Results for 'Taneomi Uchida'

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  1. Yōsō no ronri.Taneomi Uchida - 1978
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  2.  49
    The NEET and Hikikomori spectrum: Assessing the risks and consequences of becoming culturally marginalized.Yukiko Uchida & Vinai Norasakkunkit - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  3.  17
    Do You Always Choose What You Like? Subtle Social Cues Increase Preference-Choice Consistency among Japanese But Not among Americans.Yukiko Uchida, Krishna Savani, Hidefumi Hitokoto & Koichi Kaino - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Misheru Fūkō: shutai no keifugaku.Ryūzō Uchida - 1990 - Tōkyō: Kōdansha.
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    Socioeconomic factors affecting the longevity of the Japanese population: a study for 1980 and 1985.Eiichi Uchida, Shunichi Araki & Katsuyuki Murata - 1992 - Journal of Biosocial Science 24 (4):497-504.
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    The Rise of Consumer–Oriented Politics in Japan? Exploring the Party–Citizen Relationship through Discourse Analysis.Emi Sauzier-Uchida - 2014 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 15 (2):231-257.
    This article analyses the discourse of three prime ministers to explore how each leader identified the political self and constructed and promoted a particular relationship with the voter before the general elections. The outcome indicates the emergence of a new political communication style based on a partyconsumer. Whereas Aso's patronconsumer discourse of both Koizumi and Hatoyama demonstrates the entrepreneurial leadersconsumer model might have played a role in attracting a large number of unorganized voters to Koizumi in 2005 and in turn (...)
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    Building a science in Japan: The formative decades of Molecular Biology.Hisao Uchida - 1993 - Journal of the History of Biology 26 (3):499-517.
    I am honored to have been invited to participate in this Workshop on Comparative Studies of Building Molecular Biology, with a discussion of Japanese experiences in constructing a science — in this case, the discipline of molecular biology. As I understand it, the construction of a science must be equivalent to building a new culture. My having given this title to my paper suggests that I have enough knowledge about the subject to perhaps even extrapolate its course into the future (...)
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  8. Indefinites; an extra-argument-slot analysis.Hiroyuki Uchida - 2005 - In Sylvia Blaho, Luis Vicente & Erik Schoorlemmer, Proceedings of Console Xiii. pp. 377--401.
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  9. Makkusu Bēbā to kodaishi kenkyū.Yoshiaki Uchida - 1970
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  10. Tetsugaku to katarushisu: idea e no ronri to chokkan.Katsutaka Uchida - 1982 - Kyōto-shi: Shōwadō.
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  11. Shizen to bunka: rekishiteki jikan no kaifuku.Katsutaka Uchida - 1989 - Kyōto-shi: Shōwadō.
  12.  56
    Awe or horror: differentiating two emotional responses to schema incongruence.Pamela Marie Taylor & Yukiko Uchida - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (8):1548-1561.
    ABSTRACTExperiences that contradict one's core concepts elicit intense emotions. Such schema incongruence can elicit awe, wherein experiences that are too vast...
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  13. Classical logic, conditionals and “nonmonotonic” reasoning.Nicholas Allott & Hiroyuki Uchida - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (1):85-85.
    Reasoning with conditionals is often thought to be non-monotonic, but there is no incompatibility with classical logic, and no need to formalise inference itself as probabilistic. When the addition of a new premise leads to abandonment of a previously compelling conclusion reached by modus ponens, for example, this is generally because it is hard to think of a model in which the conditional and the new premise are true.
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    Voluntary settlement and its consequences on predictors of happiness: the influence of initial cultural context.Keiko Ishii, Shinobu Kitayama & Yukiko Uchida - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Who Can Buffer Marginalization Risk? Affect Experience, Affect Valuation, and Social Marginalization in Japan and Brazil.Igor De Almeida & Yukiko Uchida - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Previous research has associated social marginalization with the rejection of mainstream cultural values. Since cultural values reflect affect valuation, the present research investigates the relationships between social marginalization and ideal/actual affect in two different non-WEIRD cultures, Brazil and Japan. As a social marginalization index, we used the NEET-Hikikomori Risk Scale. We predicted that cultural differences would emerge in the valuation of affective states. Affect valuation theory suggests that in East Asia, individuals are encouraged to pursue and value low arousal positive (...)
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  16.  68
    Opening the black box: dopamine, predictions, and learning.Neir Eshel, Ju Tian & Naoshige Uchida - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (9):430-431.
  17.  41
    Humiliated fury is not universal: the co-occurrence of anger and shame in the United States and Japan.Alexander Kirchner, Michael Boiger, Yukiko Uchida, Vinai Norasakkunkit, Philippe Verduyn & Batja Mesquita - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (6):1317-1328.
    ABSTRACTIt has been widely believed that individuals transform high-intensity shame into anger because shame is unbearably painful. This phenomenon was first coined “humiliated fury,” and it has since received empirical support. The current research tests the novel hypothesis that shame-related anger is not universal, yet hinges on the cultural meanings of anger and shame. Two studies compared the occurrence of shame-related anger in North American cultural contexts to its occurrence in Japanese contexts. In a daily-diary study, participants rated anger and (...)
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  18.  58
    Evaluating Distal and Proximal Explanations for Withdrawal: A Rejoinder to Varnum and Kwon’s “The Ecology of Withdrawal”.Vinai Norasakkunkit, Yukiko Uchida & Kosuke Takemura - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Clathrate hydrate crystal growth in liquid water saturated with a hydrate-forming substance: variations in crystal morphology.Ryo Ohmura, Wataru Shimada, Tsutomu Uchida, Yasuhiko H. Mori, Satoshi Takeya, Jiro Nagao, Hideki Minagawa, Takao Ebinuma & Hideo Narita - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (1):1-16.
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  20. Definitions of Terms.Thaddeus Metz, Alejandro Adler, Ilona Boniwell, Evelyn Gibson, Martin Seligman, Yukiko Uchida & Zhanjun Xing - 2017 - In Centre for Bhutan Studies and G. N. H., Happiness: Transforming the Development Landscape. Centre for Bhutan Studies and GNH. pp. 21-38.
    Definitions of terms that are central to a theoretical understanding of the Royal Government of Bhutan's policy of Gross National Happiness.
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    American-Japanese cultural differences in judgements of emotional expressions of different intensities.David Matsumoto, Theodora Consolacion, Hiroshi Yamada, Ryuta Suzuki, Brenda Franklin, Sunita Paul, Rebecca Ray & Hideko Uchida - 2002 - Cognition and Emotion 16 (6):721-747.
    Although research has generated a wealth of information on cultural influences on emotion judgements, the information we have to date is limited in several ways. This study extends this literature in two ways, first by obtaining judgements from people in two cultures of expressions portrayed at different intensity levels, and second by incorporating individual level measures of culture to examine their contribution to observed differences. When judging emotion categories in low intensity expressions, American and Japanese judges see the emotion intended (...)
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    Are common names becoming less common? The rise in uniqueness and individualism in Japan.Yuji Ogihara, Hiroyo Fujita, Hitoshi Tominaga, Sho Ishigaki, Takuya Kashimoto, Ayano Takahashi, Kyoko Toyohara & Yukiko Uchida - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  23.  41
    An approach for differentiating echovirus 30 and Japanese encephalitis virus infections in acute meningitis/encephalitis: a retrospective study of 103 cases in Vietnam. [REVIEW]Yuki Takamatsu, Leo Uchida, Phan Thi Nga, Kenta Okamoto, Takeshi Nabeshima & Dang Thi Thu Thao - forthcoming - IRB: Ethics & Human Research.
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  24.  20
    Cultural Differences in Emotion Suppression in Belgian and Japanese Couples: A Social Functional Model.Anna Schouten, Michael Boiger, Alexander Kirchner-Häusler, Yukiko Uchida & Batja Mesquita - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Emotion suppression has been found to have negative psychological and social consequences in Western cultural contexts. Yet, in some other cultural contexts, emotion suppression is less likely to have negative consequences; relatedly, emotion suppression is also more common in those East-Asian cultural contexts. In a dyadic conflict study, we aim to conceptually replicate cultural differences found in previous research with respect to the prevalence and consequences of emotion suppression,and extend previous research by testing whether cultural differences are larger for some (...)
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  25.  15
    Resistance Training Combined With Cognitive Training Increases Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Improves Cognitive Function in Healthy Older Adults.Luz Albany Arcila Castaño, Vivian Castillo de Lima, João Francisco Barbieri, Erick Guilherme Peixoto de Lucena, Arthur Fernandes Gáspari, Hidenori Arai, Camila Vieira Ligo Teixeira, Hélio José Coelho-Júnior & Marco Carlos Uchida - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:870561.
    Background: The present study compared the effects of a traditional resistance training and resistance training combined with cognitive task on body composition, physical performance, cognitive function, and plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels in older adults. Methods: Thirty community-dwelling older adults were randomized into TRT and RT+CT. Exercise groups performed a similar resistance training program, twice a week over 16 weeks. Cognitive Training involved performing verbal fluency simultaneously with RT. Exercise sessions were performed 2-3 sets, 8-15 repetitions at 60-70% of 1-repetition (...)
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    Socio-Economic Marginalization and Compliance Motivation Among Students and Freeters in Japan.I.-Ting Huai-Ching Liu, Yukiko Uchida & Vinai Norasakkunkit - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Memory Effect on Adaptive Decision Making with a Chaotic Semiconductor Laser.Takatomo Mihana, Yuta Terashima, Makoto Naruse, Song-Ju Kim & Atsushi Uchida - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-8.
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    Leaders in Interdependent Contexts Suppress Nonverbal Assertiveness: A Multilevel Analysis of Japanese University Club Leaders' and Members' Rank Signaling.Atsuki Ito, Matthias S. Gobel & Yukiko Uchida - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Y. Uchida à la recherche d’une science sociale « pour les hommes ordinaires ».Toshio Yamada - 1987 - Actuel Marx 2:88.
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    Exilic representation and the (dis)embodied self: memory and photography in Yoshiko Uchida’s, autobiography Desert Exile: The Uprooting of a Japanese-American Family.Małgorzata Jarmołowicz-Dziekońska - 2019 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 31:148-171.
    Photography and memory seem to be inextricably bound up with each other, as photographs can invoke memories which help to excavate past moments with vivid details. Yoshiko Uchida in her autobiography, Desert Exile: The Uprooting of a Japanese-American Family (1982), delves into her past experiences through the lens of counter-memory, i.e. the memory of the minor and the subjugated. The Japanese-American author strives to recover the past by means of photographic images which—blended into written reminiscences— uncover yet another plane (...)
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    David Hume and Adam Smith: A Japanese Perspective by Tatsuya Sakamoto (review).Estrella Trincado - 2024 - Hume Studies 49 (1):163-169.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:David Hume and Adam Smith: A Japanese Perspective by Tatsuya SakamotoEstrella TrincadoTatsuya Sakamoto. David Hume and Adam Smith: A Japanese Perspective. London and New York: Routledge, 2021. Pp. 297. ISBN 9780367683023. Hardback. £130.This book is a collection of essays and articles by the Japanese scholar Tatsuya Sakamoto. In the foreword, Ryu Susato, professor of the Faculty of Economics at Keio University, Tokyo, notes that in Japanese society Marxism (...)
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  32.  14
    How implicit image of woman changed in Japanese sixth-grade children after a gender equality education lesson.Shin Akita & Kazuo Mori - 2022 - Journal of Social Studies Research 46 (2):153-159.
    Ninety-two Japanese elementary school sixth-graders (46 boys and 46 girls; 11–12 years old) learned the quota system as part of gender equality education. We used a group performance implicit association test (Mori, Uchida, and Imada, 2008) to evaluate the lesson's effect by assessing the children's image of “woman” before and after the class. The results showed that the image of “woman” among boys improved significantly from neutral to positive through the lesson. We also found that girls’ implicit image of (...)
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    Capital as Organic Unity. [REVIEW]J. Murray Murdoch - 2006 - The Owl of Minerva 37 (2):196-199.
    In Capital as Organic Unity, Mark E. Meaney argues “that the doctrinal content of Marx’s Grundrisse is indebted for its logical form to Hegel’s exposition of logical categories as found in the Wissenschaft der Logik”. Meaney builds upon an important work by Hiroshi Uchida which had already explored Marx’s debt in the Grundrisse to Hegel’s Logic. But beyond Uchida’s claims, Meaney maps the entire structure of the Grundrisse onto the parallel movements of Hegel’s larger Science of Logic. Meany’s (...)
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