Results for 'Tiara Ratz'

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  1.  34
    Physical Activity, Loneliness, and Meaning of Friendship in Young Individuals – A Mixed-Methods Investigation Prior to and During the COVID-19 Pandemic With Three Cross-Sectional Studies.Sonia Lippke, Marie Annika Fischer & Tiara Ratz - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Meaningful social interactions and regular physical activity are inversely associated with loneliness. Using a mixed-methods research design employing quantitative and qualitative research approaches, this research aimed to explore loneliness, physical activity, friendship, and experiences relating to the COVID-19 pandemic both prior to and during the pandemic. Quantitative data of n = 363 first-year university students assessed in 2018/2019 and of n = 175 individuals aged 18–29 years assessed in 2020 were gathered using independent self-administered online surveys. In addition, n = (...)
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  2.  47
    Déficits atencionais em adolescentes com diagnóstico do Transtorno do Espectro Autista.Tiara Terezinha Matte Borges Machado & Ana Paula Almeida de Pereira - 2023 - Aletheia 56 (2):22-42.
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  3. Simulation modelling of ecological hierarchies in constructive dynamical systems, Ecol.C. Ratze, F. Gillet, J. P. Müller & K. Stoffel - 2007 - Complexity 4 (1-2).
  4.  35
    C.M. Wieland: Toleranz, Kompromiß und Inkonsequenz.Alfred E. Ratz - 1968 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 42 (4):493-514.
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    Filosofia e pratica della libertà. Intervista a cura di Roberto Farneti.Joseph Ratz - 2002 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 15 (3):475-520.
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  6. Lacuna.Tiara Roxanne - 2015 - Continent 4 (3).
    The weight of trace, that drips from structure. A memory encased in material – the constant desire to contain, to orchestrate the transient. Is memory. Flesh against the hardest material. What becomes of the energies that move against form?
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    Digital surveillance in a pandemic response: What bioethics ought to learn from Indigenous perspectives.Tereza Hendl & Tiara Roxanne - 2022 - Bioethics 36 (3):305-312.
    Bioethics, Volume 36, Issue 3, Page 305-312, March 2022.
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  8.  17
    Good (and Bad) Words for the Ontological (and Anthropomorphic) Description of Behavior.Fernando Otálora-Luna, Tiara Fulmore, Oscar Páez-Rondón, Elis Aldana & Jory Brinkerhoff - forthcoming - Biosemiotics:1-22.
    This work is an effort to philosophize about the scientific words we must use to describe behaviors. It was written as an essay thus it is left here for further development; the issue before us is an ethological one, it addresses the question: which words are the most convenient to use in rigorous behavioral studies in order to produce scientific knowledge? We discuss the historical and philosophical roots of this behavioral-scientific problem. We admit anthropomorphic inference of organisms’ behaviors, as a (...)
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  9.  23
    Pacific Moves Beyond Colonialism: A Conversation from Hawai'i and Guåhan.Tiara R. Na'Puti & Judy Rohrer - 2017 - Feminist Studies 43 (3):537.
    Abstract:Recognizing the tensions between decolonial and postcolonial frameworks, this essay argues that a combined post/decolonial approach can illuminate colonial processes and reassert indigeneity. Writing as a Chamorro and a haole scholar, we weave together examples from Guåhan and Hawai'i to illustrate how a joint mobilization of decolonial and postcolonial approaches expose settler colonial processes and resistances. This essay also considers how combining these frameworks rearticulates and positions identities—in similar and distinct ways—to recenter indigeneity. Our conversation engages intersectional theorizing and resistive (...)
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  10.  16
    Patient Perceptions on the Advancement of Noninvasive Prenatal Testing for Sickle Cell Disease among Black Women in the United States.Shameka P. Thomas, Faith E. Fletcher, Rachele Willard, Tiara Monet Ranson & Vence L. Bonham - 2024 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 15 (2):154-163.
    Background Noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) designed to screen for fetal genetic conditions, is increasingly being implemented as a part of routine prenatal care screening in the United States (US). However, these advances in reproductive genetic technology necessitate empirical research on the ethical and social implications of NIPT among populations underrepresented in genetic research, particularly Black women with sickle cell disease (SCD).Methods Forty (N = 40) semi-structured interviews were conducted virtually with Black women in the US (19 participants with SCD; 21 (...)
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  11.  48
    Collection and dissemination of fisheries data in support of the EU Common Fisheries Policy.Hendrik Dörner, John Casey, Natacha Carvalho, Dimitrios Damalas, Norman Graham, Jordi Guillen, Steven J. Holmes, Fabrizio Natale, Giacomo C. Osio, Hans-Joachim Rätz, Cristina Ribeiro & Paraskevas Vasilakopoulos - 2018 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 18:15-25.
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    Introduction: Tights and Tiaras.Deb Waterhouse-Watson & Evie Kendal - 2012 - Colloquy 24.
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    Trousers and Tiaras: Audrey Hepburn, A Woman's Star.Rachel Moseley - 2002 - Feminist Review 71 (1):37-51.
    Audrey Hepburn is one of cinema's most stylish and enduring icons, and has embodied an ideal of femininity for generations of women. Using textual analysis, archival research and audience accounts of ‘Doing the Hepburn Look’, I argue that Audrey Hepburn, as a star clearly addressing a female audience, offered a flexible image which was enabling to young women through dress in relation to exigencies of gender, class and national identity. The paper draws on research conducted as part of a larger (...)
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  14.  23
    Гуманістичний тип раціональності як чинник формування коеволюційно-інноваційної стратегії сталого розвитку людства.Mykola Kozlovets, Liudmyla Horokhova & Viktoriia Melnychuk - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 77:47-68.
    Topicality of the study lies in the fact that modern rationality as a significant achievement of civilization is simultaneously becoming a real threat to the mankind.Science, undertaking a humanistic mission, at the same time dehumanizes what it was aimed at: the system of values, education and culture.Acquired knowledge is often used to destroy the environment and humanity, and not for progress and well-being.Disruption of the harmony of natural, social and spiritual, underestimation of the anthropocentric dimension of scientific rationality put Homo (...)
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  15.  62
    Preface.Priti Ramamurthy & Ashwini Tambe - 2017 - Feminist Studies 43 (3):503.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:preface This special issue provokes a conversation between decolonial and postcolonial feminisms by asking what they are, how they speak about each other, and how they can speak to each other. Read together, the articles engage and sometimes trouble the temporal and spatial distinctions drawn between decolonial and postcolonial approaches. Kiran Asher explores overlaps between decolonial and postcolonial thought by comparing the ideas of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and Silvia (...)
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