Results for 'Tommaso Ghilardi'

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  1.  15
    Predictive motor activation: Modulated by expectancy or predictability?Tommaso Ghilardi, Marlene Meyer & Sabine Hunnius - 2023 - Cognition 231 (C):105324.
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    La religione della mente in Tommaso Campanella.Tommaso Sgarro - 2019 - Quaestio 19:401-414.
    Tommaso Campanella’s dignitas hominis acquires its own autonomous and innovative historiographical value in recognizing the connection between mens and religion as a distinctive element of human beings. The Mens is infused in men directly by God and the discovery of the religion of mind has revealed the rationality of Christianity. Only through Christianity the “Primalitary” structure of being is fully expressed and, at the same time, human freedom reaches its fulfillment.
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    Un inquieto domenicano: temi e figure della Seconda Scolastica nella filosofia di Tommaso Campanella.Tommaso Sgarro - 2018 - Bari: Edizioni di Pagina.
  4. Opere di Tommaso Campanella.Tommaso Campanella & Alessandro D'ancona - 1854 - Pomba.
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    Il vuoto, le forme, l'altro: tra Oriente e Occidente.Marcello Ghilardi - 2014 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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    On the Screen of the Visible: Outlines for an Aesthetic Research across Different Cultures.Marcello Ghilardi - 2018 - Journal of World Philosophies 3 (2):65-74.
    Taking into account my personal path as a philosopher and as a painter, I try to sketch the perspective on aesthetics that was opened to me by a cross-cultural encounter. The European tradition, on one side, and the Sino-Japanese tradition, on the other side, are the two mirroring currents along which I moved in order to trace a sort of “deconstruction” and a “restructuring” of artistic and philosophical vision. In my painting, I aim for a confluence of different streams of (...)
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    The mediating character of sign.Ghilardi Marcello - 2019 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 7 (2):203-224.
    To put it in Peirce's words, philosophy is an act of semiosis. Interpretation, communication, and mediation are at the core of the philosophical enterprise. Mediation in a wide sense is indeed a constitutive character of human experience. If, at the core of our philosophical research, we focus on the so-called issue of cross-cultural and intercultural thought, in which the necessity of translation springs immediately up from the necessity to understand different languages and different systems of signs, the question of mediation (...)
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    Selected Philosophical Poems of Tommaso Campanella: A Bilingual Edition.Tommaso Campanella & Sherry Roush (eds.) - 2011 - University of Chicago Press.
    A contemporary of Giordano Bruno and Galileo, Tommaso Campanella was a controversial philosopher, theologian, astrologer, and poet who was persecuted during the Inquisition and spent much of his adult life imprisoned because of his heterodox views. He is best known today for two works: _The City of the Sun_, a dialogue inspired by Plato’s _Republic_, in which he prophesies a vision of a unified, peaceful world governed by a theocratic monarchy; and his well-meaning _Defense of Galileo_, which may have (...)
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    Foreword.Silvio Ghilardi - 2003 - Studia Logica 73 (1):3-3.
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    Etica dell'agire scientifico e tecnologico.Giampaolo Ghilardi - 2018 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  11. From Bisimulation Quantifiers to Classifying Toposes.Silvio Ghilardi & Marek Zawadowski - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev, Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 193-220.
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    Le pratiche del dialogo dialogale: scritti su Raimon Panikkar.Marcello Ghilardi & S. La Mendola (eds.) - 2020 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Presenza e resistenza nell’arte.Marcello Ghilardi - 2017 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 33.
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    Unification in modal and description logics.Franz Baader & Silvio Ghilardi - 2011 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 19 (6):705-730.
    Unification was originally introduced in automated deduction and term rewriting, but has recently also found applications in other fields. In this article, we give a survey of the results on unification obtained in two closely related, yet different, application areas of unification: description logics and modal logics.
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  15. Healing the Soul by Transforming the Body: A New Way of Framing Avicenna’s Science of the Soul.Tommaso Alpina - 2024 - In Alessandro Palazzo & Francesca Bonini, Medical and Philosophical Perspectives on Illness and Disease in the Middle Ages. Firenze-Parma, Torino: E-theca OnLineOpenAccess Edizioni, Università degli Studi di Torino. pp. 108-131.
    Although scholars acknowledged that Avicenna’s science of the soul stands at the crossroads between natural philosophy and metaphysics, thus combining an overall physical investigation of all sublunary souls with a trans-physical (or proto-metaphysical) inquiry into the human rational soul, this paper aims to show a further disciplinary entanglement within Avicenna’s science of the soul, which features in the aforementioned physical investigation and helps to frame it, that is, the interaction between natural philosophy and medicine. Despite the strict division between these (...)
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    Vortici: forme dell'esperienza.Tommaso Tuppini - 2020 - Napoli: Orthotes.
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    Admissibility of Π2-Inference Rules: interpolation, model completion, and contact algebras.Nick Bezhanishvili, Luca Carai, Silvio Ghilardi & Lucia Landi - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (1):103169.
  18.  30
    Singly generated quasivarieties and residuated structures.Tommaso Moraschini, James G. Raftery & Johann J. Wannenburg - 2020 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 66 (2):150-172.
    A quasivariety of algebras has the joint embedding property (JEP) if and only if it is generated by a single algebra A. It is structurally complete if and only if the free ℵ0‐generated algebra in can serve as A. A consequence of this demand, called ‘passive structural completeness’ (PSC), is that the nontrivial members of all satisfy the same existential positive sentences. We prove that if is PSC then it still has the JEP, and if it has the JEP and (...)
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    Ottavio Bucarelli, Hic requiescit papa. Le iscrizioni funerarie dei papi nella basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano (secoli VXII).Massimiliano Ghilardi - 2022 - Augustinianum 62 (2):516-518.
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    From the Flos Substantiae to the Vortex: A Shift in Leibniz's Early Philosophy.Emilio Maria De Tommaso - 2014 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 95 (1):87-108.
    In February 1676, one of Leibniz's main concerns is with the problem of the seat of the soul and its relationship with the body, to which, in two very short papers, he provides two different solutions: the doctrine of the flos substantiae and the vortex theory. By analyzing the former, I suggest that, despite what other scholars claim, it is far from being an earlier exposition of the notion of monad. I argue that this doctrine is entertained by Leibniz only (...)
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    A model-theoretic characterization of monadic second order logic on infinite words.Silvio Ghilardi & Samuel J. van Gool - 2017 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 82 (1):62-76.
    Monadic second order logic and linear temporal logic are two logical formalisms that can be used to describe classes of infinite words, i.e., first-order models based on the natural numbers with order, successor, and finitely many unary predicate symbols.Monadic second order logic over infinite words can alternatively be described as a first-order logic interpreted in${\cal P}\left$, the power set Boolean algebra of the natural numbers, equipped with modal operators for ‘initial’, ‘next’, and ‘future’ states. We prove that the first-order theory (...)
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  22.  12
    La filosofia giapponese.Marcello Ghilardi - 2018 - Brescia: Scholé.
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    La teoria neoclassica sulla legge naturale di Germain Grisez e John Finnis.Tommaso Scandroglio - 2012 - Torino: G. Giappichelli editore.
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  24. The common good as a limit to supreme action in the thomist perspective.Tommaso Scandroglio - 2013 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 105 (1):41-71.
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    The Argos Narrative in Statius' Thebaid: A New Ovidian Perseid?Tommaso Spinelli - 2019 - American Journal of Philology 140 (2):291-315.
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  26. Lo sguardo muto delle cose. Oggettività e scienza nell'età della crisi.Tommaso Tuppini - 2011 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 7 (3):707-709.
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    Boolean algebras of conditionals, probability and logic.Tommaso Flaminio, Lluis Godo & Hykel Hosni - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 286 (C):103347.
  28.  30
    Fascism as a recurring possibility: Zeev Sternhell, the anti-Enlightenment, and the intellectual history of European modernity.Tommaso Giordani - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (5):854-869.
    The article offers an overview and a critical assessment of the work of Zeev Sternhell, focussing on the questions of fascism and of the anti-Enlightenment tradition. It claims that the career of the Israeli historian revolves around the intuition of a history of European modernity marked by a central opposition: that between the Enlightenment and the anti-Enlightenment. I show how the idea is already present in his initial works, and argue that it produces a specific kind of intellectual history, concerned (...)
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    Discourses of collective remembering: contestation, politics, affect.Tommaso M. Milani & John E. Richardson - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (5):459-476.
    This article introduces the key issues and themes that the articles in the Special Issue aim to apply and develop in greater detail. First, we argue that the field of collective remembering can be conceived as a site of active contestation, rather than simply a means of communicating a historic past or our deontic position in relation to these pasts. Approaching collective remembering as a Lieu de Dispute allows us, in turn, to foreground three consequential dimensions of remembrance, which the (...)
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  30. Unification in intuitionistic logic.Silvio Ghilardi - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (2):859-880.
    We show that the variety of Heyting algebras has finitary unification type. We also show that the subvariety obtained by adding it De Morgan law is the biggest variety of Heyting algebras having unitary unification type. Proofs make essential use of suitable characterizations (both from the semantic and the syntactic side) of finitely presented projective algebras.
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    On canonicity and strong completeness conditions in intermediate propositional logics.Silvio Ghilardi & Pierangelo Miglioli - 1999 - Studia Logica 63 (3):353-385.
    By using algebraic-categorical tools, we establish four criteria in order to disprove canonicity, strong completeness, w-canonicity and strong w-completeness, respectively, of an intermediate propositional logic. We then apply the second criterion in order to get the following result: all the logics defined by extra-intuitionistic one-variable schemata, except four of them, are not strongly complete. We also apply the fourth criterion in order to prove that the Gabbay-de Jongh logic D1 is not strongly w-complete.
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    Filosofia dell'interculturalità.Marcello Ghilardi - 2012 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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  33. L'umanesimo, forse...: aspetti, caratteri, dimensioni, frammenti di umanità.Fabrizio Ghilardi - 2023 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    Modularity results for interpolation, amalgamation and superamalgamation.Silvio Ghilardi & Alessandro Gianola - 2018 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 169 (8):731-754.
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    Prospection géomorphologique dans le Mirambello.Matthieu Ghilardi, Stephane Kunesch & Alexandre Farnoux - 2009 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 133 (2):671-672.
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  36. Giordano Bruno, singrafo sommo ed eroico di un Vangelo secondo natura.Tommaso Ventura - 1976 - Milano: Nuovi orizzonti.
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    Best solving modal equations.Silvio Ghilardi - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 102 (3):183-198.
    We show that some common varieties of modal K4-algebras have finitary unification type, thus providing effective best solutions for equations in free algebras. Applications to admissible inference rules are immediate.
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    Stakeholders Matter: How Social Enterprises Address Mission Drift.Tommaso Ramus & Antonino Vaccaro - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 143 (2):307-322.
    This study explores social enterprises’ strategies for addressing mission drift. Relying on an inductive comparative case study of two Italian social enterprises, we show how stakeholder engagement combined with social accounting can successfully support a social venture to re-balance its positioning between wealth generation and social value creation. Indeed, stakeholder engagement helps the internal actors of a social enterprise to rationalize and embody pro-social values previously abandoned, while social accounting reinforces this embodiment process by showing the reintroduced social commitment of (...)
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    On Equational Completeness Theorems.Tommaso Moraschini - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (4):1522-1575.
    A logic is said to admit an equational completeness theorem when it can be interpreted into the equational consequence relative to some class of algebras. We characterize logics admitting an equational completeness theorem that are either locally tabular or have some tautology. In particular, it is shown that a protoalgebraic logic admits an equational completeness theorem precisely when it has two distinct logically equivalent formulas. While the problem of determining whether a logic admits an equational completeness theorem is shown to (...)
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    I fondamenti della libertà in J.G. Fichte. Studi sul primato del pratico.Tommaso Valentini - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Editori riuniti University Press.
    Il volume analizza il pensiero trascendentale di Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814) nei suoi elementi costitutivi. In particolare viene messo in evidenza che l’intento principale della filosofia fichtiana è quello di edificare un “sistema della libertà”, fondato sul primato del pratico (das Praktische) e dei costitutivi pratici della coscienza umana: l’intuizione intellettuale, l’immaginazione produttiva, lo Streben ed in primis il volere. Viene quindi sottolineato che uno dei vertici della speculazione di Fichte è rappresentato dal concetto di “volere puro” che costituisce il (...)
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    Ricardo Espinoza Lolas y el concepto de NosOtros. Del rasgo definitorio de la filosofía iberoamericana a la subjetividad política global.Tommaso Sgarro - 2023 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 26 (1):77-84.
    Desde la segunda mitad del siglo XX, el concepto de “nosotros” ha pasado a caracterizar la reflexión sobre la identidad, la cultura y la filosofía iberoamericanas. La reconstrucción de la trayectoria intelectual que ha hecho madurar el análisis de este concepto en la obra de Ricardo Espinoza Lolas nos muestra cómo esta categoría del pensamiento sudamericano, a pesar de sus estrechos vínculos con la historia del continente, puede universalizarse y, por tanto, utilizarse como paradigma filosófico a nivel mundial. A través (...)
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  42. Il katecón come concetto teologico-politico: nichilismo e trascendenza nella filosofia della storia di Carl Schmitt.Tommaso Gazzolo - 2010 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 87 (3):439-459.
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    La presenza di Kant in Zubiri secondo Ignacio Ellacuría: storia, filosofia, intelletto.Tommaso Sgarro - 2021 - Quaestio 21:309-324.
    Kant is an author who frequently recurs in Zubiri’s works. The constancy of the comparison between the two philosophers is entirely internal to the method of investigation itself of Zubrian philosophy, which has nothing properly historiographical, and which has posed many problems to the commentators of Spanish philosopher. Following the references to Zubiri’s interpretation of Kant in the philosophical texts of Ignacio Ellacuria (1930-1989), we will try to feed a two-part comparison whose main goal is to clarify the nature and (...)
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    L'estetica giapponese moderna.Marcello Ghilardi - 2016 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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    The line of the arch: intercultural issues between aesthetics and ethics.Marcello Ghilardi - 2015 - [Milan]: Mimesis International.
    This collection of essays turnings around aesthetic and ethical questions, and intertwining them, is intended to foster and elaborate the notion of intercultural philosophy. Without idealizing any single way of thinking or tradition, without idolizing any lazy relativism, the author wants to show how interculturality is neither a comprehensive, ultimate system of thoughts, nor a disconnected plurality of opinions. Surmounting monism without fading into dualism, he moves on leads to deal with the philosophical character of symbols, analogies, and comparisons, through (...)
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    Incompleteness results in Kripke semantics.Silvio Ghilardi - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (2):517-538.
    By means of models in toposes of C-sets (where C is a small category), necessary conditions are found for the minimum quantified extension of a propositional (intermediate, modal) logic to be complete with respect to Kripke semantics; in particular, many well-known systems turn out to be incomplete.
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  47.  23
    Giovanni Battista de Rossi, archaeologiae christianae fundator, nel bicentenario della nascita.Massimiliano Ghilardi - 2022 - Augustinianum 62 (2):485-496.
    Since the end of the 16th century, when the perfectly preserved remains of an ancient early Christian underground cemetery were discovered accidentally along the Via Salaria in Rome, Christian antiquities were studied mainly for apologetic propaganda purposes, i.e. to defend the primacy of the Church of Rome, which was faltering under the blows of the Protestant reformers. Everything changed, however, around the middle of the 19th century, thanks to Giovanni Battista de Rossi, a famous archaeologist whose 200th birthday falls this (...)
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    Images of Life: Merging into Landscape.Marcello Ghilardi - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 7 (2):129-138.
    The article deals with Chinese ink painting and some aesthetic notions, in particular those of xiang 象 and shanshui 山水 (literally: “mountains-waters”, i.e. landscape...
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    Compendio di filosofia della natura.Tommaso Campanella - 1999 - Santarcangelo di Romagna (Rimini): Rusconi libri. Edited by Germana Ernst & Paolo Ponzio.
  50. Mathematica.Tommaso Campanella - 1991 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 181 (3):369-369.
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