Results for 'Susan Scott-Hunt'

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  1.  30
    To Pay Suspicious Attention: Following the Weave of ‘Mixed Logics’ in Women’s Ethical Decision Making.Susan Scott-Hunt & Hilary Lim - 2005 - Feminist Legal Studies 13 (2):205-237.
    This article explores areas of law loosely within English equity and trusts law that have not conventionally been subject to feminist debate, and within the context of a discussion about feminist method. The particular areas examined are whistleblowing and trustees’ powers of investment, each of which calls for consideration of decision-making processes which have an ethical content. These sites are chosen because they take debate outside the all too familiar locations of woman or ‘the body of woman’, including the family (...)
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    Book Review: Susan Scott-Hunt and Hilary Lim (eds.),Feminist Perspectives on Equity and Trusts. [REVIEW]Patrick Parkinson - 2003 - Feminist Legal Studies 11 (1):93-97.
  3.  21
    The Decline of Buddhism in Medieval India.G. S. Pomerantz & Susan Scott Cesaritti - 1976 - Diogenes 24 (96):38-66.
    The question posed in the title of this article requires us to indicate exactly what we mean by medieval India. Does there exist in general an Indian Middle Ages? Or rather are the Middle Ages a purely European category, and the extension of it to include India involve extrapolations that are devoid of sense?
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    Intellectuals and the Real.Jean Fourastié & Susan Scott Cesaritti - 1976 - Diogenes 24 (95):1-28.
    All the languages of the world, I believe, have words to distinguish, among men, between intellectuals and manual workers: the former use their brains more than their hands; the latter use their hands more than their brains. Since the beginning of time, many men could easily be classified in one or the other of these groups (and certainly many others could fall into the intermediate zones between the two poles). For example, “ intellectuel “ and “manoeuvre“ are very old words (...)
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    Observations On the Thesis of Richard W. Bulliet.Hichem Djaït & Susan Scott Cesaritti - 1976 - Diogenes 24 (95):103-109.
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    Roundtable on Political Epistemology.Scott Althaus, Mark Bevir, Jeffrey Friedman, Hélène Landemore, Rogers Smith & Susan Stokes - 2014 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 26 (1-2):1-32.
    On August 30, 2013, the American Political Science Association sponsored a roundtable on political epistemology as part of its annual meetings. Co-chairing the roundtable were Jeffrey Friedman, Department of Government, University of Texas at Austin; and Hélène Landemore, Department of Political Science, Yale University. The other participants were Scott Althaus, Department of Political Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Mark Bevir, Department of Political Science, University of California at Berkeley; Rogers Smith, Department of Political Science, University of Pennsylvania; and (...)
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    Placing the mnemonic model in context: Diagnostic, theoretical, and clinical considerations.Scott M. Monroe & Susan Mineka - 2008 - Psychological Review 115 (4):1084-1096.
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    Interdisciplinary Contributions to Public Health Law.Susan Allan, Sana Loue, Howard Markel, Charity Scott & Martin P. Wasserman - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (S4):92-96.
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    Interacting factors affecting illegitimacy in preindustrial northern England.Susan Scott & C. J. Duncan - 1997 - Journal of Biosocial Science 29 (2):151-169.
    Illegitimacy in a historic, single community at Penrith, Cumbria (1557–1812), has been studied using aggregative analysis, family reconstitution and time series analysis. This population was living under extreme conditions of hardship. Long, medium and short wavelength cycles in the rate of illegitimacy have been identified by time series analysis; each represents a different response to social and economic pressures. In a complex interaction of events, the peaks of the cycles in wheat prices were associated with rises in adult mortality which (...)
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    What Is Good Public Deliberation?Susan Dorr Goold, Michael A. Neblo, Scott Y. H. Kim, Raymond de Vries, Gene Rowe & Peter Muhlberger - 2012 - Hastings Center Report 42 (2):24-26.
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  11. Companion to Heidegger's ‘Contributions to Philosophy’.Charles E. Scott, Susan M. Schoenbohm, Daniel Vallega-neu & Allejandro Vallega - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (3):592-594.
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  12.  29
    Cognitive Control as a 5-HT1A-Based Domain That Is Disrupted in Major Depressive Disorder.Scott A. Langenecker, Brian J. Mickey, Peter Eichhammer, Srijan Sen, Kathleen H. Elverman, Susan E. Kennedy, Mary M. Heitzeg, Saulo M. Ribeiro, Tiffany M. Love, David T. Hsu, Robert A. Koeppe, Stanley J. Watson, Huda Akil, David Goldman, Margit Burmeister & Jon-Kar Zubieta - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:441648.
    Heterogeneity within MDD has hampered identification of biological markers (e.g., intermediate phenotypes, IPs) that might increase risk for the disorder or reflect closer links to the genes underlying the disease process. The newer characterizations of dimensions of MDD within Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) domains may align well with the goal of defining IPs. We compare a sample of 25 individuals with MDD compared to 29 age and education matched controls in multimodal assessment. The multimodal RDoC assessment included the primary IP (...)
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  13.  25
    Applying a Social Ecological Model to Medical Legal Partnerships Practice and Research.Susan McLaren, Lisa Radtke Bliss, Christina Scott, Pam Kraidler & Robert Pettignano - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (4):817-823.
    The social ecological model (SEM) is a conceptual framework that recognizes individuals function within multiple interactive systems and contextual environments that influence their health. Medical Legal Partnerships (MLPs) address the social determinants of health through partnerships between health providers and civil legal services. This paper explores how the conceptual framework of SEM can be applied to the MLP model, which also uses a multidimensional approach to address an individual’s social determinants of health.
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  14.  22
    Teaching Business Ethics.David M. Hunt & Scott K. Radford - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 15:169-183.
    This study examines ethics-related learning outcomes that emerged from an experience-based project in a personal selling and sales management course. Using qualitative research methods, we classified students’ experiences according to domains of ethical issues associated with personal selling and according to conceptualizations of learning identified in the education literature. Patterns we observed in our data suggest that the experience-based project encouraged learners to employ higher-order thinking about business ethics. Higher order problem-solving about ethical issues helps ensure that lessons students learn (...)
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  15.  58
    Companion to Heidegger's Contributions to Philosophy.Charles E. Scott, Susan Schoenbohm, Daniela Vallega-Neu & Alejandro Arturo Vallega (eds.) - 2001 - Indiana University Press.
    In theCompanion to Heidegger's Contributions to Philosophyan international group of fourteen Heidegger scholars shares strategies for reading and understanding this challenging work.
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  16.  46
    The Impact of Community Service Learning Upon the Worldviews of Business Majors Versus Non-Business Majors at an American University.Scott C. Seider, Susan C. Gillmor & Samantha A. Rabinowicz - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (3):485 - 503.
    The SERVE Program at Ignatius University seeks to foster the ethical development of its participants by combining academic study of philosophy and theology with a year-long community service project. This study considered the impact of the SERVE Program upon Ignatius University students majoring in business in comparison to students pursuing majors in the liberal arts, education, and nursing. Findings from this study offer insight into the response of business students to ethical content in comparison to students pursuing degrees in other (...)
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  17.  35
    Nutrition, fertility and steady-state population dynamics in a pre-industrial community in penrith, northern England.Susan Scott & C. J. Duncan - 1999 - Journal of Biosocial Science 31 (4):505-523.
    The effect of nutrition on fertility and its contribution thereby to population dynamics are assessed in three social groups (elite, tradesmen and subsistence) in a marginal, pre-industrial population in northern England. This community was particularly susceptible to fluctuations in the price of grains, which formed their basic foodstuff. The subsistence class, who formed the largest part of the population, had low levels of fertility and small family sizes, but women from all social groups had a characteristic and marked subfecundity in (...)
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  18.  25
    Book Reviews : McHaffie H 1994: Holding on? Hale, Cheshire: Books for Midwives Press. 224pp. £9.95 (PB). ISBN 1898507 21 X. [REVIEW]Susan G. Scott - 1995 - Nursing Ethics 2 (3):265-266.
  19.  42
    Reproductive strategies and sex-biased investment.Susan Scott & C. J. Duncan - 1999 - Human Nature 10 (1):85-108.
    Sex-biased investment in children has been explored in a historic population in northern England, 1600 to 1800, following a family reconstitution study. An examination of the wills and other available data identified three social groups: the elite, tradesmen, and subsistence farmers. The community lived under marginal conditions with poor and fluctuating levels of nutrition; infant and child mortalities were high. Clear differences were found between the social groups, and it is suggested that the elite wetnursed their daughters whereas the elite (...)
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  20.  13
    The Art of Interpreting.Susan C. Scott (ed.) - 1995 - Penn State Department of Art History.
    This work studies the art of interpreting.
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  21.  14
    The power of allies: Infants' expectations of social obligations during intergroup conflict.Anthea Pun, Susan A. J. Birch & Andrew Scott Baron - 2021 - Cognition 211 (C):104630.
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    Postscript: Making important distinctions--Diagnostic models, theoretical models, and the mnemonic model of PTSD.Scott M. Monroe & Susan Mineka - 2008 - Psychological Review 115 (4):1096-1098.
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  23.  36
    The interacting effects of prices and weather on population cycles in a preindustrial community.Susan Scott, S. R. Duncan & C. J. Duncan - 1998 - Journal of Biosocial Science 30 (1):15-32.
    The exogenous cycles and population dynamics of the community at Penrith, Cumbria, England, have been studied (1557-1812) using aggregative analysis, family reconstitution and time series analysis. This community was living under marginal conditions for the first 200 years and the evidence presented is of a homeostatic regime where famine, malnutrition and epidemic disease acted to regulate the balance between resources and population size. This provides an ideal historic population for an investigation of the direct and indirect effects of malnutrition. Throughout (...)
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    Unpacking Mental Health: Intersectionality-informed Approaches to Upholding Human Rights and Realizing Social Justice (Guest Editors' Introduction).Marina Morrow, Gemma Hunting & Susan Lynn Hardie - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (3):376-398.
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  25. Nuclear Families and Kinship Groups in Iran.Djamchid Behnam & Susan Scott - 1971 - Diogenes 19 (76):115-131.
  26.  25
    Farkas, J., & Schou, J. (2020). Post-truth, fake news and democracy: Mapping the politics of falsehood. New York and London: Routledge. 166 pp.Post-truth, fake news and democracy: Mapping the politics of falsehood. [REVIEW]Scott Huntly - 2022 - Communications 47 (2):318-319.
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  27.  20
    The Role of the Family in Resolving Bioethical Dilemmas: Clinical Insights from a Family Systems Perspective.David B. Seaburn, Susan H. McDaniel, Scott Kim & D. Bassen - 2004 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 15 (2):123-134.
  28.  56
    Ethics in obstetrics and gynecology.Laurence B. McCullough, Frank A. Chervenak & Susan M. Scott - 1995 - HEC Forum 7 (6):379-380.
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  29. Why essences are essential in the psychology of concepts.Woo-Kyoung Ahn, Charles Kalish, Susan A. Gelman, Douglas L. Medin, Christian Luhmann, Scott Atran, John D. Coley & Patrick Shafto - 2001 - Cognition 82 (1):59-69.
  30. Situationally embodied curriculum: Relating formalisms and contexts.Sasha Barab, Steve Zuiker, Scott Warren, Dan Hickey, Adam Ingram‐Goble, Eun‐Ju Kwon, Inna Kouper & Susan C. Herring - 2007 - Science Education 91 (5):750-782.
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    Patient and physician views about protocolized dialysis treatment in randomized trials and clinical care.Ashley Kraybill, Laura M. Dember, Steven Joffe, Jason Karlawish, Susan S. Ellenberg, Vanessa Madden & Scott D. Halpern - 2016 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 7 (2):106-115.
  32.  57
    Religion and women’s rights: Susan Moller Okin, Mary Wollstonecraft, and the multiple feminist liberal traditions.Eileen Hunt Botting & Ariana Zlioba - 2018 - History of European Ideas 44 (8):1169-1188.
    ABSTRACTWe trace Susan Moller Okin’s reception of Mary Wollstonecraft with respect to the relationship between religion and feminist liberalism, by way of manuscripts housed at Somerville College, Oxford and Harvard University. These unpublished documents – dated from 1967 to 1998 – include her Somerville advising file, with papers dated from 1967 to 1979; her 1970 Oxford B.Phil. thesis on the feminist political theory of Wollstonecraft, William Thompson, and J.S. Mill; her teaching notes on Wollstonecraft originating in 1978, for her (...)
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    Susan Scott Parrish. American Curiosity: Cultures of Natural History in the Colonial British Atlantic World. xvi + 321 pp., illus., figs., tables, index. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2006. $49.95. [REVIEW]William Leach - 2006 - Isis 97 (4):752-753.
  34. Forum on J. Appleby, L. Hunt and M. Jacob, Telling the Truth About History.J. W. Scott - 1995 - History and Theory 34 (3):329-34.
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    Giving Up Ghosts and Gods.Susan Blackmore - 2009 - In Russell Blackford & Udo Schüklenk, 50 Voices of Disbelief. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 200–203.
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  36.  42
    Athenian Foreign Policy (P.) Hunt War, Peace, and Alliance in Demosthenes' Athens. Pp. xiv + 317. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Cased, £60, US$99. ISBN: 978-0-521-83551-0. [REVIEW]Susan Lape - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (2):536-537.
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  37. (1 other version)Performing Dignity.Grace Hunt - 2010 - Women in Philosophy Annual Journal of Papers 6:47-61.
  38.  86
    Ethical decision making in marketing: A synthesis and evaluation of scales measuring the various components of decision making in ethical situations. [REVIEW]Scott J. Vitell & Foo Nin Ho - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (7):699-717.
    The authors present a comprehensive synthesis and evaluation of the published scales measuring the components of the decision making process in ethical situations using the Hunt-Vitell (1993) theory of ethics as a framework to guide the research. Suggestions for future scale development are also provided.
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    Market Language, Moral Language.Susan Dorr Goold - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (1):inside back cover-inside back co.
    Those who advocate higher out-of-pocket spending, especially high deductibles, to keep health care costs better controlled without losing quality use market language to talk about how people should think about health care. Consumers—that is, patients—should hunt for bargains. Clip coupons. Shop around. Patients need to have more “skin in the game.” Consumer-patients will then choose more carefully and prudently and use less unnecessary health care. Unfailingly, “skin” refers to having money at stake. Usually, those arguing for high deductibles express (...)
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    The Meaning of Meat and the Structure of the Odyssey by Egbert J. Bakker (review).Susan A. Curry - 2014 - American Journal of Philology 135 (3):485-489.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Meaning of Meat and the Structure of the Odyssey by Egbert J. BakkerSusan A. CurryEgbert J. Bakker. The Meaning of Meat and the Structure of the Odyssey. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. xiv + 191 pp. Cloth, $90.Meat-eating in the Odyssey is a risky business. Inextricably intertwined with song itself in the context of the aristocratic feast, meat-eating in excess becomes a weapon of the Suitors in (...)
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  41.  78
    Tax practitioners' ethical sensitivity: A model and empirical examination. [REVIEW]Scott A. Yetmar & Kenneth K. Eastman - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 26 (4):271 - 288.
    Ethical sensitivity triggers the entire ethical decision-making process (i.e., recognition of ethical content in work situations). In this article, five factors are examined that affect tax practitioners' professional ethical sensitivity. The five factors that were examined include role conflict, role ambiguity, job satisfaction, professional commitment, and ethical orientation. Ethical content in work situations is examined in relation to professional ethics as enumerated by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountant's (AICPA) Statements on Responsibilities in Tax Practice (SRTP). Utilizing Hunt (...)
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    The Pragmatism Reader: From Peirce Through the Present.Robert B. Talisse & Scott F. Aikin (eds.) - 2011 - Princeton University Press.
    The Pragmatism Reader is the essential anthology of this important philosophical movement. Each selection featured here is a key writing by a leading pragmatist thinker, and represents a distinctively pragmatist approach to a core philosophical problem. The collection includes work by pragmatism's founders, Charles Peirce, William James, and John Dewey, as well as seminal writings by mid-twentieth-century pragmatists such as Sidney Hook, C. I. Lewis, Nelson Goodman, Rudolf Carnap, Wilfrid Sellars, and W.V.O. Quine. This reader also includes the most important (...)
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  43.  46
    Communication and coordination.John H. Miller & Scott Moser - 2004 - Complexity 9 (5):31-40.
  44.  87
    Developmental systems and animal behaviour.Jason Scott Robert - 2003 - Biology and Philosophy 18 (3):477-489.
    This is a critical notice of Evolution's Eye by Susan Oyama, focusing on developmental systems theory primarily in relation to the nature-nurture debates and the explanation of behaviour.
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    Man and the Bull.R. Scott Walker & Sigfried J. De Laet - 1981 - Diogenes 29 (115):104-132.
    It is some 900 years before Christ that we find the most ancient traces of two innovations which were to have incalculable consequences for the future of mankind. The evolution of civilization has, in fact, been marked by a clean break located at the era when man discovered the rudiments of agriculture and animal husbandry and began to produce his own food. Whereas for the three million years during which he had to provide for his needs exclusively through hunting, fishing (...)
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    Susan Solomon. The Coldest March: Scott’s Fatal Antarctic Expedition. 383 pp., bibl., notes, indexes. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2001. $29.95. [REVIEW]Ellis Yochelson - 2002 - Isis 93 (4):712-713.
  47. Charles E. Scott, Susan M. Schoenbohm, Daniela Vallega-Neu, and Alejandro Vallega, eds., Companion to Heidegger's Contributions to Philosophy. [REVIEW]Trish Glazebrook - 2002 - Philosophy in Review 22:363-365.
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    Modern spectacle and American feminism’s disappointing daughters: Writing fantasy echoes in The Portrait of a Lady.Kimberly Lamm - 2014 - Feminist Theory 15 (2):179-196.
    Joan Scott’s ‘fantasy echo’ is deployed to analyse the trope of the mother/daughter relationship in contemporary laments about feminism’s failures, exemplified by Susan Faludi’s ‘American Electra: Feminism’s Ritual Matricide’ (2010). I demonstrate that Faludi’s primary argument – that young feminists do not respect the generations that precede them and therefore halt feminist progress – unreflectively relies upon a feminist maternal fantasy and ignores the prominent role spectacle culture plays in the circumscription of contemporary feminism. Building upon Scott’s (...)
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  49.  45
    Epilogue: What good are drugs anyway?Lester H. Hunt - 2003 - Criminal Justice Ethics 22 (1):46-49.
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    Cinema's bodily illusions: flying, floating, and hallucinating.Scott C. Richmond - 2016 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    Do contemporary big-budget blockbuster films like Gravity move something in us that is fundamentally the same as what avant-garde and experimental films have done for more than a century? In a powerful challenge to mainstream film theory, Cinema's Bodily Illusions demonstrates that this is the case. Scott C. Richmond bridges genres and periods by focusing, most palpably, on cinema's power to evoke illusions: feeling like you're flying through space, experiencing 3D without glasses, or even hallucinating. He argues that cinema (...)
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