Results for 'Stefan Larsen'

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  1. Towards a new scale for assessing attitudes towards social robots.Malene Flensborg Damholdt, Christina Vestergaard, Marco Nørskov, Raul Hakli, Stefan Larsen & Johanna Seibt - 2020 - Interaction Studies 21 (1):24-56.
    Background:The surge in the development of social robots gives rise to an increased need for systematic methods of assessing attitudes towards robots.Aim:This study presents the development of a questionnaire for assessing attitudinal stance towards social robots: the ASOR.Methods:The 37-item ASOR questionnaire was developed by a task-force with members from different disciplines. It was founded on theoretical considerations of how social robots could influence five different aspects of relatedness.Results:Three hundred thirty-nine people responded to the survey. Factor analysis of the ASOR yielded (...)
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    Ns Saturated and -Definable.Stefan Hoffelner - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (1):25-59.
    We show that under the assumption of the existence of the canonical inner model with one Woodin cardinal$M_1$, there is a model of$\mathsf {ZFC}$in which$\mbox {NS}_{\omega _{1}}$is$\aleph _2$-saturated and${\Delta }_{1}$-definable with$\omega _1$as a parameter which answers a question of S. D. Friedman and L. Wu. We also show that starting from an arbitrary universe with a Woodin cardinal, there is a model with$\mbox {NS}_{\omega _{1}}$saturated and${\Delta }_{1}$-definable with a ladder system$\vec {C}$and a full Suslin treeTas parameters. Both results rely on (...)
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    Training children’s theory-of-mind: A meta-analysis of controlled studies.Stefan G. Hofmann, Stacey N. Doan, Manuel Sprung, Anne Wilson, Chad Ebesutani, Leigh A. Andrews, Joshua Curtiss & Paul L. Harris - 2016 - Cognition 150 (C):200-212.
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    Open science in China: Openness, economy, freedom & innovation.Xiyuan Zhang, Stefan Reindl, Hongjun Tian, Minghan Gou, Ruijie Song, Taoran Zhao, Liz Jackson & Petar Jandrić - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (4):432-445.
    Taking credit for digitalization and platformization, China has initiated its open science infrastructure implementation and made an effort to focus on open access (OA) journals and data sharing over the past two decades. With the continuous development need, issues and concerns have caught in attention, including data accessibility, research transparency, general population awareness and communication of science, public trust in science, and scientific research and innovation efficiency. This paper has unfolded the maze of open science stance in China and elaborated (...)
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    On All Strong Kleene Generalizations of Classical Logic.Stefan Wintein - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (3):503-545.
    By using the notions of exact truth and exact falsity, one can give 16 distinct definitions of classical consequence. This paper studies the class of relations that results from these definitions in settings that are paracomplete, paraconsistent or both and that are governed by the Strong Kleene schema. Besides familiar logics such as Strong Kleene logic, the Logic of Paradox and First Degree Entailment, the resulting class of all Strong Kleene generalizations of classical logic also contains a host of unfamiliar (...)
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    Holes in the Case for Mixed Emotions.Jeff T. Larsen - 2017 - Emotion Review 9 (2):118-123.
    Theories of the structure of affect make competing predictions about whether people can feel happy and sad at the same time. Considerable evidence that happiness and sadness can co-occur has accumulated in the past 15 years, but holes in the case remain. I describe those holes and suggest strategies for testing them in future research. I also explore the possibility that the case may never be closed, in part because the competing hypotheses may not be entirely falsifiable. Fortunately, hypotheses need (...)
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    Do Ethical Guidelines Give Guidance? A Critical Examination of Eight Ethics Regulations.Stefan Eriksson, Anna T. Höglund & Gert Helgesson - 2008 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 17 (1):15-29.
    The number of legal and nonlegal ethical regulations in the biomedical field has increased tremendously, leaving present-day practitioners and researchers in a virtual crossfire of legislations and guidelines. Judging by the production and by the way these regulations are motivated and presented, they are held to be of great importance to ethical practice. This view is shared by many commentators. For instance, Commons and Baldwin write that, within the nursing profession, patient care can be performed unethically or ethically depending on (...)
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    What can the parkour craftsmen tell us about bodily expertise and skilled movement?Signe Højbjerre Larsen - 2016 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 10 (3):295-309.
    The aim of this paper is to contribute to the discussion of expertise and skilled movement in sport by analysing the bodily practice of learning a new movement at a high level of skill in parkour. Based on Sennett’s theory of craftsmanship and an ethnographic field study with experienced practitioners, the analysis offers insight into the skilful, contextual and unique practice of parkour, and contributes to the renewed discussion of consciousness in sport at a high level of skill. With Sennett’s (...)
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    Forcing axioms and the uniformization-property.Stefan Hoffelner - 2024 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 175 (10):103466.
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    The evaluative space grid: a single-item measure of positivity and negativity.Jeff T. Larsen, Catherine J. Norris, A. Peter McGraw, Louise C. Hawkley & John T. Cacioppo - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (3):453-480.
  11.  34
    Fear, danger and aggression in a Norwegian locked psychiatric ward.Toril Borch Terkelsen & Inger Beate Larsen - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (3):308-317.
    Background: Fear and aggression are often reported among professionals working in locked psychiatric wards and also among the patients in the same wards. Such situations often lead to coercive intervention. In order to prevent coercion, we need to understand what happens in dangerous situations and how patients and professionals interpret them. Research questions: What happens when dangerous situations occur in a ward? How do professionals and patients interpret these situations and what is ethically at stake? Research design: Participant observation and (...)
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    Koselleck, Arendt, and the anthropology of historical experience.Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann - 2010 - History and Theory 49 (2):212-236.
    This essay is the first attempt to compare Reinhart Koselleck's Historik with Hannah Arendt's political anthropology and her critique of the modern concept of history. Koselleck is well-known for his work on conceptual history as well as for his theory of historical time. It is my contention that these different projects are bound together by Koselleck's Historik, that is, his theory of possible histories. This can be shown through an examination of his writings from Critique and Crisis to his final (...)
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  13.  28
    Industry Life Cycle and Responsible Procurement.Stefan Hoejmose, Stephen Brammer & Andrew Millington - 2009 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 20:133-145.
    Different stages of the product and industry life cycle has been argued to be an important factor in shaping firms’ strategic actions, as the life cycle influence the firms’ sales, profit, product innovation, marketing mix and differentiation strategies. Drawing on the theory of industry life cycle (ILC), this article examines how the ILC influences firms’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance in the context of global procurement transactions. The findings suggest that mature industries have much greater levels of responsible procurement (RP) (...)
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    Writing as Reading the Unreadable: A Reconsideration of the Medial Construction of Marcel Proust's Ala Recherche du temps perdu.Stefan Horlacher - 2002 - Paragraph 25 (1):4-31.
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    Gottfried Gabriel/Rolf Gröschner: Subsumtion. Schlüsselbegriff der Juristischen Methodenlehre.Stefan Huster - 2013 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 99 (3):433-434.
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  16. Individual Responsibility and Paternalism in Health Law.Stefan Huster - 2015 - In Thomas Schramme (ed.), New Perspectives on Paternalism and Health Care. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Biotechnology and Faith. Relativism in the Postmodern Moral. A Christian-Orthodox Approach.Stefan Iloaie - 2009 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 8 (22):38-52.
    The modern man lives in a more and more technologized world. This fact is obvious at every step of our life and, in the last decades, it went beyond any expectation. By using science and technology to procreate, prolong and sustain life, the man risks being dehumanized. Bioethics raises many questions that are waiting for an answer, and this answer is given by each person, according to his own values. One of the major challenges in the field of bioethics is (...)
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    Representative Government in Greek and Roman History.John V. A. Fine & J. A. O. Larsen - 1956 - American Journal of Philology 77 (3):293.
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    Wagner, Nietzsche und die deutsche Rechte 1871-1933.Stefan Breuer - 2023 - Berlin: J.B. Metzler.
    Dieses Buch befasst sich mit der Wirkung Richard Wagners und Friedrich Nietzsches auf die Ideologien der radikalen Rechten, die in der einen oder anderen Form Eingang in die Sammlungsbewegung des Nationalsozialismus gefunden haben. Es konzentriert sich also auf die Rezeption durch die intellektuelle Rechte des Kaiserreichs und der Weimarer Republik, die zur Analyse des Nationalsozialismus wie der neuen Rechten durch die Erhellung der Vorgeschichte der Ideologien beiträgt. Zwei Kapitel widmen sich dem theoretischen Werk Wagners und dem Werk Nietzsches und den (...)
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    Der dialogische Aufbau der Wirklichkeit: gemeinsame Elemente im Philosophiebegriff von Martin Buber, Martin Heidegger und Sigmund Freud.Stefan Brunnhuber - 1993 - Regensburg: S. Roderer.
  21.  9
    Affiliative and disaffiliative uses of you say x questions.Tine Larsen & Jakob Steensig - 2008 - Discourse Studies 10 (1):113-133.
    This article explores a question format consisting of `you say' plus a version of what the co-participant has said, which is used to ask for confirmation of something said in an earlier sequence. Questions using this you say x format often request not only confirmation but also accounts and can, on occasions, be taken as challenging the interactional balance, that is, be treated as disaffiliative. The article investigates the sequential, prosodic and grammatical conditions for affiliative and disaffiliative uses of you (...)
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  22. The Concept of Knowledge.Stefan Tolksdorf (ed.) - 2012 - Walter de Gruyter.
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    Intuition Und Institution: Kursbuch Horst Bredekamp.Stefan Trinks, Matthias Bruhn & Carolin Behrmann (eds.) - 2012 - De Gruyter.
    Als einer der prominentesten Vertreter seines Faches hat Horst Bredekamp nicht nur die Kunst- und Bildgeschichte tiefgehend geprägt, sondern auch in Kultur und Politik gewirkt. Dabei hat er es geschafft, belastbare Brücken zwischen diesen oft weit auseinander liegenden Bereichen zu schlagen. Ein Porträt Bredekamps als Gelehrter und disziplinübergreifender Vermittler scheint aufgrund dieser Fülle an Handlungsebenen nur über ein Tableau von Berichten derjenigen möglich, die mit ihm über die Jahre im Austausch standen, ihn begleitet und geprägt, mit ihm diskutiert und gestritten (...)
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  24.  21
    Comment: Homing in on a Balanced Psychology.Jeff T. Larsen - 2018 - Emotion Review 10 (1):61-63.
    Hernandez et al.’s review provides clear evidence that positive affect can contribute to well-being and fits nicely within the positive psychology framework. The emergence of positive psychology has been valuable for understanding well-being, but I suggest that a balanced psychology can prove even more valuable in the years to come. A balanced psychology requires giving as much attention to negative emotion as to positive emotion. It also requires considering whether there are circumstances in which positive emotions can be detrimental and (...)
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  25.  21
    Deep Time and Secular Time: A Critique of the Environmental ‘Long View’.Stefan Skrimshire - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (1):63-81.
    The Anthropocene concept allows human history to be imagined within the temporal framework of planetary processes. Accordingly, some environmentalists increasingly favour massively lengthening the temporal horizons of moral concern. Whilst there are defensible reasons for doing so, I wish to take issue with the ‘secular time’ perspective underlying some such approaches. To make my case, I present, in the first section, two recent manifestations of the long view perspective: a) ‘deep future’ narratives in popular climate science and futurism; b) the (...)
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  26.  17
    The Stoic Sage 3.0- A Realistic Goal of Moral Enhancement Supporters?Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2016 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 26 (1):83-93.
    I propose to show that any direct moral bioenhancement procedures that could be realized within a relatively short period of time are not realistic options. This does not have to worry us; however; because alternative options for promoting morality are available. Consequently; moral bioenhancement is not an option for dealing successfully with the increased potential destructiveness of contemporary technologies within a short-term framework; i.e. within this century. In what follows; I will explain why this is the case; and why; contrary (...)
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    Koncepcja nauki w szkole lwowsko-warszawskiej.Stefan Zamecki - 1977 - Gdańsk: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.
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  28. Kant’s 1768 attack on Leibniz’ conception of space.Stefan Storrie - 2013 - Kant Studien 104 (2):145-166.
    : This paper examines two features of Kant’s 1768 critique of Leibniz’ conception of space. Firstly, Leibniz’ proposed geometrical calculus called ‘analysis situs’; secondly, Leibniz’ relational conception of space. The main thesis of the paper is that Kant’s arguments are more powerful than generally recognized. With regard to the analysis situs, I will show that Kant was quite well informed about this proposed science and that his arguments severely undermine Leibniz’ claims to what it could perform. With regard to the (...)
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    Studies in Greek History.J. A. O. Larsen & N. G. L. Hammond - 1975 - American Journal of Philology 96 (3):329.
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    On the Strict–Tolerant Conception of Truth.Stefan Wintein - 2014 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 92 (1):1-20.
    We discuss four distinct semantic consequence relations which are based on Strong Kleene theories of truth and which generalize the notion of classical consequence to 3-valued logics. Then we set up a uniform signed tableau calculus, which we show to be sound and complete with respect to each of the four semantic consequence relations. The signs employed by our calculus are,, and, which indicate a strict assertion, strict denial, tolerant assertion and tolerant denial respectively. Recently, Ripley applied the strict–tolerant account (...)
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    Die Zweiheit des Bildes. Jasper Johns, Richard Wollheim und Ludwig Wittgensteins Problem des „Sehen-als“.Stefan Neuner - 2011 - In David Wagner, Wolfram Pichler, Elisabeth Nemeth & Richard Heinrich (eds.), Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society - N.S. 17. De Gruyter. pp. 219-250.
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  32. Foucault's technologies of the self as a theoretical tool for extending Dewey's cultural contextualism : an interpretation from the perspective of Cologne constructivism.Stefan Neubert - 2020 - In Meike Kricke & Stefan Neubert (eds.), New Studies in Deweyan Education: Democracy and Education Revisted. New York, NY: Routledge.
  33. Metafiktion im neueren Animationsfilm : von Who framed Roger Rabbit über The Curse of the Were-Rabbit und Despicable Me bis Frankenweenie.Stefan Neuhaus - 2016 - In Thomas Metten & Michael Meyer (eds.), Film, Bild, Wirklichkeit: Reflexion von Film - Reflexion im Film. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag.
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    Pragmatism : Diversity of subjects in Dewey's philosophy and the present Dewey scholarship.Stefan Neubert - 2009 - In Larry A. Hickman, Stefan Neubert & Kersten Reich (eds.), John Dewey between pragmatism and constructivism. New York: Fordham University Press.
    This chapter describes the main themes of Dewey's approach. It examines some central philosophical topics from the impressive richness of Dewey's works and the comprehensive body of his writings, which fill thirty-seven volumes in the critical edition of the Collected Works. The chapter provides comments to a brief discussion of each topic, highlighting its importance as an element within Dewey's overall philosophical approach. The topics include “experience” as a philosophical core concept, theory of art, logic and theory of knowledge, anthropology (...)
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    True cofinality and bounding number for small products of partial orders.Stefan Neumann - 2003 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 122 (1-3):87-106.
    We replace Shelah's notion of true cofinality by the notion of the bounding number for an arbitrary partial order and begin to develop a theory similar to Shelah's pcf theory, which gives many analog results, including the existence of the so-called generators, for the more general case of products of partial orders. The development can be strictly divided into an ideal theoretical and a combinatorial part. We also show that pcf theory is a special case of this more general theory (...)
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    Concepto de ethos histórico. Alcances y limitaciones: el problema de la cosificación.Stefan Gandler - 2021 - Signos Filosóficos 23 (45):152-178.
    Resumen Este artículo analiza si en la teoría de los cuatro ethe de la modernidad capitalista, desarrollada por Bolívar Echeverría, no está contenida una debilidad de principio. Se trata de saber si para arribar a sus más altas aportaciones, esta teoría no termina pagando un precio que debiera dar que pensar. ¿Acaso renuncia a la crítica de la ideología, por lo menos en la radicalidad realizada por los autores de la Teoría crítica, inspirados en este punto originalmente por Georg Lukács?This (...)
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    Response interference in paired-associate learning.Leonard M. Horowitz & Suzanne R. Larsen - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 65 (3):225.
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  38. Advances in dental anthropology.Marc A. Kelley, Clark Spencer Larsen & Jeffrey H. Schwartz - 1994 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 16 (2):355.
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    24. Rhetorik und Historiographie.Stefan Schorn - 2019 - In Christian Tornau & Michael Erler (eds.), Handbuch Antike Rhetorik. De Gruyter. pp. 627-654.
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    Studying empirically religious development: Interview, Repertory Grid, and specific Questionnaire Techniques1.Stefan Huber Schenker, K. Helmut Reich & Dominik - 2002 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 24 (1):180-201.
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    Sprache, Sozietät und Geschichte bei Franz Baader.Stefan Schmitz - 1975 - Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang.
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  42. The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks.Stefan Schaal - 2002
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    The Macho Magister Ludi : An Analysis of Ernest Gellner’s Thought-Style.Stefan Schubert - 2015 - History of European Ideas 41 (6):788-803.
    SummaryErnest Gellner was, by all accounts, one of the most unconventional thinkers of the twentieth century. Not only was the content of his theories often strikingly original, but he also arrived at them by use of a singularly personal thought-style. The article describes the most salient features of this thought-style: his quest for overviews, on the one hand, and for penetrating and unexpected insights, on the other, his opposition to what he perceived as humanistic complacency, his academic elitism, and much (...)
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    Are there Forms of Sensible Qualities in Plato?Peter D. Larsen - 2018 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 4 (2):225-242.
    This paper addresses the question of whether, according to Plato, there are forms of sensible qualities; it is also addressed to the wider question of whether there are forms of physical and material things more generally. In particular, it considers the tension raised by the following theses: (1) a Platonic form is the essence of some thing; (2) for Plato, those essences that are forms are imperceptible and are knowable through reasoning alone; (3) knowing the essence of a particular color (...)
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    Spontaneitat des Selbst.Stefan Lang - 2010 - Göttingen: V & R Unipress.
    Drawing on the work of Robert Nozick and Johann Gottlieb Fichte, the author argues that human self-consciousness cannot be explained in naturalistic terms. Instead, it is a spontaneous phenomenon.
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    Die Ästhetik des Menschen: über das Technische in Leben und Kunst.Stefan Rieger - 2002 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Max Scheler - Critique of the Notion of Love.Štefan Tóth - 2021 - E-Logos 28 (1):17-32.
    Na základe určitých špecifických prejavov lásky podáva Scheler v diele Wesen und Formen der Sympathie argumenty, podľa ktorých nie je možné zaradiť lásku k pocitom, ktoré vznikajú ako reakcia na nejaký vonkajší podnet. Láska podľa Schelera nepatrí medzi pocity, ktorých vlastným zmyslom je motivovať človeka k adekvátnej reakcii na prítomnosť nejakého prospešného alebo škodlivého objektu, a teda neprispieva primárne k prežitiu organizmu. Láska je naopak nezávislý a spontánny akt, v ktorom sa obohacuje duchovná zložka človeka - osoba. V tomto článku (...)
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  48.  13
    On Constitutional Processes and the Delegation of Power, with Special Emphasis on Israel and Central and Eastern Europe.Stefan Voigt & Eli M. Salzberger - 2002 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 3 (1).
    Elected politicians—legislators and, in some systems, members of the executive—can choose to exercise authority themselves or to delegate that authority to any number of agencies. Such delegation of power can occur at the constitutional stage, but is most common at the post-constitutional stage. Two categories of delegation can be distinguished: domestic delegation to agencies within the legislators’ jurisdiction, and international delegation to supranational or international bodies. While some research has been done on domestic delegation, especially in the context of delegation (...)
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    Values, Norms, Institutions and the Prospects for Economic Growth in Central and Eastern Europe.Stefan Voigt - 1993 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 4 (4):495-530.
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    The Aim of Aims.Stefan Themerson - 1980 - Dialectics and Humanism 7 (4):37-39.
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