Results for 'Staffan Lindberg'

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  1.  20
    Evolution of resistance to penicillin and cephalosporin antibiotics.Staffan Normark & Frederik Lindberg - 1985 - Bioessays 3 (1):22-26.
    Bacterial resistance mechanisms to the antibiotics known as β‐lactams, which include the penicillins and cephalosporins, can take several forms but frequently involve the production of β‐lactamases from either plasmid‐ or chromosomally‐encoded loci. Gram negative bacteria express a β‐lactamase from evolutionarily related chromosomal ampC genes. Genetic analysis of both inducible and constitutively expressed AmpC β‐lactamases provide insights into the mechanisms regulating production of the enzyme. Evolutionary relationships between the genes of different species are discussed, as well as the regulatory mechanisms that (...)
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    Farmers' movements and cultural nationalism in India: An ambiguous relationship. [REVIEW]Staffan Lindberg - 1995 - Theory and Society 24 (6):837-868.
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  3. The defeasible nature of coherentist justification.Staffan Angere - 2007 - Synthese 157 (3):321 - 335.
    The impossibility results of Bovens and Hartmann (2003, Bayesian epistemology. Oxford: Clarendon Press) and Olsson (2005, Against coherence: Truth, probability and justification. Oxford: Oxford University Press.) show that the link between coherence and probability is not as strong as some have supposed. This paper is an attempt to bring out a way in which coherence reasoning nevertheless can be justified, based on the idea that, even if it does not provide an infallible guide to probability, it can give us an (...)
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    Grounding as a Side‐Effect of Grounding.Staffan Larsson - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (2):389-408.
    In relation to semantics, “grounding” has two relevant meanings. “Symbol grounding” is the process of connecting symbols to perception and the world. “Communicative grounding” is the process of interactively adding to common ground in dialog. Strategies for grounding in human communication include, crucially, strategies for resolving troubles caused by various kinds of miscommunication. As it happens, these two processes of grounding are closely related. As a side-effect of grounding an utterance, dialog participants may adjust the meanings they assign to linguistic (...)
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  5.  29
    Knowledge in a Social Network.Staffan Angere - unknown
    The purpose of this paper is to present a formal model of social net- works suitable for studying questions in social epistemology. We show how to use this model, in conjunction with a computer program for simulating groups of inquirers, to draw conclusions about the epistemological prop- erties of different social practices. This furnishes us with the beginnings of a systematic research program in social epistemology, from which to approach problems pertaining to epistemic value, optimal organization, and the dynamics of (...)
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    Using Ricoeur's notions on narrative interpretation as a resource in supporting person‐centredness in health and social care.Staffan Josephsson, Joakim Öhlén, Margarita Mondaca, Manuel Guerrero, Mark Luborsky & Maria Lindström - 2022 - Nursing Philosophy 23 (3):e12398.
    This article suggests a shift in focus from stories as verbal accounts to narrative interpretation of the every day as a resource for achieving person‐centred health and social care. The aim is to explore Ricoeur's notion of narrative and action, as expressed in his arguments on a threefold mimesis process, using this as a grounding for the use of narration to achieve person‐centredness in health and social care practice. This focus emerged from discussions on this matter at the IPONS conference (...)
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  7. Coherence as a heuristic.Staffan Angere - 2008 - Mind 117 (465):1-26.
    The impossibility results of Bovens and Hartmann (2003) and Olsson (2005) call into question the strength of the connection between coherence and truth. As part of the inquiry into this alleged link, I define a notion of degree of truth-conduciveness, relevant for measuring the usefulness of coherence measures as rules-of-thumb for assigning probabilities in situations of partial knowledge. I use the concept to compare the viability of some of the measures of coherence that have been suggested so far under different (...)
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  8. The consequences of seeing imagination as a dual‐process virtue.Ingrid Malm Lindberg - 2024 - Metaphilosophy 55 (2):162-174.
    Michael T. Stuart (2021 and 2022) has proposed imagination as an intellectual dual‐process virtue, consisting of imagination1 (underwritten by cognitive Type 1 processing) and imagination2 (supported by Type 2 processing). This paper investigates the consequences of taking such an account seriously. It proposes that the dual‐process view of imagination allows us to incorporate recent insights from virtue epistemology, providing a fresh perspective on how imagination can be epistemically reliable. The argument centers on the distinction between General Reliability (GR) and Functional (...)
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  9. Galileo, the Church, and the Cosmos.David C. Lindberg - 2003 - In David C. Lindberg & Ronald L. Numbers (eds.), When Science and Christianity Meet. University of Chicago Press. pp. 33--60.
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  10.  37
    When Science and Christianity Meet.David C. Lindberg & Ronald L. Numbers (eds.) - 2003 - University of Chicago Press.
    This book, in language accessible to the general reader, investigates twelve of the most notorious, most interesting, and most instructive episodes involving the interaction between science and Christianity, aiming to tell each story in its historical specificity and local particularity. Among the events treated in When Science and Christianity Meet are the Galileo affair, the seventeenth-century clockwork universe, Noah's ark and flood in the development of natural history, struggles over Darwinian evolution, debates about the origin of the human species, and (...)
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  11.  14
    On the Outskirts of Physics: Eva von Bahr as an Outsider Within in Early 20th Century Swedish Experimental Physics.Staffan Wennerholm - 2009 - Centaurus 51 (1):12-36.
    Eva von Bahr (1874–1962) got her doctorate in experimental physics at the Physics Institute at Uppsala University in 1908. Subsequently she became the first woman assistant professor in physics in Sweden. In the face of many obstacles, she worked as a physicist for six years in Uppsala and Berlin. In 1914 she took a position as a school teacher. This article explores von Bahr’s trajectory through academic experimental physics. It is argued that network connections with male scientists enabled her work. (...)
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  12.  5
    Motströms: kritiken av det moderna.Staffan Källström & Erland Sellberg (eds.) - 1991 - Stockholm: Carlsson.
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    From technological humanity to bio-technical existence.Susanna Lindberg - 2023 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Explores the relationship between technics and humanity, tracing the emergence of a bio-technical conception of existence in contemporary continental philosophy.
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  14.  7
    Limite-illimité, questions au présent.Susanna Lindberg & Gisèle Berkman (eds.) - 2012 - Nantes: Éditions nouvelles Cécile Defaut.
    L’enjeu de ce recueil est de contribuer à repenser la notion de limite, en l’envisageant sous les différentes figures, philosophiques, écologiques, politiques, que lui confère notre présent. Comme le montrent, sous des modalités diverses, les contributions de ce collectif, la limite peut et doit être conçue en dehors des valeurs négatives – borne, restriction ou frontière –, qui en affaiblissent la portée. Elle peut alors être pensée sur le fond de cet illimité où s’ouvre la question même du dehors. Si (...)
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  15. Thinking with---Jean-Luc Nancy.Susanna Lindberg, Artemiĭ Magun & Marita Tatari (eds.) - 2023 - Zurich: Diaphanes.
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    Welfare State Policies in the Tripolar Class Model of Scandinavia.Staffan Marklund - 1988 - Politics and Society 16 (4):469-485.
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    Original und Archetypus: zu Zustandekommen und Transformation einer byzantinischen Weltchronik (Pseudo-Polydeukes/Symeon Logothetes).Staffan Wahlgren - 2004 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 96 (1):269-277.
    Die Weltchronik des Symeon Logothetes scheint eine der populärsten Chroniken in Byzanz gewesen zu sein. Während viele Exponenten dieses Genres durch nur eine oder wenige Hss. bekannt sind, begegnet die Logothetenchronik in mehr als 40 Hss. und kann handschriftlich verfolgt werden vom 11. Jh. bis in die Renaissance. Dies bedeutet, dass ein reiches Material zu unserer Verfügung steht, wenn es darum geht, Änderungsprozesse zu beobachten, denen ein solcher Text ausgesetzt ist. Wir sind ferner in der glücklichen Lage, dass wesentliche Quellen (...)
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  18.  26
    Constitutional politics in the European communities.Staffan Zetterholm - 1994 - History of European Ideas 19 (1-3):237-244.
  19.  41
    Publish Late, Publish Rarely! : Network Density and Group Performance in Scientific Communication.Staffan Angere & Erik J. Olsson - 2017 - In Thomas Boyer-Kassem, Conor Mayo-Wilson & Michael Weisberg (eds.), Scientific Collaboration and Collective Knowledge. New York, USA: Oxford University Press.
    Research programs regularly compete to achieve the same goal, such as the discovery of the structure of DNA or the construction of a TEA laser. The more the competing programs share information, the faster the goal is likely to be reached, to society’s benefit. But the “priority rule”-the scientific norm according to which the first program to reach the goal in question must receive all the credit for the achievement-provides a powerful disincentive for programs to share information. How, then, is (...)
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  20.  51
    Speech intelligibility and recall of first and second language words heard at different signal-to-noise ratios.Staffan Hygge, Anders Kjellberg & Anatole Nöstl - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  21. On the Night of the Elemental Imaginary.Susanna Lindberg - 2011 - Research in Phenomenology 41 (2):157-180.
    This essay is a comparison between Schelling's and Blanchot's conceptions of the night of the imaginary. Schelling is the most romantic of the German idealist philosophers and Blanchot the most extreme of the French “deconstructionists.“ Their historical link is actually indirect, but they offer two complementary views on the “same“ impersonal nocturnal experience of the imaginary, the approach of which requires a certain self-overcoming of philosophy towards literature.
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    Roger Bacon and the Origins of Perspectiva in the Middle Ages: A Critical Edition and English Translation, with Introduction and Notes.David C. Lindberg - 1996 - Clarendon Press.
    A critical edition and facing-page translation, accompanied by substantial analytical introduction and notes, of Perspectiva by Roger Bacon, a foundational text of modern optics written in about 1260, which defined the subject for the next 350 years.
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  23. Towards a formal view of corrective feedback.Staffan Larsson & Robin Cooper - unknown
    This paper introduces a formal view of the semantics and pragmatics of corrective feedback in dialogues between adults and children. The goal of this research is to give a formal account of language coordination in dialogue, and semantic coordination in particular. Accounting for semantic coordination requires (1) a semantics, i.e. an architecture allowing for dynamic meanings and meaning updates as results of dialogue moves, and (2) a pragmatics, describing the dialogue moves involved in semantic coordination. We illustrate the general approach (...)
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  24.  46
    Inquiry and deliberation in judicial systems : the problem of jury size.Staffan Angere, Erik J. Olsson & Emmanuel Genot - unknown
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  25. The Thought Experimenting Qualities of Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling.Ingrid Malm Lindberg - 2019 - Religions 10 (6).
    In this article, I examine the possible thought experimenting qualities of Soren Kierkegaard's novel Fear and Trembling and in which way it can be explanatory. Kierkegaard's preference for pseudonyms, indirect communication, Socratic interrogation, and performativity are identified as features that provide the narrative with its thought experimenting quality. It is also proposed that this literary fiction functions as a Socratic-theological thought experiment due to its influences from both philosophy and theology. In addition, I suggest three functional levels of the fictional (...)
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  26.  44
    Network Density and Group Competence in Scientific Communication.Staffan Angere & Erik J. Olsson - unknown
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  27.  54
    Theory and Reality : Metaphysics as Second Science.Staffan Angere - unknown
    Theory and Reality is about the connection between true theories and the world. A mathematical framefork for such connections is given, and it is shown how that framework can be used to infer facts about the structure of reality from facts about the structure of true theories, The book starts with an overview of various approaches to metaphysics. Beginning with Quine's programmatic "On what there is", the first chapter then discusses the perils involved in going from language to metaphysics. It (...)
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  28.  18
    What is an Embedding? : A Problem for Category-theoretic Structuralism.Staffan Angere - unknown
    This paper concerns the proper definition of embeddings in purely category-theoretical terms. It is argued that plain category theory cannot capture what, in the general case, constitutes an embedding of one structure in another. We discuss three available solutions to this problem: variants of monics, concrete categories, and allegories. The first and last of these are found to be unable to solve the problem, and the second to be philosophically unsatisfactory. Instead, we introduce a theory of forms and relators, which, (...)
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  29.  23
    New Light on an Old StoryThe Nature of Light: An Historical SurveyVasco Ronchi V. Barocas.David C. Lindberg - 1971 - Isis 62 (4):522-524.
  30.  15
    Techniques en philosophie.Susanna Lindberg - 2020 - Paris: Hermann.
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  31. Womanlife or lifework and psycho-technique: woman as the figure of the plasticity of transcendence.Susanna Lindberg - 2010 - In Kimberly Hutchings & Tuija Pulkkinen (eds.), Hegel's philosophy and feminist thought: beyond Antigone? New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Comments on Malmgren's 'Psychiatric Classification: The Status of So-Called “Diagnostic Criteria”'.Staffan Norell - 1984 - In Lennart Nordenfelt & B. Ingemar B. Lindahl (eds.), Health, Disease, and Causal Explanations in Medicine. Reidel. pp. 89--90.
  33. Unconscious responses to "mommy and I are one": Does gender matter?Staffan Sohlberg & Billy Jansson - 2002 - In Robert F. Bornstein & Joseph M. Masling (eds.), The Psychodynamics of Gender and Gender Role. Empirical Studies in Psychoanalytic Theories, Vol. 10. American Psychological Association. pp. 165-201.
  34.  41
    Alhazen's Theory of Vision and Its Reception in the West.David Lindberg - 1967 - Isis 58 (3):321-341.
  35.  18
    Reappraisals of the Scientific Revolution, ed. by and (Cambridge:).David C. Lindberg & Robert S. Westman (eds.) - 1990 - Cambridge University Press.
    List of contributors; Acknowledgments; Introduction Robert S. Westman and David C. Lindberg; 1. Conceptions of the scientific revolution from Bacon to Butterfield: a preliminary sketch David C. Lindberg; 2. Conceptions of science in the scientific revolution Ernan McMullin; 3. Metaphysics and the new science Gary Hatfield; 4. Proof, portics, and patronage: Copernicus’s preface to De revolutionibus Robert S. Westman; 5. A reappraisal of the role of the universities in the scientific revolution John Gascoigne; 6. Natural magic, hermetism, and (...)
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  36.  15
    A note on Isomorphism and Identity.Staffan Angere - unknown
    This note argues that, insofar as contemporary mathematics is concerned, there is overwhelming evidence that if mathematical objects are structures, then isomorphism should not be taken as their identity condition. This goes against a common version of structuralism in the philosophical literature. Four areas are presented in which identifying isomorphic structures or objects leads to contradiction or inadequacy. This is followed by a philosophical discussion on possible ways to approach the distinction, and a section on the possibility of proceeding intensionally, (...)
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  37.  20
    The logic of isomorphism and its uses.Staffan Angere - unknown
    We present a class of first-order modal logics, called transformational logics, which are designed for working with sentences that hold up to a certain type of transformation. An inference system is given, and com- pleteness for the basic transformational logic HOS is proved. In order to capture ‘up to isomorphism’, we express a very weak version of higher category theory in terms of first-order models, which makes tranforma- tional logics applicable to category theory. A category-theoretical concept of isomorphism is used (...)
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  38.  19
    What sets could not be.Staffan Angere - unknown
    Sets are often taken to be collections, or at least akin to them. In contrast, this paper argues that. although we cannot be sure what sets are, what we can be entirely sure of is that they are not collections of any kind. The central argument will be that being an element of a set and being a member in a collection are governed by quite different axioms. For this purpose, a brief logical investigation into how set theory and collection (...)
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  39.  14
    Pindar, Pythian 8.95–6: An Unrecognized Problem.Staffan Fogelmark - 2008 - Hermes 136 (4):383-390.
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    The Oldest Law: Rediscovering the Minos.Tod Lindberg - 2007 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2007 (138):43-68.
    In the concluding section of the Minos (318c ff), Socrates praises the oldest law, that given to Crete by Minos, who in Socrates's characterization obtained this law as a result of his status as confidant of Zeus, Minos's father (319d-e). The law that is unchanging, permanent, is therefore the best law, and arguably the only law that truly reflects the “lawness” of law, other possible senses of law being incomplete, as the dialogue shows. There is, moreover, something divine about the (...)
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  41.  65
    Designs of Learning and the Formation and Transformation of Knowledge in an Era of Globalization.Staffan Selander - 2008 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 27 (4):267-281.
    In this article, the formation and transformation of knowledge and the role of designs for learning will be elaborated and discussed in relation to the introduction of national curricula and school textbooks during the beginning of the industrialized era vs. the introduction of individual curricula and new digital learning resources in the post-industrialized era of globalization and multiculturalism. Quite different teaching and learning strategies have been emphasized, which I will call here “designed information and teaching” vs. “designs for learning”. It (...)
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  42.  13
    Models of causation in epidemiology.Staffan Norell - 1984 - In Lennart Nordenfelt & B. Ingemar B. Lindahl (eds.), Health, Disease, and Causal Explanations in Medicine. Reidel. pp. 129--135.
  43.  33
    Monde, fin du monde, défaite du monde La mise en question du monde chez Martin Heidegger et Jacques Derrida.Susanna Lindberg - 2017 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 115 (1):85-118.
    L’article examine la question philosophique de la fin du monde en comparant son traitement par Jacques Derrida et par Martin Heidegger. Nous résumons d’abord le concept heideggérien du monde. Après cela, nous présentons la pensée derridienne de la fin du monde comme sa déconstruction. Derrida oppose notamment à Heidegger l’idée de la mort de l’autre comme «fin du monde chaque fois unique». Dans «No apocalypse, not now», il examine également l’idée de la destruction sans reste du monde et de l’humanité, (...)
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  44.  61
    Identity and intensionality in Univalent Foundations and philosophy.Staffan Angere - 2017 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 5):1-41.
    The Univalent Foundations project constitutes what is arguably the most serious challenge to set-theoretic foundations of mathematics since intuitionism. Like intuitionism, it differs both in its philosophical motivations and its mathematical-logical apparatus. In this paper we will focus on one such difference: Univalent Foundations’ reliance on an intensional rather than extensional logic, through its use of intensional Martin-Löf type theory. To this, UF adds what may be regarded as certain extensionality principles, although it is not immediately clear how these principles (...)
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  45.  35
    Temporising and respect for patient self-determination.Jenny Lindberg, Mats Johansson & Linus Broström - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (3):161-167.
    The principle of self-determination plays a crucial role in contemporary clinical ethics. Somewhat simplified, it states that it is ultimately the patient who should decide whether or not to accept suggested treatment or care. Although the principle is much discussed in the academic literature, one important aspect has been neglected, namely the fact that real-world decision making is temporally extended, in the sense that it generally takes some time from the point at which the physician (or other health care professional) (...)
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  46.  52
    An Assemblage of Science and Home: The Gendered Lifestyle of Svante Arrhenius and Early Twentieth-Century Physical Chemistry.Staffan Bergwik - 2014 - Isis 105 (2):265-291.
    This essay explores the gendered lifestyle of early twentieth-century physics and chemistry and shows how that way of life was produced through linking science and home. In 1905, the Swedish physical chemist Svante Arrhenius married Maja Johansson and established a scientific household at the Nobel Institute for Physical Chemistry in Stockholm. He created a productive context for research in which ideas about marriage and family were pivotal. He also socialized in similar scientific sites abroad. This essay displays how scholars in (...)
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  47. The Logical Structure of Truthmaking.Staffan Angere - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 44 (4):351-374.
    This paper is an investigation in the use of truthmaker theory for exploring the relation of logic to world, and as a tool for metaphysics. A variant of truthmaker theory, which we call the simple theory, is defined and defended against objections. It is characterized formally, and its central features are derived. As part of this project, we give a formal metaphysics based on nondeterministic necessitation relations among possible entities. In what is called the fundamental theorem of truthmaking, it is (...)
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  48. The Square Circle.Staffan Angere - 2014 - Metaphilosophy 48 (1-2):79-95.
    This article shows that there are square circles in the sense that there are mathematical objects that are at the same time both perfectly circular and perfectly square. The philosophical significance of this is discussed, especially in view of philosophy's widespread use of “square circle” as a typical example of an impossibility. In particular, the focus is on what the existence of square circles means for the possibility of conceptual analysis, and more generally what we can learn about the nature (...)
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  49.  30
    Onto-Technics in Bryant, Harman, and Nancy.Susanna Lindberg - 2018 - PhaenEx 12 (2):81-102.
    My hypothesis in this article is that it is possible to use the philosophical concept of technics to solve a conflict in contemporary continental ontology between speculative materialist and phenomenological approaches. More precisely, I will show that technics gives a privileged access to ontology because it leads to a “materialist” ontology, avoiding both theological and nihilistic approaches, and because technics, being by definition a domain of artificiality, precludes any explication of it in terms of naturalist materialism. I start by critically (...)
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  50. Synchronizing nature and culture : mediating time in geochronology and dendrochronology, 1900-1945.Staffan Bergwik - 2022 - In Anders Ekström & Staffan Bergwik (eds.), Times of history, times of nature: temporalization and the limits of modern knowledge. New York: Berghahn.
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