Results for 'Tom Swart'

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  1. Hintikka's “The principles of mathematics revisited”'.Harrie de Swart, Tom Verhoeff & Renske Brands - 1997 - Logique Et Analyse 159:281-289.
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    From touch to tingles: Assessing ASMR triggers and their consistency over time with the ASMR Trigger Checklist (ATC).Giulia L. Poerio, Angelica Succi, Tom Swart, Vincenzo Romei & Helge Gillmeister - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 115 (C):103584.
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    Hebbian learning of cognitive control: Dealing with specific and nonspecific adaptation.Tom Verguts & Wim Notebaert - 2008 - Psychological Review 115 (2):518-525.
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    Informed Consent and the Requirement to Ensure Understanding.Tom Walker - 2011 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 29 (1):50-62.
    It is generally held that doctors and researchers have an obligation to obtain informed consent. Over time there has been a move in relation to this obligation from a requirement to disclose information to a requirement to ensure that that information is understood. Whilst this change has been resisted, in this article I argue that both sides on this matter are mistaken. When investigating what information is needed for consent to be informed we might be trying to determine what information (...)
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    Techne in Aristotle's Ethics: Crafting the Moral Life.Tom Angier - 2010 - Continuum.
    'By identifying the extent to which Aristotle's thinking about ethics was shaped by notions drawn from the crafts Angier has thrown new light on a surprising number of topics and has deepened our understanding of tensions within Aristotle's thought. It is by now a rare achievement to have said something new, true and important about Aristotle.' -- Alasdair MacIntyre, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame, USA.
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    Autonomy in chimpanzees.Tom L. Beauchamp & Victoria Wobber - 2014 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 35 (2):117-132.
    Literature on the mental capacities and cognitive mechanisms of the great apes has been silent about whether they can act autonomously. This paper provides a philosophical theory of autonomy supported by psychological studies of the cognitive mechanisms that underlie chimpanzee behavior to argue that chimpanzees can act autonomously even though their psychological mechanisms differ from those of humans. Chimpanzees satisfy the two basic conditions of autonomy: (1) liberty (the absence of controlling influences) and (2) agency (self-initiated intentional action), each of (...)
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  7. Principlism and Its Alleged Competitors.Tom L. Beauchamp - 1995 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 5 (3):181-198.
    Principles that provide general normative frameworks in bioethics have been criticized since the late 1980s, when several different methods and types of moral philosophy began to be proposed as alternatives or substitutes. Several accounts have emerged in recent years, including: (1) Impartial Rule Theory (supported in this issue by K. Danner Clouser), (2) Casuistry (supported in this issue by Albert Jonsen), and (3) Virtue Ethics (supported in this issue by Edmund D. Pellegrino). Although often presented as rival methods or theories, (...)
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    An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals.Tom L. Beauchamp (ed.) - 1998 - Oxford University Press.
    This new edition of Hume's Enquiry concerning the Principles of Morals, published in the Oxford Philosophical Texts series, has been designed especially for the student reader. The text is preceded by a substantial introduction explaining the historical and intellectual background to the work and its relationship to the rest of Hume's philosophy. The volume also includes detailed explanatory notes on the text, a glossary of terms, and a section of supplementary readings.
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    Rawls and Religion.Tom Bailey & Valentina Gentile (eds.) - 2014 - Columbia University Press.
    John Rawls's influential theory of justice and public reason has often been thought to exclude religion from politics, out of fear of its illiberal and destabilizing potentials. It has therefore been criticized by defenders of religion for marginalizing and alienating the wealth of religious sensibilities, voices, and demands now present in contemporary liberal societies. In this anthology, established scholars of Rawls and the philosophy of religion reexamine and rearticulate the central tenets of Rawls's theory to show they in fact offer (...)
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    Symbolic and nonsymbolic pathways of number processing.Tom Verguts & Wim Fias - 2008 - Philosophical Psychology 21 (4):539 – 554.
    Recent years have witnessed an enormous increase in behavioral and neuroimaging studies of numerical cognition. Particular interest has been devoted toward unraveling properties of the representational medium on which numbers are thought to be represented. We have argued that a correct inference concerning these properties requires distinguishing between different input modalities and different decision/output structures. To back up this claim, we have trained computational models with either symbolic or nonsymbolic input and with different task requirements, and showed that this allowed (...)
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    Internal and external standards for medical morality.Tom L. Beauchamp - 2001 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 26 (6):601 – 619.
    What grounds and justifies conclusions in medical ethics? Is the source external or internal to medicine? Thee influential types of answer have appeared in recent literature: an internal account, an external account, and a mixed internal / external account. The first defends an ethic derived from either the ends of medicine or professional practice standards. The second maintains that precepts in medical ethics rely upon and require justification by external standards such as those of public opinion, law, religious ethics, or (...)
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  12. On Eliminating the Distinction Between Applied Ethics and Ethical Theory.Tom L. Beauchamp - 1984 - The Monist 67 (4):514-531.
    “Applied ethics” has been the major growth area in North American philosophy in the last decade, yet a robust confidence and enthusiasm over its promise is far from universal in academic philosophy. It is considered nonphilosophical in West Germany, and has largely failed to penetrate British departments of philosophy. Whether it has any intellectually or pedagogically redeeming value is still widely debated in North America, where many who have tried to teach some area of applied ethics for the first time (...)
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    (1 other version)Symposium of Plato =.Tom Plato, Peter Griffith & Forster - 1970 - Berkeley: University of California Press. Edited by Tom Griffith & Peter Forster.
    A superb example of the bookmaker's and translator's art, this new edition of Plato's "Symposium" exhibits aesthetic, literary, and intellectual excellences rarely found together in a single volume.Tom Griffith's translation of this foundation work of Western culture is unsurpassed for the balance it achieves between readability and fidelity to Plato's Greek. For felicity of phrasing, freshness, care to match the sense of the Greek rather than its wording, and for its idiomatic rendering of the spoken word, it has no peer.Originally (...)
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  14.  20
    An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding: A Critical Edition.Tom L. Beauchamp (ed.) - 2000 - Oxford University Press UK.
    about Hume: David Hume is one of the greatest of philosophers. Today he probably ranks highest of all British philosophers in terms of influence and philosophical standing. His philosophical work ranges across morals, the mind, metaphysics, epistemology, and aesthetics; he had broad interests not only in philosophy as it is now conceived but in history, politics, economics, religion, and the arts. He was a master of English prose. about the Clarendon Hume Edition: The Clarendon Hume will include all of his (...)
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  15. History and theory in "applied ethics".Tom L. Beauchamp - 2007 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 17 (1):55-64.
    Robert Baker and Laurence McCullough argue that the "applied ethics model" is deficient and in need of a replacement model. However, they supply no clear meaning to "applied ethics" and miss most of what is important in the literature on methodology that treats this question. The Baker-McCullough account of medical and applied ethics is a straw man that has had no influence in these fields or in philosophical ethics. The authors are also on shaky historical grounds in dealing with two (...)
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    Why Is There Analytic Epistemology?Tom Vinci - 1994 - Dialogue 33 (3):517-.
  17. Tracking the moral development of journalists: A look at them and their work.Tom Westbrook - 1994 - In James R. Rest & Darcia Narváez, Moral development in the professions: psychology and applied ethics. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates. pp. 189--197.
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    Where Are We in the Justification of Research Involving Chimpanzees?Tom L. Beauchamp, Hope R. Ferdowsian & John P. Gluck - 2012 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 22 (3):211-242.
    On December 15, 2011, a final report was issued by the Committee on the Use of Chimpanzees in Biomedical and Behavioral Research, which had been convened by the U. S. Institute of Medicine (IOM) in collaboration with National Research Council (NRC) of the National Academies. Within a month of its release, this report was designated by Wired Science one of the “top scientific discoveries of 2011” (Wired Science Staff 2011). The ad hoc Committee responsible for this report was formed at (...)
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    Ethics education of business leaders: emotional intelligence, virtues, and contemplative learning.Tom E. Culham - 2013 - Charlotte, North Carolina: IAP -- Information Age Publishing.
    Abstract -- Background, context, overview, and guiding philosophy -- Emotional intelligence meets virtue ethics : implications for educators -- Emotional intelligence as a component of business ethics pedagogy -- Nourishing life, the daoist concept of virtue -- Cultivation of virtue (dé) 1 according to the neiye -- Cultivation of virtuous leaders according to the huainanzi -- Is there a place for contemplation and inner work in business ethics education? -- Incorporating the inner work of ei and contemplation in ethics education (...)
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  20.  45
    An integrative review of attention biases and their contribution to treatment for anxiety disorders.Tom J. Barry, Bram Vervliet & Dirk Hermans - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  21.  91
    Is Hume Really a Sceptic about Induction?Tom L. Beauchamp & Thomas A. Mappes - 1975 - American Philosophical Quarterly 12 (2):119 - 129.
  22.  60
    The Upper Limits of Pain and Suffering in Animal Research.Tom L. Beauchamp & David B. Morton - 2015 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 24 (4):431-447.
  23.  96
    Matters of life and death.Tom L. Beauchamp & Tom Regan (eds.) - 1980 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
    Essays raise and discuss moral questions concerning euthanasia, suicide, war, capital punishment, abortion, famine relief, and the environment.
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    Introduction.Tom L. Beauchamp - 1988 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 13 (2):121-122.
  25.  49
    Paternalism and Populations.Tom Walker - 2016 - Public Health Ethics 9 (1):46-54.
    It is relatively uncontroversial that some public health policies are paternalistic. Furthermore, that they are paternalistic is often taken to show that they are morally wrong. In this article I challenge this position. The article starts by arguing that given standard definitions of paternalism it is unclear why such policies count as paternalistic. Whilst it might appear that they impose restrictions on what individuals can, or cannot, do for their own good, this is not the case. The reason for this (...)
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  26.  13
    Persons of authority: the Ston pa tshad ma'i skyes bur sgrub pa'i gtam of a lag sha ngag dbang bstan dar: a Tibetan work on the central religious questions in Buddhist epistemology.Tom J. F. Tillemans - 1993 - Stuttgart: F. Steiner. Edited by Tom J. F. Tillemans.
  27.  9
    Contestatory Cosmopolitanism.Tom Bailey (ed.) - 2017 - Routledge.
    Contemporary global politics poses urgent challenges – from humanitarian, migratory and environmental problems to economic, religious and military conflicts – that strain not only existing political systems and resources, but also the frameworks and concepts of political thinking. The standard cosmopolitan response is to invoke a sense of global community, governed by such principles as human rights or humanitarianism, free or fair trade, global equality, multiculturalism, or extra-national democracy. Yet, the contours, grounds and implications of such a global community remain (...)
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  28. Stewardship, paternalism and public health: Further thoughts.Tom Baldwin, Roger Brownsword & Harald Schmidt - 2009 - Public Health Ethics 2 (1):113-116.
    Nuffield Council on Bioethics, London * Corresponding author: Nuffield Council on Bioethics, 28 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3JS, UK. Email: hschmidt{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//--> Abstract In November 2007, the Nuffield Council on Bioethics published the report Public Health: Ethical Issues . While the report has been welcomed by a wide range of stakeholders, there has also been some criticism. First, it has been suggested that it is not clear why, in developing its ‘stewardship (...)
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    Ethical Issues in Funding and Monitoring University Research.Tom L. Beauchamp - 1992 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 11 (1):5-16.
  30.  41
    Art and Truth After Plato.Tom Rockmore - 2013 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    In Art and Truth after Plato, Tom Rockmore argues that Plato has in fact never been satisfactorily answered—and to demonstrate that, he offers a comprehensive account of Plato’s influence through nearly the whole history of Western ...
  31.  40
    Antifoundationalism old and new.Tom Rockmore & Beth J. Singer (eds.) - 1992 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
    The debate over foundationalism, the viewpoint that there exists some secure foundation upon which to build a system of knowledge, appears to have been resolved and the antifoundationalists have at least temporarily prevailed. From a firmly historical approach, the book traces the foundationalism/antifoundationalism controversy in the work of many important figures Animaxander, Aristotle and Plato, Augustine, Descartes, Hegel and Nietzsche, Habermas and Chisholm, and others throughout the history of philosophy. The contributors, Joseph Margolis, Ronald Polansky, Gary Calore, Fred and Emily (...)
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    Le visage de l'autre.Emmanuel Lévinas & Martin tom Dieck - 2001
    Ce livre-d'art s'articule autour de 30 citations du philosophe Emmanuel Levinas illustrées par le peintre Martin Tom Dieck.
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    Philosophical foundations of the curriculum.Tom C. Venable - 1967 - Chicago,: Rand McNally.
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    (1 other version)Philosophy & Film.Tom Wartenberg - 2001 - Philosophy Now 34:48-49.
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    Engaging Post‐Secularism: Rethinking Catholic Politics in Italy.Tom Bailey & Michael D. Driessen - 2017 - Constellations 24 (2):232-244.
  36.  33
    What can a model professional code for bioethics hope to achieve?Tom L. Beauchamp - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (5):42 – 43.
  37.  11
    Before and After Hegel: A Historical Introduction to Hegel's Thought.Tom Rockmore - 2003 - Hackett Publishing.
    In this engaging and accessible introduction to Hegel's theory of knowledge, Tom Rockmore brings together the philosopher's life, his thought, and his historical moment--without, however, reducing one to another. Laying out the philosophical tradition of German idealism, Rockmore concisely explicates the theories of Kant, Fichte, and Schelling, essential to an understanding of Hegel's thought. He then explores Hegel's formulation of his own position in relation to this tradition and follows Hegel's ideas through the competing interpretations of his successors. Even today, (...)
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    Making principlism practical: A commentary on Gordon, rauprich, and Vollmann.Tom L. Beauchamp - 2011 - Bioethics 25 (6):301-303.
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    Happiness: Overcoming the Skill Model.Tom Angier - 2015 - International Philosophical Quarterly 55 (1):5-23.
    I argue that the theory of happiness now dominant among philosophers embraces a flawed, technicizing model that represents happiness as a set of mental states produced by actions and events. This view contrasts with Aristotle’s conception, according to which happiness is not produced by (but is tantamount to) long-term activity and incorporates (but is not reducible to) a set of mental states. I then go on to criticize the skill model of happiness on three main grounds. First, unlike the Aristotelian (...)
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    Introduction.Tom Bailey - 2015 - Critical Horizons 17 (1):1-7.
    This editor's preface introduces a special issue of Critical Horizons on the theme of “contestatory cosmopolitanism.” After identifying the broad failings of the standard cosmopolitan appeal to global community, it presents the defining features of the “contestatory” alternative and introduces the papers in light of them.
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  41. Relativism, multiculturalism, and universal norms : their role in business ethics.Tom L. Beauchamp - 2010 - In George G. Brenkert & Tom L. Beauchamp, The Oxford handbook of business ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
  42.  12
    Ayn Rand's theory of knowledge: a commentary.Tom Porter - 1999 - Reseda, Calif.: T. Porter.
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    Aesthetics, politics, and educational inquiry: essays and examples.Tom Barone - 2000 - New York: P. Lang.
    This collection of essays explores the possibilities of studying educational matters with the tools of narrative and literature. Written over the course of the 1980s and 1990s, these essays trace the literary turn in educational research toward forms of literary journalism, critical storytelling, and postmodern narrative. The articles are presented as biographical evidence of the author's ongoing quest for forms of educational research that are well-suited to the enormously complex nature of educational encounters. This collection includes both theoretical dissertations and (...)
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  44.  19
    Nietzsche the Kantian?Tom Bailey - 2013 - In Ken Gemes & John Richardson, The Oxford Handbook of Nietzsche. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This article examines Nietzsche’s engagements with Kantian idealism and Kantian ethics. From the mid-1860s to the mid-1870s, Nietzsche’s engagement with Kantian idealism combined an interest in its potential therapeutic and cultural benefits with an exploration of its theoretical difficulties. In later works, Nietzsche rejects Kantian idealism not only for the conceptual incoherence, epistemological insignificance, and suspicious psycho-physical and cultural functions of its notion of an inaccessible reality, but also for the unlicensed ontology and primitive psychology of its notions of judgement. (...)
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    Symposium.Tom Plato, Anthony Griffith, Tom Quinton & Phillips - 1994 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Robin Waterfield.
    In this celebrated masterpiece Plato imagines a high-society dinner party in Athens in 416 B.C. at which the guests each deliver a short speech in praise of love.
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  46. The role of self-focused attention in the development, maintenance, and exacerbation of depression.Tom Pyszczynski & Jeff Greenberg - 1986 - In Krysia Yardley & Terry Honess, Self and Identity: Psychosocial Perspectives. Wiley.
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  47. The Three Phases of Intuitionism.Tom Baldwin - 2002 - In Philip Stratton-Lake, Ethical Intuitionism: Re-Evaluations. Oxford University Press UK.
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    Virtue ethics and moral foundation theory applied to business ethics education.Tom E. Culham, Richard J. Major & Neha Shivhare - 2024 - International Journal of Ethics Education 9 (1):139-176.
    This research describes and empirically evaluates the application of a business ethics pedagogy informed by neuroscience and evolutionary biology that suggest ethical decisions are made unconsciously and emotionally. Moral Foundation Theory (MFT) provides a framework that considers a range of values individuals rely on for decision-making. This relates to Virtue ethics (VE) that develops intellectual and character virtues, requires emotional development and is thus suitable for guiding business ethics pedagogy. This study focuses on a business ethics course integrating intellectual virtue (...)
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    Philosophy and the Human Condition.Tom L. Beauchamp, Joel Feinberg & James Marvin Smith - 1989 - Pearson College Division.
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  50. Lowe on modalities de re.Tom Baldwin - 1984 - Mind 93 (370):252-255.
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