Results for 'St ëiìur§ev'

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  1. Pokhishchenie Evropy.St ëiìur§ev - 2001 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo zhurnala "Zvezda".
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  2. Pokhishchenie Evropy.St I︠U︡rʹev - 2001 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo zhurnala "Zvezda".
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    Izbrannai︠a︡ filosofskai︠a︡ publit︠s︡istika: A. Shopengauėr, Dzh.St. Millʹ, V.G. Belinskiĭ, N.A. Dobroli︠u︡bov.Varfolomeĭ Aleksandrovich Zaĭt︠s︡ev - 2011 - Moskva: Librokom, URSS. Edited by B. P. Kozʹmin.
    Книга предназначена для философов, правоведов и специалистов по естественным наукам, а также для заинтересованных читателей.
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    Vladimir Solov'ev on the Fate and Purpose of Philosophy.E. B. Rashkovskii - 1989 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 28 (3):5-16.
    The lecture of V. S. Solov'ev on "The Historical Tasks of Philosophy" [Istoricheskie dela filosofii] was given by the young privat-docent on November 20, 1880 at St. Petersburg University; the text of the lecture was published in the periodical Russkaia mysl' soon thereafter. The lecture prepared the way for two parallel courses: a course in metaphysics at the university and a course in the history of ancient philosophy in the Advanced Women's Courses of K. N. Bestuzhev-Riumin. It is clear from (...)
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    مدرسة البصرة الحديثية في النصف الأول من القرن الأول الهجري: دراسة في أسباب التأخر العلمي عن مدرسة الكوفة.‪Ahmad Snobar - 2020 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 6 (1):433-485.
    Bu araştırma hicri birinci asrın ilk yarısında varlık gösteren Basra’nın, fıkhıyla meşhur bazı sahâbîlere ev sahipliği yapmasına rağmen hadis ve fıkıh ilimlerinde, aynı dönemde öne çıkan Kûfe’den geri kalmasının muhtemel sebeplerine odaklanmaktadır. Söz konusu sahâbe arasında öne çıkanlar, Basra’da on iki sene ikamet etmiş olan Ebû Musa el-Eş’arî ve dört sene bulunan İbn Abbas’tır. Mezkûr iki sahâbenin fıkhî müktesabatlarının yanında çok sayıda hadis rivayetine sahip olduğu da bilinmektedir. Ancak buna rağmen her ikisinin de İbn Mes‘ûd’un, Kûfe’de yaptığı etkiyi gösterdikleri söylenemez. (...)
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    Bir Antisemit Propaganda Metni: Siyon Liderlerinin Protokolleri.Murat Kaya - 2024 - Atebe 11:31-56.
    19. yüzyıl, Avrupa’da siyasi, sosyal ve ekonomik açıdan önemli değişikliklerin meydana geldiği bir dönemdir. Bu dönemde, bir taraftan mevcut düzenin değişmesine yönelik devrimci, özgürlükçü ve milliyetçi girişimler gerçekleşirken diğer taraftan dünyayı ve varlıkları anlamada daha önce var olan dinî bakış açısına alternatif olarak seküler bir bakış açısı gelişmiştir. Doğayı ve canlıları, akıl ve bilim yoluyla değerlendiren bu yeni bakış açısı, önce ırk teorilerini, ardından bilimsel ırkçılığı ve nihayetinde antisemitizmi ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bu dönemde Avrupa, eski ile yeni karşıtlığına dayalı bir düzen (...)
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    The Munus of Transmitting Human Life: A New Approach to Humanae Vitae.Janet E. Smith - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (3):385-427.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE MUNUS OF TRANSMITTING HUMAN LIFE: A NEW APPROACH TO I-IUMANAE VITAE JANET E. SMITH University of Dallas Irving, Texas 'TIRE ONLY ACQUAINTANCE 1bhat most rea;ders have with the Latin of Humanae Vitae is the tit1le. It is likey that fow laymen and perhaps eV'en fow schofars make ire:ferenoe to the Latin text; indeed, it is ireported that I-Iumanae Vitae was originally composed in ltalian, and it seems that (...)
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    A Necessary Condition for the Truth of Moral and Other Judgments.Stephen Theron - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (2):293-300.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A NECESSARY CONDITION FOR THE TRUTH OF MORAL AND OTHER JUDGMENTS STEPHEN THERON Na,tional University of Lesotho Lesotho, Africa, SIMPSON'S RECENT review of Morals as Founded on Natural Law 1 so misrepresents its main point, one so vital to civilization's continuance, that I feel obliged to try to restate that point. It was of course disconcerting that he misunderstood the main point of the hook (whetlrer he agrees with (...)
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    Niz'miye ve Müstansıriyye Medreselerinde Arap Dili Öğretimi.Ahmet Beken & Mohammed Türkmen - 2023 - Atebe 9:145-175.
    Dinin temel kaynaklarının Arapça olması, sınırların genişlemesine paralel olarak dilin Arap olmayanlara öğretilmesi ihtiyacı, dilde hataların (lahn) yaygınlaşması, resmî yazışmalarda Arapçanın hâkim dil olması ve bilim dili olarak kullanılması gibi sebeplerle Arapça, dinî ilimlerle birlikte öğretimi yaygın bir şekilde yapılan ilimler arasında yer almıştır. Dinî metinlerin daha iyi anlaşılmasını sağlamak, verilecek dersleri açık ve anlaşılır bir şekilde sunmak, nitelikli bir vaiz ve hatip olmak, delil getirmek ve düşünceyi temellendirmek, münazara ve cedelde başarılı olmak Arapçaya iyi derece hâkim olmayı gerektirmekteydi. Bu (...)
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    The History of International Relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Works of National Researchers.Seyitkali Duisen & Kairken Adiyet - 2024 - Metafizika 7 (4):10-33.
    Тһе аrtісlе іs dеvоtеd tо аnаlуzіng tһе һіstоrіоgrарһу оf һіstоrісаl аnd роlіtісаl fundаmеntаl wоrks dеdісаtеd tо studуіng tһе һіstоrу оf іntеrnаtіоnаl rеlаtіоns оf tһе Rерublіс оf Kаzаkһstаn durіng tһе уеаrs оf іndереndеnсе. Тһе аuthоrs іn tһіs dіrесtіоn оf wоrk аrе соnvеntіоnаllу сlаssіfіеd іntо sеvеrаl grоuрs, dереndіng оn tһе еssеnсе аnd соntеnt. Аt tһе sаmе tіmе, аn аttеmрt wаs mаdе tо sуstеmаtіzе tһеm frоm tһе роіnt оf vіеw оf сһrоnоlоgу. Тһе аuthоrs tооk а comрrеhеnsіvе аррrоасһ tо еxаmіne tһe wоrks оf hіstоrіаns, (...)
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    “Bey'nu Esr'ri̇'L-Hi̇L'feti̇'L-İNs'ni̇Yye ve's-Saltanati̇'L-Ma‘Nevi̇Yye” İSi̇Mli̇ Ri̇Salesi̇ Bağlaminda Taşköprîz'de’de İNsan Algisi.Hacer Şahinalp - 2017 - Kader 15 (3):643-677.
    Öz (120-150 kelime) ve yukarıdaki kutucuğa anahtar kelimeler (5-7 kelime) İngilizce öz ve anahtar kelimeler de aynı sınırlar çerçevesinde yazılmalıdır. Bu makalede, Osmanlı’nın zirve dönemi âlimlerinden olan Taşköprîzâde’nin, insanı ahlâkî yönüyle merkeze alan bir risalesini analiz ve sentez yöntemiyle incelemeye çalıştık. Risale, insanın irâdî eylemlerinin toplamından oluşan, ahlâk, ev idaresi ve siyaset şeklinde üç temel ayağı bulunan amelî hikmeti, İslam kanunu üzere incelemektedir. İnsanın özgür olmakla beraber sorumlu olan yönetici kimliğinin ön plana çıktığı risalede bazı konularda sorgulayıcı, bazı konularda da (...)
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    Tanzanya’da Leibzig Misyoner Cemiyeti Misyonerliği, Karşılaşılan Zorluklar ve Kullanılan Yöntemler.Şeyma Han & Şahin Kızılabdullah - 2024 - Dini Araştırmalar 66:129-163.
    “Tanzanya’da Leibzig Misyoner Cemiyeti Misyonerliği, Karşılaşılan Zorluklar ve Kullanılan Yöntemler” isimli makale “Tanzanya’da Misyonerlik Faaliyetler Lutheran Kilise Örneği” isimli yüksek lisans tezine dayanmaktadır. Makale, Lutheran misyonerliğinin Tanzanya’da faaliyetlerine nasıl başladıkları, ilerleme yöntemleri ve karşılaşılan güçlükleri anlama noktasında önem arz etmektedir. Makalede ana konuya odaklanmadan önce, Tanzanya hakkında genel bir bilgilendirme yapılmış, ardından Leibzig Misyon Cemiyeti’nin (LMS) faaliyetlerine nasıl başladığı, kronolojik bir şekilde açmış olduğu istasyonlar, bu istasyonlarda karşılaşmış olduğu zorluklar ve kullanılan yöntemler hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Ayrıca, Tanzanya’da Lutheran misyoner cemiyetlerinin, (...)
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  13. Pref a Ce.Anton Amann & Harald Atmanspacher - unknown
    In June 1998 Hans Primas turned 70 y ears old. Although he himself is not fond of jubilees and although he lik es to play the decimal system of numb ers do wn as contingent, this is nev ertheless a suitable o ccasion to re ect on the professional work of one of the rare distinguished contemp orary scientists who attach equal imp ortance to exp erimen tal and theoretical and conceptual lines of researc h. Hans Primas' in terests ha (...)
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    Book Review: Saraybosna Gazi Hüsrev Bey Kütüphanesi 1206/2 Nu.Da Kayıtlı El Yazması Eser. [REVIEW]Burhan Baltaci - 2019 - Dini Araştırmalar 22 (55 (15-06-2019)):269-273.
    Saraybosna Gazi Hüsrev Bey Kütüphanesi 1206/2 nu.da kayıtlı el yazması eser Nahl 16/97. ayetin tefsiri ile ilgili olarak kaleme alınmıştır. Risalenin dibacesinde eserin özel bir ismi bulunmamaktadır. Katalog verilerinde eserin ismi “Risâle fî Tefsîri Kavlihî Teâlâ: men ‘amile sâlihan min zekerin ev unsâ ve huve mu’minun” şeklinde yer almaktadır. Bu isimlendirmeden eserin, Nahl 16/97. ayetin tefsiri anlamında, ayetin bir kısmı ile katalogda isimlendirildiğini anlamaktayız. Kataloğa göre risale, eserin “19b-24” varakları arasında yer almaktadır.
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    History and architectural complex of the Svyato-Uspensky monastery Cosmin Vladimir province.K. A. Solovyov - 2017 - Liberal Arts in Russia 6 (2):120-135.
    The article devoted to one of the lesser-known monasteries of our country, the Saint-Dormition Cosmas male monastery located in the Alexandrovsky district of Vladimir region. On the basis of archival and published materials, the author considers the founding date of the monastery that varies in different lists of life of St. Cosmas of Yakhromsk. In addition, the author concludes that the miraculous finding of the Yakhromsk icon of the Blessed Virgin by St. Cosmas could happened twenty years earlier than it (...)
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    Bioėtika: print︠s︡ipy, pravila, problemy.B. G. I︠U︡din & V. A. Ignatʹev (eds.) - 1998 - Moskva: Ėditorial URSS.
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  17. The Life of John Stuart Mill.Michael St John Packe - 1956 - Science and Society 20 (2):170-173.
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  18. Letters From an American Farmer.J. Hector St John de Crèvecoeur - 1904 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Written by an emigrant French aristocrat turned farmer, the Letters from an American Farmer posed the famous question `What, then, is the American, this new man?', as the new nation took shape before the eyes of the world. Addressing some of American literature's most pressing concerns and issues of identity, the Letters celebrates personal determination, freedom from institutional oppression and the largeness and fertility of the land, and also raises darker and more symbolic elements, particularly slavery. This is the only (...)
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  19. Vladimir Solovʹev: zhiznʹ i tvorcheskai︠a︡ ėvoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡.S. M. Solovʹev - 1997 - Moskva: Respublika.
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    Oksfordskoe rukovodstvo po filosofskoĭ teologii =.Thomas P. Flint, Michael C. Rea, V. V. Vasilʹev & M. O. Kedrova (eds.) - 2013 - Moskva: I︠A︡zyki slavi︠a︡nskoĭ kulʹtury.
    The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Theology attempts both to familiarize readers with the directions in which the scholarship of this discipline has gone and to pursue the discussion into hitherto under-examined areas. Philosophical theology is aimed primarily at theoretical understanding of the nature and attributes of God and of God's relationship to the world and its inhabitants. During the twentieth century, much of the philosophical community (both in the Anglo-American analytic tradition and in Continental circles) had grave doubts about our (...)
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    Obshchestvo riska i chelovek: ontologicheskiĭ i t︠s︡ennostnyĭ aspekty.V. B. Ustʹi︠a︡nt︠s︡ev (ed.) - 2006 - Saratov: Nauka.
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    An american looks at soviet science.M. D. Akhundov, L. B. Bazhenov & V. N. Ignat'ev - 1991 - Biology and Philosophy 6 (3):363-376.
  23. Dialektika istoricheskogo prot︠s︡essa: protivopolozhnostʹ materialisticheskogo i idealisticheskogo podkhodov: mezhvuzovskiĭ nauchnyĭ sbornik.I︠A︡. F. Askin & V. B. Ustʹi︠a︡nt︠s︡ev (eds.) - 1986 - Saratov: Izd-vo Saratovskogo universiteta.
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  24. Sovremennai︠a︡ zapadnai︠a︡ sot︠s︡iologii︠a︡ nauki: kriticheskiĭ analiz.V. Zh Kelle, E. Z. Mirskai︠a︡ & A. A. Ignatʹev (eds.) - 1988 - Moskva: Nauka.
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    The complexity of random ordered structures.Joel Spencer & Katherine St John - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 152 (1-3):174-179.
    We show that for random bit strings, Up, with probability, image, the first order quantifier depth D) needed to distinguish non-isomorphic structures is Θ, with high probability. Further, we show that, with high probability, for random ordered graphs, G≤,p with edge probability image, D)=Θ, contrasting with the results for random graphs, Gp, given by Kim et al. [J.H. Kim, O. Pikhurko, J. Spencer, O. Verbitsky, How complex are random graphs in first order logic? Random Structures and Algorithms 26 119–145] of (...)
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    Kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii︠a︡ virtualʹnykh mirov i nauchnoe poznanie.I. A. Akchurin & S. N. Koni︠a︡ev (eds.) - 2000 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo Russkogo khristianskogo gumanitarnogo instituta.
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    Kulʹtura i chelovek v sovremennoĭ kartine mira: Mezhvuzovskiĭ nauchnyĭ sbornik po materialam Vserossiĭskikh Askinskikh chteniĭ, okti︠a︡brʹ 2000 g.I︠A︡. F. Askin & V. B. Ustʹi︠a︡nt︠s︡ev (eds.) - 2001 - Saratov: I︠U︡l.
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  28. Paideia kai dēmokratia.Nikolaos St Psaroudakēs - 1973
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  29. Otsrot rabotenu mi-Brisḳ: amarot ṭehorot, yesodot neʼemanim u-fenine ḳodesh.Joseph Baer Soloveichik, Ḥayyim Soloveichik & Isaac Zeʼev Soloveichik (eds.) - 2001 - Bene Beraḳ: Sh. L., molut u-misḥar bi-sefarim.
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    Razum i kulʹtura: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.V. B. Ustʹi︠a︡nt︠s︡ev (ed.) - 2001 - Saratov: Saratovskiĭ gos. universitet.
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    Zhiznennyĭ mir filosofa "serebri︠a︡nogo veka": mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik nauchnykh trudov.V. B. Ustʹi︠a︡nt︠s︡ev (ed.) - 2003 - Saratov: Saratovskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  32. Russkai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡: malyĭ ėnt︠s︡iklopedicheskiĭ slovarʹ.A. I. Abramov & S. F. Udart︠s︡ev (eds.) - 1995 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  33. Quand les bactéries font la loi : regards éthiques, épistémiques, juridiques, politiques, sociaux et techniques sur l’utilisation du microbiome humain à des fins judiciaires.Aliya Affdal, Frédéric Bouchard, Charles Marsan, Ely Mermans, Vincent Mousseau, Vardit Ravitsky, Christine Rothmayr Allison, Simon St-Georges, Pierre Trudel & François-Joseph Lapointe - 2023 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 6 (2):152-154.
    The use of the human microbiome as a subject of study for forensic purposes raises a number of issues, ranging from a challenge to our traditional concept of identity to respect for privacy and the type of consent to be obtained when a microbiome sample is taken. The particular nature of this study requires the joint work of a multidisciplinary team made up of specialists in ethics, forensic science, law, microbiology, philosophy and political science.
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    Fridrikh Nitsʻshen mshakuytʻi hamatekʻstum: (gitakan hodvatsneri zhoghovatsu).Ara Aṛakʻelyan, Sergey Stepʻanyan, Arpʻi Martirosyan, Maike Schmidt, Rūta Marija Vabalaitė & I. V. Silantʹev (eds.) - 2015 - Erevan: EPH hratarakchʻutʻyun.
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  35. Filosofii︠a︡ ėpokhi rannikh burzhuaznykh revoli︠u︡t︠s︡iĭ.T. I. Oĭzerman, N. V. Motroshilova & Ėrikh Solovʹev (eds.) - 1983 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka".
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    The humanistic-legal problematic in solov'ëv's philosophical journalism.Erikh Solov'ëv - 2003 - Studies in East European Thought 55 (2):115-139.
    Could anyone shake nineteenth century Russia out of herphilosophico-juridical stagnation? Was there anyone whodared speak of rights, of freedoms based on vital principles?Was there anyone who had the courage to suggest that the lawof force be turned into recognition of the force of law, orwas bold enough to call for the revival of natural law onits idealist reading? Solov'ëv turned out to be the thinkerwho was able to do these things. An amateur in juridicalquestions, remote from the enlightenment rationalizations ofpolitical (...)
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  37. K. Leontʹev, nash sovremennik.Konstantin Leontʹev, B. Adrianov & N. Malʹchevskiĭ (eds.) - 1993 - Peterburg: Izd-vo Chernyshëva.
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    On the completeness of the Lambek calculus with respect to relativized relational semantics.Nikolai Pankrat'ev - 1994 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 3 (3):233-246.
    Recently M. Szabolcs [12] has shown that many substructural logics including Lambek CalculusL are complete with respect to relativized Relational Semantics. The current paper proves that it is sufficient forL to consider a relativization to the relation x dividesy in some fixed semigroupG.
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    Der Sinn der Liebe.Vladimir Solov'ev, Elke Kirsten, Ludolf Müller, Ludwig Wenzler & Arsenij Gulyga - 2013 - Meiner, F.
    Solov'ev (1853-1900) gilt als "der erste christliche Denker, der den individuellen und nicht nur den Gattungssinn der Liebe zwischen Mann und Frau anerkannte" (Berdjajev). Der bedeutendste russische Philosoph des 19. Jahrhunderts sieht in der Unbedingtheit des leidenschaftlichen Verlangens der sinnlichen Liebe ein Geschehen der unbedingten Anerkennung des geliebten Menschen - das Fundament der Ethik.
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    The Word's Body: An Incamational Aesthetic of Interpretation. By Alia Bozarth-Campbell. [REVIEW]Robert N. St Clair - 1982 - Modern Schoolman 59 (4):303-305.
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    Logic and metalogic.Nicolas A. Vasil'év - 1993 - Axiomathes 4 (3):329-351.
  42. V.I. Leninin fălsăfi irsi vă mu̇asirlik: "Materializm vă empiriokritisizm" ăsărinin 70 illii̐i.Ḣ. B. Abdullai̐ev & J. T. Ăḣmădli (eds.) - 1980 - Baky: "Elm" năshrii̐i̐aty.
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    Vladimir Solovyov: His Life and Creative Evolution.S. M. Solov ev & Aleksey Gibson - 2000 - Fairfax, Va.: Eastern Christian Publications. Edited by Aleksey Gibson.
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    Planning Material Resources and Conservation.E. I. Ignat'ev - 1974 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 13 (2):22-26.
    In his remarks E. I. Ignat'ev considered a number of economic matters associated with the problem of the environment. Ignat'ev emphasized that environmental protection is becoming a vitally essential field of social activity. Inasmuch as this is the fact, he said, it is natural that, under the conditions existing in our country, this field of activity be planned in a specific way. The financial, material, and human resources needed to implement the program of conservation and improvement of the environment must (...)
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  45. Konstantin Leontʹev.Nikolaĭ Berdi︠a︡ev - 1926 - Paris,: Y. M. C. A. Press.
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    The nature of numbers in the light of a broader interpretation of reality.E. I. Arep’ev - 2014 - Liberal Arts in Russiaроссийский Гуманитарный Журналrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Žurnalrossijskij Gumanitaryj Zhurnalrossiiskii Gumanitarnyi Zhurnal 3 (4):229.
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    Nationality and Universal Tasks: (Toward a Russian National Psychology).P. Astaf'ev - 2006 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 45 (2):5-33.
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    The Subtlety of Emotions.Aharon Ben-Zeʼev - 2000 - Bradford.
    Aaron Ben-Ze'ev carries out what he calls "a careful search for general patterns in the primeval jungle of emotions.".
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    Lenin on Peaceful and Nonpeaceful Paths of the Socialist Revolution.V. G. Afanas'ev - 1979 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 17 (4):21-43.
    The question of peaceful and nonpeaceful paths of the socialist revolution and the building of socialism is now the subject of the lively discussion in the international Communist and workers' movement. It is sometimes asserted that V. I. Lenin raised violence to an absolute, that he saw armed insurrection and civil war as virtually the only means of carrying out the socialist revolution. Inasmuch as under today's conditions, particularly in developed capitalist countries, seizure of power by the working class and (...)
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    Obshchestvo, obrazovanie, chelovek: sbornik tezisov mezhdunarodnykh pedagogicheskikh chteniĭ, posvi︠a︡shchennykh 90-letii︠u︡ I︠A︡GPU i 175-letii︠u︡ K.D. Ushinskogo, 8-9 dekabri︠a︡ 1998 g.V. V. Afanasʹev (ed.) - 1998 - I︠A︡roslavlʹ: I︠A︡roslavskiĭ gos. pedagog. universitet im. K.D. Ushinskogo.
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