Results for 'T. Kawamata'

949 found
  1.  31
    Structure of a glassy Zr70Pd30alloy analysed by anomalous X-ray scattering coupled with reverse Monte Carlo simulation.K. Sugiyama, T. Muto, T. Kawamata, Y. Yokoyama & Y. Waseda - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (19-21):2962-2970.
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  2. Stanovlenni︠a︡ vykhidnykh kilʹkisnykh poni︠a︡tʹ u fizyt︠s︡i.D. T. Kryvenko - 1979 - Kyïv: Nauk. dumka.
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    Introduction to Mathematical Logic. [REVIEW]T. W. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (2):359-360.
    The first volume of a projected two-volume work in mathematical logic. Along with an introduction containing brief but careful and remarkably compact discussions of such topics as the kinds of expressions occurring in formalized language, the logistic method, syntax, and semantics, the book comprises clean and precise treatments of the propositional calculus, and first- and second-order functional calculi, including parenthetical remarks about the intended semantical interpretations of these calculi, some development of the calculi themselves, and discussions of completeness and consistency. (...)
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  4. L’’eredità scientifica e culturale di Paolo Bozzi. Raccolta di scritti nel Decennale della scomparsa.T. Agostini, S. Cattaruzza & R. Martinelli - 2013 - 1 (18):11-107.
    La raccolta di contributi analizza alcuni dei temi più significativi dell’opera dello psicologo e filosofo Paolo Bozzi.
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  5. "Hurlbut," S. A., Selected Latin Vocabularies for Second-Year Reading, with Related English Words.T. W. Allen - 1927 - Classical Weekly 21:111-112.
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    Senecan Signification. Troades 1055.T. S. Allendorf - 2017 - Classical Quarterly 67 (1):320-323.
    The fourth choral ode in Seneca's tragedyTroadesends thus (1050–5):tum puer matri genetrixque natoTroia qua iaceat regione monstransdicet et longe digito notabit:‘Ilium est illic, ubi fumus alteserpit in caelum nebulaeque turpes.’Troes hoc signo patriam uidebunt.This ending provides a powerful conclusion to the Chorus’ Epicurean-inspired philosophizing in the ode. The image of the Trojan women ‘seeing’ (uidebunt) the ‘smoke and squalid clouds creep[ing] high into the heavens’ (1053–4) recalls the Lucretian description of the soul, atomic in nature, leaving the dead body: compare (...)
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    The Homeric Catalogue, 852–5.T. W. Allen - 1922 - The Classical Review 36 (5-6):140-.
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    C. D'Amore, "Governare la difesa".T. Ammendola - 2002 - Polis 16 (2):302-303.
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    Hydrostatic pressure and the mechanical properties of NaCl polycrystals.T. A. Auten, L. A. Davis & R. B. Gordon - 1973 - Philosophical Magazine 28 (2):335-341.
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  10. Religion as integration of life.T. Aykara - 1983 - Journal of Dharma 8 (4):333-340.
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  11. Sets whose members might not exist + essentialism possible worlds.T. Baldwin - unknown
  12. Nouvelle interprétation de la définition veritas est adaequatio rei et intellectu chez Thomas d'Aquin.T. Bartel - 1989 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 25 (2):194-199.
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    The selfish gender, or the reproduction of gender asymmetry in gender studies.T. V. Barchunova - 2003 - Studies in East European Thought 55 (1):3-25.
    Gender discrimination can be overt anddeliberate. It can be covert and indeliberate.In the latter case it is called `asymmetry'.The gender studies community aims to reveal andeliminate any forms of gender asymmetry.However, insufficient methodological andtheoretical reflection implies the reproductionof gender asymmetry throughout genderstudies.
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    The victims of Rufinus.T. D. Barnes - 1984 - Classical Quarterly 34 (01):227-.
    Claudian's poem In Rufinum is a historical epic with at least two unusual features: the first book contains many of the standard elements of a formal invective, and the two books were composed and recited some eighteen months apart, since Book One celebrates the death of Rufinus on 27 November 395 as a very recent event , while the preface to Book Two refers explicitly to Stilicho's expedition to Greece in 397. The interval in composition is matched by a gap (...)
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    O definicji bazy fonematycznej.T. Batóg - 1971 - Studia Logica 27 (1):121-121.
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    Stages of formation of religious and philosophical doctrine of L. Silenko.T. R. Bednarchyk - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 34:133-145.
    The religious and philosophical doctrine of L. Silenko is the canonical basis of the doctrine of the religious organization of the Sons and Daughters of Ukraine of the Native Ukrainian National Faith in the Western Diaspora and religious organizations that emerged on the basis of RUNVira in independent Ukraine. This doctrine became final in the early 1980's and is in this form the most famous in modern Ukraine. RUNVira is the most studied denomination of the Ukrainian denominational religious movement in (...)
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    Reference and symbol in Plato's "cratylus" and kūkai's "shōjijissōgi".T. P. Kasulis - 1982 - Philosophy East and West 32 (4):393-405.
  18.  30
    Dowód niesprzeczności systemu logicznego borkowskiego zawierającego arytmetykę peany.T. Kubiński - 1963 - Studia Logica 14 (1):220-222.
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    Modern Islam: European and Ukrainian Dimension.T. O. Senyushkina - 2004 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 31:142-156.
    In the world today, over a billion believers consider themselves Muslim. Of these, more than two-thirds live in Asia, almost 30% in Africa. Of the more than 120 countries in which Muslim communities operate, 35 of them are from all North Africa, Western Asia, as well as in countries such as Senegal, Gambia, Nigeria, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia, Muslims make up the majority of the population - over 80%.
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    The Setting of Grattius’ Cynegetica.T. P. Wiseman - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (2):669-682.
    Nothing is known of the poet Grattius except that he was a contemporary of Ovid. However, certain peculiarities in the text of hisCynegeticasuggest that he wrote for public performance, that the poem was presented atludi scaeniciwhere dancers and singers were performing too, that the Palatine temple of Apollo was probably where the event took place, and that the most likely occasion for it was one of the ‘quinquennial’ games celebrating the defeat of Cleopatra.
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    John Henry Newman: A biography.T. R. Wright - 1991 - History of European Ideas 13 (4):483-485.
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    This is Our World.T. Yoch - 1938 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 13 (4):676-676.
  23. Professor-krestonoset︠s︡.Kirill Iosifovich Zaĭt︠s︡ev - 1936
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    Masarykova čitanka.T. G. Masaryk & Janko Orozen - 1930 - Umetnicka Propaganda.
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  25. Anti-chains, focuses and projective formulas.T. Połacik - 2005 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 34 (1).
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    Heats of solution in the noble metal solvents.T. Pyle - 1963 - Philosophical Magazine 8 (96):2005-2012.
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  27. Self-realization through self-expression.T. R. Rau - 1963 - Madras,: Madras.
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    And Justice for All.T. Regan & D. Van de Veer - 1983 - Philosophical Quarterly 33 (132):313-315.
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    Weitere Rezensionen.T. Rendtorff, Joachim Wiehering & W. -D. Bukow - 1981 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 25 (1):72-78.
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  30. SPINKS, "The Fundamentals of Religious Belief".T. A. Roberts - 1962 - Hibbert Journal 60 (39):353.
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  31. (1 other version)Response To Errol Harris's Review Of "Hegel's Circular Epistemology".T. Rockmore - 1987 - Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 15:55-56.
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  32. Philosophical Health, Non-Violent Just Communication, and Epistemic Justice.T. Raja Rosenhagen - 2023 - In Luis de Miranda, Philosophical Health. Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för idé- och lärdomshistoria. pp. 103-119.
    In this chapter, I propose a minimal construal of philosophical health that contains two core elements: variegated coherence and intentional directedness at a trans-subjective good. Combining elements from the works of Iris Murdoch and Marshall Rosenberg, I sketch a practice I dub non-violent just communication and argue that it promotes philosophical health as per the minimal construal and that we can derive from it a principle of philosophical health to complement the list of five principles of philosophical health that have (...)
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    al-Bāḥithūn al-ʻArab wa-al-lisānīyāt al-muʻāṣirah: dirāsāt fī baʻḍ al-namādhij.Muṣṭafá ʻĀdil (ed.) - 2022 - Irbid, al-Urdun: Rikāz lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    Arabic language; grammar; syntax; linguistics.
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  34. al-Nazʻah al-insānīyah fī al-fikr al-ʻArabī: dirāsāt fī al-nazʻah al-insānīyah fī al-fikr al-ʻArabī al-wasīṭ.ʻĀṭif Aḥamd (ed.) - 1999 - Jārdin Sītī, al-Qāhirah: Markaz al-Qāhirah li-Dirāsāt Ḥuqūq al-Insān.
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  35. Freud, drives, and the social'.T. Fluxman - 1993 - South African Journal of Philosophy 12 (3):57-61.
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  36. The Threat of Israel's Religious Right.T. Flynn - 1988 - Free Inquiry 8 (2).
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  37. Uses and abuses of apocalypticism in South Asia: A creative human device.T. Forsthoefel - 2001 - Journal of Dharma 26 (3):417-430.
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    The enlightenment: New approaches to European history-Outram, D.T. Frängsmyr - 1997 - Annals of Science 54 (4):428-428.
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  39. The kindred wild.T. G. Frohoff - forthcoming - Between Species: A Celebration of the Dolphin-Human Bond.
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  40. Papers from Semantics and Linguistic Theory VI.T. Galloway & J. Spence (eds.) - 1996 - CLC Publications.
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  41. L'«immagine in quanto immagine». La pittura nella filosofia dell'identità di Schelling.T. Griffero - 1993 - Rivista di Estetica 33 (44-45):24-51.
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  42. Chongchʻihak kaeron.Tʻae-su Han - 1957
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  43. The UK Professional Soccer Business: Scoring an Own Goal?T. Hawkes - 1998 - Business Ethics-Oxford- 7:37-42.
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  44. Social Theories of the Body.T. Lysaught - 1996 - Encyclopedia of Bioethics 1:300-305.
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    Popular Essays in Indian PhilosophyThe Quest after Perfection.T. M. P. Mahadevan & M. Hiriyanna - 1956 - Philosophy East and West 5 (4):357.
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  46. The Beginning of the Gospel.T. W. Manson & R. W. Moore - 1950
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  47. The Servant-Messiah, A Study of the Public Ministry of Jesus.T. W. Manson - 1953
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    A Breakfast for Barbarians. By Gwendolyn MacEwen. Toronto, The Ryerson Press, 1966. ix, 53, $3.95.T. A. Marshall - 1966 - Dialogue 5 (2):290-292.
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  49. Principes de la théologie et lieux théologiques.T. Martin - 1912 - Revue Thomiste 20 (1):499.
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    Mravní názory.T. G. Masaryk & Zdenek Franta - 1923 - Statni Nakl.
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