Results for 'Stefan Scheingraber'

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  1.  35
    Change remains – paradigm shifts in modern surgery.Stefan Scheingraber, Ben O'Brien, Andreas Machens & Andreas Hirner - 2004 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 7 (2):195-200.
    This article aims to describe underlying principles of paradigm shifts in clinical medicine by means of analysis of typical examples. Retrospectively, profound shifts of ruling paradigms can be shown in diverse fields such as outcome research, in the redefining of patient's and doctor's autonomies, in the challenges presented by consumer medicine and the free market economy. This has provoked controversy between doctors, patients and the community. The judgement on whether recent shifts in paradigms in medicine have improved the health care (...)
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  2. Coherence reasoning and reliability: a defense of the Shogenji measure.Stefan Schubert - 2012 - Synthese 187 (2):305-319.
    A measure of coherence is said to be reliability conducive if and only if a higher degree of coherence (as measured) results in a higher likelihood that the witnesses are reliable. Recently, it has been proved that several coherence measures proposed in the literature are reliability conducive in a restricted scenario (Olsson and Schubert 2007, Synthese 157:297–308). My aim is to investigate which coherence measures turn out to be reliability conducive in the more general scenario where it is any finite (...)
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    On ‘Stabilising’ medical mechanisms, truth-makers and epistemic causality: a critique to Williamson and Russo’s approach.Stefan Dragulinescu - 2012 - Synthese 187 (2):785-800.
    In this paper I offer an anti-Humean critique to Williamson and Russo’s approach to medical mechanisms. I focus on one of the specific claims made by Williamson and Russo, namely the claim that micro-structural ‘mechanisms’ provide evidence for the stability across populations of causal relationships ascertained at the (macro-) level of (test) populations. This claim is grounded in the epistemic account of causality developed by Williamson, an account which—while not relying exclusively on mechanistic evidence for justifying causal judgements—appeals nevertheless to (...)
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  4.  67
    Interdisciplinary workshop in the philosophy of medicine: death.Stefan J. Wagner, Elselijn Kingma & Mary Margaret McCabe - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (5):1072–1078.
  5.  80
    What All Parents Need to Know? Exploring the Hidden Normativity of the Language of Developmental Psychology in Parenting.Stefan Ramaekers & Judith Suissa - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 46 (3):352-369.
    In this article we focus on how the language of developmental psychology shapes our conceptualisations and understandings of childrearing and of the parent-child relationship. By analysing some examples of contemporary research, policy and popular literature on parenting and parenting support in the UK and Flanders, we explore some of the ways in which normative assumptions about parenthood and upbringing are imported into these areas through the language of developmental psychology. We go on to address the particular attraction of developmental psychology (...)
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  6. On the coherence of higher-order beliefs.Stefan Schubert & Erik J. Olsson - 2012 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 50 (1):112-135.
    Let us by ‘first-order beliefs’ mean beliefs about the world, such as the belief that it will rain tomorrow, and by ‘second-order beliefs’ let us mean beliefs about the reliability of first-order, belief-forming processes. In formal epistemology, coherence has been studied, with much ingenuity and precision, for sets of first-order beliefs. However, to the best of our knowledge, sets including second-order beliefs have not yet received serious attention in that literature. In informal epistemology, by contrast, sets of the latter kind (...)
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  7.  75
    Parents as ‘educators’: languages of education, pedagogy and ‘parenting’.Stefan Ramaekers & Judith Suissa - 2011 - Ethics and Education 6 (2):197-212.
    In this article, we explore to what extent parents should be ‘educators’ of their children. In the course of this exploration, we offer some examples of these practices and ways of speaking and thinking, indicate some of the problems and limitations they import into our understanding of the parent–child relationship, and make some tentative suggestions towards an alternative way of thinking about this relationship.
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  8. How to Distinguish Parthood from Location in Bioontologies.Stefan Schulz, Philipp Daumke, Barry Smith & Udo Hahn - 2005 - In Stefan Schulz, Philipp Daumke, Barry Smith & Udo Hahn, Proceedings of the AMIA Symposium. American Medical Informatics Association. pp. 669-673.
    The pivotal role of the relation part-of in the description of living organisms is widely acknowledged. Organisms are open systems, which means that in contradistinction to mechanical artifacts they are characterized by a continuous flow and exchange of matter. A closer analysis of the spatial relations in biological organisms reveals that the decision as to whether a given particular is part-of a second particular or whether it is only contained-in the second particular is often controversial. We here propose a rule-based (...)
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  9.  71
    Cross‐Linguistic Differences in Processing Double‐Embedded Relative Clauses: Working‐Memory Constraints or Language Statistics?Stefan L. Frank, Thijs Trompenaars & Shravan Vasishth - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (3):554-578.
    An English double-embedded relative clause from which the middle verb is omitted can often be processed more easily than its grammatical counterpart, a phenomenon known as the grammaticality illusion. This effect has been found to be reversed in German, suggesting that the illusion is language specific rather than a consequence of universal working memory constraints. We present results from three self-paced reading experiments which show that Dutch native speakers also do not show the grammaticality illusion in Dutch, whereas both German (...)
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  10. Aurel Codoban Nicolae crețu.Ştefan Afloroaei - 2010 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 9 (27):344-355.
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  11.  83
    Religious Experience as an Experience of Human Finitude.Stefan Afloroaei - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (32):155-170.
    I start from a relatively simple idea: the human being is constantly making a multiple experience of truth (once again, in reference to Gadamer's statement), both scientifical and technical, as well as religious or aesthetic. Still, what is the relationship between those experiences of truth? Can they express somehow, precisely by their multiplicity, a neutral ethos of today's man, or do they manage to take part in a larger and more elevated experience of truth? In the following paper I will (...)
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  12.  31
    Pessimism, Schopenhauer, and Schopenhauerianism in nineteenth century Romania. The case of the poet Mihai Eminescu.Ştefan Bolea & Ştefan-Sebastian Maftei - 2025 - Studies in East European Thought 77 (2).
    This article discusses the influence that Schopenhauer’s thought had on Mihai Eminescu’s work with reference to the idea of “pessimism.” It also considers Schopenhauer’s influence on Romanian philosophy and literature at the end of the nineteenth century. We shall examine Eminescu’s alleged “Schopenhauerian pessimism,” considering firstly “pessimism” as a part of Eminescu’s “myth.” Secondly, we shall cover the critical reception of Eminescu’s “Schopenhauerian pessimism,” discussing the existing literary and philosophical scholarship. Finding that there are issues for debate regarding Schopenhauer’s alleged (...)
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  13.  81
    Modeling knowledge‐based inferences in story comprehension.Stefan L. Frank, Mathieu Koppen, Leo G. M. Noordman & Wietske Vonk - 2003 - Cognitive Science 27 (6):875-910.
    A computational model of inference during story comprehension is presented, in which story situations are represented distributively as points in a high‐dimensional “situation‐state space.” This state space organizes itself on the basis of a constructed microworld description. From the same description, causal/temporal world knowledge is extracted. The distributed representation of story situations is more flexible than Golden and Rumelhart's [Discourse Proc 16 (1993) 203] localist representation.A story taking place in the microworld corresponds to a trajectory through situation‐state space. During the (...)
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  14.  11
    Etyka jako nauka.Stefan Angiełow - 1979 - Etyka 17:135-142.
    The principal task of Marxist ethics is not to formulate particular moral principles or to implement them but to describe and explain moral reality. Ethics is not a philosophical discipline although as a science of morals in its own rights it is based on philosophical premises of historical materialism. Trying to define the principal tasks of Marxist ethics in the socialist society the author contends that Marxist ethics should determine the contents, the forms and the ways in which the communist (...)
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  15.  26
    \\\"Cichoxiemni\\\"-Home Army Paratroopers in the Warsaw Uprising.Stefan Bałuk - 2004 - Dialogue and Universalism 14 (5-6):91-98.
    An account of the Home Army’s elite paratrooper unit, formed at the outset of the war under orders of General Sikorski. The article recounts the unit’s formation and subsequent operations.
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  16.  29
    Tihamér Margitay (ed.): Knowing and Being. Perspectives on the philosophy of Michael Polanyi.Stefan Fothe - 2012 - Studies in East European Thought 64 (1-2):153-157.
  17.  57
    Aging and Work: Issues and Implications in a Changing Landscape. Edited by Sara J. Czaja and Joseph Sharit.Stefan Immerfall - 2012 - The European Legacy 17 (3):413 - 414.
    The European Legacy, Volume 17, Issue 3, Page 413-414, June 2012.
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  18. Narrativity and the Symbolic Vacuum.Stefan Lukits - 2011 - Philosophy and Theology 23 (1):167-183.
    “Narrativity and the Symbolic Vacuum” examines the descriptive and the prescriptive narrativity claim in the context of a claim that there are narratives in the biblical literature that resist both. The descriptive narrativity claim maintains that it is not an option for a person to conceive of their life without narrative coherence. The prescriptive claim holds that narrativity is a necessary condition for a good and successful human life. Phenomenological thought and Aristotelian virtue ethics, expressing a critical stance towards modernity (...)
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  19.  32
    Lenin as a Literary Theorist.Stefan Morawski - 1965 - Science and Society 29 (1):2 - 25.
  20. Światopogląd i estetyka Burke'a.Stefan Morawski - 1971 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 17.
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  21. Ludzkie obowiązki i prawa zwierząt (Tom Regan, Peter Singer (eds.), Animal Rights and Human Obligations).Stefan Sencerz - 1980 - Etyka 18.
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  22. Data dispossession: against the property model of data.E. Stefan Kehlenbach - forthcoming - Contemporary Political Theory:1-19.
    Legal scholars, privacy advocates and major tech corporations all coalesce around one single idea. Data should be considered property. Legal analysts point to the ability of governments to regulate property, privacy advocates argue that personal rights would be better protected through a property model, and large tech companies want to claim ownership over data as a proprietary trade secret. I argue that the tendency to view data as property is a result of the long legacy of enlightenment philosophy surrounding property. (...)
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  23. Deizm Adama Smitha.Stefan Zabieglik - 2004 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 49.
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  24.  21
    A systematic review of instruments measuring patients′ perceptions of patient‐centred nursing care.Stefan Köberich & Erik Farin - 2015 - Nursing Inquiry 22 (2):106-120.
    This systematic review identified and evaluated instruments measuring patients' perceptions of patient‐centred nursing care. Of 2629 studies reviewed, 12 were eligible for inclusion. Four instruments were reported: The Individualized Care Scale, the Client‐Centred Care Questionnaire, the Oncology patients' Perceptions of the Quality of Nursing Care Scale and the Smoliner scale. These instruments cover themes addressing patient participation and the clinician–patient relationship. Instruments were shown to have satisfactory psychometric properties, although not all were adequately assessed. More research is needed regarding test–retest (...)
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  25.  17
    University Responsibility for the Adjudication of Research Misconduct: The Science Bubble.Stefan Franzen - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book offers a scientific whistleblower’s perspective on current implementation of federal research misconduct regulations. It provides a narrative of general interest that relates current cases of research ethics to philosophical, historical and sociological accounts of fraud in scientific research. The evidence presented suggests that the problems of falsification and fabrication remain as great as ever, but hidden because the current system puts universities in charge of investigations and permits them to use confidentiality regulations to hide the outcomes of investigations. (...)
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  26.  37
    Metaphysics without truth: on the importance of consistency within Nietzsche's philosophy.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2007 - Milwaukee, Wis.: Marquette University Press.
    Is there any good reason to believe in Nietzsche's metaphysics even thought he himself claims that it is not "the truth" in correspondence with the world? According to Danto, Nietzsche's metaphysics is only valid for Nietzsche himself. However, this answer does not take into consideration Nietzsche's claim for the general superiority of his philosophy. Nietzsche's view seems inconsistent: on the one hand, he claimed all perspectives are equally false in respect to "the truth," but on the other, he regarded his (...)
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  27.  34
    Phonemic recoding of digital information.Stefan Slak - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 86 (3):398.
  28.  55
    Berkeley's Three Dialogues: New Essays.Stefan Storrie (ed.) - 2018 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    This is the first volume of essays on Berkeley's Three Dialogues, a classic of early modern philosophy. Leading experts cover all the central issues in the text: the rejection of material substance, the nature of perception and reality, the limits of human knowledge, and the perceived threats of skepticism, atheism, and immorality.
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  29.  8
    Metaphors, Narratives, Emotions: Their Interplay and Impact.Stefán Snævarr - 2010 - Rodopi.
    This book argues that there is a complex logical and epistemological interplay between the concepts of metaphor, narrative, and emotions. They share a number of important similarities and connections. In the first place, all three are constituted by aspect-seeing, the seeing-as or perception of Gestalts. Secondly, all three are meaning-endowing devices, helping us to furnish our world with meaning. Thirdly, the threesome constitutes a trinity. Emotions have both a narrative and metaphoric structure, and we can analyse the concepts of metaphors (...)
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  30.  8
    Intentionalität aus semiotischer Sicht: Peirceanische Perspektiven.Stefan Kappner - 2004 - De Gruyter.
    Die Fähigkeiten, nachzudenken und sich denkend auf Wirkliches zu beziehen, werden in der heutigen Philosophie des Geistes unter dem Begriff "Intentionalität" zusammengefasst. Wie können diese Fähigkeiten im Rahmen unseres naturwissenschaftlich geprägten Weltbildes erklärt werden? Stefan Kappner beantwortet diese Frage, indem er auf die Zeichentheorie von Charles Sanders Peirce zurückgreift.
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  31.  36
    On Promoting the Dead Certain. A Reply to Behrends, DiPaolo, and Sharadin (Discussion Note).Stefan Fischer - 2017 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 11 (3):1-13.
    According to Humean promotionalism about practical reasons, the fact that I have a reason to φ holds in virtue of the fact that φ-ing promotes one or more of my desires. The topic of this discussion note is the question of how best to understand the promotion relation. In particular, I defend a probabilistic understanding of promotion against a line of argument recently brought forth by Jeff Behrends, Joshua DiPaolo, and Nate Sharadin. Roughly, their argument is that probabilistic promotion leads (...)
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  32.  11
    Two concepts of “liberal education”.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2004 - Ethic@: An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 3 (2):107–119.
    In this article I attempt to find out the appropriate understanding of “liberal education”. Firstly, I distinguish the two most important meanings of the notion “freedom” which I call momentary and lifelong freedom. Momentary freedom is a type of negative freedom, and lifelong freedom a type of positive freedom. Secondly, I show the consequences, which these two meanings of “freedom” have on the practice of a “liberal education”. Finally, I analyse which type of liberal education is the best.
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  33.  17
    10 an anthropological framework for humeanism.Stefan Fischer - 2018 - In The Origin of Oughtness: A Case for Metaethical Conativism. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 160-174.
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    Contents.Stefan Fischer - 2018 - In The Origin of Oughtness: A Case for Metaethical Conativism. Berlin: De Gruyter.
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    6 schroeder’s hypotheticalism.Stefan Fischer - 2018 - In The Origin of Oughtness: A Case for Metaethical Conativism. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 103-119.
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  36.  10
    3 two angles and a dialectical dead end.Stefan Fischer - 2018 - In The Origin of Oughtness: A Case for Metaethical Conativism. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 44-52.
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  37.  16
    11 the argument from favored desires.Stefan Fischer - 2018 - In The Origin of Oughtness: A Case for Metaethical Conativism. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 175-184.
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  38.  14
    2 the grounds for explaining oughtness.Stefan Fischer - 2018 - In The Origin of Oughtness: A Case for Metaethical Conativism. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 26-43.
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  39.  20
    8 why humeanism ‘wins’.Stefan Fischer - 2018 - In The Origin of Oughtness: A Case for Metaethical Conativism. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 147-154.
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    Pudicitia saltem in tuto sit.Stefan Freund - 2008 - Hermes 136 (3):308-325.
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  41.  24
    Gender, Science, and Scientific Organizations in Germany.Stefan Fuchs, Janina von Stebut & Jutta Allmendinger - 2001 - Minerva 39 (2):175-201.
    This article considers the situation of women in science in Germany. We argue that scientific organizations play a crucial role in shaping science careers, often with different consequences for men and women. To sustain the argument, we offer a study of the careers of male and female scientists in the Max Planck Society. Our findings show that external support increases career options and opportunities for men, but not for women scientists.
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  42.  12
    Meiosis I Kinase Regulators: Conserved Orchestrators of Reductional Chromosome Segregation.Stefan Galander & Adèle L. Marston - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (10):2000018.
    Research over the last two decades has identified a group of meiosis‐specific proteins, consisting of budding yeast Spo13, fission yeast Moa1, mouse MEIKIN, and Drosophila Mtrm, with essential functions in meiotic chromosome segregation. These proteins, which we call meiosis I kinase regulators (MOKIRs), mediate two major adaptations to the meiotic cell cycle to allow the generation of haploid gametes from diploid mother cells. Firstly, they promote the segregation of homologous chromosomes in meiosis I (reductional division) by ensuring that sister kinetochores (...)
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  43.  12
    § 4 Automatische europäische Anerkennung von Hauptinsolvenzverfahren.Stefan Smid - 2009 - In Internationales Insolvenzrecht. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 55-66.
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    § 12 Deutsches autonomes internationales Insolvenzrecht.Stefan Smid - 2009 - In Internationales Insolvenzrecht. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 167-170.
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  45. F.W.J. Schelling’s Idea of Ultimate Reality and Meaning.Stefan Smid - 1986 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 9 (1):56-69.
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  46.  52
    Philosophy and the interpretation of pop culture (review).Stefán Snaevarr - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (4):pp. 111-115.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Philosophy and the Interpretation of Pop CultureStefán SnaevarrPhilosophy and the Interpretation of Pop Culture, edited by William Irwin and Jorge J. E. Gracia. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2007, 297 pp., $29.85 paper.There has been quite a boom lately in the market for philosophical books on popular culture. The young American philosopher William Irwin has led the way by starting the fad of "... and philosophy" books; the (...)
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  47.  11
    The Heresy of Paraphrase Revisited.Stefan Snaevarr - 2004 - Contemporary Aesthetics 2.
  48. Zmiana i czas.Stefan Snihur - 1995 - Filozofia Nauki 3.
    The main thesis of the paper is that change and time depend existentially on a specific property of being, described by the author as the Heraclitean unstability (i.e. a kind ofsusceptibility to non-existence). Change and time are, in substance, quite different aspects of being; but they are mutually connected: time cannot exist without occurence of changes; and vice versa. All these intuitions are logically reconstructed by the author.
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  49.  17
    „Wagners Kunst ist krank“: Nietzsches Reflexionen über Kultur, Musik und Krankheit.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2016 - In Renate Reschke & Jutta Georg, Nietzsche Und Wagner: Perspektiven Ihrer Auseinandersetzung. De Gruyter. pp. 94-110.
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  50.  11
    Reasons of conscience: the bioethics debate in Germany.Stefan Sperling - 2013 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    A tale of two commissions -- Disciplining disorder -- Transparent fictions -- Conscientious objections -- A failed experiment -- Stem cells, interrupted.
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