Results for 'Suzy Dufrenne'

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    Corpus der byzantinischen Miniaturenhandschriften.Suzy Dufrenne - 1980 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 73 (1).
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    Suzy Dufrenne, L’Illustration des Psautiers Grecs du Moyen Age.B. Brenk - 1968 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 61 (2).
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  3. Dignity: Not Such a Useless Concept.Suzy Killmister - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (3):160-164.
    In her 2003 article in the British Medical Journal, Ruth Macklin provocatively declared dignity to be a useless concept: either a vague restatement of other more precise values, such as autonomy or respect for persons, or an empty slogan. A recent response to Macklin has challenged this claim. Doris Schroeder attempts to rescue dignity by positing four distinct concepts that fall under the one umbrella term. She argues that much of the confusion surrounding dignity is due to the lack of (...)
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    The matter of everything: twelve experiments that changed our world.Suzie Sheehy - 2022 - London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing.
    The Matter of Everything, accelerator physicist Suzie Sheehy introduces us to the people who, through a combination of genius, persistence and luck, staged the ground-breaking experiments of the twentieth century that changed the course of history. From the serendipitous discovery of X-rays in a German laboratory, to the scientists trying to prove Einstein wrong (and inadvertently proving him right), to the race to split open the atom, Sheehy shows how our most brilliant, practical physicists have shaped innumerable aspects of how (...)
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  5. Progress in art.Suzi Gablik - 1976 - New York: Rizzoli.
    Is there progress in art? The question is one which most people would answer vehemently in the negative without giving it much thought. And yet, how is one to account for changes in artistic style? And what is one to think about modern art, which still seems baffling to many in comparison with traditional figurative art? Suzi Gablik's challenging argument is that art, like science, has a history, order and structure which can be called progressive. Progress, however, is not a (...)
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    Ethical Sensitivity.Suzy Jagger - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 8 (1):13-30.
    A key goal for a professional ethics teacher is to help students improve their moral reasoning within the context of their profession, with the ultimate aim of developing a commitment to the values of their future profession. Using Rest’s Four Component Model as a framework, this study examines the relationship between the first two components of moral sensitivity and moral judgment. The study utilises two scores from the same cohort of computing undergraduates: a score for ethical sensitivity using a devised (...)
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    Ricoeur and Castoriadis in Discussion: On Social Imaginaries, Human Creation, and the Possibility of Historical Novelty.Suzi Adams (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This volume makes available for the first time an encounter between Ricoeur and Castoriadis on questions of human creation, social imaginaries, history, and the imagination to an English speaking audience. As such it represents a highly significant resource for scholars, and a lively introduction to each of their thought for newcomers.
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    Victorian interpretation.Suzy Anger - 2005 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    Victorian scriptural hermeneutics : history, intention, and evolution -- Intertext 1 : Victorian legal interpretation -- Carlyle : between biblical exegesis and romantic hermeneutics -- Intertext 2 : Victorian science and hermeneutics : the interpretation of nature -- George Eliot's hermeneutics of sympathy -- Intertext 3 : Victorian literary criticism -- Subjectivism, intersubjectivity, and intention : Oscar Wilde and literary hermeneutics.
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  9. L'Anti-humanisme et le Thème de la Mort.Mikel Dufrenne - 1968 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 22 (3):296-307.
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    The aesthetic object and the technical object.Mikel Dufrenne - 1964 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 23 (1):113-122.
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    The Gift of Faith.Suzie Gibson - 2009 - Philosophy Today 53 (2):127-136.
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  12. Proceedings of NELS 39 - Volume 1.Suzi Lima, Kevin Mullin & Brian Smith (eds.) - 2011 - Amherst, MA: GLSA.
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  13. Proceedings of Sula 5: Semantics of Under-Represented Languages in the Americas (2009).Suzi Lima (ed.) - 2010 - Glsa Publications.
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  14. 'From Westminster to Spring Street': Parliament of Victoria.Suzie Luddon - 2012 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 20 (3):23.
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  15. Reference service: What makes it good? What makes it ethical?Suzy Szasz Palmer - 1999 - Journal of Information Ethics 8 (2):46-58.
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    Pour l'Homme: Essai.Mikel Dufrenne - 2022 - Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin.
    Pour l'homme, initialement publie en 1968, marque un moment important dans l'uvre de Mikel Dufrenne (1910-1995). Reconnu jusqu'alors comme un des grands representants de l'esthetique francaise, le philosophe ouvre avec cet "essai" un nouveau sillon, dans lequel s'inscriront ensuite Art et politique (1974) et Subversion, perversion (1977). Il s'agit pour lui de se tourner vers ses contemporains et de s'expliquer avec eux, de prendre acte de l'avenement du concept de structure dans les sciences humaines et la philosophie, et de (...)
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    The little book of self-care: 30 practices to soothe the mind and body.Suzy Reading - 2019 - New York, NY: Aster.
    Pocket-sized self-care for every day. Self-care is daily nourishment that gives us a fighting chance to minimize illness, fatigue, depression and anxiety. Central to the idea of self-care is the idea that taking care of yourself is not selfish and offers essential ways to stress-proof your body and mind. In this beautiful little book, Suzy offers 30 self-care practices for the reader to choose from depending on what they need. Chapters include practices for:- Rest & relaxation- Energy boosters- Mind (...)
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    10.5840/jbee2011813.Suzy Jagger - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 1 (1):13-30.
    A key goal for a professional ethics teacher is to help students improve their moral reasoning within the context of their profession, with the ultimate aim of developing a commitment to the values of their future profession. Using Rest’s Four Component Model as a framework, this study examines the relationship between the first two components of moral sensitivity and moral judgment. The study utilises two scores from the same cohort of computing undergraduates: a score for ethical sensitivity using a devised (...)
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  19. Ricoeur and Castoriadis in discussion: on human creation, historical novelty, and the social imaginary.Suzi Adams (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This book features a highly significant discussion between Paul Ricoeur and Cornelius Castoriadis. Recorded for Radio France (Culture) in 1985, it is the only known encounter between these two great philosophers of the imagination. Their wide ranging conversation covers such themes as the productive imagination, human creation, social imaginaries, and the possibility of historical novelty; it reveals points of surprising commonality as well as divergence in their approaches. The dialogue is supplemented by critical essays by specialist scholars in Castoriadis and (...)
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    Auditory and Visual Memories in PTSD Patients Targeted with Eye Movements and Counting: The Effect of Modality-Specific Loading of Working Memory.Suzy J. M. A. Matthijssen, Liselotte C. M. Verhoeven, Marcel A. van den Hout & Ivo Heitland - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  21. The University's Uncommon Community.Suzy Harris - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 46 (2):236-250.
    In the UK, as elsewhere in the world, the global financial crisis has focused attention on the cost of public services and the need to reduce expenditure, not least in respect of higher education. This, however, raises a set of prior questions: What kind of society do we want? What is important to democratic society? What kind of higher education is desirable? The article takes Alasdair MacIntyre's critique of what he calls liberal capitalist society as a starting point for considering (...)
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    Castoriadis and the Non-Subjective Field: Social Doing, Instituting Society and Political Imaginaries.Suzi Adams - 2012 - Critical Horizons 13 (1):29 - 51.
    Cornelius Castoriadis understood history as a self-creating order. In turn, he elaborated history in two directions: as the political project of autonomy, and as the ontological modality of the social-historical. On his account, history as self-creation was only possible through the interplay of social (or political) imaginaries and social doing. Although social imaginaries are readily situated within the non-subjective field, non-subjective modes of doing have been less explored. Yet non-subjective contexts are integral to both the “doing” and “imaginary” dimensions of (...)
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    Chapter Three. The Commonality of the World and the Intercultural Element: Meaning, Culture, and Chora.Suzi Adams - 2014 - In Ming Xie, The Agon of Interpretations: Towards a Critical Intercultural Hermeneutics. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. pp. 65-82.
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    Résumé: Les dimensions du monde.Suzi Adams - 2009 - Chiasmi International 11:130-130.
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  25. Outside-interior :?Interior.Suzie Attiwill - 2019 - In Paulo de Assis & Paolo Giudici, Aberrant nuptials: Deleuze and artistic research 2. Leuven (Belgium): Leuven University Press.
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    Introduction to Jalons — my intellectual Autobiography.Mikel Dufrenne - 1970 - Philosophy Today 14 (3):170-189.
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  27. Jalons, coll. « Phaenomenologica ».Mikel Dufrenne - 1967 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 157:424-424.
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    Maurice Merleau-ponty.Mikel Dufrenne - 1962 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 17 (1):81 - 92.
  29. Phénoménologie et esthétique.Mikel Dufrenne - 1976 - Analecta Husserliana 5:241.
  30. Signification Des "a priori": Exposé.Mikel Dufrenne - 1955 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 49 (3).
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  31. The narcissistic leader : the one we love to hate or hate to love?Suzy Fox - 2013 - In Ronald J. Burke, Human frailties: wrong choices on the drive to success. Burlington: Gower Publishing.
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    Love's Negative Dialectic in Henry James's The Golden Bowl.Suzie Gibson - 2015 - Philosophy and Literature 39 (1):1-14.
    Since Plato’s Symposium, romantic, sexual love has been characterized as a movement in desire that seeks wholeness and identity since it is, at heart, broken.1 The yearning for sexual consummation is predicated upon the idea that love completes the self. Copulation provides lovers with a moment of rapture, relief, and oneness, but once satisfied it is again wanting in reawakening the desire to pledge and to make love again. Love operates much like a promise whose constant and insistent offerings seek (...)
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    DUPRÉ, Louis, Metaphysics and CultureDUPRÉ, Louis, Metaphysics and Culture.Suzie Johnston & Leslie Armour - 1995 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 51 (1):216-218.
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    The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Public Health Law.Suzi Ruhl, Man Stephens & Paul Locke - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (s4):76-77.
  35.  27
    The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Public Health Law.Suzi Ruhl, Mari Stephens & Paul Locke - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (S4):76-77.
    NGOs can play an important role in the development, implementation, and reform of public health laws. To be effective, NGOs must recognize the critical role law plays in protecting the health of the public and in the public health system’s emergency preparedness. They must be ready to work with federal, state, and local leaders to advance the goals that public health laws were enacted to achieve. NGOs also have technical expertise, which they can utilize to help translate highly complex scientific (...)
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    Ethics in integrated health care: social workers’ perspective.Suzie S. Weng - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (3):259-272.
    ABSTRACT The proliferation of integrated health care in which a holistic approach of physical and behavioral health is addressed by multiple providers is quickly evolving to be the standard of care in the United States. Social workers are well-suited to be key members of these interdisciplinary teams. As a reference point for professional conduct, social workers are guided by a set of ethical standards. Given the nature of integrated healthcare settings, social workers may encounter unprecedented ethical challenges. This study provides (...)
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  37. It's All in the Game: A 3D Learning Model for Business Ethics.Suzy Jagger, Haytham Siala & Diane Sloan - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (2):383-403.
    How can we improve business ethics education for the twenty first century? This study evaluates the effectiveness of a visual case exercise in the form of a 3D immersive game given to undergraduate students at two UK Universities as part of a mandatory business ethics module. We propose that due to evolving learning styles, the immersive nature of interactive games lends itself as a vehicle to make the learning of ethics more ‘concrete’ and ‘personal’ and therefore more engaging. To achieve (...)
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  38. Autonomy, Liberalism, and Anti-Perfectionism.Suzy Killmister - 2013 - Res Publica 19 (4):353-369.
    John Christman has recently objected to substantive conceptions of autonomy on the grounds that they introduce unwanted perfectionism into political thinking. I defend substantive conceptions of autonomy against Christman’s critique on two fronts. First, I defend substantive conceptions of autonomy against the charge that their utilisation in political theory would result in the inappropriate exclusion from democratic respect of individuals in oppressive relations. Second, I defend substantive conceptions of autonomy from the charge that they fail the ‘endorsement constraint’, i.e. that (...)
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    Internationalising the university.Suzy Harris - 2008 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 40 (2):346–357.
    'International' and 'internationalisation' are two terms frequently used today in association with the university. In this paper I consider the way in which the notion of internationalisation connects to the contemporary university, which I have termed 'Neo-liberal'. I begin by outlining the main characteristics of the contemporary university and then discuss some of the problems that arise in relation to the notion of internationalisation; it is strongly associated with an economic rather than a cultural imperative. Alternatives to the Neo-liberal model (...)
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    Vers une esthétique sans entrave: mélanges offerts à Mikel Dufrenne.Mikel Dufrenne (ed.) - 1975 - Paris: Union générale d'éditions.
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    Gender-Based Violence Against Men and Boys in Darfur: The Gender-Genocide Nexus.Suzy Mcelrath, Hollie Nyseth Brehm & Gabrielle Ferrales - 2016 - Gender and Society 30 (4):565-589.
    Analyses of gender-based violence during mass conflict have typically focused on violence committed against women. Violence perpetrated against men has only recently been examined as gender-based violence in its own right. Using narratives from 1,136 Darfuri refugees, we analyze patterns of gender-based violence perpetrated against men and boys during the genocide in Darfur. We examine how this violence emasculates men and boys through four mechanisms: homosexualization, feminization, genital harm, and sex-selective killing. In line with an interactionist approach, we demonstrate how (...)
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    Arnason and Castoriadis’ unfinished dialogue: Articulating the world.Suzi Adams - 2011 - European Journal of Social Theory 14 (1):71-88.
    The article reconstructs the unfinished dialogue between Arnason and Castoriadis, with a particular emphasis on the problematic of world articulation. Arnason’s thought is situated as reconfiguring classical sociological constellations, especially as they pertain to the revitalization of the civilizational problematic and the emphasis on the philosophical dimension of sociological investigation. His interpretative framework is located within the nascent field of post-transcendental phenomenology, which he elaborates via the overlapping problematics of cultural articulations of the world as an inter-cultural horizon, and the (...)
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    The Civic Ethos: Travels, Travails, Transformations.Suzi Adams - 2003 - Thesis Eleven 75 (1):114-125.
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    The Enduring Enigma: Physis and Nomos in Castoriadis.Suzi Adams - 2001 - Thesis Eleven 65 (1):93-107.
    The physis and nomos controversy first emerged in ancient Greek thought. This article explores Castoriadis' reactivation of the issues concerned; in particular, his radicalization of Aristotle's conception of physis and nomos. It suggests that nomos appears as multifaceted in his work. However, three key variations may be identified: empirical nomos, normative nomos and generic nomos. Empirical nomos signifies the human creation of laws. It challenges the notion, long held in western philosophy, that Being = being determined. Although all laws are (...)
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    Uneasy Landscapes.Suzy Cater - 2020 - CLR James Journal 26 (1):51-66.
    This article offers an unprecedented close reading of the poetic texts created by the Martinican author René Ménil, whose poetry has been almost entirely neglected by scholars to date and who is better known for his philosophical and political writings than for his verse. I pay particular attention to Ménil’s treatment of geographical and cultural spaces in his published poetry from 1932 to 1950, and place that verse in dialogue with a text by another Martinican author at work around this (...)
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    La mentalité primitive et Heidegger.Mikel Dufrenne - 1954 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 9 (3):284 - 306.
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    Philosophie de l'homme et philosophie de la nature.Mikel Dufrenne - 1970 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 3:307.
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    The A Priori and the Philosophy of Nature.Mikel Dufrenne - 1970 - Philosophy Today 14 (3):201-212.
  49.  31
    Having Words.Suzy Gordon - 2004 - Angelaki 9 (1):85-95.
    The following proposition appears in the context of a discussion about Melanie Klein: By seeing the unconscious as a site of sexual or verbal free fall, the humanities have aestheticized psychoanal...
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    The Effect of modality specific interference on working memory in recalling aversive auditory and visual memories.Suzy J. M. A. Matthijssen, Kevin van Schie & Marcel A. van den Hout - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (6):1169-1180.
    ABSTRACTBoth auditory and visual emotional memories can be made less emotional by loading working memory during memory recall. Taxing WM during recall can be modality specific (giving an audit...
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