Results for 'Stephanie Muravchik'

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  1.  15
    Trump: New Populist or Old Democrat?Stephanie Muravchik & Jon A. Shields - 2019 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 31 (3):405-419.
    Donald Trump’s victory depended on the defection of hundreds of longstanding Democratic communities. Trump appealed to these communities partly because he behaves like some of their most beloved politicians. Like the president, these politicians are brazen, thin skinned, nepotistic, and offer an older, boss-centered vision of politics. Trump—the anti-establishment outsider—appealed to voters in these communities because he resembles the local insiders. This appeal widens an old fault line inside the Democratic Party.
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    Ethical allocation of future COVID-19 vaccines.Rohit Gupta & Stephanie R. Morain - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (3):137-141.
    The COVID-19 pandemic will likely recede only through development and distribution of an effective vaccine. Although there are many unknowns surrounding COVID-19 vaccine development, vaccine demand will likely outstrip early supply, making prospective planning for vaccine allocation critical for ensuring the ethical distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. Here, we propose three central goals for COVID-19 vaccination campaigns: to reduce morbidity and mortality, to minimise additional economic and societal burdens related to the pandemic and to narrow unjust health inequalities. We evaluate five (...)
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    Of Models and Machines: Implementing Bounded Rationality.Stephanie Dick - 2015 - Isis 106 (3):623-634.
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    What Gardens Mean.Stephanie Ross - 1998 - University of Chicago Press.
    This examination of gardens--particulary English gardens of the eighteenth century--offers possible links between garden design and the arts.
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    Dispositional mindfulness and the wandering mind: Implications for attentional control in older adults.Stephanie Fountain-Zaragoza, Allison Londerée, Patrick Whitmoyer & Ruchika Shaurya Prakash - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 44:193-204.
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    Comprehension of Mandarin Aspect Markers by Preschool Children With and Without Developmental Language Disorder.Lijun Chen & Stephanie Durrleman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:839951.
    Children with developmental language disorder (DLD) reportedly struggle with the comprehension of aspect. However, since aspect and tense are closely entangled in the languages spoken by the children with DLD in previous studies, it is unclear whether the difficulty stems from aspect, tense, or both. Mandarin Chinese, a language without morphological manifestations of tense, is ideal to investigate whether the comprehension of aspect is specifically affected in children with DLD, yet to date work on this is scarce and presents methodological (...)
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  7. L'idéalisme objectif.Vittorio Hösle, Stéphanie Costa, Bernd Goebel & Jacob Schmutz - 2002 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 192 (1):94-94.
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    Conducting Health Disparities Research with Criminal Justice Populations: Examining Research, Ethics, and Participation.Pamela Valera, Stephanie Cook, Ruth Macklin & Yvonne Chang - 2014 - Ethics and Behavior 24 (2):164-174.
    This study explored the challenges of informed consent and understanding of the research process among Black and Latino men under community supervision. Between February and October 2012, we conducted cognitive face-to-face interviews using open-ended questions on the significant areas of research participation among 259 men aged 35 to 67 under community supervision in Bronx, New York. Content analysis of the open-ended questions revealed limited knowledge concerning the understanding of research participation. The study participants appeared to generally understand concepts such as (...)
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  9. Darwin and the Situation of Emotion Research.Daniel M. Gross & Stephanie D. Preston - 2020 - Emotion Review 12 (3):179-190.
    This article demonstrates how researchers from both the sciences and the humanities can learn from Charles Darwin’s mixed methodology. We identify two basic challenges that face emotion research in the sciences, namely a mismatch between experiment design and the complexity of life that we aim to explain, and problematic efforts to bridge the gap, including invalid inferences from constrained study designs, and equivocal use of terms like “sympathy” and “empathy” that poorly reflect such methodological constraints. We argue that Darwin’s mixed (...)
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    AfterMath: The Work of Proof in the Age of Human–Machine Collaboration.Stephanie Dick - 2011 - Isis 102 (3):494-505.
    During the 1970s and 1980s, a team of Automated Theorem Proving researchers at the Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago developed the Automated Reasoning Assistant, or AURA, to assist human users in the search for mathematical proofs. The resulting hybrid humans+AURA system developed the capacity to make novel contributions to pure mathematics by very untraditional means. This essay traces how these unconventional contributions were made and made possible through negotiations between the humans and the AURA at Argonne and the transformation in (...)
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  11.  53
    Addressing Governance Gaps in Global Value Chains: Introducing a Systematic Typology.Stephanie Schrage & Dirk Ulrich Gilbert - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (4):657-672.
    Multinational enterprises dominate the governance of global value chains, such that according to the concept of political corporate social responsibility, they are responsible to address governance gaps throughout the chains, even at the level of their independent suppliers. In practice, MNEs often struggle to cope with the complexity of these governance gaps, and PCSR does not provide a clear definition nor offer guidance for how to analyze and address them. By adopting the notion of governance mechanisms from GVC literature, this (...)
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    Cases on Applied and Therapeutic Humor.Michael K. Cundall & Stephanie Kelly (eds.) - 2021 - Medical Information Science Reference.
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    Causeries, 1948, coll. « Traces écrites ».Maurice Merleau-Ponty & Stéphanie Ménasé (eds.) - 2002 - Paris: Seuil.
    "The world of perception, that is to say that which is revealed to us by our senses and by the use of life, seems at first sight the best known to us, since there is no need for instruments or calculations to access it, and it suffices, apparently, to open our eyes and let ourselves live to enter it. Yet this is only a false appearance. I would like to show in these talks that it is largely ignored by us (...)
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    Developmental Disabilities.Nancy A. Neef & Stephanie M. Peterson - 2003 - In Kennon A. Lattal, Behavior Theory and Philosophy. Springer. pp. 369--389.
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    Rapid recovery from aphasia after infarction of Wernicke’s area.Yagata Stephanie, Yen Melodie, McCarron Angelica, Bautista Alexa, Lamair-Orosco Genevieve & Wilson Stephen - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Refashioning Second-Hand Clothes Consumption Through Pleasure, Pain, Seduction and Conversion: A Virtue Ethics Perspective.Kristina Auxtova, Stephanie Schreven & Lucy J. Wishart - 2025 - Journal of Business Ethics 196 (4):863-881.
    The fashion industry needs to become more circular, given the unsustainable levels of waste it produces. Our research empirically explores and theoretically develops how adopting a virtue ethics approach can encourage and support second-hand clothing consumption as a form of reuse and a way of practicing sustainability. Based on ethnographic interviews with consumers who shop in UK charity shops, our grounded theory study focuses on how consumers experience second-hand clothing consumption as constitutive of sources of (in)action that encourage or inhibit (...)
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    Putting a Finger on Numerical Development – Reviewing the Contributions of Kindergarten Finger Gnosis and Fine Motor Skills to Numerical Abilities.Roberta Barrocas, Stephanie Roesch, Caterina Gawrilow & Korbinian Moeller - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Drinking Motives As Mediators of the Associations between Reinforcement Sensitivity and Alcohol Misuse and Problems.Joseph Studer, Stéphanie Baggio, Marc Dupuis, Meichun Mohler-Kuo, Jean-Bernard Daeppen & Gerhard Gmel - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Michel Foucault, les Lumières et la tradition socialiste.Stéphanie Roza - 2023 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 118 (2):259-275.
    La nature exacte du rapport de Foucault aux Lumières n’est pas aisée à déterminer. Cet article part de l’hypothèse selon laquelle Foucault lit l’héritage des Lumières au prisme de la tradition socialiste ultérieure, c’est-à-dire au prisme des différentes variantes du projet d’émancipation né dans le sillage de la critique socio-politique des Lumières et de la Révolution française. Foucault est hostile à l’idée même d’un idéal de libération globale et universellement valable, c’est pourquoi il s’emploie à déconstruire les fondements philosophiques d’une (...)
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  20. What photographs can't do.Stephanie Ross - 1982 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 41 (1):5-17.
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    Un monde sans attachement?Stéphanie Leblanc - 2007 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 175 (1):63-72.
    Dans cet article, l’auteur émet ses réflexions sur la précarité des liens d’attachement parent-enfant et homme-femme que semblent procurer les nouveaux modes de vie des sociétés modernes. Pour situer ses propos, l’auteur expose comment les comportements d’attachement auraient été façonnés par la sélection naturelle, pour ensuite être minimisés par la sélection culturelle, ainsi que les conséquences que cela pourrait avoir sur les individus et sur ces sociétés.
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  22. The picturesque: An eighteenth-century debate.Stephanie Ross - 1987 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 46 (2):271-279.
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    Ut hortus poesis—gardening and her sister arts in eighteenth-century England.Stephanie Ross - 1985 - British Journal of Aesthetics 25 (1):17-32.
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  24. No human hand : the ourang-outang in Poe's "The murders in the Rue Morgue".Stephanie Rowe - 2009 - In Sarah E. McFarland & Ryan Hediger, Animals and agency: an interdisciplinary exploration. Boston: Brill.
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    La Révolution française dans l’œuvre de Lukács.Stéphanie Roza - 2021 - Actuel Marx 69 (1):44-59.
    Cet article porte sur les enjeux de l’émergence de la Révolution française comme moment de rupture fondatrice dans l’œuvre du second Lukács, à partir des années 1930. Ce prisme permet de reconsidérer ce qui est généralement présenté comme le tournant stalinien de l’auteur. Lukács voit dans les prises de position à l’égard de la Révolution française le révélateur de lignes de fracture philosophiques, esthétiques et idéologiques majeures du monde moderne. Sur cette base, il élabore une lecture marxiste hétérodoxe du champ (...)
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    La Révolution française et la gauche allemande dans le premier XIXe siècle : les cas de Ludwig Börne et Bruno Bauer.Stéphanie Roza - 2021 - Astérion 24 (24).
    The comments on the French Revolution by the young Marx and Engels are well-known and have been abundantly discussed. However, what is less known is that they belonged to a generation of German intellectual activists who, in the 1830s and 1840s, constantly used the French Enlightenment as a key reference to assess contemporary German philosophy and political life. This article provides an analysis of the two diverging positions on such questions articulated by two representatives of this generation: Ludwig Börne who (...)
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  27.  14
    Science not silence: voices from the March for Science Movement.Stephanie Fine Sasse & Lucky Tran (eds.) - 2018 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Awareness of science encouraged through events in 2017.
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    Between Labour and Intellect: Jorge Ribalta’s Anonymous Work.Stephanie Schwartz - 2012 - Philosophy of Photography 3 (2):358-365.
  29.  22
    An ‘attractive alternative way of wielding power’? Revealing hidden gender ideologies in the portrayal of women Heads of State during the COVID-19 pandemic.Carolin Debray, Stephanie Schnurr, Joelle Loew & Sophie Reissner-Roubicek - 2024 - Critical Discourse Studies 21 (1):52-75.
    This paper explores the gendered discourses of the – seemingly favourable – media coverage that certain Heads of State received for their handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Looking at media reports published in different English-speaking outlets in the US, the UK, India, Bangladesh, Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, and Ireland, and using multimodal feminist critical discourse analysis, we identify and describe strategies that on the surface appear to challenge hegemonic – and largely masculine – discourses of leadership. Upon closer scrutiny, these (...)
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  30.  18
    Offrandes dans les sanctuaires thasiens (campagnes d’étude 2000-2014).Christine Aubry, Stephanie Huysecom-Haxhi, Jacky Kozlowski, Jean-Jacques Maffre, Arthur Muller, Marie-Dominique Nenna, Martin Perron, Anne Tichit & Christine Walter - 2014 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 138 (2):665-687.
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    Introduction: Quantum Information Theory and Quantum Foundations.Howard Barnum, Stephanie Wehner & Alexander Wilce - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (8):853-856.
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    Pharmacological Cognitive Enhancement: Examining the Ethical Principles Guiding College Students’ Abstention.Niloofar Bavarian, Stephanie Sumstine, Jocelyne Mendez, Kyle Yomogida, Wilma Figueroa & Cammie Lam - 2018 - Neuroethics 12 (3):271-278.
    Objectives To understand the ethical principles guiding college students’ abstention from pharmacological cognitive enhancement, and to determine the correlates associated with endorsing different principles. Design One-stage cluster sampling was used to implement a paper-based survey among undergraduate students attending one university in the U.S. Thematic analysis was used to explore the ethical principles guiding PCE abstention. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to examine sociodemographic correlates associated with endorsed ethical principles. Participants Of the 499 eligible students who completed the survey, (...)
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    (1 other version)Location, location, location.Patrick Grim, Stephanie Wardach & Vincent Beltrani - 2006 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 7 (1):43-78.
    Most current modeling for evolution of communication still underplays or ignores the role of local action in spatialized environments: the fact that it is immediate neighbors with which one tends to communicate, and from whom one learns strategies or conventions of communication. Only now are the lessons of spatialization being learned in a related field: game-theoretic models for cooperation. In work on altruism, on the other hand, the role of spatial organization has long been recognized under the term ‘viscosity’. Here (...)
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    Julia C. Walworth, Parallel Narratives: Function and Form in the Munich Illustrated Manuscripts of “Tristan” and “Willehalm von Orlens.”. London: Centre for Late Antique and Medieval Studies, King's College London, 2007. Pp. xxiv, 345; 63 black-and-white figures and 2 tables. £23. [REVIEW]Stephanie Cain Van D'Elden - 2011 - Speculum 86 (1):277-279.
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    Domenico Bertoloni Meli, Mechanism, Experiment, Disease: Marcello Malpighi and Seventeenth-Century Anatomy. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011. Pp. xii+439. ISBN 978-0-8018-9904-1. £23.50. [REVIEW]Stephanie Eichberg - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Science 45 (2):290-291.
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    Jennifer Terry. An American Obsession: Science, Medicine, and Homosexuality in Modern Society. xiv+537 pp., bibl., index. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 1999. $75 ; $20. [REVIEW]Stephanie H. Kenen - 2003 - Isis 94 (4):696-697.
  37. Sarah Westphal, Textual Poetics of German Manuscripts, 1300–1500.(Studies in German Literature, Linguistics, and Culture.) Columbia, SC: Camden House, 1993. Pp. 244; 3 tables. $59.95. [REVIEW]Stephanie van D'EldenCain - 1996 - Speculum 71 (4):1035-1036.
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    INTRODUCTION Science communication in a changing world Stephanie Suhr.Stephanie Suhr - 2009 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 9 (1):1-4.
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    Finding light in dark archives: using AI to connect context and content in email.Stephanie Decker, David A. Kirsch, Santhilata Kuppili Venkata & Adam Nix - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (3):859-872.
    Email archives are important historical resources, but access to such data poses a unique archival challenge and many born-digital collections remain dark, while questions of how they should be effectively made available remain. This paper contributes to the growing interest in preserving access to email by addressing the needs of users, in readiness for when such collections become more widely available. We argue that for the content of email to be meaningfully accessed, the context of email must form part of (...)
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    Think Pragmatically: Investigators’ Obligations to Patient-Subjects When Research is Embedded in Care.Stephanie R. Morain & Emily A. Largent - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (8):10-21.
    Growing interest in embedded research approaches—where research is incorporated into clinical care—has spurred numerous studies to generate knowledge relevant to the real-world needs of patients and other stakeholders. However, it also has presented ethical challenges. An emerging challenge is how to understand the nature and extent of investigators’ obligations to patient-subjects. Prior scholarship on investigator duties has generally been grounded upon the premise that research and clinical care are distinct activities, bearing distinct duties. Yet this premise—and its corresponding implications—are challenged (...)
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  41. Precis of Group Duties: Their Existence and Their Implications for Individuals.Stephanie Collins - 2020 - Journal of Social Ontology 6 (1):85-89.
    This paper provides an overview of Group Duties: Their Existence and Their Implications for Individuals.
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  42. Organizations as Wrongdoers: From Ontology to Morality.Stephanie Collins - 2023 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Organizations do moral wrong. States pursue unjust wars, businesses avoid tax, charities misdirect funds. Our social, political, and legal responses require guidance. We need to know what we’re responding to and how we should respond to it. We need a metaphysical and moral theory of wrongful organizations. This book provides a new such theory, paying particular attention to questions that have been underexplored in existing debates. These questions include: where are organizations located as material objects in the natural world? What’s (...)
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  43. Empathy: Its ultimate and proximate bases.Stephanie D. Preston & Frans B. M. de Waal - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (1):1-20.
    There is disagreement in the literature about the exact nature of the phenomenon of empathy. There are emotional, cognitive, and conditioning views, applying in varying degrees across species. An adequate description of the ultimate and proximate mechanism can integrate these views. Proximately, the perception of an object's state activates the subject's corresponding representations, which in turn activate somatic and autonomic responses. This mechanism supports basic behaviors that are crucial for the reproductive success of animals living in groups. The Perception-Action Model, (...)
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    Concluding Remarks.Stephanie Adair - 2018 - In The Aesthetic Use of the Logical Functions in Kant's Third Critique. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 287-291.
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    Hoping to Fear: The Cathartic Transformation of the Civic Community.Stephanie-Alice Baker - 2010 - In Janette McDonald & Andrea M. Stephenson, The resilience of hope. New York: Rodopi. pp. 68--97.
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    Joyous Sacrifice: On the Scapegoat as Voluntary Victim in "Song of Myself" and "Howl".Stéphanie Hage - 2020 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 27 (1):81-99.
    "For never are the ways of music moved without the greatest political laws being moved."Whitman's "Song of Myself" and Ginsberg's "Howl" both contain the description of a voluntary self-sacrifice, symbolically committed by the poets themselves. In this article, we propose to study these sacrificial representations, and the mechanism underlying them, in the light of René Girard's scapegoat theory, in order to show the function that these sacrifices play in society. The analysis is also based on formal considerations, especially the use (...)
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  47.  13
    Der Verkauf von Cyberetik.Stephanie A. Smith - 2002 - In Sigrid Weigel, Genealogie Und Genetik: Schnittstellen Zwischen Biologie Und Kulturgeschichte. De Gruyter. pp. 269-292.
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    The Polyopticon: a diagram for urban artificial intelligences.Stephanie Sherman - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (3):1209-1222.
    Smart city discourses often invoke the Panopticon, a disciplinary architecture designed by Jeremy Bentham and popularly theorized by Michel Foucault, as a model for understanding the social impact of AI technologies. This framing focuses attention almost exclusively on the negative ramifications of Urban AI, correlating ubiquitous surveillance, centralization, and data consolidation with AI development, and positioning technologies themselves as the driving factor shaping privacy, sociality, equity, access, and autonomy in the city. This paper describes an alternative diagram for Urban AI—the (...)
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  49.  24
    Intersex identities: Locating new intersections of sex and gender.Stephanie S. Turner - 1999 - Gender and Society 13 (4):457-479.
    This article analyzes the sex and gender identity rhetoric of members of the Intersex Society of North America, which is a self-help and advocacy group whose main goals are to stop unnecessary genital surgery in ambiguously sexed infants and make medical histories available to adult intersexuals. By examining the organization's indebtedness to feminist and gay/lesbian/transperson theory and practice, the article shows how these political movements have progressively challenged the equation of sex with gender and how intersexuality exemplifies the theoretical and (...)
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    Toward Meeting the Obligation of Respect for Persons in Pragmatic Clinical Trials.Stephanie R. Morain, Stephanie A. Kraft, Benjamin S. Wilfond, Amy Mcguire, Neal W. Dickert, Andrew Garland & Jeremy Sugarman - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (3):9-17.
    Hastings Center Report, Volume 52, Issue 3, Page 9-17, May–June 2022.
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