Results for 'Tamás Kalmár-Nagy'

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  1.  15
    A Size-Perimeter Discrete Growth Model for Percolation Clusters.Bendegúz Dezső Bak & Tamás Kalmár-Nagy - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-16.
    Cluster growth models are utilized for a wide range of scientific and engineering applications, including modeling epidemics and the dynamics of liquid propagation in porous media. Invasion percolation is a stochastic branching process in which a network of sites is getting occupied that leads to the formation of clusters. The occupation of sites is governed by their resistance distribution; the invasion annexes the sites with the least resistance. An iterative cluster growth model is considered for computing the expected size and (...)
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    Stress and Dyadic Coping in Personal Projects of Couples – A Pattern-Oriented Analysis.Tamás Martos, Viola Sallay, Marianna Nagy, Henrietta Gregus & Orsolya Filep - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  3. Jog és irodalom: az előkérdések tárgyalása.Tamás Nagy - 2005 - Szeged: Szegedi Tudományegyetem Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar.
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    How far did we get? How far to go? A European survey on postgraduate courses in evidence‐based medicine.Regina Kunz, Eva Nagy, Sjors F. P. J. Coppus, Jose I. Emparanza, Julie Hadley, Regina Kulier, Susanne Weinbrenner, Theodoros N. Arvanitis, Amanda Burls, Juan B. Cabello, Tamas Decsi, Andrea R. Horvath, Jacek Walzak, Marcin P. Kaczor, Gianni Zanrei, Karin Pierer, Roland Schaffler, Katja Suter, Ben W. J. Mol & Khalid S. Khan - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (6):1196-1204.
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    Tanulmányok Halasy-Nagy József filozófiájáról.Tibor Szabó, Tamás Deák & Péter Varga (eds.) - 2004 - Szeged: Lectum.
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    Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy : décès d'un pionnier de la thérapie familiale.Catherine Ducommun-Nagy - 2007 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 2 (2):131-134.
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    Moholy-Nagy, Experiment in TotalityPainting, Photography, Film.Cyril Miles, Sibyl Moholy-Nagy & Laszlo Moholy-Nagy - 1971 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 29 (4):560.
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    Mohology-Nagy. A BiographyThe Racial Thinking of Richard WagnerThe Golden Age of Italian MusicA History of Philosophical Systems.Sibyl Moholy-Nagy, Leon Stein, Grace O'Brien & Vergilius Ferm - 1951 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 10 (1):86.
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    Essays on Wittgenstein and Austrian Philosophy: In Honour of J.C. Nyiri.Tamás Demeter (ed.) - 2004 - Rodopi.
    Essays on Wittgenstein and Austrian Philosophy is presented for the 60th birthday of professor Christoph Nyíri. The essays presented here for the first time are focused on Austrian intellectual history, and on Wittgenstein's philosophy - the two main areas of Professor Nyíri's interests. Typically, the contributors are outstanding scholars of the field, including among others David Bloor, Lee Congdon, Newton Garver, Wilhelm Lütterfields, Joachim Schulte, Barry Smith. The volume is of primary interest for Wittgenstein scholars and those studying the 19th (...)
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    A másként-gondolkodó: Tamás Gáspár Miklós 60.G. M. Tamás, Péter György & Sándor Radnóti (eds.) - 2008 - Budapest: Élet és Irodalom.
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    The Völkerpsychologie of Lazarus and Steinthal and the modern concept of culture.Ivan Kalmar - 1987 - Journal of the History of Ideas 48 (4):671-690.
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    Hannah Arendt and Karl Marx: On Totalitarianism and the Tradition of Western Political Thought.Tama Weisman - 2013 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    Introduction -- The Marx project : a brief overview -- Origins of totalitarianism : ideology and terror -- The tradition -- First pillar : "labor is the creator of man" : on labor, necessity, and loneliness -- Third pillar : the eleventh thesis on Feuerbach -- Second pillar : violence is the midwife of history -- Die Aufhebung : as the state withers a new politics arises and philosophy fades away.
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    A Metaphysics for Explanatory Ecumenism.Tamas Demeter - 2003 - Philosophica 71 (1):99-115.
  14. Parental impacts on development: how proximate factors mediate adaptive plans.Tamas Bereczkei - 2009 - In Robin Dunbar & Louise Barrett, Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology. Oxford University Press.
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    A megváltott lét hermeneutikája: filozófia, teológia, irodalom.Tamás Hankovszky - 2015 - Budapest: Kairosz Kiadó.
    A piliscsabai Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem oktatója, Hankovszky Tamás (két kivételtől eltekintve) az utóbbi évtizedben megjelent publikációiból állította össze tanulmánykötetét. A filozófiai, teológiai és irodalmi ihletésű írásokat mindenekelőtt "az Istennel való találkozás" keresztény hite fűzi egybe, és persze a filozófiatörténész szerző preferenciái (Pilinszky, Camus, Mauriacimon Weil, Dosztojevszkij). "Minden találkozás olyan partnereket követel, akik szabadon megnyílnak egymásnak, de nem oldódnak fel egymásban, akik a másik közelségére vágynak, mégis megőrzik a köztük lévő távolságot, mert a dialógust keresik, és a dialógus lételeme (...)
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    (1 other version)Über ein Problem, betreffend die Definition des Begriffes der allgemein‐rekursiven Funktion.László Kalmár - 1955 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 1 (2):93-96.
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    Eine Einfache Konstruktion Unentscheidbarer Satze in Formalen Systemen.Laszlo Kalmar & Ernst V. Glasersfeld - 1952 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 17 (2):150-151.
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    Artificial culture: identity, technology and bodies.Tama Leaver - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    Artificial Culture" is an examination of the articulation, construction, and representation of "the artificial" in contemporary popular cultural texts, especially science fiction films and novels. The book argues that today we live in an artificial culture due to the deep and inextricable relationship between people, our bodies, and technology at large. While the artificial is often imagined as outside of the natural order and thus also beyond the realm of humanity, paradoxically, artificial concepts are simultaneously produced and constructed by human (...)
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  19. Epic.Gregory Nagy - 2009 - In Richard Thomas Eldridge, The Oxford handbook of philosophy and literature. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Multilayer Network-Based Production Flow Analysis.Tamás Ruppert, Gergely Honti & János Abonyi - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-15.
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    Jövőbe szédülő lendülettel: avantgárd és kultúra.Tamás Seregi - 2021 - Budapest: Prae.
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    Artifacts of Thinking: Reading Hannah Arendt’s Denktagebuch. Edited by Roger Berkowitz and Ian Storey.Tama Weisman - 2018 - Arendt Studies 2:261-263.
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    Some Thoughts on Why I Am an Atheist.Tamas Pataki - 2009 - In Russell Blackford & Udo Schüklenk, 50 Voices of Disbelief. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 204–210.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Notes.
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    Why Frankenstein is a Stigma Among Scientists.Peter Nagy, Ruth Wylie, Joey Eschrich & Ed Finn - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (4):1143-1159.
    As one of the best known science narratives about the consequences of creating life, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is an enduring tale that people know and understand with an almost instinctive familiarity. It has become a myth reflecting people’s ambivalent feelings about emerging science: they are curious about science, but they are also afraid of what science can do to them. In this essay, we argue that the Frankenstein myth has evolved into a stigma attached to scientists (...)
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  25. Mental Fictionalism.Tamás Demeter - 2013 - The Monist 96 (4):483-504.
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    The Sociological Heritage of the Scottish Enlightenment.Tamás Demeter (ed.) - 2024 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Explores the impact of Enlightenment philosophers in Scotland on the development of sociology The first collection to look at the significance of the Scottish Enlightenment for sociological thought, this book explores how and what sociological ideas were developed during this period. It also analyses how the ideas of the Scottish Enlightenment would emerge and develop in subsequent traditions of sociology. Scottish Enlightenment thinkers developed and refined a descriptive-explanatory approach and methodology to explore social and economic processes, an approach that was (...)
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  27. Two Kinds of Mental Realism.Tamás Demeter - 2009 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 40 (1):59-71.
    I argue that there is a distinction to be drawn between two kinds of mental realism, and I draw some lessons for the realism-antirealism debate. Although it is already at hand, the distinction has not yet been drawn clearly. The difference to be shown consists in what realism is about: it may be either about the interpretation of folk psychology, or the ontology of mental entities. I specify the commitment to the fact-stating character of the discourse as the central component (...)
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    Consensus and health policy in hungary.Tamas Angelus - 1992 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 17 (4):455-462.
    The Hungarian health care system is scheduled to undergo dramatic structural changes, emphasizing preventive medicine, health education, and competition among providers. Keywords: cost control, health care reform, health education, Hungary, market system, preventive medicine CiteULike Connotea What's this?
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    A Touch of the Dramatic.Tamás Demeter - 2011 - In Josef Steiff, Sherlock Holmes and Philosophy: The Footprints of a Gigantic Mind. Open Court Pub Co.
  30.  11
    Seasonality of Marriages in Hungary: Church Rules and Local Customs.Tamás Faragó - 2002 - Human Affairs 12 (2):166-176.
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  31. La délinquance des maîtres.Jacques M. Kalmar - 1973 - Saint-Raphaël,: Éditions Les Bardes.
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  32. Marxista-leninista esztétika. Kis, Tamás & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1969 - [Budapest]: Kossuth Könyvkiadó.
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  33. Mű és történelem: viták Lukács György műveiről a húszas években.Tamás Krausz - 1985 - Budapest: Gondolat. Edited by Miklós Mesterházi.
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    Entwicklung einer neuen anthropologie auf grundlage der evolutionären erkenntnistheorie.Tamás Meleghy - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (1):52-58.
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    In defense of "abstract" art.L. Moholy-Nagy - 1945 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 4 (2):74-76.
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    A Viselkedéskultúráról.Katalin S. Nagy (ed.) - 1984 - [Budapest]: Kossuth.
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    Les caractéristiques de la terminologie des sciences relatives à la famille du point de vue de l’extraction terminologiqu.Ágoston Nagy - 2013 - Ostium 9 (4).
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  38. The seuso.Mihdly Nagy & Endre Toth - 1990 - Minerva 1.
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    Sorites paradox and conscious experience.Tamás Pólya & László Tarnay - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (1):165-165.
    The theory of consciousness proposed by O'Brien & Opie is open to the Sorites paradox, for it defines a consciousness system internally in terms of computationally relevant units which add up to consciousness only if sufficient in number. The Sorites effect applies on the assumed level of features.
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    A nyelvi műalkotás jelentése: a jelentés fogalma, a műalkotás felől nézve.Attila Tamás - 1984 - Debrecen: [Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem].
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  41. Logikai tanulmányok.György Tamás - 1971 - Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
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    Human and nonhuman systems are adaptive in a different sense.Tamás Zétényi - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (3):507-508.
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  43. Algebraic Emergence.Attila Egri-Nagy - manuscript
    We define emergence algebraically in the context of discrete dynamical systems modeled as transformation semigroups. Emergence happens when a quotient structure (coarse-grained dynamics) is not a substructure of the original system. We survey small groups to show that algebraic emergence is neither ubiquitous nor rare. Then, we describe connections with hierarchical decompositions and explore some of the philosophical implications of the algebraic constraints.
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    The Game Is Not over Yet—Go in the Post-AlphaGo Era.Attila Egri-Nagy & Antti Törmänen - 2020 - Philosophies 5 (4):37.
    The game of Go was the last great challenge for artificial intelligence in abstract board games. AlphaGo was the first system to reach supremacy, and subsequent implementations further improved the state of the art. As in chess, the fall of the human world champion did not lead to the end of the game. Now, we have renewed interest in the game due to new questions that emerged in this development. How far are we from perfect play? Can humans catch up? (...)
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    Evolutionary pathway of child development.Tamas Bereczkei & Andras Csanaky - 1996 - Human Nature 7 (3):257-280.
    An evolutionary theory of socialization suggests that children from father-absent families will mature earlier, and form less-stable pair bonds, compared with those from father-present families. Using a sample of about 1,000 persons the recent study focuses on elements of father-absent children’s behavior that could be better explained by a Darwinian approach than by rival social science theories. As a result of their enhanced interest in male competition, father-absent boys were found to engage in rule-breaking behavior more intensively than father-present boys. (...)
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  46.  49
    (1 other version)Social behaviours in dog-owner interactions can serve as a model for designing social robots.Tamás Faragó, Ádám Miklósi, Beáta Korcsok, Judit Száraz & Márta Gácsi - 2014 - Interaction Studies 15 (2):143-172.
    It is essential for social robots to fit in the human society. In order to facilitate this process we propose to use the family dog’s social behaviour shown towards humans as an inspiration. In this study we explored dogs’ low level social monitoring in dog-human interactions and extracted individually consistent and context dependent behaviours in simple everyday social scenarios. We found that proximity seeking and tail wagging were most individually distinctive in dogs, while activity, orientation towards the owner, and exploration (...)
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  47.  46
    The Enduring Influence of a Dangerous Narrative: How Scientists Can Mitigate the Frankenstein Myth.Peter Nagy, Ruth Wylie, Joey Eschrich & Ed Finn - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (2):279-292.
    Reflecting the dangers of irresponsible science and technology, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein quickly became a mythic story that still feels fresh and relevant in the twenty-first century. The unique framework of the Frankenstein myth has permeated the public discourse about science and knowledge, creating various misconceptions around and negative expectations for scientists and for scientific enterprises more generally. Using the Frankenstein myth as an imaginative tool, we interviewed twelve scientists to explore how this science narrative shapes their views and perceptions of (...)
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  48. Folk Psychology Is Not a Metarepresentational Device.Tamás Demeter - 2009 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 5 (2):19-38.
    Here I challenge the philosophical consensus that we use folk psychology for the purposes of metarepresentation. The paper intends to show that folk psychology should not be conceived on par with fact-stating discourses in spite of what its surface semantics may suggest. I argue that folk-psychological discourse is organised in a way and has conceptual characteristics such that it cannot fulfill a fact-stating function. To support this claim I develop an open question argument for psychological interpretations, and I draw attention (...)
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    Mark Harrison, One Day We Will Live Without Fear: Everyday Lives Under the Soviet Police State.Iuliana Cindrea-Nagy - 2019 - History of Communism in Europe 10:223-225.
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    Three Charismatic Leaders: Part One: Saul.Tamas Czovek - 2002 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 19 (3):169-182.
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