Results for 'Stéphane Conversy'

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  1.  30
    Modelling interactive computing systems: Do we have a good theory of what computers are?Alice Martin, Mathieu Magnaudet & Stéphane Conversy - 2022 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 73:77-119.
    Computers are increasingly interactive. They are no more transformational systems producing a final output after a finite execution. Instead, they continuously react in time to external events that modify the course of computing execution. While philosophers have been interested in conceptualizing computers for a long time, they seem to have paid little attention to the specificities of interactive computing. We propose to tackle this issue by surveying the literature in theoretical computer science, where one can find explicit proposals for a (...)
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    Computers as Interactive Machines: Can We Build an Explanatory Abstraction?Alice Martin, Mathieu Magnaudet & Stéphane Conversy - 2023 - Minds and Machines 33 (1):83-112.
    In this paper, we address the question of what current computers are from the point of view of human-computer interaction. In the early days of computing, the Turing machine (TM) has been the cornerstone of the understanding of computers. The TM defines what can be computed and how computation can be carried out. However, in the last decades, computers have evolved and increasingly become interactive systems, reacting in real-time to external events in an ongoing loop. We argue that the TM (...)
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    The concept possession hypothesis of self-consciousness.Stephane Savanah - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):713-720.
    This paper presents the hypothesis that concept possession is sufficient and necessary for self-consciousness. If this is true it provides a yardstick for gauging the validity of different research paradigms in which claims for self-consciousness in animals or human infants are made: a convincing demonstration of concept possession in a research subject, such as a display of inferential reasoning, may be taken as conclusive evidence of self-consciousness. Intuitively, there appears to be a correlation between intelligence in animals and the existence (...)
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    Governments, grassroots, and the struggle for local food systems: containing, coopting, contesting and collaborating.Stéphane M. McLachlan, Colin R. Anderson & Julia M. L. Laforge - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (3):663-681.
    Local sustainable food systems have captured the popular imagination as a progressive, if not radical, pillar of a sustainable food future. Yet these grassroots innovations are embedded in a dominant food regime that reflects productivist, industrial, and neoliberal policies and institutions. Understanding the relationship between these emerging grassroots efforts and the dominant food regime is of central importance in any transition to a more sustainable food system. In this study, we examine the encounters of direct farm marketers with food safety (...)
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    Des sports toujours discriminants pour les personnes vivant avec un handicap aujourd’hui?Stéphane Héas - 2012 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 6 (1):57-66.
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    Notes de lecture.Stéphane Héas - 2014 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 8 (2):135-137.
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    Le devenir humain: réflexions éthiques sur les fins de la nature.Stéphane Bauzon - 2011 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    La Déclaration des droits de l'homme nous est familière. Mais de quel homme parle-t-on? L'homme/esprit des Lumières ou l'homme/matière des sciences? En discutant ces deux approches, l'objectif de cet ouvrage est de réfléchir sur la particularité ontologique de chaque existence humaine. À partir d'exemples tirés de l'actualité juridique et politique, ce livre insiste sur la quête de sens inhérente à toute entreprise humaine. Être humain est un effort pour chacun, ce n'est pas un acquis. " Devenir humain " signifie lutter (...)
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    The ability to not-shine the word “unscheinbar” in the writings of Walter Benjamin.Stéphane Symons - 2013 - Angelaki 18 (4):101-123.
    This article renders a close reading of those passages in Walter Benjamin's work where he uses the term “unscheinbar.” Arguing that this concept cannot be reduced to its privative prefix “un-,” the article explores how moments in time, objects or images that are not meaningful in themselves can nevertheless trigger an experience that is to be called such. The article analyzes Benjamin's ideas on friendliness, commemoration, melancholy, mémoire involontaire and photography with the purpose of understanding how a detail or fragment (...)
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  9. Can Rats Reason?Savanah Stephane - 2015 - Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice 2 (4):404-429.
    Since at least the mid-1980s claims have been made for rationality in rats. For example, that rats are capable of inferential reasoning (Blaisdell, Sawa, Leising, & Waldmann, 2006; Bunsey & Eichenbaum, 1996), or that they can make adaptive decisions about future behavior (Foote & Crystal, 2007), or that they are capable of knowledge in propositional-like form (Dickinson, 1985). The stakes are rather high, because these capacities imply concept possession and on some views (e.g., Rödl, 2007; Savanah, 2012) rationality indicates self-consciousness. (...)
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  10.  20
    Equivalent income and fair evaluation of health care.Marc Fleurbaey, Stéphane Luchini, Christophe Muller & Erik Schokkaert - unknown
    We argue that the economic evaluation of health care (cost–benefit analysis) should respect individual preferences and should incorporate distributional considerations. Relying on individual preferences does not imply subjective welfarism. We propose a particular non-welfarist approach, based on the concept of equivalent income, and show how it helps to define distributional weights. We illustrate the feasibility of our approach with empirical results from a pilot survey.
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    Children's use of geometry and landmarks to reorient in an open space.Stéphane Gouteux & Elizabeth S. Spelke - 2001 - Cognition 81 (2):119-148.
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    Narrative identity in schizophrenia.Stéphane Raffard, Arnaud D’Argembeau, Claudia Lardi, Sophie Bayard, Jean-Philippe Boulenger & Martial Van der Linden - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):328-340.
  13.  21
    Naturalisme et nature humaine : la théorie pragmatiste des instincts.Stéphane Madelrieux - 2024 - Archives de Philosophie 2:25-42.
    La question des instincts est une voie d’entrée privilégiée pour le rapport du pragmatisme au naturalisme. Le problème que soulève la théorie des instincts de William James et John Dewey vient du maintien, à première vue surprenant, de l’idée d’une « nature humaine ». Je soutiens que c’est au sein même de la théorie pragmatiste des instincts que l’on trouve des arguments pour montrer que la nature humaine ne détermine pas univoquement la conduite. Bien comprendre la naturalité de l’être humain (...)
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  14.  9
    Droit et raison d'état.Stéphane Bonnet - 2012 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    La raison d'État de la Renaissance émerge à partir de la transformation de l'ordre juridique médiéval. Sur les ruines du droit naturel, s'affirme une première raison d'État qui se revendique comme un droit fondé dans la nécessité. À l'opposé, le traité Della Ragione di Stato de Giovanni Botero refonde l'ordre juridique pour maîtriser cette nécessité. La raison d'État botérienne se rattache ainsi à un mouvement général de reconstruction de l'ordre juridique, auquel participent Machiavel ou Bodin.
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    Anciens et modernes par-delà nature et société.Stéphane Haber & Arnaud Macé (eds.) - 2012 - Besançon: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté.
    D'abord, la " Nature ", avec ses composantes bigarrées, ses lois inexorables et ses principes aveugles ; et puis, au-dessus d'elle, la supplantant, l'écrasant, la " Société ", recueil des expressions de l'ingéniosité humaine, somme des arrangements plus ou moins fiables dont nous avons convenu entre nous. Ce schéma dualiste, dans lequel se concentre une partie de l'héritage idéaliste de la pensée philosophique occidentale, a joué un rôle central dans l'autocompréhension historique de la modernité. Certains hommes seraient devenus, justement, modernes, (...)
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    Humanismes, antihumanismes de Ficin à Heidegger.Stéphane Toussaint - 2008 - Paris: Belles lettres.
    Entre les abstractions de l'anthropologie et les approximations de l'humanitarisme, il n'est qu'un seul chemin pour retrouver l'humanité qui s'éloigne: l'exactitude philosophique. La Renaissance italienne guide ces recherches, qui tentent d'imposer une clarté historique à des principes vagues et d'opposer des principes clairs à la fuite des idées.
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    André Dumas et la figure de l’intellectuel chrétien.Stéphane Lavignotte - 2022 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 154 (2):171-187.
    Alors que la figure de l’intellectuel chrétien semble aujourd’hui en difficulté de légitimité dans les débats publics en France, il y a un intérêt à s’intéresser à André Dumas (1918-1996), aujourd’hui relativement oublié, qui fut un des intellectuels protestants les plus connus en France de son vivant. Les gestes de son éthique dans le débat public montrent comment il passe d’une figure intellectuelle à une autre : intellectuel universel, officiel, organique, traditionnel, spécifique... Étudier cette mobilité est une manière de reprendre (...)
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    Le marxisme oublié de Foucault.Stéphane Legrand - 2004 - Actuel Marx 36 (2):27-43.
    Foucault’s Forgotten Marxism. This article tries to point out several methodological issues concerning Foucault’s Surveiller et punir, such as the equivocal status of some of Foucault’s main concepts, or the assumed homogeneity of the various disciplinary institutions analyzed in this book. And it aims at suggesting that such issues might find a solution, should one consider the Marxist background on which, as the Lectures at the Collège de France of the year 1973 clearly show, Foucault’s theories were dependant. In the (...)
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  19. Individuality and Aggregativity.Stéphane Chauvier - 2017 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 9 (11).
    Why is there a specific problem with biological individuality? Because the living realm contains a wide range of exotic particular concrete entities that do not easily match our ordinary concept of an individual. Slime moulds, dandelions, siphonophores are among the Odd Entities that excite the ontological zeal of the philosophers of biology. Most of these philosophers, however, seem to believe that these Odd Cases oblige us to refine or revise our common concept of an individual. They think, explicitly or tacitly, (...)
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  20. .Félix Guattari, Stéphane Nadaud & Kélina Gotman - unknown
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  21.  25
    Studies on Animals and the Rise of Comparative Anatomy at and around the Parisian Royal Academy of Sciences in the Eighteenth Century.Stéphane Schmitt - 2016 - Science in Context 29 (1):11-54.
    ArgumentThis paper aims to understand the emergence of comparative anatomy in the eighteenth century in the Parisian Académie Royale des Sciences. As early as the 1670s, a program centered on animal anatomy was conceived, which was a first attempt to give some autonomy to studies on animals and to link anatomy with natural history, but it declined after 1690. However, a variety of studies on animals was published in theMémoiresof the Académie during the eighteenth century. We propose a descriptive typology (...)
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    Conspiracism in contemporary Russia.Stéphane François & Olivier Schmitt - 2015 - Diogenes 62 (3-4):81-88.
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    Le conspirationnisme dans la Russie contemporaine.Stéphane François & Olivier Schmitt - 2016 - Diogène n° 249-250 (1):120-129.
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    Marsilio Ficino: fonti, testi, fortuna: atti del convegno internazionale (Firenze, 1-3 ottobre 1999).Sebastiano Gentile & Stéphane Toussaint (eds.) - 2006 - Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
    Marsilio Ficino, fonti, testi, fortuna, convegno svoltosi à Firenze nell'ottobre del 1999, viene a chiudere la serie degli incontri internazionali coordinati dal Comitato Internazionale Marsilio Ficino e ora pubblicati a Londra e a Parigi. Il volume offre le versioni aggiornate delle conferenze pubbliche tenute all'Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento in quella occasione sull'opera ed il pensiero di Ficino, dal Quattrocento al Seicento. Il suo taglio prevalentemente filologico costituisce un imprescindibile complemento alle pubblicazioni del 1984-86, sempre in onore del Ficino, (...)
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    Deciding Regular Grammar Logics with Converse Through First-Order Logic.Stéphane Demri & Hans Nivelle - 2005 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 14 (3):289-329.
    We provide a simple translation of the satisfiability problem for regular grammar logics with converse into GF2, which is the intersection of the guarded fragment and the 2-variable fragment of first-order logic. The translation is theoretically interesting because it translates modal logics with certain frame conditions into first-order logic, without explicitly expressing the frame conditions. It is practically relevant because it makes it possible to use a decision procedure for the guarded fragment in order to decide regular grammar logics with (...)
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  26.  44
    A response to Dow’s and Musholt’s commentaries on the concept possession hypothesis of self-consciousness.Stephane Savanah - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):725-726.
    In this short piece I defend my position on self-consciousness against the objections raised by Dow and Musholt to a paper in the same issue. These are that (1) Bermudez’s (1998) The Paradox of Self-Consciousness broadly supports the CP Hypothesis; (2) the self-concept requires no further complexity than knowledge of one’s own existence and capacity to take deliberate action; (3) understanding the idea of a perceiver requires understanding the concept of an agent that performs the action of perception; (4) Dow (...)
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  27.  54
    Lacepède’s Syncretic Contribution to the Debates on Natural History in France Around 1800.Stephane Schmitt - 2010 - Journal of the History of Biology 43 (3):429-457.
    Lacepède was a key figure in the French intellectual world from the Old Regime to the Restoration, sinc e he was not only a scientist, but also a musician, a writer, and a politician. His brilliant career is a good example of the progress of the social status of scientists in France around 1800. In the life sciences, he was considered the heir to Buffon and continued the latter’s Histoire naturelle, but he also borrowed ideas from anti-Buffonian scientists. He broached (...)
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  28.  43
    Type et métamorphose dans la morphologie de Goethe, entre classicisme et romantisme / Type and metamorphosis in Goethe's morphology : Between classicism and romanticism.Stephane Schmitt - 2001 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 54 (4):495-521.
  29.  32
    Habermas’s epistemic conception of democracy: Some reactions to McCarthy’s objections.Stéphane Courtois - 2004 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 30 (7):842-866.
    The article aims at assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the objections to Habermas’s epistemic conception of democracy raised by Thomas McCarthy in some of his essays. The author defends two ideas. First, he contends that McCarthy is mistaken in believing that democratic debates would not be a matter of consensus. In this regard, two arguments are raised, showing that the search for agreement and consensus by citizens in public forums can hardly be dismissed and that consensus can be invested (...)
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    Videoconferencing Psychotherapy for Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia: Outcome and Treatment Processes From a Non-randomized Non-inferiority Trial.Stéphane Bouchard, Micheline Allard, Geneviève Robillard, Stéphanie Dumoulin, Tanya Guitard, Claudie Loranger, Isabelle Green-Demers, André Marchand, Patrice Renaud, Louis-Georges Cournoyer & Giulia Corno - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    A Gate‐Based Account of Intentions.Stéphane Lemaire - 2012 - Dialectica 66 (1):45-67.
    In this paper, I propose a reductive account of intentions which I call a gate-based reductive account. In contrast with other reductive accounts, however, the reductive basis of this account is not limited to desires, beliefs and judgments. I suggest that an intention is a complex state in which a predominant desire toward a plan is not inhibited by a gate mechanism whose function is to assess the comparison of our desires given the stakes at hand. To vindicate this account, (...)
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  32. Body image in neurology and psychoanalysis: History and new developments.Catherine Morin & Stephane Thibierge - 2006 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 27 (3-4):301-318.
    While the self-representation of our bodies is a key element in our belief that we are autonomous individuals with a “first-person perspective,” the term body image covers and has covered a variety of meanings. In neurology, this term currently designates the verbal representation of the body parts. Psychoanalysis considers body image as intertwining the imaginary and symbolic aspects of identity, and insists on its dependence on the Other’s regard; this link to regard appears in the term specular image. This paper (...)
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  33. Dialectiques du Mystère.Bernard Morel & Stéphane Lupasco - 1963 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 18 (1):107-107.
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  34. Norms for emotions: intrinsic or extrinsic.Stéphane Lemaire - 2014 - Liber Amicorum Pascal Engel.
    It is often suggested that emotions are intrinsically normative or that they have conditions of correctness that are intrinsic. In order to assess this thesis, I consider whether the main argument in favor of the normativity of belief can be transposed to emotions. In the case of belief, the argument is that when we wonder whether to believe that p, we acknowledge that we must abide by some norms. This is understood as showing that these norms are intrinsic to the (...)
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  35.  38
    Dire "je": essai sur la subjectivité.Stéphane Chauvier - 2001 - Paris: Vrin.
    L'aptitude a dire Je est une des remarques distinctives de la subjectivite: si un caillou se mettait a nous parler de lui-meme, nous pourrions difficilement, l'etonnement dissipe, ne pas le tenir pour une personne. Toutefois, pour beaucoup de philosophes, cette aptitude a dire je n'est que l'une des manifestations d'une aptitude plus profonde et plus generale de la conscience de soi. Une creature ne pourrait parler de soi que parce qu'elle serait consciente de soi et c'est cette aptitude a la (...)
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  36. The wood frame of the Temple of Apollon in the accounts of Delphi: techniques, vocabulary and building work chronology.Stéphane Lamouille - 2020 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 144.
    Il ne subsiste aucun vestige de la charpente du temple d’Apollon construit à Delphes durant le ive s. av. J.‑C., ni de bloc comportant des réservations pour l’appui des poutres. En revanche, de nombreux passages des comptes de construction mentionnent des pièces en bois et font état de travaux sur les parties hautes du monument. Nous présentons ici un commentaire de ces inscriptions qui s’articule autour de trois objectifs principaux : déterminer la destination et la fonction des pièces de bois (...)
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    Evidence for the embodiment of space perception: concurrent hand but not arm action moderates reachability and egocentric distance perception.Stéphane Grade, Mauro Pesenti & Martin G. Edwards - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Negotiating an “Economic Revolution”: History, Collectivism, and Liberalism in William Clarke’s Thought.Stéphane Guy - 2020 - Journal of the History of Ideas 81 (4):621-642.
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    Conservation agriculture and gendered livelihoods in Northwestern Cambodia: decision-making, space and access.Stéphane Boulakia, Maria Elisa Christie & Daniel Sumner - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (2):347-362.
    Smallholder farmers in Rattanakmondol District, Battambang Province, Cambodia face challenges related to soil erosion, declining yields, climate change, and unsustainable tillage-based farming practices in their efforts to increase food production within maize-based systems. In 2010, research for development programs began introducing agricultural production systems based on conservation agriculture to smallholder farmers located in four communities within Rattanakmondol District as a pathway for addressing these issues. Understanding gendered practices and perspectives is integral to adapting CA technologies to the needs of local (...)
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  40. The intentionality of emotions and the possibility of unconscious emotions.Stéphane Lemaire - 2022 - J. Deonna, C. Tappolet and F. Teroni (Eds.), A Tribute to Ronald de Sousa. URL Https://Www.Unige.Ch/Cisa/Related-Sites/Ronald-de-Sousa/.
    Two features are often assumed about emotions: they are intentional states and they are experiences. However, there are important reasons to consider some affective responses that are not experienced or only partly experienced as emotions. But the existence of these affective responses does not sit well with the intentionality of conscious emotions which are somehow geared towards their object. We therefore face a trilemma: either these latter affective responses do not have intentional objects and we should renounce intentionality as a (...)
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    Are Emotions Evaluative Modes?Jérôme Dokic & Stéphane Lemaire - 2015 - Dialectica 69 (3):271-292.
    Following Meinong, many philosophers have been attracted by the view that emotions have intrinsically evaluative correctness conditions. On one version of this view, emotions have evaluative contents. On another version, emotions are evaluative attitudes; they are evaluative at the level of intentional mode rather than content. We raise objections against the latter version, showing that the only two ways of implementing it are hopeless. Either emotions are manifestly evaluative or they are not. In the former case, the Attitudinal View threatens (...)
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    Do repeated arrays of regulatory small‐RNA genes elicit genomic imprinting?Stéphane Labialle & Jérôme Cavaillé - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (8):565-573.
    The basic premise of the host‐defense theory is that genomic imprinting, the parent‐of‐origin expression of a subset of mammalian genes, derives from mechanisms originally dedicated to silencing repeated and retroviral‐like sequences that deeply colonized mammalian genomes. We propose that large clusters of tandemly‐repeated C/D‐box small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) or microRNAs represent a novel category of sequences recognized as “genomic parasites”, contributing to the emergence of genomic imprinting in a subset of chromosomal regions that contain them. Such a view is supported (...)
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    Using brain potentials to understand prism adaptation: the error-related negativity and the P300.Stephane J. MacLean, Cameron D. Hassall, Yoko Ishigami, Olav E. Krigolson & Gail A. Eskes - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  44. Générations spontanées.Stephane Tirard - 2006 - In Pietro Corsi (ed.), Lamarck, Philosophe de la Nature. Presses Universitaires de France. pp. 65--104.
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    Classical Distributive Justice and the European Healthcare System: Rethinking the Foundations of European Health Care in an Age of Crises.Stéphane Bauzon - 2015 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 40 (2):190-200.
    The state subvention and distribution of health care not only jeopardize the financial sustainability of the state, but also restrict without a conclusive rational basis the freedom of patients to decide how much health care and of what quality is worth what price. The dominant biopolitics of European health care supports a healthcare monopoly in the hands of the state and the medical profession, which health care should be opened to the patient’s authority to deal directly for better basic health (...)
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  46. L'aveu: nature, effets, et valeur.Stéphane Lemaire - 2014 - In L'aveu: la vérité et ses effets. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes.
    In this paper, I explain the processes undergone by the producer of an awoval. The conditions of its possibility and its effects on the subjet itself through the effects on those to whom the avowal is addressed. I finally wonder to what extent it may be considered a moral transformation.
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    Effets cachés de l'influence et de la persuasion.Stéphane Laurens - 2007 - Diogène 217 (1):7-21.
  48.  24
    L'influence, entre science et fantasme.Stéphane Laurens - 2005 - Hermes 41:83.
    Les récents débats autour du délit de manipulation mentale amènent à s'interroger sur la notion d'influence et sur l'impact des recherches faites dans ce domaine. Ce délit repose sur l'idée que des techniques de manipulation efficaces existent et que par leur utilisation, on pourrait manipuler autrui. Suivant cette conception asymétrique de l'influence, la cible devient l'instrument du désir de la source et dans ce cas, il est nécessaire de se protéger de ces influences qui peuvent être néfastes. Si des travaux (...)
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    (1 other version)Antisémites sans remords: les «bons motifs» des juristes de Vichy.Stéphane Boiron - 2008 - Cités 36 (4):37-50.
    Que l’idéologie raciste nazie ait pu engendrer la Shoah relève de l’évidence, la plus effrayante sans aucun doute de toute l’histoire du XXe siècle. Que des juristes catholiques et patriotes aient pu se montrer les complices actifs de la persécution des Juifs ne s’explique que dans le contexte d’une IIIe République déchirée et agonisante, accouchant du régime de Vichy. Mais..
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    Botero machiavélien ou l'invention de la raison d'Etat.Stéphane Bonnet - 2003 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 66 (3):315.
    Résumé — Au début du traité Della ragione di Stato, Boreto déclare son opposition résolue au machiavélisme. Il récuse en effet une conception de la raison d’État fondée sur l’immoralisme, sur la transgression répétée des commandements divins. Mais Botero ne prône pas un simple retour à une fondation théologique du politique. Il reprend plutôt à son compte, sous le nom de raison d’État, une conception du politique délivrée de toute relation à la moralité transcendante venue de Dieu, une conception amorale (...)
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