Results for 'Stanley Robe'

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  1.  9
    Testimonies of Children [I].Stanley Robe - 1997 - Dialogue and Universalism 7 (9):219-220.
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    Plato's Sophist: the drama of original and image.Stanley Rosen - 1983 - South Bend, Ind.: Yale University Press.
    Stanley Rosen's book is the first full-length study of the Sophist in English and one of the most complete in any language. He follows the stages of the dialogue in sequence and offers an exhaustive analysis of the philosophical questions that come to light as Theaetetus and the Eleatic Stranger pursue the sophist through philosophical debate. Rosen finds the central problem of the dialogue in the relation between original and image; he shows how this distinction underlies all subsequent technical (...)
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  3. Variational Principles in Dynamics and Quantum Theory [by] Wolfgang Yourgrau [and] Stanley Mandelstam. --.Wolfgang Yourgrau & Stanley Jt Author Mandelstam - 1968 - Saunders.
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    All the Mothers Are One: Hindu India and the Cultural Reshaping of Psychoanalysis.Stanley N. Kurtz - 1992 - Columbia University Press.
    Based on the author's ethnographic research in India, the book explores the psychology of Hinduism, and offers an innovative synthesis of psychoanylsis with modern anthropological theories of cultural difference. Stanley N. Kurtz offers a new interpretation of the multiple "mother goddesses" of Hinduism, and explores how this multiplicity is key to understanding early childhood experience in which a child is raised by many "mothers" in the Hindu joint family. Arguing that traditional psychoanalytic approaches to Indian culture have applied Western (...)
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  5. The ontology of religion.Stanley Stowers - 2008 - In Jonathan Z. Smith, Willi Braun & Russell T. McCutcheon, Introducing religion: essays in honor of Jonathan Z. Smith. Oakville: Equinox. pp. 434--449.
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    Some implications of the contributions of Emile Durkheim to religious thought.Stanley Taylor - 1963 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 24 (1):125-134.
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    Christian Existence Today: Essays on Church, World, and Living in Between.Stanley Hauerwas - 2010 - Wipf and Stock Publishers.
    Stanley Hauerwas begins this volume with a vigorous response to the charge of sectarianism leveled against his work by James Gustafson, among others. "Show me where I am wrong about God, Jesus, the limits of liberalism, the nature of the virtues, or the doctrine of the church," Hauerwas replies to his critics, "but do not shortcut that task by calling me a sectarian."The essays that follow explore in a lucid, compelling, firm, and provocative way the church's nature, message, and (...)
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  8. Sanctify Them In The Truth: Holiness Exemplified.Stanley Hauerwas - 1998
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    Some theological reflections on Gutierrez's use of 'liberation' as a theological concept.Stanley Hauerwas - 1986 - Modern Theology 3 (1):67-76.
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    The Self as Story: Religion and Morality from the Agent's Perspective.Stanley Hauerwas - 1973 - Journal of Religious Ethics 1:73-85.
    Objecting to a restrictive view of morality that limits moral philosophy and religious ethics to what can be logically displayed, this essay seeks to expand our understanding of morality in a way that permits one to account for intentionality in the moral life. It claims that religion makes a contribution to our moral behavior beyond that of motivating one to be moral. The author argues that a right understanding of the relationship of thought and action is essential if we are (...)
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    A Preliminary Study on English and Welsh “Sacred Sites” and Home Dream Reports.Paul Devereux, Stanley Krippner, Robert Tartz & Adam Fish - 2007 - Anthropology of Consciousness 18 (2):2-28.
    This article discusses preliminary data on advancing what we know about “sacred sites” and their effects on dreaming. Thirty‐five volunteers spent between one and five nights in one of four unfamiliar outdoor sacred sites in England and Wales. Another volunteer awakened them following the observation of rapid eye movement and asked for dream recall. The same volunteers monitored their own dreams in familiar home surroundings, keeping dream diaries. Equal numbers of site dreams and home dream reports were obtained for each (...)
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    From Georges Sorel: Hermeneutics and the sciences.John L. Stanley & John Stanley - 1990 - Transaction.
    As his editor John L. Stanley points out, Georges Sorel was "that fascinating polymath." This volume, the third in his selected works in the English language published by Transaction, emphasizes Sorel's extraordinary writings in the philosophy of science, religion, culture, and art. For those who know Sorel only as author of Reflections on Violence, the present volume will come as a forceful reminder of the range and depth of Sorelian efforts to construct a world view. Sorel is throughout concerned (...)
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  13. Mohammadan Dyn:Orientalism V 2.Stanley Lane-Pool (ed.) - 2014 - Routledge.
    First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    The Life of Learning: The Charles Homer Haskins Lectures of the American Council of Learned Societies.Douglas Greenberg & Stanley N. Katz - 1994 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Each year since 1983 the American Council of Learned Societies has invited one of America's leading scholars to deliver the Haskins Lecture, in honor of Charles Homer Haskins, a distinguished scholar and teacher who was instrumental in the founding of the ACLS. In this volume, which commemorates the 75th anniversary of the ACLS, Douglas Greenberg and Stanley Katz bring together the lectures presented by ten of America's most distinguished scholars. Each lecture is a personal and intellectual glimpse into the (...)
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  15. Ming hsüeh chʻien shuo.William Stanley Jevons - 1966 - Edited by Fu Yen.
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  16. Ethical perspectives on the foreign direct investment decision.Marjorie T. Stanley - 1990 - Journal of Business Ethics 9 (1):1 - 10.
    This paper examines the foreign direct investment decision from an ethical perspective, and considers the moral agency involved in such decisions, with emphasis upon the corporate decision-maker. Historical capital allocation models once regarded as both financially and ethically normative are shown to be deficient in today's environment. Work of modern western philososphical and theological ethicists is included in analyses of the applicability of selected ethical approaches or metaphors to multinational foreign direct investment decisions and the corporate manager's role and responsibility (...)
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    Time and History in Theological Ethics: The Work of James Gustafson.Stanley Hauerwas - 1985 - Journal of Religious Ethics 13 (1):3 - 21.
    This essay traces Gustafson's understanding of the methodological significance of history and time for theological ethics. I argue that Gustafson qualifies his original thoroughgoing historicist perspective in the interest of developing a natural theology and ethics. His continuing emphasis on a historical perspective, I suggest, is best understood by attending to his recommendation that the theologian's task is best captured by the image of the "participant.".
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    Similarity and the false recognition of prototypes.Alan S. Levy & Stanley Heshka - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (3):181-183.
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    The Discourse Interview.Stanley Hauerwas & Rebecca O’Loughlin - 2008 - Discourse: Learning and Teaching in Philosophical and Religious Studies 8 (1):19-28.
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    The work of theology.Stanley Hauerwas - 2015 - Cambridge, U.K: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
  21.  26
    The biological point of view in psychology and psychiatry.E. Stanley Abbot - 1916 - Psychological Review 23 (2):117-128.
  22.  92
    Differential changes in levels of achievement for students in three age groups.J. Stanley Ahmann - 1979 - Educational Studies 10 (1):35-51.
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  23. EL Cerroni-Long.Pamela J. Asquith, Stanley R. Barrett, Roy D'Andrade, Paul Bohannan & Robert B. Edgerton - 1999 - In E. L. Cerroni-Long, Anthropological theory in North America. Westport, Conn.: Bergin & Garvey.
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  24. Alessandro Achillini (1463-1512) and his doctrine of "universals" and "transcendentals".Herbert Stanley Matsen - 1974 - Lewisburg [Pa.]: Bucknell University Press.
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    Brain death.Robert B. Schonberger & Stanley H. Rosenbaum - 2010 - In Gail A. Van Norman, Stephen Jackson, Stanley H. Rosenbaum & Susan K. Palmer, Clinical Ethics in Anesthesiology: A Case-Based Textbook. Cambridge University Press. pp. 108.
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    New England's generation. The great migration and the formation of society and culture in the seventeenth century.Boyd Stanley Schlenther - 1993 - History of European Ideas 17 (2-3):368-369.
  27. Introduction: Thinking about Continuity and Disruption.Rabbi Stanley M. Davids - 2023 - In Stanley M. Davids & Leah Hochman, Re-forming Judaism: moments of disruption in Jewish thought. New York: Central Conference of American Rabbis.
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    The physics of complex systems: new advances and perspectives.Franco Mallamace & Harry Eugene Stanley (eds.) - 2004 - Washington, DC: IOS Press.
    Remembering Fermi MORREL H. COHEN Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University Frelinghuysen Road. Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019 USA and Department ...
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    Relationships among lateral preference behaviors in human beings.Clare Porac & Stanley Coren - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (2):311-312.
  30. A Thousand Tears and a Day.Claus Westermann & Stanley Rudman - 1962
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    Sensory and active storage of compound visual and auditory stimuli.Neal E. Kroll, Stanley R. Parkinson & Theodore E. Parks - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 95 (1):32.
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    Rousseau and Freedom.Christie McDonald & Stanley Hoffmann (eds.) - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    Debates about freedom, an ideal continually contested, were first set out in their modern version by the eighteenth-century French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau. His ideas and analyses were taken up during the philosophical enlightenment, often invoked during the French Revolution, and still resonate in contemporary discussions of freedom. This volume, first published in 2010, examines Rousseau's many approaches to the concept of freedom, in the context of his thought on literature, religion, music, theater, women, the body, and the arts. Its expert (...)
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    Jinnah of Pakistan.Gail Minault & Stanley Wolpert - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (3):533.
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    Faithful Codex: A Theological Account of Early Christian Books.Timothy Stanley - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (1):9-28.
    This essay advances an interpretation of early Christian codex books, which goes beyond Catherine Pickstock’s critique of Jacques Derrida. Firstly, it summarizes Derrida’s deconstruction of Plato’s Phaedrus and introduces his understanding of writing as différance. Secondly, it outlines Pickstock’s After Writing in order to understand her emphasis upon the liturgical nature of platonic dialogue. It is here that an ambiguity emerges between writing and codex books in Pickstock’s account. In response, the insights of book historians such as Roger Chartier will (...)
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    From Habermas to Barth and Back Again.Timothy Stanley - 2006 - Journal of Church and State 48 (1):101-126.
    What role does religious transcendence play in liberal democracies? In Jürgen Habermas’s early political theory of the bourgeois public sphere, religion was downplayed if not dismissed completely. In the past several years however, he has developed a greater interest in religion. Habermas seems to like the positive solidarity-forming effects religion can have on communities that mediate in a public sphere between private individuals and state authority. However, in light of continuing terrorist activity, he is deeply critical of any sort of (...)
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    Show and Tell: Movies, Moviegoers, Movie MakingThe World Viewed: Reflections on the Ontology of Film. [REVIEW]D. I. Grossvogel & Stanley Cavell - 1973 - Diacritics 3 (3):46.
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    The World of the Thirties. [REVIEW]John Stanley Wozniak - 1986 - Philosophy and History 19 (2):157-157.
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    Texts of Limits, the Limits of Texts, and the Containment of Politics in Contemporary Critical Theory"Guest Column. No Bias, No Merit: The Case against Blind Submission.""Troping the Body: Literature and Feminism.""In the Name of the Modern: Feminist Questions D'Apres Gynesis.""Culture and Countermemory: The 'American' Connection."Reading in Detail. [REVIEW]Donald Morton, Stanley Fish, Jefferson Humphries, Alice Jardine, Susan Sheridan, S. P. Mohanty & Naomi Schor - 1990 - Diacritics 20 (1):56.
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    Earth Ethics. [REVIEW]G. Stanley Kane - 1996 - Teaching Philosophy 19 (2):198-201.
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    Geoffrey Cantor, quakers, jews, and science: Religious responses to modernity and the sciences in Britain, 1650–1900. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2005. Pp. XII+420. Isbn 0-19-927668-4. £50.00. [REVIEW]Matthew Stanley - 2007 - British Journal for the History of Science 40 (1):120-121.
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    Stanley Cavell in Conversation with Paul Standish.Stanley Cavell & Paul Standish - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 46 (2):155-176.
    Having acknowledged the recurrent theme of education in Stanley Cavell's work, the discussion addresses the topic of scepticism, especially as this emerges in the interpretation of Wittgenstein. Questions concerning rule‐following, language and society are then turned towards political philosophy, specifically with regard to John Rawls. The discussion examines the idea of the social contract, the nature of moral reasoning and the possibility of our lives' being above reproach, as well as Rawls's criticisms of Nietzschean perfectionism. This lays the way (...)
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    Stanley Cavell and Literary Skepticism.Stanley Bates - 1990 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 48 (3):239-241.
  43.  30
    Logos and eros: essays honoring Stanley Rosen.Stanley Rosen & Nalin Ranasinghe (eds.) - 2006 - South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine's Press.
    Included here are twenty essays from renowned scholars, honoring Stanley Rosen, whose work in ancient and modern philosophy is among the most influential today.
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    Stanley Krippner and Allan Combs, The Neurophenomenology of Shamanism: An essay review.Stanley Krippner & Allan Combs - 2002 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 9 (3):77-82.
    Michael Winkelman, who is a senior lecturer in the department of anthropology, Arizona State University, and director of its ethnographic field school, has provided a rich overview of the neurophenomenology of shamanism in his book, Shamanism: The Neural Ecology of Consciousness. Written in the tradition of Laughlin, McManus, and d'Aquili's 1992 classic, Brain, Symbol, and Experience: Toward a Neurophenomenology of Consciousness, Winkelman considers shamanism in many of its facets. He explores shamanism's social and symbolic content, and the implications of its (...)
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    Contending with Stanley Cavell.Stanley Cavell & Russell B. Goodman (eds.) - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Stanley Cavell has been a brilliant, idiosyncratic, and controversial presence in American philosophy, literary criticism, and cultural studies for years. Even as he continues to produce new writing of a high standard -- an example of which is included in this collection -- his work has elicited responses from a new generation of writers in Europe and America. This collection showcases this new work, while illustrating the variety of Cavell's interests: in the "ordinary language" philosophy of Wittgenstein and Austin, (...)
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    Development and Evolution: Complexity and Change in Biology.Stanley N. Salthe - 1993 - MIT Press.
    Development and Evolution surveys and illuminates the key themes of rapidly changing fields and areas of controversy that the redefining the theory and philosophy of biology. It continues Stanley Salthe's investigation of evolutionary theory, begun in his influential book Evolving Hierarchical Systems, while negating the implicit philosophical mechanisms of much of that work. Here Salthe attempts to reinitiate a theory of biology from the perspective of development rather than from that of evolution, recognizing the applicability of general systems thinking (...)
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  47.  29
    Pursuits of Reason: Essays in Honor of Stanley Cavell.Stanley Cavell - 1993
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    Stanley Greenberg: Time Machines.David C. Cassidy & Stanley Greenberg - 2011 - Hirmer Publishers.
    Gorgeous black and white photographs of machines built to unlock the secrets of the universe.
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  49. Integralʹnoe vospitanie.Polʹ Robėn - 1921 - In Paul Robin, Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis & N. K. Lebedev, Svobodnoe trudovoe vospitanie: sbornik stateĭ. Moskva: Kn-vo "Golos truda".
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    The primacy of interpretation in Luigi pareyson's hermeneutics of common sense: A response to D. di Cesare's ¿u-topias of understanding¿.Robe T. Valgenti - 2005 - Philosophy Today 49 (4):333-341.
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