Results for 'Tomás Maldonado'

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  1.  25
    Gli occhiali presi sul serio.Tomàs Maldonado - 2002 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 15 (2):373-386.
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  2. Avanguardia e razionalità: articoli, saggi, pamphlets 1946-1974.Tomás Maldonado - 1974 - Torino: G. Einaudi.
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    De la vulnerabilidad al reconocimiento recíproco de capacidades: el caso de los niños, niñas y adolescentes activistas ambientales en Latinoamérica y el Caribe.Pedro Hernando Maldonado Castañeda - 2023 - Isegoría 68:e25.
    El cambio climático es uno de los mayores desafíos a los que nos enfrentamos en el siglo XXI. Los niños, niñas y adolescentes son especialmente vulnerables a sus efectos y han levantado su voz exigiendo justicia climática y un mayor reconocimiento en esta lucha ante la falta de atención de los estados. Aunque se han mejorado sus derechos para participar en la toma de decisiones, todavía no se han visto acciones concretas, especialmente en el sur global. En este artículo se (...)
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    Activismo ambiental y democracia deliberativa: una aproximación desde el enfoque del «Children´s Capabilitarianism» y el «Childism».Pedro Hernando Maldonado Castañeda - 2024 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 13 (2):107-118.
    Este artículo presenta un análisis entre el activismo ambiental encabezado por niños, niñas y adolescentes y la democracia deliberativa. Sostengo que ya no basta solo con reconocer la importancia de las voces de los menores de edad, sino que es necesario un reconocimiento político. De este modo, se pone en primer plano la naturaleza transformadora de la democracia deliberativa entre adultos y los niños, niñas y adolescentes. Para comprender el impacto del activismo ambiental en la democracia deliberativa, es necesaria una (...)
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    fl'neur de Benjamin como esqueumorfismo del hacker contemporáneo.Helena Maldonado Goti - 2023 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 8 (1):1-13.
    Este artículo retoma la potencia de la figura del flâneur que Walter Benjamin toma de Charles Baudelaire a la luz de los efectos que han tenido los desarrollos de la tecnología en las grandes urbes contemporáneas. Analiza algunos de los senderos explorados por autores como Steven Shaviro, Manuel Castells y Katherine Hayles en torno al desarrollo de Internet y la inteligencia artificial, con el fin de actualizar algunas de las inquietudes y fabricaciones que Benjamin nos heredó para poder pensar así, (...)
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    Tomás Maldonado intellettuale politecnico.Giovanni Anceschi - 2020 - Milano: Edizioni del Verri.
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    Operative communication: project Cybersyn and the intersection of information design, interface design, and interaction design.Sebastian Vehlken - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (3):1131-1152.
    This article examines the connecting lines between the Chilean Project Cybersyn’s interface design, the German Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm and its cybernetically inspired approaches towards information design, and later developments in interaction design and the emerging field of Human–Computer Interaction in the USA. In particular, it first examines how early works of designers Tomàs Maldonado and Gui Bonsiepe on operative communication, that is, language-independent pictogram systems and visual grammars for computational systems, were intertwined with attempts to ground industrial design (...)
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    Vi/vi/sec/tion of industrial design. Gui Bonsiepe and the formulation of the interface concept. Intec Chile 1972. Document of the beginning of a paradigm shift in the interaction design disciplines. [REVIEW]David Maulén de los Reyes - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (3):1115-1129.
    In 1972, in Chile, the German designer Gui Bonsiepe was in charge of the Industrial Design Department of Technological Institute of the National Corporation for the Promotion of Production INTEC Corfo, during the government of socialist President Salvador Allende in Chile. In this article from the INTEC magazine n.2, published this time for the first time in English, Bonsiepe develops a theoretical formulation, applied to the field of design, through which he proposes a concept that will be fundamental in the (...)
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  9. The Proverbial Strategy. Free Relatives and Logical Relations.Tomas Barrero - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Sentences that ascribe action are logically related, but it is not always obvious why. According to event semantics, implications and non-implications result from referential relations between unpronounced constituents. Taking as starting point examples including free relative clauses, this paper advances the alternative view that examples as such present logical relations as forms of predicative dependence indicated with pronounced constituents. To this end, I argue that Verbal Phrases and verbal traces follow the pattern of Verbal Phrase Anaphora and, more controversially, that (...)
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  10. Apical amplification—a cellular mechanism of conscious perception?Tomas Marvan, Michal Polák, Talis Bachmann & William A. Phillips - 2021 - Neuroscience of Consciousness 7 (2):1-17.
    We present a theoretical view of the cellular foundations for network-level processes involved in producing our conscious experience. Inputs to apical synapses in layer 1 of a large subset of neocortical cells are summed at an integration zone near the top of their apical trunk. These inputs come from diverse sources and provide a context within which the transmission of information abstracted from sensory input to their basal and perisomatic synapses can be amplified when relevant. We argue that apical amplification (...)
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    (1 other version)Feature Biases in Early Word Learning: Network Distinctiveness Predicts Age of Acquisition.Tomas Engelthaler & Thomas T. Hills - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (6):n/a-n/a.
    Do properties of a word's features influence the order of its acquisition in early word learning? Combining the principles of mutual exclusivity and shape bias, the present work takes a network analysis approach to understanding how feature distinctiveness predicts the order of early word learning. Distance networks were built from nouns with edge lengths computed using various distance measures. Feature distinctiveness was computed as a distance measure, showing how far an object in a network is from other objects based on (...)
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  12.  15
    There Is More to Mindfulness Than Emotion Regulation: A Study on Brain Structural Networks.Sabina Baltruschat, Antonio Cándido, Antonio Maldonado, Carmen Verdejo-Lucas, Elvira Catena-Verdejo & Andrés Catena - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Dispositional mindfulness and emotion regulation are two psychological constructs closely interrelated, and both appear to improve with the long-term practice of mindfulness meditation. These constructs appear to be related to subcortical, prefrontal, and posterior brain areas involved in emotional processing, cognitive control, self-awareness, and mind wandering. However, no studies have yet discerned the neural basis of dispositional mindfulness that are minimally associated with emotion regulation. In the present study, we use a novel brain structural network analysis approach to study the (...)
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  13. The Potential of Education for Creating Mutual Trust: Schools as sites for deliberation.Tomas Englund - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (3):236-248.
    Is it possible to look at schools as spaces for encounters? Could schools contribute to a deliberative mode of communication in a manner better suited to our own time and to areas where different cultures meet? Inspired primarily by classical (Dewey) and modern (Habermas) pragmatists, I turn to Seyla Benhabib, posing the question whether she supports the proposition that schools can be sites for deliberative communication. I argue that a school that engages in deliberative communication, with its stress on mutual (...)
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    Contextual positivity-familiarity effects are unaffected by known moderators of misattribution.Rebecca Weil, Tomás A. Palma & Bertram Gawronski - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion:1-13.
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    A bilingual disadvantage in metacognitive processing.Tomas Folke, Julia Ouzia, Peter Bright, Benedetto De Martino & Roberto Filippi - 2016 - Cognition 150 (C):119-132.
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    Emotional Content Modulates Attentional Visual Orientation During Free Viewing of Natural Images.Carolina Astudillo, Kristofher Muñoz & Pedro E. Maldonado - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  17.  56
    Ii how far does anything go? Comments on Feyerabend's epistemological anarchism.Tomas Kulka - 1977 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 7 (3):277-287.
  18.  89
    Higher education, democracy and citizenship – the democratic potential of the university?Tomas Englund - 2002 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 21 (4/5):281-287.
    From a historical point of view, theuniversity as an institution has had the roleof educating an elite, rather than any obvioustask of enforcing democracy. But what kind ofexpectations regarding citizenship anddemocracy can we justifiably have when it comesto the role of higher education and ouruniversities today when higher education isundergoing a process of massification. Couldthe university eventually become a place fordeliberative communication, developingdeliberative qualities among its many students?According to the contributions presented here –stemming from a conference on the theme``Higher education, (...)
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    Care in the (critical) making. Open prototyping, or the radicalisation of independent-living politics.Tomás Sánchez Criado, Israel Rodríguez-Giralt & Arianna Mencaroni - 2016 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 10 (1):24-39.
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    SAT Race 2015.Tomáš Balyo, Armin Biere, Markus Iser & Carsten Sinz - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 241 (C):45-65.
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    Flexibility and decoupling in Simple Temporal Networks.Michel Wilson, Tomas Klos, Cees Witteveen & Bob Huisman - 2014 - Artificial Intelligence 214 (C):26-44.
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  22. The incongruity of incongruity theories of humor.Tomáš Kulka - 2007 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 14 (3):320-333.
    The article critically reviews the Incongruity Theory of Humor reaching the conclusion that it has to be essentially restructured. Leaving aside the question of scope, it is shown that the theory is inadequate even for those cases for which it is thought to be especially well suited – that it cannot account either for the pleasurable effect of jokes or for aesthetic pleasure. I argue that it is the resolution of the incongruity rather than its mere apprehension, which is that (...)
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  23.  19
    La migración de españoles a Venezuela: la circularidad del capital humano canario (1940-2022).Tomas Páez Bravo & Manuel Hidalgo - 2023 - Araucaria 25 (54).
    _Título, resumen y palabras clave_ La migración de españoles a Venezuela: la circularidad del capital humano canario (1940-2022) The migration of Spaniards to Venezuela: the circulation of Canarian human capital (1940-2022) La emigración canaria es un fenómeno de larga data en Venezuela y ha sido profusamente analizada desde las más diversas perspectivas. Este artículo explora dicho fenómeno, en particular desde los años 40 del siglo XX, a través del enfoque de la circularidad del capital humano, poco utilizado en el examen (...)
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    A single-session Mindfulness-Based Swinging Technique vs. cognitive disputation intervention among women with breast cancer: A pilot randomised controlled study examining the efficacy at 8-week follow-up.Ozan Bahcivan, Jose Gutierrez-Maldonado & Tania Estapé - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectivePreviously Mindfulness-Based Swinging Technique 's immediate efficacy for overcoming psychological concerns has recently received empirical support, yet its longer-term efficacy needed to be evaluated among women with breast cancer. The objective of this study was to assess and report the efficacy of MBST intervention among breast cancer patients for hopelessness, anxiety, depression, self-efficacy, oxygen intensity, and heart rate-beats per minute at an 8-week period.MethodThe State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, The Emotion Thermometer, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Self-Efficacy for Managing Chronic Disease, and (...)
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    Tiesos klausimas komunikacijoje.Tomas Kačerauskas - 2020 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 102.
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    Jaké to je vstupovat do světa?Tomáš Korda - 2024 - Filosofie Dnes 12 (1).
    Předkládaná stať je obsáhlejší recenzí knihy Terezy Matějčkové Hegelova fenomenologie světa. Zdůrazňuji, že v její interpretaci hraje klíčovou roli pojem vzdělání. Nikoli toliko ve smyslu akumulace vědění, ale ve smyslu zbavování se vědění, které již neodpovídá skutečnosti. V mém čtení pak skrze opakované osvobozování se od starého vědění vstupuje vědomí do světa, nechává za sebou starý „světový řád“ a učí se současně žít na výši přítomnosti. Svět a (každodenní) přítomnost je to, čemu podle Matějčkové učí Hegelova Fenomenologie ducha dostát. Nejen (...)
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  27. The World of Language and the World beyond Language (A Festschrift for Pavel Cmorej).Tomas Marvan & M. Zouhar (eds.) - 2007
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    Homero „matomas ir apčiuopiamas žmogus“: ką svarbaus praleido Rorty?Tomas Saulius - 2019 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 100.
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    The Doctrine of Laesio Enormis in Lithuanian Contract Law.Tomas Chochrin & Rūta Lazauskaitė - 2015 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 21 (4):1163.
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  30. Za etiku bez teologie.Tomáš HŘÍbek - 2010 - Filosoficky Casopis 58 (5):729-749.
    [For an Ethics without Theology] This study is a critical reflection on Marek Vácha's article on the ethics of euthanasia. In the first part the author offers a short consideration of the reasons for the moribund state of ethics in Czech philosophy, after which, in the second part, he presents a critique of Vácha's article. The article in question is, above all, lacking in a philosophical approach to the problem of euthanasia, and we find in it not so much arguments (...)
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  31. The Moral Point of View: A Rational Basis of Ethics. [REVIEW]Vincent Tomas - 1960 - Philosophical Review 69 (4):548-553.
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  32. Correspondencia entre Hélène Metzger Bruhl y Otto Neurath (1936-1939).Juan Felipe Guevara Aristizábal, Liliana Zapata Maldonado & Violeta Aréchiga Córdova - 2025 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 42 (1):227-242.
    Presentamos aquí la traducción al español de la correspondencia que mantuvieron Hélène Metzger Bruhl y Otto Neurath entre 1936 y 1939, junto con un breve estudio introductorio en el que se analizan tres factores: en qué consistía la filosofía científica, cómo llegó la obra del Círculo de Viena a Francia y por qué Metzger Bruhl se ganó la atención de Neurath. Estos tres ejes permiten contextualizar la correspondencia y plantear algunos de los temas que ella retoma de forma más detallada.
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    The Relationship Between the Burnout Syndrome Dimensions and Body Mass Index as a Moderator Variable on Obese Managers in the Mexican Maquiladora Industry.Oziely Armenta-Hernández, Aidé Maldonado-Macías, María del Rocío Camacho-Alamilla, Miguel Ángel Serrano-Rosa, Yolanda Angélica Baez-Lopez & Cesar Omar Balderrama-Armendariz - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Burnout syndrome and obesity are two growing conditions that affect employees’ health and company productivity. Recently, several studies have pointed to a possible relationship between both phenomena. However, such a relationship has not been clearly defined. This research analyzes the relationship between BS dimensions and body mass index, the latter being treated as a moderator variable among obese senior and middle managers in the Mexican maquiladora industry through a structural equation model. A total of 361 senior and middle managers completed (...)
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    Jaakko Hintikka.Tomás Barrero & David Rey - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (161):331-338.
    En este breve comentario discuto algunos aspectos de la interpretación de la epistemología de Davidson que sugiere Willian Duica en su reciente libro. Luego de una presentación somera del libro me centro en tres asuntos centrales de la interpretación de Duica. En primer lugar, argumento que su lectura de la crítica de Davidson al dualismo esquema/contenido es muy restrictiva y deja abierta la posibilidad de un realismo directo empirista. En segundo lugar, argumento que en su lectura el propio Duica se (...)
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    Dictionary of values.Tomas Quintin D. Andres - 2000 - Quezon City: Giraffe Books.
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    Deliberative communication for sustainability? : a Habermas-inspired pluralistic approach.Tomas Englund, Johan Öhman & Leif Östman - 2008 - In Stephen Gough & Andrew Stables (eds.), Sustainability and security within liberal societies: learning to live with the future. New York: Routledge.
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    Linda Radzik, with Cristopher Bennett, Glen Pettigrove, and George Sher, The Ethics of Social Punishment: The Enforcement of Morality in Everyday Life.Tomás Fernandez Fiks - 2023 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 20 (1-2):158-161.
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    An Open Formalism against Incompleteness.Francesc Tomàs - 1999 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 40 (2):207-226.
    An open formalism for arithmetic is presented based on first-order logic supplemented by a very strictly controlled constructive form of the omega-rule. This formalism (which contains Peano Arithmetic) is proved (nonconstructively, of course) to be complete. Besides this main formalism, two other complete open formalisms are presented, in which the only inference rule is modus ponens. Any closure of any theorem of the main formalism is a theorem of each of these other two. This fact is proved constructively for the (...)
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    The Rational Expectations Hypothesis: Theoretical Critique.Tomáš Frömmel - 2017 - E-Logos 24 (2):4-12.
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    What determines content?: the internalism/externalism dispute.Tomáš Marvan (ed.) - 2006 - Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    A distinguished team of fourteen European philosophers addresses the current debates on internalism versus externalism in the philosophy of language and mind. The main objective of the volume is to demonstrate the philosophical significance and fruitfulness of the internalism/externalism debate on a wide range of issues, and to do so in a manner which is sophisticated yet accessible to non-specialists. The issues authors deal with include linguistic deference, interpreting classical externalist thought-experiments by Putnam and Burge, the nature of Wittgenstein's externalism, (...)
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  41. El acto humano: Aristóteles.Y. Tomás de Aquino - 1996 - Sapientia 199:7.
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  42. Sermão “Exiit qui seminat seminare semen suum”– “O semeador saiu a semear a sua semente”.Tomás de Aquino & Felipe de Azevedo Ramos - 2013 - Lumen Veritatis 6:97-113.
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    Hunting and Masculine Knowledge: A Swiss Naturalist in South America and the Coloniality of Nineteenth-Century Science.Tomás Bartoletti - 2024 - Isis 115 (4):776-798.
    During the mid-nineteenth century, the shifting boundaries of natural history and hunting practices were at the core of debates about general and practical knowledge, science and leisure, hunters and poachers. Focusing on the Swiss naturalist Johann Jakob von Tschudi and his travels to South America, this article reexamines the relationships of natural history and hunting skills in forging a kind of scientific “hegemonic” masculinity. For this purpose, it reconstructs Tschudi’s social formation in bourgeois circles during the institutionalization of natural history (...)
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  44.  22
    Zielinski y el suspenso homérico.Tomás Fernández - 2023 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 27 (1):113-130.
    Este artículo intentará explicar por qué, en un sistema narrativo como el homérico, donde no predominan los segundos planos ni los detrás de escenas, no existe un suspenso ligado a la incertidumbre sobre un desenlace; ligará este fenómeno a la llamada “ley de Zielinski” (I). Inspeccionará tentativas recientes de encontrar baches de suspenso en Homero (II). Finalmente, propondrá una explicación alternativa para el suspenso, que se centra en la empatía por un personaje y la inmersión en el mundo narrativo (III).
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  45. Utilitarianismus, nacismus a eutanazie.Tomas Hribek - 2012 - Filosoficky Casopis 60 (6):899-908.
    [Utilitarism, Nazism, and Euthanasia] The article is an answer to Prof. Munzarová who criticised my defence of physician-assisted suicide. The article points to shortcomings in the reply of prof. Munzarová which flow from the author’s underestimation of normative theory. Among these shortcomings are the ignoring of the arguments of her opponent; her calling into question the moral credit of the proponents of the competing theory (utilitarianism) rather than a critical analysis; unclear theoretical principles (a switching between paternalism and autonomy, the (...)
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  46. Tableaux sin refutación.Tomás Barrero & Walter Carnielli - 2005 - Matemáticas: Enseñanza Universitaria 13 (2):81-99.
    Motivated by H. Curry’s well-known objection and by a proposal of L. Henkin, this article introduces the positive tableaux, a form of tableau calculus without refutation based upon the idea of implicational triviality. The completeness of the method is proven, which establishes a new decision procedure for the (classical) positive propositional logic. We also introduce the concept of paratriviality in order to contribute to the question of paradoxes and limitations imposed by the behavior of classical implication.
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    Civil defence education: (Non)specific dangers and destabilisation of actorship in education.Tomáš Barták & Jitka Wirthová - 2022 - Human Affairs 32 (2):180-198.
    This paper focuses on the push to stabilise society through civil defence education (CDE) in the changing context of nationalism and populism. We analysed the way in which justifications and criticism of civil defence education (CDE) have evolved as an ordering project intended to solve the problems with dangers that were variously defined. We identified two locations of the danger to be tackled by the new CDE – external and specific; and internal and general – which partly correspond to key (...)
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    A neglected source on the date of herod the great's death.Tomás Fernández - 2020 - Classical Quarterly 70 (2):916-918.
    The Florilegium Coislinianum, a largely unpublished Byzantine spiritual anthology, provides a fuller perspective on an intriguing exegetical work attributed to Athanasius of Alexandria, the Fragmenta in Matthaeum. The authenticity of the work has been contested. However, while it is certain that it was not written in toto by Athanasius, the possibility remains that it contains traces of now-lost texts of the Alexandrian theologian.
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    Cosmas Vestitor's ascetic-physiological fragment (CPG 8163).Tomás Fernández - 2012 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 104 (2):633-640.
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    Carole Maigné, ed., Formalisme esthétique: Prague et Vienne au XIXe siècle.Tomáš Koblížek - 2014 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 51 (2):282-289.
    A review of Carole Maigné´s Formalisme esthétique: Prague et Vienne au XIXe siècle.
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