Results for 'Steen Vester'

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  1. Optimal Decision Procedures for Satisfiability in Fragments of Alternating-time Temporal Logics.Valentin Goranko & Steen Vester - 2014 - In Rajeev Goré, Barteld Kooi & Agi Kurucz, Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 10: Papers From the Tenth Aiml Conference, Held in Groningen, the Netherlands, August 2014. London, England: CSLI Publications. pp. 234-253.
    We consider several natural fragments of the alternating-time temporal logics ATL* and ATL with restrictions on the nesting between temporal operators and strategic quantifiers. We develop optimal decision procedures for satisfiability in these fragments, showing that they have much lower complexities than the full languages. In particular, we prove that the satisfiability problem for state formulae in the full `strategically flat' fragment of ATL* is PSPACE-complete, whereas the satisfiability problems in the flat fragments of ATL and ATL$^{+}$ are $\Sigma^P_3$-complete. We (...)
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    Steen Brock A Conception of Modern Life as “the Awakening of the Human Spirit, Revisited”: Wittgenstein’s Early Remarks on Frazer as a Philosophy of Culture.Steen Brock - 2016 - In Aidan Seery, Josef G. F. Rothhaupt & Lars Albinus, Wittgenstein’s Remarks on Frazer: The Text and the Matter. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 175-204.
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    Collective Intelligence of the Artificial Life Community on Its Own Successes, Failures, and Future.Steen Rasmussen, Michael J. Raven, Gordon N. Keating & Mark A. Bedau - 2003 - Artificial Life 9:207-235.
    We describe a novel Internet-based method for building consensus and clarifying con icts in large stakeholder groups facing complex issues, and we use the method to survey and map the scienti c and organizational perspectives of the arti cial life community during the Seventh International Conference on Arti cial Life (summer 2000). The issues addressed in this survey included arti cial life’s main successes, main failures, main open scienti c questions, and main strategies for the future, as well as the (...)
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    Niels Bohr's Philosophy of Quantum Physics in the Light of the Helmholtzian Tradition of Theoretical Physics.Steen Brock - 2003 - Logos Verlag Berlin.
    Steen Brock paints a cross-disciplinary picture of the philosophical and scientific background for the rise of the quantum theory. He accounts for the unity of Kantian metaphysics of Nature, the Helmholtzian principles, and the Hamiltonian methods of modern pre-quantum physics. Brock shows how Planck's vision of a generalization of classical physics implies that the original quantum mechanics of Heisenberg can be regarded as a successful attempt to maintain this modern unity of physics.However, for Niels Bohr, the unity of science (...)
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  5. A lmost‐ O ntology: Why Epistemicism Cannot Help Us Avoid Unrestricted Composition or Diachronic Plenitude.İrem Kurtsal Steen - 2014 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 95 (1):130-139.
    That any filled location of spacetime contains a persisting thing has been defended based on the ‘argument from vagueness.’ It is often assumed that since the epistemicist account of vagueness blocks the argument from vagueness it facilitates a conservative ontology without gerrymandered objects. It doesn't. The epistemic vagueness of ordinary object predicates such as ‘bicycle’ requires that objects that can be described asalmost‐but‐not‐quite‐bicycleexist even though they fall outside the predicate's sharp extension. Since the predicates that begin with ‘almost’ are vague (...)
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  6. Costs and Benefits of Commercializing Teaching, Research, and Service in the American Corporatized University.Steen Christensen - 2018 - In Mike Murphy, Martin Meganck, Christelle Didier, Bernard Delahousse & Steen Christensen, The Engineering-Business Nexus: Symbiosis, Tension and Co-Evolution. Springer Verlag.
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    International Perspectives on Engineering Education: Engineering Education and Practice in Context, Volume 1.Steen Hyldgaard Christensen, Christelle Didier, Andrew Jamison, Martin Meganck, Carl Mitcham & Byron Newberry (eds.) - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This inclusive cross-cultural study rethinks the nexus between engineering education and context. In so doing the book offers a reflection on contextual boundaries with an overall boundary crossing ambition and juxtaposes important cases of critical participation within engineering education with sophisticated scholarly reflection on both opportunities and discontents. Whether, and in what way engineering education is or ought to be contextualized or de-contextualized is an object of heated debate among engineering educators. The uniqueness of this study is that this debate (...)
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    Phenomenology in action in psychotherapy: On pure psychology and its applications in psychotherapy and mental health care, written by Ian Rory Owen.Steen Halling - 2016 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 47 (2):203-208.
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  9. Gefährdung von Wirklichkeit: die soziale Konstruktion von Sicherheit und Unsicherheit von Realitäten.Heinz-Günter Vester - 1980 - Greven: Fischer.
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    Ist die ethische Disjunktion Determinismus oder Indeterminismus lösbar? Eine Auseinandersetzung mit dem Begriff der Handlung.Steen Olaf Welding - 2013 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 99 (4):556-563.
    It seems that actions are perceived from two different perspectives: on the one hand by the agent of the action and on the other hand by the observer. The latter perspective appears to be more reliable because of inter-subjective observations. Hence, determinists argue that actions can be causally explained by events, whereas the indeterminists claim that actions are acausal events. If e.g. Mary opens the door, we observe her behaviour but not her action; for it is not clear to us (...)
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    The Paradox of Metaphor: Why We Need a Three-Dimensional Model of Metaphor.Gerard Steen - 2008 - Metaphor and Symbol 23 (4):213-241.
    Current research findings on metaphor in language and thought may be interpreted as producing a paradox of metaphor; that is, most metaphor is not processed metaphorically by a cross-domain mapping involving some form of comparison. This paradox can be resolved by attending to one crucial aspect of metaphor in communication: the question whether metaphor is used as deliberately metaphorical or not. It is likely that most deliberate metaphor is processed metaphorically (by comparison), as opposed to most nondeliberate metaphor, which may (...)
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    Retractions in the scientific literature: is the incidence of research fraud increasing?R. Grant Steen - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (4):249-253.
    Next SectionBackground Scientific papers are retracted for many reasons including fraud (data fabrication or falsification) or error (plagiarism, scientific mistake, ethical problems). Growing attention to fraud in the lay press suggests that the incidence of fraud is increasing. Methods The reasons for retracting 742 English language research papers retracted from the PubMed database between 2000 and 2010 were evaluated. Reasons for retraction were initially dichotomised as fraud or error and then analysed to determine specific reasons for retraction. Results Error was (...)
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    Towards disciplinary disintegration in biology.Wim J. Steen - 1993 - Biology and Philosophy 8 (3):259-275.
    Interdisciplinary integration has fundamental limitations. This is not sufficiently realized in science and in philosophy. Concerning scientific theories there are many examples of pseudo-integration which should be unmasked by elementary philosophical analysis. For example, allegedly over-arching theories of stress which are meant to unite biology and psychology, upon analysis, turn out to represent terminological rather than substantive unity. They should be replaced by more specific, local theories. Theories of animal orientation, likewise, have been formulated in unduly general terms. A natural (...)
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    Erving Goffman’s sociology as a semiotics of postmodern culture.Heinz-günter Vester - 1989 - Semiotica 76 (3-4):191-204.
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  15. Three-dimensionalist’s semantic solution to diachronic vagueness.Irem Kurtsal Steen - 2010 - Philosophical Studies 150 (1):79-96.
    A standard response to the problem of diachronic vagueness is ‘the semantic solution’, which demands an abundant ontology. Although it is known that the abundant ontology does not logically preclude endurantism, their combination is rejected because it necessitates massive coincidence between countless objects. In this paper, I establish that the semantic solution is available not only to perdurantists but also to endurantists by showing that there is no problem with such ubiquitous and principled coincidence.
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    Nature’s affordances and formation length: The ontology of quantum physical experiments.Steen Brock & Rom Harré - 2016 - SATS 17 (1):1-20.
    We argue that Bohrian complementarity is a framework for making new ontological sense of scientific findings. It provides a conceptual pattern for making sense of the results of an empirical investigation into new realms or fields of natural properties. The idea of “formation length” engenders this mutual attunement of evidence and reality. Physicists want to be able to ascribe ontological features to atomic constituents and atomic processes such as “emission”, “impact”, or “change of energy-state”. These expressions supposedly refer to “local” (...)
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    Misinformation in the medical literature: What role do error and fraud play?R. G. Steen - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (8):498-503.
    Media attention to retracted research suggests that a substantial number of papers are corrupted by misinformation. In reality, every paper contains misinformation; at issue is whether the balance of correct versus incorrect information is acceptable. This paper postulates that analysis of retracted research papers can provide insight into medical misinformation, although retracted papers are not a random sample of incorrect papers. Error is the most common reason for retraction and error may be the principal cause of misinformation as well. Still, (...)
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  18.  47
    Governmentalities of CSR: Danish Government Policy as a Reflection of Political Difference.Steen Vallentin - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (1):33-47.
    This paper investigates the roles that Danish government has played in the development of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Denmark has emerged as a first mover among the Scandinavian countries when it comes to CSR. We argue that government has played a pivotal role in making this happen, and that this reflects strong traditions of regulation, corporatism and active state involvement. However, there is no unitary “Danish model of CSR” being promoted by government. Although Danish society is often associated with a (...)
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    Executive Editor Sats-Nordic Journal of Philosophy.Steen Brock - 2003 - SATS 4 (2).
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    Mapping conversations about land use: How modern farmers practice individuality.Steen Brock, Andreas Aagaard Christensen, Line Block Hansen, Morten Graversgaard, Henrik Vejre, Tommy Dalgaard, Kristoffer Piil & Peter Stubkjær Andersen - 2021 - Empedocles European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 12 (1):5-17.
    In this article, drawing on the discursive psychology of Rom Harré, we show how mapping the exchange of words among people might disclose a complex reality; not merely that which farmers explicitly talk ‘about’ but the reality implicitly at stake within the communication. More specifically, we show how discourses involving modern farmers reveal an underlying placing in an abstract space, having sub-spaces defined by the life-orientation, sense of self and according self-positioning of modern people. In this way, we construct a (...)
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    Laws and natural history in biology.Wim J. Der Steen & Harmke Kamminga - 1991 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 42 (4).
  22. Brill Online Books and Journals.Steen Halling & SteenMarieJan O. HallingMcNabbRowe - 1991 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 22 (1).
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    A Critical Essay on the Exercise of Critique.Steen Nepper Larsen - 2018 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 51 (1):119-141.
    Ontology and epistemology will never be reconciled, this article argues. There is widespread opinion among scientists and laymen alike that we are standing at the threshold of a fusion and reconciliation of ontology and epistemology. But my thesis is that this will never happen – and my argument can be read as a credo for non-identity. The tensions between being and thinking are here to stay, and this philosophical ‘position’ has a wide range of implications for politics, education, Bildung and (...)
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  24. Ludwig Wittgensteins metode.Arild Steen - 1970 - Oslo,: Gyldendal.
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    Sources of Industrial Leadership: Studies of Seven Industries. David C. Mowery, Richard R. Nelson.Kathryn Steen - 2001 - Isis 92 (3):639-640.
  26. Saglighedens lidenskab: om forholdet mellem K.E. Løgstrup og Villy Sørensen.Steen Tullberg - 2022 - København: Eksistensen.
    Skildring af den mangeårige udveksling af idéer mellem to af det 20. århundreders store danske tænkere, der viser, hvordan de, trods meget forskellige udgangspunkter, blev forenet i deres modsætninger. Til læsere med interesse i filosofi, teologi og dansk åndsliv i det hele taget.
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  27. Bausteine der Zukunft.Frederic Vester - 1968 - (Frankfurt a.: M., Hamburg) Fischer-Bücherei.
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  28. Neuland des Denkens: vom technokratischen zum kybernetischen Zeitalter.Frederic Vester - 1980 - Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt. Edited by Frederic Vester.
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    Wo denn bin ich?: einige essentielle Fragen der Philosophie.Steen O. Welding - 2016 - Hamburg: Meiner.
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    Retractions in the medical literature: how many patients are put at risk by flawed research?R. G. Steen - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (11):688-692.
    Background Clinical papers so flawed that they are eventually retracted may put patients at risk. Patient risk could arise in a retracted primary study or in any secondary study that draws ideas or inspiration from a primary study. Methods To determine how many patients were put at risk, we evaluated 788 retracted English-language papers published from 2000 to 2010, describing new research with humans or freshly derived human material. These primary papers—together with all secondary studies citing them—were evaluated using ISI (...)
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    Public Policies for Corporate Social Responsibility in Four Nordic Countries.Steen Vallentin, Susanne Sweet, Arno Kourula, Maria Gjølberg & Atle Midttun - 2015 - Business and Society 54 (4):464-500.
    Corporate social responsibility was historically a business-oriented idea that companies should voluntarily improve their social and environmental practices. More recently, CSR has increasingly attracted governments’ attention, and is now promoted in public policy, especially in the European Union. Conflicts can arise, however, when advanced welfare states introduce CSR into public policy. The reason for such conflict is that CSR leaves key public welfare issues to the discretion of private business. This voluntary issue assignment contrasts starkly with advanced welfare states’ traditions (...)
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    Ethics for Responsible Innovation.Marc Steen, Martin Sand & Ibo Van de Poel - forthcoming - Business and Professional Ethics Journal.
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    Corporate Social Responsibility and Government: The Role of Discretion for Engagement with Public Policy.Jette Steen Knudsen & Jeremy Moon - 2022 - Business Ethics Quarterly 32 (2):243-271.
    We investigate the relationship of corporate social responsibility (CSR) (often assumed to reflect corporate voluntarism) and government (often assumed to reflect coercion). We distinguish two broad perspectives on the CSR and government relationship: thedichotomous(i.e., government and CSR are / should be independent of one another) and therelated(i.e., government and CSR are / should be interconnected). Using typologies of CSR public policy and of CSR and the law, we present an integrated framework for corporate discretion for engagement with public policy for (...)
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    Augustine’s Exegetical Rule for Oneness.Austin Steen - 2024 - Augustinian Studies 55 (2):239-258.
    This article traces Augustine’s presentation of an exegetical rule for oneness based on scriptural patterns in three different anti-Homoian contexts throughout his life. First, his letter to Pascentius outlines how descriptions of oneness in Scripture that include an added phrase detailing “one what” indicate substantial difference. Pericopes without the additional “one what,” though, reveal that the beings are of the same substance. Then, Augustine’s De trinitate builds upon this initial distinction by outlining how Trinitarian unity becomes the soteriological aim for (...)
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    Virtue Ethics for Responsible Innovation.Marc Steen, Martin Sand & Ibo Van de Poel - 2021 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 40 (2):243-268.
    Governments and companies are increasingly promoting and organizing Responsible Innovation. It is, however, unclear how the seemingly incompatible demands for responsibility, which is associated with care and caution, can be harmonized with demands for innovation, which is associated with risk-taking and speed. We turn to the tradition of virtue ethics and argue that it can be a strong accomplice to Responsible Innovation by focussing on the agential side of innovation. Virtue ethics offers an adequate response to the epistemic and moral (...)
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    Self-Liberation, Reason and Will.Steen Brock - 2003 - In Jochem Hennigfeld & Jon Stewart, Kierkegaard und Schelling: Freiheit, Angst und Wirklichkeit. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 223-234.
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    Temporally Restricted Composition.Mark Steen - 2017 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 17 (3):431-440.
    I develop and defend a novel answer to Peter van Inwagen’s ‘Special Composition Question,’ (SCQ) namely, under what conditions do some things compose and object? My answer is that things will compose an object when and only when they exist simultaneously relative to a reference frame (I call this ‘Temporally Restricted Composition’ or TREC). I then show how this view wards off objections given to ‘Unrestricted Mereology’ (UM). TREC, unlike other theories of Restricted Composition, does not fall prey to worries (...)
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  38. A resolute reading of Cassirer’s anthropology.Steen Brock - 2011 - Synthese 179 (1):93-113.
    In the paper I try, resolutely, to associate the open ended encyclopedic character of Cassirer's philosophy with the core part of this philosophy concerning symbolic formation. In this way I try to supplement and strengthen the anthropology that Cassirer formulated in AN ESSAY ON MAN. Finally I discuss the historical character and value of this anthropology.
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    Simple Lives, Cultural Complexity: Rethinking Culture in Terms of Complexity Theory.Steen Bergendorff - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    This book explores the relationship between people living relatively simple lives and the cultural complexity of their live worlds by rethinking culture in terms of complexity theory.
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    Orbituary.Steen Brock - 2003 - SATS 4 (2):222-225.
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    Reason, Culture and Education.Steen Brock - 2017 - Wittgenstein-Studien 8 (1):239-264.
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  42. The Morph-Image: Four Forms of Post-Cinema.Steen Ledet Christiansen - 2019 - In Christina Rawls, Diana Neiva & Steven S. Gouveia, Philosophy and Film: Bridging Divides. New York: Routledge Press, Research on Aesthetics.
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    The morph-image: the subjunctive synthesis of time.Steen Ledet Christiansen - 2024 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book elucidates the ways post-cinema engages with potential futures, arguing that the morph is the crucial figure to understand both how the future is constrained and how hope for the future might be produced. The author draws on Deleuzian and Whiteheadian insights to argue for a new model of digital cinema.
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    Erindringer om Søren Kierkegaard.Steen Johansen (ed.) - 1980 - København: C.A. Reitzel.
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    Imagine the University without Condition.Steen Nepper Larsen - 2019 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 52 (1):42-47.
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    Reflektioner omkring forjættende teleologisk forvissethed.Steen Nepper Larsen - 2015 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 71:273-278.
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  47. Sproget er alles og ingens: erkendelse og spekulation.Steen Nepper Larsen - 1995 - Århus: Aarhus universitetsforlag.
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    Inventing Polymer Science: Staudinger, Carothers, and the Emergence of Macromolecular Chemistry. Yasu Furukawa.Kathryn Steen - 1999 - Isis 90 (4):841-842.
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    Patents, Patriotism, and "Skilled in the Art" USA v. The Chemical Foundation, Inc., 1923-1926.Kathryn Steen - 2001 - Isis 92 (1):91-122.
  50. Suppressed evidence for ancient man in Mexico.V. Steen-McIntyre - 1998 - Nexus 5:47-51.
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