Results for 'Ulo Palm'

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  1.  33
    The Case for Methodological Pluralism in Medical Science.Sarah J. L. Edwards, Thomas Bock, Ulo Palm, Sally Wang, Glen Cheng, Lixia Wang & Peter Pitts - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (9):39-41.
    Volume 20, Issue 9, September 2020, Page 39-41.
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    Palme, A. J G. Sulzers Psychologie und die Anfänge der Dreivermögenslehre.Anton Palme - 1905 - Kant Studien 10 (1-3).
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    Scientia est potentia.Ülo Kaevats - 2008 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 1 (3):43-60.
    Oma algses mitmetähenduslikkuses on see F. Baconi aforism kõige tihendatum tõdemus, mis tõmbab olemusliku eraldusjoone ühelt poolt antiikse ja keskaegse ning teisalt uusaegse arusaama vahele teadusest ja teadusteadmisest. Artiklis püüab autor anda võimaluste piires tervikpildi uusaja teaduse industriaalselt (tehnoloogiliselt) orienteeritud teadmistüübi tekkimisest. Uusaja teaduse kujunemiseks vajaliku pöörde maailmavaateliste eeldustena tuleb käsitleda: (1) põhimõtteliselt uut subjekti ja objekti käsitust; (2) täiesti uut väärtusruumi, uut teaduse ideoloogiat (ilmalikkus, kriitiline vaim, tõesus ja praktiline kasulikkus); (3) tunnetuslaadi muutust — kontemplatsioonilt interventsioonile, kvaliteedi kirjeldamiselt kvantiteedi (...)
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    Newton's Principia in the curricula of the University of Tartu (Dorpat) in the early 1690s.Ülo Lumiste & Helmut Piirimäe - 2001 - In Rein Vihalemm, Estonian studies in the history and philosophy of science. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 3--18.
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  5.  9
    Kõrb kasvab.Ülo Matjus - 2003 - Tartu: Ilmamaa.
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    Vernacular knowledge: contesting authority, expressing beliefs.Ulo Valk & Marion Bowman (eds.) - 2022 - Bristol, CT: Equinox Publishing.
    This volume presents vernacular knowledge as a realm of discourses and beliefs that challenge institutional authorities and official truths. It draws attention to various genres as expressions of alternative knowledge in relation to authority, including traditional and personal experience narratives, life stories, ditties, and jokes. These are transmitted through a wide range of vehicles of expression including online, face to face, social media, forums, networks, and conferences, which are shared and shaped communally but individually articulated and actualised. Vernacular knowledge and (...)
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  7.  82
    Functoriality and Grammatical Role in Syllogisms.Marie La Palme Reyes, John Macnamara & Gonzalo E. Reyes - 1994 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 35 (1):41-66.
    We specify two problems in syllogistic: the lack of functoriality of predicates (although a thief is a person, a good thief may not be a good person) and the change of grammatical role of the middle term, from subject to predicate, in some syllogisms. The standard semantics, the class interpretation, by-passes these difficulties but, we argue, in a manner that is at odds with logical intuition. We propose a semantics that is category theoretic to handle these difficulties. With this semantics (...)
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  8.  9
    Edmund Husserl pursuing the paths of descartes.Ülo Matjus - 2001 - In Rein Vihalemm, Estonian studies in the history and philosophy of science. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 123--138.
  9.  82
    A Declaration of Healthy Dependence: The Case of Home Care.Elin Palm - 2014 - Health Care Analysis 22 (4):385-404.
    Aging populations have become a major concern in the developed world and are expected to require novel care strategies. Public policies, health-care regimes and technology developers alike stress the need for a more individualized care to meet the increased demand for care services in response to demographic change. Increasingly, care services are offered to individuals with diseases and or disabilities in their homes by means of Personalized Health-Monitoring (PHM) technologies. PHM-based home care is typically portrayed as the key to a (...)
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    “Ukrainian needs generalists”: reflect on the role and purpose of modern education.Svitlana Hanaba & Ülo Vooglaid - 2024 - Filosofiya osvity Philosophy of Education 29 (2):210-218.
    In his exclusive interview with our magazine, the Estonian sociologist, philosopher, expert in the field of education reform, professor emeritus of the University of Tartu, Ülo Vooglide, reflects on the role and purpose of education in educating a generalist of his own ideas, and not an executor of someone else’s decisions. The researcher believes that educational institutions should focus on creating an environment in which the child’s inner potential will be revealed, nurturing his individuality, taking into account dreams and needs. (...)
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    Report of the First Meeting on Brain Theory.V. Braitenberg & G. Palm - 1986 - In G. Palm & A. Aertsen, Brain Theory. Springer. pp. 1--3.
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    Corporate Bodies and Categorical Imperatives.Eric Palmes - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher, Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 228-238.
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  13.  25
    Working the Self: Truth-Telling in the Practice of Alcoholics Anonymous.Fredrik Palm - 2021 - Human Studies 44 (1):103-120.
    This article interrogates twelve step practice within Alcoholics Anonymous from the perspective of Foucault’s later work on governance, truth-telling and subjectivity. Recent critical studies of addiction tend to view self-help cultures like that of AA and related twelve step programs as integral parts of contemporary power/knowledge complexes, and thus as agents of the modern “will to knowledge” that Foucault often engages with. In line with the widespread Foucauldian critique of governmentality, addiction self-help culture is thus conceived as one that primarily (...)
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  14.  21
    Zur Überwindung des Eurozentrismus in der Musiklexikographie der Aufklärung.Albert Palm - 1993 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 45 (3):224-235.
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  15. Brain Theory.G. Palm & A. Aertsen (eds.) - 1986 - Springer.
  16. Privacy Expectations at Work—What is Reasonable and Why?Elin Palm - 2009 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 12 (2):201-215.
    Throughout the longstanding debate on privacy, the concept has been framed in various ways. Most often it has been discussed as an area within which individuals rightfully may expect to be left alone and in terms of certain data that they should be entitled to control. The sphere in which individuals should be granted freedom from intrusion has typically been equated with the indisputably private domestic sphere. Privacy claims in the semi-public area of work have not been sufficiently investigated. In (...)
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  17.  91
    Who Cares? Moral Obligations in Formal and Informal Care Provision in the Light of ICT-Based Home Care.Elin Palm - 2013 - Health Care Analysis 21 (2):171-188.
    An aging population is often taken to require a profound reorganization of the prevailing health care system. In particular, a more cost-effective care system is warranted and ICT-based home care is often considered a promising alternative. Modern health care devices admit a transfer of patients with rather complex care needs from institutions to the home care setting. With care recipients set up with health monitoring technologies at home, spouses and children are likely to become involved in the caring process and (...)
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  18. The Art of the New World After the Spanish Conquest.Erwin Walter Palm & Victor A. Velen - 1964 - Diogenes 12 (47):63-74.
  19. Reference, Kinds and Predicates.Marie La Palme Reyes, John Macnamara & Gonzalo E. Reyes - 1994 - In John Macnamara & Gonzalo E. Reyes, The Logical Foundations of Cognition. Oxford University Press USA. pp. 91-143.
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    (1 other version)Die Geschichte der estnischen Philosophie 1940-1941 und 1944-1991: Philosophiegeschichte, Ästhetik und die Übersetzung philosophischer Werke. [REVIEW]Ülo Matjus - 2015 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 8 (2):174-193.
    Grundlage des vorliegenden Aufsatzes ist ein auf der IV. Jahreskonferenz der Estnischen Philosophie am 6. Mai 2008 gehaltener teilweise erinnerungsbildlicher Vortrag. Der Vortrag bietet einen verhältnismäss ig ganzheitlichen und überblickartigen Einblick in die Forschung und Lehre des Fachs Philosophie in Estland während der sogenannten Sowjetzeit in den Jahren 1940/41 und 1944 bis 1991. Genauere Aufgabe des Vortragenden resp. Verfassers war eine Charakterisierung der vorherigen Forschung und Lehre vom Standpunkt der Philosophiegeschichte, der Ästhetik und der Übersetzung philosophischer Werke her. Nach der (...)
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  21. Sprawozdanie z działalności Sekcji Filozofii Technologii za rok akademicki 2014/2015.Jakub Palm - 2016 - Semina Scientiarum 15:210–212.
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  22.  43
    Is the cerebellum essentially a precise pattern matching device?Franz Mechsner & Günther Palm - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):257-257.
    (1) The is not the only interpretation of cerebellar histology worth considering. Therefore, it is not imperative to strive for a theory of cerebellar function which gives it a prominent rôle. (2) The experiments with cannot support the tidal wave theory. (3) The notion that only can excite the cerebellar cortex is burdened with many intrinsic difficulties. (4) The common theoretical claim that the accuracy of skilled movements is due to exact pattern-matching processes in the cerebellum may be most misleading.
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  23.  31
    När vården flyttar hem till dig – den mobila vårdens etik.Elin Palm - 2010 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):71-92.
    Västvärldens åldrande befolkning anses ofta ställa krav på nya former av vård och omsorg. Olika typer av informations- och kommunikationstekniskt baserat vårdstöd framhålls ofta som en lösning. Tekniken medger en rad olika fördelar, exempelvis tätare tillsyn, kontinuerliga mätningar av vitala funktioner, med möjlighet att kontinuerligt ställa diagnos, och snabb respons på larm, men de tekniska lösningarna får också etiska implikationer. I den här artikeln beskrivs och exemplifieras IKT-baserad vård och omsorg och teknikens påverkan på centrala värden som personlig integritet, autonomi, (...)
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  24.  25
    Lacanian Psychoanalysis, Addiction and Enjoyment.Fredrik Palm - 2023 - Body and Society 29 (1):56-78.
    This article discusses how decentered understandings of addiction might benefit from ongoing debates in Lacanian psychoanalysis. Departing from recent critiques in critical addiction studies, it claims that psychoanalysis offers a framework that both challenges abstract, essentialist ontologies and recognises addiction as a valid phenomenon. Crucial to this framework is a notion of freedom linked to the symbolic break with bodily enjoyment, which, according to Lacan, lies at the origin of the constitution of subjectivity and which neither presupposes the existence of (...)
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  25.  34
    Crows and pigeons differ under autoshaping.Linda J. Palm & Robert W. Powell - 1985 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 23 (4):430-432.
  26.  35
    Externalized Migration Governance and the Limits of Sovereignty: The Case of Partnership Agreements between EU and Libya.Elin Palm - 2020 - Theoria 86 (1):9-27.
    Can state sovereignty justify privileged receiving countries exercising authority over non‐members in a third country to safeguard their own interests? Under the current migration governance of the EU, state sovereignty is manifested in migrant interdiction, interception and detention policies employed to prevent unauthorized migrants from reaching the EU, and even from attempting to embark on cross‐Mediterranean journeys. While reinforcement of the Schengen region's external borders is a key aim of the EU's internal migration politics, collaboration with third countries regarding migration (...)
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  27. Fuzzy control approaches, Sliding mode fuzzy control.R. Palm - 1998 - In Enrique H. Ruspini, Piero Patrone Bonissone & Witold Pedrycz, Handbook of fuzzy computation. Philadelphia: Institute of Physics.
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  28.  50
    How to combine interpolation with feedback?Guenther Palm - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (4):478-478.
    The Chorus representation is a sparse, similarity-preserving representation achieved by a feedforward neural network. Hence it is probably better suited for interpolation than for categorization. This commentary raises the question of how to combine categorization with interpolation, whether feedforward networks can be reasonable models for parts of the cerebral cortex, and whether people can perform more than one interpolation at a time.
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  29. La teoría de la forma (" Gestalttheorie").Fernando M. Palmés - 1947 - Pensamiento 3 (9):29-58.
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    Synchronicity and its use in the brain.Guenther Palm & Thomas Wennekers - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (4):695-696.
    We briefly review the long-standing ideas about the use of synchronicity in the brain, which rely on Donald Hebb's views on cell assemblies and synaptic plasticity. More recently the distinction among several timescales in the description of neural activity has become a focus of theoretical discussion. Phillips & Singer's target article is criticized mainly because it does not distinguish these timescales properly and hence does not really address the questions so intensely debated today.
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  31. A dialogue between two fragilities.' A conversation.Chaya Czernowin & Pia Palme - 2022 - In Irene Lehmann, Pia Palme, Elisabeth Schimana, Susanne Kogler, Christina Lessiak, Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka, Suvani Suri, Flora Könemann, Veza Fernández, Paola Bianchi, Liza Lim, Electric Indigo, Germán Toro, Chikako Morishita, Juliet Fraser, Molly McDolan, Malik Sharif & Chaya Czernowin, Sounding fragilities: an anthology. Hofheim: Wolke.
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    Ethically sound technology? Guidelines for interactive ethical assessment of personal health monitoring.E. Palm, A. Nordgren, M. F. Verweij & G. Collste - unknown
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    Implementation of innovative attitudes and behaviour in primary health care by means of strategic communication: a 7‐year follow‐up.Helena Morténius, Bertil Marklund, Lars Palm, Cecilia Björkelund & Amir Baigi - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (3):659-665.
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    The utilization of knowledge of and interest in research and development among primary care staff by means of strategic communication – a staff cohort study.Helena Morténius, Bertil Marklund, Lars Palm, Bengt Fridlund & Amir Baigi - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (4):768-775.
  35. Montague's semantics for intensional logic.Marie La Palme Reyes & Gonzalo E. Reyes - 1989 - Logique Et Analyse 32 (128):319-335.
  36.  80
    The non-Boolean logic of natural language negation.Marie la Palme Reyes, John Macnamara, Gonzalo E. Reyes & And Houman Zolfaghari - 1994 - Philosophia Mathematica 2 (1):45-68.
    Since antiquity two different negations in natural languages have been noted: predicate negation (not honest) and predicate term negation (dishonest). The extensive literature offers no models. We propose category-theoretic models with two distinct negation operators, neither of them in general Boolean. We study combinations of the two (not dishonest) and sentential counterparts of each. We emphasize the relevance of our work for the theory of cognition.
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    The Non-Boolean Logic of Natural Language Negation.Reyes Marie la Palme, Macnamara John, E. Reyes Gonzalo & Zolfaghari Houman - 1994 - Philosophia Mathematica 2 (1):45-68.
  38.  63
    Special Issue on Globalization, Cosmopolitanism, and Migration: Ethics of Inclusion and Exclusion.Yusuf Yuksekdag & Elin Palm - 2018 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2:1-5.
    The contributors to this issue offer applied critical and normative perspectives on central, yet overlooked, ethical aspects of migration management with a certain cosmopolitan lance in some capacity. However, cosmopolitanism might mean different things for transnational migration. It can refer to “political cosmopolitanism” that provides the reasons for why there should be certain global institutions governing migration. It can also refer to “moral cosmopolitanism” that simply represents a moral concern for individual rights and interests first and foremost. Cosmopolitanism can also (...)
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  39.  13
    Some fundamental criteria of the scientific method and the internal structure of science.Viktor Palm - 2001 - In Rein Vihalemm, Estonian studies in the history and philosophy of science. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 91--110.
  40.  44
    An interactive ethical assessment of surveillance‐capable software within the home‐help service sector.Elin Palm - 2013 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 11 (1):43-68.
  41.  10
    Associative networks and cell assemblies.G. Palm - 1986 - In G. Palm & A. Aertsen, Brain Theory. Springer. pp. 211--228.
  42.  32
    Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, 1632-1723: L'exercise du regard. Philippe Boutibonnes.Lodewijk Palm - 1996 - Isis 87 (4):728-729.
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  43. Boekbesprekingen/Comptes Rendus.Lodewijk Palm - 2015 - Studium 8 (2):243-249.
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  44. Die "deutsche Freiheit". August Faust und die Krise der Moral.David Palme - 2016 - In Werner Konitzer & David Palme, "Arbeit", "Volk", "Gemeinschaft". Ethik und Ethiken im Nationalsozialismus. Campus Verlag. pp. 67-82.
    The crimes committed by Germans under National Socialism would not have been possible without the existence of a web of shared ethical convictions. "Thick" terms such as "work", "people" or "community" are the nodal points of this intellectual construct. The contributions in this volume are not only concerned with the historical presentation of National Socialist normativity. Rather, they also make suggestions for the analysis of these concepts. An essential part of this effort is the examination of ethics of National Socialist-oriented (...)
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    Facing complexity: Against scientific oversimplification.Guenther Palm - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (5):902-903.
    Steven Rose's book is essentially a plea for considering the variety and complexity of life and against simplistic reductions of human and animal behavioral phenomena to single genetic causes.
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  46. Fuzzy control approaches.R. Palm, S. Shenoi, J. Valente de Oliveira, J. M. Lemos, G. Vachtsevanos, D. Driankov & J. -S. Roger Jang - 1998 - In Enrique H. Ruspini, Piero Patrone Bonissone & Witold Pedrycz, Handbook of fuzzy computation. Philadelphia: Institute of Physics.
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  47. Fuzzy control approaches, General design schemes, Structure of a fuzzy controller.R. Palm - 1998 - In Enrique H. Ruspini, Piero Patrone Bonissone & Witold Pedrycz, Handbook of fuzzy computation. Philadelphia: Institute of Physics.
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  48. Fundamentos de hecho de la psicología gestaltista.Fernando M. Palmés - 1946 - Pensamiento 2 (5):5-32.
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  49.  55
    Wer organisiert das Leben? Lebensentwürfe in der frühen Biologie.Kerstin Palm - 2004 - Die Philosophin 15 (30):43-54.
  50.  44
    Hegel's Contradictions.Ralph Palm - 2011 - Hegel Bulletin 32 (1-2):134-158.
    Perhaps one of the most difficult passages in Hegel's Science of Logic is his treatment of contradiction. If each moment of Hegel's logic is understood to constitute a sort of proof and since contradiction itself is presented as a moment of the logic, then in what sense can one comprehend a proof of contradiction as such? It is difficult to formulate this in any way that does not sound fundamentally incoherent, since it is not just at odds with our ordinary (...)
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