Results for 'Tiziana Portera'

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  1.  20
    Il sens commun tra metafisica e scienza in Henri Bergson.Tiziana Portera - 1998 - Idee 37:157-180.
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    Babies Rule! Niches, Scaffoldings, and the Development of an Aesthetic Capacity in Humans.Mariagrazia Portera - 2020 - British Journal of Aesthetics 60 (3):299-314.
    Where does the human aesthetic come from? How does it develop? By introducing the notion of the ‘niche’ as a key term in an empirically and evolutionarily informed aesthetics, this paper aims to take a fresh look at these and similar questions. It also aims to shed new light on the development and functioning of the aesthetic capacity in humans and its trans-generational transmission. Drawing on recent research developments in evolutionary biology, developmental psychology, and cognitive sciences, I shall argue that (...)
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    A philosophy for future generations: the structure and dynamics of transgenerationality.Tiziana Andina - 2022 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Antonella Emmi.
    If societies, like institutions, are built to endure, then the bond that exists between generations must be considered. Constructing a framework to establish a philosophy of future generations, Tiziana Andina explores the factors that make it possible for a society to reproduce over time. Andina's study of the diachronic structure of societies considers the never-ending passage of generations, as each new generation comes to form a part of the new social fabric and political model. Her model draws on the (...)
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    A Matter of Dust, Powdery Fragments, and Insects. Object Temporalities Grounded in Social and Material Museum Life.Tiziana N. Beltrame - 2023 - Centaurus 65 (2):365-385.
    This paper aims to demonstrate how museum collection sustainability is grounded in a range of concrete care practices that are social and material. It explores the unstable nature of heritage materials, drawing on the ecological approach of infrastructure and maintenance studies in the field of art and museums. To do this, I analyse the role of mundane operations in the daily functioning of an exhibition area, presenting data from fieldwork I conducted from 2015–2016 at the Musée du quai Branly in (...)
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    Judgment of Intentionality and Moral Evaluation in Individuals with High Functioning Autism.Tiziana Zalla & Marion Leboyer - 2011 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 2 (4):681-698.
    In this study, we investigated the relationships between judgments of intentionality and moral evaluation in individuals with High Functioning Autism (HFA) or Asperger Syndrome (AS). HFA or AS are neurodevelopmental disorders characterised by severe deficits in communication and social functioning. Impairments in Theory of Mind (ToM), i.e., the ability to attribute mental states to oneself and to others, are thought to be the core features of autism. Of all mental states, the concept of ‘intentional action’ is particularly important. People normally (...)
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  6.  22
    The Work of Art in the Age of its Sanitized Fruition: Notes for a pandemic aesthetics.Mariagrazia Portera, Vincenzo Zingaro & Fabrizio Desideri - 2021 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 30 (2):203-213.
    For almost two years now the COVID-19 pandemic impacted in most different forms habits, models of organization, socio-political dynamics and economic assets. Arrangements and orders taking decades to reach stabilization have demonstrated an unsuspected precarity, demanding a profound reorganization of dynamics we had been long accustomed to. As the distant, sanitized character of interaction, transmission, fruition and creation processes has turned from a contingent measure into the unamenable norm of these days’ routine, every aspect of social interaction is changing accordingly. (...)
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  7.  35
    Metacognition of agency and theory of mind in adults with high functioning autism.Tiziana Zalla, David Miele, Marion Leboyer & Janet Metcalfe - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 31:126-138.
  8.  71
    Tastes of the Parents: Epigenetics and its Role in Evolutionary Aesthetics.Mariagrazia Portera & Mauro Mandrioli - 2015 - Evental Aesthetics 4 (2):46-76.
    Evolutionary Aesthetics is a bourgeoning and thriving sub-field of Aesthetics, the main aim of which is “the importation of aesthetics into natural sciences, and especially its integration into the heuristic of Darwin’s evolutionary theory.” Scholars working in the field attempt to determine through the adoption of an interdisciplinary research methodology whether and to what extent Darwinian evolution can shed light on our capacity to have aesthetic experiences, make aesthetic judgments (both of art and natural beauty), and produce literary, visual, musical (...)
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  9.  34
    Are Modular Activations Altered in Lower Limb Muscles of Persons with Multiple Sclerosis during Walking? Evidence from Muscle Synergies and Biomechanical Analysis.Tiziana Lencioni, Johanna Jonsdottir, Davide Cattaneo, Alessandro Crippa, Elisa Gervasoni, Marco Rovaris, Emilio Bizzi & Maurizio Ferrarin - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  10.  44
    The sense of agency in autism spectrum disorders: a dissociation between prospective and retrospective mechanisms?Tiziana Zalla & Marco Sperduti - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  11.  36
    Another Life.Tiziana Terranova - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (6):234-262.
    The article focuses on the relation established by Foucault in the two lecture courses Security, Territory, Population and The Birth of Biopolitics between life, nature and political economy. It explores the ways in which liberalism constructs a notion of economic nature as a phenomenon of circulation of aleatory series of events and poses the latter as an internal limit to sovereign power. It argues that the entwinement of vital and economic processes provides the means of internal redefinition of the raison (...)
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  12.  23
    Healthcare students’ moral concerns and distress during the pandemic.Tiziana M. L. Sala Defilippis, Annia Prati & Luca Scascighini - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (6):832-843.
    Background During the first wave of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the sudden increase in hospitalised patients put medical facilities in southern Switzerland under severe pressure. During this time, bachelor’s degree programs in nursing, physiotherapy and occupational therapy were disrupted, and students in their second year were displaced. Students experienced the continuous reorganisation of their traineeship as healthcare facilities adapted to a climate of uncertainty. Purpose The aim of this study was to investigate the degree of moral distress and the (...)
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    Filosofie dell'arte: da Hegel a Danto.Tiziana Andina - 2012 - Roma: Carocci.
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  14. Veicoli semantici che sono opere d'arte.Tiziana Andina - 2012 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 5.
    As it is well known an historical comprehension of the time in which people live and philosophers work is something essential in order to outline a theory that could grasps something of the world. The history of the relationship between art and philosophy is almost as old as philosophy itself. Among the first to take up the topic was Plato who posed the question in the most classical of ways—that is, by facing the problem of definition. The question of definition (...)
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    Sterilization and union instability in Brazil.Tiziana Leone & Andrew Hinde - 2005 - Journal of Biosocial Science 37 (4):459-469.
    Brazilian women rely on sterilization as the main source of birth control. Sterilization has been one of the causes of the steep decline in fertility in Brazil, at least since the second half of 1970. It is hypothesized that understanding couples’ relationships might be key to explaining this high rate of female sterilizations. Possible reasons for the higher level of fertility among women in unstable unions than among women in stable ones could be the less effective use of contraceptive methods, (...)
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    Cruise ships. Non-human modern monsters.Tiziana Migliore - 2021 - Studi di Estetica 20.
    The aim of this article is to literally explore the declinations of the status of the “monstruous thing”, investigating if and when monsters are abnormal phenomena, not of nature but of culture. Which features, of both expression and content, must a non-living artificial subject present in order to be perceived and judged as a “monster”? In the West, the image of the monster is traditionally associated with an abominable creature belonging to the universe of nature whose touchstone is a standard (...)
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  17. Cohabitation, family, and society.Tiziana Nazio - 2011 - In Ann Brooks (ed.), Social theory in contemporary Asia. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Abitudini e spinte gentili. Dalla natura ambientale dell'abitudine all'ecologia letteraria.Mariagrazia Portera - forthcoming - la Società Degli Individui.
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  19. Dal Laocoonte a Watchmen. La poesia sta alla pittura come il cinema al fumetto.Mariagrazia Portera - 2009 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 2 (2).
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    Hölderlin lettore di Kant.Mariagrazia Portera - 2011 - Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 1:47-68.
    In this paper I discuss the notion of transcendentalEmpfindung, which plays a central role in Hölderlin's fragmentary essay Wenn der Dichter einmal des Geistes mächtig ist.Thenotion of transcendental Empfindung is introduced in this essay as a replacement for the concept of intellectual intuition, the well-known philosophical notion which represents one of the key-terms for German philosophers between XVIII and XIX century. In this paper I argue that Hölderlin, having made use of this notion for a long time in his works (...)
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    Introduzione.Mariagrazia Portera, Adeline Thulard & Cristina Travanini - 2018 - Itinera 15.
    This issue of Itinera collects a selection of the papers presented by the participants of the International Conference "Aesthetics of Emotions. Arts and Cognitive Science" held in October 2016 at the University of Milan. The focus of the conference, on the link between arts, emotions and cognitive sciences, is richly reflected in the themes addressed by the essays, which attempt to put into interdisciplinary dialogue "classical" perspectives of the history of aesthetics with more contemporary perspectives inspired by experimental sciences, in (...)
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  22. Note e Recensioni.Mariagrazia Portera - 2013 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 6 (1):323-354.
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  23. La "Numancia" da Alberti a Alberti.Tiziana Pucciarelli - 2006 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia. Università di Macerata 39:341-354.
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    Age-Related Changes in Sensorimotor Temporal Binding.Tiziana Vercillo, Carlos Carrasco & Fang Jiang - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  25. Moral judgment in adults with autism spectrum disorders.Tiziana Zalla, Luca Barlassina, Marine Buon & Marion Leboyer - 2011 - Cognition 121 (1):115-126.
    The ability of a group of adults with high functioning autism (HFA) or Asperger Syndrome (AS) to distinguish moral, conventional and disgust transgressions was investigated using a set of six transgression scenarios, each of which was followed by questions about permissibility, seriousness, authority contingency and justification. The results showed that although individuals with HFA or AS (HFA/AS) were able to distinguish affect-backed norms from conventional affect-neutral norms along the dimensions of permissibility, seriousness and authority-dependence, they failed to distinguish moral and (...)
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  26.  16
    Risk Perceptions and Psychological Effects During the Italian COVID-19 Emergency.Tiziana Lanciano, Giusi Graziano, Antonietta Curci, Silvia Costadura & Alessia Monaco - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The current study provides data about the immediate risk perceptions and psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic among Italian participants. A sample of 1034 volunteers answered a web-based survey which aimed to investigate the many facets of risk perceptions connected to COVID-19 (health, work, economy, social and psychological), and risk-related variables such as knowledge, news seeking, perceived control, efficacy of containment measures, and affective states. Socio-demographic characteristics were also collected. Results showed that although levels of general concern are relatively high (...)
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  27.  32
    Transgenerational Social Structures and Fictional Actors: Community-Based Responsibility for Future Generations.Tiziana Andina & Fausto Corvino - 2023 - The Monist 106 (2):150-164.
    The notion of transgenerational community is usually based on two diachronic interactions. The first interaction consists of present generations taking up the legacy (not only economic, but also institutional, artistic, cultural, and so forth) of past generations and giving it continuity, exercising a form of active agency. The second interaction occurs when present generations pass on their legacy to future generations. This is supposed to expand the boundaries of the community in a transgenerational sense (both backward- and forward-looking). In this (...)
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  28.  37
    The Emergence of Spacetime in String Theory.Tiziana Vistarini - 2019 - London: Routledge.
    The nature of space and time is one of the most fascinating and fundamental areas of the philosophy of physics. This study aims to provide a complete account of current debates in the application of spacetime to string theory. String theory has been an important discipline within physics for many years but is only now being applied to the problems faced by philosophers of science. This emerging area of physics is discussed in relation to a number of theories including general (...)
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    Cauchy’s Infinitesimals, His Sum Theorem, and Foundational Paradigms.Tiziana Bascelli, Piotr Błaszczyk, Alexandre Borovik, Vladimir Kanovei, Karin U. Katz, Mikhail G. Katz, Semen S. Kutateladze, Thomas McGaffey, David M. Schaps & David Sherry - 2018 - Foundations of Science 23 (2):267-296.
    Cauchy's sum theorem is a prototype of what is today a basic result on the convergence of a series of functions in undergraduate analysis. We seek to interpret Cauchy’s proof, and discuss the related epistemological questions involved in comparing distinct interpretive paradigms. Cauchy’s proof is often interpreted in the modern framework of a Weierstrassian paradigm. We analyze Cauchy’s proof closely and show that it finds closer proxies in a different modern framework.
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    Reviews & Comments.A. Cura di Mariagrazia Portera - 2015 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 8 (1):181-203.
    Books Christy Mag Uidhir, Art andObjects [Elisa Caldarola, p. 182] • Julie Jaffee Nagel, Melodies of the Mind. Connections Between Psychoanalisis and Music [Michele Gardini, p. 185] • Dominic McIver Lopes, Beyond Art [Filippo Focosi, p. 187] • Annemarie Gethmann-Siefert, Herta Nagl-Docekal, Erzsébet Ròsza, Elisabeth Weisser-Lohmann, Hegels Ästhetik als Theorie der Moderne [Lorenzo Leonardo Pizzichemi, p. 190] Comments Toward an Integrated Science of Aesthetics. Getting Rid of the Main Misunderstandings in Evolutionary Aesthetics [Mariagrazia Portera, p. 194].
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    Futurepublic.Tiziana Terranova - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (3):125-145.
    This article advances some considerations on the current production of hegemonic effects, starting with some problems posed by the work of one of the most influential writers in cultural studies – the American Palestinian critic Edward Said. Said's commentary on the coverage of Islam in the US media in the late 1970s allows for some challenging considerations on how hegemonic strategies directed at the formation of publics and public opinion are increasingly integrated within a global noopolitics of communication whose understanding (...)
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  32.  39
    Feeling Emotions for Future People.Tiziana Andina & Giulio Sacco - 2024 - Topoi 43 (1):5-15.
    It is more difficult to feel emotions for future generations than for those who currently exist, and this seems to be one of the reasons why we struggle to care for the future. According to a number of authors, who have recently focused on the psychological flaws that prevent us from dealing with transgenerational issues, the main problem is “future discounting”. Challenging this common view, we argue that the main reason we struggle to care about future generations lies in two (...)
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  33.  24
    Aesthetics as a Habit: Between Constraints and Freedom, Nudges and Creativity.Mariagrazia Portera - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (2):24.
    This paper is a preliminary attempt to bring to the fore some questions and issues regarding the role of habits in aesthetics. Indeed, much attention has recently been given to habits across a wide range of fields of inquiry: philosophers turn to the concept to investigate its significance to the historical development of Western thought; neuroscientists look into the role that habits play in the functioning of the human mind and identify the neural and psychological underpinnings of habitual behavior; anthropologists, (...)
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    Psychological Flexibility and Mindfulness as Predictors of Individual Outcomes in Hospital Health Workers.Tiziana Ramaci, Diego Bellini, Giovambattista Presti & Giuseppe Santisi - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  35. Nietzsche, Hölderlin, Kant. L'arte e il vivente.Mariagrazia Portera - 2010 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 3 (1).
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    Arthur Danto: un filosofo pop.Tiziana Andina - 2010 - Roma: Carocci.
  37.  21
    Contemporary Art: Judgments and Normativity.Tiziana Andina - 2017 - Rivista di Estetica 65:79-90.
    Is judgement still possible in art? The present paper tries to answer this question, exploring the two-main forms of judgement in the domain of art: the ontological-artistic judgment (regarding the identity of works of art) and the aesthetic judgement (regarding their aesthetic properties). Arguing that the most philosophically interesting cases are those in which judgment seems impossible, the article explores the elements necessary for the formulation of the two judgements that make up the domain of art.
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    Il volto americano di Nietzsche: la ricezione di Nietzsche in America dal 1945 al 1996.Tiziana Andina - 1999 - Napoli: Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici.
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  39. Post-truth : what is it about? : introduction.Tiziana Andina & Angela Condello - 2019 - In Angela Condello & Tiziana Andina (eds.), Post-Truth, Philosophy and Law. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Roberta De Monticelli, Al di qua del bene e del male.Tiziana Andina - 2016 - Rivista di Estetica 61:171-173.
    «Everything is what it is, and not another thing»: Roberta De Monticelli avrebbe forse potuto servirsi dell’epigrafe che George Moore pose come incipit dei Principia Ethica, nel 1922, per intitolare il suo nuovo libro. Sceglie invece un titolo che richiama Nietzsche e ciò che il suo pensiero ha rappresentato, per porre l’accento su un disegno teorico che percorre tutto il libro: tornare al di qua del nietzschianesimo, del suo scetticismo epistemologico e assiologico, per riprenderci non solo...
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    States and Intergenerational Bonds.Tiziana Andina & Jacopo Domenicucci - 2018 - Rivista di Estetica 68:123-130.
    Institutions are naturally seen as the stable and relatively fixed backbone of the social world. While the structural role of institutions is usually discussed in social ontology, the temporal implications of this regulation are often overlooked. It is indeed tempting to take a present-centred approach to institutions. The latter clearly are instrumental in stabilizing and structuring the social coordination between a number of actors. But it is all too easy to focus only on their role in syn...
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  42. Truth, lies, and post-truth.Tiziana Andina - 2019 - In Angela Condello & Tiziana Andina (eds.), Post-Truth, Philosophy and Law. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  43. La figura Del calepio tra gravina E Lessing.Tiziana Carena - 2006 - Filosofia 57 (1-3).
  44. The figure of Calepio in Gravina and Lessing.Tiziana Carena - 2006 - Filosofia 57 (1-3):A87 - A107.
  45.  8
    Il lavoro come professione: una storia della professionalità tra etica e politica.Tiziana Faitini - 2016 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
  46.  12
    Le Sacrifice au Ciel dans la Chine ancienne: Théorie et pratique sous les Han OccidentauxLe Sacrifice au Ciel dans la Chine ancienne: Theorie et pratique sous les Han Occidentaux.Tiziana Lippiello & Marianne Bujard - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (1):235.
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  47. Thomas Kuhn e la ricerca storiografica relativa alla rivoluzione copernicana.Tiziana Lombardi - 1995 - Roma: Gruppo Editoriale Int..
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  48. On the education of character-Conversation with Froebel.Tiziana Pastore - 2005 - Filosofia 56 (1).
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    Habitual Behaviour and Ecology: Why Aesthetics Matters.Mariagrazia Portera - 2018 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 11 (1):159-171.
    This paper is mainly intended to provide some insights into the relationship between the aesthetic dimension, human practical/habitual knowledge and the environment ; more specifically, I shall shed some light on that variety of problems, issues and questions that arise when we examine role and functioning of our human aesthetic attitude – considered as an anthropological constant result of both biological evolution and cultural evolution and which involves, in its exercise, an intimate relationship between the organism and its environment – (...)
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    Habits.Mariagrazia Portera - 2023 - In Nathanaël Wallenhorst & Christoph Wulf (eds.), Handbook of the Anthropocene. Springer. pp. 1127-1130.
    In the wake of the recent impressive resurgence of interest in the notion of habits among philosophers, social scientists, psychologists and neuroscientists, this article examines the relevance of human habits to the current environmental crisis. The recently established, multidisciplinary matrix known as ‘Environmental Humanities’ has put major emphasis on habits and their role in, on the one hand, compounding the current ecological disaster (it is the case of those ‘environmentally damaging habits’ such as using too many plastic bags or using (...)
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