Results for 'Suzanne Elie'

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  1.  12
    Knowledge development, technology and questions of nursing ethics.Anne Griswold Peirce, Suzanne Elie, Annie George, Mariya Gold, Kim O’Hara & Wendella Rose-Facey - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):77-87.
    This article explores emerging ethical questions that result from knowledge development in a complex, technological age. Nursing practice is at a critical ideological and ethical precipice where decision-making is enhanced and burdened by new ways of knowing that include artificial intelligence, algorithms, Big Data, genetics and genomics, neuroscience, and technological innovation. On the positive side is the new understanding provided by large data sets; the quick and efficient reduction of data into useable pieces; the replacement of redundant human tasks by (...)
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  2. Why did Einstein's programme supersede lorentz's? (I).Elie Zahar - 1973 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 24 (2):95-123.
  3. Why did Einstein's programme supersede lorentz's? (II).Elie Zahar - 1973 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 24 (3):223-262.
  4. Logic of discovery or psychology of invention?Elie Zahar - 1983 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 34 (3):243-261.
  5. Diamonds into glass-the government and the universities.Elie Kedourie - 1993 - Minerva 31 (1):57-75.
  6. Mach, Einstein, and the rise of modern science.Elie Zahar - 1977 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 28 (3):195-213.
  7.  48
    Letters, Notes, & Comments.Aaron L. Mackler, Elie Kaplan Spitz & G. Scott Davis - 1999 - Journal of Religious Ethics 27 (2):361 - 374.
    Comment by Aaron L. Mackler on “‘Through Her I Too Shall Bear a Child’: Birth Surrogates in Jewish Law” by Elie Spitz Reply by Elie Kaplan Spitz Research Note by G. Scott Davis.
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    ‘A History of Problems’: Bergson and the French Epistemological Tradition.Elie During - 2004 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 35 (1):4-23.
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    Einstein's debt to lorentz: A reply to Feyerabend and Miller.Elie Zahar - 1978 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 29 (1):49-60.
  10. (1 other version)Ramseyfication and structural realism.G. Zahar Elie - 2004 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 19 (1):5-30.
    Structural Realism (SSR), as embodied in the Ramsey-sentence H of a theory H, is defended against the view that H reduces to a trivial statement about the cardinally of the domain of H, a view which arises from ignoring the central role of observation within science. Putnam's theses are examined and shown to support rather than undermine SSR. Finally: in view of its synthetic character, applied mathematics must enter into the formulation of H and hence to be shown axiomatisable; this (...)
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  11.  20
    We Bergsonians: The Kyoto Manifesto.Elie During & Paul-Antoine Miquel - unknown
    Rather than a return to Bergson, the ‘Kyoto manifesto’ argues for a renewed, expanded Bergsonism: a philosophical inquiry that lives up to the methodological standards set by Bergson, even if this implies prolonging some of his intuitions in different directions—possibly against himself. Several aspects of this endeavour are examined in turn: the meaning of ‘intuition’ and the prospects of speculative empiricism, the ontological scope of scientific theories, emergentism and the virtual, the relevance of space-time for duration, the place of metaphysical (...)
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    Permissible Killing: The Self-Defence Justification of Homicide.Suzanne Uniacke - 1994 - Cambridge University Press.
    Do individuals have a positive right of self-defence? And if so, what are the limits of this right? Under what conditions does this use of force extend to the defence of others? These are some of the issues explored by Dr Uniacke in this comprehensive 1994 philosophical discussion of the principles relevant to self-defence as a moral and legal justification of homicide. She establishes a unitary right of self-defence and the defence of others, one which grounds the permissibility of the (...)
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  13. Implementations in Machine Ethics: A Survey.Suzanne Tolmeijer, Markus Kneer, Cristina Sarasua, Markus Christen & Abraham Bernstein - 2020 - ACM Computing Surveys 53 (6):1–38.
    Increasingly complex and autonomous systems require machine ethics to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks to society arising from the new technology. It is challenging to decide which type of ethical theory to employ and how to implement it effectively. This survey provides a threefold contribution. First, it introduces a trimorphic taxonomy to analyze machine ethics implementations with respect to their object (ethical theories), as well as their nontechnical and technical aspects. Second, an exhaustive selection and description of relevant (...)
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    La Genèse du concept de l’action intégrative du système nerveux.Élie Feuerwerker, Pierre Couillard & Yvon Gauthier - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 3:66-69.
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    On the Causes of Fevers . William Budd, Dale C. Smith.Elie Feuerwerker - 1986 - Isis 77 (4):705-705.
  16.  34
    Participatory development of CURA, a clinical ethics support instrument for palliative care.Suzanne Metselaar, Guy Widdershoven, H. Roeline Pasman & Malene Vera van Schaik - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-12.
    BackgroundExisting clinical ethics support (CES) instruments are considered useful. However, users report obstacles in using them in daily practice. Including end users and other stakeholders in developing CES instruments might help to overcome these limitations. This study describes the development process of a new ethics support instrument called CURA, a low-threshold four-step instrument focused on nurses and nurse assistants working in palliative care. MethodWe used a participatory development design. We worked together with stakeholders in a Community of Practice throughout the (...)
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  17.  66
    Beyond Recommendation and Mediation: Moral Case Deliberation as Moral Learning in Dialogue.Suzanne Metselaar, Bert Molewijk & Guy Widdershoven - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (1):50-51.
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    Revue des revues.Elie Piette & Zoé Pitz - 2020 - Kernos 33:365-376.
    Acerbo Stefano, « Mito e storia nella mitografia di età imperiale: Lico πολέμαρχος (Apollod., Bibl. III 41) », Emerita 87–2 (2019), p. 285–304 [la référence à la polémarchie dans le récit de la conquête du pouvoir à Thèbes contribue au plan de composition du Ps.-Apollodore. Cette allusion anachronique peut être vue comme un choix d’auteur, qui montre le rôle joué par les mythographes dans l’interaction entre le temps mythique et le passé historique]. Ameling Walter, « Zum Kult der Arsinoe Phi...
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  19. Nostra Aetate.Elie Wiesel - 1992 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 67 (4):366-370.
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    La puissance des symboles dans les sciences de la nature.Michel-Elie Martin - 2019 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 69 (2):7-23.
    Les sciences de la nature construisent des symboles spécifiques pour saisir adéquatement la réalité de la nature. La puissance de leurs symboles est telle que la pensée scientifique déborde ce réel, l’anticipe, le reconstruit et finalement le réalise et le prolonge sur le plan technique. Mais quel est le point de départ de la symbolisation scientifique? Comment peut-elle, couplée à la technique, réaliser la réalité même de la nature? Enfin, le langage spécifique des sciences de la nature peut-il s’autonomiser par (...)
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    Les étapes de la rédaction du «Discours de la méthode».Elie Denissoff - 1956 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 54 (42):254-282.
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    Fostering moral resilience through moral case deliberation.Suzanne Metselaar & Bert Molewijk - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (5):730-745.
    Moral distress forms a major threat to the well-being of healthcare professionals, and is argued to negatively impact patient care. It is associated with emotions such as anger, frustration, guilt, and anxiety. In order to effectively deal with moral distress, the concept of moral resilience is introduced as the positive capacity of an individual to sustain or restore their integrity in response to moral adversity. Interventions are needed that foster moral resilience among healthcare professionals. Ethics consultation has been proposed as (...)
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  23.  57
    CURA: A clinical ethics support instrument for caregivers in palliative care.Suzanne Metselaar, Malene van Schaik, Guy Widdershoven & H. Roeline Pasman - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (7-8):1562-1577.
    This article presents an ethics support instrument for healthcare professionals called CURA. It is designed with a focus on and together with nurses and nurse assistants in palliative care. First, we shortly go into the background and the development study of the instrument. Next, we describe the four steps CURA prescribes for ethical reflection: (1) Concentrate, (2) Unrush, (3) Reflect, and (4) Act. In order to demonstrate how CURA can structure a moral reflection among caregivers, we discuss how a case (...)
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  24.  22
    Nous, Bergsonines manifeste de Kyoto.Elie During & Paul-Antoine Miquel - 2016 - Dissertatio 43 (S4):3-25.
    Este manifesto, escrito a quatro mãos no contexto de um colóquio sobre Bergson organizado no Japão, visa inicialmente responder a uma simples questão: que significa, hoje, trabalhar à maneira de Bergson? Não se trata de uma pergunta sobre a dedicação para com o corpus bergsoniano ou quanto a certos temas que o seu pensamento permite renovar a compreensão, mas sim sobre o método que ele próprio recomenda. Este método foi aplicado diligentemente por Bergson no curso de suas investigações, particularmente quanto (...)
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  25.  77
    Natural axiomatization: A revision of 'wajsberg's requirement'.Elie Zahar - 1991 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 42 (3):391-396.
  26.  19
    La nature du savoir scientifique selon Descartes, et l'« Histoire de mon esprit », autobiographie intellectuelle.Elie Denissoff - 1968 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 66 (89):5-35.
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    The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge According to Descartes.Elie Denissoff - 1952 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 26:179-184.
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    Do Physicians/Researchers Trade Stock Based on Privileged Information? A Closer Look at Trading Patterns Surrounding the Annual ASCO Conference.Elie Donath & Mark J. Eisenberg - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (2):391-393.
    There is a concern that physicians/researchers are inappropriately profiting from information derived from advance copies of high-impact clinical trial data distributed by medical conferences or journals. Despite these concerns, it has never been systematically evaluated, and little is known about the degree to which it exists. This is largely due to difficulties associated with directly verifying whether or not such activities have taken place and, furthermore, many medical conferences/journals today have taken the necessary actions to guard against this. One medical (...)
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  29. Entre Bergson et saint Thomas: La correspondance Metz-Meyerson.Elie During - 2010 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 58:235-253.
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    Occuper le temps.Élie During - 2011 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 72 (4):451-468.
    Résumé Dans les débats métaphysiques contemporains, « endurer » et « perdurer » désignent deux manières irréductibles de persister dans le temps et de subir le changement. Parce qu’ils mobilisent différemment la forme de représentation « espace-temps », ces schèmes conceptuels révèlent peut-être deux figures ou deux aspects du temps lui-même.
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  31. Instinct, entendement, raison: la référence à l'animal chez Locke, Hume et Schopenhauer.M. Elie - 1994 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 75:11-26.
  32.  45
    (1 other version)The Interdependence of the Core, the heuristic and the novelty of facts in Lakanto's MSRP.G. Zahar Elie - 2001 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 16 (3):415-435.
    In this paper I try to explain why Lakatos’s conventionalist view must be replaced by a phenomenological conception of the empirical basis; for only in this way can one make sense of the theses that the hard core of an RP can be shielded against refutations; that this metaphysical hard core can be turned into a set of guidelines or, alternatively, into a set of heuristic metaprinciples governing the development of an RP; and that a distinction can legitimately be made (...)
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    Serious Leisure and Individuality.Elie Cohen-Gewerc & Robert A. Stebbins - 2013 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    What does it mean to be an individual and how can an individual exist within society? Serious Leisure and Individuality examines the circumstances in the modern world that make for individual distinctiveness, and the role of these conditions in personal and social life. "The individual," said Friedrich Nietzsche, "has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay (...)
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    Séance du 8 Avril 1933. DEFENSE ET ILLUSTRATION DE LA MACHINE.Elie Faure, Maurice Blondel, Jean Rimaud, M. Bourgarel, M. Abauzit, Mlle Anziani, M. Urtin, M. Cornil & M. Janot - 1933 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 7 (3/4):121 - 126.
  35.  18
    Le problème Des nationalités.Élie Halévy - 1939 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 46 (1):147 - 151.
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  36. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity.Judith Butler & Suzanne Pharr - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (3):171-175.
  37. (1 other version)La formation du radicalisme philosophique, t. III; Le radicalisme philosophique.Élie Halévy - 1904 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 58 (1):212-215.
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    (1 other version)5 Falsifiability.Elie G. Zahar - 1935 - In Karl Raimund Popper, Logik der forschung. Wien,: J. Springer. pp. 103-123.
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    Métaphysique et induction.Elie Zahar - 2007 - Philosophia Scientiae 11 (1):45-69.
    Nous présupposons le critère de démarcation de Popper d’après lequel un énoncé M est dit métaphysique s’il est empiriquement irréfutable. M sera qualifié de synthétique a priori si, de surcroît, il ne peut pas être expérimentalement vérifié. Nous démontrerons que le principe d’induction physique J* est synthétique a priori, J* étant défini — en gros — comme le principe suivant : toute théorie H qui est à la fois non-adhoc et empiriquement corroborée dans un domaine Δ courra, à l’avenir, moins (...)
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    Positivismus und Konventionalismus.Elie Zahar - 1980 - Zeitschrift Für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 11 (2):292-301.
    Es wird die Frage nach dem Ursprung des Konventionalismus aufgeworfen und ein Versuch ihrer Beantwortung unternommen. Die Entstehung des Konventionalismus wird auf das Versagen der philosophischen Grundlegung befremdender, aber auch empirisch erfolgreicher wissenschaftlicher Hypothesen zurückgeführt. Auch verdankt der moderne Positivismus seinen Aufschwung zum Teil der Unvereinbarkeit solcher Hypothesen mit herrschenden metaphysischen, bzw. religiösen, Weltanschauungen. Dies führt zum Versuch, die ontologischen Voraussetzungen wissenschaftlicher Theorien auszuklammern, ohne dadurch ihren empirischen Gehalt zu verringern. Im letzten Abschnitt wird dargetan, daß sowohl der moderne Positivismus (...)
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    Translational bioethics as a two‐way street. Developing clinical ethics support instruments with and for healthcare practitioners.Suzanne Metselaar - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (3):233-240.
    This article discusses an approach to translational bioethics (TB) that is concerned with the adaptation—or ‘translation’—of concepts, theories and methods from bioethics to practical contexts, in order to support ‘non-bioethicists’, such as researchers and healthcare practitioners, in dealing with their ethical issues themselves. Specifically, it goes into the participatory development of clinical ethics support (CES) instruments that respond to the needs and wishes of healthcare practitioners and that are tailored to the specific care contexts in which they are to be (...)
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  42. Capable but Amoral? Comparing AI and Human Expert Collaboration in Ethical Decision Making.Suzanne Https://Orcidorg Tolmeijer, Markus Https://Orcidorg Christen, Serhiy Kandul, Markus Https://Orcidorg Kneer & Abraham Https://Orcidorg Bernstein - 2022 - Proceedings of the 2022 Chi Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 160:160:1–17.
    While artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly applied for decision-making processes, ethical decisions pose challenges for AI applications. Given that humans cannot always agree on the right thing to do, how would ethical decision-making by AI systems be perceived and how would responsibility be ascribed in human-AI collaboration? In this study, we investigate how the expert type (human vs. AI) and level of expert autonomy (adviser vs. decider) influence trust, perceived responsibility, and reliance. We find that participants consider humans to be (...)
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  43. Animals and the Concept of Dignity: Critical Reflections on a Circus Performance.Suzanne Laba Cataldi - 2002 - Ethics and the Environment 7 (2):104-126.
    This essay concerns the dignity of nonhuman animals. It is composed of three sections. The first recounts my experience of a Moscow Circus performance and records some of my thoughts, feelings, and observations of this circus' famous bears. As is obvious from that account, the performance and presentation of the bears seemed to me to be undignified in a nontrivial, that is, morally objectionable sense of the word. The second section of the essay tries to specify that sense, to identify (...)
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    The grammar of causatives and the conceptual structure of events.Suzanne Kemmer & Arie Verhagen - 1994 - Cognitive Linguistics 5 (2):115-156.
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    V. Le remplissage sédimentologique.Jacques-Élie Broghier - 1974 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 98 (2):754-758.
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    Philosophy of Culture as an Inquiry into the Post-Ottoman Self.Elizabeth Suzanne Kassab - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 47:99-104.
    Contemporary Greeks and Arabs are heirs of a common empire which ruled the lives of their ancestors for long centuries before it ended at the beginning of the twentieth century. These heirs imagined, constructed and experienced their post-Ottoman nations in connection with the existential crises of the empire. Their national selves emerged from political and military struggles, and were fashioned by ideas about enlightenment, modernization, selfhood and emancipation. Their journeys to national statehood were shaped by the different positions they held (...)
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    Human Dignity and the Debate over Early Human Embryos.Nathan J. Palpant & Suzanne Holland - 2012 - In Stephen Dilley & Nathan J. Palpant, Human Dignity in Bioethics: From Worldviews to the Public Square. New York: Routledge. pp. 13--239.
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    Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance: Role of Context in International Settings.Suzanne Young & Vijaya Thyil - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (1):1-24.
    This research aims to explore the relationship between corporate governance and CSR: What are the major factors that play a direct role in the establishment of this relationship? How does context and institutional background impact upon the relationship between CSR and Governance? Using in-depth semi-structured interviews from two types of governance systems in three countries over three years, this study has demonstrated that in practice, within different settings, CSR is being used both as a strategy as well as a reaction (...)
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  49. Sensitivity to syntax in visual cortex.Liina Pylkkänen Suzanne Dikker, Hugh Rabagliati - 2009 - Cognition 110 (3):293.
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    Bridging the Gap Between Bioethicists and the Public: A Living Ethics Perspective.Suzanne Metselaar, Giulia Inguaggiato & Eric Racine - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (9):30-32.
    In the VIBeS study, Pierson et al. (2024) observe that the views of U.S. bioethicists do not align with views of clinicians or with broader U.S. public opinion. They also note that the bioethics co...
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