the analysis of sources which are plagued (...)
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  11.  18
    Impact of armed conflict on managerial behavior of principals of secondary schools in darfur, sudan.Usman Ghani Khattak, Javed Iqbal & Safia Noor - 2015 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 54 (1):27-39.
    Presently, there is armed conflict in Darfur, Sudan. Armed conflict has adversely affected the social, economic and educational development of Darfur, Sudan. Purpose of this study is to know the impact of armed conflict on managerial behavior of the principals of secondary schools in Darfur, Sudan. In this study, the impact of armed conflict on performance of the secondary school principals was analyzed in perspective of their managerial behavior. Based on the findings of the study significant impact of armed conflict (...)
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  12. Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding: A Miracle Cure?Rida Usman Khalafzai - 2008 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 13 (3):1.
    Khalafzai, Rida Usman Obesity is the bane of modern times. Its ever-rising incidence and the frequent lack of success of conventional weight loss methods, has lead to the evolution of surgical weight loss techniques. Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding (LAGB) is one such procedure aimed at assisting in the loss of weight in obese individuals for whom traditional methods have failed.
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  13.  37
    Obstetric Fistula.Rida Usman Khalafzai & Imran Hameed - 2009 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 14 (4):1.
    Khalafzai, Rida Usman; Hameed, Imran Obstetric fistula is the most devastating complication of parturition. The impact of this ailment extends beyond physical morbidity, with immense social repercussions for the women who suffer from it.
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  14.  33
    Racial Discrimination and Health.Rida Usman Khalafzai - 2009 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 14 (3):9.
    Khalafzai, Rida Usman This article explores race as a social construct, discrimination based on race, and its impact on health.
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  15. Emergence of Metallo-beta-Lactamase producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Pakistan.Tariq Butt, Muhammad Usman, Rifat Nadeem Ahmad & Imran Saif - forthcoming - Emergence: Complexity and Organization.
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  16.  23
    Magnetic Field Effect on Heat and Momentum of Fractional Maxwell Nanofluid within a Channel by Power Law Kernel Using Finite Difference Method.Maha M. A. Lashin, Muhammad Usman, Muhammad Imran Asjad, Arfan Ali, Fahd Jarad & Taseer Muhammad - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-16.
    The mathematical model of physical problems interprets physical phenomena closely. This research work is focused on numerical solution of a nonlinear mathematical model of fractional Maxwell nanofluid with the finite difference element method. Addition of nanoparticles in base fluids such as water, sodium alginate, kerosene oil, and engine oil is observed, and velocity profile and heat transfer energy profile of solutions are investigated. The finite difference method involving the discretization of time and distance parameters is applied for numerical results by (...)
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  17.  17
    Comparison of active brain area for wide and dense optode configurations using initial dip.Amad Zafar, Usman Ghafoor & Keum-Shik Hong - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  18.  23
    Social Undermining at the Workplace: How Religious Faith Encourages Employees Who are Aware of Their Social Undermining Behaviors to Express More Guilt and Perform Better.Nasib Dar, Muhammad Usman, Jin Cheng & Usman Ghani - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 187 (2):371-383.
    Based on the conservation of resources theory, this study developed a model linking social undermining to employees helping behaviors and work role performance via expression of guilt, with religious faith possessed by employees as a first-stage moderator. We argue that individuals will feel guilty if they perceive themselves as the perpetrators of the social undermining against their coworkers. Feeling guilt can potentially trigger prosocial responses (i.e., helping coworkers) and enhance work role performance for improving the situation. We contend that religious (...)
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  19.  44
    Analyzing Base-of-the-Pyramid Research from a (Sustainable) Supply Chain Perspective.Stefan Seuring & Raja Usman Khalid - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (3):663-686.
    Research on the base-of-the-pyramid (BoP) approach and the associated business case for deprived participants in informal markets now appears frequently in a range of business ethics and management-related journals. The present analysis of how supply chain management (SCM) and sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) concepts are habitually used in base-of-the-pyramid research serves to strengthen the theoretical foundation of BoP research by addressing the related business case. Based on a content analysis of BoP papers published in English-speaking peer-reviewed journals between 2000 (...)
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  20.  53
    Impact of Peer Unethical Behaviors on Employee Silence: The Role of Organizational Identification and Emotions.Aneka Fahima Sufi, Usman Raja & Arif Nazir Butt - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (4):821-839.
    Although extant literature has covered the differences between unethical behaviors in relation to perpetrators and targets, most of this research has not considered the effects of observed unethical behaviors on employees. In this study, we focus on observed unethical behaviors of peers targeted at their organization and examine how witnessing a peer engage in an organizationally targeted unethical behavior would impact the observer. Drawing on cognitive appraisal theory, we propose that organizational identification will inform emotions, which in turn will shape (...)
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  21.  13
    Impact of ownership structure and cross‐listing on the role of female audit committee financial experts in mitigating earnings management. Bilal, Francisca Ezeani, Muhammad Usman, Bushra Komal & Ali Meftah Gerged - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    This study investigates whether female Audit Committee Financial Experts (ACFEs) at Chinese listed companies reduce earnings management by examining their influence under different ownership structures and cross-listing scenarios. Our findings reveal that female ACFEs negatively affect earnings management, with their impact varying by ownership type. Specifically, female ACFEs in privately owned enterprises (non-SOEs) are more effective at reducing earnings management than those in state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Furthermore, our analysis indicates that female ACFEs in cross-listed firms are better at mitigating earnings (...)
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  22.  23
    Neural Correlates of Single- and Dual-Task Walking in the Real World.Sara Pizzamiglio, Usman Naeem, Hassan Abdalla & Duncan L. Turner - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  23.  22
    Computation of the Complexity of Networks under Generalized Operations.Hafiz Usman Afzal, Muhammad Javaid, Ali Ovais & Md Nur Alam - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-20.
    The connected and acyclic components contained in a network are identified by the computation of its complexity, where complexity of a network refers to the total number of spanning trees present within. The article in hand deals with the enumeration of the complexity of various networks’ operations such as sum, product, difference K 2, n ⊖ K 2, and the conjunction of S n with K 2. All our computations have been concluded by implementation of the methods of linear algebra (...)
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  24.  23
    Achieving Operational Excellence Through Artificial Intelligence: Driving Forces and Barriers.Muhammad Usman Tariq, Marc Poulin & Abdullah A. Abonamah - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This paper presents an in-depth literature review on the driving forces and barriers for achieving operational excellence through artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is a technological concept spanning operational management, philosophy, humanities, statistics, mathematics, computer sciences, and social sciences. AI refers to machines mimicking human behavior in terms of cognitive functions. The evolution of new technological procedures and advancements in producing intelligence for machines creates a positive impact on decisions, operations, strategies, and management incorporated in the production process of goods and (...)
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  25. The Belmont Report : guiding ethical principles in human research.Muhammad Usman Tariq - 2025 - In Robin Throne, IRB, human research protections, and data ethics for researchers. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
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  26. Frîdrîk Nîtşe: 1844-1900.ʻUsman Yasîn - 2000 - Hewlêr [Kurdistan, Iraq]: Dezgay Çap u Biławkirdinewey Mukriyanî.
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  27.  28
    Early Detection of Hemodynamic Responses Using EEG: A Hybrid EEG-fNIRS Study.M. Jawad Khan, Usman Ghafoor & Keum-Shik Hong - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  28. Female Genital Mutilation.Rida Usman Khalafzai - 2008 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 14 (1):1.
    Khalafzai, Rida Usman Female genital mutilation (FGM) is thought to be a custom practiced for the subjugation of women. The significance of FGM for practicing communities, however, is much more profound. The best hope of eradicating this practice lies in the recognition and comprehension of its cultural and social meanings.
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  29.  28
    L’oppression des communautés autochtones hindoues au Pakistan.Sibth Ul Hassan, Usman Ashraf & Michèle Collin - 2019 - Multitudes 75 (2):200-204.
    Le mégaprojet de centrale au charbon Thar (Thar Coal Mega Power Project) est l’un des plus ambitieux du Pakistan. Il affectera directement les communautés du désert de Thar sur une superficie d’environ neuf mille kilomètres carrés. Plus de deux cent cinquante villages seront évacués pour assurer son succès économique. Le projet a d’ores et déjà provoqué des migrations, des spéculations sur le sol, l’usurpation de pâturages communs et le rejet des communautés. Les conflits dans la région revêtent deux faces. D’abord, (...)
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  30.  34
    “Articulating Cognizance About What to Hide What not": Insights into Why and When Ethical Leadership Regulates Employee Knowledge-Hiding Behaviors.Moazzam Ali, Muhammad Usman, Muhammad Aamir Shafique Khan, Imran Shafique & Farooq Mughal - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (4):885-895.
    Given the dearth of research examining the distinctions across various facets of employee knowledge-hiding (KH) behaviors, there is little known about why and when leadership negatively influences playing dumb and evasive hiding but positively influences rationalized hiding. The present study fills this void by hypothesizing that employee justice orientation (JO) acts as a mediator of the associations of ethical leadership (EL) with different facets of employee KH behaviors. We also propose employee conscientiousness moderates the relationship of EL with JO and (...)
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  31.  51
    Eating Disorders.Rida Usman Khalafzai - 2009 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 15 (1):5.
    Khalafzai, Rida Usman The prevalence of eating disorders is increasing. This article provides an overview of these disorders and explores the biological and social conditions that influence their development.
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  32.  40
    Public Health and Human Rights.Rida Usman Khalafzai - 2009 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 14 (3):4.
    Khalafzai, Rida Usman In this era, health has been redefined. The emphasis has shifted from the individual-focussed bio-medical model to a preventative model of collective health. This model of public health often challenges the concept of individual autonomy, the basis of human rights, in the name of the greater good. This article explores the relationship between public health and human rights, and the need for a public health ethic based on the principles of human rights.
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  33. Male Circumcision - Facts and Fiction.Rida Usman Khalafzai - 2008 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 13 (4):6.
    Khalafzai, Rida Usman There is currently much debate about the medical and ethical issues related to male circumcision. This article explores this controversial subject in the light of current research.
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  34.  40
    Interplay of eco-friendly factors and islamic religiosity towards recycled package products: A cross-cultural study.Qingyu Zhang, Mudassir Husnain, Muhammad Usman, Muhammad Waheed Akhtar, Saqib Ali, Mussadiq Ali Khan, Qamar Abbas, Riffat Ismail, Tayyab Rehman & Muhammad Akram - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Climate change has increasingly been recognised and associated with consumer behaviour: Practitioners are developing their strategies to reduce environmental degradation while increasing the management of sustainable consumption; it needs to better understand consumer attitudes and eco-friendly factors about the issue. Therefore, the current study focused to understand the effects of pro-environmental factors on individuals’ environmental attitudes through the lens of theory of planned behaviour in a cross-cultural setting. Moreover, present research focuses on the moderating role that religiosity plays in causal (...)
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  35.  22
    Human Behavior Analysis Using Intelligent Big Data Analytics.Muhammad Usman Tariq, Muhammad Babar, Marc Poulin, Akmal Saeed Khattak, Mohammad Dahman Alshehri & Sarah Kaleem - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Intelligent big data analysis is an evolving pattern in the age of big data science and artificial intelligence. Analysis of organized data has been very successful, but analyzing human behavior using social media data becomes challenging. The social media data comprises a vast and unstructured format of data sources that can include likes, comments, tweets, shares, and views. Data analytics of social media data became a challenging task for companies, such as Dailymotion, that have billions of daily users and vast (...)
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  36.  15
    Women and marriage in middlemarch and the return of the native.Najia Asrar Zaidi & Fouzia Rehman Khan - 2017 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 56 (2):129-144.
    Women in the nineteenth century were the worst victims of patriarchy, socio-cultural norms and class difference. It was not a good time for women. In the Victorian era, women did not have the right to vote, own property or come out of the violent marriage. This picture has been painted by many writers of the time. Of all the Victorian novelists, Eliot and Hardy have the gifted ability to chart the women situation from all angles. Both writers show that women (...)
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  37. Impact of Islamic Work Ethics on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Knowledge-Sharing Behaviors.Ghulam Murtaza, Muhammad Abbas, Usman Raja, Olivier Roques, Afsheen Khalid & Rizwan Mushtaq - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (2):325-333.
    This study examines the impact of Islamic Work Ethic on organizational citizenship behaviors and knowledge-sharing behaviors among university employees in Pakistan. A total of 215 respondents from public sector educational institutions participated in this research. The findings suggest that IWE has a positive effect on OCBs. In other words, individuals with high IWE demonstrate more citizenship behaviors than those with low IWE. The findings also suggest a positive effect of IWE on KSBs. Individuals with high IWE exhibit more KSBs than (...)
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  38.  21
    (1 other version)Al-Bantānī and the Interpretation of Ṣifāt verses in Marāḥ Labīd.Umar Muhammad Noor & Abur Hamdi Usman - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):8.
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    Role of Social Media Marketing Activities in Influencing Customer Intentions: A Perspective of a New Emerging Era.Khalid Jamil, Liu Dunnan, Rana Faizan Gul, Muhammad Usman Shehzad, Syed Hussain Mustafa Gillani & Fazal Hussain Awan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The aim of this study is to explore social media marketing activities and their impact on consumer intentions. This study also analyzes the mediating roles of social identification and satisfaction. The participants in this study were experienced users of two social media platforms Facebook and Instagram in Pakistan. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from respondents. We used an online community to invite Facebook and Instagram users to complete the questionnaire in the designated online questionnaire system. Data were (...)
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  40.  40
    How Do High-Performance Work Systems Affect Individual Outcomes: A Multilevel Perspective.Junwei Zhang, M. Naseer Akhtar, P. Matthijs Bal, Yajun Zhang & Usman Talat - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  41. Ethical Leadership and Knowledge Hiding: A Moderated Mediation Model of Relational Social Capital, and Instrumental Thinking.Muhammad Ibrahim Abdullah, Huang Dechun, Moazzam Ali & Muhammad Usman - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:490579.
    The present study examined the direct and indirect (via relational social capital) relationships between supervisors’ ethical leadership and knowledge hiding. It also tested the moderating role of instrumental thinking in the relationship between supervisors’ ethical leadership and knowledge hiding and the relationship between supervisors’ ethical leadership and relational social capital. Data were collected from 245 employees in different firms spanning different manufacturing and service sectors. The results showed that supervisors’ ethical leadership was negatively related to knowledge hiding, both directly and (...)
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  42.  24
    Intelligent Computation Offloading for IoT Applications in Scalable Edge Computing Using Artificial Bee Colony Optimization.Mohammad Babar, Muhammad Sohail Khan, Ahmad Din, Farman Ali, Usman Habib & Kyung Sup Kwak - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    Most of the IoT-based smart systems require low latency and crisp response time for their applications. Achieving the demand of this high Quality of Service becomes quite challenging when computationally intensive tasks are offloaded to the cloud for execution. Edge computing therein plays an important role by introducing low network latency, quick response, and high bandwidth. However, offloading computations at a large scale overwhelms the edge server with many requests and the scalability issue originates. To address the above issues, an (...)
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  43.  17
    Linking Leader’s Behavioral Integrity With Workplace Ostracism: A Mediated-Moderated Model.Seemab Chaman, Sadia Shaheen & Asrar Hussain - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Drawing on the social exchange theory and research on leadership influences, we developed and inspected a multilevel model to test the conditions and mechanisms through which a leader’s behavioral integrity deters workplace ostracism. We used trust as a mediator and the narcissistic personality of a leader as a boundary condition in the connection between a LBI and WO. Data were collected from 249 employees working in different five- and four-star hotels in Pakistan over three time lags. The statistical results revealed (...)
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  44.  21
    Reliability of the triangle completion test in the real-world and in virtual reality.Ruth McLaren, Shikha Chaudhary, Usman Rashid, Shobika Ravindran & Denise Taylor - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    BackgroundThe triangle completion test has been used to assess egocentric wayfinding for decades, yet there is little information on its reliability. We developed a virtual reality based test and investigated whether either test of spatial navigation was reliable.ObjectiveTo examine test-retest reliability of the real-world and VR triangle completion tests. A secondary objective was to examine the usability of the VR based test.Materials and methodsThirty healthy adults aged 18–45 years were recruited to this block randomized study. Participants completed two sessions of (...)
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  45.  31
    Peripheral Electrical Stimulation Paired With Movement-Related Cortical Potentials Improves Isometric Muscle Strength and Voluntary Activation Following Stroke.Sharon Olsen, Nada Signal, Imran K. Niazi, Usman Rashid, Gemma Alder, Grant Mawston, Rasmus B. Nedergaard, Mads Jochumsen & Denise Taylor - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  46. Organizational Justice and Job Outcomes: Moderating Role of Islamic Work Ethic.Khurram Khan, Muhammad Abbas, Asma Gul & Usman Raja - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (2):1-12.
    Using a time-lagged design, we tested the main effects of Islamic Work Ethic (IWE) and perceived organizational justice on turnover intentions, job satisfaction, and job involvement. We also investigated the moderating influence of IWE in justice–outcomes relationship. Analyses using data collected from 182 employees revealed that IWE was positively related to satisfaction and involvement and negatively related to turnover intentions. Distributive fairness was negatively related to turnover intentions, whereas procedural justice was positively related to satisfaction. In addition, procedural justice was (...)
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  47.  31
    Cognitive Bias and the Extraversion Personality Shaping the Behavior of Investors.Muhammad Ishfaq, Mian Sajid Nazir, Muhammad Ali Jibran Qamar & Muhammad Usman - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Book reviews and notices. [REVIEW]Muhammad Usman Erdosy, Nancy J. Barnes, Lou Ratté, John Grimes, Paul B. Courtright, Brian K. Smith, Jane I. Smith, Carl Olson, T. N. Madan, William K. Mahony, Robert N. Minor, Jeffrey J. Kripal, Dennis Hudson, Lou Ratté, Serinity Young & Phillip B. Wagoner - 1997 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 1 (1):189-216.
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    Exploring Brand Hate and the Association Between Similar Competitor Offer and Brand Equity: A Moderated-Mediation Model.Mudassir Husnain, Zanxin Wang, Petra Poulova, Fauzia Syed, Ahsan Akbar, Muhammad Waheed Akhtar, Minhas Akbar & Muhammad Usman - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Using the assumptions of Sternberg Duplex Theory of Hate, the present study reveals the combined effects of similar competitor offer and narcissistic personality on brand equity through the underlying mechanism of brand hate. Specifically, we hypothesize that brand hate mediates the relationship between similar competitor offer and brand equity. Moreover, we propose that similar competitor offer and brand hate relationship are stronger for narcissistic individuals. By employing a multi-wave time-lagged research design, we collected data from a sample of dairy product (...)
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  50. Behavioural Psychology of Unique Family Firms Toward R&D Investment in the Digital Era: The Role of Ownership Discrepancy.Muhammad Zulfiqar, Weidong Huo, Shifei Wu, Shihua Chen, Ehsan Elahi & Muhammad Usman Yousaf - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:928447.
    This study examines the R&D investment behaviour of different types of family-controlled firms with the moderating role of ownership discrepancy between cash-flow rights and excess voting rights by using the sufficiency conditions’ theoretical framework of ability and willingness developed by De Massis. It uses data from family firms that have issued A-shares from 2008 to 2018. They used pooled OLS regression for data analysis and Tobit regression for robustness checks. This study classifies family firm types into two categories, namely, the (...)
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