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  1. Interludio epistemológico.Agustina Borella - 2022 - In Introducción histórica a la Escuela Austriaca de Economía. Madrid, España: pp. 153-169.
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  2. The First Vienna Circle: Myth or Reality?Christoph Limbeck-Lilienau - 2018 - Hungarian Philosophical Review 62 (4):50-65.
    In the genealogy of logical empiricism, the so-called “First Vienna Circle” (Neurath, Frank, Hahn) has been considered an essential episode, connecting the philosophy of Mach and the French conventionalists with the later logical empiricism of the Vienna Circle around Schlick. The present paper makes three claims: (1) We make the historical claim that the lack of archival sources on the “First Vienna Circle” does not allow a reliable reconstruction of such a discussion group, and even allows some doubts about its (...)
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  3. Narrative Constitution of Friendship.Christopher Moore & Samuel Frederick - 2017 - Dialogue 56 (1):111-130.
    We argue that friendship is constituted in the practice of narration, not merely identifi ed through psychological or sociological criteria. We show that whether two people have, as Aristotle argues, ‘lived together’ in ‘mutually acknowledged goodwill’ can be determined only through a narrative reconstruction of a shared past. We demonstrate this with a close reading of Thomas Bernhard’s Wittgenstein’s Nephew: A Friendship (1982). We argue that this book provides not only an illustration but also an enactment of the practice of (...)
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  4. Le moment normatif dans la philosophie austro-allemande.Guillaume Fréchette - 2015 - Philosophiques 42 (2):375-384.
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  5. Wüsteria.Barry Smith, Werner Ceusters & Rita Temmerman - 2005 - Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 116:647-652.
    The last two decades have seen considerable efforts directed towards making Electronic Health Records interoperable through improvements in medical ontologies, terminologies and coding systems. Unfortunately, these efforts have been hampered by a number of influential ideas inherited from the work of Eugen Wüster, the father of terminology standardization and the founder of ISO TC 37. We here survey Wüster’s ideas – which see terminology work as being focused on the classification of concepts in people’s minds – and we argue that (...)
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  6. The Many Faces of Sociological Interpretation: The Unity of Nyíri's Thought.Tamás Demeter - 2004 - In Essays on Wittgenstein and Austrian Philosophy: In Honour of J.C. Nyiri. Rodopi. pp. 38--1.
    J.C. Nyíri’s work is well-known for his interpretation of Wittgenstein as a conservative thinker. Nevertheless, his reading of Wittgenstein is only one strand, even if presumably the most influential one, in his general interpretation of Austro-Hungarian philosophy. Therefore his reading of Wittgenstein is best understood if viewed as part of a complex, sociologically inspired picture of Austrian philosophy. In this introductory essay I present Nyíri’s work as an exercise in the sociology of philosophical knowledge, broadly understood, and provide a unified (...)
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  7. Essays on Wittgenstein and Austrian Philosophy: In Honour of J.C. Nyiri.Tamás Demeter (ed.) - 2004 - Rodopi.
    Essays on Wittgenstein and Austrian Philosophy is presented for the 60th birthday of professor Christoph Nyíri. The essays presented here for the first time are focused on Austrian intellectual history, and on Wittgenstein's philosophy - the two main areas of Professor Nyíri's interests. Typically, the contributors are outstanding scholars of the field, including among others David Bloor, Lee Congdon, Newton Garver, Wilhelm Lütterfields, Joachim Schulte, Barry Smith. The volume is of primary interest for Wittgenstein scholars and those studying the 19th (...)
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  8. Philosophie, Politik und Wissenschaftliche Weltauffassung.Barry Smith - 2000 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 58 (1):1-22.
    Die Entwicklung der Philosophie in Österreich unterscheidet sich in markanter Weise von der Hauptlinie der philosophischen Entwicklung in Deutschland. Dabei fällt bei der österreichischen Philosophie vor allem die konsequente Orientierung an den Wissenschaften auf. In der philosophiegeschichtlichen Forschung sind für diese Besonderheit der österreichischen Philosophie z. B. von Otto Neurath, Rudolf Haller, Friedrich Stadier und J.C. Nyiri verschiedene Erklärungen vorgeschlagen worden. In diesen spielen in jeweils unterschiedlicher Weise Faktoren der spezifisch österreichischen Entwicklungen in historischer, institutioneller, politischer und religiöser Hinsicht eine (...)
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  9. Österreichische Philosophie von Brentano Bis Wittgenstein.Kurt Rudolf Fischer - 1999 - WUV.
  10. Exactitude et bavardage.: Gloses pour une opposition paradigmatique dans la philosophie autrichienne.Kevin Mulligan - 1999 - Philosophiques 26 (2):177-201.
    La philosophie autrichienne, depuis Bolzano jusqu’à Musil et Wittgenstein en passant par Mach et la tradition brentanienne, est marquée par une obsession singulière : la clarté et la précision. Quelques traits de cette obsession, en particulier la critique sévère des différentes formes de bavardage philosophique, sont décrits et situés par rapport à la culture autrichienne en général. Mais chaque vertu a son vice, et les vertus cognitives de la pensée autrichienne n’échappent pas à la règle. Quatre exemples de la pathologie (...)
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  11. Metaphysics, Carnap's Remedy and Mach's Science.Alfred Schramm - 1998-1999 - Philosophia Scientiae 3 (2):109 - 120.
    Starting from the question of whether Ernst Mach's well-known notion of "Elemente" (elements) must lead to the verdict that the arch-anti-metaphysician himself may be justly accused of holding an essantially metaphysical position, the idea of metaphysical neutrality is explained in Section I. Section II deals with Quine's verdict on abstract entities, among which Mach's elements would have to be counted if there were no way out of the Quinean test. Such a way out, it is proposed in section III, is (...)
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  12. Meinong und die Gegenstandstheorie.Maria E. Reicher - 1995 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 50 (1):217-232.
    In "Über Möglichkeit und Wahrscheinlichkeit" entwickelt Meinong seine Theorie der unvollständigen Gegenstände. Der Begriff der Unvollständigkeit wird eingeführt mittels expliziter Bezugnahme auf den Satz vom ausgeschlossenen Dritten: Ein Gegenstand ist unvollständig genau dann, wenn für ihn der Satz vom ausgeschlossenen Dritten nicht gilt. M. a. W.: x ist unvollständig, wenn nicht für jede Eigenschaft P gilt, daß x P hat oder daß x P nicht hat. Alle existierenden und bestehenden Gegenstände sind vollständig; Gegenstände wie das Dreieck in abstracto oder der (...)
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  13. La Vienna dei paradossi: controversie filosofiche e scientifiche nel Wiener Kreis.Ludovico Geymonat - 1991 - Il Poligrafo.
  14. (1 other version)On 'Gestalt qualities' (trans. B. Smith).C. Von Ehrenfels & Barry Smith - 1988 - In Barry Smith, Foundations of Gestalt Theory. Philosophia. pp. 82--117.
    The theory of Gestalt qualities arose from the attempt to explain how a melody is distinct from the collection of the tones which it comprehends. In this essay from 1890 Christian von Ehrenfels coined the term 'Gestaltqualität' to capture the idea of a pattern which is comprehensible in a single experience. This idea can be applied not only to melodies and other occurrent patterns, but also to continuant patterns such as shapes and colour arrays such as the array of a (...)
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  15. Fragen und Einwände an die Adresse der Anhänger von Franz Brentanos Ethik.Christian von Ehrenfels - 1988 - In Christian von Ehrenfels & Reinhard Fabian, Psychologie. Ethik. Erkenntnistheorie. Philosophische Schriften. Band 3. Philosophia. pp. 206–219.
  16. Die Intensität der Gefühle. Eine Entgegnung auf Franz Brentanos neue Intensitätslehre.Christian von Ehrenfels - 1988 - In Christian von Ehrenfels & Reinhard Fabian, Psychologie. Ethik. Erkenntnistheorie. Philosophische Schriften. Band 3. Philosophia. pp. 98–112.
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  17. Gestalt level and Gestalt purity (trans. B. Smith).Christian von Ehrenfels & Barry Smith - 1988 - In Barry Smith, Foundations of Gestalt Theory. Philosophia. pp. 118-120.
    The fact that there is such a thing as a degree of formedness [Gestaltung], that every Gestalt has a certain Gestalt level, is of fundamental significance. A rose is a Gestalt of higher level than a heap of sand: this we recognize just as immediately as that red is a fuller, more lively colour than grey. The higher Gestalten are distinguished further from the lower by the fact that the product of unity and multiplicity [Einheit und Mannigfaltigkeit] is in their (...)
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  18. Popper . - Conjectures et réfutations.A. Boyer - 1987 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 177:90.
  19. Meinong's theory of knowledge.Marie-Luise Schubert Kalsi - 1987 - Boston: M. Nijhoff.
    In recent years there has been a renewal of interest in Meinong's work; but since the bulk of it is still encased in his quite forbidding German, most students are limited to the few available translations and to secondary sources. Unfortunately Meinong has been much maligned - only in a few instances with good reason - and has consequently been dealt with lightly. Meinong stood at a very important junction of European philosophical and scien tific thought. In all fields - (...)
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  20. Cosmogony.Christian Ehrenfels - 1948 - New York,: New York. Edited by Mildred Focht.
  21. Die Werttheorien, Geschichte und Kritik. [REVIEW]M. M. - 1938 - Journal of Philosophy 35 (4):106-107.
  22. Review: Moralistes allemands. [REVIEW]Th Ruyssen - 1902 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 10 (5):613 - 634.
  23. Entgegnung auf H. Schwarz's Kritik der empiristischen Willenspsychologie.Christian von Ehrenfels - 1899 - Philosophical Review 8:648.
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  24. (1 other version)The Ethical Theory of Value.Christian Ehrenfels - 1896 - International Journal of Ethics 6 (3):371-384.
  25. Von der Wertdefinition zum Motivationsgesetze.Christian von Ehrenfels - 1896 - Philosophical Review 5:549.
  26. Beitrage zur Theorie der psychischen Analyse.Alexius Meinong - 1894 - Philosophical Review 3:618.
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  27. Werttheorie und Ethik.Christian von Ehrenfels - 1894 - Philosophical Review 3:364.