Results for 'Soumya Gupta'

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  1.  35
    Mindfulness and Diversity Acceptance as Indicators of Frugality-linked Sustainability Behaviour During COVID-19: Mediating Role of Happiness.Parul Rishi, B. K. Pavan, Soumya Gupta & Shruti Sinha - 2023 - Journal of Human Values 29 (2):137-152.
    Sustainable behaviour promotes pro-ecological behaviour and is a practice of consuming and utilizing resources responsibly. The ongoing COVID-19-induced pandemic has already put economic, social and psychological distress across the globe. Meanwhile, it has become vital to think of issues related to the sustainable management of resources. Behavioural norms play a prominent role while promoting sustainable living. This research examines how the sustainable dimension in one’s behaviour influences the decision-making in their daily life. Previous studies have shown the importance of sub-factors (...)
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    Involving patients in artificial intelligence research to build trustworthy systems.Soumya Banerjee & Sarah Griffiths - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (6):3037-3039.
  3.  60
    The Surrogacy (Regulation) Act, 2021: A Critique.Soumya Kashyap & Priyanka Tripathi - 2022 - Asian Bioethics Review 15 (1):5-18.
    In vitro fertilization (IVF) and surrogacy have enabled many to achieve their dreams of parenthood. With a turnover of $500 million, reproductive tourism in India has helped transform the country into a “global baby factory.” However, as the surrogacy industry grew, so did concerns of women’s exploitation, commodification of motherhood, and human rights violations. In an effort to prevent women from being exploited, the Indian government had taken successive administrative measures to regulate surrogacy. The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2016 and Assisted (...)
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    Subgames within Large Games and the Heuristic of Imitation.Soumya Paul & R. Ramanujam - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (2):361-388.
    We study repeated normal form games where the number of players is large. We argue that it is interesting to look at such games as being divided into subgames, each of which we call a neighbourhood. The structure of such a game is given by a graph G whose nodes are players and edges denote visibility. The neighbourhoods are maximal cliques in G. The game proceeds in rounds where in each round the players of every clique X of G play (...)
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  5. Dialogue and dissonance : the role of language in shaping educational philosophies and social structures.Soumya Sankar Ghosh & Debadatta Roychowdhury - 2024 - In Emmanuel Hans, Educational philosophy and sociological foundation of education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
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    (1 other version)Écritures d'urgence de femmes algériennes.Soumya Ammar Khodja - 1999 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 1:10-10.
    Il s’agit ici de mettre en relief les thématiques portées par des écritures de femmes algériennes, publiées dans les années 90. Thématiques en relation directe avec le réel algérien. Il ne sera pas tenu compte des genres – romans, journaux « de bord », essai… – en tant que tels dans lesquels ces expressions paraissent (ou prétendent paraître), ni de leur qualité littéraire… Le propos est de porter l’attention sur ces écrits en tant que documents forts témoignant de leur temps, (...)
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    Maya J. Goldenberg, Vaccine Hesitancy: Public Trust, Expertise, and the War on Science, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2021.Soumya Swain - 2023 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 45 (3):1-3.
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    Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Act 2021: Critique and Contestations.Soumya Kashyap & Priyanka Tripathi - 2023 - Asian Bioethics Review 16 (2):149-164.
    The article critically examines the Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Act 2021, its development process spanning 15 years, and its potential shortcomings in addressing the needs of India’s 27 million infertile couples. By scrutinizing the recommendations presented in the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health and Family Welfare’s 129th report, the critique argues that the Act may not effectively cater to the diverse reproductive rights of the population. The article claims that most of its suggestions are in opposition to redefining families and (...)
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    The wisdom of Vasiṣṭha: a study on "Laghu Yoga Vāsiṣṭha" from a seeker's point of view.Som Raj Gupta - 2018 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private.
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    The Impact of "Phenomenology" on North American Psychiatric Assessment.Mona Gupta & L. Rex Kay - 2002 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 9 (1):73-85.
    North American psychiatric literature describes the current method of psychiatric diagnostic assessment as "phenomenological"; however, it is unclear what phenomenology 1 means in this context. This paper investigates the meaning and impact of some of the major philosophical and psychiatric definitions of phenomenology on contemporary psychiatric assessment. Employing a comparative analysis of selected definitions of phenomenology, this paper argues that North American psychiatric assessment does not reflect any of these definitions of phenomenology. Instead, within the context of psychiatric assessment, phenomenology (...)
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  11. Discussion of Anil Gupta's “Outline of an Account of Experience”.Alex Byrne, Charles Goldhaber, Anil Gupta, Adam Pautz & T. Raja Rosenhagen - 2018 - Analytic Philosophy 59 (1):75-88.
  12.  67
    Replies to Marian David, Anil Gupta, and Keith Simmons.Anil Gupta - 2006 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 72 (1):205-222.
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    Unravelling Discourses on COVID-19, South Asians and Punjabi Canadians.Tania Das Gupta & Sugandha Nagpal - 2022 - Studies in Social Justice 16 (1):103-122.
    This article uses critical discourse analysis to examine how the higher COVID-19 infection rates among South Asians in general, and Punjabis more specifically, have been represented by conservative politicians and their representatives as a consequence of cultural and religious practices. Two counter-narratives are discussed. The first substitutes the negative image of the Sikh Punjabi Canadian community with a celebratory and positive view of Sikh humanitarianism and community service. The second attributes the high numbers to class attributes such as precarious jobs, (...)
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  14.  57
    Knowledge Management, Body-shopping and Frustrations: Search for Morality in a Postmodernist Era.Ananda Das Gupta - 2003 - Journal of Human Values 9 (1):75-85.
    Knowledge management hinges upon the presumption that workers within an organization possess knowledge that can be converted into concrete business improvements if the information is harvested and disseminated to others to whom it could be of use. True knowledge management must involve capturing the internal knowledge generated by a firm—its best thinking on products, customers, competitors and processes—and sharing it. Insofar as organizations are concerned, postmodernists argue that one view that has been in appropriately privileged is that of the organization (...)
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    Materialism Versus Spirituality: Neo-Vedanta Approach of Synthesis.Aditya Kumar Gupta - 2012 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 24:305-314.
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  16. A critical study of the philosophy of Rāmānuja.Anima Sen Gupta - 1967 - Varanasi,: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office.
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  17.  28
    Digital Privacy and Data Protection: From Ethical Principles to Action.Ravi Gupta - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (11):24-26.
    The spread of digital technology to all parts of our lives has led to meaningful benefits, ranging from the conveniences offered by ride-sharing apps to prediction of mental health crises and track...
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    Essays on Sāmkhya and other systems of Indian philosophy.Anima Sen Gupta - 1977 - Allahabad: M. R. Sen.
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    “Don’t Deport Our Daddies”: Gendering State Deportation Practices and Immigrant Organizing.Monisha Das Gupta - 2014 - Gender and Society 28 (1):83-109.
    New York based Families For Freedom is among a handful of organizations that directly organize deportees and their families. Analyzing the organization’s resignification of criminalized men of color as caregivers, I argue that current deportation policies and practices reorganize care work and kinship while tying gender and sexuality to national belonging. These policies and practices severely compromise the ability of migrant communities to socially reproduce themselves. Furthermore, the convergence of criminalization and immigration enforcement renders the kinship ties of deportable men (...)
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  20. XV*—Remarks on Definitions and the Concept of Truth1.Anil Gupta - 1989 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 89 (1):227-246.
    Anil Gupta; XV*—Remarks on Definitions and the Concept of Truth1, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 89, Issue 1, 1 June 1989, Pages 227–246, https.
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    Message Exchange Games in Strategic Contexts.Nicholas Asher, Soumya Paul & Antoine Venant - 2017 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 46 (4):355-404.
    When two people engage in a conversation, knowingly or unknowingly, they are playing a game. Players of such games have diverse objectives, or winning conditions: an applicant trying to convince her potential employer of her eligibility over that of a competitor, a prosecutor trying to convict a defendant, a politician trying to convince an electorate in a political debate, and so on. We argue that infinitary games offer a natural model for many structural characteristics of such conversations. We call such (...)
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  22.  19
    Postscript to 'A Critique of Deflationism'.Anil Gupta - 2005 - In Bradley P. Armour-Garb & J. C. Beall, Deflationary Truth. Open Court Press. pp. 227.
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  23. The Revision Theory of Truth.Anil Gupta & Nuel D. Belnap - 1993 - MIT Press.
    In this rigorous investigation into the logic of truth Anil Gupta and Nuel Belnap explain how the concept of truth works in both ordinary and pathological..
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  24.  6
    Classical Samkhya.Anima Sen Gupta - 1969 - Lucknow,: Monoranjan Sen. Edited by Chen Mon.
    The epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, and theology of Sankhya, one of the six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy.
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  25. A study of the Sāṅkhya-kārikā of Īśvarakr̲s̲n̲a.Sivaprasad Das Gupta - 2004 - Kolkata: Sri Balaram Prakashani. Edited by J. N. Mukerji & Īśvarakr̥ṣṇa.
    Study of Sāṅkhyakārikā, classical treatise on Sankhya philosophy by Īśvarakr̥ṣṇa; includes text with English translation.
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    Christiane Amanpour and the Quest for the Jewish Egg.Das Gupta - 2015 - Feminist Studies 41 (3):651.
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  27.  9
    Corporate citizenship: perspectives in the new century.Ananda Das Gupta - 2008 - Newcastle, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The international community has policy tools to influence business activity within and between nations, and to help ensure that globalization proceeds in a way that benefits all. This book aims at underlining the big-picture thinking on issues related to the roles that business can play in fostering an equitable and ecologically sustainable world.
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    Corporate Ethical Dilemmas: Indian Models for Moral Management.Ananda Das Gupta - 2001 - Journal of Human Values 7 (2):171-191.
    The 'wall' that differentiates two different kinds of attitudes of the same person at different points of time denotes, as the author envisages, Conscious Attitudinal Infringement Area (CAIA), where moral dilemmas take birth to bridge the two different kinds of attitudes to give way to attitudinal interrelatedness. In order to 'reinforce' CAIA to narrow the gap between personal behaviour and public behaviour, lead a moral life and behave ethically in public, there has to be harmony between the inner life of (...)
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    The radiant sameness: Satpurusa Mahārājśrī Maṅgatrāmji's Samatāvilāsa. Maṅgatarāma & Som Raj Gupta - 2010 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers. Edited by Som Raj Gupta.
    Samatavilasa, The Radiant Sameness, shows the way of finding our fallen condition itself as redemptive. We are not merely to accept our pain and our mortal condition but to live these and become these. In becoming that pain lies our bliss, in living our mortality immortality. That alone is the highest bliss and absolute, that alone is salvation the final, this our becoming one with our mortal and absolutely tragic lot. That is what the state of samata, sameness, is. Only (...)
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  30. Classical Sāṁkhya: a critical study.Anima Sen Gupta - 1981 - New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharial.
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  31. Language and philosophy.Kalyan Sen Gupta - 1969 - New York,: Allied Publishers.
  32. A Close Examination of Beginningless Karman and Vedāntic First Causes.Akshay Gupta - 2024 - Sophia 63 (3).
    In this paper, I draw attention to various doctrines common to different Vedāntic traditions. In particular, I pay close attention to the doctrine of beginningless _karman_. I also note that this doctrine seems to stand in tension with Leibnizian Cosmological Arguments (LCAs) and Kalām Cosmological Arguments (KCAs). This tension arises because defenders of these arguments argue that an infinite causal regress or an actual infinite cannot be physically instantiated and because the doctrine of beginningless _karman_ seems to imply that such (...)
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  33. Reproductive biocrossings: Indian egg donors and surrogates in the globalized fertility market.Jyotsna Agnihotri Gupta - 2012 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 5 (1):25-51.
    A growing number of infertile couples and other individuals desiring children are seeking to fulfill their desire for parenthood transnationally through the use of donor gametes and a surrogate. The number of “fertility tourists” from developed countries to low-income countries is growing phenomenally. Indian women, too, are participating as (re)producers in these “biocrossings,” turning India into the surrogacy outsourcing capital of the world in the globalized bioeconomy of assisted reproduction. I argue for a ban on commercial egg donation and surrogacy (...)
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  34.  22
    Sustainable livelihoods, volunteerism and education.Ananda Das Gupta - 2016 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 5 (1 - 2):211-225.
    Human development can be seen as the process of giving more effective expression to human values. Modern business philosophy has a certain viewpoint or perspective on human potential based on the secular humanistic values of the west and the scientific theories on the nature of man and his evolution. We are bound to welcome the New Paradigm in Business because it opens the path for a decisive step forward in evolution from an authoritarian, mechanistic, Taylorian era to a freer and (...)
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    Outline of an Account of Experience.Anil Gupta - 2018 - Analytic Philosophy 59 (1):33-74.
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  36.  62
    An Ambiguity in the Paradigm: A Critique of Cartesian Linguistics.Amitabha Das Gupta - 1984 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 14 (3):351-366.
  37.  13
    Ethics, business and society: managing responsibly.Ananda Das Gupta (ed.) - 2010 - Los Angeles: Response Books.
    This compilation analyzes the differences between the concepts of ‘social responsibility’ and ‘business ethics’, which are often erroneously interpreted to be the same. It explains that social responsibility is a characteristic but just one of the many aspects of the much wider concept of business ethics. The collection includes contributions from experts from diverse fields such as industry, academia, and non-governmental organizations, who present the theoretical underpinning of the concepts, along with real-life case studies dealing with the varied, hands-on experiences (...)
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  38.  13
    Existentialism: Pessimism East and West.S. R. Das Gupta - 1964 - Hibbert Journal 63 (48):18-19.
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    Tagore's Asian outlook.Shakti Das Gupta - 1961 - Cal[cutta]: Nava Bharati.
    The author was a Bengali officer of India's Foreign Service. On his first foreign assignment during 1948 - 1954, he came across rare manuscripts at the National Library in Bangkok covering Rabindranath Tagore's visit to Thailand in October 1927. Having learnt the Thai language and being a Tagore aficionado, this discovery was fortuitous. "As the Poet travelled mostly without a stenographer, a great many of his speeches would have been lost to posterity. Reports about the Siam visit available in India (...)
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    Truth or Consequences: Essays in Honor of Nuel Belnap.J. Dunn & A. Gupta (eds.) - 1990 - Boston, MA, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    This collection of essays was compiled for the occasion of Nuel Belnap's 60th birthday.
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  41. Conditionals in Theories of Truth.Anil Gupta & Shawn Standefer - 2017 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 46 (1):27-63.
    We argue that distinct conditionals—conditionals that are governed by different logics—are needed to formalize the rules of Truth Introduction and Truth Elimination. We show that revision theory, when enriched with the new conditionals, yields an attractive theory of truth. We go on to compare this theory with one recently proposed by Hartry Field.
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    Samkhya and Advaita Vedanta.Anima Sen Gupta - 1973 - Lucknow,: Monoranjan Sen; also available at Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar, Calcutta.
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    ‘Migration Under the Glow of Privilege’—Unpacking Privilege and Its Effect on the Migration Experience.Kamini Gupta & Hari Bapuji - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 194 (4):753-773.
    Economic migration is a significant and growing development around the world but has produced unequal outcomes and experiences for marginalized groups. To theoretically explain such inequalities, we argue that integration experiences of immigrants in the host country differ based on the privilege that their demographic category bestows on them (or not). We elucidate our arguments by unpacking the concept of ‘privilege’ to theorize two key sources of privilege—_locational_ and _historical_—and explain them using the global economic divide (Global North vs. Global (...)
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  44. A Cross-Cultural Perspective on God's Personhood.Akshay Gupta - forthcoming - Religious Studies.
    Debates about God’s personhood, or lack thereof, are central to philosophy of religion. This paper aims to advance these debates by presenting the “greatness of personhood argument” for God’s personhood and a dilemma for those who deny God’s personhood. I also consider various objections to this argument and this dilemma and argue that they fail. Notably, my reasoning in defence of personal theism is cross-cultural insofar as personal theists across various religious traditions can use it. Thus, this paper defends personal (...)
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    Abstraction, Relation and Induction: Three Essays in the History of Thought. By Julius Weinberg. (Madison and Milwaukee, University of Wisconsin Press, 1965. Pp. xii + 156. Price $5.00). [REVIEW]Rita Gupta - 1968 - Philosophy 43 (166):395-.
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    Diagnostic Reasoning in Psychiatry: Acknowledging an Explicit Role for Intersubjective Knowing.Mona Gupta, Nancy Potter & Simon Goyer - 2019 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 26 (1):49-64.
    In most areas of medicine, the physician's primary task is to diagnose the patient's presenting problem by correctly identifying the underlying pathology causing that problem. Diagnoses are established through a process of correlating the information obtained from an interview with the patient about his history of illness and circumstances, with additional evidence of the underlying disease derived from physical examination findings and/or the results of laboratory investigations and diagnostic imaging. In contemporary health care, various movements that call for a shift (...)
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  47. Equivalence, Reliability, and Convergence: Replies to McDowell, Peacocke, and Neta.Anil Gupta - 2009 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 79 (2):490-508.
  48. The logic of common nouns: an investigation in quantified modal logic.Anil Gupta - 1980 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
  49.  34
    (1 other version)An Introduction to Indian Philosophy: Perspectives on Reality, Knowledge, and Freedom.Bina Gupta - 2011 - New York: Routledge.
    _An Introduction to Indian Philosophy_ offers a profound yet accessible survey of the development of India’s philosophical tradition. Beginning with the formation of Brahmanical, Jaina, Materialist, and Buddhist traditions, Bina Gupta guides the reader through the classical schools of Indian thought, culminating in a look at how these traditions inform Indian philosophy and society in modern times. Offering translations from source texts and clear explanations of philosophical terms, this text provides a rigorous overview of Indian philosophical contributions to epistemology, (...)
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  50.  66
    Reply to Robert Koons.Anil Gupta & Nuel Belnap - 1994 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 35 (4):632-636.
    We are grateful to Professor Robert Koons for his excellent, and generous, review (henceforth KR) of our book The Revision Theory of Truth (henceforth RTT). Koons provides in KR a welcome guide to our RTT, and he puts forward objections that deserve serious consideration. In this note we shall respond only to his principal objection.' This objection, which is developed on pp. 625 — 628 of KR, calls into question our main thesis. As we argue below, however, the objection is (...)
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