Results for 'Susann Vihma'

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    Artification for Well-Being: Institutional Living as a Special Case.Susann Vihma - 2012 - Contemporary Aesthetics.
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    A Cognitive Modeling Approach to Strategy Formation in Dynamic Decision Making.Prezenski Sabine, Brechmann André, Wolff Susann & Russwinkel Nele - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  3. Worldly Reasons: An Ontological Inquiry into Motivating Considerations and Normative Reasons.Susanne Mantel - 2017 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly.
    In this article I advocate a worldly account of normative reasons according to which there is an ontological gap between these and the premises of practical thought, i.e. motivating considerations. While motivating considerations are individuated fine-grainedly, normative reasons should be classified as coarse-grained entities, e.g. as states of affairs, in order to explain certain necessary truths about them and to make sense of how we count and weigh them. As I briefly sketch, acting for normative reasons is nonetheless possible if (...)
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  4. A logical study of verbs.Susanne K. Langer - 1927 - Journal of Philosophy 24 (5):120-129.
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  5. Beyond modernism in design: Introduction to new approaches (C. Thomas Mitchell,'New Thinking in Design', 1996).S. Vihma - 2000 - Semiotica 130 (3-4):373-384.
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    The Dynamics of Decision Making in Risky Choice: An Eye-Tracking Analysis.Susann Fiedler & Andreas Glöckner - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
  7. Distributed Personhood and the Transformation of Agency: An Anthropological Perspective on Inquests Susanne Longer.Susanne Longer - 2010 - In Jennifer Lorna Hockey, Carol Komaromy & Kate Woodthorpe (eds.), The matter of death: space, place and materiality. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 85.
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    Opaque and Translucent Epistemic Dependence in Collaborative Scientific Practice.Susann Wagenknecht - 2014 - Episteme 11 (4):475-492.
    This paper offers an analytic perspective on epistemic dependence that is grounded in theoretical discussion and field observation at the same time. When in the course of knowledge creation epistemic labor is divided, collaborating scientists come to depend upon one another epistemically. Since instances of epistemic dependence are multifarious in scientific practice, I propose to distinguish between two different forms of epistemic dependence, opaque and translucent epistemic dependence. A scientist is opaquely dependent upon a colleague if she does not possess (...)
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    Determined by Reasons: A Competence Account of Acting for a Normative Reason.Susanne Mantel - 2018 - New York, USA: Routledge.
    This book offers a new account of what it is to act for a normative reason. The first part of the book examines the problems of causal accounts of acting for reasons and suggests to solve them by a dispositional approach. The author argues for a dispositional account which unites epistemic, volitional, and executional dispositions in a complex normative competence. This ‘Normative Competence Account’ allows for more and less reflective ways of acting for normative reasons. The second part of the (...)
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    The human superior colliculus: Neither necessary, nor sufficient for consciousness?Susanne Watkins & Geraint Rees - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (1):108-108.
    Non-invasive neuroimaging in humans permits direct investigation of the potential role for mesodiencephalic structures in consciousness. Activity in the superior colliculus can be correlated with the contents of consciousness, but it can be also identified for stimuli of which the subject is unaware; and consciousness of some types of visual stimuli may not require the superior colliculus. (Published Online May 1 2007).
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    Catering to the Needs of an Aging Workforce: The Role of Employee Age in the Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Satisfaction.Susanne Scheibe, Eric Rietzschel, Rob Eijbergen & Barbara Wisse - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (4):875-888.
    Contemporary organizations often reciprocate to society for using resources and for affecting stakeholders by engaging in corporate social responsibility. It has been shown that CSR has a positive impact on employee attitudes. However, not all employees may react equally strongly to CSR practices. Based on socio-emotional selectivity theory, we contend that the effect of CSR on employee satisfaction will be more pronounced for older than for younger employees, because CSR practices address those emotional needs and goals that are prioritized when (...)
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    Die Realität der Kunst: Programme und Theorien zu Literatur, Kunst und Fotografie seit 1700.Susanne Knaller - 2015 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    Susanne Knaller diskutiert Programme und Theorien zu Literatur, Kunst und Fotografie, die sich dem Verhältnis von Realität und Künsten stellen. Sie macht einen Vorschlag, den Zusammenhang von Kunst und Wirklichkeit in der Moderne neu zu sehen. Knaller zeigt, dass die wechselvolle, sich ständig verändernde Relation von Realität und Künsten zugleich immer auch bestimmte Konstanten aufweist. Anhand von wichtigen Schlüsselbegriffen wie z. B. Mimesis, Realismus, Illusion, Authentizität, Dokumentation, Kopie, Original und Materialität wird erstmalig dieses Spannungsverhältnis anhand von Programmatiken zu Literatur, Kunst (...)
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  13. Determinism, Freedom, and Moral Responsibility: Essays in Ancient Philosophy.Susanne Bobzien - 2021 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Determinism, Freedom, and Moral Responsibility brings together nine substantial essays on determinism, freedom, and moral responsibility in antiquity by Susanne Bobzien. The essays present the main ancient theories on these subjects, ranging historically from Aristotle followed by the Epicureans, the early Stoics, several later Stoics, and up to Alexander of Aphrodisias in the third century CE. -/- The author discusses questions about rational and autonomous human agency and their compatibility with a large range of important philosophical issues, including their compatibility (...)
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    Gaining Perspectives on Our Lives: Moods and Aesthetic Experience.Susanne Schmetkamp - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (4):1681-1695.
    This article examines the role of moods in aesthetic experience by focussing on film. It considers specifically the function of moods in relation to narrative and aesthetic perspectives which a film provides and which recipients are invited to adopt. I distinguish superficial transitory moods from profound enduring ones. This differentiation is important with regard to the question why moods in film matter and why they are different from emotions. I will focus on Lars von Trier’s film “Melancholia” and claim that (...)
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    Rechtliche Aspekte des Einsatzes von KI und Robotik in Medizin und Pflege.Susanne Beck, Michelle Faber & Simon Gerndt - 2023 - Ethik in der Medizin 35 (2):247-263.
    Zusammenfassung Die rasanten Entwicklungen im Bereich der Künstlichen Intelligenz und Robotik stellen nicht nur die Ethik, sondern auch das Recht vor neue Herausforderungen, gerade im Bereich der Medizin und Pflege. Grundsätzlich hat der Einsatz von KI dabei das Potenzial, sowohl die Heilbehandlungen als auch den adäquaten Umgang im Rahmen der Pflege zu erleichtern, wenn nicht sogar zu verbessern. Verwaltungsaufgaben, die Überwachung von Vitalfunktionen und deren Parameter sowie die Untersuchung von Gewebeproben etwa könnten autonom ablaufen. In Diagnostik und Therapie können Systeme (...)
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    Empirical Philosophy of Science: Introducing Qualitative Methods into Philosophy of Science.Susann Wagenknecht, Nancy J. Nersessian & Hanne Andersen (eds.) - 2015 - Cham: Springer International Publishing.
    The book examines the emerging approach of using qualitative methods, such as interviews and field observations, in the philosophy of science. Qualitative methods are gaining popularity among philosophers of science as more and more scholars are resorting to empirical work in their study of scientific practices. At the same time, the results produced through empirical work are quite different from those gained through the kind of introspective conceptual analysis more typical of philosophy. This volume explores the benefits and challenges of (...)
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    If You Care About a Rule, Why Weaken Its Enforcement Dimension? On a Tension in the War Convention.Susanne Burri - 2022 - Law and Philosophy 41 (6):671-690.
    In _War by Agreement_ (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2019), Yitzhak Benbaji and Daniel Statman argue that the ‘war convention’ – i.e. the international laws and conventions that are widely accepted to govern the use of force between sovereign states – represents a morally binding contract. On their understanding, the war convention replaces a pre-contractual morality governed by principles that so-called reductive individualists have identified and argued for over the past twenty years. This paper argues that if we (...)
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    (How) Does Affect Influence the Formation of Habits in Exercise?Susanne Weyland, Emily Finne, Janina Krell-Roesch & Darko Jekauc - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Objectives: Habitually instigated exercise is thought to increase health behavior maintenance. Previous research has explored several aspects of habit formation. However, there is a lack of longitudinal research investigating affective determinants, especially post-exercise affective states. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate a) if behavior frequency will enhance automaticity, b) if positive affect will enhance automaticity, and c) if positive affect will moderate the relationship between behavior frequency and automaticity. Methods: 226 participants (64% females, mean age 24 years) who attended (...)
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    Rationalität: eine Kartierung.Susanne Hahn - 2013 - Münster: Mentis.
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    Changes in Social Network Size Are Associated With Cognitive Changes in the Oldest-Old.Susanne Röhr, Margrit Löbner, Uta Gühne, Kathrin Heser, Luca Kleineidam, Michael Pentzek, Angela Fuchs, Marion Eisele, Hanna Kaduszkiewicz, Hans-Helmut König, Christian Brettschneider, Birgitt Wiese, Silke Mamone, Siegfried Weyerer, Jochen Werle, Horst Bickel, Dagmar Weeg, Wolfgang Maier, Martin Scherer, Michael Wagner & Steffi G. Riedel-Heller - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychiatry 2020.
    Objectives:Social isolation is increasing in aging societies and several studies have shown a relation with worse cognition in old age. However, less is known about the association in the oldest-old (85+); the group that is at highest risk for both social isolation and dementia. Methods:Analyses were based on follow-up 5 to 9 of the longitudinal German study on aging, cognition, and dementia in primary care patients (AgeCoDe) and the study on needs, health service use, costs, and health-related quality of life (...)
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    18th Annual Legislative Update.Susanne J. Phillips - 2006 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 8 (2):60-64.
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  22. (1 other version)Philosophy in a new key.Susanne Katherina Knauth Langer - 1948 - Cambridge,: Harvard University Press.
    This book presents a study of human intelligence beginning with a semantic theory and leading into a critique of music.
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    Schemas and the frequency/acceptability mismatch: Corpus distribution predicts sentence judgments.Susanne Flach - 2020 - Cognitive Linguistics 31 (4):609-645.
    A tight connection between competence and performance is a central tenet of the usage-based model. Methodologically, however, corpus frequency is a poor predictor of acceptability – a phenomenon known as the “frequency/acceptability mismatch”. This article argues that the mismatch arises from a “methodological mismatch”, when simple frequency measures are mapped onto complex grammatical units. To illustrate, we discuss the results of acceptability judgments of go/come-v. The construction is subject to a formal constraint (Go see the doctor! vs. *He goes sees (...)
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    Biophilosophien: Wissenschaft, Technologie und Geschlecht im philosophischen Diskurs der Gegenwart.Susanne Lettow - 2011 - Frankfurt am Main: Campus.
    Weit über das Fach hinaus prägen sie unser Denken und Sprechen und damit auch öffentliche Auseinandersetzungen. Die Autorin geht den geschlechterpolitischen Dimensionen dieser Biophilosophien nach.
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    Pechblende.Susanne Kriemann - 2022 - Philosophy of Photography 13 (1):61-74.
    Bringing together an assemblage of archival materials, photo documents, literature and found objects, Pechblende investigates concepts of scale, proximity and distance in relation to radioactivity and the body. Centred on the highly radioactive and uranium-rich mineral pitchblende (German: Pechblende), the work traces a history of scientific and photographic processes narrated through the interconnected sites of laboratory, archive, museum and mine. Pitchblende was mined in the Ore Mountains of the former German Democratic Republic between 1946 and 1989. Today, the former mining (...)
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    Selling Who You Know: How We Justify Sharing Others’ Data.Susanne Ruckelshausen, Bernadette Kamleitner & Vincent Mitchell - 2025 - Journal of Business Ethics 196 (2):381-417.
    Many apps request access to users’ contacts or photos and many consumers agree to these requests. However, agreeing is ethically questionable as it also gives apps access to others’ data. People thus regularly infringe each other’s information privacy. This behavior is at odds with offline practices and still poorly understood. Introducing a novel application of the theory of neutralization, we explore how people justify the giving away of others’ data and the emerging norms surrounding this behavior. To obtain a deeper (...)
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  27. The problem of abortion: Essentially contested concepts and moral autonomy.Susanne Gibson - 2004 - Bioethics 18 (3):221–233.
    ABSTRACT When one thinks about the ethics of abortion, one inevitably thinks about rights, since it is in terms of the concept of rights that much of the debate has been conducted. This is true of overtly feminist as well as non‐feminist accounts. Indeed, some early feminist writers – Judith Jarvis Thomson and Mary Ann Warren, for example – employ a model of rights that is indistinguishable, or virtually indistinguishable, from that of their non‐feminist counterparts. However, more recent feminist writers (...)
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  28. Imprecise Probability and Higher Order Vagueness.Susanne Rinard - 2017 - Res Philosophica 94 (2):257-273.
    There is a trade-off between specificity and accuracy in existing models of belief. Descriptions of agents in the tripartite model, which recognizes only three doxastic attitudes—belief, disbelief, and suspension of judgment—are typically accurate, but not sufficiently specific. The orthodox Bayesian model, which requires real-valued credences, is perfectly specific, but often inaccurate: we often lack precise credences. I argue, first, that a popular attempt to fix the Bayesian model by using sets of functions is also inaccurate, since it requires us to (...)
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  29. Do epistemic reasons bear on the ought simpliciter?Susanne Mantel - 2019 - Philosophical Issues 29 (1):214-227.
    Are epistemic reasons normative in the same sense as, for instance, moral reasons? In this paper I examine and defend the claim that epistemic reasons are normative only relative to an epistemic standard. Unlike moral reasons they are not substantially normative, because they fail to make an independent contribution to obligations or permissions simpliciter. After presenting what I take to be the main argument for this view, I illustrate that the argument has often been defended by examples which controversially presuppose (...)
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  30. Indienschau und indiendeutung romantischer philosophen von Susanne Sommerfeld.Susanne Sommerfeld - 1943 - Glarus,: Buchdruckerei Tschudi & co..
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  31. Rethinking Temporality in Education Drawing upon the Philosophies of Merleau-Ponty and Deleuze: A Chiasmic Be(com)ing.Susanne Westman & Eva Alerby - 2012 - Childhood and Philosophy 8 (16):355-377.
    The children of today live in a time when the images of themselves and their childhood, their needs, interests, and skills, are discussed, researched, challenged, and changed. Childhood, education and educational settings for young children are to a great extent governed by temporality. In this paper, temporality and temporal notions in education are explored and discussed. We especially illuminate two different ways of thinking about children in education and care for younger children in the West— the predominant biased notions of (...)
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  32. Frege plagiarized the Stoics.Susanne Bobzien - 2021 - In Fiona Leigh (ed.), Themes in Plato, Aristotle, and Hellenistic Philosophy, Keeling Lectures 2011-2018, OPEN ACCESS. University of Chicago Press. pp. 149-206.
    In this extended essay, I argue that Frege plagiarized the Stoics --and I mean exactly that-- on a large scale in his work on the philosophy of logic and language as written mainly between 1890 and his death in 1925 (much of which published posthumously) and possibly earlier. I use ‘plagiarize' (or 'plagiarise’) merely as a descriptive term. The essay is not concerned with finger pointing or casting moral judgement. The point is rather to demonstrate carefully by means of detailed (...)
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  33. Frege Plagiarized the Stoics.Susanne Bobzien - 2021 - In . pp. 149-206.
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    Narrative Empathie und der ethische Wert der Perspektiveneinnahme.Susanne Schmetkamp - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 63 (1).
    Narrative Empathie liegt dann vor, wenn der empathische Nachvollzugsprozess der (emotionalen, epistemischen) Situationen anderer Personen oder fiktiver Figuren durch ein Narrativ, das heißt eine sinnzusammenhängende Erzählung, ausgelöst und strukturiert wird. Der Aufsatz knüpft an den phänomenologischen Ansatz von Empathie als direkte Wahrnehmung an, vertritt aber die These, dass gerade bei Narrativen die Imagination und die Perspektiveneinnahme hinzukommen müssen, damit retrospektiv, prospektiv oder gegenwärtig die Situation des Anderen und seiner individuellen Perspektive vergegenwärtigt und verstanden werden kann. Der narrativen Empathie wird ein (...)
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    Sovereign Citizens and Constrained Consumers: Why Sustainability Requires Limits on Choice.Susanne Menzel & Tom L. Green - 2013 - Environmental Values 22 (1):59-79.
    There is resistance to policies that would reduce overall consumption levels to promote sustainability. In part, this resistance is aided by the economic concept of consumer sovereignty (CS) and its presumption that choice promotes wellbeing. We investigate the concept of consumer sovereignty in the context of deepening concerns about sustainability and scrutinise whether the two concepts are compatible. We draw on new findings in psychology on human decision-making traits; we take into account increasing awareness about human dependencies on ‘functioning’ ecosystems (...)
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    Virtues and Material Goods.Susanne E. Foster - 1997 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 71 (4):607-619.
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    A social epistemology of research groups: collaboration in scientific practice.Susann Wagenknecht - 2016 - London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book investigates how collaborative scientific practice yields scientific knowledge. At a time when most of today’s scientific knowledge is created in research groups, the author reconsiders the social character of science to address the question of whether collaboratively created knowledge should be considered as collective achievement, and if so, in which sense. Combining philosophical analysis with qualitative empirical inquiry, this book provides a comparative case study of mono- and interdisciplinary research groups, offering insight into the day-to-day practice of scientists. (...)
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  38. Reply to Henry Aiken's criticism.Susanne K. Langer - 1947 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 7 (4):671-672.
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    Opioid-dependent mothers in medical decision making about their infants’ treatment: Who is vulnerable and why?Susanne Uusitalo & Anna Axelin - 2017 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 12 (2-3):221-242.
    SUSANNE UUSITALO,ANNA AXELIN | : Infants born to opioid-dependent women are typically admitted to neonatal intensive-care units for management of neonatal abstinence syndrome, and their treatment requires medical decision making. It is not only the infants’ vulnerability, in terms of their incompetence and medical condition, that is present in those circumstances, but also the mothers’ situational vulnerability, which arises with the possibility of their engagement in medical decision making regarding their infants. Vulnerability is a concept that has often, if not (...)
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    “The Local Consultant Will Not Be Credible”: How Epistemic Injustice Is Experienced and Practised in Development Aid.Susanne Koch - 2020 - Social Epistemology 34 (5):478-489.
    This paper uses the concept of epistemic injustice to shed light on the discriminatory treatment of experts in and by development aid. While the literature on epistemic justice is largely based on...
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    Virtuous bodies: the physical dimensions of morality in Buddhist ethics.Susanne Mrozik - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Virtuous Bodies breaks new ground in the field of Buddhist ethics by investigating the diverse roles bodies play in ethical development. Traditionally, Buddhists assumed a close connection between body and morality. Thus Buddhist literature contains descriptions of living beings that stink with sin, are disfigured by vices, or are perfumed and adorned with virtues. Taking an influential early medieval Indian Mahayana Buddhist text-Santideva's Compendium of Training (Siksasamuccaya)-as a case study, Susanne Mrozik demonstrates that Buddhists regarded ethical development as a process (...)
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    Gelingendes Sein: Existenzphilosophie im 21. Jahrhundert.Susanne Möbuss - 2023 - Basel: Schwabe Verlag.
    Der wichtige Ertrag der Existenzphilosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts, die in den Schriften von Martin Heidegger, Karl Jaspers und Heinrich Barth entfaltet wird, besteht in der Konzeption des Selbst-Seins als Ziel existentiellen Werdens. Susanne Mobuss denkt in dieser Monographie Existenzphilosophie weiter: Damit sich dieses Denken auch weiterhin bewahren und auf aktuelle Probleme anwendbar ist, erweitert sie es um die Darstellung des Selbst in seiner Relation zum Anderen. Hier ruckt der Begriff des Seins in neuem Gewand in den Vordergrund: Nur gemeinsam mit (...)
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    On the dynamics of implicit emotion regulation: Counter-regulation after remembering events of high but not of low emotional intensity.Susanne Schwager & Klaus Rothermund - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (6):971-992.
  44. Muratova, Chytilová Meeting Miss Butterfly and Franziska Linkerhand - Female Directors and Female Protagonists Subverting Socialist Housing Schemes.Susanne Altmann - 2025 - History of Communism in Europe 15:165-186.
    My essay investigates the representation of female protagonists in selected feature films that were produced in the Central European socialist realm of the 1960s and the long 1970s. While mainly concentrating on Czechoslovakian filmmaker Věra Chytilová and Kira Muratova from Soviet Ukraine, the study will also draw comparisons to the subversive heroines in two East German films. The unifying aspect consists of commenting on the literal construction of a socialist environment through architecture and urban planning. By means of contrasting the (...)
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    On the Origin of Magical Thinking in the Contemporary Context.Susanne Heine - 2000 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 23 (1):81-101.
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    Facts: The logical perspectives of the world.Susanne K. Langer - 1933 - Journal of Philosophy 30 (7):178-187.
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    Cognitive Linguistics: Special issue on language acquisition.Susanne Niemeier & Michel Achard - 2001 - Cognitive Linguistics 11 (1-2):1-3.
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    Toleranz.Susanne Schmetkamp - 2021 - In Michael G. Festl (ed.), Handbuch Liberalismus. J.B. Metzler. pp. 199-206.
    Toleranz ist ein Grundprinzip des Liberalismus. Sie ist eng verknüpft mit den Prinzipien der Freiheit und der Autonomie des Individuums. Unabhängig von der historischen Entwicklung des Konzepts, lässt sich Toleranz allgemein als das Gewähren-Lassen divergierender Meinungen, Weltanschauungen und Lebensweisen definieren. Negativistisch formuliert: Niemandem wird vorgeschrieben, wie er/sie zu leben hat, vorausgesetzt, er/sie schadet mit seiner/ihrer Meinung oder Lebensweise nicht anderen. Ursprünglich als ein Prinzip der Religionsfreiheit entstanden, ist sie heute ein grundlegendes moralisches und politisches Prinzip pluralistischer und demokratischer Gesellschaften. Moralisch (...)
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    The Body of Gender. Körper - Geschlechter - Identitäten. Internationales Symposion: Linz 1994.Susanne Tauss - 1995 - Die Philosophin 6 (11):117-120.
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    Exploring Responses to Body Weight Criticism: Defensive Avoidance When Weight Is Seen as Controllable.Susanne Täuber, Stuart W. Flint & Nicolay Gausel - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In Western society, weight moralization is reflected in the belief that weight is controllable across the weight spectrum. However, the effect of holding such beliefs is unclear. We therefore propose that these beliefs affect people differently depending on their BMI. When confronted with negative, self-related feedback, people’s coping strategies are often reflected in the ways they relate to their self. We examine three such self-to-self relations (i.e., reassured, inadequate, and hated self). Extending prior research, we predict that weight controllability beliefs (...)
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