Results for 'Tommaso Ventura'

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  1. Giordano Bruno, singrafo sommo ed eroico di un Vangelo secondo natura.Tommaso Ventura - 1976 - Milano: Nuovi orizzonti.
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    La religione della mente in Tommaso Campanella.Tommaso Sgarro - 2019 - Quaestio 19:401-414.
    Tommaso Campanella’s dignitas hominis acquires its own autonomous and innovative historiographical value in recognizing the connection between mens and religion as a distinctive element of human beings. The Mens is infused in men directly by God and the discovery of the religion of mind has revealed the rationality of Christianity. Only through Christianity the “Primalitary” structure of being is fully expressed and, at the same time, human freedom reaches its fulfillment.
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    Selected Philosophical Poems of Tommaso Campanella: A Bilingual Edition.Tommaso Campanella & Sherry Roush (eds.) - 2011 - University of Chicago Press.
    A contemporary of Giordano Bruno and Galileo, Tommaso Campanella was a controversial philosopher, theologian, astrologer, and poet who was persecuted during the Inquisition and spent much of his adult life imprisoned because of his heterodox views. He is best known today for two works: _The City of the Sun_, a dialogue inspired by Plato’s _Republic_, in which he prophesies a vision of a unified, peaceful world governed by a theocratic monarchy; and his well-meaning _Defense of Galileo_, which may have (...)
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    Un inquieto domenicano: temi e figure della Seconda Scolastica nella filosofia di Tommaso Campanella.Tommaso Sgarro - 2018 - Bari: Edizioni di Pagina.
  5. Opere di Tommaso Campanella.Tommaso Campanella & Alessandro D'ancona - 1854 - Pomba.
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  6. Universalisme.Ventura Amettler - 1968 - Mataró,: Espanya, Gràfiques I. Miralpeix.
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  7. La atención en el pensamiento de Ortega y Gasset.Jorge Montesó-Ventura - 2016 - València: Centre d'Estudis Antropològics ACAF.
    La atención es uno de los fenómenos psicológicos más presentes en la obra orteguiana y, a la vez, uno de los más desatendidos por la crítica. Habitualmente el fenómeno ha quedado eclipsado por ideas tradicionalmente más nodales como la de “perspectiva”, sin embargo, no podemos ignorar que ideas como esta hallan su fundamento precisamente sobre el fenómeno de la atención, lo que le otorga una importancia a considerar. En el presente libro, mediante una revisión crítica de los textos orteguianos, se (...)
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    Las fuentes orteguianas en su idea de "atención".Jorge Montesó Ventura - 2015 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 12:137-156.
    Attention is an essential phenome-non to understand the scope of the perspectival methodology in Ortega; therefore, it’s a useful tool to go further in the study of the applicability of ratiovitalism. At the same time, for it is easy tracking in the Ortega’s work, it’s a good knoll to investigate the sources which influenced Ortega in the establishment and, therefore, to explore the shaping of his meth-odology. Our study, based on an analysis of the phenomenon of attention in Ortega's work, (...)
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  9. Filósofos y literatos.Ventura Chumillas - 1941 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial Tor.
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  10. La estética de la proyección sentimental.Ventura Pessolano & B. [From Old Catalog] - 1933 - Buenos Aires,: Librería A. García Santos.
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  11. Analisi esplorativa dei vissuti emozionali in classi difficili.Michela Ventura - 2007 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 22:53-78.
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  12. La biologia cellulare come rivelazione.Carlo Ventura - 2007 - Divus Thomas 110 (1):173-178.
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  13. Nostalgia como anhelo del presente que nunca llegó a ser.Jorge Montesó-Ventura - 2024 - Endoxa 54:217-239.
    La nostalgia se ha convertido en uno de los temples anímicos protagonistas a la hora de condicionar nuestro comportamiento dentro de las llamadas sociedades occidentales, se aprecia en fenómenos que cubren desde el consumo de ocio hasta el resurgir de movimientos de inspiración idealista que movilizan parte de las resistencias de hoy. En el presente artículo analizaremos dicha presencia contrastando la hipótesis que la nostalgia emerge como respuesta a la angustia que tales sociedades provocan en sus ciudadanos, sujetos que juzgan (...)
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    Quantitative methods in philosophy of language.Rafael Ventura - 2019 - Philosophy Compass 14 (7):e12609.
    In this paper, I survey and defend the use of quantitative methods in philosophy of language. Quantitative methods in philosophy of language include a wide variety of methods, ranging from model‐based techniques (computer simulations and mathematical models) to data‐driven approaches (experimental philosophy and corpus‐based studies). After offering a few case studies of these methodologies in action, I single out some debates in philosophy of language that are especially well served by their use. These are cases in which quantitative methods increase (...)
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  15. The violence of evil : a biocultural approach to violence, memory, and pain.Ventura Perez - 2019 - In William C. Olsen & Thomas J. Csordas, Engaging Evil: A Moral Anthropology. New York: Berghahn Books.
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    As transformações do ator-personagem no rito cinematográfico.Cristiane Moreira Ventura & Lara Lima Satler - 2020 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 27 (2).
    Considerando a emergência da forma híbrida de certa cinematografia brasileira contemporânea, a qual se utiliza em sua estratégia de realização a performance do ator-personagem em seus papéis sociais, pretendemos examinar a realização como um rito de passagem, a fim de compreender as transformações que ocorrem tanto no modo de fazer cinema, quanto às que ocorrem com o próprio ator-personagem ao se “iniciar” no meio cinematográfico.
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    Theoretical considerations on cognitive niche construction.Tommaso Bertolotti & Lorenzo Magnani - 2017 - Synthese 194 (12):4757-4779.
    Cognitive niche theories consist in a theoretical framework that is proving extremely profitable in bridging evolutionary biology, philosophy, cognitive science, and anthropology by offering an inter-disciplinary ground, laden with novel approaches and debates. At the same time, cognitive niche theories are multiple, and differently related to niche theories in theoretical and evolutionary biology. The aim of this paper is to clarify the theoretical and epistemological relationships between cognitive and ecological niche theories. Also, by adopting a constructionist approach we will try (...)
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  18.  39
    Let's face it: reading acquisition, face and word processing.Paulo Ventura - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    La teoría histórico-cultural de Vygotski desde una perspectiva fenomenológica.Jorge Montesó-Ventura - 2016 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 13:107-126.
    Many times we have discussed about the appropriateness of situating to Vygotski in the Olympus of psychology. Even today, 80 years later, his theories continue creating as many supporters, defenders of his originality, as effusive critics who accuse the methodological shortcomings of his work. In our view, one of the shortcomings that have accused more his work is the lack of a solid theoretical foundation that endows meaning with the available host of data and results. Therefore, the objective of this (...)
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    Ortega y los predicados culturales de la percepción.Jorge Montesó-Ventura - 2016 - Agora 35 (2):157-175.
    La “percepción” es uno de los elementos imprescindibles para la comprensión del pensamiento orteguiano: es la vía por la que nuestra consciencia se abre a lo circundante, fundamento de toda perspectiva y, en consecuencia, elemento fundamental para el autor. A su vez, es uno de los elementos que convierte al pensador madrileño en uno de los estudiosos más originales en este campo. El presente artículo pretende mostrar cómo, para Ortega, ya desde sus inicios, su filosofía de la percepción –de matriz (...)
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    Miseria e grandezza dell'uomo.Attilio Nobile-Ventura - 1968 - Milano,: Marzorati.
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    A Commentary on the Consensus Statement of the Working Group on Roman Catholic Approaches to Determining Appropriate Critical Care.Patricio Ventura-Junca - 2001 - Christian Bioethics 7 (2):271-289.
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    Heidegger’s Meditative Thinking as a Remedy from the Tragedy of Calculative Thinking Towards Poetic Dwelling.Resty Ruel Ventura Borjal - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophy 9 (4):221.
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    Equal poise: un'analisi etica giuridica di Measure for Measure di Shakespeare.Tommaso Scandroglio - 2020 - Roma, Italy: IF Press.
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    Ethics: past, present and future perspectives.Miles Ventura (ed.) - 2018 - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
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    Human rights of drug users according to public health professionals in Brazil.Carla Ventura & Isabel Mendes - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (2):158-167.
    Health is a basic human right, and drug use represents a severe influence on people’s health. This qualitative study aimed to understand how health professionals in a public health-care team working with drug users in a city of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, perceive the human rights of these users and how these rights are being respected in health care. Data were collected through semistructured interviews with 10 health professionals at the service under analysis. A thematic analysis of the (...)
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    Modernità, colonialismo, libertà: Hegel nel mondo arabo.Lorella Ventura - 2013 - Lecce: Pensa multimedia.
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    Multicellular Individuality: The Case of Bacteria.Rafael Ventura - 2019 - Biological Theory 14 (2):131-140.
    Recent attention to complex group-level behavior amongst bacteria has led some to conceive of multicellular clusters of bacteria as individuals. In this article, I assess these recent claims by first drawing a distinction between two concepts of individuality: physiological and evolutionary. I then survey cases that are representative of three different modes of growth: myxobacteria (surface-attached agglomerative growth), Bacillus subtilis (agglomerative growth not attached to a surface), and cyanobacteria (filamentous growth). A closer look at these cases indicates that multicellular individuality (...)
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    Effects of Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation on the P300 and Alpha-Amylase Level: A Pilot Study.Carlos Ventura-Bort, Janine Wirkner, Hannah Genheimer, Julia Wendt, Alfons O. Hamm & Mathias Weymar - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Oltre Babele: la Sentenza di Tommaso d'Aquino sulla Politica di Aristotele.Tommaso D'Aquino - 2022 - Roma, Italia: IF Press. Edited by Thomas.
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  31. La nostalgia restauradora, el ocaso de la hermenéutica del punto de vista ajeno.Jorge Montesó-Ventura - 2018 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 75:177-190.
    Nostalgia is the emotional effect that causes searching between memories the disappeared home, longed for. In itself, while researching in memories, it implies a certain degree of self-absorption and individuation, because the memories are in extremely particular, a return to the self. When this nostalgia is filled with a restorative eagerness, when it has social and political pretensions, this return translates into a marked distancing between one’s point of view and that of any other, until it becomes a threat to (...)
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  32. “Nostalgia de futuro”, expectativas pasadas en la no-experiencia del presente.Jorge Montesó Ventura - 2022 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 19:119-138.
    A partir de la aparentemente contradictoria expresión “nostalgia de futuro”, en el presente artículo nos adentramos en el análisis del complejo entramado de tensiones temporales que subyacen a la experiencia humana, en concreto bajo la coloración del tono nostálgico. Trataremos de analizar las relaciones de interdependencia que guardan los distintos horizontes temporales, tanto en la experiencia nostálgica como en la experiencia originaria a la que esta refiere y que es materia de evocación. En tal contexto, pondremos especial énfasis en el (...)
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    Reducing Implicit Cognitive Biases Through the Performing Arts.Josué García-Arch, Cèlia Ventura-Gabarró, Pedro Lorente Adamuz, Pep Gatell Calvo & Lluís Fuentemilla - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The aim of the present research was to test whether involvement in a 14-days training program in the performing arts could reduce implicit biases. We asked healthy participants to complete an Implicit Association Test to assess biased attitudes to physical illness in two separate sessions, before and after the training program. Two separate control groups matched by age, gender and educational level completed the two IAT sessions, separated by same number of days, without being involved in the training program. Results (...)
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    Discourses of collective remembering: contestation, politics, affect.Tommaso M. Milani & John E. Richardson - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (5):459-476.
    This article introduces the key issues and themes that the articles in the Special Issue aim to apply and develop in greater detail. First, we argue that the field of collective remembering can be conceived as a site of active contestation, rather than simply a means of communicating a historic past or our deontic position in relation to these pasts. Approaching collective remembering as a Lieu de Dispute allows us, in turn, to foreground three consequential dimensions of remembrance, which the (...)
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    Gossip as a model of inference to composite hypotheses.Tommaso Bertolotti & Lorenzo Magnani - 2014 - Pragmatics and Cognition 22 (3):309-324.
    In this paper we seek an inferential and cognitive model explaining some characteristics of abduction to composite hypotheses. In the first section, we introduce the matter of composite hypotheses, stressing how it is coherent with the intuitive and philosophical contention that a single event can be caused not only by several causes acting together, but also by several kinds of causation. In the second section, we argue that gossip could serve as an interesting model to study the generation of composite (...)
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    Emotions and empathy: A bridge between nature and society?Rodrigo Ventura - 2010 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 2 (2):343-361.
    For over a decade neuroscience has uncovered that appropriate decision-making in daily life decisions results from a strong interplay between cognition and covert biases produced by emotional processes. This interplay is particularly important in social contexts: lesions in the pathways supporting these processes provoke serious impairments on social behavior. One important mechanism in social contexts is empathy, fundamental for appropriate social behavior. This paper presents arguments supporting this connection between cognition and emotion, in individual as well as in social contexts. (...)
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    A natural scientist and a social scientist explore the dilemma of science.Arnoldo K. Ventura - 2003 - Kingston, Jamaica: Ian Randle Publishers. Edited by Angela Ramsay.
    SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND THE REDUCTION OF POVERTY If you treat an individual as he is, he will stay that way, but if you treat him as if he were what he ...
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    La desconexión sistémica, las miradas centrípetas y sus efectos nostálgicos.Jorge Montesó Ventura - 2019 - Isegoría 61:655-671.
    Ortega said: “the reabsorption of circumstance is the concrete destiny of man”. But, what happens when this living environment is perceived so hostile that makes a project of life impracticable? In this article, we will reflect on possible responses to such a circumstance; where we seek refuge and find shelter to continue believing in the possibility of our project of life. Among other options, the current subject seems tender to look for it in the past, in the nostalgic look to (...)
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  39. On the logical structure of de Finetti's notion of event.Tommaso Flaminio, Lluis Godo & Hykel Hosni - 2014 - Journal of Applied Logic 12 (3):279-301.
    This paper sheds new light on the subtle relation between probability and logic by (i) providing a logical development of Bruno de Finetti's conception of events and (ii) suggesting that the subjective nature of de Finetti's interpretation of probability emerges in a clearer form against such a logical background. By making explicit the epistemic structure which underlies what we call Choice-based probability we show that whilst all rational degrees of belief must be probabilities, the converse doesn't hold: some probability values (...)
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    Cortical responses to salient nociceptive and not nociceptive stimuli in vegetative and minimal conscious state.Marina de Tommaso, Jorge Navarro, Crocifissa Lanzillotti, Katia Ricci, Francesca Buonocunto, Paolo Livrea & Giulio E. Lancioni - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Theories of divine ideas: from the Church Fathers to the early Franciscan masters.Tommaso Manzon & Irene Zavattero (eds.) - 2022 - Rome: Aracne.
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    On Equational Completeness Theorems.Tommaso Moraschini - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (4):1522-1575.
    A logic is said to admit an equational completeness theorem when it can be interpreted into the equational consequence relative to some class of algebras. We characterize logics admitting an equational completeness theorem that are either locally tabular or have some tautology. In particular, it is shown that a protoalgebraic logic admits an equational completeness theorem precisely when it has two distinct logically equivalent formulas. While the problem of determining whether a logic admits an equational completeness theorem is shown to (...)
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    Some Algebraic Structures Determined by Closure Operators.Ventura Verdú - 1985 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 31 (14-18):275-278.
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    Subject, definition, activity: framing Avicenna's science of the soul.Tommaso Alpina - 2020 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    The series is devoted to the study of scientific and philosophical texts from the Classical and the Islamic world handed down in Arabic. Through critical text editions and monographs, it provides access to ancient scientific inquiry as it developed in a continuous tradition from Antiquity to the modern period. All editions are accompanied by translations and philological and explanatory notes.
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  45. The analogy of names.Tommaso Vio Cajetaden - 1959 - Pittsburgh,: Duquesne University. Edited by Tommaso Vio Cajetaden.
  46. Il katecón come concetto teologico-politico: nichilismo e trascendenza nella filosofia della storia di Carl Schmitt.Tommaso Gazzolo - 2010 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 87 (3):439-459.
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  47. The common good as a limit to supreme action in the thomist perspective.Tommaso Scandroglio - 2013 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 105 (1):41-71.
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    Stakeholders Matter: How Social Enterprises Address Mission Drift.Tommaso Ramus & Antonino Vaccaro - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 143 (2):307-322.
    This study explores social enterprises’ strategies for addressing mission drift. Relying on an inductive comparative case study of two Italian social enterprises, we show how stakeholder engagement combined with social accounting can successfully support a social venture to re-balance its positioning between wealth generation and social value creation. Indeed, stakeholder engagement helps the internal actors of a social enterprise to rationalize and embody pro-social values previously abandoned, while social accounting reinforces this embodiment process by showing the reintroduced social commitment of (...)
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    Ricardo Espinoza Lolas y el concepto de NosOtros. Del rasgo definitorio de la filosofía iberoamericana a la subjetividad política global.Tommaso Sgarro - 2023 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 26 (1):77-84.
    Desde la segunda mitad del siglo XX, el concepto de “nosotros” ha pasado a caracterizar la reflexión sobre la identidad, la cultura y la filosofía iberoamericanas. La reconstrucción de la trayectoria intelectual que ha hecho madurar el análisis de este concepto en la obra de Ricardo Espinoza Lolas nos muestra cómo esta categoría del pensamiento sudamericano, a pesar de sus estrechos vínculos con la historia del continente, puede universalizarse y, por tanto, utilizarse como paradigma filosófico a nivel mundial. A través (...)
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    Singly generated quasivarieties and residuated structures.Tommaso Moraschini, James G. Raftery & Johann J. Wannenburg - 2020 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 66 (2):150-172.
    A quasivariety of algebras has the joint embedding property (JEP) if and only if it is generated by a single algebra A. It is structurally complete if and only if the free ℵ0‐generated algebra in can serve as A. A consequence of this demand, called ‘passive structural completeness’ (PSC), is that the nontrivial members of all satisfy the same existential positive sentences. We prove that if is PSC then it still has the JEP, and if it has the JEP and (...)
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